
Sunday 20 January 2013

What Would You Create If You Had What You Need?

This brilliant article was emailed to AK and he forwarded it to me to read.  The question that gets asked over and over by many is how does the world run if everyone doesn't "need" to work to put food on the table and a roof over their heads.

I have had several jobs that I loved.  I love what I do here everyday.  I would love to learn  to do other things as well.  The vast majority of people do not want to sit on their asses all day eating bon bons and watching the lint ball in their belly button get bigger.

You cannot judge people nor society by what it and they are doing today.  Free people are not repressed slaves forced to work to earn the right to live.  You cannot judge people's reactions- as slaves- to freedom.  It is only by KNOWing freedom that we can truly be ourselves, to choose to do with our lives whatever we wish to do.

Once people waken up to the reality of the true nature of humanity and are welcomed into a community where the words "Want" "Need" "Hope" have been eradicated  they will heal themselves of the exhaustion of repression, the rebellion against society, the addictions to drugs and alcohol that they hide behind, the violence and hatred that smoulders against injustice....

"I want to be" will become "I will be" and then "I AM"

"I want to learn" will become "I will learn" and then "I Know"

When people are surrounded by others that are DO'ing and BE'ing, they will DO and BE too.

Just because I no longer have to struggle to earn a pay cheque doesn't mean that I will not do what needs to be done.

I use to be a hairdresser- I still cut peoples hair, because I enjoy doing it.
I use to be a professional Make up artist- I still do peoples make up because I love doing it.
I love to cook, and I cook for people, because I love doing it.
My husband loves to fix things, and he is constantly fixing things for everyone around us, because he loves doing it.
A friend is a tree surgeon and on his days off you can usually find him pruning trees for neighbours, because he loves doing it.
A friend is a midwife and on her 2 month sabbatical she goes to Africa and Haiti to deliver babies, because she loves doing it.
A friend is a teacher and on her holidays she teaches private lessons and summer school, because she loves doing it.
My cousin is a bus driver, and on her days off she drives the bus to local camps for kids, because she loves doing it.....

Our family lives in a townhouse complex in a bit of a down trodden area of town.  Every few weeks, we go out to the common area with garbage bags and we clean up all the bits and pieces of garbage that are laying around.  With in minutes many of the other children come to join us in our clean up.  After a month or two other adults joined us.  A couple of months later other people would  go out and clean up on their own.  WHY?  Not because we like picking up garbage, but because we like to have a clean area for the children to play in.

 Do not judge society and humanity by their reaction to the slavery that they have been forced to live in today.  Humans are awesome beings.  Humans that are FREE will be amazing beings.

What Would You Create If You Had What You Need?

From: Palmi
Subject: Hello my belowed lightworker
Date: January 19, 2013 9:06:29 AM PST

Thank you so much for all your work regarding our new world.

I´m not sure what I want to do with this but I somehow felt that I needed to write this to help people better understand what we are going through. I live in Iceland and I sure I am on this planet for a good reason like yourself and that I´m trying to think about how one can contribute to our efforts in getting the message out to the rest of the world and what we should DO in the near future.

It´s important for people to start realizing and understanding this issue in plain 3D English. Maybe you and the readers of your page can help us get an article up that will do just that. Bellow is what I have written so far but I´m sure there are sooooo many things that I am missing and together is the new word so maybe we can work something like this out together.

Thank you my dear love for all the work you have done and will DO in the future.
Lots of love.

The GOLDEN AGE of mankind.


Google "One People's Public Trust" or "OPPT" (lot of this is written in "legalese" but that´s kind of required for this kind of action) but you will have to do some research to find this since no one of the mainstream media has picked up on this yet.

I also encourage you to look up these documents in the legal system:

All the financial/corporate structure (owned by the "ELITE" or sometimes called the "CABAL") that were in place is now foreclosed upon and does no longer have any authority to claim anything from you!

I realize this is so unbelievable and amazing and many will cry "wolf" before generally excepted but never the less then I encourage you to read up on this as it is very inspiring and eye opening as you start to ask yourself questions like:

Am I really free?

Have I been in chains all my life
and not just realized it until now?

Who do I really report to?
 My government?
 My bank?

Who owns me?

If you think about it, no matter what religion you belong to then you have to admit that someone created all of this, can we agree on calling "this force of creation" GOD? If we can agree on this then it is him, and only him that you can and should report to. Now, since this creator GOD is not readily available here on planet earth to claim ownership over YOU then it is only one person that can rule over you, "YOU" are in charge of yourself until someone else claims "ownership" over YOU.

Now, what these filings from the OPPT, DO claim in legalese is: ONLY THE CREATOR OF YOU CAN CLAIM OWNERSHIP OVER YOU! This is now on paper in our legal systems and everything is properly done from the legal standpoint. What was then done at the same time was to overthrow all of the monetary system that we are born into and we claimed sovereignty from those who have kept us in shackles for a long time (remember that the "old" monetary system is based on dept! there were no funds to begin with, it was created out of thin air, e.g. hence the FED).

Now here is where this becomes very interesting. According to the OPPT then the gold and silver amount owned by OPPT is quite a lot! :) (NESARA Fund and St St. Germain Fund, please google these) or about $500 billion in Gold and Silver per person on the planet... This means in plain 3D English that the 7 billion humans on planet earth have now pretty good funds to build a new world, hence the Golden Age Of Man Kind.

It is interesting to note that the final filings from OPPT are dated on the 25th of December 2012. Those of you that know astrology know that this is the day that the sun rises after three days of darkness and then on the 25th it rises again and a new AGE is born or The age of Aquarius (we are coming out of the Age of Pisces (hence the letters "Jesus" are often depicted in a fish symbol). Again, those who know anything about astrology know Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarians shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas and are the bringers of prosperity and growth.

We know that the earth does  wobble on its axis and it takes the earth 25.960 years to do a full circle or 2160 years in each Zodiac (this number 25.960 is also the Mayan long calendar). This 25.960 years are just like our 24hour day cycle with 12 hours in night and 12 hours in the day or with two seasons in growth and with two seasons in hibernation but there is a much longer cycle as well and in the long cycle this is 12.960 years of "night" and 12.960 years of "day". On the 25th of December 2012 was the first day of "day" timeline for our planet in this long calendar count. In other words we have been going through 12.960 days of night but 25th of December 2012 was the first day of our next 12,960 year cycle. It is worth noting that in the past 12.960 years of our planet being in the dark side of this cycle, all kind of negative things can manifest. However, as soon as we come on the bright side of the cycle those negative things cease to exist although it may take some time to get rid of all of it.

Having spent many hours over the last year reading/viewing material on astrology, astronomy, cosmology, religion, politics, financial etc. then I find this new information quite interesting and well worth researching as we know that our monetary system is on the edge of collapse, our way of living on the planet is on the edge of no return in terms of destruction, we see people rising up and demanding justice and fairness, we see corruption pretty much everywhere in our societies and people are crying out loud for change. It seems to me that here it is at last.

After about 20 years of creating crap that was designed to last a very short time (remember, pretty much everything is designed to have a certain lifespan so we can keep the economy running) and using resources and materials un-wisely, I realized that I did not want to design "crap" anymore since we do not have materials to keep this going. Over the last 30 years or so we have depleted about 1/3 of all resources on the planet. Now, since I have 4-6-21 year old boys I know that when they will reach my age at 43, we will have depleted completely every resource on our mother earth. As far as I know then we only have one mother earth that we can life on so we better start thinking about this very seriously.

Now we are finally free and have wealth way beyond our wildest dreams, but, what does all this mean for us as free human beings? Are we all now just going to put our feet up and stop working? Why would I work anymore since I have all this wealth? Well, here is the thing. What this means in my mind is that now we have to look at our world and ask our self: How are we going to continue? If everyone stops working nothing will get done, that is for sure. Now we will have to rethink our very BE'ing on this planet together. What we need to do now is to merge into 5th dimensional economics, and in 5D economics everything is free. You say, wait, if everything is free and no one is going to work how is that going to work?  Well, that´s up to you weather you work or not, but now it is YOU that will have to make up your own mind regarding what you want TO DO. I personally want to start living/co creating this new world with our new economics, in a world of peace, prosperity and abundance.

How I would see 5D economics work.

You see, I studied Industrial design because I loved CREATING something. Now, since I now am free and can live a life in abundance do you think I want to stop creating? You see that many people on the planet are actually doing what they absolutely love doing. E.g. a nurse in Iceland does study nursing because she or he wants to nurse people, they want to help those who are in need. This gives them life pleasure. Nurses in Iceland have always been on very poor salaries. There was a article in the paper here in Iceland few weeks ago about a nurse that was leaving her job because the salaries where so shamefully low that she was being forced to leave her job and look for an alternative job to make ends meet. Do you think this same nurse, now when she does not owe anything, she does not have to worry about mortgage payments next month, she does not have to worry she will not be able to buy food and clothing for her family next month is going to sit home and do nothing? Or is she going to stand up and say: I WANT TO CONTRIBUTE  to my society and be a part of society where we all can live in abundance peace and love. I can assure you that I will do the latter. I will not stop designing products, no I will START designing products that are designed to last, that are designed with our resources in mind, that are designed to minimize pollution, designed to please someone, designed to inspire someone, that´s what I would LOVE to START doing and that´s what I AM going to start DO´ing.

Now is the opportunity for all those that decided to learn something for the money to start learning what they really want to do for the rest of their lives. Now is the time to reflect, WHAT DO I WANT TO DO? WHERE WOULD I LOVE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORLD? Now you can learn many different things and DO different things. You would be able to work in one field for as long as you want but if you ever wanted to learn or DO something else you would just stop DO'ing what you have been doing and just learn the next thing and so on. Now, you will of course say "hang on Palmi" what the hell are you talking about, if everyone starts DO'ing what they want to do, who's going to DO the things NOONE WANTS TO DO? This does never work...or so you think. I think there is a simple solution for this. You see, since we now have abundance and have new economic system there will be a time period where we will have to start by building this new WORLD. With the new economic system there will be a lot of people that will be out of a job, all the banks are gone, all the military is gone, there will be a lot of resources that will become available to us since people will want to CONTRIBUTE. So, just imagine, think about all the resources that will become available from e.g. the military or other institutes that are no longer needed. Imagine all the brilliant designers, engineers, scientists, technicians etc. out there that we will have access to. We will use these resources to design solutions to solve those jobs NO ONE WANTS TO DO. We can design robots or machines to do all this work that no one wants to do. In our new society our goal should be to "WORK" as little or as much as we want. Our goal should be to spend more time living, not working. When I´m designing I´m not really working, I´m loving what I do therefore I´m not really working I´m enjoying myself. If you do not want to contribute then there is no one (except "GOD") that can kick your butt... but this is your FREE WILL.

This will not happen overnight but, this is what we are faced with and I know in my heart this is what we can very easily do and what we have to do. I promise you that the technology that has been kept hidden from us for a long time or used in special ops. will blow your minds. When we will get access to these technologies things will look and work differently than you could ever dream of.

Being an Industrial Designer and having good background in research and development I have a pretty good understanding of technology and design and I know things can be designed to last. For example, there is nothing in the way of designing cars to last several hundred years. Today our cars are pretty much done after 10years specially here in Iceland where weather does not act in our favor most of the time. Why do we all need to have e.g. golf clubs hanging in our garage that we use couple of times a year? Why does my garage have to be full of tools that I use couple of days a year? Now we will just go to the golf club and pick whatever clubs you want to use (and they will always be the latest and greatest), if you want to keep it then...keep it, you transport the damn thing back to your car and back to your garage, I´ll personally will just return mine to the clubhouse for others to use. You see, we will need much much less of things in 5D since we will start sharing everything much better than we did before.

So, where do I go from here? Well, first, research for yourself everything above, second, share the word, third, start DO'ing. Remember, we have to give this some time to sink in and remember we have to keep things going for awhile in the old system until we have redesigned it. If your job becomes obsolete, ask yourself, where do I want to CONTRIBUTE and go from there.


Things we have to make sure will stay in place during the transition and have absolute priorities.

1) FOOD FOR EVERYONE, AND I MEAN EVERYONE, NOW! Food production is essential, and will have to continue as it is but I´m sure the workers in the food industry will quickly change their practices when it comes to the QUALITY of the food.

2) SHELTER FOR EVERYONE! There is a lot of property that are owned by BANKS and no one is living in. We need to get those who do not have shelter into these houses, NOW and turn on their utilities. The military and other organizations will focus on getting our so called 3rd world assistance in bringing them food and building houses.


4) TRANSPORTATION IS ESSENTIAL. Since we need to keep food, materials and personnel moving.

5) ENERGY PRODUCTION! Needs to keep running as it is but I´m sure new technologies will transpire quickly that will deplete some of the old energy technologies.

6) FORM SOME SORT OF ALLIANCE BETWEEN GEOGRAPHICS AREAS WHERE WE CAN GET OVERVIEW OF OUR PROGRESS. (Since there are no borders anymore and the people of the world is one nation I say geographic areas).






  1. Please may the comments on this thread be Uplifting

    1. Ditto! ....and I add: inspiring, respectful, and generated through one's heart energies. If someone is unable to tap into these aspects of life, perhaps they can at least refrain from degrading himself/herself as well as other people. If not, so be it. Each of us is responsible for how wee respond, not for how anyone behaves.

      As I mentioned yesterday, the Law of Attraction covers the bases: drawing forth that which is like unto itself.


    2. Looks like you have got your wish so far with the first 63 comments phoenixbirdburnt. And I would say the Law of Attraction is attracting some fabulously amazing energy YouMa. Personally, I cannot stop commenting on what I am reading and feeling here. I am totally buzzing with all these incredible and very beautiful souls coming together and sharing their magnificent hearts as they are. What a precious blessing this truly is. Much love to everyone.

  2. May the Bird of Paradise Fly up our Noses!

  3. I'll do my part toward that end! I'll still be doing what I'm doing but for as long as needed, I'll be signing up for cleanup crews. There are a lot of waterways that have had generations of trash thrown in them and the only way to clean them up now is by plain old manual labor. Then there are the dumps, vacant lots and alleys that need to be cleaned. Once that's taken care of, I'll sit back, look around and see what else needs doing.

    Wandering Fire

    1. Me too my friend- I'm already working with a friend who's organizing the clean up of the debris in the Pacific coming towards North america after the Japan "Tsunami"... just need the money!

    2. Wandering Fire, I am down with that! Grew up on the water, beaches all my life and would love to do something of that nature. Love the feel of the above article, Made me feel real good!

    3. "Tsunami" lololol a.k.a. Zionist Nuke

  4. I would help people put in gardens , help clean up trash and clean up along the rivers.Plant more trees where needed and whatever else needs to get done ! :)

    1. D, Friends and I have also talked about building a Yurt Community in our area. This way we can all live on one piece of land together, building a community garden, and just helping each other out with whatever needs done !!

  5. Thanks for reposting D-- I have said the same thing to a friend. I think more people than you would expect would be willing to roll up their sleeves to contribute where needed, especially of their contribution happens to be something they enjoy. I myself want to obtain a piece of property big enough to take in all kinds of wildlife, a sanctuary if you will. I would be more than happy to dedicate my time and life to taking in and caring for animals of all shapes and sizes. That "calling" I feel in my heart is one of the reasons I keep holding out for some hardcore facts and evidence in the MSM. Then I'll know the paradigm has really truly shifted. Until then, I continue to have to punch in each day like everyone else, just to be able to pay my bills and survive in my little apartment...

    1. I know a whole lot of people that fee the way you do my friend!

  6. A while ago, I asked about 30 different people in all walks of life, one question: "What would you do if you didn't have to work anymore?" People all answered the same way: Go on vacation and go back to work, because doing nothing is boring.

    People love service to others. One thing that does need to change within the humanity is ego. Also, we have to learn to know who we are. There are two sides to every coin, and it makes us who are. We can't ignore negative emotions or how do we learn? This is a time of cleansing. It's time to let the true light shine through and allow the negative emotions to surface to be cleansed.

    1. A wonderful vision! I believe the changeover will be quick because technologies already exist to put us into the Jetson age. I myself can't wait for my very own "Rosie" to do the chores while I enjoy helping to heal the wildlife.
      In my area, you can be trained to take in injured wildlife and nurture them back to health. Luckily for me, I am surrounded by woods on 3 sides so that when I release them, they can stay close by and hopefully we will have formed that bond that makes them always want to come back and visit.
      I have been feeding families of Raccoons for years and it is always a pleasure when the mothers bring the babies out for the first time to show them where the food is. Also I have Red Fox, possums, deer, numerous species of birds that visit my yard.
      What a pleasure it will be to add to my "family" and always be able to have the funds to buy their feed.
      I also am trained in 2 holistic modalities which I feel will be much more accepted when the announcement are made. People will turn away from medicine when they find out the truth about the medications that are pushed on them and hopefully loose their "programming" to only believe what the DOCTORS say.
      I would like to freely give of my talents in these fields.
      Thank you D for posting this marvelous piece!
      And D, is there anything you can update us on regarding the announcements? Please? Thank you!

    2. I am sitting here in calm neutrality waiting to see what monday brings :>)

    3. You may have to wait awhile longer my friend..... John Roberts has officially sworn in Obama for another 4 years.

      Sadly, no evidence of Boehner or Paul waiting in the wings.

  7. This gives me chills, because I honestly feel the changes. I think it's true... we have the innate ability to work together. Through movies, the news, all sources of media, we start to believe that we are prone to violence, to fighting and killing each other, to being against one another. When it comes down to it, I believe we are ready for this, we all have a higher calling and an ability to follow our hearts. We also DO care about those around us and we DO want to be there and help where we can. Service is a part of everyone's calling. Once it is tapped into, you realize there is no personal gain that feels better than collective healing and well-being. Many only believe there is selfishness in humanity- I believe that without so much LACK, our instincts can operate much more efficiently and the fog will lift rather quickly. There is a lot to do around here, and we all have the desire to make it happen. And BECAUSE the majority has that in their hearts, it will be very hard for those who would rather remain distrustful, destructive and negative, to sit around in their own stink. When you see someone doing right, it inspires you to do the same-doing wrong just doesn't feel the same, anymore. When we are all taking action to do what we need to do, the rest will follow.

    I am so looking forward to this. It's been a long time coming and it's time. No more delays.
    Thank you!

    1. A 19:03, I feel it too! And I must say, Your post was and is, Awesome! Sooo True! I feel it, I get it, I want it, I need it! Let`s do it! Git `er Done....... It is time!

    2. I feel it too A. I loved reading your fabulous message and wholeheartedly agree. Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. I was uplifted after reading this post on AK and after seeing it here felt I needed to comment. It always seems that what I am thinking about within a few days I find the same topic here. This week I had several opportunities to talk to friends and family about what I would do if money wasn't an issue. I talked about creating communities built as much off the grid as possible, recycling grey water, solar energy centered around green areas with play, leisure and community garden space. Homes that create community. Smaller shopping areas to support the community with farms outlaying the area with a farm to table network. Well, you get the idea. People help each other take care of the community, no one is forced to do what they don't want to do because more then likely there will be something they love and willingly give their time for when they aren't doing other jobs that they love within the larger community. I have not worked for a while now, but when a friend needs my help on a project I volunteer my time because I love doing it, it's never been about money for me, it's always been about loving the work I do. It's not work it's a joy. It's nice to know that others feel the same way that I do.

    1. I have several friends (and my family as well) who are going to be doing that too!

    2. Perhaps we need to create that community.

    3. I have been tingling with enthusiasm now for weeks after listening to the interview with Heather. Thank you for this wonderfully expressed vision. Regarding a community as per Anonymous' comment, I have completely freed myself up from back-breaking work, a money-pit house, and a community who doesn't understand me to travel by RV in search of such a community. I am ready, willing and able, but the best part is that I now truly feel free to create the life that I have always envisioned for myself. I couldn't just "sit" where I always sit and talk about it; I made the choice to "do". Now I am manifesting other people in my life who have the same vision of community. Believe.

  9. The suppressed new technologies will help bring freedom.
    Check out the Keshe Foundation technologies that are being released to the world.
    We need to get these new technologies into production asap and into the hands of every being on earth. That is where we need to start.
    After that the golden age begins and we are free to create via our passions that which serves the highest good of humanity and does not harm to humanity or mother earth.
    For happiness comes in giving and sharing love and our passions with others.
    When it is our time to depart this planet all that matters is who we have loved and served and how well we have done that with our creative passions.
    "Kindness is Power"

  10. An extremely relevant video by the great Alan Watts.

  11. in the higher dimensions one works not to live or just to survive, but to be of service to others, to create and inspire.

  12. You are going in circles.

    Look up post-industrial zero-growth population programs.


    1. already done that darlin. Last time you posted it :>) I do listen you know.;>)

    2. Cryptic--

      The zero-growth policy is something that was researched. Could you explain how this is interconnected to the new system? It is understood that there is more than one way the NWO tries to implement their plan. Since this is fairly new to most people who understand that something is wrong, it would be most valuable information. Remember, an informed choice is the only right choice.

    3. Zero growth population programs? Who decides who breeds and who doesn't? You, the pope? The government? That doesn't feel right at all. A bit of a mood changer? No thank you.

    4. C appears to be grasping for straws at this point. The comments in the past have always been somewhat related to the subject. I think the script needs to be upgraded, LOL

    5. Honestly Cryptic, post-industrial zero-growth-population program, the Holy see? What ya got next for us?

    6. Cryptic, you really should start to think outside the box ;-)

      Sine Nomine

  13. Am personally very interested in being mentored/trained on using the new galactic technologies to help others to feel better & to heal quickly & completely

    1. I am with you on that Merry! But I want to work with Animals! :)

    2. Me too Merry! Since humans will be free of financial debt, we now need to set our egos aside and open ourselves up to learning a completely different way of living. I'd like to imagine that after Disclosure takes place (and I hope that'll happen real soon), every household will place banners on their rooftops with loving messages to welcome our galactic family. And pretty soon after they've arrived we can get on with the business of being mentored on galactic technology to restore Gaia to her full splendor.
      And yes, I definitely want to work with animals too! :D


    3. I'm with you all!

      Every time I ask myself, what would I like to do, I get the answer: help implement the technology we will be offered by the galactics in a world where we 'live and communicate' with animals as we do today with people ;-)

    4. i know it's a little selfish but i want to travel around the world to know other cultures and peoples,and then trough the galaxy to know other worlds and increase my knowledge.It's my dream


    5. Dear Djon,
      If you use your passion for travel and knowledge of the diversity of other cultures and peoples gained by this travel education, for a higher purpose, then it is not selfish it is just foundational education. Please don't knock your self for your desire travel, but see it as a desire for education in diversity and greater knowledge that will help you discover your true passions and decide how you can be of the greatest service to others. We have been programmed to see pursuing our own passions as selfish in order to keep us enslaved to the elite. We need to stop believing the elite subconcious programing of "selfish and not good enough" and intuitively respect our desires and passions, but ensure they lead to higher service and not just personal gain. Happy travels!
      "Kindness is Power"

    6. Anonymous 09:56

      Thank you for clarifying what so many reject !

    7. Anon 09:56 you are a very wise and kind person.Your words have gone directly to my heart ,thank you for that.You should write your name so next we interact with each other.I have this passion since i am a teeny.


  14. What an uplifting and excellent article! And lovely comments after :)

  15. What a wonderful thought provoking post D. No one I believe will ever find peace and happiness except those who have found away to incorporate service to others in their work. It matters not if it is a large or small contribution to humanity or earth herself. As long as our footsteps are light and we take the time to teach our children to be vigilant and aware of how their actions affect everything around them (like teaching them to clean up the play area) we will be off to a wonderful start. Things are changing, people no longer are geared ME ME I I I and are beginning to see and accept the WE and unity of ALL PEOPLES. It is a glorious time to be alive. The future is rosey indeed. Looking forward to see where this journey will take us in the coming weeks, months and years. All I am certain of, is that it will be much better than were we have been in the past. I LOVE YOU ALL, Blessings family

    1. This is such a beautiful expression Kathy. Thank you for being the magnificent soul that you are and sharing your precious heart with us all. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have noted here.
      Love Aurataya.

  16. ...and all of that consumer crap that we don't need, it will finally go away!!!

  17. its time to move out of "Potters-ville" and into "bailey park" and yes "its a wonderful life" we all know a "MR Potter" and we all know a "George Bailey" the time is now to pick who you are going to help, the choice is yours, and mine! my granddaughter is 3 and I know what I want for her and it isnt a life on a treadmill of woe's and servitude to a banker, I have discovered recently that I have a gift for teaching basic engineering skills to the young at heart, having spent all my life building machines and hobbying in woodwork and restoring old cars, I enjoy watching the juices flow from younger friends when they first weld two pieces of steel together, or watch as they make a stool that isnt quite square, so I know I want to pass on these practical skills before they are lost, not in a classroom form but in an informal workshop, where they can learn the basics to help make something they want, something that has a bit of them in it, where they take from there is up to them, but many of the youngsters I have met are afraid of anything that doesn't have a keyboard on it, I would like to capture their imagination before they are told "you dont want to do that--get a nice clean job" it would just be a lot easier if there were no bills,I know what I am going to do, I am already doing it, are you?

    1. I understand what your saying. I see so many of my friends kids finishing H.S. and going to college studying things because of what they might earn when they finish instead what they truly love. My daughter started college to study medicine, she was more enthralled with money she could make then where her heart was at. I told her she needed to choose what was right for her and it didn't matter to me what she became, it was more important for her to find her own path. She switched to civil engineering and is so happy with her choice. It's too bad that we are forced to think more about money, in the jobs we choose to do, then fulfillment. My brother followed his path in Art and barely makes a living as an Art teacher but he gets so many letters from former students that thank him for what he gave them. Too bad that isn't rewarded, his paycheck still qualifies him for food stamps and he's been teaching for 20 years....go figure. No he doesn't get food stamps but the fact that he qualifies really irks me.

  18. Humans lived for thousands of years without money. There is certainly much to do to clean up our world as we must for our children. All we need is to be free to do it and it will be done. We do need to get started too, ASAP.

  19. The very first thing I would like to do is to visit every country on our planet and hug as many people as possible from every nation and tell them how much I love and appreciate them. While doing that I would like to work with other like minded people creating/supplying resources to everyone in our world no matter where it is, that does not have comfortable shelter, healthy food and fresh water to ensure that every being has those basis things to start. One project I would very much desire to work on would be to work with others who would have specific knowledge to create a food source that would replace the need for animals to be killed for consumption. I could go on and on with different projects I would like to take part in but these would be my priority in the first instance.

    1. Beautiful!

    2. Hello Anon 23.02. Thank you so much for your reply to my comment. May I please correct one error I made above. Fourth line down, fifteenth word across, should read BASIC.
      Much love to you and all.

    3. I am with you.


  20. i had to think to be true to my self
    do i really care only about me
    maybe i should ask that question to me
    how would i know if the answer was true
    if i doubt my mind at the first thought
    so then i decided to walk the walk

    but where should i go when i walk this way
    all places to go and already here
    then the next now came to me in a flash
    always to hurry then always to wait
    so i am sure i will use my feet now

    i saw the money instead of the light
    i saw the spirit but fell back in two
    i saw the people ignore me all day
    i saw the earth cry and die in decay
    i saw the sea of glass on the tee vee
    i saw the tongue split the heart to the brain
    i saw the wisdom of walking a way

    why do people cry instead of laugh me
    what would i create if i had all me
    i would make a box to wear on my head
    and whisper softly inside of me there
    shh quiet now we are all ready here

    then i would wait until i knew for sure
    all things are safe now to take off the box
    because i would know i was safe in there
    as soon as i could hear silence again
    and i would name this device the see not

    surely only those that can see the not
    have the power of god at their calling
    i know this is true i see not each day
    so my next device will be the speak not
    then every one can hear the not two

    how much is the not worth i should ask me
    oh but worth can only be sew says me
    are you sure i ask my self with my doubt
    yes i am positive you trust me
    how can the not then be positive me

    come hither listen the words of the not
    sew i agree to listen to the not
    and the not then asked me one small question
    why should i answer you if you doubt me
    so i agreed to trust the not for now

    being there in the presence of the not
    the size of the not was less than no point
    the voice of the not was loud as no things
    so i asked the not to give me no fear
    then i knew the not as only sew not

    with the secret power of the not now
    i could sew the not into cloth of time
    then i could wear a full suit of the not
    so people could ignore me with not shame
    all being safe i next took off my box

    as soon as i did i fell through a hole
    i forgot that with only a not now
    all past was done and all future to come
    i had walked and finally found the not
    hiding right here in the site of plain day

    so now look at the mess we are all in
    i certainly hope you all forgive me
    you even call this three dee and five dee
    and here i am dressed in my suit of not
    and you are all in some other time zone

    so i opened the book to see your names
    you all pass me going forward in time
    so i have all of the time in the world
    each word that you write i can read all ways
    and your names are all in the sea of glass

    1. Sine - You have a clear view, and share completely. You are loved. We love you. Gratitude for your BEing and DOing fills all space.

  21. Well, to the 21st is almost here. This event hopefully will come to pass, because if it doesn't, Heather and others will lose any creditability there is left in this movement. Maybe this is a part of a psych-ops thing, to confuse the people. If it is, they are doing their job very well.

    In any event, we must remember that we are the change we have been waiting for. It's not about all rose color glasses, either. We have to see what is wrong in order to fix it. This means using both sides of our brains to understand the bigger picture that is taking place. It has taken thousands of years to get here folks, can it be changed in a single day?

    Knowledge is power, knowing both sides of the coin increases the knowing that we might have forgotten in times past. We live each day as if it's our last, give joy where we can, and speak the truth by planting seeds in the minds of the sleeping ones. We are the voice of the NOW. Knowing thyself is the greatest knowledge.
    Think of our animals that we may have. We love them because they see us as we truly are, not as others may see our egos. We must start looking at self and seeing without looking for someone to state how wonderful we are. We know we are unique, we know that we have the power to change. No matter what, we need to know ourSELVES so we can become more than we were yesterday and today.

    1. I fear Heather and RTHS have perpetuated one of the most brutal lies ever seen on the internet....tomorrow Obama will be sworn in as POTUS...not John Bohner....Bide not Ron Paul was sowrn in as VP today.......really makes me sick in my stomach to see this kind of psych-ops being carried out....................for what? To prove that so many people are gullible and naive and perhaps even mentally ill............this is really a cruel hoax.........we already saw Drake take it to the limit on July 4th when he said the big take down was a go..........hopefully all these poor, sad souls will leave here tomorrow when it becomes evident that Obama is still very much in power...............or will you all allow your selves to be lead on again and again with some time in the near future..blah, blah, blah fill in the blanks..........enough already....please dear, lost souls see this for what it is...........these are very evil people filling your heads with delusional thinking just to prove they can do it and get a following.....this world does need fixing.........stop waiting for some fairytale rescue from the work that needs to be done..........take up a cause.....fight GE salmon, GMO crops, flouride-mass drugging, gun control..............become ACTIVE in turning the tide that crushing us with poisoned air, food, water and tyranny........get off these types of sites and get on with the business of taking responsibility for the change we must insist on....this lazy, delusional thinking must stop............Drake, Wilcock, Heather and all just pimping you for some very sick self serving reasons............we are many they are few....we must be a united front changing the world.........these sites are a big cop-out....

    2. Delusion is but the dual opposite of reality. The many multifaceted lies mixed with truths allow us to use intuitive dicernment to find our way home to reality. Without the contrasts of duality there would be no game or not tests of our knowledge of reality. We are being tested in our ability to dicern loving right actions from unloving right actions. This game played in the dark cycle has come to an end. (endgame). We now have shifted as of December 25, 2013 into the light cycle where the shadows of the dark illusions can be more easily dicerned. What do we do with these new awakened revelations? We choose to Be and Do for the highest good of all loving actions in loving creation of a new world of peace and love. BE and Do through dicernment of right loving actions that do no harm to other participants in the New Game. Play On!
      "Kindness is Power"

  22. It would be refreshing to hear members in the lightworker camp tell of their struggles working thru the dark side of their natures. It is ignored and denied to exist. The initial post is all rainbows and roses. The problem is always the cabal and how we were decieved. Never about why we bought the lie.

    1. some body said NO one remembers pain
      i then decided to try that out two
      be cause i all ready know i am SOme one
      my ego just had to meet the challenge
      i trust my ego it is a good tool

      so i decided to write down some words
      remembering pain is done with the heart
      the brain only remembers the pictures
      the body has marks in its memory
      i will convert marks into words for you

      first i need to find a mark that still hurts
      all the other marks are all ready healed
      i can remember those also as well
      how deep a pain would you like me to share
      remembering pain truly makes me cry

      but this is the only way to write true
      are you sure you want to resonate pain
      will you cry with me as you read the words
      if this will heal you then i will do sew
      i earned my pain for some reason you know

      what if disclosure was from god herself
      and all she did was have us remember
      every deed that we all ever did
      and we could hear every single voice
      right here on earth and all at the same time

      what a beautiful resonance to know

  23. There are so many beautiful visions here and I pray to God that they will all begin to flourish very soon.

    One cause I want to contribute towards would be ending the trafficking of women and children as sex slaves. I watched a documentary recently titled "The Day My God Died". It documents how women and children are kidnapped from Nepal and trafficked to seedy brothels in India. What these souls have to endure from then on is a living nightmare! One sweet and innocent 7 year old girl who was sent to a brothel was brutally assaulted and then raped by a bunch of grown men simply because she refused to do as she was told. No one should suffer like that! This happens all over the world but sadly, not enough is being done to put a stop to this. There are organisations and individuals who have already started the fight and I wish to help them.


    1. I'm definitely with you on that project KM. I personally would like to hold the victims of this horrific trade, the precious souls that they are, in my arms and allow them to experience the love of my heart merging with their being, surrounding and protecting them. There is so much healing to be done.
      Love Aurataya.

    2. Thank you for sharing Aurataya, and I love what you added in. Let's continue manifesting :)

      *Love & Light*

  24. Hydro warehouse & orchards planted, animal support, clean up, offering mental health and reducation assistance for those needing help w the mental & emotional shift those most deeply clinging to the old dualistic paradigmn will need, liason bridging projects to ppl, travel & do all of the above while following my bliss, just wake each morning as a full BEing that has the expansive freedom to follow my inner guidance to where it leads me without concern for what repurcussion may arise from neglecting responsibilties to my keepers by ignorin the things that will ultimately satisfy them at the end of each month...if we were all reconditioned to follow our higher guidance all will b coordinated n perfect divine order just by BEing then DOing what inspires us from that level of will manifest n divine fashion just by following our higher BEings

  25. Community orchards and hydro warehouses where ppl can gather to take whatever they need whenever they need it, design enriching landscapes and centers that will teach all things 5d, full of doctors and hollistic healers that can coordinate healthy and natural remedies for those heavily dependent on pharmaceuticals...i mean lik every interest and desire to help o share what Ive learned or learn from others can FINALLY b xplored as it tickles ur very ticklish so its going to b a veritable joy riot. How lucky r we just to BE '-)

    1. I wanna join the JOY riot Kami. Your project sounds incredible. I can just imagine the feel of the energy in this magnificent environment you WILL BE CREATING.
      Love Aurataya.

    2. someone posted a video of a community that is doing this in England. A small town that is planting edible gardens everywhere, even the police dept and it is producing amazing results. And that is without the changeover. My friends, these things are already happening all around us. Look at what Dr. Vandan has accomplished with the seed exchange! Many people are already DOing, LOL

    3. "...someone posted a video of a community that is doing this in England..."

      Here it is:

      Ninja Bambi.

    4. And here's the link to the town that is mentioned in the video above:

      Ninja Bambi

    5. Ecky-thump! Good for Todmorden! Yay! Way to go!

  26. Thanks for all the positive visions on here everyone. I felt quite a shift today myself; really letting go of some old baggage after doing a lot of inner work.

    The esprit de corps here is inspirational; I send you best wishes and hope to be working with some of you in the near future. Palmi from Iceland, I hope you keep writing your truth -- you have stirred some souls here in a salutary way. Thank you!

    1. Hi Palmi. You are absolutely gorgeous and I love you very much. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart with us on this amazing journey.
      Love Aurataya.

    2. Thank you Palmi, for sharing the vision of your heart in writing, that has spurred us to share each of ours too.

      I'm going to keep revisiting this page and read everyone's contribution over and over again, and visualise each and every one while listening to some nice, light meditation to raise vibrations and help manifest these wonderful visions into reality.

      Do join me, and let's help each other manifest :)

      *Love & Light*

    3. My thanks to you all my beloved BE'ings :) <3

  27. Hopegirl and her team did a wonderful job collecting ideas from people throughout the world on what needs to be changed (in all areas of life), and how we could achieve that once we begin.

    Very interesting to read, and may give you ideas about how you wish to contribute to our New World in love, peace and abundance ;-)

    If you go to,d.bGE

    you will be offered to download the pdf file of the document.

    1. Hi there onlyequity. You are spot on there about the material/ideas available at hopegirl's site. I clearly recall the day I started reading some of the ideas that had been put forward on the initial posting/presentation and I was in tears from start to finish. Hopegirl and her crew are totally awesome.
      Love Aurataya.

  28. This article describes a vision of a way of life that has been around since before the 1800's


    This revolutionary idea has been suppresed and purposely bastardised by the Cabal to mean something

    completley different.

    By using the same language of Socialism/Communism and making it mean the total

    Opposite they have been able to suppress this knowledge

    Example; The USSR (United Soviet SOCIALIST Republics) and COMMUNIST China

    The original meaning of Socialism/Communism was something very different indeed to what became the

    common perception of these words.

    The original visionary's realised the only way we could free ourselves from slavery was to abolish

    all forms of money!

    And create, A Moneyless, Free, Leaderless world!

    Where all the people of the world equal to each other

    Would organise and create a world of abundance with FREE ACCESS for everyone to everything produced!


    Yes, the Socialist/Communist myth is just YET ANOTHER LIE that had to be created to hide the truth


    I believe that after a short period of an asset based money system

    All forms of exchange will be defunct!

    Ironic isnt it (especially for Americans) that in the near future we'll ALL be living in


    And we'll be celebrating the fact!

    By the way how do i know all of the above?

    Because I was a member of a political party in the early 80's propogating this very idea.

    I walked the streets of London for many years trying to convince people this was the way forward

    only to fall on deaf ears.

    In one election out of 40,000 Sleeple only 87 were willing to put a cross on a ballot paper

    to say they wanted REAL change! Fucking demoralising!

    But Fuck me! Here we are on the cusp of my impossible dream coming true!

    Don't believe me?

    go to; (Formed 1904)

    Mick 9

    1. I'm pleased your dream is finally coming true Mick 9.
      Love Aurataya.

  29. You know, what many of you want is supposed to be already going on and has been for over 20 years. Many appear to be happy here but I would imagine it is a tough life in the winter. Has anybody heard of Vissarian? This looked very interesting to me but I have never talked directly to anyone who has been in this community.

    1. I would be astonished if "many of you" wanted what this site appears to offer.

      A man who has clearly attempted to style himself on the roman church standard of the one referred to a Jesus Christ, along with the name Vissarion (Vis = Fish) and then photos of this individual sitting in front of a crowd of I don't know what they call themselves, looks to me like cult followers, but what do I know?

      No thanks, I think I'll pass this one by.

      When will we get away from this mind-machine bullshit...

      Ninja Bambi

    2. Bambi, most of the time you say intelligent things. Take a closer look at this Community though. This has been going on for over 20 years, it has grown 9 times faster than any city on earth, and the cabal has never had a horror story to pounce on as far as i have heard.

    3. Anony 09:28

      I understand what you are telling me.

      But, as I have a personal aversion to religious-style groupings in general, and cannot follow ONE person, no matter who they may be, I'm afraid this kind of thing, as it appears to me, is repulsive.

      Did you look at the photos on this site?

      Ninja Bambi.

    4. Here, have a look!

      Is this a group of people any of YOU here fancy standing in?

      Not me...ffs!

      Ninja Bambi.

    5. 'Blavatsky' hmmm. Discernment alert!!!

      Sine Nomine

    6. Don't be turned off by the clothing without looking at the results. I could be wrong but as a 20 year body worker, i can tell you that this type of clothing will keep you healthier.
      If I was younger man, I would take a close look.

    7. Yes, I noticed that too, Sine Nomine.

      But, I decided that was the least of my worries!


      Ninja Bambi.

    8. I'm not talking about their clothing. Did I mention clothing. I'm no fashionista!

      Did you happen to notice, whilst you were admiring their warm and practical clothing, that they were all attending to the presentation of a Jesus-styled 'guru'???? with two 'body guard' types at either side of him.

      Does anyone here dreaming of living in peace and freedom, fantasise and daydream and come up with this image as their ideal?

      As I said, NOT ME.

      And I don't care if others live it, and love it.

      I'm talking about me.

      Thanks very much, if you don't mind.

      Ninja Bambi

    9. Hey Bambi,
      When i look at the pictures, i see content healthy looking people. Compare that to what you see in any corporate office or DC, or any city. Look at all the pictures and read the philosophy of the group. Somehow they raise families, heal the sick, build the houses, go to school and they do it in Siberia, working against the odds!
      Their school starts with each child learning to master a skill that they really enjoy.
      And they do it all without money. May be another disguised scam but if there were major problems there, we would be hearing about it because the Cabal hates a Commune.

    10. I didn't say it was a scam, or cabal, or anything other than what I see with my own eyes.

      And I don't like what I see.

      Stop now, please.

      Do your own thing.

      Ninja Bambi

    11. Ninja bambi I agree with you! (Giggles) just to let you know I was not trying to offend you on last three. Just feel that there is something I should be learning from you :)

    12. Dear Anony 10:06

      Please forgive my rudeness to you in my last response. There was no need to be so short with you.

      I understand that you are enthusiastic over this community. And as you can see, I am not. I hope you find what you are looking for (you indicated you feel your age prevents you from taking further steps towards this community).

      With best wishes,

      Ninja Bambi.

  30. Yes yes yes this is what I was Seeing, Envisioning and Expecting for US along time!!!
    Thank you D and Palmi.

    And my Thruth detector is going of BIG TIME!!!

    ...Be Do and follow your Passion...Do what you Love and Love what your Doing...The Greatest and FREE Transformation (healing) tool we have...For our selves, others and our beautifull Earth.

    And YES we ARE amazing Beings...

    In an earlyer respont I wrote that I have all I need...and thats absolutly true...So the question is what wil I create?

    Well I already did :-)...For de O-nes who want to start reading what I have to share and my services to you... you can use my dutch blog and some translation tool...just click on my picture or name here and you wil be guided along...

    Happy to meet you there :-)

    But I’m/we also working on the english translation of the content and putting it up on a website/blog ( )...And now after some much needed resting and BEing time wondering what to Do...waiting for the answer what my next step should/could Be...Wel I got my answer...And start DOing again...and Loving what I DO and BE...writing and maken art and working on my english website...sharing the Wisdom I’ve learnd with you ALL.

    Thank you so much Every O-ne for your Inspiration Creation...Manifestation!!!

    So it IS!

    In Love and Service,



  31. So heart lifting and inspiring to read ALL on here . Let me add my vision to reclaim an old building that was run as a poorhouse in the late 19 centuary, where disease was rife and poor people were left , I would have it cleansed, spiritually lovingly , and get so many of my good friends to help set it up as, The one peoples trust , where people could come for all natural , spiritual, experiences sharing love, healing ,and laughter , holisitcs , reiki , aromatherapy , music, art ,a cafe all organic , all under one roof :) I hold this vision it is happening :)
    Lorraine Scotland

  32. Hi Lorraine in Scotland
    can you email me on

    Bernadette in Surrey

  33. what a wonderful energy on this post today! thanks all! and so great to see so many of our friends from abroad! there is so much love out there from everyone ready to give to the world - to help others - to open their hearts - to create the peace and love this world is transforming into before our eyes. keep the heart energies flowing everyone! and get some rest - cause we are going to have a lot of work to DO in the very near future!!!

  34. Good Morning D! Could you do us all a favor and start a new "thread" so that this beautiful one can continue untramelled over the next few days? The vice president of the corporation has already touched his hand to "an auld family bible..." hopefully without singeing his fingers.

    1. Yeah, more fantasy world stuff because that has worked so well up to now.

  35. Do, Be, Do, Be, Do!

    1. da da da da







  36. I love to build recumbent cycles, not for money, but I can't very well get around it. Unfortunately some money does need to be spent to build. If it keeps one more adult on a bicycle or tricycle or even quadcycle, I am all happy, and the joy of building and design is most times payment enough. Not to forget the rush of riding a new prototype at 12:00am and experiencing your own take on your own design. That is Love in physicality, tangible, and ridable.

    1. So, if I lived near you, and I wanted one of your bike-thingies, I'd bring over a box of groceries or two (no shite contents), and we'd have a little chat.

      Ninja Bambi. :)

  37. What nonsense. Still more empty promises. Palmi talks about how we all became free (thanks to the OPPT filings on 12/25, then jumps into this "what if" fantasy with no support or example given of any of this. He offers no paramaters or real-world application of any of this. Just that we can now DO and BE (as if we could not previously). and they keep hinting at the vast gold reserves over which they have custodial duties. This is never substantiated in any way. They just slide in the billions of dollars worth of gold as a side note, to support their newly found power.

    And all the dreamers line up to exchange the vibrations that appear to be the new currency in this 5D fantasy world. A big part of having the correct vibration, of course, is to never, ever doubt the OPPT, Heather or any of the other officers.

    1. So you say You Understand your Marching Orders!! God relies upon those that have a dream left in their head. Tomorrow you might hear this phrase often: "I have a DREAM!!"

    2. Oh, that little touch of contrast, La La La De Da. I think you may be at the wrong party address Mr or Ms. so called common sense. How about this. You attend to your own reality and that boring dull lifeless manipulated sleepy party you're at and leave all these beautiful souls to attend the party of their choice which is filled with love, kindness and joy. We do not need your backward thinking in our reality so toddle off somewhere else Party Pooper.

      Oh and by the way Mr or Ms Sleepy Head, do you realize how much truth is in your own statement here? "And all the dreamers line up to exchange the vibrations that appear to be the new currency in this 5D fantasy world." The only problem is that you do not interpret this statement the way we do. Hope you work it out one day sweetheart.Hope the vibrations and sounds from our magical joy filled blissful 5D party don't disturb you too much.

      PS. Please don't bother trying to bring us down by responding with more of your negative nonsense because I for one will totally ignore you from this point on. Have a great day.

    3. You are a moron....It is not negativity...NOTHING HAPPENED! Man some people really are dumb.

  38. Hey check this out!


    Biden President for all of 10 seconds... lol. He just got sworn in by the way.

  40. I Have A Dream Speech. Hang on every word! "The bankers have given us a promissary note-it came back insufficient funds--we have come today to cash that promise!" See the many white folk in the audience as well.


    1. TY for the link

    2. Well the latest Matthew message tells us that we just have to wait for the light to be so strong that those of dark intent will no longer be able to live here on planet earth. Lol.. So more coloring, I suppose.

    3. He is only the President, CEO, of a corporation...apparently.

      And corporations have no power over human beings...apparently.

      Unless the human beings consent to contract with a corporation...or so I am lead to believe.

      So who gives a rat's sphincter if this event is happening?

      Those who are still in contract, I suppose?

      Ninja Bambi.

    4. the president of the corporation

    5. Well, it just happened.......same President, now what?

    6. Same President of the same CORPOR-effing-RATION!

      That's the issue, not the name of the CEO. The name or nationality, for that matter, of this particular corporation's CEO is irrelevant.

      Ninja Bambi

    7. I still want a Divorce

  42. Obama has be sworn in.... that's then end of it for me! I really wanted to believe all this.... but, let's be honest, it's not going to happen.

    There was no interim president, it was just fantasy from bad intel.

    Oh well.... time to get on with my life.

    1. NOT "bad intel", it was cabal DISINFO!

    2. We've seen videos of the president 'addressing' the people after the 'apocalyse hit earth' 21 December 2012. All made well in advance of the eventual event. Just in case...

      Can anybody (who really knows) tell me when the official swearing in of the president as shown today was made? Did anybody see him there physically today?

      Just askin'

    3. Personally, I think the whole "interim president" thing was a lefover from a different timeline that somehow "leaked" over into this one. This may sound nuts, (and even as I'm writing this, I'm thinking I need some decent psychotherapy ;)}, but we live in an infinite universe filled with infinite possibilities. This includes the possibility that all of what I've been reading about the rich potential of the OPPT fostering a new "Golden Age" versus "it's all a bloddy hoax, and you're falling for more Cabal disinfo" can exist simultaneously! In other words, it could be both ideas will coexist side-by-side until only the light filled one rises to the top.

      In the normal course of a lawsuit, if a plaintiff make a statement in court, and the defense makes no answer or counterclaim, then the plaintiff automatically wins due to the very old legal common law doctine known as 'qui tacit consenteri', or 'silence gives consent'. My only thing with the OPPT documents is that the psychopathic, nihilistic, sociopaths that make up the Cabal are just going to ignore it altogether, and for the vast majority of people on the planet, it will be business as usual, even though they are now, and have always been, FREE!!!

      I possess a "pre-emptive strike" kind of metality in that the only way to get the word out, smack the Cabal up side the head, and to truly prove the legality and effectiveness of the OPPT documents is to file one or more suits in Federal court to dissolve all corporations created by the U.S. Federal Government (e.g. the IRS, Federal Reserve, USA, Inc., etc), and challenge the legality of all biotech patents meant to patent human DNA for profit. (Feel free to add your own thoughts here. I'm just getting started on this idea!)

      As I observe all the comments here on this site and others, no matter the level of sketicism or being a 'true beliver', the thing I come away with most of all is that EVERYONE, without exception, wants a better world to live in, and the way things are now have to change. This can't go on any longer. It won't go on much longer. I may have doubts about the present, but I know in my heart that the world you live in now will no longer exist in four years, just as the world prior to 9/11 no longer exists.

      Peace. Light. Love.


  43. The psy-ops crowd are laughing at the sheep today. True or false?

    1. Hysterics. Sadly true

    2. The Drake-bashing trash will undoubtedly be out in force on these forums, but the guy is probably right when he says that there are lots of people (millions?) ready to take up arms against the criminals. As in NOW. More states also need to make a strong statement by passing anti-federal gun legislation. Liberal idiots need to stand to the side or get pushed I'm sure will be the message.

      Tell me more about this "contrast" thingy, Heather and D. #SMH

    3. Anon 09:21 Re: Drake-bashing team. I was just peeking at UV just now and apparently they are all totally p&*^ed with Drake right now because about an hour before Obama was sworn in, he left a post saying that

      "Chief Justice Roberts is supposed to make an announcement within the hour...
      Be READY!
      CNN is one station, there should be others...
      about an hour ago

      The thread exploded with lots of excited people. Then nothing happened and Obama was again sworn in. Many are saying that they are getting back to their real lives because this has all been a bunch of crap and they have lost too many people in their lives due to it...

    4. Drake was on-board with the Boehner/Paul scenario too.

    5. Anon 9:41, thanks for the heads up on that. Drake's show starts at the top of the hour. THIS should be good. Patience has worn thin.

    6. Drake is Cabal disinfo just like Stew Webb said when he challenged that old chickenshit to an on air debate. Drake would never do it. I think anyone who has making these wild claims should have to prove it or apologize to the entire world at this point. Disinfo is disinfo. It isn't waking people up. It's pissing them off.

    7. ***BREAKING NEWS***

      Here's the NEW President and Vice President!!!!

      THE SAME AS OLD CABAL SELECTED PUPPET!!! Now drop all of this INSIDE INFO/INTEl NONSENSE!!! The blogoshpere has been used for the past year to help divide people and create chaos while legislation and executive orders are being imposed to remove every liberty the American people have left to defend themselves against these criminals!

      You hear that "D"? You are fed BULLSHIT regularly! you are fed NONSENSE that has NEVER been proven true or come to pass. You supposed sources are playing you! They are playing you like they have played many internet people over this past year!!!

      Wake the hell up!!

    8. Drake is outing David Wynn Miller as a fraud. Oooooops! Surprised it took him so long ;-) Apparently Drake wanted to have the ex-Mrs David Wynn Miller on his show today. Marriage counselling? Mmm, maybe not! lol!

    9. ALERT the sqirts! Drake says its happening this WEDNESDAY 23. Somethings coming, don't know what.

    10. This is a riot LMAO

    11. Drake just claimed that if something doesn't happen before Wednesday then he is going to out his sources (on Wednesday??). Hmmm, seems to be going around, this questioning of sources.

    12. Wednesday is the deadline and he's outing them Thursday. *shrugging shoulders*


  45. Some of these websites remind me of that Carfax commercial where the car shopper keeps asking to "show me the Carfax" and the salesman keeps trying to change the subject. It's Bullshit and it's bad for you.

  46. Oh well, many of you just gave your testimony of how you can improve the world, gardens, cleaning up the environment etc. The thing is, what is stopping you from doing that now, even with a cabal lording over you?

    1. What was stopping them from doing it before?

    2. Good question.

      Ninja Bambi

    3. I feel the positivity has taken a down turn somewhat. :-(

      Sine Nomine

    4. Yes, another FREE rollercoaster ride for those who like that kind of thing.

      As for me, my mood is the same as it was this morning, and it didn't change all day.

      I don't like rollercoasters, and never ride them. But, I do watch others enjoying themselves...or not.

      I don't mind those rides that go round and round, though. Do hop on those, from time to time.

      Ninja Bambi.

  47. Gerald Celente talks about the shift/awakening in secular terminology and presents a plan for peace:

    1. There's a guy answers to the name of Batman that also has some ideas on living in peace, within the current system, and he's got folks learning from his ideas, and not paying stuff, and living in peace, and happy about it.

      There is a radio community call thingy on talkshoe.

      Look for the handle:


      if you are curious what's going on.

      Ninja Bambi.

  48. Great documentary from 2013 regarding forced fluoridation and vaccinations. Included in the documentary are several PhD scientists...VERY eye opening!!! What kind of "person" would continue to perpetuate this being done to us? More importantly, who would continue supporting a "government" who does this to it's "people"?



  50. Well one part of what D told us SEEMS to be not true. D I don't play "the blame game" and I want to THANK YOU for the Expirience...

    To my other Brothers and Sisters who are laughing and writing "I told you so"...Remember... when you point one finger to an other there are always three fingers that are pointing to you...

    To my Brothers and Sisters Be-ers and Do-ers, the Followers of their Heart...This all doesn't stop me from Envisioning Creating and Manifestating the World I want to life in...The world I want for my child grandchild and theire childrens children...OUR childrens children.

    Lets go on with the Great Work...Make YOUR/OUR dream come true...Nothing can stop us NOW!

    So It IS And so it WILL be!


    1. Uh, Inauguration Day is tomorrow, not today! today (Sunday) is mention in the announcement, but tomorrow is the "significant day".

    2. Uh, the OFFICIAL swearing in was TODAY and it was taped, supposedly live, the link is above. Same president is still in office.

  51. I have made a discovery in Lightning physics that revealed the very centerpiece of our worlds. Since the beginning of time lightning effect on hydrogen has been producing anti-hydrogen. One form of this is a Gamma ray producer 12 ft. ringed sphere, Relativistic Perturbation (Mantle)

    For 4.5 billion years... lightning in earths atmosphere has been producing this self contained sphere utilizing rings of Carbon, Liquid oxygen surrounding a sphere of fused negative energy (anti-hydrogen fusion). Mantle's release comes in the form of Sprites above storms. Mantle produced the atmosphere Ionosphere and anti-protons produces dark matter around earths Ionosphere.

    "Mantle's are the missing link in the Earths physiology and the tie between Man Metaphysics and the Dimensional world."
    Ronald Patrick Marriott.

    Mantle for short produces Gamma rays found by NASA's FERMI satellite during Sprite production. PAMELA satellite found the antiprotons around the Van Allen belt produced by Mantle's discharge energy that follows the magnetic field lines from Earth.

    Mantle's discovery will lend efforts to light speed "Warp" travel, wormhole production and dimension technology. The release of charged liquid Oxygen is converting to Air/water for the atmosphere and electrons for the Ionosphere.
    It produces force fields and an endless supply of highly charged Liquid Oxygen to repair the earth with. This will supply us with clean energy any place on earth or space.

    I am developing team oriented corporate structures to grab the steep developmental curves of high energy physics for my discoveries. These technologies are for advancement of the human race in the areas of Food production, Computer storage/dimensional, Transportation, Infrastructure, Medical, Space Travel and Dimension Building using high energy particle physics from my discoveries with Mantle.
    Im a great designer of love, fun and excitement and will donate my very best to bring any situation to a perfect end or beginning.

    1. Now this my Friends is a Human Do-ing!

    2. Dear Ronald,

      thank you for opening this optimistic avenue ('endless supply of highly charged Liquid Oxygen to repair the earth with'). I recently heard of the term 'Anti-hydrogen particle fuel propulsion' in space programs from someone who is familiar with such technology, and I will pass on your words to him.

  52. that's so funny. once the whole boehner, paul thing fell apart and it became obvious who is president, our beloved deniers-of-reality chimed in that he is only president of the corporation and not the country, completely ignoring that no matter what you think he is president of the results are still the same.

    It's the same thing with this OPPT. Sure, you can declare your freedom and independance all you want, but in the end if you want to buy milk from the store you will need some of those federal reserve notes to get it. 5D vibrations won't get the milk. and it's this way with everything. If it makes you feel good to subscribe to the OPPT, fine, God bless, but it never has and never will translate into anything that can be used in the world we live in.

    1. Jan 21 is the date mentioned by OPPT in their announcement. While the private swearing on Sunday is mentioned, it is Jan 21 that it says is significant.

  53. The reason I'm not DO'ing is $$$. I have to get out there and make money to support my dependent children, keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. My late husband and I invested in the PF's 15 years ago...I hope, I "know", I pray, I plead and still nothing. What's a widow to do? It's hard not to be afraid. With love, LMN

  54. Keep faith my beautiful BE'ings :) . Well, if you have done your research on the subject matter then you should also know by now that USA was a corporation, that has now been forclosed upon ;) .

    1. We want proof please. Tangible PROOF.

    2. Proof? You mean you want the powers that were to confirm it for you, because then you will believe it is true ?? Interesting..

    3. Hell yeah! Wouldn't that be good! lol! And maybe an apology or three for the decades of poop they've dumped on us. Not much to ask is it???? ;-) lol!

      Sine Nomine

  55. well, st least we didn't hsve to wait weeks and months for the truth to surface. I pray that this will be the last of these false and misleading blogs spouting that they are BTS. D, your courage was admirable and I woukd guess thst when yiu yelled "fuck this" your disinfoers cut you off, so that is good thing. folk me...fool me a thousand times, shame on me. this should be an eye-opener for all to see what they need to do to manifest the truth. this is why wilcock backed away from all of it, he knew he was going to get poop on his shoes. I believe that D should demand a written apology from oppt. shame, shame, shame. now get off of your asses and make it happen on a local level people, for the futures sake.

  56. Curious if anyone here witnessed the swearing in the president today of a corperation? Anyone?

    1. Yep, I did.

    2. If you notice, it was done IN PRIVATE (a message from Obama to us, I believe)

      These pics tell the true story, on the faces of Sasha and Malia.
      Are those the faces of TRULY HAPPY GIRLS?

      Here, both girls looked confused about what is REALLY happening.

      Here, Sasha looks pretty sad.

      I'm getting that it is a sign to 'keep the faith'!

    3. I'd be sad too. Probably thing "How can I get a boyfriend if I'm stuck here for 4 more years."

    4. Oops...forgot the second photo opt of darling Sasha,

    5. She's too young for boyfriends anyway.

    6. Anon11:11 you did? Can you state name the president, and which corperation, and who all was attendance?

      Truth is what is seen with your eyes, heard with your ears, touched with your hands or body. Experienced by you.

      All other is information.

      Please share your experience. Thank you

  57. D? Hello? Are you there? A statement from you would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Hello. Today is Jan 20. Tomorrow is January 21, the "significant" day that is in the OPPT announcement.

  58. The Elephant in the Room is that the Dollar is set for hyperinflation. Bring me facts. The buying power is now $0.03 since it was rolled out at a gold backed rate in 1913. Now, no longer gold backed, it is supported by "USDA Fairy dust." When it goes bye bye it won't be free thinkers and dreamers fault. Everybody screams: Wake Up! Well...wak up then!

  59. Wow. That is a tough question as I've never thought about it. Like most people just getting by was job one. Maybe save for a family vacation, even if those are almost impossible to do now, it is hard to imagine beyond that. Retirement just happened for us like a lot of you guys. The guys who promote working until age 70 never had to look for a good job after age 50. Good job. Same or more pay. Not a Greeter in a big box store. Funny thing is: most of those bozos' believe it won't happen to them. That they are way too important, too necessary to get ****-canned when they get too expensive to maintain. Know any of those guys?

    You have all heard about the money due every living person on earth. More money than we thought existed. So if none of us had to work for a paycheck, and had more money than we could spend, what would that mean?

    People make stuff. If they didn't need to work how would stuff get made? Right now that is what I am trying to get a handle on. Sure computers and robots can do a lot. But could they build a Swiss watch. Grow food, and take care of people. It changes everything.

    Would we need lawyers? How about tax accountants. Bankers? Lots of jobs that will no longer be needed. And they would need to do something other than watch movies.

    My initial thoughts are we all need to become mentors. To understand why we went wrong, what we did right and why our future generations need to know where they came from. As I understand it, we have all had lives before. Maybe many. But through design cannot recall those lives or benefit from our own experiences. But every lives memories will be ours again. (Wonder if that means you'all will know every details of my past lives? Geez I'd like to keep my current life private!)

    Our prosperity inheritance will happen and possibly soon. But we will all be in the same boat. Too much money. Don't need to work but how about learning new skills? Learn how to make stuff. That's what made America great. Or build the farm you've always loved. Learn carpentry or timber framing skills. Why now? You will have all the time it takes and when you're tired do some fishing. On the lake next to your house. With the perfect, hand made fishing rod you made.

    Build a big barn. Have a dance and invite all the neighbors. Enjoy the fruits of your own vineyard. Your own micro brewery maybe. Anyone who is able can take the ATVs, motorbikes or go-carts on the special tracks you've made. Starting to sound good huh?

    In reality though, feeding the world will be the first job. After the diseases are eliminated and clean water and free energy is everywhere. We can use our own skills over there. Help them build their countries. Infrastructure.. Not exactly sure what's involved there, but our skills would be important. I like that idea. I'll build my house after I've built some others.

    No reason for any person or country to skimp on materials or labor. We have our lifetimes to devote and can do a lot in a hurry.

    And education. Not for a job necessarily, although new countries will need administrators, scientists, etc. Maybe we could get more education to learn their languages and become Mentors. We've all know how to do a better job that our former bosses so now's our chance. Let's do it the right way.

    For us right now, are the Pioneers. What we sow will be around past our lifetimes. Our forefathers were Pioneers and we know that it was usually a hard life. Without them we wouldn't be here. Now the question becomes... will we really have time for fishing?

    1. I have an idea regarding production of products-- what is to be able to obtain a product, you had to participate in its production? I think that if people were still required to contribute or "work" X amount of hours each week or month in order to maintain access to free funds, that would encourage production. Maybe it wouldn't be done en masse per say anymore, but to order. Sure some of the processes may require an educated individual to oversee, instruct, or even personally assemble/ program, etc. but I think it would be a great idea to require a buyer's personal labor to contribute to the process to keep the system going. I for one would love to be able to say I helped build my house or that I constructed my own iPhone :)

    2. That's up to you, BB. You will have time for whatever you want, because you won't 'have to' do anything. Whatever you feel like, you do.

      However, I have a funny suspicion that most of us will derive satisfaction simply from helping others. Now, what a wonderful world that will be ;-)

  60. If you notice, it was done IN PRIVATE (a message from Obama to us, I believe)

    These pics tell the true story, on the faces of Sasha and Malia.
    Are those the faces of TRULY HAPPY GIRLS?

    Here, both girls looked confused about what is REALLY happening.

    Here, Sasha looks pretty sad.

    I'm getting that it is a sign to 'keep the faith'!

  61. I was following Fox News right now and heard the reports comment that Obama will bring 2 bibles to public inauration tomorrow. Why 2 bibles? One for Boehner and one for Paul? After that, they started talk about Boehner. Very interesting isnt it?

    1. One is the King James version and the other is the Koran. Obama is POTUS again and you can forget about Boehner and Paul. The cabal is still in control and you're still slaves. Nesara, St Germaine funds, world trust funds and PP packs have been confiscated by the bad guys. So get back to work. They need your tax money. Welcome to the Real World people.

    2. I remember from when I was younger,the speaker of the house was always the guy that sat on the big chair saying nothing. Now I'm aware the that the speaker of the house is mentioned everywhere in every conversation. I was wondering.. has it always been that way and I just didn't notice?

      It has been said the new in term pres was sworn in on Dec 5 last I Google boehner and December 5, the speaker of the house had much to say that day.. not sure to make of it all

  62. Haven't listened to ManDrake in months- thought I would pop in to see what was up.
    He is still hanging on for dear life. Poor guy.
    D, why has thou forsaken us?????? Come out, come out-wherever you are.

  63. Ditto for message for D. I feel you are an honest person. Please give us some kind of update. If tshtf. Miaswell verify the justice for it. Also not a drake follower. But does anyone have update on what his excuse issue this time.

    1. D is a fake as well as Drake, Fulford, Wilcock and the rest of these snakeoil salesmen. The update is that Obama has been sworn in, Boehner and Paul are out, PP packs, Nesara, St Germaine funds never existed and you're still a slave. SO THERE! Does that answer your question? BTWm learn how to spell!

    2. Here we have a talking spinchter emitting hot stinky gas... doing his bit for the dark agenda. Carry on...

    3. after seeing words like 4U, thot, etc, I kinda like 'Miaswell' ;-)

  64. Isn't Keshe doing an announcement tomorrow?
    Has anyone found a translated version to the Russian show Wilcock posted about. Of course the spin on that is that it's Russian and well, we all know that they are bad guys, right?
    D- does this mean you will go back to the PP, SGT et al intel?? Respectfully and in honor request a reply regarding all that you so vehemently posted regarding the OPPT's claims- Heather, if you are reading this the same goes for you- I hope you all can save face.
    Silence after all is acquiescence and speaks volumes.

  65. If this disinformation keep your cool everyone. The pesky dark are waiting to feel your anger and frustration. There is a LOT going on outside of this. People are waking up and taking a stand. The cold dark pests have lost and it is obvious they are doing everything as a last ditch effort to attempt to get back in the saddle again. Ain't gonna happen. The rest of the world has caught on and are finished playing nice with them. Hang tight. We are ok

  66. In regards to today's (1/20) swearing in ceremonies of Obama and Biden -- I do not understand how this equates with a negation of the possibility for a global announcement tomorrow (1/21).

    It would seem to me that for there to even be a worldwide announcement tomorrow, today would have to be, by definition, one in which nothing out of the ordinary happens. f Obama and Biden hadn't been sworn in today, it would seem that the proposed earth-shaking announcements forecast by some to take place tomorrow would probably be required to happen today, no? Otherwise, how would it be explained to the public that the swearing in ceremonies did not happen?

    More generally, I see no reason to take an either-or position about whether 1/21 will yield a global announcement or not. It is true that OPPT has highlighted this date in their recent legal documents. It is also true that D has suggested 1/21 could indeed be the day for the big rollout to begin. But she has not made a concrete promise that this will be so. She has merely suggested it could. (As for the legitimacy of the OPPT, for me, this remains an uncertainty that only time can validate, or not.)

    But again, it is not necessary to attach to 1/21 as a definitive date for anything in light of what have amounted to suggestions and rumors. To attach to 1/21 with hope and belief is a set-up for disappointment should nothing happen that day. (And to naysay in advance and accuse anyone and all who might wonder if something remarkable *could* happen tomorrow is to telegraph one's hardened and negative position for what it is.)

    Negative fixation for its own sake in this context is as two dimensional as positive fixation.

    Fixation is the problem, in my view. It's simply not necessary for participating in a continuum of possibilities.

    To relax out of fixed views and hold a more liquid frame of mind can allow the future to transpire how it objectively will, without our needing to hang onto one date over and against any other.

    Myself, I've had too many dreamtime visions over the decades about our positive collective future to hang onto any one date at this point in time. In my heart of hearts, I am certain that our future remains one of positive evolution. But it is clearly not for me to know how this will transpire at large in advance. My business is to magnify the positive in my own life, and be a part of the greater change.

    Rather than get stuck in predictions, it's far more useful to remain open and uncertain, while projecting one's highest hope for the greatest possible good into one's own future, and that of the collective -- if indeed this is one's intention.

    (If your intention is to merely rag on others and bring down the vibe, that of course is your business. But you have little use for my purposes.)

    So...I'll continue to observe how tomorrow transpires, while remaining open to the greatest of possibilities as D. has suggested here. If we find tomorrow to be business as usual, I will continue to inscribe our future with my deepest feelings and vision for our planetary healing and well-being.

    There's no need to take sides on what happens tomorrow. Let tomorrow be itself; allow others to think what they will. If your business is to be here in service to the well-being of the whole, there is nothing wasted in remaining open and uncertain, and firmly centered in the heart.

    1. Excellent post! I could not have said it better and I absolutely agree with you.

    2. philavox, just wait for tomorrow...or give it 1 day after that. Give until Tuesday and you will see this is just another in a long line of BS the cabal has been spinning, online for the past year.

      In this case "D" is the patsy messenger!

      ...and while these sideshow circus acts go on, we are being disarmed and have every possible liberty taken away.

    3. Amen, I absolutely agree. Thank you!

    4. (Just to be clear, my comment was directed at philavox.)

    5. Very well put, philavox!

      'My business is to magnify the positive in my own life, and be a part of the greater change.

      Rather than get stuck in predictions, it's far more useful to remain open and uncertain, while projecting one's highest hope for the greatest possible good into one's own future, and that of the collective -- if indeed this is one's intention.'

      Just let your Inner Divine Self (Higher Self) direct the show, and then go with the flow. Don't expect or insist on anything. You'll be surprised over the wonderful coincidences in your life ;-)

  67. Wow this was a HUGE blow to the "truth community". A blow as big as December 21 was for "lightworkers" and channellers. I know it is a tough pill to swallow, but I'm going to tell you the REAL truth. I was withholding this information because I wanted to see how things pan out after December 21 and gave it more time, but enough is enough.

    Are you ready for it or will you still be a denial and hope all the so called intel of the 'white hats" or "good guys disinformation pan out?

    Ok here it is:

    Earth is not a spiritual school for us to learn and become better beings, it is a PRISION. Yes it is and here I will post one of the greatest secrets if not the greatest secret on how we have been duped and continue to be duped since millennia.

    This information explains what REALLY happens when you die and see the infamous "light tunnel" and what it really is and how it plays out in the grand scheme of this reality.

    WARNING, reading the information below could affect you psychologically, so do it at your own risk. This is by far the most accurate information on the internet right now, but read it ONLY if you are REALLY ready.

    1. I read this last year.

      My conclusion: a load of bollox.

      Seasoned with a dash or two of believability, perhaps even a fact or two, just enough to get the old fear rising up (it's intention no doubt) but after I thought about it, considered the personal notes, the back story, the end story, no....still thought it was bollox overall.

      But, that's just my opinion.

      Ninja Bambi.

    2. This is what the Disclaimer said: "As far as the Editor of the book, "Alien Interview" is concerned, and for all practical purposes, the content of the book is a work of fiction. The Editor makes no claim to the factuality of the content, and in fact, cannot prove that the alleged author actually ever existed."

    3. Starts to look like this statement is a load of bollox to:

      "WARNING, reading the information below could affect you psychologically, so do it at your own risk. This is by far the most accurate information on the internet right now, but read it ONLY if you are REALLY ready."

      Ninja Bambi

    4. Oops! *too*

  68. Please read this. You will see that Heather is much more "rational" then our "government" and "financial experts."

  69. Speaking of working with animals, here is an AMAZING video with a woman who "works" with sharks. Beautifully done, as well.

    1. Sharks! How appropriate considering the topics of discussion here.

      Real sharks, of course, are much easier to live with.

      Much more predictable and sane.


      Ninja Bambi


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