
Saturday 19 January 2013

Incoming CME & Geomagnetic Storm- Tomorrow

Geomagnetic storm / Solar Watch – January 18, 2013

Two Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are expected to impact the earth in the next 24 hours and a G1-Class Geomagnetic storm will be possible shortly after. Solar activity is expected to go quiet again after these active regions rotate off the earth-facing disk over the next 36 hours.   Video by SolarWatcher Related posts: Brief G1 geomagnetic storm over Solar wind  reached near 700 km/s and this helped stir up a brief G1 Level Geomagnetic Storm (Kp=5) at high latitudes during the early hours of Wednesday morning. Migratory animals are affected at this and higher levels and aurora is commonly visible...
  • The Watchers
  • 211
Two Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are expected to impact the earth in the next 24 hours and a G1-Class Geomagnetic storm will be possible shortly after. Solar activity is expected to go quiet again after these active regions rotate off the earth-facing disk over the next 36 hours.

C5.8 Solar Flare
Who needs a Sunspot to generate a solar flare? A rapid release of energy measuring C5.8 was detected around a spotless plage located in the northeast quadrant. The quick blast was also associated with Type II Sweep Frequency event with a velocity of nearly 1700 km/s. More updates to follow if necessary.
ALERT: Type II Radio Emission
Begin Time: 2013 Jan 18 1710 UTC
Estimated Velocity: 1695 km/s

SuspiciousObservers has some very interesting things to report today.

What they don't tell you: --Climate Change is more than just warming, and more than just human CO2... a lot more.

Also see this:

A unlikely but relevant risk: The Solar Killshot:

Saturn Storm:


  1. This will happen

    1. Slim chance, but anything is possible. I haven't told my parents nor anyone because we have seen how every date has come and gone. Only when/if we see disclosure can I further explain what I have read and known.

    2. We all need to remember--the energy HAS changed--just look around at what has already surfaced regarding the banks, wall street etc. We are now in the energy of believe--and then see. ----Just like in the original version of Miracle on 34th Street when little Suzie (Natalie Wood) was in the back seat of the car nodding her head --saying--I Believe, I Believe, and then there it was--the House that she asked Santa for!!! So lets all start believing--and then watch as the miracles of freedom begin to unfold!!!
      Love, Light and Namaste!!

  2. First comment! Let me say there may be some disinfo agents posting on this blog attacking others. I will also say that D is too busy to post comments or read every comment. As for disclosure announcements supposed to happen on Jan 21, I give it a slim possibility because every date has come and gone. Until we see proof and disclosure, we must sadly assume nothing is happening.

    1. But not too busy to post obout C flares.

    2. WE???

      Speak for yourself anon 17:01

      I happily await the announcements of my freedom on the day that is celebrated as the Holiday of one who gave his life for my freedom, MARTIN LUTHER KING.

      There could be no more appropriate day in our calendar year to proclaim the 'FREEDOM HUMANITY FROM THE MATRIX'. It is the wisest of decisions and I now understand why the 'wait' for the perfect time. It could not be more perfect!


    3. It could be one of D's friends posting articles but is not allowed to respond to comments. We were supposed to see disclosure on 12/21/12 to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar. Many insiders were all saying to expect it, but they were all wrong. Even the Mayan's prophecy went unfulfilled. I am not getting my hopes up anymore till we see announcements. It could happen on 1/21/13, it could happen in a month, a year or never.

    4. Anon 17:33 Disclosure on 12/21/12??? Hmm... never heard that one. What did you believe the Mayan prophecy was? Please do your own research, you will find what you need. Have a wonderful day.

    5. It's all over the internet if you would do a search. That date was the most hyped in history. The Mayans(and numerous insiders) were predicting a golden age to officially begin, but it still hasn't and no one knows when or if it will.

    6. Anon 18:03 That's not disclosure, many people know if "the golden age" has begun for them. I hope you well in your search my friend. Have a wonderful day.

    7. The 21 December 2012 was the expected start of the period of "Job Ajaw" or "Fifth Sun". This period is of importance because it is said to be a time when humans ascend to a harmonious level, where neither masculine nor feminine will be supreme but rather the two energies will be balanced to support one another and the qualities of one will elevate the other. The hope is it will be a cycle of mental and spiritual growth. Things were not said to change automatically on that date.

      The Maya never said it was the end of the world. The internet is full of misrepresentations about the Maya from people who profess to speak for them but in reality don't. If you want to know what the prophecies were check out the Books of Chilam Balam. Avoid Jose Arguelles because the Maya say his work contains many errors. ;-)

      Sine Nomine

    8. In answer to those who believe nothing changed on 21st Dec. 2012 i think there is some tangible evidence for those who wish to 'see'

      On at least two ocasions after this date I have literally had to stop dead in my tracks while out walking because everything in my view looked noticeably different!

      Best way to describe it - everything around me had the same sharpness of light and clarity as if I were looking through binoculars! (Without the zooming in bit)

      Anyway somebody on this site tipped me off to an interview with somebody from the inner earth on (12th of Jan inerwiew I think)

      So I checked it out and low and behold in answer to the interviewer asking the question did anything happen on the 21st he described an energy shift which is creating the exact effect that I said above!

      Something has changed I'm convinced - seeing is believing!

      Give it a go!

      Mick 9

    9. Galactic Federation of Light? No thank you!

    10. We now have another "date" coming up very soon. Very slim chance of anything happening. Oh well.

    11. Nick 9, I too did have that happen to me.

  3. I'm thinking this video may help those who don't fully understand "why" all this is happening. People want to write it off as "new age" or "out there", like we're all crazy or cooky. If you understand the science behind it, you can learn to apply it in your own life.

    Hope this helps!

    1. We have no proof of what, if anything is happening. But I understand that things need to happen and that we are not crazy to know we are being oppressed by the 1%

    2. Anon 17.37

      We are the 1% of the light who have been been oppressed

      By the 1% of the dark

      Because 98% of the grey

      Have up to this point refused to awaken to the light 1%

      And instead chosen to believe the dark 1%

      Mick 9

    3. Mick 9, that was EXCELLENT!

    4. The only way the "grays" will believe the light is by massive mainstream disclosure/announcements. Sadly, the chance of this happening "very soon" is slim.

  4. Agreed :
    Without disclosure, it's all a croc of shit.
    I also don't trust the bit on the way to "Opt Out".
    This ALL may have come DIRECTLY from the CABAL.

  5. The new year according to the ancient calenders actually starts march 21st. Problem is everything is being mis read .There were originally 13 months and 13 signs of the zodiac ,but things were tampered with to hide the truth.Study things and you will find the truth

    1. Yes.

      The calendar we follow today was introduced relatively recently.

      The people of the world followed nature, the moon cycles, the solstices and equinoxes, the four seasons, etc.

      And yes, the new year was the spring equinox, on Mar 21 each year.

      And yes, because of the moon having 13 cycles per year, the calendar reflected that in having 13 months.

      Considering the changeover of calendars, it's very possible that the Mayan prophecies are referring to quite another dateline. However, as we are now in 2013, apparently, depending on which calendar we want to live under, it's something of a moot point regarding the whole 2012 thing.

      Ninja Bambi.

    2. Fwiw on prophecy - here's an interesting observation imo round about 20-30 min marker.

      Sine Nomine

    3. Oh, yes, Sine Nomine.

      I am lead to believe this is one of the reasons Santos Bonacci keeps telling us that the 30,000 churches must close. That innocent people must be freed from the mind-control of these 30,000 varieties of incorporated business branches affiliations or franchises of the roman church.

      Countries/Nations led by those under the influence or allegiance to such 'church-ianity' does seem to be a concern.

      I can say, Santos Bonacci reveals much of interest about the Bible and Ancient Religion and Theology. The Bible itself, is not the problem, so it would seem.

      Ninja Bambi.

    4. 'The Bible itself, is not the problem, so it would seem.' Hmm. The Bible as presented to us has been 'messed' with since the beginning. It was manufactured with phony inclusions and glaring omissions for the 'soul' 'sole' purpose of manipulation. To make it 'OK' would need to go back to the original unadulterated texts and start again. Personally, I would disassemble it and present each text individually and make them available along with all the other texts written about the same time and within similar context. It is something I have studied since I was about 8 years old off and on. ;-) Church = mind-control absolutely, imo And as much as today's 'Christian' religions don't like being reminded of it - all roads lead to Rome'the ultimate mind-controllers. ;-(

      Sine Nomine

  6. You people are very entertaining.

    Can't get enough of this blog and all the comments.

    More please! (smiley face)

    Can't wait to see what happens this weekend and Monday. Even Poofs latest message mentioned the next few weeks as a rollercoaster ride.

    I want to DVR my life for the next three weeks so I can show my future grandkids what happened before they were free.

    Oh o say can you seeeeeeeeeeee (Zero bombs in the night)

  7. wow! how did we get from incoming CMEs to disclosure? lol- I love how you guys think! :>)

    1. Maybe from the incoming CME's:)) A desire for disclosure is growing it seems.

    2. Focus=Intent=Manifestation

      'THE SECRET'

    3. We want to see disclosure, but don't have high hopes because dates come and go. If you ever get the time to read the rest of the comments, you can tell how skeptical we are. Many people are now attacking you and accusing you of being disinfo. Maybe it's your insiders being fed disinfo and they don't even know it and are telling you what they heard. Enjoy your long break, you deserve it!

  8. This blog is NOT the cabal. None of this matters. This blog reaches 10 people.

    Amazing what a google search of Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf will reveal.. here are some links, or you can try it yourself if your searching for the truth.

    Luckily, there are more logical thinking critical thinkers posting as Anon, than there are blind-folded cheerleaders. And were here to help you in spite of you calling us Troll, Cabal, Shills all of which are simply ignorant slander by the way.

    So It matters not. A bunch of fakes running a blog, even with 50 duped followers will have 0 effect on Anything except the negativity they draw on themselves by duping those people. Has this been you? I will apologize for them since they will not.

    You'll be happy once your finally FREE of this blog's BS.
    No need to Thank me or anyone who tries to help.

    Bring on the Insults.
    The only ones tossing insults are the ignorant and you have to pity them for they know not what they do.
    Unlike the operators of this blog. Shame on you.

    1. She also seems to be operating a British company named BANDENIA BANCA PRIVADA PLC.

      If you search for this company, you only find very small web sites, with very few information and nice photos of empty offices, e.g.:

      Google Tucci-Jarraf Bandenia for more evidence of her implication in this company.


    2. According to this site, her appointment as director was terminated on 12/26/12:


    3. BBP PLC is still current according to Companies House web site.

      Sine Nomine

    4. But the accounts are overdue! lol!

      Sine Nomine

    5. Addendum to previous post 02:50

      Sine Nomine

    6. I suspect that Ms. Tucci-Jarraf removed herself from this company when she realized that she was involved with some shady activities.

      What is this company doing? They seem to have only directors, located all over the world, some of them having addresses that look like being their own flat. They are registered in England, but their legal blah blah specifies that they refuse UK customers. Looks very strange...

    7. Do you know what "factoring" is? That might help you. Other than that it looks like it means parting with $$ to find out more. Or I should say ££ !lol!

      Sine Nomine

    8. ...logical thinking critical thinkers...(that`s what our intrepid poster above considers himself)

      the link above...``Heather Ann Tucci pleads guilty`` is about someone who was 18 years old in 2009


      Thanks for coming...

      Better to remain quiet and thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    9. That is very bizarre-- when I first googled Heather's name this article did NOT show up in the query. Now I'm starting to feel ill.

    10. They lumped you in that anon 06:59 as one of the anon logical critical thinkers so don't be too hard on them! lol!

      Sine Nomine

  9. Anon 22:32.. I don't believe you will get any shock or awe with this info. Your a little last on the info. Do appreciate you DO'ing! Go back around Dec 24 or 25th and you will see that this info is already known


  10. Yes, we already know of this news... was posted awhile ago .

  11. Side note...we haven't seen any chemtrails in our area since 1/7/13.. anyone else noticed something similar?

    1. Same Here Big Mamma Any, But Last Night Saw Some, A Instead Of Turning Into Clouds And No, They We're Not Contrails Just Chemtrails That Seem To Have Run Out OfChems :-)

    2. In central Florida it looks like a tic tac toe.

  12. So she's not who she says she is... but that doesn't matter huh?


    1. Go Back Thru All The Posts And Read And Listen To The Interviews And you Will Know What All That Means. We Are Not Doing Your Work For You, Dumbazz.
      (It Would Appear That We Have Drawn A New Level Of Govt Infiltrators, As This OneHas Obviously Not Been With Us Long Enough To Have Read Everything)

    2. Funkyjo...

      I see you ordered the kook juice?
      I wont be having that.

    3. Anon it seems you don't want to know the truth. If you look back on this blog even before the first OPPT post by D, Heather, Caleb and a Randell (all a OPPT trustees) were dicussed and googled by people in the comments section. Questions were asked and answered. Interviews explained all about the trucking companies, Heather putting her home into foreclosure. People on this blog have discussed many things, if you want to know go back to Dec. 24 and read from there.

  13. Hello everyone,even Drake who stated RTS and OPPT were frauds is saying now that Boehner is interim president and that it will be announced on monday.Look at here:


    1. Djon,
      You are posting crap that has already been outed as disinfo. This came from Nesaranewsblogspot and facebook and it is Bullshit.

    2. Disinfo from who ???

    3. And, who makes you an "authority" to say it's bullshit?? OH, great anonymous 6:18 says all this is bullshit, so we should all pack up and go back to sleep and go back to the comfortable, "safe" and "fair" slave system! I'm glad anonymous 6:18 has mandated the Truth to us all! All hail Anonymous 6:18 for his WISE insights, NOT derived from fear at all, but "intelligence" and "critical thinking". Bless you, anonymous 6:18. I can sleep well now knowing you're looking out for our best interests! He/She says to NOT think of possibilities, NOT to think of opportunity, NOT to dream of a better world for all, NOT to inspire others to change themselves to be a better person, NOT to strive to make the world a better place to Live in, NOT to KNOW we create our own reality, there are a bunch of things He/She would tell you NOT to do, but I don't have time to list them all. Sounds like a fun person to align your vibration with, huh? Kinda reminds me of this person:

      For the rest of US who choose NOT to live in fear of the unknown, better times are HERE!

    4. Go ahead michael,
      Show me where Boehner said that "you must abide by the constitution or hit the road". Several BS websites posted this but they never show you the proof. I would like it to be so but so far any attempt to produce the quote has been a failure. Maybe you know something different.

    5. michael,
      I never said you couldn't dream. Don't put words in my mouth that you can't reproduce. Instead work on reproducing proof that the disinfo you posted is true. I'll be waiting.

    6. There is a big difference between fear and wariness. The first lesson a mother will teach her young in the wild is be wary because it means survival. I see no wariness here. Just willing lambs.

    7. anon 8:41,
      Willing lambs would be taking 5-1 odds from oddsmaker down below. No, i think the fact that nobody has taken him up on it supports the idea of the presence of disinfo agents o con artists. I don't see Michael taking the odds either despite all his big talk.

    8. geez, michael, you really are one sanctimonious prick, aren't you?

    9. yes, I am.
      I'll try to be smarter

    10. The odds are just his personal opinion. His 20% odds is better than most naysayers who place the odds at under 1%. Dates have come and gone too many times so the odds are indeed slim that this will be the one. We don't even know which, if any of the rumors are true because there's so much disinfo out there.

  14. A good writing here for those that are interested:

    We don't need no stinking mass media!!

  15. Coming to a Bullshit expose near you!

  16. And so another day commences in the blogosphere. Sigh! 'Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.......' lol!

    Sine Nomine

    1. Huggs, Sine

      /me passes Sine Nomine the green crayon.

    2. Thanks Sine Metu, I am on my last one and am now contemplating paint, water based of course! ;-) lol!

      hugs backatchya!

      Sine Nomine

  17. We the people of earth in Creator's court the Universe plea discovery and direct access to Creator's Law from Creator's Authority to see:

    1) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are denied direct access to Creator's Written Law

    2) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are denied direct access to know what stands between Creator's Rightful and Creator's Wrongful Intent

    3) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are denied direct access to know the number of moments of now subtracted from the moment of discovery of all herein this plea

    4) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are denied direct access to the Common Language of Creator

    5) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are denied harmonic comprehension of dissonance in and among ourselves

    6) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are denied direct access to Creator's natural replenishment of each of our corporal bodies

    7) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are denied direct contact with Authorized messenger beings from Creator and the knowledge by which to distinguish their Authenticity

    8) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are to presume in and among ourselves doubt first rather than trust first

    9) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are denied direct access to a full list of our inalienable rights as Authored direct by Creator for the purpose of our study

    10) by what agreement with Creator we the people of earth are denied direct access to knowledge of our wrong by which we are condemned to endure the moments of presence in now and suffer to seek discovery of all herein this plea

    Sine Metu one of we the people of earth truly witness and plea discovery of all herein for the sake of all of we the people and to seek Judgement by Creator

    1. Did you post or email this to any groups or offices or individuals, Sine Metu?

      Ninja Bambi

    2. And for those that don't believe in a Creator. Where does that leave them? Out in the cold.

    3. Ninja Bambi, its posted here for any and all to read as stated. Creator knows all.

      anon:8:36:: i love listening to solipsist sophistry, too, so you are included in the plea.

    4. The paperwork refers to the ORIGINAL ARCHITECT. Say, if you sawed some wood, added some metal, and finished it with plastic, then applied for a patent. Someone that might challenge your "originality" might ask: "did the tree from which you derived the wood, did the steel that you utilize, did the petroleum that was chemically re-organized into plastic design themselves?" All atoms/molucules/compounds have a conciousness. whoa! these are just "dead" entities!! Until you understand that conciousness is in everything you just won't "get it." You will have no "reverence." You have conciousness. You are not "inert." You derive your conciousness from some "pool" of conciousness. That "pool" is overseen by a larger entity...maybe...or otherwise you think all alone. I prefer to believe there is an ORIGINAL ARCHITECT. I like to run with the WINNERS.

    5. Most atheists even believe in a creator, creator being "the big bang" so not 'left out'
      if you believe you imagined yourself into being, then you are creator so not 'left out'
      everything was created, everything has a creator, it can't be denied. People use different labels, personally I don't like to get attached to labels. In general I don't really like them.

    6. The way I see it you can believe in a creator (first cause) or you can not. If you do believe in a first cause or creator then what is said here makes some kind of sense. If you do not believe in a creator then you must be the creator. This also seems to make sense on some level that I sadly, havent realized. Anonymus 08:36, I salute you because you must not see any seperation and therefore can never be 'out in the cold' to answer your question.... but You already knew that and were just testing us right(wink wink)? So I will stfu.

      For us others what is said here can be understood by an 8 year old and may be a nice beginning point for those of us to realize our oneness with everything, like anonymous above. If however we can make this understandable to a four year old so that they can explain it to us then this really might be something! IMHO

      One thing I think a four year old may not understand is the use of the word wrong and the judgement part at the end. Otherwise thank you for this post.

    7. Many four years olds are way ahead of us.

    8. "Many four years olds are way ahead of us." - Could this possibly be because they have yet to go through the mind-machine of the education system?

      Ninja Bambi

    9. "Sine Metu19 January 2013 09:30

      Ninja Bambi, its posted here for any and all to read as stated. Creator knows all."

      Fair enough. I believe I see what you are getting at.


      Ninja Bambi.

    10. 'Could this possibly be because they have yet to go through the mind-machine of the education system?'

      That is certainly also a factor, but I meant that they arrived here with capabilities we didn't have when we came, abilities that we will reacquire in the coming months ;-)

      For example telekinesis, making a flower's bud bloom before your eyes, removing objects out of a closed glass container, telling you what is written on which page of a closed book you give them that they never saw, etc... Things that we generally term as 'impossible' today (and which many wouldn't believe even if they saw it, because they would look for the 'trick' behind it).

  18. Amazing how many more comments there are on this site since OPPT came into public view... I just went through all the comments numbers for the past few months and its pretty indicative of something, just not sure what. Either there is something being posted that is drawing heavy attention or people are only now chiming in their two cents in order to "warn" them off. Quite a high change in a very brief time span...

    1. There are so many comments because people are asking for proof that this works in the courts. So far none has been provided. Banks are still in operation, government is still taking money and the courts are still operating as usual. In short, i still see NO change.

  19. Just a thought! Maybe this UCC filing is like the Declaration of Independence...the document that started it all. Could be the battle (for our freedom) has not yet begun...only announcements, arrests and wining the mind of hearts of those loyal to the TPB or asleep to the fact that they even exist is our job (once this all comes down). So we are the one that been waiting for. Now I certainly know dates come and go and this might also be the fact here, but it doesn't change the fact that something will happen sometime. Because you can not think of something that doesn't exist. Anything that can be thought exists in some time...some place it only needs to brought in to density. All thought reside in the divine mind. So our freedom these announcement exist so they will be so maybe not on Monday but they will be.

    I think once we see something tangible we will become like the lion in The Wizard of Oz and find our freedom and courage in ourselves that was always there. He needed a heart/courage we need something concrete to follow our heart (courage) to where ever it takes us which can only be freedom and sovereignty our basic rights.

    1. YES! What do you suppose if someone told Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington that "nothing will happen" (!?)

    2. nothing would have happened!

    3. 'I think once we see something tangible we will become like the lion in The Wizard of Oz and find our freedom and courage in ourselves that was always there.'

      Yes, Frank. Some of us know this now, and are (im)patiently waiting for our inherent abilities to return to us. Once they do, we will immediately be able to provide the evidence so many request from us.

      In the mean time, some are convinced, and others won't accept anything without evidence.

    4. equity, when you have seen the Cabal screw over everybody from the American Indian to their own soldiers, why would you now accept anything that someone tells you without proof? Show me a case that has been won. Anything!

  20. Still offering 5 to 1 odds that Obama will be still be president after the public inauguration on 1/21. In addition, there will be no NESARA, no annoucements of any kind, just business as usual.

    1. President of a Corporation. Also sworn in on a stack of Masonic Bibles. Me- I'll bet I will still be walking around with my tail in the as any tomcat.

    2. I'll make a note of that OddsMaker.


      There's a such article on the Nesara site saying to "expect" announcements on the 21st. I give it a 5% chance we will see disclosure and our interm president. Reading the 25+ comments, most people are skeptical because every date has come and gone. It is logical to assume that if the light truly has the power, this would be their big chance to push ahead with announcements. If nothing happens, we must sadly assume the dark cabal is still very much in power. The light already had a major setback when nothing happened on 12/21/12 as so many insiders(and the Mayans) believed would happen. I do feel bad for D, it must be so frustrating to see her beliefs not manifest. She hasn't posted in the last few days, guess she's taking a much deserved break and I agree with her choice. Alot of people say this whole thing is a hoax or massive disinfo campaign. I am awake enough to know that if the light is unable to disclose the truth and wake up the sheeple, the elites will lead 90% of them to slaughter by depopulation.

    4. Major disifo site, that nesaranews. Too many lies there and censoring which is a red flag that freedom is not tolerated. Sounds like Cabal to me.

    5. I agree and which is why I seldom read that site anymore. But D seems so sure of herself and trusts her insiders. We will see if anything happens on Monday, besides the normal inauguration of Obummer. If nothing happens, D really needs to question her insiders and also question where those insiders got their intel from, because it may be disinfo.

    6. The only thing D said about a Monday was that her insiders hadn't said anything about announcements! She didn't plan on that happening. Before you spout your own disinfo read the blog! It's addressed in the CVAC post comments more than once!

  21. Why do I see that no one has mentioned that Monday is an annual legal holiday in the US? I follow quite a few blogs and news sites (both alternative & mainstream) and have not seen mention yet that Monday, Jan 21, which also happens to be Inauguration Day this year is also celebrated every year as Martin Luther King day. Can everyone agree on this fact?

    1. Yes, it has only happened twice that these events coincided. Obama-Rama-Lama is planning to encourage everyone to Volunteer for something. Martin Luther King volunteered.

    2. Sad to say Anon 8:08,

      Not everyone in this country respects the work of Dr. Martin Luther King and therefore does not honor his Holiday as others do.

      In the coming days, this will change.

      The Assassination of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, MARTIN LUTHER KING and ROBERT FRANCIS KENNEDY will be honored in our History books for their wrongful deaths and heroic work in trying to free this country's citizens from the 'Corporation', after our History has been re-written.

      These three as well as others will be honored.

      I have no doubt that they are all sharing in this 'Moment in Time' with us.

      P.S. Notice how many times the word 'ass' appears in 'assassination'. :(

    3. Interesting Factoid: "Hashhashin" was the original word. Really. Look it up. They would just like in the today, get the assassin all zonked on mind altering drugs, hash in that case, and set them loose on the prey.

    4. to Anonymous 10:29

      Well said, so true!

    5. We do now know that such discrimination was the plot of the Cabal to 'DIVIDE AND CONQUER'.

      That is NOW History. We have begun to correct all of the wrongs, making our Country and Earth a Utopia, and accepting the invitation to become a member of the Galactic :)




      Does that mean that the court was no longer willing to hear what DWM and his client went to court for, and closed the case?

    2. Not sure what i'm looking at here but it looks like these cases are just being thrown out of court?

    3. It is looking like he is just laughed out of court. Has he even won anything? But what it really exposes is that the regular court system BAR is still going strong and has not been defeated by Heather and her Merry Men, dammit.

    4. Heather failed to get her press release out to the mainstream news, oh well, thanks for trying anyway.


  24. Interesting News! Drake the Fake has been called out by Clif High of the Webbot as a bold face liar. Check it out at Guess you guys hoping for an interim government and happy days ahead are in for a big surprise this coming Monday. Your beloved Obama will be sworn in and you can get ready for more hell to come. Surprise, Surprise!

    1. Why? Drake was not the originator of the Bohner/Interim stuff. D was. 'Your beloved Obama'? Are you in the right place? Jean Haines blog is that way ---------------------------->

    2. Dear Anon 11:13. Do you really believe this crap? Are you that dense? Who fried your brain? Drake is all over the bandwagon on this BS along with D. These fruitcakes feed off each other. When are you going to wake up? Does someone need to slap the crap out of you and all the others that believe this shit? You poor misguided souls! Obama will be sworn in as your master again and you'll be in for the ride of your life. So sit back and watch TV on the 21st as your hope-a-phobic fantasies fade away into the sunset. What a joke!

    3. Anon 12:18. Which side are you on? Freedom or enslavement? Please share with us your ideas and visions for a better world for all...

    4. Anon 12:18 Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions. The things you assume from reading posts! Really you have it down to an art-form. But DO have a nice day! ROFLMAO at YOU!

    5. Dear Anon 12:24. Look's like you're just another braindead hop-a-phobic who believes all this crap being posted. I'm for freedom, but you sure aren't going to get it from these imposters who post this shit which is all LIES. You people are so brainwashed believing this crap that you've lost all concept of reality. There are no white knights, ET's, galactic freedom fighters, Nesara, PP packs, St Germaine funds that are going to save you and bring you freedom. You want freedom? Then you're going to have to get it yourself. Problem is, it ain't gonna happen. People in the U.S. will never stand up and be counted. They're hopelessly entrapped in a demonic controlled government. Having ideas and visions of a better world won't be found in this blog and won't get you there. Getting the majority of people off their asses to demand change might, but I feel it's too late. So hunker down while Obama is sworn in and think real hard why the new interim government didn't take place. It's time to expose D, Drake, Giles, Nidle, Wilcock, Heneghan and all the other imposters for what they are.

    6. Anon 12:55. I am a "braindead hop-a-phobic" because I asked you some questions??? I didn't state my beliefs. Your showing your hand my friend, Having ideas and visions for a better world won't get you there??? Hmmm... I am having trouble understanding your logic, but I am open to to hearing your opinion. Have a wonderful day my friend.

    7. If you think nothing will happen, then it's game over for humanity. Hope you believe in heaven and life after death.

    8. But you know that you are already dead then

    9. Anonymous19 January 2013 11:02 - What are you hoping for?

    10. Drake was called out for taking credit in part of the web bot project. Drake was called out by Clif High on something TOTALLY unrelated to this blog, NESARA, OPPT, or anything here. Clif has said NOTHING about the above topics, other than David W deserves bad karma for letting Drake lose on the people.
      Just thought I would clarify that.

    11. Dear Anon 18:07. If Drake is a liar about the Webbot, then it's highly likely he's a liar about all the other BS he spills out.

  25. For me, freedom has nothing to do with what others can or can not do to me. It’s about me knowing the right thing to do in the moment and having the courage/strength/ability to do it. When I am moving in freedom I am being the gift I am created to be. I am doing all that I can to alleviate suffering in the universe. What proof do I have of that? My inner knowing. Could I be wrong? Of course I could. We all do what we know to do. That’s all we can do.

  26.! The President of a corporation doesn't need a birth certificate.

  27. It's like misery on legs around here this last few hours.

    So everything is biz as usual then!



    Ninja Bambi

    1. Ninja Bambi, so much has changed that Business as usual can not function. Everyone thought dec 21st was a non event but it wasn't. No magic instant transformation physicaly but hold on tight spiritualy. It is all about vibration. The vibes are good, grab your surf board.

    2. Hi DavidG,

      Thanks for the response.

      I was just having a little joke about biz as usual on this blog.

      But, no probs. I know what you are trying to share.

      Me on a surfboard!!! No...I'm more the take my shoes off, and walk with my feet in the surf, along the shoreline only kind. I like to pick up shells too...I'm daring that way.


      Ninja Bambi.

    3. Ninja kick ass bambi picks up a shell - oh no that just won't work. It's nice but it needs more POP! lol - huggs :)

    4. Well, I pick up rocks too! Been known to take out the odd seagull from time to time. Little buggers will insist on having a go at my sand-wiches!


      Life's a beach...

      Ninja Bambi

  28. Before or After the inauguration, That BEs the Question.

    OK here's a little doggy bone to chew on for yous people that keep looking at the last comments here to see if there's any HINT of hope and Change ;)

    check this link follow the rabbit holes... see where they lead.


    Happy hunting :)

  29. Hear they are again. Michelle, the Bidens and The Puppet in Chief himself, one big happy family celebrating another rigged election. As the clock tic tocs toward inauguration, the excuses surely are being readied. What will it be this time? Clones again? Or maybe a mirage? Why not just try the "Obozo is a good guy thingy again? Nah that was last time..


  30. Hi,

    why do we think John B will be sworn as President on Sunday/Monday? It ain't gonna happen as most of us know, so what about the rest of this story about galactics, Dinar RV, OPPT, etc. etc.

    This site has a record of missed deadlines and failed predictions as long as my arm, if this one too fails isn't it time to take your money and run.....


    1. There is no money in this world

    2. And you could also be a shill Anon 17:03! How do we know!

  31. O.K: Here are some facts that might let you All in on the "big picture." Have you noticed that all the countries that are not suffering austerity and failed banks and "cabal" influence are gathering together "tonnes" of Gold? The group is called BRICS (Brasil-Russia-India-China-South Africa. Now they are being referred to as BRICS+ the + meaning 140 "non-aligned" nations. Each one of these in the BRICS+ group have a lot of natural resources and each has a Bone to Pick with the hegemony of Britain and the debt-based economies. China for instance used to buy a lot of our "treasuries" which are bonds that back our Dollar. They are using their dollars to buy up every commodity they can before the Dollar implodes. The Euro as well is imploding. England destroyed China in the 1800's with Opium. These people hold a grudge a long time. Whether or not we have the same old President is inconsequential. Our Dollar is going to go bye-bye. (troll dollars too)

    1. David Wilcock has offered a lot of background information on these major changes in the world's financial scnenes, in particular in

  32. The Euro is NOT imploding, as a matte of fact it is strengthening against both pound and dollar.

    1. How about against GOLD?

    2. Chart provided...oops! steady loss over the ten year chart. Besides...fricker...imagine what is in store when China et al come out with gold backed currency? All Fiat will die. You can come up with any fairy dust backed chart but real soon the "real" world of Gold will return.

    3. China will say: "no tickee-no washee!"

    4. Euro is 80% USD

  33. Hi,
    your comments about 'soon the 'real Gold will return' has no meaning and there is no benefit of having a gold-backed currency.
    China may very well be a dominant player in the export market and will most likely be a bigger economy than USA in a few years, but this does NOT mean the death of the fiat currency.

    Currency is backed by the trust in a nation (= 1000 times more important than gold).


    1. You are wrong, the trust is your slavery

    2. Currency is backed only by our labor and when the private counterfeiting Fake Federal Reserve sells bonds, they are selling our labor which means they are selling slavery. Slavery is illegal. Counterfeiting is illegal. The Coinage act of 1792 made counterfeiting a death penalty offense and it has never been rescinded.

    3. Its like a Videogame


  34. I could go on and on but I doubt you are looking at the charts or reading the TRVTH.

  35. anon 12:55 I agree with you that most of the people in this country won't get their butts off the couch to do anything but this isn't just about the people of the US. This is a global project and it's for mother Earth as well as the people of the planet that have been enslaved. Luckily not all the people in the US are sloths and that's where Drake, Poof, DW, T Man, Kerry Cassidy and many more like them have risked their lives to try to wake people up. Luckily again, there are Patriots behind the scenes who have listened and have been working for years to get the goods on the crooks and they will/are being brought to justice. The stories are everywhere but MSM but that too is about to change.

    1. Hear, hear!

      We can't thank these brave people enough for having the courage to 'trail-blaze' the way to the New World.

    2. Dear Anon 22:49: You've got to be kidding! Drake, Poof, DW and the rest have risked their lives? These people are nothing more than disinfo agents and liars. How can their lives be in danger when they tell nothing but lies? If they told the truth, then their lives would be in danger. GET IT!

  36. Luckily not all the people in the US are sloths and that's where Drake, Poof, DW, T Man, Kerry Cassidy and many more like them have risked their lives to try to wake people up

    you might as well finish the list......ryan,wilcock,fulford,icke,...cmon...all the celebrities.

    and I think 'risk their lives', is a bit much.

  37. As I understand it, Heather has supplied a "skeleton" of legal structure, and it's up to us to register ourselves using UCC onto that structure.


    We have a SIGN of the times!!

    President Obama will be taking his oath today in a PRIVATE CEREMONY:)


    1. What does that mean? I am a lightworker. But don't see the good in that. Could you explain what you think it means? Would love to see your point of view. Thanks.


    2. Christine,

      Lightworkers are firstly those who chose to 'wake up' first, BEFORE we came to this lifetime so that we would be able to 'HOLD THE LIGHT' for those still asleep, as well as LOVE.

      Lightworkers also help in the planetary healing through meditation.
      We connect into the energy of ALL THERE IS with unconditional love.
      We assist those as they awaken to the hidden truths in whatever way that we can.

      Even though we know of all that humanity has gone through at the hands of the 'Cabal', we 'HOLD THE LIGHT' as the war with 'POWERS THAT WERE' comes to an END. We know that our evolution into the 5th dimension will leave all that we do not desire in the 3rd dimension so we are able to send that unconditional love, as well as light to all, even the Cabal.

      You could imagine the CHAOS if the rest of humanity were asleep while the taking down of the 'MATRIX' was occurring.

      We have been concerned about the 'timing' of the 'DISCLOSURE' of all that has gone on behind our backs, but 'timing is everything'.

      Governments have been 'CLEANING HOUSE' in preparation for 'THE AWAKENING OF MANKIND'. When EVERYONE is coming to your house, you would want time to CLEAN and PREPARE TOO :)

      It reminds me of waking up Christmas morning. Whoever wakes up first starts to shake the rest of the family awake.

      The majority of us began waking up to the fact that 'something just wasn't right', very early in our lives. We were right.

      Looking around the World, they're WAKING UP!!

      After the announcements, we will be sought out by many to help 'digest' all of the information until the 'next items on the agenda' come about, such as FIRST CONTACT.


  39. And your hearing this from the cabal run media ... let us see what happens tomorrow !!!

    1. Anon 8:38

      If you are not a Lightworker or Wayshower, that message was not intended for you. Do you open other's mail and answer their phones?

    2. Yes because we are all ONE so it is my mail too. :D

  40. Ya it's all over the web showing pics of Obama's an Binden taking oath this morning. Looks like were all hoping for nothing again. But hey I thought that Led Zepplin would never play live again and sure enough they did just that played a live concert back in 2007. It's going to take the lawful USA. MILITARY to step up because the public won't do this on there own or without there help an support.

    1. LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Obama taking the oath in private:)


  42. Did the coronal mass ejaculation take place? What's all this shit posted about Obama? I thought someone was supposed to get impregnated yesterday and bear a Sun Child. Did I miss something?


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