I want to say a HUGE Heartfelt "THANK YOU" to all the amazing and wonderful people who heard the incredible call out from AK on American Kabuki and KP on Kauilapele (my awesome brothers in spirit) on behalf of myself and my family. Your incredible donations have made a ginormous difference to my family, and by the end of this week, I will have a new computer..... hopefully one that is kid and cat proof, lol!
But besides the donations in $, it was the energetic exchange that I received from so many people that moved me to tears several times in the past 48 hours. Your spirals of energy and love were received and I return them to you all 10 fold.
Thank you my friends..... you have no idea how much you helped, in so many ways.
With Huge spirals of Light and so much Love
Sunday 31 March 2013
What is Value?
to all:
In Absolute Love, Gratitude and Peace:
What IS value?
Where IS that value located?
Who has control of THAT value?
If you spend the energy to answer those three questions you will have the Absolute Truth of where you consciously BE at this moment of NOW. If you know where you consciously BE at this moment of NOW, you can consciously choose what you DO.
With Absolute Love, Gratitude and Peace
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
eternal essence embodied and DO'ing
From "G"
Heather, please do me a favor and spread this far and wide, if you like it.
"Eternal Essence Prayer"
My eternal essence, which is ever-present in ME,
hallowed be your space.
My kingdom come,
my will be done, on earth as it already is in heaven.
Allow me this day to create my daily bliss.
Allow forgiveness of my trespasses, as this is only contrast
that I purpose to help me choose the fastest path to my joy.
Allow me the power not to push against or even notice those who trespass on ME.
Lead me through all temptations that separate me from my
whole complete ascended power of being ness .
Relieve me from the false premises of evil for mine is
the power and the glory eternally.
This will raise awareness the more people read it out loud.
edited 03/31/13 at 11:00am to add:
AK added these two scriptures to the bottom of the post he made with this info- they are perfectly in line with what we have been talking about for the last few months:
No more will they say, ‘Look, it is here!’ or ‘Look, it is there!’ [externally]....
For behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.” [internally]
Luke 17:21
No longer will people preach,
“You must know the Eternal.”
For all of them will know Me ...
intimately [within] themselves
—from the least to the greatest of society.
Jeremiah 31:34
NESARA & the "RV": The Grandest Contrast of All!
I'm posting this article below about the "Batman Call" because this guy gives probably one of the most succinct run downs of "How the New Financial System and major political changes" are suppose to roll out. We're going to use this as a basis to look at the Grand Contrast that is about to play out in front of our eyes.
And oh what a grand contrast it is going to be!!!!
Take a moment and jump down and read the Batman article I've posted below.....
.... Done? Good. Now let's talk about the reality of the situation.
Anyone who has been following the NESARA news, RV news, New Financial System news, White knights/dragons/hats news, lightworker news, well, you are all well aware of the expectations of what is going to happen. Many of you have been reading and researching these topics for years and years- even decades. Some of you are very new to all of this, but have packed in a whole lot of knowledge in a short amount of time. Long timer or short timer doesn't matter, what matters is what you KNOW.
What you are about to see play out in front of you will be one of the grandest contrasts ever seen and you are all keenly capable of analyzing every aspect of this event(s) and SEEing every facet of the contrast with extreme clarity.
When "they" bring the new financial system online, make the "RV" live, and start "the announcements", lets get together and ask the big questions:
If there is a new financial system, one that works in complete fairness and equality, in complete transparency.....
...... Are the same banks going to be in charge of your money- the banks that destroyed the global economy? Banks owned by the same corrupt people? Are the same ol' banks exchanging your Dinar and Dong and making money off that exchange? Are the Banks then going to try to convince you to invest with them? To buy their insurance products and investment products?
If there are Prosperity Packages for those who signed up for them....
..... but only for those that knew about it in advance or who happened to know someone who is involved in the distribution of funds from the various Trust Funds, how is that "Fair and equitable" to all the people on this planet? If one person gets a PP worth 10 million, and another person gets a cheque back for all the taxes they've paid..... is that equitable? If one person is given a massive amount of money through the St. Germaine Trust fund and another person gets maybe $2000 bucks back from illegally stolen income taxes because he's just 19 years old and hasn't been able to hold down a full time job for longer than a few months because of high unemployment in his area..... is that "EQUAL"?
If there is a new "interim" Government...
..... yet it is made up of the same ol' politicians that have been lying and stealing and cheating for years and years, how is this a change for the better?
If there are new Laws...
..... what if they are enforced by the same thugs/authorities we have now?
What if
You had no say in the new financial system?
...or the new money?
......or the new government set up?
.........or the new laws?
What if
You were told that it's a whole new system
.....but the same CEOs were still making millions
.......but the same mega corporations we're still making vaccines, GMOs, fast food, toxic chemicals
..........but the oil wells were still pumping and the gas companies fracking, chemtrails still cris-crossing the sky?
What if you KNOW that NESARA must be fully announced and enacted, and all the information and history of what has happened over the past 100 years or so and all the lies that have been told and all the corruption that has stolen our health, wealth, value and vitality is to be exposed...... and yet all you get from the Main Stream Media announcements is a watered down pile of half truths that don't really explain anything. What if NESARA isn't announced? What if there is no announcement that explains the 13th Amendment? What if they white wash the corruption of Wall Street and Congress with more half truths and demi-lies. What if they don't announce the arrests that took place on Wall street last week? (and no, 4600 people were NOT arrested last week, but there was a LOT of arrests none the less)....
YOU are smart and well educated on all of these topics. YOU KNOW what should happen.
Watch, Listen, Discern.
As all of the "New" systems roll out you will have a huge opportunity to really see all the contrast in front of you. Not just you who KNOW, but even those people who have no knowledge or understanding of the slavery system they have been a part of, even they will see the Glaring Lies and Missing Information very clearly for what it is.
To quote the article I wrote a while back "What If?"
What if
Everything they told you was new and wonderful, was actually the same old thing with a fresh coat of paint?
NOW......... Think about this:
What if
There were no countries and no borders ?
There were no politicians and no royalty?
There were no lobbiests and no lawyers?
There were no religions, no sects, no cults?
There were no businesses harming our planet and ourselves?
There were no wizards hiding behind the curtain controlling your life?
What if the universe had suddenly changed, releasing your mind from the confines of it's prison and allowing you to know WHO you are?
What if the YOU that they convinced you was you, was really a construct of their system and not the real YOU at all?
What if you looked inside and remembered WHO you are and the TRUTH of who you BE and what it means to DO?
What if THIS is what they are desperately trying to hide from you?
"What if THIS is what they are desperately trying to hide from you?" .... EXACTLY!
Watch this so called "New Financial System" roll out and you will very clearly see who the wizards are behind the curtain and you will very clearly see that the new "saviours" are just the same old Cabal wearing a different mask. You will see very very Clearly WHO is trying to make you a slave again.
You are Free.
They are about to learn that NO ONE can take away YOUR freedom, regardless of all the schemes and bullshit they are trying to pull. All their actions and words are nothing more that a wonderful magnifying glass for us to look through so we can see their petty "king of the castle" games for what they really are.
So when it all rolls out..... thank them for holding the contrast. Thank them for their service- for showing you exactly what Freedom & Equality does NOT look like.
2189364143 PIN 973126
Batman Call Notes
Speaker: East Coast
Highlights of what will take place when the ANNOUNCEMENTS COME…..
No more trustees, therefore no more trusts linked to corporations.
No more bankers cuz there will be no more credit, only cash basis.
Land patents (like the 1900’s) will return, WHERE YOU ACTUALLY OWN YOR PROPERTY. Now we are cattle and our properties are owned by Queen of England and Vatican.
Corporation and Trustees are going to disappear completely.
This is not only a US event it is a 190 plus country global reset.
All countries we are at war with, such as IRAN, N. KOREA, SYRIA, VENEZUELA..ETC don’t have a central bank …Bingo! Thus why they are being targeted and bullied so that they can become part of the system. All wars will seize.
Debt forgiveness – All debts will be forgiven, even people that have paid off debts will also see some return in the form of prosperity packages and they will now have piece of mind that what they own is really theirs. This is what is happening, they are essentially returning the stolen wealth back to the people. There are however different prosperity package programs and the ones that people signed for at least 20 years ago will be given priority but all will have some prosperity funds coming. All will be announced.
Re-indexing as well will take place– For example a home that costs $200K will cost $20K when this takes place. * this is not to be taken literally as reindexing, ie: removing the hyper inflation that has happened over the last 4 years, will not be as "simple" as removing a few zeros- there is a mathmatical formulation for this to happen* So essentially you will be able to buy a house or property, or anything you need and then some.
All Stocks will be gone-dissolved
(People will not loose existing ones though, everything has been recorded. May take a while but they will not loose their value)
No more corporations allowed in the US when this happens because they are all illegal. For example Sole proprietorships will be legal. *I do not believe this is a cross the board change to ALL corporations, it is my understanding that this was to deal with the mega corporations that have monopolies in certain sectors of industry*
INSURANCES – CAR TAGS etc– Was not sure on how they will handle that. However he was sure of Certificate of Title and registration but don’t know until the announcements come, all will be explained. HE SAYS INSURANCES ARE MOSTLY PONZI SCHEMES ANYHOW AND FOR SURE WILL NOT BE LEGAL
What about the people that don’t understand. …. People will just have to understand and it’s their responsibility to change. If they want to stay in the same paradigm they have been living in, it’s not your responsibility to change them, some will be happy and some will not. It just needs to happen, It is now the only way to take it back to prime, whether they like it or not. And it isn’t one’s responsibility to convince them.
*Note his use of the term "Taking it back to Prime"- the US Constitution is NOT Prime.... Just sayin'*
*Note his use of the term "Taking it back to Prime"- the US Constitution is NOT Prime.... Just sayin'*
3-hour announcement is prepared and nothing…not even the RV will come until the announcements are made.
People that lost land by crooked bankers will be able to retrieve their land. Everything the bank has been doing is illegal. Instructions will be given on how file claims.
(rough draft but the gist of it, I’m sure we will find out, I found a link on this some background - http://www.uhuh.com/constitution/am13-pen.htm)…David Dodge and Tom Dunn – research in Belfast library that were going through some old artifacts and accidentally ran into the original copy 13th amendment in from 1810. They stoled it. It was taken before the supreme court in VA in 2000. Every single lawyer understands that they are all citizens of England not the US. Some will be retrained under the constitution that were not aware, and others will be deported back to England.
Last and best question of all posed to him was regarding Obama and how he could be a good guy when all evidence points to the opposite.
To answer this, he made reference as an example to what one would need if one was going fishing, …. Tackle, bait, fishing pole, and a good hole to fish in….he states that Obama is nothing but the fishing pole simply that and nothing more. He was groomed or put in the position for a reason and he has done exactly what he was told to do. If he was really in for establishing or helping set up a in a new world order he would have achieved that a long time ago. There is something about him that he will tell us when he makes his announcement that will shock the world. He will tell us where he really came from and why he was put in this place. When he was sworn in he mentioned John F. Kennedy at the podium during his speech and was referring to the original republic and many did not catch that. He is definitely done what he was suppose to do. He is the fishing pole and many have been arrested since then.
(Somewhere East Coast mentions that the changes really started in 2011 and most of the people that we see such as newscasters or prominent figures we are constantly questioning are really just clones. He assures us the good guys which he calls the A-Team are and have really been in full control and know exactly what they are doing. As a finally Batman recommends everybody see the youtube video “Change is on the Horizon” for the full history on what has been going on and what is about to take place)
Just some notes I took during the Batman call which by the way according to Batman …this particular call will not be recorded.
Collective Imagination March 26- Transcription
The Collective Imagination
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Welcome everyone to this week's Collective Imagination program. It's an amazing
morning here in New South Wales Australia. It's sunny. It’s warm. It's been another
one of those mornings when you wake up and find out the world has changed yet
again. It's been really, really busy trying to catch up on everything that took
place while I slept. I know that Chris feels the same. How are you Chris?
Feeling the same. It's a sunny day and the world changed while I slept. Yes,
we've been rolling along trying to catch up with what happened while we were
sleeping. It's absolutely fascinating.
Isn't it just? We've actually got quite a crew here today to try to help us all
come up to speed on what's been going on. We've got Brian as usual, Brian
Well hello there Lisa. I actually really enjoyed the new introduction by the
way. I thought it was fabulous. (laughs) Glad to be here as usual.
That's good to have you as usual. We've got D too.
Hi. Are you guys awake now? (laughs)
Yeah. I've got enough amount of coffee. I'm good to go.
I can share some of the coffee I've had. I'm sure I could send you that coffee
vibe directly to you.
If I hadn't run out of milk, I'd still be having coffee. And we've got Bob from
Hello Lisa. My brain is out of breath.
Your brain is out of breath? (laughs)
Yes, my brain's out of breath. It's panting, (Bob making panting noises) just
trying to catch my mental breath here going over all of this stuff. Lots of
things are going on. It's crazy crazy. Glad to be here.
Cool. Good to have you. And we've got Heather from Morocco with hopefully good
Hi everyone.
Hey Heather, that was loud and clear, so good I hope it stays that way. And
we've got American Kabuki.
(Bill): Hi from San Diego.
That's quite a team that we've pulled together today, so that's great. Couple
of things that we've got to get our heads around this morning. One is a post
you'll find on Removing the Shackles as well as American Kabuki in regards to a
patent by Visa International. I'm going to read to you D's (laughs) ... no
actually D, you read it. You read your intro instead of me covering your voice.
Okay, well first of all, you have to warn me of these things because now I have
to pull it up. Oh, there it is. So I wrote "Attempted patent of human
embodiment by Bank of America and Visa international. This is just the rough
information for you all. We felt the need to get it out immediately. We'll go
back after the show tonight to pretty it up and fill in some blanks. This is
why the powers-that-were are freaking out!!! The OPPT stomped on their attempts
to patent humans as tech. A huge thank you to AK and Brian for pulling this all
together from Heather's Skype notes, which I quickly emailed to them because I
was making lasagna.” And it was damn good lasagna too, I just wanted to say
Lasagna is my favorite.
I'll save you a piece.
Okay, thank you.
"Side note: Within 10 minutes of Heather posting all this info to us on
Skype, her internet went down and has been bouncing on and off every few
minutes since then. Sorry dudes who are listening in for the powers-that-were,
you're all TOO FREAKIN’ LATE!!! Your bosses are already foreclosed on and
you're about to be jobless. And we already have this information out into the
public eye. Nice try though. Buhhahahahahhahahahh!!!!!!! I love it when an evil
plan comes together.”
Was that the most diabolical Buhhahaha you could do?
Oh darlin', it was SO diabolical when I was typing it in.
(laughs) So for those of you who haven't seen this yet, what essentially
happened was...or Heather do you want to tell it from your perspective? That
you were contacted by somebody questioning if the UV was in alignment or
connected with this patent from Visa?
(laughs) I just love how you pronounce that, that's all.
What's that? Which one?
Pay-tent, it’s patent. (laughs) You know, potato, po-tah-to. ( general
laughter) Yeah, essentially they just connected a dot with something we knew we
were pulling down or pulling from within out exactly what needed to be put in
to the systems. However, they actually brought one of the dots visible of
something that hasn't stopped. The particular language that we used all the way
through, from OPPT to the I at this moment, uses all the language that
basically (garbled). And not just the US patent. I haven't gone in to research
it, but it looks like there's also international patents for the same stuff.
What's very interesting is people don't realize that they are human tech. All
these patents, which is an entry point for Stevenco(?), all of these patents
and their biotech relies on human tech, which they've traditionally gotten for
free, because people don't know that it's technology and that it’s required for
these biotechs to actually work.
the Absolute Data comes out, you'll find that with these retinal scanners your
eyes are actually retinal scanners. That's why when you're face-to-face with
someone and you're looking them in the eye, you can see and get so much data
that you aren't conscious about. Its very interesting. So I really thank G. for
sending it over. It’s an application, so the patents haven't been approved yet
as far as a patent number and all of that that I can see from the raw data. So
just do some digging. Discuss and really start thinking about the human tech
that you are. That you are the only holder of and due course of and owner of
and how much these guys are making off of their biotech that uses your human
tech for free. Because traditionally we don't know it’s worth something. So
just food for thought.
So just in terms of the timing of all this, did they put their application for
their patent in prior to July last year when the first filings were done?
Yes, January 1st I believe was the actual application and then they did an
assignment over to Bank of America and then I'm not sure where it went
internationally. I haven't had time to review and thoroughly investigate all of
the data, but I am familiar enough with patents to recognize the dots of what
actually was tumbled by all the filings starting July of last year, the
registry of the BE'ings and now the value from the BE'ings.
So, it essentially put a stop to any attempt by them to patent the human body?
Actually what they're doing is, it’s like trying to go in and (garbled). Hence
you have all that big Pharma and all the pharmaceuticals instead of natural
products. They always want you to use synthetics, because it's something they
can patent and make a lot of money off of. In this particular case, you
essentially have human tech that's coupled or under the guise of biotech. So
they can go ahead and patent the biotech, but you still need the human tech in
order to work it. So really it's sort of a ‘it's in the disguise of’ maneuver.
So Bill, I know that you've been frantically trying to bring yourself up to
speed with this over the last couple of hours looking at different documents.
What have you made of it all?
(Bill): Well, basically it looks like they're using the human body as...now if
you think of system as consisting of several parts, they're defining human body
as part of the system of a financial interchange. It calls it "near field
communication", but if you look
that up in (inaudible) and what they're really talking about is RFID chips. So
that would be an implanted RFID chip or one in a credit card, but it's all
human centered. So it appears to be in the human. Some of it is also cell phone
So if their device that they own and have a patent over is within your body,
then they therefore own your body by extension?
(Bill): That seems to be the implication. Heather can speak to that better than
I can. It definitely speaks specifically of embodiments.
So the same language? No wonder they're freaked out.
Interesting choice of words.
Yeah. But like we said earlier, even a retinal scan can't work without the
retina. It's got nothing to scan and it’s your retina they’re wanting to scan.
(Bill): Well, they also want to data mine Facebook. They're talking about
wanting to pull up images...take your image from a camera say at an ATM or from
a cell phone and then compare it to images they pulled off your social media
site to see if it's you or not. So they're going to data mine social media sites
as part of it too.
Oh yes, but Facebook isn't owned by the government or being run by the CIA. No,
no; it NEVER happen.
Well, what am I supposed to do? I got kicked off Facebook.
Yeah, 'cuz you're not a real person.
I guess I’m screwed.
Bring back Myspace.
Well and that leads into what Caleb is working on right now. That will roll out
under I as well. He is doing basically the alternative of Facebook and actually
much more...Skype and Swiss(?) and Euroclear(?) can all be wrapped in one. That
is gifted out there. He's not attached to what he produces. He wants it to be a
quantum jump, where he puts it out, people use it, but it's not harvesting
anything. It actually is a place that's exponentially and perpetually launches
creativity. He hopes that once it's out there almost immediately, in his
example, is that some 14-year-old comes along and says 'Caleb that is awesome,
but I can do better." And they put out something that is even better and
then it keeps escalating from there. But this is for, this is by an embodiment
of eternal essence, so it's for the benefit and abundance of all the
embodiments of eternal essence. That is really what is behind the concept and
the actual application of I.
There just seems to be a little bit of confusion in the chat room about what
we're talking about. So I'm just going to try and recap based on my
understanding, is that the recent announcements of the I and the UV Exchange
brought out this data about what Visa International have been in the background
trying to implement and which is a patent on biotech which includes our bodies.
That's essentially what’s happened.
Yeah, you have a lot of data coming out...Absolute Data. I was a conscious
space similar to what OPPT was a conscious space where everyone could know
BE'ing and the value of BE'ings. Whereas I is the conscious space that energy
can be focused into and actually experiencing BE’ing eternal essence embodied,
so absent borders, exceptions and prejudice or any limits.
And they essentially cannot go through with this because of the original OPPT
filing securing all the BE'ings?
Well, here's the beauty of it. It just shining, this moment now is the shining
of Absolute Light, Absolute Truth, on that originally wasn't visible or known,
okay? So it's basically when someone goes to do anything and they're told they
have to do a retinal scan or use any kind of biotech whatsoever, a person can
make a very informed decision on 'Hey, if you want to use your biotech, you're
going to have to compensate me using my human tech'. Because they're making
billions if not trillions on biotech in the end that's using your human tech
for free. Because they withhold from you the data that your human tech is
valuable and that you own it.
now it's a matter of making choices. Are you going to stand up and are you
going to let them commandeer and take advantage of that and hold you
essentially a slave to that point? Or are you going to go in and make different
choices based on data that's out there? So this is all about BE'ing and DO'ing
and the experience of learning who you are and what you actually (inaudible).
Keep open to the data. Keep open to receiving data. It's all starting to flow
in now. This is just one piece that came last minute before the show There's
much, much more coming.
far as I and the space that it’s holding, yes it's magnetically drawing
Absolute Data, Absolute Knowledge and releases of all that is eternal essence
embodied throughout eternal essence's universe. So here we go. Let's have some
more fun with it.
Okay, sorry I'm being distracted by AK writing into the Skype chat room. You
wanna move on to this latest document? Or is there more to say about this,
(Bill): I'm sorry, I was muted out there. This latest document, there’s a lot
to it. I haven't gone through it all completely. As far as talking about the
Yeah, is there more to say about this patent at the moment? Or just to let
people know it's out there?
(Bill): It's out there. We're going through it. There is a lot to it. There is
a lot of ancillary patents that reference it. We just pulled them down just
before the show.
As many as Heather could until they caught on to what she was doing and kicked
her out.
(Bill): Then I got the rest of them.
(laughs) We tag-team so well on this team.
(laughs) So keep your eyes on Removing the Shackles and American Kabuki. They
will be updating that particular storyline as they put all the information
together. But I'm sure there is a hell of a lot more to come.
(Bill): Oh, I'm sure there is.
Yep. Okay, the latest I document. Wow! The responses to this have been pretty
extraordinary too. Again people it's only just been put up. You can find it on
Removing the Shackles and American Kabuki. I haven't even had a chance to put
it online yet, but you can find it there. So do we want to read through it with
only one page? And Bob, you tend to be our document reader, if you'd like to do
Well, let me pull it up first.
You can't even pull it up on the American Kabuki blog now, because Scribd is
supposedly down for maintenance.
Well, I’ve got up in front of me if you want to do it?
Well, if you want I can do it.
Yay! That would be nice.
Okay. Here we go. “eternal essence in absolute love, peace and gratitude of all
its embodiments: Universal Value (UV) Exchange*”
duly verified as reconfirmed and ratified, under the full responsibility and
liability of eternal essence embodied, I do issue the following official
Announcement and Invitation to all embodiments of eternal essence, that the UV
Exchange* is now officially open for DO'ing in unity to experience eternal
essence with Absolute Knowledge of embodiments equally.”
UV Exchange*, duly verified as reconfirmed and ratified, is a lawful
identifiable conscious space that is eternal essence BE'ing...eternal essence's
universal platform for any and all DO'ing with the intent to know and
experience eternal essence in a quantum exponential and perpetual flow in
unity. All that is BE'ing and DO'ing within this intent to know and experience
eternal essence is protected within this eternal essence UV Exchange* from any
and all former methods, platforms, systems, agencies, contracts and agreements
intent on restricting the knowing and experiencing of eternal essence.”
and Absolute Technologies are eternal essence and are for all embodiments of
eternal essence to know and experience consciously. That conscious knowledge
and experience renders any and all former slavery systems, and restrictive
financial tools of commandeer, currency, ownership and distribution irrelevant
in a twinkling of an eye, and creates a quantum exponential and perpetual
advancement of DO'ing and BE'ing eternal essence embodied. The release of these
Advanced and Absolute Technologies that are eternal essence for the knowledge
and experience by all embodiments of eternal essence within eternal essence's
of eternal essence DO use the UV Exchange* for Absolute Protection,
Insurance and Guarantee that the Advanced and Absolute Technologies are
transparent and can be relied upon to be disbursed to all for the sole purpose
and intent to know, experience and advance all embodiments of eternal essence
in eternal essence's universe absent exception, borders, dimensions,
expectations, subscriptions, judgment, prejudice, and limits. Eternal essence
duly declares and orders the release of all that is eternal essence for the
abundance of knowing and experience by all its embodiments NOW.”
equals, absent exception, borders, dimensions, expectations, subscriptions,
judgment, prejudice, and limits, duly confirmed as Protected, Insured and
Guaranteed by
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
Ann Tucci-Jarraf, eternal essence, embodied and DO'ing*
No. 2013032035, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full
Okay. Now we need to know what it means.
Heather, I have this strong urge to stand up and applaud for some reason.
Well, I was about to do that, actually. I felt like, (whistles). Yep.
Because everybody's going to understand this at a different level and take
something different from it, but I've got a couple of questions, just technical
questions straight off the bat. Down at the bottom, why is it only signed by
As opposed to Caleb and Randall as well?
This is an announcement and an invitation. The I* exchange was created by all
three of us, as that conscious space. As far as the announcement and the
invitation goes, it’s really important that everyone understand every
embodiment of eternal essence is equal. Any one of the embodiment can DO in the
benefit of all the embodiment, as long as it is transparent. So that you'll see
at times it'll be just Caleb, and sometimes just Randall, sometimes just me or
sometimes just any of the other embodiments, but it's all eternal essence.
Thank you, that answers that. The chat room is going off by the way. Lot's of
love hearts.
So, “I*, duly verified as reconfirmed and ratified, under the full
responsibility and liability of eternal essence embodied, I do issue the
following official Announcement and Invitation to all embodiments of eternal
essence, that the UV Exchange* is now officially open for DO'ing in unity to
experience eternal essence with Absolute Knowledge of embodiments equally”. So
that's just stating an invitation.
Yeah, it's an announcement and an invitation that it's all ready to go.
Basically it's like a platform. In banking trade and finance you have these
platforms. It's the content that you put in the platforms that actually are the
exchange. It's the value that's exchanged was in the platform. This is just
saying they're all sent, let's go, let's do this.
At the same time Heather, is this also inviting Absolute Knowledge to us?
Yes. It is. It's magnetic; this whole document is magnetic. Every document is
(breaking up) a magnetic tool.
So this is an invitation to each and every one of us and it's an invitation to
every embodiment, everywhere, to come play.
Yes, you have all these groups that have sat there and said, "Oh, when we
are invited, we will BE, we will DO", waiting for an official invitation.
Well, here it is.
Think of it this way. I did it, okay, so it's done.
(affirmative response)
Now we will see who actually really was serious.
Okay, so this is also an invitation for the rest of the universe out there to
come play and exchange as well.
Yes, and everyone is on equal footing. They are all embodiments of the same
source. They are eternal essence. So, basically, it was saying there is no
hierarchy. The former agencies, or slavery systems purporting to be agencies,
that would regulate this that or the other, nobody is under those
regulations. Nobody is under those agencies. They were all cancelled for fraud,
so now is the time to go play. Everyone wanted a clear space. It’s there. Now
let's see what they do.
Okay. The next paragraph. “The UV Exchange*, duly verified as reconfirmed and
ratified, is a lawful identifiable conscious space that is eternal essence
BE'ing...eternal essence's universal platform for any and all DO'ing with the
intent to know and experience eternal essence in a quantum exponential and
perpetual flow in unity. All that is BE'ing and DO'ing within this intent to
know and experience eternal essence is protected within this eternal essence UV
Exchange* from any and all former methods, platforms, systems, agencies,
contracts and agreements intent on restricting the knowing and experiencing of
eternal essence.”
a mouthful. Okay, what does it mean?
Okay, basically, it's just saying here's your UV Exchange*, which it really is
a protection in one sense because it protects from all those former systems
that wanted to restrict the knowing and experiencing of what you BE from
entering into this space, similar to the Declaration of Facts that OPPT put out
that nobody rebutted or could rebut. This is the same thing. They would have to
come forward and show their standing, their authority and the law that they're
actually operating under in order to basically say that you are not eternal
essence and you're less than them. They have the right to regulate you. So this
UV Exchange* is a protective, conscious-based, somewhere tangible that you can
rely on to go and DO in full safety. Okay?
Essentially no more harvesting.
No more harvesting. In fact, this one actually goes in and reverses that just
by it's inherent structure. It encourages.....think of eternal essence as a
corporation and that each embodiment is a department of that corporation or
branch of that corporation. If one branch is unhealthy, then the whole thing is
unhealthy. Now, with eternal essence, eternal essence is and all that is is
eternal essence, so all the embodiments are to have abundance that is eternal
really that paragraph there does multiple things. One of the things it does is
sets the contrast between quantum, exponential and potential flow of energy in
unity of eternal essence for all of it's department divisions or what I call
embodiments versus all the former systems that were there to restrict and
constrict all of those embodiments. So healthy versus unhealthy? Well, which
one do you choose? That's essentially what the message was out into all of
Source's universe, eternal essence's universe. Make your choice.
Anybody else have any questions on that paragraph before we move on?
No, I'm with it.
Okay. “Advanced and Absolute Technologies are eternal essence and are for all
embodiments of eternal essence to know and experience consciously. That
conscious knowledge and experience renders any and all former slavery systems,
and restrictive financial tools of commandeer, currency, ownership and
distribution irrelevant in a twinkling of an eye, and creates a quantum
exponential and perpetual advancement of DO'ing and BE'ing eternal essence
embodied. The release of these Advanced and Absolute Technologies that are
eternal essence for the knowledge and experience by all embodiments of eternal
essence within eternal essence's universe, ARE eternal essence's PEACEFUL ENFORCEMENT
hear you Heather.
You're going to ask me, right? What does that all mean?
Yeah, you're going to have to explain every paragraph.
Each and every paragraph.
Okay. Well, I had a conversation this morning, actually multiple conversations
over the last couple of years, that were essentially summarized in a
conversation this morning with someone inside the systems, the former systems,
and how what is left of the former systems are shuffling things around, so that
it looks like it’s coming, in this particular instance, let's just be very
transparent. Basically you have a whole bunch of fraud paper that was sent over
from Gulliver ACC. It ended up over at the US Treasury after an IMF stint and
now they’re trying to shuffle it back out to all the “governments”. That
process was described as server to server not using Swift(?) or Euroclear(?) or
any of those other transfer systems, so that nobody could do the paper trail and
see that it was coming from UST or see that UST had supposedly gotten it from
HSBC and released by the families.
it's just a shuffling. We sat there and talked about it. And what is all of
this fraud paper anyway? What are all the slavery systems about? Controlling
technology. Controlling access to things like energy, food, water, natural
resources, period. Interactions with each other. So really what's the best way
to make those systems irrelevant? Release all the advanced and absolute
technology. There's nothing left to pay for, is there? They don't own these
things. The advanced technologies, the absolute technologies, those are eternal
essence. Everything that is, is eternal essence.
you have access to those, if you have access to being able to create, like a 3D
replicator or if you really want to get down to it, you're able to actually
create those things without replicators. The replicators are actually a
synthetic means of doing what the actual human body or any embodiment in
Source’s universe can actually do. If you release those technologies, all of a
sudden you don't need to go and “pay” for the energy or “pay” for creating or
building anything because you are able to do it yourself.
for instance. Communication. You have internet. You have cell phones. Well, if
you have absolute communications, you don't need any of that lower frequency
technology. Really, those are just copies and not very good copies of the
absolute tech that it was derived from. If you make those absolutely available
and disbursed to all embodiments of eternal essence, there's nothing left for
those former slavery systems to even exist for.
It's that premise that this whole show was based on. The human body is a
technology and the imagination is a technology that we've forgotten how to use
consciously. I completely believe and understand what you're saying there.
Good. (giggles) I'm very happy. I don't have to repeat anything or expand.
Heather, in my mind what you're referring to is that ultimately the human body
is the absolute technology, but you've also got the word advanced here. Would
they, in fact, would that be a reference to the physical replicator and
absolute, a reference to what we can do as essence in body?
Yes, that's correct. So advanced technologies would be just synthetic that are
based on the absolute technology, which are not just human but it's all
embodiment. It's all embodiments are capable of the same thing. So your
advanced technology into your absolute technology and I (breaking up) know that
they can be simultaneous. It just depends on the state of knowing and it
depends on which one (LOST CONNECTION) ...
Kinda losing you a little bit there. You still there? Heather?
I think what she is saying is, once you have the ability to produce for
yourself anything that you need, whether it's synthetically or it's through
your own person, if I need a pair of shoes and I can instantly produce it,
whether it be through a replicator or myself, if I need a generator or if I
need anything and I can produce it, then what do I need Walmart for? Why do I
need a prepaid phone card plan or any sort of communication? All of those
things become irrelevant, because you become the bank, the producer, the
manufacturer, the distributor; all that is all within your power. You don't
need to seek anything outside. All of those other things become irrelevant
because you've got absolute technology; you can produce anything that you need
for yourself. It ends everything.
Certainly does.
That's right. There's going to be some people that really want to go through
the experience of learning about their own absolute technology by experiencing
with those who have advanced technology and there'll be an exchange of value
there in that experience, that co-experience. It really just depends on what
you want to create, what you want to experience.
Can I just say everything?
(laughs) Can you what?
I just want to experience everything. I want it all. Yesterday.
Once everybody's in that space, Lisa, then you're only limited by your
imagination and creativity. Those become real valuable commodities. People who
have these creative imaginations that can produce creative technologies and
creative interfaces and whatever it is that they create, you're only limited by
your imagination at that point.
That's right.
We've been officially told there are no limits.
Yeah, if you look back at the notice, that was sent out about I*, it really
just all states it right there. There are no limits. You are absent limits.
One of the things I wanted to bring up, because a lot of people are going to
ask this question, does this technology exist? Where is it? How can we get it?
Well, first off, absolute technology is within you and within every embodiment
Okay, then how can we get the manuals on how to use it?
They’re all within. It's just a matter of accepting that, embracing it and then
going out there and DO’ing. It's similar to you getting, for instance, a DVD
player or a new piece of technology. I don't know if you ever do this but I do,
I take it out of the box and I just start fiddling with it. Now, my husband is
different. He takes out a manual and he reads it from cover to cover.
That is so opposite to what most men and women do, I have to tell you.
Yeah, I know.
I'm a read-the-manual dude.
I use the Force to feel my way on how to use that thing. Of course, my children
come up and they actually are the ones that teach me how to use technology. It
just really is a matter of you embracing it, you accepting it and then from
there as you do, the “manual” appears to you. Through everything you’re doing,
all of a sudden you are guided to the data that you need in order to know how
to operate that absolute technology. Now, that is what's so great about the UV*
exchange is that with every DO’ing, it just is a quantum exponential and
perpetual jump of your absolute knowledge just in the DO’ing. Yeah, you may
think you're making a mistake, but then what is a mistake? You're either
figuring out how to do it or figuring out ways to help others not to do it. Did
I answer your guy’s questions satisfactorily for now?
Well, sort of, because I know that there are people who are going to say 'is
this UV Exchange a physical or tangible thing. Is there a website I can go to?
Is there an office I can go to? Where do I go to..' Do you know what I mean?
Heather: Where's an
office? Hmmm.
Lisa: They want
something to interact with.
Heather: If people
want the same, Lisa, if people want the same result, then use the same formula.
If you want a different result, create a different formula. That is what is
going through and happening right now. This is a different formula, so that
there's a different result. Nobody seems to know exactly what the formula is,
but then again I don't know if they know what the result is. That's why I say
just focus on what result you want. The mechanics and the formula actually
manifest itself, in order to meet the result that you choose.
Lisa: That I get.
Heather: Okay?
Okay last paragraph, “Embodiments of eternal essence DO use the UV
Exchange* for Absolute Protection, Insurance and Guarantee that the
Advanced and Absolute Technologies are transparent and can be relied upon to be
disbursed to all for the sole purpose and intent to know, experience and
advance all embodiments of eternal essence in eternal essence's universe absent
exception, borders, dimensions, expectations, subscriptions, judgment,
prejudice, and limits. Eternal essence duly declares and orders the release of
all that is eternal essence for the abundance of knowing and experience by all
its embodiments NOW.”
equals, absent exception, borders, dimensions, expectations, subscriptions,
judgment, prejudice, and limits, duly confirmed as Protected, Insured and
Guaranteed by Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf “.
I take from that is it's a statement that all technology is to be released NOW
and by actually making that statement and having that intent, that's in fact
what will happen. That all of these, we're drawing it out. We're pulling it
Bob: Well, that all
becomes possible now, because all of the limitations are gone. All of those
patents and titles of ownership, all of those systems that were keeping things
secret and hidden, all of those different harvesting tools that were preventing
people from having Absolute Knowledge. Now that they are all taken out of the
way, you can make an invitation and say okay, all of those people that had
inventions and tools that were stifled by patents or funding or any of those
things, those corporations and things that stood in their way, are now out of
the way. So now the invitation is let it all out of the table. Let everybody
have what they want and what they need.
Lisa: Okay, here's a
really, really practical example of people's confusion, okay? It's in the chat
room. So, "I want to pay off a personal, legitimate loan from a relative.
I will be..."
D: Everyone in the
chat room, stop typing.
Lisa: "doing this
by writing a check for the amount, knowing..." Stop writing for a second,
guys, I keep losing it. Now it's gone. So I will be writing a check, knowing it
will clear. (footsteps noise) Did you hear that Heather?
Heather: Sorry, say
that again, it broke up.
Brian: "So, I
want to pay off a personal, legitimate loan from a relative. I will be doing
this by writing a check for the amount knowing it will clear."
Heather: What's the
Lisa: Someone said in
the chat room, that they've got a personal loan, a legitimate loan, from a
relative and they need to pay it off. I will be doing this by writing a check
for the amount and knowing it will clear. I think she's just asking is that an
example of what I can do here.
Heather: Well, see
that's kind of the whole point is that everyone is taught and trained to not
know what they are, not know what their value, and not know what their capabilities
to manifest are. They have a legitimate loan; they borrowed value in whatever
fashion or form. Then they took the responsibility and liability of returning
that energy, in however they agreed that the energy would be returned. So at
this point, it's whatever she knows. Okay, there's a whole series to manifest.
First you set the intent, the desire. So you're thinking and you're creating
that one frequency, one level of frequency. You speak it and the harmonics
create at a whole other frequency and then you DO. You're DO'ing creates at
another frequency. When you have your thoughts, your speech, your sound and
your DO'ing, because DO'ing moves energy, when you actually have all three of
those in harmony, things can manifest at the speed of heart.
That is what we're all
doing right now, is we're taking thought, we're putting a conscious space we're
paying energy into it with our words and our DO'ing, our movement into that
energetic space and things are manifesting quite quickly. Look what was done in
the last three months. That was at the speed of DO'ing and that was with most
of the thought being unconscious. So here we are now in a very much more
conscious level. Everyone is creating what is happening right now. It's never
been written. It's never been experienced. This is brand new. So, it's writing
your own story and right now, if people consciously even just considered that
for a moment, that means your thoughts and your words and your DO'ing have much
more power than you ever considered or consciously thought of before. Now go
and test it out. So when she writes the check, what I would like to know is
have her write back and let us know how it all went. But I'm setting my intent
that her intent manifest.
Lisa: (laughs)
Everyone's gone silent.
(general laughter)
Chris: I'm intending
that her check will manifest as well.
Lisa: Me too.
Brian: Well, the
reason why the only thing holding us back from the true powers that are within
all of us is our belief in whether or not we have those powers. We've been so
conditioned to believe that we don't have those powers, it's made manifesting
things extremely difficult from our existing state of consciousness and our
existing state of awareness and knowing and understanding. The landscape of
that is changing now. We're remembering that we have these abilities within
each and every one of us. We're getting them back and we're empowering
ourselves to be able to do these things consciously. I AM POWER.
Lisa: The chat room's
actually going by so fast, I can't get a handle on most of what's being said.
But I'm still seeing comments like 'But how do I buy food? I still need to eat.
I still need to pay my rent.'
Heather: Why don't
you, Lisa, direct them to the document that we just went over. Because that's
essentially what we had a conversation about between myself and this person
that I was speaking of. All of those monetary systems, all of those slavery
systems controlling human tech and whatnot, they are all irrelevant when
everyone has Absolute Knowledge and when everyone is experiencing that Advanced
and Absolute tech which they are. Have them read that document, set their
intent, because that is what is coming. That is what is chosen to manifest.
Lisa: Again people,
the document is on American Kabuki and Removing the Shackles websites. So if
you haven't read through it with us, then go and have a look at it. Print it
out, read it out loud to yourselves. Also have a look at the information on the
Visa patent.
D: And they should go
jump over to the site and take a look at what AK and I just posted. Another one
that is another bomb to be dropped. I'm just posting it into the RTS Skype room
right now.
Lisa: Okay, I've got
the link.
Brian: I just put it
in the chat.
Lisa: You just put it
in the chat, thank you Brian. It's interesting. The timing of everything that's
happening is obviously no coincidence. This leads us sort of into the whole
energetic Event that we've been talking about too for the last few weeks. in
the last few days from perhaps a half a dozen different sources, I have heard
what people believe they can feel is happening at the moment and the way it's
going to pan out. Santos Bonacci even said 'That everyone's going to go up a
few notches as of today', today being the 27th; well, 27th here at least. The
way he sees it that we all rise up a couple of chakra levels. For those people
who are still very much based in their base chakra, will go up to the heart and
those who are already centered in the heart, will go up several more, in the
period between the 27th of March and the 27th of April. We've got our friend
Julien, who's reading the energy of the collective. Can you, Chris, just
paraphrase what Julien said recently? In terms of what we're going through and
what's coming energetically?
Chris: Well, about 10
days ago, Julien was looking at the energy surrounding, essentially that ball
of energy that was generated by the process that this large group of people
have been drawn through by the the information coming out about the OPPT. He
said about 10 days ago, he saw that the OPPT itself would be come irrelevant in
about 10 days time and he was absolutely spot on. What he's seeing now in place
of it is a far greater, much larger, absolutely pure ball of energy generated
by the process that we've all been drawn through. It's of a kind of energy that
can be used to manifest anything, provided your intent is set and you have a
knowing that's your birthright to actually manifest. Now while we're on this
subject, I just wanted to read the last paragraph of the release of the
Universal Exchange from yesterday, because it's exactly what we're talking
about here.
It says,
"Abundance is manifested at the speed of the expansion of our imagination
and DO'ing what we imagine." This is what Heather's talking about. We have
to be able to accept that what we imagine, is something that we can actually,
literally bring to our reality. It continues, "Eternal essence embodied
gives notice that replacement of past harvesting tools begin to be implemented
starting next week." Now, we're actually directly (garbled) how that
replacement is taking place. It continues, "To begin the flow of
abundance, eternal essence embodied does use knowledge within to create this
lawful conscious space and tool of UV Exchange." That is the statement
that actually brings this space that we're now going to fill with our own
energy. The energy from that giant ball that Julien's seeing. "Within
eternal essence for all embodiments to experience the eternal essence that they
BE, by their conscious free will DO'ing." There's always an aspect of
DO'ing to this. Without DO'ing, we don't move forward.
"Eternal essence
embodied does guard and protect this space and tool until the Event occurs.
Absolute Knowledge known within each embodiment in eternal essence's
universe." This is the point where we draw together this energy and
actually generate the Event ourselves. We magnetically attract the Absolute
Knowledge, those manuals Bob was talking about, to us. "I* now gives
notice of the Event to be experienced by all embodiments of eternal essence,
absent borders, dimensions, expectations, subscriptions, judgment, ritual,
protocols, prejudice and limits." So, we are giving ourselves permission
to drop our limits; to drop all previous limitations, all previous structures
that limited us and experience Absolute Knowledge. that will give us the
abundance we're all looking for. "In absolute love, gratitude and peace.
So it is done." So, it's us. That's what Julien says.
Brian: Hey, Chris, it
looks like we're getting some requests in our Skype chat room to freely talk
about the egg, the transparent egg, that you talked about. That came from KP.
(general laughter and
talk over)
Lisa: Kauilapele wants
you to go right out there.
Chris: Okay, so yeah
look, there's an aspect to the Absolute Technologies and the Advanced
Technologies. I think I'm probably being reasonably accurate in saying that as
things proceed, there'll be a mixture of both. What Julien spoke of is
information he was given about a particularly neat little piece of technology
for local transport, which essentially was some kind of, let's call it a craft.
But it was a transparent egg just big enough to sit in and it took you wherever
you wanted to go and at whatever speed you were comfortable at going. With
this, for instance, he was suggesting we could probably travel the planet. Now
that'll be fun and it would certainly be advanced. It's certainly a piece of
technology. I also have to say that from the point of view of transport technology
that we could actually do that without the egg, but the egg sounds fun. Who
would like an egg?
Lisa: (laughs) I'd
like an egg.
Brian: I want an
D: I (inaudible) say
you can come pick me up.
(several talking at
Brian: Who wants an
(general laughter)
Lisa: Not scrambled,
Chris: Yes.
D: Yeah, not
scrambled, exactly.
(general laughter)
Chris: Yeah, no
scrambled eggs please.
Heather: I guess it
just depends on how good of a driver you are.
(general laughter)
Chris: Well, if you
drive it by thinking, you wouldn't want to have your thoughts confused or you
could end up unexpected places.
Lisa: Quite scrambled,
indeed. Okay, Heather? She wanted to quote somebody and I seriously hope
they're in the queue to call in. There was a response to this filing. I saw a
post and I want to quote it if I can. It's from Paul, so this is his response
to reading this filing. "Here's where I* is at. I* and the UV Exchange*.
It's amazing. Is there anything to DO? Yes. Can I DO anything? Of course. Do I
need anything? No. Do I have everything? Yes. Do I have the power to DO as the
heart desires? Yes. How do I get there? I AM there. That's a lot of power for
one guy. Will I be able to handle it? Of course. I AM the I*. I am the UV*. I
AM the bank. I AM all that is required, to DO what is required. Better get
slippin' crackin' then, hadn't I? No use standing around here gabbling to my
I*. I have no idea how busy BE'ing you are. Do we need to talk? No. I can just
walk into the Central Bank and say 'Right, I need to use your gear. How much
value is required? Okay, deposit me. I am the deposit. I own your ass anyway.
Open an account. Start having fun. Thanks for that Heather. You're a gem."
Lisa: (laughs) Yes, it
probably was written by an Aussie. Do people take that literally? Is he taking
that literally? (silence) Have we lost you, Heather?
Heather: No, I'm right
here. He's from Ireland; he's great. I love (inaudible). (laughs)
Lisa: Close enough,
yeah. (laughs)
Heather: Exactly what
he's talking about going into Central Bank; the guys that knew in the former
systems how to actually make it work, they used to just write up a promissory
note, go and secure it on the commercial registry and then walk in with those
two documents and say 'Right, I need a conversion. So here's my value. Convert
it to your funny money and charge me a service fee.' and then walk out. Once
too many people started to know about that, all of a sudden they started to
tighten those "printing machines"... (laughs) ... or at least the
distribution line. So, he's actually absolutely right on how it actually
Lisa: But is that
"worked", past tense?
Heather: Well, that's
how the old system worked. Now it's even better, because everyone knows that
they are valuable, that it's them that is the value. They're the creditors to
all these bankers. The banks are really hurting, so if you really feel gracious
and loving, you can walk into a bank and say 'I will save your ass. You can
deposit me now. Let's go. Let's go and have some fun and co-create.' Just
depends on how gracious and loving you want to be.
Lisa: I was talking to
Chris and Bob the other day and I used the analogy of starving children in
Africa. If a child has never experienced a full belly and knows what it really
means to be satiated like that, they've spent their entire life starving, and
you come to them and say 'It's fine, I'll just teach you how to be a
breatharian.' They're going to go 'Yeah, screw that, I want food.' It'll only
be once it's been presented with so much food that they've filled themselves up
time and time again and they can relax i nto knowing that it's not going to run
out again, that they're not going to go without again, that the novelty of a
full belly wears off and eating all that food becomes a bit of a pain, that
they will be able to sit back and relax and go 'Okay, I don;t need it anymore.
Teach me how to be a breatharian.'
That's kind of what's
going on here with the different levels that I see where people are at in
regards to representations of value. If you've been struggling all of your life
and just never had enough to just BE and DO, then those people are the ones who
are focused on needing that stuff in their hands. They want something tangible
in their hands that they can use to go and buy; buy stuff that they think they
need right now because they've never been able to have it. The people who've
always had money, they're not interested. They want the energy exchange. They
want the knowledge. They want the data. They want something else, because
they've had a full belly all their lives. Then there's people who are beyond
that again. So, I know when I'm drilling you a little bit, that it's those
people who are looking for a full belly that I'm speaking for. Because they're
still screaming, 'I want my money. I need to buy food. I need a car. I need to
get places. I want to go on a holiday. How do I do it?' So they're the ones I
know I'm talking for.
Heather: Just in the
data that you just presented, you presented the solution. You have all these
people that have all these different things. The things that they have aren't
necessarily the things that they want. So that's what the UV Exchange, the
Light exchange, is really for. Is to go in and basically say 'Great, I have all
of these FRNs that I don't want.' Because they know what's attached to it; they
know the crap that comes with it. However, someone over here needs to go, for
the time being they perceive that they need to go and pay their mortgage. Okay?
Until they get the fact that they should be asking 'Show me the loan.' They
want to be able to have that security. We get it, okay?
So you take this
exchange, you put everything that is eternal essence into this exchange and it
all flows. It is magnetically attracted to whoever needs that particular item
that's in the exchange. The person that doesn't need it, it flows away from
them. This whole exchange is magnetic. Okay? But within the magnetic, you have
all these items that are formally referred to as 3D. You're going to find out
that they aren't even 3D; they're representations of something much greater.
Like I said, Guy A has all these FRNs. Guy B over here (believes he needs these
FRNs. They'll magnetically flow out of Guy A into Guy B, for instance. Guy A
lets it flow out into Guy B, because he wants knowledge. Guy Z over here has
knowledge that Guy A wants. So that's what this UV Exchange is about. It's
about being able to put things into exchange for...an exchange will only be
there for as long as it serves everyone. It's not owned by any one embodiment.
It's owned by eternal essence and therefore for the use of all the embodiments
of eternal essence. Do you kind of get a sense of how this UV Exchange actually
works? You can put anything in there and it magnetically is drawn or delivered
by each of the embodiments.
Lisa: Well, I'm seeing
it as an energetic space. It's not a physical place. It's not a website where
you go and donate stuff. It's nothing like that. It's just an energetic space and
your intent...okay, I can look around myself and my house and my environment
and my life and go these are the things that I don't need anymore, I offer them
up and I send them out there as an intent. Now this is the things I would like
and I put that out there as an intent. If we were all doing that, then
energetically all of this stuff would just find its way to where it needs to
be. That's what I'm seeing.
Heather: Yeah, that's
a great application or example of how it actually works. I sat there and I
thought about 'Okay, we can create a website. Follow that particular part of
OPPT platform or process.' Like I said, if you want a different result, change
the formula. I don't see internet being here. I see it being reconciled back to
the Absolute Data that it came from; the Absolute Text that it actually came
from, excuse me. So, to go in and do a brick and mortar building that people
can walk into, I personally move around. I like to be able to travel. Be where
I need to be. Serve who I need to serve at the moment that it needs to be
served. So for me, I haven't done brick and mortar in years. For those people
that need those kinds of things, brick and mortar, websites, those are all part
of the old former slavery systems in my belief and my knowing. However, someone
wants to create a website so that they can speak about it, sort of like OPPT.
We have a website and really it was just a container to put all the filings in,
so that t he powers-that-were could rely on what it is we were standing behind.
That way if anyone went in to file something that wasn't us, we didn't post it;
it wasn't from us.
At this particular joint and juncture, you can
go in and create whatever you want to create. I is eternal essence and it's for
the benefit and use of all its embodiments, without exception, absent
exception. So, these are your choices. Everyone's choice is their own to make.
I chose not to create a website for this, because number one, I would have to
manage it or someone would have to manage it and I didn't really resonate with
all of the hubbub that went on with OPPT and people wanting to go in and be on
the team. What team? Everyone is equal. That's what this whole thing is about.
Everyone is made equal. Everyone is eternal essence embodied, all equal. I'm really
being conscious about not creating...what do you call it?...pedestal. Or to
allow the opportunity for pedestals to be created. That's just where I'm coming
from and I'm not saying that's got to be everyone's, but everyone is equal. I
want to make sure that that intent is at least visible and then everyone can
make their own choices and their own decisions for themselves.
Lisa: Anybody else
want to share their vision of what this is like? (silence)
Heather: Sorry,
(inaudible for several words) to everyone? Everyone's quiet. (laughs)
(general laughter)
Lisa: No, it was good
to me. I want to ask Deva, I know she's listening. Can I share what you just
typed in there? (laughs) Can you let me know if I can share that?
D: Where's Deva? Hold
on, I'm searching for her. She's typing. (laughs)
Lisa: Yeah, she's
typing. She's giving me the okay.
(talk over)
Chris: I've done a
number of times I've had bills coming up and I think most people have actually
done this. When I think about what I'm going to say, there's been some times
when I've had bills coming up and I haven't had the digits in the account, the
funny account. I've just known that some would arrive and it's happened twice.
Each time it's happened, it's been almost exactly the amount that was required.
Freaklly enough.
D: Well, that happened
to me two months ago, when I was behind on bills. It was really, really
desperate and they were going to cut off my internet and that's my line of
communication. That's not going to happen. I had two donations come in on my
site and added together, they equaled within pennies the exact amount that I
Chris: Yep.
D: Yep.
Lisa: I have to say I
do that stuff quite a bit.
Chris: Well, that's
what we're talking about.
Lisa: But it's always
just enough.
D: Yeah. (laughs)
Lisa: One day I'll be
(inaudible) real soon I want to get to that point where it's more than just
enough. So they (inaudible) in a place being able to do something just for the
sake of doing as opposed to...
Heather: Well, think
bigger Lisa. Don't think 'if I could just cover these bills'. Go back and look
and see what you were actually thinking at that moment. 'If I could just cover
these bills, that would be just enough" or were you saying 'I'm creating a
Chris: I think it
works even better if you intend (inaudible) that's really big. Because I know
Princess Lisa wants to rescue a local building, which is in the hands of the
bank and is a significant property. She really wants it back for the community.
So, Lisa, you should and we'll throw our intention in this as well, intend that
circumstances will be such that you will be able to save that property. Intend
it and put a value on that in your own head, if you need to. But you will save
that property from the bank, from being resold and torn down.
Heather: Chris, it was
funny. I was asked once, before I started all this, I was asked by one of my
mentors in banking trade and finance, did I want to fund a project or did I
want to learn how to fund projects? I was thinking 'Okay, he's going to give me
a fish or I can learn how to fish. Then I'm going to teach others how to fish.'
So I chose I'm going to learn how to fund projects. This was when I first
started in banking(?). Now I bet they're regretting that they ever let me in to
the fishery.
(general laughter)
Heather: The whole
point was thinking big. The whole point was thinking and knowing 'I can go in
there and I can learn it and then do with it as I choose'. And here we go, this
is what I chose. So at this point, a lot of people it seems to resonate with
everyone, having Absolute Data, having Absolute Knowledge. Banking happens to
be one of the fields that was "take-n-bake", if not completely
Lisa: (laughs) No
shit, when you think big, it goes global.
(general laughter)
Heather: So anyways,
have fun with it guys.
Lisa: (laughs) It's so
much fun. Yep, absolutely. Deva, we've got you...
Deva: (faintly) Can
you guys hear me?
Lisa: Yes. You're
soft, but we can hear you.
Deva: Is that better?
Brian: Getting better.
Deva: (laughs) Sorry.
Lisa: That's oaky.
Turn up your volume or scream into the microphone.
Deva: Okay, I'm
Chris: Do you have a
headset, Deva or a webcam?
Deva: No, I don't have
one, but it's on the list. I'm going to get it.
Chris: Just lean in
closer to the camera.
Deva: Okay. How's
Chris: Better.
Lisa: That's better.
Deva: Okay, so along
the lines of what Heather's been sharing. I guess I can say that I'm testimony.
I can speak for the creational principles, as having worked very significantly
in my own life. To some degree, it appears like magic, but it's not. Because we
are powerful creators. We have a technology within is, that we've only
forgotten. If we can get in touch, there's actual protocols to follow that
absolutely work, as Heather has explained. To this degree, I can say that I've
had my credit cards zeroed out twice, zero balances. I've also applied the
technique to manifest large amounts of cash, like not just capital or things
that I've required. Also most recently I decided that I was needing some kind
of an infusion of security. From there, what happened is I manifested a trust
fund within my own family which I had no idea existed and it came to me. It's
good for many, many years to come. So to follow the steps is worth it. It's
worth to learn these things, to not just flail around and hope that it might
change or that things might happen. To actually apply ourselves is where the
change comes. It's like you set your sight and then you follow the steps to get
there. When you do, stuff happens; stuff manifests.
We're at this pivotal
nexus point right now in the creation of the next direction for what's going to
happen on the planet. When we come together collectively, we become a force
that is unstoppable. We are absolutely victorious in this. So herein lies the
possibility and the infinite potential for what we are about to bring forth.
From where I can now where everybody is sitting on this planet, with the mass amounts
of positive energy and visions, that is actually it's showing itself. It's not
just frivolous little hope now. We're actually a force to be reckoned with.
When we apply these....
Chris: Deva, if I
could just put in one thing. I think what you're talking about is what Julien
sees, that massive ball of energy. (silence for a while)
Lisa: ...in the chat
room, can you hear us?
Deva: Did I fall off?
Lisa: We all did, I
think, for a minute there.
D: I was just going to
say I think I did too. What the heck?
Chris: Yeah, I think
someone didn't want this to get out there.
(talk over)
D: A massive ball of
energy just threw everyone off. Yeah, exactly.
Chris: It could well
have done, yeah. Sorry, not sure what I just said then.
(talk over and general
Deva: Well, you know
what happens with those T-balls. (laughs)
(general laughter)
Chris: Yes, I do.
(general laughter and
talk over)
Chris: What Deva's
talking about, that energy that has been created by us these past few months,
that's what Deva is talking about. So please proceed.
Deva: Yeah, this is
since the rise of the OPPT. What has happened is that the planet has actually
shifted from it's former trajectory to essentially we're on a trajectory to the
Golden Age. We're very, very close at this moment, knowing how these creational
principles work. That's why I just wanted to explain that these things, I can
speak personally for them, that for example, I decided I needed $5000 dollars.
Okay, I needed this money. I went through a series of steps, which involved the
technology of the body, so you know that it's happened. You bring it into your
sense realm. I wrote up a little fake check and I filled it out and I put the
$5000 dollars on it. And then, literally within 10 days, I got a phone call
from someone who was wanting to give me $5000. (laughs) So, I know this sounds
like it might be a fairy tale to some people, but it works. It really,
seriously works. I look forward to us all creating together, because I know
that's what we all want in our hearts, deeply.
Bob: Another thing I
wanted to mention also Deva. A lot of people who have been aware of this
ability to create for a long time or for at least awhile, I think it's
important for them to understand that the energy right now is so very
different. That the ability to manifest, the ability to bring forth what you
want has never been in a space where we're at right now to manifest nearly
instantaneously. And a lot of the obstacles by the filings that the OPPT did by
the BE’ing and DO’ing of the audience, of everybody, has removed a lot of the
limitations that caused a lot of the delays in manifesting. A lot of the
systems that were there restricting and blocking a lot of those manifestations
are now openly removed. And also for any of the people, and this is going to be
a question maybe I'll direct to Heather, right?, who want assistance in
learning how to use this technology. Is that also available?
Well that certainly...are we gonna ask Heather that?
Heather’s back. She jumped back into Skype. (multiple people talking)
Sorry, what was the question?
Go ahead Bob.
For those people who want to have assistance in learning how to use their
internal technology? Or even if it isn't the technology for the time being
until they learn how to use their organic technology, is such assistance
available and how can somebody go about procuring it?
Assistance is available. In fact when I review the data out there publicly
through various mediums whether it's internet or in books, through groups,
based on the Absolute Data that I work off of, it's already all visible. All
you have to do is look at the disinformation campaigns that go on regarding
that kind of material and that right there is to me the biggest indicator
especially knowing how the powers-that-were actually worked. So really the
question is this, if you look at everything that happened...I know you've only
had three months of exposure to what was going on since the beginning of the
experience... but the Absolute Data is very important for everyone to have.
question (inaudible) is why were the things that have been done were able to be
done? I love looking at the Bank of America patent information and reading the
wording that they used. Then you connect it with the wording that is used in
the evolution of all the filings that were done up to July that was created and
issued a couple days ago. You really start to connect the dots and start being
aware those dots will become visible just using your own tools of resonance,
but Absolute Data and Knowledge is already within everyone. Everyone is Eternal
Essence. So it's just a matter of that becoming visible. So asking who is who
and why they were to get certain things done. Within the slavery systems each
one that's involved, this moment right now have a place in creating this. I
would rather have the Absolute Data come out to have everyone remember that
rather than going out and just saying here's what it is. It's very important
people search from within ‘cuz that's where it all is.
If everybody’s okay with it, I'd like to start taking some calls cuz we're
I think AK had something he wanted to throw in. I don't know if he wants to do
that right now. He put it in the chat.
Oh yes of course.
I have a new blog post up. It's about the government defining the citizens as
property. There was a filing in 1997 by Bill Clinton defining people as
property. There was another filing in 2011 using, defining the citizens as
property improvements on the land in a UCC filing to raise $14.3 trillion
dollars. (multiple people laughing)
Are you (garbled)
(laughing) Right, they did a renovation of the country and found 320 million
people in it so there's been an improvement.
And another serious thing about it too Lennon Larouge has been pushing a water
project in that and a water project is in that UCC filing. So I don't know
where this money went. That's some research somebody's gonna have to do if it
can be tracked. It's most interesting. They publicly call people property.
There's some UCC filings that the Bartle boys tracked down on the Washington DC
website where the three major Australian banks appear to have put up their
entirety as collateral for funds received from the Federal Reserve. We suspect
these were part of bailout conditions as resulting from the 2008 crashes. One
of the things that’s on the list of collateral is chattel paper. Chattel paper.
Amongst the definitions of that are our birth bonds. Our birth certificate
Oh, I'd like to see those.
This is in addition to the birth certificate bonds. This is an additional
burden on the public.
Well think about it. Right? They like to make magical money appear out of, you
know ten dollars all of a sudden becomes equal to a thousand dollars. So one
person you know if they’re just gonna reuse that person as a derivative.
Not anymore.
Well in that case that gentleman who wrote that piece the Irishman who wrote
that piece is absolutely on. We could do that if we chose to do.
It's no different (multiple people talking)
But you're doing it with full knowledge now of what the exchange is.
What are you laughing at Heather?
It just reminds me someone said in the RTS chat room that I'm a pain in all the
powers- that-weres’ asses. So now that you guys all know what to go do. I'm
excited to see what you guys do. This is beautiful.
Well, we can join you in that process. (multiple people laughing)
I have got some nifty little ideas, games, popping away in my brain as I speak.
(multiple people laughing) Hopefully I'll have an update for you by next week.
Okay? (laughing). Oh we're going to take the first call. Area code 347?
Hello, yes can you hear me? I sure hope you can hear me.
I can. What’s your name darlin?
All right fabulous. This is Prince, flofokus, how's everybody doing tonight?
Oh Prince, hey how you doin?
(caller): Yes yes. Well I have that device that I was messing with last week
and hopefully it'll do me justice tonight. I just want to ask everybody a
question. I've gone through a gamut of questions tonight. I've come upon this
one and based on what was just said, but I thought of it way before you guys
kind of started talking about it, kinda funny. The question is can I just act
like a bank and just sign my worth away for like a million dollars for like a
year or something and then just start emptying out ATM's all across the
I'm not sure I heard it. It was a bit crackly. Can you go to a bank and
exchange your value for a million dollars?
(caller): Okay. Say, yeah and then just go and empty ATM's based on a five hundred
dollars a day kind of situation. Then at the same time allow other people to
sign up for the same million dollars for a year or something along those lines,
ten thousand dollars a month, I don't know. Something like, you know, possible
and usable by a person that needs the money. So it's like we need money, we can
go to the bank. Write it up, you know, okay, you have my name for a year and
you can then take $5000 whatever, be generous I guess to give them an incentive
to let them work with your money, something along those lines. I really wanna
start supplying people with everything that they need based on whatever
circumstances that they have. No matter what they understand, no matter what
they believe and no matter what they agree to. It’s just there. It’s available.
It’s ready to go. It’s not any matter of if and or lets or research anything.
Just come, get it on and get it going.
I keep having this image of bankers all screaming ‘Parlay. Parlay’. (Laughter)
I can sense the (inaudible) tightening.
You know, it’s wonderful. You guys, Prince, everything you brought up, like I
said, that is how it actually functions in the old systems with those that
(inaudible). So now that everybody knows how to actually go in and do it, really
you’ve just gotta go in and say exactly what you just said, exactly what Paul
has said. It’s just a matter of how gracious and loving you feel about going in
and playing with those guys. If you are very conscious and aware and go in and
set the terms, clear and concise, making sure that everything’s expressed, no?
No nothing, you guys can have a lot of fun with it. You can determine what it
is you wanna do. If you wanna use funny money, that’s your choice. If you wanna
set yourself at gold, or if you wanna say I just want energetic...that’s what
their systems run off right now, is magnetic data transfer. So it really just
depends on how creative you guys wanna be.
(caller): Right. So what I’m doing (inaudible). I just wanna say I got a couple
of donations a few weeks ago when I was first on the radio. I used that money
to put together these fliers. Now that these last couple of fliers have come
out, my buddy Grant, he put together a condensed Courtesy Notice. It’s really
just like a one-page public notice that says, and we aimed it at the MTA, at
the Metropolitan (inaudible) Authority in New York City. We aimed it at them
and addressed the New York City Police Department as the enforcers behind
(inaudible) has to protect us basically. Kinda worded it just plainly so that
people can see it on one page and not like five pages with all this legal
then this I document comes out and then the Universal Exchange come out, so
what I wanted to do was incorporate that and just print those on both sides,
you see? Print the Universal Exchange on one side and then print the
Foreclosures of everything across the planet on the other side and then just
pass that out. I got a thousand copies getting printed up tonight, so I’m gonna
go take those up tomorrow (breaking up) just been printing out these papers and
been getting people to know this is all just a (chance). So I’ll (breaking up)
some of my value that I’ve already been doing to continue to spread this
awareness medium. Now that I’ve worked in this small medium, I’ve used these
little fliers and leaflets to get the word out, I can use my eternal energy to
put that funny money back into the system to then bring the system down, the
same way that you guys did. Walked into there and grabbed the beast’s heart,
now he can’t bleed and now he can’t pump blood anymore, it’s just what he’s got
left in his veins. So it’s like then I’m gonna go in and take his spleen or his
stomach ‘cause that’s the part that I want today. Then somebody else can come
in behind me and chop his head off and stand there in victory. This is how we
do it, this is how we work together. You know what I’m saying? So I’m glad to
put in a million dollars of my own energy.
I just wanted to clarify something with Heather because I was one of those
people who did try the promissory notes and register them and take them down to
the bank. They stopped working sometime last year and now there’s no
regis...everything is already registered and secured so there is no
registration of those promissory notes that you might wanna use anymore. Am I
correct in that?
Look, I gave them all a chance. Caleb, Randall, we all worked and we gave them
chances to go in and clean things up. We gave them chances to repurpose
themselves in the way that they honored what everyone BE and the value that
they have. So for me, the only option that I set my intents on and the only
thing that I am focussed on creating is Absolute Knowledge for every single
embodiment of Eternal Essence throughout Source’s universe. I don’t want any
more replication, I don’t any more...
(caller): Yep, that’s exactly what I’m working for; that’s the path that I’m
on. I’m here. I have nothing physically, so I have to energetically create
something so I energetically give my energy to the manifestation of this funny
money, this (inaudible) so that I can then awaken more people with this
knowledge that you guys are spreading out. I can do this all day every day,
it’s no problem. I can walk down the street, get these things printed up and be
out the door within twenty minutes, it’s no problem. So that’s why I’ve got all
this work going on, on the internet and things like that but I’m (inaudible) to
the streets. I’m outside (inaudible) to people telling them that the Sun gives
the tree food for free because the tree just needs the energy from the Sun. So
life, that’s all it needs.
telling people this and they’re coming and taking these papers and going off
and doing their research (inaudible) calls have been full for the last two
weeks. We need a bigger medium, so I need money to get into these big medium
spaces. You see what I’m saying? (Inaudible) in my telekinesis. I’m ready for
my (inaudible for several words) accounts coming. You got your energy accounts
coming. This is super sam boku account, that’s what this is. You just ask for
energy from the world, from the universe, it’ll give it to you because it’s
just (inaudible) can pressurize it and focus it however you want to, that’s how
energy and life works. And it’s supposed to be a dance and a joyful maneuver,
but we’re walking around scared.
only two people that I’m listening to now are Bruce Lipton and Jose Aguilera;
those are the two names that I’m most focused on. Bruce Lipton got it right and
oh boy, Jose Aguilera, he’s got that calendar on point. So I’m ready to make
this shift, but I need more people, I need more help, so I’m getting people
aware in my neighborhood, in my community, in my city...piece by piece, one by
one. In their faces, on the ground, 3D. Here you go, that’s why I’m ready to
give my word. I’m ready to give my energy and to manifest that wealth, that
funny money that everybody’s so stuck on. I need that in my neighborhood to
wake everyone up, to move forward. Unless I’m out watering my plants
(inaudible) that’s what I’m (inaudible) maybe I’m just screaming at the plants
to grow: I’m saying Grow Seed. I put you in the ground this morning and you’re
supposed to grow for me instantaneously because that’s the way the everlasting
ether works. Maybe I’m just too bold in my (inaudible), maybe I’m just trying
too hard, I don’t know what’s going on here, (inaudible) tell me.
Heather, this is kind of related, a question. Heather?
Do you know of anyone or can you directly, instantaneously, manifest for
instance, food?
Do I? Can I?
Hell, I can’t even cook.
Or do you know anybody that can?
I know of those that can, but I’ve never done it myself.
And if...
I’ve done it in many ways that...
I’ve only physically been in a room with one when I was in Asia.
So you’ve seen it and so, just so people know, it is possible. I think that’s
where the question comes from.
Can I go and address something about Prince? I had this discussion with Len,
with the WizzdomGame. Everyone’s looking outside, external. You are everything,
BE now. And it’s sort of like when they told me ‘Oh people have to go and do
this claim process to be able to go and get their value back, and then they
didn’t even honor the claim process and I’m (inaudible) why did someone have to
go and follow a claim process to get value that was stolen from them in the
first place? It’s amazing with Eternal Essence, I sit and I listen. I listen
and I’m reminded of this phrase that some of the bankers use, especially one in
particular: ‘intelligence rules the
world and ignorance bears the burden’.
it is about Absolute Knowledge only if you do know that you’re Eternal Essence.
Everything is within you; if you can accept that and just embrace that. All the
data, all the proof, all the experience of that manifests itself from within
you out. And when you’re able to do that, it’s the Jones effect or what people
refer to as the hundredth monkey. You have everything now. Eva Moore was
explaining about Bill today, Brockbrader. I said that I heard that he was gonna
get out and she goes ‘He’s already out. He’s free. He knows what is going on. He
knows everything that is happening, why it’s happening. He already is free’.
This is a matter of knowing. If you’re gonna look externally for your
solutions, then others have power over whether or not you see that, whether or
not you receive them. If you know that it’s all from within and you’re
manifesting it out of you so that others can see it, or so that you can
experience it in sharing with others, you have all the power within you to
manifest whatever it is you want.
I set my focus on creating food? No, like I said, I can’t even cook. (Laughter)
However, if I set my focus on creating that, then yes, I will set my focus. I
accept it. I embrace it, and somehow someway that manual shows itself and I’m
able to do it. Right now I’m focused on making sure everyone has Absolute
Knowledge, Absolute Data. They have the clean space to co-experience and
co-create with each other knowing they are Eternal Essence. That’s where my
focus is right now.
(caller): That’s exactly what I’m doing Heather. Have some feeling for me. I’m
doing the exact same thing, but I’m trying to walk down the street and do it in
my neighborhood. I’m doing the best I can, I am manifesting this awareness.
I’ve woken up plenty of people in the last week and I’m feeling good about it.
I want that exponential increase because this is what my Eternal Essence is
here for. I wanna be able to try and go somewhere and manifest it.
Prince, can I ask you one thing? Would you please go back and look at the word
‘need’? It’s like Lisa talking about how she’s able to manifest just enough to
cover the bills versus manifesting an ocean. It is all about you and which you
decide to manifest. If you ‘need’
something, then it means you didn’t have it in the first place. If you ‘hope’
for something, it means that you didn’t have it in the first place.
The question that’s coming up in the chat room Heather, is ‘Heather has money,
she can buy food. I think it’s hard for people to be in that space in order to
manifest when they’re hungry, when they’re sick, when they’re depressed, when
they’re broken or they feel that way. They’re not in that space to be able to
manifest for themselves. What about those people?’
I’ve had everything Bob and I’ve had nothing, absolutely nothing. In fact
during the investigation, everything was taken away from me so that I wouldn’t
be distracted. However when I was very focussed on what needed to be done and
could not be moved from that particular focus, all of a sudden I had everything.
I had anything that I “needed”. There I go using that word needed. I had
everything that I desired. Everything that would allow me to continue the focus
and not get distracted with trying to find money or food or housing over here
or over there. The lowest of the low was probably when the sheriff showed up at
my house, arrested me. My children...I had no idea where they were. All of a
sudden, we had nowhere to stay and that was really the fulltime commitment of
making sure everything was manifested to the point we are right now. So if I do choose to have whatever is
required for me to continue doing the service that I’m doing, it manifests
And all it takes is for me to set my intent and trust and know that whatever it
is that I desire or that I require, it comes. Okay? So I have been there.
(caller): I just feel like some people aren’t able to do these things and get
past these lowest of lows because they don’t know success. I’m not just talking
about success as in the final ‘Ooh, I can relax’ success. I’m talking about
those little everyday victories that get us past just this moment of anguish,
like this girl broke your heart. Can you just get over that in a day by just
saying ‘I’m just over it?’ I tell my friend all the time he can’t get it over
with in just one day. He needs time for his mind to reflect on these things and
go through the motions, so I understand what it takes for patience and then for
that type of manifestation to come and to DO, have a positive mind.
some people, it’s so difficult that they can’t see anything in front of them.
Nobody around them is a positive role model. They don’t even know how to be
positive, so it takes people like me to randomly be on the train and just be
nice for once in somebody’s life. It makes them smile for that one moment, so
then the seed that grows within their heart that says ‘You know what? I don’t
care what anybody says now. I found this one guy who was nice to me and from
now on, I’m the one who’s nice to me, because that felt good when he was nice
to me’. The goodness, the grace, that’s what it was. So I’m here giving my
essence to feed these people that (inaudible).
Let them manifest that super sam power within them that they have. But I
need to be able to magnetically let them bring it to themselves. It’s a matter
of me (Breaking up)
Oh, I think we lost him.
Mmm. If I could just...
We lost you.
I just wanted to draw something to everybody’s attention and I think we need to
think about this. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Now we as a
group of tens of thousands, maybe a couple of hundred thousand people who’ve
been watching the OPPT and the subsequent appearance of the Universal Value
exchange have generated a huge, huge amount of energy right round this planet.
We can use that energy and that energy is what Prince is drawing on and
spreading to people around him. It’s the strawberry patch principle where
energy is shared. It’s the paying it forward principle and as we go through
this process and when we get to the destination where there’s enough of us that
can draw from that energy and manifest, our intention is to pay it forward;
it’ll encompass the whole planet. It will just BE the only way that we will
actually have anything ultimately, in the end. And the process that we need to
get to start this is what Prince is talking about and what Heather’s talking
about, that knowing that this is possible. And when you look at the sheer
amount of energy that one human can create and combine that by seven billion,
what Deva says is absolutely correct: that we can do anything. All of these
things are possible.
Bob: I think it's
important also to note what Heather said, that she's paying her energy right
now in the manifestation of Absolute Knowledge, so that everyone will
absolutely know how to do this. If she's doing it by herself, it will manifest.
But if others join in that intention, so that everyone on the planet, all
embodiments of eternal essence, everybody involved has that Absolute Knowledge,
has that Absolute Value restored to them and how to use it. Then there will be
no need, all of those people that we're talking about that are in those
positions, will instantly be helped. So, it depends on where you place your
focus. Now I understand that a lot of people are in dire straits and they want
quick, short-term fixes. I think what we're saying is we've reached a point
where we have enough people that if everybody focused anything you request,
anything that we request, will be granted for us. We've reached critical mass.
There is enough of us now that can do it, that are awakened. Really only one
person needs to be awakened; that's how much force one completely awakened
person has. But if all of us join and we focus our efforts on that thing that
will solve it for everyone, how much more so would everyone benefit?
I listened to Ron's
video and was very emotional. One of the things he mentioned he didn't want to
leave anyone behind. I think that's shared by just about anyone who's got a
heart beating in their chest that's functioning. Nobody wants to really leave
anyone behind; your family, your friends, the ones who don't get it. You don't
want to leave them behind. You want what you have. How boring would a vacation to
Tahiti be if I can't take my best friend or my partner with me? How boring
would it be to have all the wealth in the world and no one else can share it
with you? This is one of the things that I'm looking at and I'm watching all of
the questions going on in the chat and I'm going through all of this in my
mind. But in the end all of us, we're at the point right now, we have the
power. This is what I think everyone is trying to get through everyone's head.
My mom would hit me up side the head 'Can't you get that through your thick,
black skull, boy?'
(general laughter)
Bob: This is what
we're trying to do. Get this through your thick skull. We have the power to do
whatever we want right now. There's enough. We've got critical mass. We've got
all the awakened people that we need. We've got all of the legal backing behind
us. We've got all the knowledge we need. Let's do it. That's all there is to
Chris: Bob? Do you
want the Event now? (talk over)
Bob: Let's have the
Event NOW.
Lisa: Okay, guys... (talk
Chris: (inaudible)
Absolute for everybody NOW.
Bob: Let's get
everybody... (talk over)
Lisa: Hang on. We
gotta let D come in here and...
(D laughing)
Lisa: ...say her
(D continued laughing)
D: I have been sitting
here with my hand up for 20 minutes, going (quietly) 'I have something to
say.' (D laughing)
Lisa: Please do.
D: Okay. This is Mama
D's little tiny speech on tough love. This comes back to...I'm sorry, people
are gonna get mad...but you're gonna listen. If you want a tomato, are you
going to sit there and stare at your hand and say 'I am manifesting a tomato
right here in my hand. I want a tomato.' Or are you going to do something that
will enable that manifestation to come to you from a different area perhaps
than you even planned? Okay? Last week, we were dead broke. We had no money. My
husband went out to grab groceries and I said 'Okay, spaghetti sauce. I can
stretch that several meals. Okay, we need the stuff to make spaghetti sauce.'
My husband came home with three bags of tomatoes that were last-day-of-sale
tomatoes. Each bag cost 99 cents. I was able to put together scrappings to make
enough tomato sauce for about five meals. Okay? I manifested those tomatoes. I
know I did. I haven't seen last-day-of-sale tomato bags of tomatoes in the
grocery store in months. Okay?
Lisa: You know, D,
I've been there and done exactly the same thing. I've been there in going 'How
in the hell am I going to feed the family tonight?' Next thing you know, a
neighbor will come over or a friend will pop in because they had a big party
yesterday or a dinner party the night before and they've got too many leftovers
and can I please take some off their hands. (laughs) Sure I can.
D: And you talk to
people, you know. If you sit in your house on your ass and do nothing and
expect it to pop out of the sky into your hands, there's a pretty good chance
at this point in time it's not going to happen. But if you need tomatoes and
you happen to mention to your next-door neighbor 'Yeah, was thinking of making
some spaghetti sauce.' and they say 'Oh my goodness, my tomato plants are
overflowing. Here take this bushel of tomatoes.' If you need something, have
you even looked on your local Free-cycle paper? Or looked in your Kijiji or
your craigslist? Is someone giving one away?
I'm sorry, tough love,
like I said. If you're going to sit on your butt and do nothing, I understand
that, you know, okay go for it. But when I need something and I have manifested
pretty much everything my entire life, I need it. I want it. And then I look
for it. And 95% of the time, I find it, whether it's a baby carrier that I need
because mine has just broken. Or it's a bushel of tomatoes or it's some shoes
for my kids, it appears. School supplies for my kids. Last week, my aunt came
by and was like 'I was going to bring the kids some candy, but I know you don't
like that. So I just went to the dollar store and bought you a pile of school
supplies.' Bingo! Perfect, because I had just run out of pencils. So, tough
love. Like you've got, it's kind of a two-way street. It's an exchange of
energy. If you're not going to get up and put some energy into the exchange,
well maybe it's not gonna work. That's just my tough love, I'm sorry.
Lisa: I just want to
say that we've only got a few minutes left, but I think we're going to go over,
because there's a couple of things I still want to cover off. One of them
(inaudible) intent, as Chris and Bob started to get to, to put out a collective
intent. If you've called into the show, then you'll hear us go overtime. If
you're at the blogtalk website and you're in the chat room, it will probably
cut off for you at the right time in about two minutes. But for those on the
call, you'll be able to hear us live. So go back and listen to the archive for
whatever you miss after this. I do want to put it out there, put out a
collective intent, for everybody who's interested, that we all receive, each
and every one of us, Absolute Data...dah-ta, whichever way you say it,
to-may-to, to-mah-to...NOW. That we all have the answers that we personally
need to (inaudible) with our BE'ing and DO'ing and we will have those answers
as we need them. Is everybody with me? Is anybody with me?
Bob: I'm with you.
D: We're with you.
Chris: Yep.
Lisa: Okay. So it is
done. (laughs) Exactly. Okay, there's one last thing I want to cover off real
quickly. Everybody in the chat room is saying 'Yes, yes, now, now, now, now. So
it's done.' Okay, there is technology, physical technology, coming, so we want
to cover off just a few minutes on that. I'm not even sure how much I can say
about it or even if I actually know enough about it to even go there. But what
I do know is that what we would call the suppressed black ops technology,
possibly even some non-local technology, is currently in the process of being
shared with the people it needs to be shared with in order to get it into
production. Mass production. Now, to my knowledge, it is then going to be
shared freely to people, but I could be wrong about that. If anybody can
elaborate on what I've just shared, Bill? Or Heather? Or Brian even? I know you
guys have been having conversations around this. (silence) Have I lost
everyone? Am I playing by myself?
Brian: I'm here.
Bob: I'm still here.
D: I'm here darlin'.
Lisa: (laughs) Thank
you. Can anyone elaborate?
AK (Bill): There is a
gentleman who has been assigned the task to start the pipeline. It's probably
all I can say about it at this point, unless Heather wants to say more about
it? (silence)
Lisa: Have we lost
D: She said she was
stepping away for a second. I don't know if she stepped back or if she fell
Lisa: (laughs) What
about you, Brian? You've been a part of these conversations too. Have we still
got Brian? Or is he gone as well?
D: Brian's been on and
off like a yo-yo for the last five minutes. (laughs)
Lisa: Oh, okay.
AK (Bill): Well, this
individual's very highly qualified and has the contacts needed to get
everything done.
Lisa: Am I right in my
understanding so far that once these technologies, and we are talking the
replicators and the free energy devices and these kinds of technologies, that
they're going to be made freely available to people?
AK (Bill): I think
that't the intent. I don't know if there'll be a transition phase of some sort
of cost like you would have now to replace, say if you got a free energy device
is that same sort of amortization that you have on a solar device? I don't
know. We're kind of transitioning through this and there's a lot of things
unanswered yet.
Lisa: (affirmative
response) Okay.
AK (Bill): I think a
lot of it depends on when the Event happens too.
Lisa: Yes! Any more
intel on that? Maybe you could ask Deva on that one?
Bob: Well we just put
our intent out now, so if it was coming tomorrow, let's assume it's coming even
earlier now.
Lisa: (laughs) Alright
guys, I want to thank each and every one of you . You've been awesome. it's
been a great show. It's been a high energy show for sure. (silence) Why's
everyone stay quiet? (laughs)
(general laughter)
Chris: Waiting for you
Lisa: It's either
we're all talking all over each other or nothing.
(general laughter)
Lisa: Okay, everyone
say your goodbyes. Bill?
AK (Bill): Goodbye
Lisa: Bob?
Bob: Good night
everyone. Thanks for joining in on our intention and let's do this.
Lisa: D?
D: It is...done.
That's all I have to say.
Lisa: Deva?
Deva: Creation time is
Lisa: Awesome.
Heather, if you're still there? Oh, no she's not. Okay, I'll have to say
goodbye on behalf of Heather and Brian. Chris?
Chris: Goodbye
everybody. Thanks for listening. Remember that we are the Event.
Lisa: We ARE the
Event. Absolutely.
Heather: Woo hoo! I
can get into that!
Lisa: Thanks to
everybody participating in the chat room.
D: There's our
Lisa: Just in time to
say goodbye.
Heather: Goodbye
everyone. I love you and until the next moment.
Lisa: (laughs)
Awesome. Thanks everybody. See you next week on the OPPT-IN show, if it's still
called that by next week and next week's TCI. See you then. Have a great week.
Bye for now.
(All saying their
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