
Thursday 27 March 2014

I AM Without Prejudice: ALL that is needed

Many conversations are circling in groups online and in person over the use of signatures.   As I have pointed out over the past few days, "They" need your signature to take your value. "They" cannot touch your value even with a 10 foot pole without that scribble that is your signature.... hence they will do ANYTHING to get your signature onto a document.

Everything you sign, from here on out, should include the words "Without Prejudice".  For me, it is now part of my signature on EVERYTHING. 

One thing that Heather explained to me yesterday that makes absolute sense to me, is that anytime you are asked to fill out any form- whether you have to sign it or not- be sure to write the words "without prejudice" on the form somewhere visible.  For example: when you enter a country and they give you that little form to fill out with your name and where you are coming from and where you are going to etc..., even though there is no spot on the form for your signature, you should still write on the form "without prejudice", with or without your signature. That will nullify any agreement that they are trying to force upon you with the use of that form.

.... I wish I'd known that BEFORE we landed in Morocco, lol, but now I kNOW it.

Funnily enough, the inclusion of those words "without prejudice" and/or I AM, has a very physical effect on those reading it from an official position.  Almost like a cautionary note.  When we were renewing our passports in Malta, our first meeting with the Canadian Consulate Aide was very different than our second meeting, in which he had seen our paperwork and my signature that included "without prejudice".  The second meeting he was very polite and very ..... helpful.  The same with our dealings with the Canadian Embassy in Rome.  The first few emailed conversations were very ... condescending from the Embassy staff, but after receiving our paperwork (with multiple without prejudice signatures), suddenly they were very careful about how they dealt with us.  This is because when anyone from an official position sees that signature, they KNOW that you KNOW. 

When you sign anything with without prejudice and I AM, you are completely nullifying any control and any contract that any person, group, corporation or "government" tries to place upon you.  They MUST accept your signature legally as anything you want it to be.

.... and it IS rather fun to watch their faces when they see it!

OH! and as if to drive this point about signatures home, I received this skype message this morning from the lovely Bea and Howard:

[2:12:48 AM] Just  Bea : D, I MUST share this with you because Howard and I haven't stopped laughing!!!

"Questions for St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, St Germain’s Answers are in Bold

Eric Darnell I have a desire to create Joy Creation Devices and Centers, with the full intention of the highest good of all concerned and raising the resonance. Is this something I could obtain funding for? Thanks be to you dear one.
18 hours ago · Unlike · 2

Each Soul on Earth has been given their war reparations in the amount of $10,000,000.00 This does not include the criminals. Some will receive nothing. Those who have prepared themselves and are ready to go with everything in place will receive more intended to go towards humanitarian work. When One signs for what they are to receive they will be required to sign a non disclosure agreement. No one will know what others received. It has to be this way." (rofl);((rofl) (where is the "peeing my pants from laughing" emoticon?)

... So apparently it isn't just the banks and the governments and Swissindo that needs your signature- even "St Germaine" needs it too.  

Interesting, eh?

With Love, Without Prejudice,


In love, peace and gratitude, with the full responsibility and liability of I AM:


KEYSof I AM, hidden "in plain sight" within the "former systems" by I AM:
                             ~ I AM
WITHOUT PREJUDICE is that simple ;)=98....I AM takes care of"the rest"...all ways, always. ~ I AM

I AM: The "former systems" I AM were pre-frequencied by I AM to respond to The Will and The Word of             I AM and the original currency I AM~ I AM
DO you recognize each of the "former system" functions reconciled in pure love within the above I AM Documents...? In pure love and original currency...I AM.  Wait 'till you see the affect...LOL!!!
If ONE has identified Value within numerous depositories, and decides to transfer or reconfigure the identified Value within ONE's own depositories...are functions of the "former systems" even applicable?  ...hhhhhmmmmmmm? ;)=98 
WITHOUT PREJUDICE: The "former systems" I AM were pre-frequencied by I AM to respond to     
                                              the signature of I AM without prejudice ~ I AM
Howard Freeman did a beautiful explanation of "without prejudice" during the era of the UCC:  "When you see 'Without Prejudice' UCC 1-308 in connection with your signature, you are saying: 'I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract, commercial agreement or bankruptcy that I did not enter knowingly , voluntarily , and intentionally . And furthermore, I do not and will not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement or bankruptcy.'"  ~ absolute context can be found here.  (Oh my gosh!  I am getting so much better at this website thing!!!  I just did like Dani does!!!  Btw, Love, did you know that "Ego" is Latin for I AM?....Seriously! Tee hee!  Ok...focus now!)

The numerous investigations of the "former systems" done around the globe are filled with many funny, and not funny, stories of the "without prejudice".  As I was wrapping up the last case of the investigations and readying to go to Morocco and then on to Europe, a sheriff put his hand on his gun hoping it would stop me or influence me not to write my signature "without prejudice Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf"....I signed with my signature while explaining to the (court bailiff), Audrey, and the judge that a signature is mark or writing I intend to use to authenticate the document....the next (court hearing) the sheriff was not present and Audrey handed me the document and told me to sign any way that I chose....I giggled and asked her "so someone talked to you about that law? I notice the sheriff and his gun aren't here..." She giggled and winked. (I AM gives a "shout out" to Jack Nevin and the boys at the Pentagon!  I loved DO'ing the Absolute Plan!!)

For more absolute context, you can read here or here, or better yet...."google it!" (See Dani! I did it again! LOL!!):  "Signatures also form the legal basis of negotiable instruments. Section 3-401(2) of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) provides that "[n]o person is liable on an instrument unless his signature appears thereon." The UCC defines the term signature as any name, Trade Name, assumed name, word, or other identifying mark used in lieu of a signature (§ 3-401(2)). The term signed is defined by the UCC as any symbol executed or adopted by a party with the "present intention of authenticating a writing" (§ 1-201(39)). Thus, commercial instruments, such as checks and promissory notes, may be signed by affixing any symbol that an individual intends to represent his signature. Consequently, courts will enforce commercial contracts signed with an X without regard to an individual's mental or physical ability to sign her full name, though mental or physical incapacity may be relevant if a particular contract is alleged to be the product of overreaching, Undue Influence, or coercion."

NOW, in the era of IS, I AM without prejudice, gets real fun:  Regardless of any particular inbodyment's "reaction" to an inbodyment of I AM signing "without prejudice, I AM, [enter given name]", I AM does the rest....and all the inbodyments I AM, visibly know and experience I AM, in absolute context.  For the Apa Gnosis example in the I AM Documents, above, we also lawfully and intentionally created an application for using the "former system" bank application, without prejudice, for devices (The Value is I AM, BE'ing and DO'ing...and devices can be used in that BE'ing and DO'ing for as long as devices exist....but they are only devices. All devices, regardless of the identity of the device is always 1 unit...10,000USD is 10,000 units of device, 10,000Euro is 10,000 units of another device, 10,000Yen is 10,000 units of yet another device, and so on...). 

Karen Hudes, David Crayford and ME- From RMN

There has been an on going conversation on Rumor Mill News, back and forth between David Crayford and I, for the past two or three days.   As the conversation links have slid so far down the RMN main page, I am posting the on going conversation here for transparency.

It all started with the posting of an article, originally from Philosophyofmetrics HERE, between JC Collins and  Karen Hudes on RMN which can be found HERE

I am not going to get into the details of it, but highly recommend reading it as Collins writing is very insightful and thought provoking at the best of times, and very humorous in this instance.

As Hudes brought up David Crawford in her communications with Collins (god knows why) and David Crawford responded on RMN HERE

I have never been a fan or follower of Crawford, but  in this instance, his comments are excellent and a good portion of the information he gives is WAY closer to accurate than the disinfo that Hudes is spreading.

I will  post the conversations from RMN between Crawford and myself in the order that they were posted.

“And who is David Crayford”? I am the official spokesperson for the ITC / OITC, that is who

Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 25-Mar-2014 08:51:24

In Response To: The Karen Hudes Operation (igots2no)

        Dear Dimce,

        Ref: to the article as referred below, which needs further input.

        The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
        The Karen Hudes Operation
        Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail]Date: Monday, 24-Mar-2014 21:48:02

        I have just finished reading the article (as referenced above) on RMN and the website and feel compelled to respond to this because once again, it gives a small part of the story, sufficient to mislead people, but it doesn’t give the whole part of the story which shows a completely different picture.

        Allow me to start with the uncut US Dollar Notes. These are NOT the normal US Dollar Notes currently in circulation, referred by many as Federal Reserve Notes. They are in fact the “Reagan Dollars” or otherwise known as the “Asian Dollar”. These were printed in the Philippines and China for a purpose which is a “Common Currency” for the whole of the South East Asia Region (Ten (10) countries to be precise). In fact there were Trillions of these Dollar Notes printed which are all mainly in storage in China, but there are some in the Philippines, as well as within UBS (The European Agent for the Federal Reserve). China have been attempting to do a deal with the Americans on these Notes based upon a 50/50 basis.

        This “Common Currency” was supposed to have been initiated in 1998 but it all collapsed because the 10 Asian countries involved rejected it because they did not desire to be controlled by the Federal Reserve. Introduction of this currency was then rescheduled for 2004 but again it collapsed because the 10 countries rejected it.
        This is what all the arguments are partially about re: Thaksin Shinawatra (Former P.M. Of Thailand, convicted criminal and fugitive from justice) and his Sister (the current Prime Minister of Thailand). The fact is they are working very closely with the Americans, along with other leaders of some of the Asian countries involved, reference to the introduction of the Asian Dollar.
        With reference to the Gold backing for this currency, there are three vitally important issues here which will open people’s eyes and allow them to understand these things better:-

        A). Although Marcos executed this agreement with Ronald Reagan, he later pulled out of the agreement and rescinded same, because he had established what the Americans were really trying to do, and it certainly was not for Humanitarian purposes as indicated within the agreement. It was for political purposes combined with a common currency controlled by the Federal Reserve. Total control over the the 10 Asian countries achieved by devious means.
        Americans had under-mined Marcos reference to the ABL currency (a Common Currency for the 10 countries of South East Asia which was Gold Backed) which the 10 countries had previously agreed to under International Treaty (Note: I have those Treaties on record).
        Now you know some of the reasons why Marcos, in the eyes of America, had to go. Haven’t we all seen similar instances in the more recent years.

        B). The second vital point here is that Marcos withdrew the Gold he had previously agreed to reference / allocate to the aforesaid agreement. Therefore this “Reagan Dollar” or other referred to as the “Asian Dollar” is just “Fiat” currency with no real value, and certainly hasn’t got any Gold backing it.

        C). The third point is equally important, and probably the most important. That is the January 1995 Treaty agreements executed by the Nations of the World which appointed a Legal Heir to Decadency, a legal Owner, Sole Arbiter, and Controller, of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, otherwise known as the Collateral Accounts, Global Accounts, Global Debt Facility. That person was Dr. Ray C. Dam, the former Gold Signatory to the G7, and just like Marcos, Ray Dam had to go.
        These 1995 agreements and the content thereof, superseded all other previous agreements entered into by the Americans with any Holder, Custodian, Signatory, etc of the Collateral Accounts, prior to 1995, and there are many of them, all of which are voided, invalidated, and legally unenforceable.
        This being the real situation, then that agreement executed by Marcos and Reagan as shown within the said article / report, is legally void, is now invalid, and legally unenforceable. So in simple terms, it means nothing and holds no legal substance whatsoever.

        The real question now is who is trying to mislead the public into believing something which legally no longer is valid and has no meaning whatsoever.

        Let me now attend to specific and important issues in reference to the article written by J C Collins within the aforementioned web article:-

        i). I have to agree with J C Collins’s comments, quote “it is my contention that she is the lead figure in a psychological operation meant to distract away from real events and processes happening in the world”.
        Karen Hudes has proven nothing yet, other than having a small amount of information which she believes is the whole picture, followed by the constant repetitiveness of her interviews and the deviation to other subjects within her comments.

        ii). The statement, quote “The truth that your blog is evading has to do with the source of financing for the Ukrainian revolt and whether it was fomented by nonindigenous forces”.
        The real truth of the matter is that the Ukrainian situation was unlawfully financed by the Collateral Accounts through unlawful use of assets of the Collateral Accounts by the Federal Reserve within an illicit “Trading” program. It is all part of their “One World Currency” Doctrine propagated by America and its Allies.

        iii). The statement, quote “My original sources, cloaked in illegal secrecy, are impeccable. I challenge you to inform your readers by publishing them:”
        If your sources are “Cloaked in illegal secrecy”then why are you condoning such illegal secrecy by a). Stating same, and b). Requesting that J.C. Collins publish them??????

        iv). The statement, quote “I simply cited the Green Hilton Agreement so that people would know what John F. Kennedy was doing that caused the Jesuits to murder him. David Crayford is deliberately trying to undermine me by attributing to me positions that I do not hold. This is what is known as a “straw man” argument. I never said that the Green Hilton Agreement was now in force and effect”.
        You keep quoting the “Green Hilton Agreement” even after I have advised that it is legally invalid and unenforceable, WHY ????????? Why do you keep quoting “The Green Hilton Agreement” when you now openly state, quote “I never said that the Green Hilton Agreement was now in force and effect”. You must have a belief that it is in legal effect and enforceable, hence why you keep quoting it, so you are in fact contradicting yourself Ms Hudes.

        I am trying to undermine you am I, by attributing to you positions that you do not hold. You stated yourself that after your dismissal from the World Bank, you were reinstated, so I only attributed to you your last position as you have publicly stated. In fact Ms Hudes, you have undermined yourself in many ways because you really do not know what you are talking about. It doesn’t need me to undermine you at all, why, because eventually all misinformation agents run out of steam and start repeating themselves or changing the subject. You have totally undermined yourself, but typical, you, like all others, have to shift the blame onto someone else. Don’t blame me for your own misgivings Ms. Hudes.

        v). The statement, quote “And who is David Crayford”?
        I am the official spokesperson for the ITC / OITC, that is who. The ITC being the Legal Heir, Owner, Sole Arbiter, and Controller of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, otherwise referred to as the Collateral Accounts, the Global Accounts, the Global Debt Facility.

        vi). The statement, quote “The legal authority for the issuance of the uncut dollars that John F. Kennedy printed comes from the Bilateral Agreement, (see paragraph 6, giving the World Bank and IMF legal authority over the Collateral Account.)
        Boy, oh boy, someone really has got their lines crossed here. Quote “that John F. Kennedy printed” What BS. These were authorised under Reagan not Kennedy, even the agreement was signed by Reagan not Kennedy, whereby there were to be the new “Asian Dollar”, otherwise known as the “Reagan Dollar”, the common currency of the 10 South East Asian countries which was rejected by said countries because they did not desire to be controlled by the Federal Reserve. For information purposes there is a period of 18 years and 59 days between the Presidency of JFK and that of R Reagan.
        As for the, quote “comes from the Bilateral Agreement, (see paragraph 6, giving the World Bank and IMF legal authority over the Collateral Account.)”.
        Ferdinand Marcos withdrew from that agreement when he realised what the Americans were up to, so the agreement is void and has no legal basis nor is it enforceable at any times. This Bilateral Agreement, whether considered legal by one Nation, or otherwise, was superseded by the January 1995 Treaty agreements between the Nations of the World. These agreements were also based upon the 1976 agreements, the 1980 agreements, and of course the 1995 agreements, and now the May 2012 agreements. The World Bank and IMF, DO NOT have Legal Authority over the Collateral Accounts. That is where the World Bank and IMF are committing fraud because they claim something which they have no legal right to claim and there are no legal agreements in force to substantiate their claim.

        There is another issue here Ms Hudes, that being that at the time you were Senior Legal Counsel to the World Bank so you must be aware of the illegality of these agreements you refer to. At the same time you must also be aware of many other illegal agreements initiated by the World Bank reference to the Collateral Accounts. You may have also been a signatory to some of the agreements, if not externally, then internally, which makes you complicit in fraud against the Collateral Accounts, Ms Hudes.

        vii). The statement, quote “I have been reinstated by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF as the Acting General Counsel of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.”.
        Am I wrong in stating that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is the former name for the World Bank. Research shows, quote “Established in 1944 as the original institution of the World Bank Group”, and quote “It was established in 1944 with the mission of financing the reconstruction of European nations devastated by World War II. Together, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and its concessional lending arm, the International Development Association, are collectively known as the World Bank as they share the same leadership and staff”. In fact it is the very same organisation Ms Hudes. If I am correct, what game are you playing here Ms Hudes.

        ix). The statement, quote “The Board of Governors of the World Bank has authorized the release of the uncut US dollars from Union Bank of Switzerland in accordance with the instructions of the authorized signatory, Wolfgang Struck. The banking cartel is illegally refusing to release the uncut US dollars printed by John F. Kennedy. Instead, the banking cartel wants to engineer the collapse of the US dollar.”
        Neither the Board of Governors, the World Bank, or Union Bank of Switzerland (Proper name is United Bank of Switzerland based upon when they were taken over by SBC some years ago. They still like to use the words Union Bank because people have short memories and publicly it appears to be the same bank, when in reality it isn’t); hold any authority over the “uncut dollars”.
        You will find that because of the various agreements regarding these “Uncut Dollars” and International Treaties, these “Uncut Dollars” were transferred to the Collateral Accounts so that they could not be used by the issuers at any time in the future.

        Wolfgang Struck is NOT THE AUTHORISED SIGNATORY as is claimed, and that can be proven legally.

        Why is the banking cartel refusing to release the “Uncut Dollars” .......... Probably because they know the truth and with many already facing severe financial penalties and possibly later, fraud charges, they are being ultra careful not in involve themselves with persons who are not who they claim to be, Ms. Hudes.

        x). The statement, quote “You should follow me on Twitter, @KarenHudes as I will have nothing further to do with Rumor Mill News. David Crayford deliberately removed the thread of links that would have enabled his readers to understand my information”.
        Now you are trying to blame me for something I have absolutely no control over, Ms. Hudes. How cheap, foolish, and very low in character you are making yourself look Ms. Hudes.
        The issue of whether an article is published or not by RMN is entirely at the discretion of the Administrators of that site, Ms. Hudes, not me.
        I have no legal or financial connection to RMN at all, so I have no control over anything they do or say.
        Get your facts right Ms. Hudes and stop misinforming people with your gossip.

        A lot of whatever you say Ms. Hudes is mere speculation and supposition. Whether you care to believe it or not, I am, not only a lawyer but more of an authority on the subject of the Collateral Accounts than what you will ever believe.

        In my opinion, you are a misinformation agent, putting out an awful amount of BS for the people to believe, when in fact they should be rejecting and discarding it. We attempted to inform you of various factors that are all verifiable, but you even refused to accept our envelope that was delivered to you, because you did not want to involve yourself with “Top Secret” matters.

        All I can say Ms. Hudes, is in that case, do not get involved with the Collateral Accounts and the fraudulent goings on at the World Bank and the IMF, because this is a “Top Secret” matter and no one will ever get to the truth unless they hold one of the highest International security level classification ratings, which normally is held only by Kings, Queens, Presidents, and Prime Ministers as well as the International Treasury Controller, and NO, Ms. Hudes, we are NOT cabal and do not adhere to the cabal’s policies, or the One World Order.

        We are a “SOVEREIGN ENTITY” completely independent from Politics (National or International) or religion, with our own jurisdiction, and one that stands above and beyond all other “Sovereign Nations”.

        We don’t want you in the picture stirring up the muddy waters because you, like others, just impede our objectives and prevent us from doing our job ........... Perhaps that is your purpose Ms. Hudes?????????????

        David P. Crayford.


D from RTS has comments for David Crayford

Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 25-Mar-2014 22:21:08

In Response To: “And who is David Crayford”? I am the official spokesperson for the ITC / OITC, that is who (igots2no)

        D from RTS writes:

        Standing round of applause! While I do not agree with Crawford on many things, his outline in this article is WAY closer to the actual facts than the drivel that Hudes tried to sell to the public. The Reagan dollars ARE in China- there are literally vaults filled with pallets of this currency scam and they are completely useless and have 0 value at all. NOTHING that Reagan did was for the "betterment of man" nor "humanitarian" ..... The Wanta Reagan Mitterand accords/theft is a glaring tribute to that, along with the Marcos debacle.

        The ponzi scam "money" that financed the Ukraine's protests (and syria etc) was not from the Collateral Accounts though- the accounts are locked down and even the two people who were the ONLY two who had access to the accounts, are now locked out. The money that has been used is part of the ridiculous make believe money shuffling and monetary slight of hand tricks which the Fed has been using for the past year to keep up the illusion that all is well in Economicland.

        As for the "Green Hilton Agreements" I have a copy of them myself and spent quite a bit of time searching for verification of their validity. I have found none, and have found no one that can provide ANY proof that they were even actually signed, let alone put into play.

        Hudes is STILL employed for the World Bank. That alone speaks louder than words- and by the very ommission of well known information that anyone in her position would possess- ie: what is the value, where it comes from, how money is created, the fact that all these governments are actually corporations who are controlled by the banksters.... she is proclaiming openly that she is a disinformationist.

        Right now, there is a HUGE web is misinformation and disinformation being spread across the internet and around the world. The idea is to give enough truth to get your attention... then spawn very believable lies to muddy the waters and distract from the actual truth and facts of what is going on. With anyone like Hudes, it's more important to hear what she does NOT say, than to listen to what she IS saying. Take notice of the topics that she does NOT talk about, pay attention to the things that she tosses off as lies, but then hurries away to talk about something else entirely. This goes for anyone blowing the whistle from an official position.

        There is a LOT of truth coming out in the media right now- more than ever before, which is why I started Transpicuous News, to show the glaring transparency that is flooding out. All you need to do is pay attention to what is being said and not said.... it's all right there in black and white.

        As I said, while I don't agree with Crawford on a lot of things..... great article!!! Thank you!

        love D


David Crayford responds to D from RTS

Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Mar-2014 08:44:58

In Response To: D from RTS has comments for David Crayford (igots2no)

        David Crayford writes:

        I am pleased to see that someone other than the likes of Keenan, Hudes, Drake, Wilcock, Casper, and others, does not agree with many factors that I state. I welcome that as it leads to good open discussion and further understandings regarding a very complex subject.

        However, I would like to point out a couple of issues with Reader D’s comments.

        If I may just correct you on one issue. It is Crayford not Crawford, or in the case of Keenan who refers to me as Crayfish.

        The second issue is, quote “The ponzi scam "money" that financed the Ukraine's protests (and syria etc) was not from the Collateral Accounts though- the accounts are locked down and even the two people who were the ONLY two who had access to the accounts, are now locked out”.

        We are fully aware that the accounts have been locked down. That is an effort to stop all the fraud that has existed for decades. However, and as I certainly would expect, the crooks have found a way around all of this. This is where you have misunderstood what I have previously written.
        One way is that the Federal Reserve have been trading Petchilli Bonds, Mexican Bonds, etc for a considerable time, building up a ‘slush Fund’ in conjunction with other crooks mainly the CIA and NSA. When this was realised this trading was blocked, but now they have moved onto the Kennedy Bonds and trading through the various International Banks.
        That too is now blocked and being locked down. The aforesaid ‘slush fund’ has yet to be located but it has been split into numerous accounts in various parts of the world under pseudonym names, so it will take time to locate all of it. In the meantime they are using these funds for financing covert operations which does include the Ukrainian situation. I did briefly explain this in my previous article by stating the words ‘by the Federal Reserve within an illicit “Trading” program’.

        A second factor is that we are aware that a Signatory of an account, which is not the original signatory but a former NSA/CIA employee who was deliberately and purposely placed into the Signatory position of one of the Trusts, so that access for illicit activities could take place quite easily. That person gave the access and other codes to Prince Bandar (This happened before the ‘Lock down’ of the accounts) who accessed the Federal Reserve ‘Blue Screens’ and immediately removed $32 billion US Dollars. By following the money trail, this money, or a large part of it, was used to finance insurgency in Syria. Prince Bandar, or the Saudi Royal Family, will now have to pay this $32 billion back, whether they like it or not.

        That is all I need to say to Reader D, other than Thank You for your comments.


Reply to David Crayford from D of RTS

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Mar-2014 18:27:16

In Response To: David Crayford responds to D from RTS (igots2no)

        (Thanks, D. :)

        Reader D. of RemovingTheShackles replies:


        Hi David- Sorry about misspelling your name!

        As for the Collateral accounts. Actually the money didn't come from the accounts- because they are locked down.... BUT.... what the lovely money digger thieves did was to mirror the accounts, using them as.... "collateral", lol! When they discovered in late 2012 that even the signatories could not access the biometric security systems, they created a sort of ETF to Mirror the accounts, and claimed the funds that are locked down as collateral for the money they magically created through the ETF Mirror. Nice eh? I think that you'll find that the "slush fund" you are looking for is the mirrored ETF that, if I remember correctly, was run through UBS.

        Before the security system locked out the two signatories in 2012, they- the thieves- use to access the accounts by quasi kidnapping the two of them, having them open the accounts and then dropping them off back home while they money thieves ran off with the "dough".

        And yes it IS good to have these conversations and to pull all this info out into the publics awareness.... this is how people SEE the incredible fraud that has been going on.



As a side note, Heather and Bill and I did a lot of research into the ETFs a while ago.  Bill posted this into one of the skype rooms:

[3/26/2014 8:29:37 PM] 🌴  AK 🌴: ETF=EXCHANGE TRADED FUND...
[3/26/2014 8:35:43 PM] 🌴  AK 🌴: Exchange traded funds are mirror accounts by definition. For example an ETF of the SP500 mirrors the SP500 index. ETFs are created by firms like Goldman Sachs, and they buy the underlying stock and create a mirror in the ETF called a "CREATION UNIT" there is supposed to be a 1-to-1 correspondence in these but its not closely regulated, its just assumed something real backs the ETF.   Heather, D and I were researching these a few months back and we thought perhaps that was how they were now hiding the birth certificate bonds, in ETFs, it severs the accounting trail to the underlying security by laundering it thru the "creation unit"...
[3/26/2014 8:36:25 PM] 🌴  AK 🌴: I think its also a way in a pinch to nab the underlying asset while crashing the ETF funds...

I strongly suspect that THIS is how they managed to keep the broken system going for a little while longer- by mirroring funds and using the original's as collateral.  But now even that isn't working for them any more because you still have to have investors to buy into the ETFs and be able to convince them that these "investments" are a great way to make a profit.   Unfortunately for the PTW, the investors are no longer playing that game- they have been burned far too many times to just accept something at face value now.    The newest rage is  "SHOW ME  THE MONEY!!"

.... and when no one can show them the money..... well, it's starting to make all these "investors" just a weeeeee bit leery.  The MSM can talk the talk about "economic recovery" and all this crap to th egeneral public, but the financial circles and groups are smarter than your average bear, and they KNOW the real deal is dead.

Wednesday 26 March 2014


Please share The QEG Open  Source plans Everywhere- Post the blueprints EVERYWHERE!!!!!

The more places the plans are openly listed/posted, the more we insure that they remain in the public domain, and are untampered with!!!


small QEG-HopeGirl-logo
As Promised, here are the open sourced documents for a quantum energy generator. This has been made possible by the people and for the people. It is freely given to the world.
An average modern household requires 5-10KW of power  to operate.
A conventional generator needs   15KW to produce 10KW of power.
To produce these 15KW of power we rely on gas, diesel, propane, coal or other products that can be metered creating profits for the oil industry.
130 years ago Nikola Tesla invented and patented an energy generator. This is a resonance machine that only needs 1KW of input power to produce 10KW of output power.  His patents are now in the public domain.
The Fix the World Organization has reproduced Teslas design with a few modern twists to generate the same results.   Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself.
We have freely given this technology to the people of the world.  We’ve open sourced a full set of instructions, user manual, schematics and parts list for any engineer to follow and reproduce the same results.
How the QEG works:
First we use a starting power source, such as an outlet or a crank to power the 1 horsepower motor. This motor spins the rotor in the generator core. The unique oscillator circuitry configuration in the generator core causes resonance to occur. Once the core achieves this resonance it can produce up to 10KW of power, which can then be run through an inverter to power the motor that spins the rotor. You can then unplug the motor from the original power source and the generator will power itself.
Cottage Industry Community Units specifically for the production of QEG’s are NOW developing in communities in 30+ countries.  The People are making their own free energy devices.
The QEG belongs to humanity now. Many will make further improvements and we will all co-develop this practical bridge technology together.
The QEG: For the People and By the People
Fix the World is currently traveling to Taiwan, London and Morocco for the month of April to help communities build QEG’s. Everything we have accomplished has been made possible by the donations of people like you. If you would like to help keep us going, every little bit helps! Please consider giving back and making a donation of any amount to the Fix the World Organization. By Clicking here:

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Alphabet Soup: SI, OPPT, RV, PPP, GCR..... without prejudice

After last night's post "What if: The Tattered Ball of Twine", I put the computer away for the night and had a (relatively) early night.  I awoke this morning to several people sending me the latest Zap and the latest SwissIndo video.

On the topic of the SwissIndo video that was 2 hours long (and I fully and transparently admit that I did NOT listen to the whole thing), at the 1:13 mark, the speaker discusses SwissIndo and OPPT, and once again I feel the need to clarify facts and to point out mis/disinformation.  The speaker that  describes the purported link between the SI and OPPT- from his perspective, and I suspect the perspective of SI leaders- is unfortunately misinformed and seems to misunderstand the OPPT filings, what exactly was the One People's Public Trust, the basic content of the filings, the true understanding of the "Value" that is returned to the people of the planet, where the "Value" was "deposited", what the reconciliation of the One People's Public Trust is and why it was done, and the basic laws behind rebutting a UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filing.

I will give just a brief review of a few of the points above.

The content of the OPPT UCC filings (which can be read in the original pdf format at the top of this page) has been fully and in complete transparency discussed in a multitude of articles, interviews and on many many radio shows over the past year.  I am not going to go over all of the details as the details are available to the public on many sites and recordings.

The "VALUE" of the people is Not money.  The Value of the people IS Energy, and IS the basis of the slavery system that has been used as a "financial system" for eons. The Slavery system equated that true VALUE/ENERGY into their financial tool called "money".

The "One People's Public Trust"  is NOT a "trust fund".  At no point was the "Value" of the people ever put into an OPPT trust "fund" or "account".   The "VALUE" of the people was deposited back TO the people by the OPPT filings and was never held BY the OPPT trustees.

The OPPT UCC filings eliminated all hierarchy, and closed down and foreclosed on the  "slavery system".  Anyone who is using these filings to work with organizations, corporations or perceived "governments" that were foreclosed BY the filings, is re-animating and resurrecting the former slavery financial system, by recognizing them as still being operational and as being valid.  NO organization, group, corporation, or person has Any control over the disbursement, allocation, or amount of the perceived "value" of any Being - be it in monetary or energetic form- nor any ability to take a Being's Value or assign a monetary amount to or from any individual person, Unless each person signs over their Value contractually and gives full consent to that organization.

The OPPT was never "bankrupt" and was never a "fund" that could be bankrupted.  The OPPT was reconciled once it had done it's job and finished what it was set out to do, as are ALL "Trusts" once they have served their purpose.

I hope this clarifies this information once and for all.

Now, onto this weeks "Zap/Poof" report.  I though it very interesting that both Zap and SI were brought to my attention this morning.  ZAPs full report can be read here on Rumor Mill News:

I am not going to copy the full content of his report here, but will address a few things that he says.


 I find it rather interesting that Zap is suddenly commenting on SI, especially in relation to my comments above and a few of his comments below:

Can we move some funds to another banking institution, i.e. a non-federal credit union leaving some funds in the access bank? Do we need to diversify and spread the funds into different baskets?


Yes, it will not matter where you keep it BECAUSE all of the Banks- largest to smallest- and credit unions and any other financial/banking corporation or institution are ALL controlled by the BIS and the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel.  I have discussed this thoroughly many times.  It doesn't matter if your accounts are in Switzerland or Swaziland, America or Armenia. If the BIS, the IMF and all the Central Banks in the world (with the exception of Iran, North Korea and Cuba (although the later is now highly doubtful as they are being wined and dined by the European Union and European Central Bank)) are still being treated as the controllers of the Money, then the former systems of slavery are still in place and still under the control of the same Banker Kingpins. ie: NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Pay very close attention to the next question and answer Zap gives:

Under Basel III will we be required in the US to give SS# to open our accounts?


Did I highlight the operative word of that sentence enough? 

The one thing that has been said over and over and over, by all the supposed RV "Gurus", by all these purported insiders with info about the GCR (Global Currency Revaluation) and the perceived "New" financial system is that you will be forced to sign a Non-Disclosure Contract, and that if you exchange your currencies in a bank with ANY group and/or any special rate, and that if you get a prosperity package.... you will HAVE to SIGN a CONTRACT with that bank.

.... hmmmmmm, a contract eh?  Now why does that sound familiar?......

Oh right:  "
NO organization, group, corporation, or person has Any control over the disbursement, allocation, or amount of the perceived "value" of any Being - be it in monetary or energetic form- nor any ability to take a Being's Value or assign a monetary amount to or from any individual person, Unless each person signs over their Value contractually and gives full consent to that organization."

How do they plan on getting around the whole issue of using Your ASSETS (ie: YOU) to back their "new" Asset Backed Financial System?  By convincing you to sign over your "value" to them.


And there you have it everyone- exactly what I have been saying for a year:  The Federal Reserve (ie: the banking mafia) are still around, and still in the "Distribution" business of "money".  The UST is just another corporation being controlled by the banksters- along with the BIS and IMF which are also under their control.

( BTW: I have had ab
solutely NO hard confirmation that the "RV" has happened.)


China is even more bankrupt that the US is.  They are dead broke, just like every other corporation disguised as a government.  They supposedly have bough 80B in gold this year...... but then they also seem to have a gold smuggling problem with it going through Nepal into India!  China is so desperate that they even convinced Mexican Drug lords to smuggle shipments of illegal iron ore (with gold hidden inside) instead of cocaine!!  They bought JPMorgan Chase's Gold vault, but then suddenly all the gold is supposedly gone.... to....?

As I have said, The entire financial system has completely collapsed- all that you are seeing right now is the chaotic running of a headless chicken.  The reason that they haven't "pressed the RV button" is because no matter how many times they punch it, nothing happens.  They've tried everything and so far nothing is working for them.  Why?  Because there is no "Value" left in the system, and without that "Value", they having been unable to continue their Money based monopoly game.  

.... unless of course, they can convince you to give them YOUR value.

And that is the entire point of this artic


I was just sent this message on skype and I thought that it sort of tied in nicely with what we've just been talking about:

Hi D
Just found this at the top of John MacHaffie's blog. Then it quickly disappeared...

Hi John,

Please feel free to post this on the blog if you feel the need to.
First off I'm gonna say this. I don't mean to put a damper on anything or be the bearer of bad news, but this is just my perspective, based on what I see happening, my research and what resonates with me.

Now. How many times have we all heard over the past year or so that the RV is happening "tomorrow" or "Tuesday" or "it will only happen between Tuesday and Thursday" or "next week" or "it's all done" funds are being distributed".

I don't mean to beat up on any gurus but let's face it, they've all been wrong so far. Especially the ones telling us that the RV is tomorrow,Tuesday or Friday etc.

We even have "Sananda" and "God" himself telling us that the RV is done. Really? Then where the hell is it then? Nobody wants to hear bad news and it's kinda encouraging for some of us to hear exactly what we want to hear from some entity through a "Channel". In my humble opinion some of these entities can't know much more than we do about the RV/GCR because even THEY can't get it right. If that's true then why the hell do we listen to them? Because we all want the RV like yesterday.

Now that we got the BS out of the way let's focus on the real stuff and what we can do.

Reality check: The Dark Cabal are still in power, albeit with reduced venom.

What's the use of an RV with the Cabal still in power? Think about it. We all want to exchange our Dinar/Dong/ Zimbabwe Dollar etc. Let's get one thing straight people. An RV/GCR with the Cabal in control of the current global banking system would be suicide for all of us.

We've been seriously screwed globally by the cabal and if an RV happened today most of us would go out on a wild spending spree. How many people would go out and buy a new million dollar mansion? Or pay off their mortgage? Or go and buy the Ferrari Enzo? Well, ask yourself. Where is the money going? If you haven't figured it out yet, it's going straight back to The Cabal!

Ask yourself, do you really want an RV with The Cabal still in power? Huh?
My point here is this. The Cabal have to be totally removed before a proper RV can happen. Period.

I don't care what anyone says or whether you believe in God, Source, Prime Creator, Jesus or not but the "RV" is NOT JUST ABOUT THE MONEY FOLKS!
There is a deeply spiritual aspect to this RV" as it's called.

This is why I believe the RV hasn't happened and will not happen before certain things take place. Those things are two in number and are connected.

1. The Cabal have to be removed...BY US! How the hell do we do that I hear you ask? Which leads to action number

We are the ones we've been waiting for, and until humanity stands up and demand our freedom, their ain't gonna be no RV.

Sure, we'll get all the help we need from different groups, whether it be positive Military, Police, Interpol, ET's or whatever, but they ain't gonna do jack until we get out there en masse and demand our freedom from the thugs that have taken it from us.

To my knowledge there's only been two sources of info that have been consistently spot on about what I've addressed above, and that's COBRA of 2012 portal and D of Removing the Shackles.

The more this carries on the more I see that they're both right.

On May16th,17th 2014 and possibly beyond there is gonna be a major standing up event called Operation American Spring. I strongly believe that this will be the event that will trigger THE EVENT. Please visit for more details.

We need as many people as possible in DC for this event. Even if you can't get to Washington DC, please do everything you can to spread the word.

First we take back America then the World.

Please spread the word about this event far and wide. This is not meant to be a one or two day event then everybody goes home. The plan is to STAND OUR GROUND until demands are met.

Maybe I'm wrong about the above but it's what resonates with me. I'll say this again, and that's that there is a deeply spiritual aspect to the RV. If it ain't happening, then maybe God's trying to tell us something and we ain't listening.

I want the RV just as bad as anyone else so let's all do something to make it happen. Let's make Operation American Spring a massive event to send a clear message to the Dark Cabal that WE'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THEIR BS!

Spread the word far and wide.

God Bless America, God Bless Planet Earth (GAIA)
[9:36:08 PM] XXX: I have no idea who wrote it and why it disappeared, but there is some truth to it.

[9:46:30 PM] D.Breakingthesilence: lol- a lot.    I mean, there is lots of missing pieces , but yes, it's very true

[9:47:39 PM] XXX: I wonder if it is someone trying to incite people to join the march on DC to begin some conflict?

[9:48:39 PM] D.Breakingthesilence: could be.  but then could also be someone just trying to get people off their asses and to take charge of themselves and stop waiting around for someone to save them

[9:49:26 PM] XXX: Which ain't a bad thing either!! LOL

[9:50:00 PM] D.Breakingthesilence: exactly

Please my friends, BE smart.  Play safe.  And remember.....

Without Prejudice


Sunday 23 March 2014

What If: The Tattered Ball of Twine

I originally released this article in February 2013.  A wonderful friend brought it to my attention a few days ago and after re-reading it a year later, I felt the need to repost it.  Today this article has far more meaning as a year later our own understanding of "what's happening" has been greatly expanded.

All over the world there are so many frustrated and angry people and groups.  They've been waiting for "something",  been promised "something", and yet those "somethings" haven't happened.

Whether they are groups of "Dinarians" waiting for the ever elusive "RV", or "Nesarians" waiting for the announcement of NESARA, or American Patriots waiting for the return of their  "Republic", or those waiting for "First Contact" or for announcements from world governments that they have been in contact with beings from other planets.  Whether they are groups waiting for "ascension", or "enlightenment", or groups waiting to be rescued by the "galactics" or "ascended masters".  Even those groups waiting for the "New World Order" and "martial law" and for "world destruction"......

.... they have all been left waiting.  

Nick and I had a conversation two nights ago on this topic and I will share my thoughts on it as I think they might help some of these groups join the dots and bring perhaps a bit of understanding to the interconnectedness of all of these topics.

"INTERCONNECTED"  - This is a vitally important aspect to understand in looking at all of the above situations and frustrations.  They are ALL interconnected and directly linked.

The main reason that not one of these things has been announced or openly discussed is because to admit to even one small aspect, is to open Pandora's Box and have ALL of "their" dirty laundry dumped out.  Because it is all linked together.

The situation in the world of "governments" and "finance" and even "science" globally is basically one huge FUBAR mess.   "They" know it.  "They" know that there is nothing they can do about it.  But that doesn't stop them from desperately trying anything possible to continue the charade.   "They" are hoping for a miracle.....  so far they've gotten a big fat zero.

THIS is why they have not moved forward with ANY of the announcements or any of the "changes":  because none of their planned "changes" were actually changes at all. They know that to announce even one thing in the above list, the entire house of cards- the whole charade- comes tumbling down to the ground in a pile of smoke and rubble.  This is because every aspect of all of these topics are linked together.  If they announce first contact, they have to announce the fact that they have HAD contact for over 60 years.  If they announce the perceived "New" Financial System, they have to fully admit the fraud of the old system AND explain the truth of what Value actually IS and where it comes from.   If they announce BASAL III, they have to announce transparently WHAT the physical "commodity" IS that they are using to back their "New" financial system.  If they announce the truth of GMOs, Chemtrails, Vaccines, Fluoride, and a hundred other sickening truths behind their corporate agendas, then they have to fully reveal ALL of these things in transparency and make full reparations for the damage they have done.  If they announce the fact that their "science" is completely full of holes and glaring lies, then they have to transparently explain WHY they have lied to humanity for so long.  If they announce that the truth about zero point energy, healing technologies and a multitude of inventions that they have buried for the past century, then they have to admit WHY they were hidden away.  If they admit to the fraud of one religion they must open the question of the validity of ALL organized religions, AND the reasons for using these controlling religions to hide the truth of consciousness from humanity and to keep them separated and enslaved.

Each and everyone of these things is also linked to the next one in line, forming and endless spiral of deceit and lies, showing just how desperate they have been to hide EVERYTHING from the people of this planet. 

It isn't that "they" are stubbornly refusing to move forward.  At this point they are DESPERATE to move forward!!!   It is that they cannot figure out HOW to move forward with their charade of change without the entire ruse becoming glaringly SEEN.  Every plan they have devised to try to keep the game going and to keep them in control has completely failed.  Every desperate attempt they have made to try to "fix" it, or to mask it, or to bluff their way through it.... has failed.  They KNOW that they cannot keep it all hidden anymore.... and they are terrified.

"THEY" are ALL terrified.  Not just the Cabal, but their controllers as well.   As I said: each and every aspect of these things, that they are trying so desperately to hide, are all tied together in one HUGE ball of mess- every piece is knotted to all the other pieces, and if they allow even one frayed string in the gnarled, convoluted and twisted ball of twine to be pulled loose, then ALL the tangles that have been snarled and braided together instantly fall apart, becoming completely transparent for everyone to see.

And once it is all made clear..... then all they are left with is tattered pieces of string in a pile on at their feet.

What If.....

What If......

There was a new financial system
...... that left the same banks in charge of your money?

What if

There was total debt forgiveness- both national and personal
...... but you still had to pay rent, buy food & gas & necessities and to pay bills?

What if

There were Prosperity Packages for those who signed up for them
..... but only for those that knew about it in advance?

What if

There was a new government
..... but it was made up of the same ol' politicians?

What if

There was free health care
..... by the same doctors we have now pushing the same drugs that already exist?

What if

There was new Laws
..... enforced by the same thugs/authorities we have now?

What if

There was a global revaluation of currencies
..... but you don't own any foreign currencies?

What if

You were told that  it's a whole new system
.....but the same CEOs were still making millions
.......but the same mega corporations we're still making vaccines, GMOs, fast food, toxic chemicals
..........but the oil wells were still pumping and the gas companies fracking, chemtrails still cris-crossing the sky?

What if

You had no say in the new financial system?
...or the new money?
......or the new government set up?
.........or the new laws?

What if

Countries were still controlled by religion and their laws controlled by a few zealots in fancy robes with fancy titles?

What if

Those checks they sent you, paying you back all the illegal income taxes you've had stolen from you for your entire life is a payoff to keep you fat and indolent,  happily counting your shiny pennies for a few years?

What if 

Their new era of prosperity and freedom still included passports to travel in and out of your country, drivers licences and insurance to own a vehicle, government registration of who you are, and continued to force you to prove that you are not a criminal?

What if

Everything they told you was new and wonderful, was actually the same old thing with a fresh coat of paint?

NOW.........  Think about this:

What if

There were no countries and no borders ?
There were no politicians and no royalty?
There were no lobbiests and no lawyers?
There were no religions, no sects, no cults?
There were no businesses harming our planet and ourselves? 
There were no wizards hiding behind the curtain controlling your life?

What if the universe had suddenly changed, releasing your mind from the confines of it's prison and allowing you to know WHO you are?

What if the YOU that they convinced you was you, was really a construct of their system and not the real YOU at all?

What if you looked inside and remembered WHO you are and the TRUTH of who you BE and what it means to DO?

What if THIS is what they are desperately trying to hide from you?