
Monday 7 January 2013

This is "taking action"

This, my friends, is what taking action looks like.

In the last 72 hours ( or so) I have read so many emails  and skype messages that my eyes are blurry and brain spinning and heart pounding.  People asking what they can do to "help". People coming up with ideas for plans to move forward.  People taking the reins and saying "I can do this and this".

Pierre is just one of many who are taking action on their own.  They are not asking for permission or for the "GO!", they are just doing it.  Doing what  their hearts and minds tell them.

We don't need to save the world in one fell swoop.  It all starts with taking the first step- big or small.

This is a copy of the original email that AK  and I received:

I have been following your website for some time along with removingtheshackles and recently learned about the people's trust.

I want to present an idea I have begun to implement that you could potentially share with your viewers.

In about an hour I created the blog:
Subsequently, I created in about 10 minutes once I had a template to follow.

Next, I have started posting online ads in my community such as this one: 

My aim is to spread awareness about the peoples trust and get people to connect with each other in person, in their communities, in order to empower them and potentially facilitate taking actions in their cities to make this further known by the general population. This is a real grassroots approach that could spread fast.

I live in Ottawa and will manage the peoplestrustottawa blog for some time to see if it is a success. I only created the Toronto one to see how fast it could be done with a template to follow.

If followers of your blog who have knowledge of the people's trust start doing this on their own, in their respective cities, and creating their 'peoplestrustcity' blogs without necessary following my template and to their own liking, then we can eventually build a planet wide network that can be unofficially or at some point officially associated with the peoples trust main website.

An Invitation to All Beings of Light

On behalf of:
Pierre Robert Grandbois

An invitation to all Beings of Light desiring to participate in the creation of a grassroots initiative 'The People's Trust & Planetary Liberation Network'.

Up-to-date website/blog templates are to be found at: and


1. To inform the people of The People's Trust and to direct them to
2. To create a grassroots initiative that assists the people to re-member, and to
reclaim their freedom and connection to all-that-is.
3. To create an opportunity for online communication by the people, organized by geographical location.
4. To assist the people in meeting each other in person, in their respective
communities, through a common interest in the People's Trust and planetary

The rationale for having two different websites/blogs:

The People's Trust websites/blogs will focus more on informing the people of The People's Trust, whereas the Planetary Liberation websites/blogs will delve deeper into other subjects related to helping free the people.

Suggestions on how to succeed with this initiative:

1. Inform the people through established way-shower websites and blogs, of this
network and how to get involved.
2. Inform the people through word of mouth, established relationships, and other
3. Through divine inspiration and allowing the coming forth of the right individuals, with the right talents, to improve this grassroots network in the best interest of the people. Specifically by:
a. Improving the basic website template and design with appropriate
information, wording, appearance, and organization.
b. Improving the methods of management and coordination of this
network of websites.
c. Leading by example and getting websites by location established and

Most importantly, why?

To be of service to the people and to assist them in their return to empowerment throughout the course of the current shift to global freedom that we are currently experiencing. The speed at which external events of magnitude and importance continue to impact the people for the benefit of all, should not negate the value of this initiative, as the people can benefit by any, and all, initiatives that assist them in supporting each other and gaining an understanding of our planetary liberation, i.e. what has been and is unfolding behind the scenes, and soon to be made known to the general public, in our financial, legal, and other systems and institutions, for the betterment of all.

If you would like to create and manage a People's Trust blog for your respective city or region, you can contact us at for assistance.

You can also visit:

Please note that the People's Trust is for all citizens of this planet. Residents of all countries worldwide are welcome to create their own blogs to help spread this vital information.


  1. After making people aware of what Drake was talking about months ago, if I showed anybody this without proof, I'd probably be committed and would be spending time with Nurse Ratchet.

    1. If you're not going to be part of the movement or solution, why post anything at all? That sort of energy is not needed in this kind of movement. What can you positively contribute to this movement?

      I personally have been sharing the information all over my FB pages. It is reaching tens of thousands of people.

    2. I am not a mullet. If I see any proof that this is real you can be sure that I will spread it. So far I have not seen any proof but thanks for your concern, Christine.

    3. Then label it a rumor and let the sheeple decide for themselves. Besides, we have proof that the 1% is oppressing the 99%, so use that.

    4. If it looks like a duck it is a duck and if it sounds like the TOPPT elite it is. when will you stop following these people they have showed you not proof and wont/

    5. I agree with Anon1328 and Anon1451 - There is no proof so far. D - I don't think that is taking action at all. Building a blog to spread information without a shred of proof is irresponsible. I have been reading all the blogs... this one posted all that information on the people's trust. AK - posted several news articles on the banks. Drake started censoring and posting some really weird info that no one can make sense of. The2012Scenario / goldenageofgai - posted an article that says it would stay far from running info on the people's trust until there is proof. Poof decided to drop everything and do consultations. Greg Giles posted info on his blog and now is latching on to Alex Jones. WHAT IS GOING ON?!?! Nothing that I see - People can't do much but open blogs because they have no money. That is all anyone can do.... write and give their time. There is no proof... today Hillary went back to work, Obama nominated Hagel (anti Iran sanction) and Brennan (drone lover) David Cameron said he would consider going to war over the Falklands, Alex Jones was detained by the TSA... regular people are broke and most of the US states have a flu outbrake. NO MORE BLOGGING! PROOF NOW! People are dying in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan... children again dying from starvation in Africa - EVERYDAY - people are stressed to the point that they take their own lives from the mountain of debt. Dec 21 was a DISAPPOINTMENT and even the channelers in the days that followed were down down depressed and questioning their own sources. I am tired - I see nothing in the mainstream media - and for those like D and others who say - "if you expect to see it in the MSM then forget about it" - I say - this affects all of us - the entire world - I expect to see it everywhere - on the internet - in the news papers - on the walls in graffiti. Proof - no one knows you - everyone always says these comments are so divisive... I say - we each have our road to walk and maybe it takes us different ways but always to the same source. I see people in these blogs getting their hopes us and I don't want to see them let down. I love all of you - we all deserve to be happy - don't think I am a troll - I am just tired of all these info dumps - they are starting to stink - I want proof not words. I did not write this message with crayons!

    6. I hear you anon15:42. Things are getting worse by the day in the real world. All we need is just a small spark of proof and it will spread like wildfire. You are not alone. You are not a troll. You are someone who has common sense.
      Thanks for having the guts to say what is on your mind.

    7. I agree! Most of us would like to see proof at this point. More blogs won't help! If the elites are really defeated and the light really has won, we need to find out what the hell is going on and why this isn't mainstream by now! The other bloggers are distancing themselves from this blog and this is not good!

    8. I spent the time to really understand the totallity of all the DOCs and videos. I posted and caught flak for having no proof of anything physically.Had to apologize to all listening to me for not vetting my information and spreading rumors of hope...something real has to come out before I'll post anything about is what it is..............Namaste

    9. The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law it's control by phsycological manipulation of concsiousness through which reality is defined so that those who exists within it, don't even realise that they are in a prison. They do not even realise that there is anything outside where they exists!

      You are the way showers .. hold you grounds!

    10. skylyte the checks of the shills would bounce if all this was true, wouldn't they? read what they wrote. they just want answers and proof. that is all. no one listens to wilcock because he can't back anything up. people are fleeing from drake cause of the red light green light. his bulbs don't work. lol. remvshackles is having the same problem now. to believe or not to? individual choice.

  2. Trying to set up a group in Western WA, anyone interested?

    1. Hello there,

      Anonymous in Western WA. WAY TO GO!!! I'm looking for like minded people in the state of IDAHO!! Come on now....I know you're out there!!

      Blessings to you D and all the rest of you Free People!


    2. Annon 13:30

      I am in Bellingham, and am interested in getting involved. But I need more proof that this is real before spending time and energy promoting something that may not be what if first appears.


    3. Hi Tom M,

      I've been there too. About needing more proof.
      I spent a lot of time researching sites for info like this stuff for years.

      Finally found D's site and another reputable site (American Kabuke). I discovered that, all this stuff they've been writing about has been happening right under my nose all this time. I Trust D implicitly!

      So all I'm saying is, I finally started listening to my heart. No more fear, no more just sitting and researching. I'm ready to take action! I convinced myself....I really am.. A FREE PERSON!

      So if there is anyone who cares to join me, FEEL FREE to do so!

      email me at:

      Blessings to all of you,

    4. Please let everyone know that this all needs to go mainstream, we need to wake as many people as possible, including my parents.

  3. Finally! Someone taking personal responsibility and action...I applaud you Pierre! I was also considering starting a Meet-up group for this topic as well as discussing and securing the new time-line by meditating and visualizing as if it is already in place! Perhaps, others would considering doing the same?

    I'd also like to add that no changes will take place while people continue to be in the place and emotional status of "hoping" for change; for it is in the hoping that tells the universe that you are still sending out energy that is formed from lack. We must 'fake it; till we make it.' Send out the energy of gratitude that all the things that you wish to happen have already occurred and then things will really start to roll! We must also, no matter how dismal our current reality appears, give thanks for what you are currently experiencing.
    And, please try your hardest no to let the information on these blogs to control your emotional stability - do not let them take power away from you and your co-creative process!!!
    I say all of this with loving intentions and hope I have not offended anyone along the way!

  4. D, I will be one of the first to actually take this thing to court once Heather and/or you get the Declaration posted and let us know what copies of the UCC forms we need to send in when we decide to fight this battle with individual banks. You referred to it in the interview/conversation but I not seen anything produced yet. I will also post each step I take so there is a guide for others to follow. Even though I believe in everything you are saying, the court systems and legal systems are too daunting to just take on ourselves without the basic steps and or questions we need in our hands to ask. Most of us don't understand the legal language in those documents. Get us that paperwork so we can start printing and mailing them into the banks along with our cover letter. I'm ready!

    1. "...the court systems and legal systems are too daunting to just take on ourselves..." - Yes, funkyjo, they are. And that phrase is almost exactly what Heather herself said in that recorded conversation with Brian.

      The promised follow-up papers/guides/documents, whatever they are, are eagerly awaited...

      Ninja Bambi

    2. P.S. Once I learn how to do this you can bet I WILL be putting out an ad in the paper to all people being foreclosed on and if need be I will go with them to court to fight the battle. I look forward to getting this party started.

    3. I agree. I'm looking forward to the protocols, e.g. what forms can I take to the bank to notify them I am released from paying the mortgage. Once that info is given to us by Heather, and after I go to the bank and it works, THEN I can tell everyone who would listen.

    4. Has ANYONE bothered to go to Pierce County Recorded Documents and LOOK at Heather's foreclosure case? The first thing I did when faced with TOPPT was to validate she existed by going to the Pierce County Auditors site and look up recorded records under the name Tucci=Jarraf.(I live in Washington so when I saw the test case mentioned in Gig Harbor...I knew to go to Pierce County, and now you know because I have shared with you, information.)
      Amazing what I found. 12 entries all with PDF files of motions filed.
      After that I found a great website about meeting your Strawman. The website uses PLAIN ENGLISH, not legalese.
      But still people are waiting for Heather, AK, D or ANYONE to do the boots on the ground work for them.
      Funky...the info is out there, go read it. If you can't find it, ask for help.
      Free...the protocols Heather used are in the recorded records of Pierce County Auditor.

    5. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the information, and still love ya even though you are chastising me (deserved). BTW I have been asking for help, lol. I will look it up and when I find the forms I will be able to print them out myself! And I will be happy to provide the links (not just the info) to make it super easy for anyone else.

    6. @funkyjo & iwent

      Awesome! :-)

      @ iwent - I know there are several sites out there that discuss strawman issues, would love to know what link you found if you would be so kind.


      :-) Crow

    7. Is there anyway these filings can help those of us who are homeless be able to get into a place to live? I really don't have computer access to read documents, I just use my old smart phone and free wi-fi to get online. The peoples trust documents don't "show up" on my phone, but I am able to access the interviews and youtube stuff.

    8. Links pretty please? *offers plate of homemade brownies....* It would speed things up enormously.

      Wandering Fire

    9. LadyXanth.....I'm thinking that once any of us starts these proceedings we will all be on the bad list at the credit reporting bureaus and will never get another loan or line of credit. People need to keep that in mind. I don't see how this is going to benefit anyone who does not already have a loan.
      I will provide the link to the Pierce County site when I can and also the steps to get to whatever forms are available there.

    10. Thank you so much funkyjo!

    11. OK iwentcrazy and everyone is the link
      Type in Tucci=Jarraf and click on search. It will bring up a list of 9 documents. I was not able to open the documents or print them or save them. Please, if anyone can save the docs to their computer and then email them out it would help tremendously. Right now I'm ready to throw my computer out the window.
      these docs will only be related to Pierce County. the documents we will need to file will look slightly different depending on what state/county you will be filing in. I will make a special batch of brownies to whoever successfully saves the docs to their computer first :-)

    12. If those prosperity funds are for real, there should be enough money for the good guys to simply buy out the mainstream news and broadcast the truth worldwide!

    13. First I'm sorry for chastising.
      The strawman site is:
      I do not know if the PDF files can be saved off-site. I imagine you could do a print screen.
      The reason I thought reading Heather's legal papers would help (regardless of your state) is to see the wording. The only way I made heads or tales of some of it was because my bff sold half of Tacoma and Gig Harbor and had property about a mile from Heather's. We both recognized the area, and with her real estate knowledge, she was able to say,"This is what that means." I will see if I can go D/L them and if not I will see if I can print screen them, and post them elsewhere , then let you know.
      On a smart phone, you may have luck if it is smart enough to have JAVA.

    14. I am asking a genuine question here, although it may seem like I'm playing devil's advocate...

      What is the difference between a filing and a ruling?

      Because I think I know, but it seems to me people here are viewing evidence of filings (lists of such, not necessarily the actual detailed docs??), but have any of you viewed the rulings on these cases?

      I suppose one can file for anything, but that's not the same as having a positive ruling in your favour, based on said filing, is it?

      Ninja Bambi.

    15. You Have A Valid Question, Ninja Bambi, It Seems We Need An Attorney To Help Us. IM Sure We Have Sons Readers Who Are, But Are Afraid To Come Forth Bev They Would Be Swamped Worn A Million Questions. We Just Need To Have Patience And See If We Will Even Need These forms.

  5. btw or is the rest of your article on the truth and info

  6. Great idea. I just created this blog and twitter account to help get the word out.

    This blog will be both for newbies and veterans alike. It will be a resource on the history of the Private Banking scam and a source for educational materials and tools on how to end their control.

    I will also be promoting the hashtag #BE on my twitter account and recommend others adopt this or other suitable hashtags to help make this movement go viral.

    1. I just followed you on twitter @LadyXanth

  7. To the Moon Alice, To the Moon!!!!

  8. Great stuff.
    Bring on the content.

    1. hi baab- I'm sorry if this comes across as a little bit bitchy. but you know what- I'm going as fast as I can. how about you cut me some slack

  9. What other things are people doing? Personally I have stopped paying my water bills. I would like to stop paying the electric and gas without being cut off but so far cannot find a way around this. It would be helpful if there were updated documents from The People's Trust and also a simple explanation to said documents so more of us can get on board. It seems there has been a lull in the proceedings your honour! We need more interviews of Heather and her fellow trustees (that have remained silent so far.)

    If it is left to people to send in their own questions to The People's Trust then the audience isn't getting the full picture as, most likely, the answers are given privately in e-mail and they could be useful for us all. I can understand Heather is a busy person but there are two other trustees and maybe they could break this whole thing down for the masses to understand. I'm still a bit confused over this Trust business and "being free". Clarification please D when you get a moment. Thanks!!

    1. This information is so explosive that I wish a NEWS ticker could run with latest behind the scene information. We can do so much better with speed of the information delivered to us.

    2. with the governments foreclosed on, all of their control has been taken from you. you are free.

      We are currently working on setting up another conversation and the press release should be ready by morning!

      I"m sorry, I know it's frustrating, but we really are going as fast as we can my friends! :>)


    3. Thank you so much D. I really didn't expect a reply today, as I know you are up to your neck in it. Wow, a press release! That sounds exciting!! Thank you!!!!

    4. If this press release makes it's way into the newspapers and/or TV, it will wake up hundreds of millions of sheeple and go viral all over the net as the first official proof that things are moving and shaking. :)

  10. I'd like to know if someone starts something in North Carolina, please let me know. I could start something myself but wouldn't know the first thing about it.

    My suggestion was for D to start a petition to the interim president Boehner with respect to the fact that we are now aware that we are free and that we demand transparency .. and once it reached a certain amount of signatures like 500,000 to submit it! Why can't we do something like that even.

    If we don't act on all this information we hold, it will be lost soon!

    1. If Boehener is the president i will leave this country

    2. Anonymous 15:27...
      What part of NC are you in? I'm in Asheville area. I'd like to do something but like the rest, haven't a clue .

    3. Once we have the press release done, we will be putting up a petition on the WH site.... if it's still necessary by then ;>)

    4. D-looking for ideas to help you handle all this. What about creating conversations on the right side here for each country/state where people have questions or are taking action. and maybe you can assign a few of your better known friends to help you handle the messages and perhaps create a special place for trolls, so they stop taking up space here with the people who actually have questions, lol

  11. Looks like the Banksters are taking action as well. They are so drunk with power that they are cutting off gun manufacturers now.

    1. My thoughts have been on the "gun issue" and confiscation of our arms is that they are so afraid that once they announce what they have been doing behind our backs, they will for sure be lynched!

    2. Except I am an old man and I can remember how gun control started in the 60s when nobody had any idea that the Banksters really already owned everything. They started a slow progression of tightening the screws. By showing their hand today though, it is right out there in the open who Obozo is working for.

    3. We won't need guns if everything goes well and if we have to use our guns, we know everything went wrong and we are fighting for our lives. As for Obummer, I hope everyone wakes up to the fact he's NOT a good guy.

  12. If Nesara was officially done on Dec. 5th as per D`s article, I would like to know where is the official announcements??? Always sooo close yet so far!!

    1. I have been told that we should see EVERYTHING in the next 24 hours. I'm hoping that this time it goes....... But everyone is damn excited right now!

    2. Thank you D. I am very grateful I found you and the Doc`s. Thank you very much for your reply of my question. Rest up lady, feel better and God bless you. Love and light and cheers to our new future! I cant wait to tell my g.f. I told you so!!!!!!!!!!

    3. If any of what you said in your blog goes mainstream, you and your friends/insiders/helpers/team will be famous worldwide and everyone will be in shock and awe and talking about you! The skeptics and critics will be kissing your butt, hahaha!

  13. If the interim president is Boehner, does this mean that Obama will NOT be inaugurated this month? (I think it's Jan 21st?)

    1. I doubt it. As long as the announcements happen before then, then I would say "NO"

    2. Most of us know Obummer works for the cabal so here's to hoping we see announcements in the mainstream media as soon as the next 24 hours!

  14. That was weird, on putting in the letters for the 'I'm not a robot' they were "cyknote." Is this a message that Obama won't be inaugurated because he will be sick=cyk?

  15. If Nesara was officially done on Dec. 5th as per D`s article, I would like to know where is the official announcements??? Any one know any thing, D? heather? Anyone! Anyone...

    Thank you :)

    1. i've been told by several high up sources that we will see EVERYTHING in the next 24 hours . I'm hoping...... please.

    2. I have high hopes, but I and everyone else will still be completely amazed! If the elites make threats, please still go ahead with the news! The elites should be nearly powerless by now anyway.

  16. I'm sorry, but I'm more skeptical.
    Because suddenly a organization that wants to save the world with tons of money and no one has heard of her before.
    Except for a few not forgery-proof documents nothing is provable. What have they to do with the Rothschilds, the BIS and the Vatican?
    I have not read it, or was there no mention regarding the abolishment of interest? That is our true slave ring!
    I suspect that this is either a bluff or the attempt to introduce a more perfidious financial system.
    The deeds you shall know them.
    Please stay alert.

    1. I tried to read it but you would have to be an attorney to even begin to understand any of it. It certainly was no proof to the claims that Boehner is Pres or that any of the arrests occurred. And the whole thing only holds weight if they actually have possession of the gold.
      There are two cabal major goals right now. Gun control and getting control of the internet. If half the public gets caught up in an internet hoax, the Cabal will jump right in with "protective" internet control.

    2. Try reading the transcript:
      It's a good idea to take notes. I copied and pasted into an email to myself and friends.

    3. • Why would someone go to the trouble of "forging" 61 separate documents each being multi-paged? Surely 5-10 would suffice for the rouse to work?
      - see:

      • Why leave an expensive and verifiable paper trail going back years?
      - These documents are verified to be duly filed and they DO exist, scroll up on this page and read this comment: "iwentcrazy 7 January 2013 14:30"

      • That's one helluva expensive and elaborate endeavour for a simple con-trick right?

      We have become so adept at spotting disinfo; false-flags; misdirection; truth-sandwiches; bait-n-switch etc. ...

      and now THAT IS ALL WE CAN SEE.

      So when truth does come around, and it is sooo simple, we cannot see it.

      Have we lost the ability to know truth? Does truth have to be complex like the Cabal shenanigans before we can see it?

  17. Awesome, thanks D!

    Just email me people (, if you want to get involved. I have all the instructions set to go, it's pretty easy to create a site for your city. The challenging part will be actually finding interested people in your city and getting together with them but that can be a long term process as the changes continue to take place in our world. At least people will have someone to reach out to in your respective cities as they become more aware and interested in these matters.

    1. Thanks, Pierre! I just sent you an email.

    2. Already emailed you, and thanks for the quick reply my friend!

    3. Great work Pierre! Klove great to see you :)

    4. Hugs to you Prosperity!

    5. Hi klove! Thank you klove and Prosperity.

  18. I know how all of you feel I used to follow Drake but no more
    not for months now I only have a small mailing list
    and I haven't told them about any of this
    regarding the people's trust simply because I'm sick of
    been let down and letting the people on my list down too

    There is one sure way to finding out if this is true
    and that indeed N.A.S.A.R.A has been implemented

    we should each and everyone of us send an Email to the white-house
    followed by a FAX then a letter using regular mail swamp the bastards

    with a request saying we the people of America and the people of the world
    demand to know if NESARA has been implemented and who is now
    working as the president of America.

    If Drake is not a shill he should encourage his followers to do the same

    swamp the bastards at the whitehouse make them earn there keep
    until we get an answer.


    1. gee no reply to my post well I have an idea
      D please don't take this as personal but what if
      Heather then you D followed AK were the first
      to send an Email request to the whitehouse
      with a BCC (blank carbon copy) to your mailing list's

      which will prove to them you did indeed send the Email
      and that you have complete confidence in what
      the people's trust are saying to be true.

      how confident are you this one simple action will
      give others confidence myself included
      what do you say do we go for it.


  19. I am the first to jump for joy if all this turns out to be true but there is nothing out there confirming this which is okay but there is real obvious evidence that Obama is planning to take our guns, take away our rights and stay forever. If Obama & Congress had a shred of fear wouldn't they tone it down a bit and at least fake that they care about the Constitution. No, it doesn't appear that they are doing that. Why, aren't they changing direction, if all this is true. We need a sign.

    1. Good question Mate, and one that needs to be answered. I sure cannot see jumping off at the starting line, getting part way into the race and realizing that you don't know where the finish line is.

    2. 15:55 -- you just described Life itself, my friend :)

      15:26 -- Alex Jones just tore the head off of Piers Morgan tonight live on CNN. Is that enough of a sign for you?

      How about Obama cracking a cynical remark about not being in office for the next four years? Is he joking about assassination? Seems unlikely. What method of removal from office was he imagining when he made the "offhand" remark? Makes more sense to me now, in light of the People's Trust information:

    3. pbpdcitmsj,
      I watched Alex jones and Morgan. It's the first time I have watched CNN in a decade but I head he was going to be on and was surprised. At first I was elated that Jones was standing up to CNN and Morgan but then it appeared to be staged. Jones came on way to strong and appeared to be trying to portray a crazy out of control gun owner. He even challenged Morgan to a boxing match just like a school yard bully! Jones made some excellent points so maybe it was just passion but you notice that when Morgan asked him his beliefs on 911, Jones did not even mention that he has seen proof that the entire media was in on it. 911 truthers, the real ones, have always said that Jones is a gatekeeper.

  20. Does anyone here know when is the latest deadline or cut-off date for the Saint Germain Trust Grant Applications? Are they still accepting grant applications and, if so, up until what date? Thanks for your attention and thank-you "D" for all that you're doing!!!

    1. Hoping this St. Germaine trust application is even real. According to a recent channeling of St. Germaine by Meline Lafont, the actual trust needs no application form, as everyone is already known to the trust.

      The last paragraph in the channeling reads...

      "A word of warning as to the so-called ‘Pre-Nesara funds’ as there is no such thing as an application in advance and certainly not by means of filling in a form which requests you hand over all your personal data. By filling in that form you put yourself in a vulnerable, weak position by putting your cards on the table for the dark ones to see. Such things do not pertain to my NESARA : it is a misleading project! So be extremely cautious! NESARA will come to pass for every individual on the exact same time : there are no favourites and you are not required to introduce yourself. We know all too well who you are in your Presences and everyone will receive their rightful part in all freedom and this will be so for all of you and only through me!"

      See here:

      Please share your thoughts, and let's hope those who signed up are in something legitimate.

    2. If the dark knows who we all are, the light should likewise also know. Thus, I am not signing up for anything that may very well be some scammer trying to steal your identity. Even if we miss out on the PP's, who cares?! You can't place a price on freedom anyway!

    3. I heard all the dark's data was lost when their underground bases were blown to bits in the 2011 faux "earthquakes".

    4. I applied - I am kicking myself in the arse! They cant steal from me cause i dont have much.

  21. I thought Obama was out of office and H. Clinton is back at work ????

  22. ThankYou so much, D and Heather and ALL that are helping in this! I have been telling people around where I live in Germany about RTS, AK, KLP, the *ONE*PEOPLE´s*TRUST* and all but I think I could really do a way better job helping this if I was to translate some of the important texts into German language!

    Because even people who know (some) English as their second language seem unwilling to really get into all this info in English - don´t even seem to grasp the significance of what´s going on - what has been done!

    I don´t have much time and energy left when I have to struggle each day - nevermind the weather to get enough "coins in my hat" for my street-music to supply for the basic necessities.

    I COMPLETELY understand that this is about BE-ing - sovereignity - freedom - and NOT about money - with the ultimate goal to do without any "medium of exchange" in a gift-based community - but weell, as long until that is fully implemented and achieved...

    They even threaten me with mandatory housing with filtered air if I don´t pay the (fraudulent and un-just) attorney- and court-fees for my - thwarted - 1-year-battle to save my daughter.

    I live VERY free and de-tached from the system - considering the mandatory tight-knit grid here in mid-Europe - but also VERY simple and restricted.

    Bottom-line - I would LOVE to give my full potential towards helping this show get "on the road" but am VERY constricted in my means to do so - because I´ve been "targeted" since about 2001 and lost almost all I´ve ever held dear.

    If anybody knows of a way use potential and skills as a connector - mediator - translator - whatevor (;-)>> and get some actual money for it - while we still need that - PLEASE let me know: or facebook/user/webefree. ThankYoU! -Love-&-Light-*mike

  23. Drop the fear about taking your guns away, it will not happen. Obama has no more power than you believe he does, and if you don't watch MSM or fear-mongering alternative media, you won't believe he does. More and more are tuning it out all the time--it's nothing but smoke (as many Dinarians are quite familiar with this tactic :o)

    Think about this. How many of these media reports could be verified as actual, standing, legally (I know, I know) ratified documents? Just because some Rep. said it and CNN reported it do you think that makes it so? The ultimate trump card for the people is that none of their garbage "legalities" apply to us if we simply know who we are and how to assert that. Many sovereignty seeking individuals have done this to one degree or another with limited to great success depending upon their approach and knowledge.
    If you still possess critical thinking skills and want the ultimate recipe go to and remove yourself from the 14th amendment slavery system, or wait for some direction from TOPPT as they are apparently preparing to release some educational material of how to conduct yourself with the "authorities." Whatever way you choose, it all begins and ends with YOU! We all have unalienable rights that TPTB take away from you because YOU LET THEM! You ASSUME that they have the power to do that but they don't; therefore, they do it with your consent. This is exactly what TOPPT have addressed, and if the people of the world simply knew it, TPTB would all be on the run, dead, or in jail within a week.

    1. What you say sounds wonderful but history has already proven you wrong. We have already have had many guns taken away so there is nothing to prevent them from going for more.

    2. Right on Anon 15:54!!! I believe that all of this is indeed valid. Let's look at where we are, at this point in time. We entered a brand new era in December, the Age of Aquarius, which is the era of truth, love, peace. Whether you want to believe in it or not, it's true. Just like you don't need to "believe" in gravity; it's there; it exists.

      Everything positive that is happening is because the people of the world have woken up in masses! Plus the powerful power of the internet has set a new paradigm of communication.

      There is a quote that is very profound: "If you think you can or if you think you can't, either way, you're right." Henry Ford. That translates to this, if you think that this is truly happening, that all the positive things are moving forward, then you will get that reality. If you think that all the negative BS is happening, then that will be your reality. It's a tricky thing, though because it's easy to go back and forth. You must stay present in the moment with the positive movement forward.

      Yes, there are many answers that need to be answers; they are forthcoming, I am sure. But the ultimate question is to all those negative nellies: WHAT DO YOU WANT?? DO YOU WANT THIS TO BE TRUE? Then put the positive energy into it and say 'YES I WANT THIS TO BE TRUE; I BELIEVE THIS TO BE TRUE" and start sharing the information. Don't you want this to be true? Cause I sure as hell do!

      Information is flying at us faster than the speed of life. It's hard to keep up sometimes, but if our end goal is FREEDOM, PROSPERITY, PEACE, then we must be involved. Speak up; speak out; share the information. Even if some of it isn't correct, it will awaken enough of the masses. That would still be progress.

    3. Christine.. no disrespect meant at all here.. just trying to understand your post @16:19

      but if Heather or others are disinformation agents... and we believe them.. is this holding false as true positive forward motion, or is it believing a liar?

      Or are you claiming that if a liar lies and you believe it, it becomes true?

      I'm not following. Meditating on truth, I can see manifesting. Meditating on someone's purposely lying to us, I'm not sure is progress. This is why I ask for proof. There are simply too many claims here without.. Eventually SOME have to be proven or we have to question. Or, were just believing hook line and sinker, anything anyone says.

      light and love :)

    4. Christine, there aren't any negative nellies. Just some people with good common sense which is a wonderful gift that should never be overlooked. If these people didn't want the same thing you do, they wouldn't be here. They are starving for freedom and searching for it everywhere.

  24. Still waiting for an answer or 'one piece of proof' If PP's have gone out. Wouldn't it first be to poverty stricken areas and wouldn't this be easily verifiable? Wouldn't those delivering the PP's want the world to see that it’s happening to help spread the cause? What about YouTube??

    The War on 'Drugs' is still in full-swing completely unaffected by these "UCC filings" while they fill prisons. If all these things Heather says were shut down, wouldn’t there be 1 employee, somewhere, at least, who would take to the internet to support Heathers claim? My work got shut down!! Holy Sh1t!!! and someone else would say "Mine too!! Unbelievable!!" Facebook , Youtube ,something. All those organizations… “SHUT DOWN”…has to be thousands of employees, and not 1 employee comes forward?

    My light is not fading and I'm not being negative and I love you all. But my support for sites and blogs full of stories while absent of proof, is finished. Without REAL proof, it is disinformation, just like Drake, Mike Kinsey, Benjamin Fulford "For his Part" as he always writes.

    We hear "Any Day now". "In the blink of an eye". Look back in the archives of all these sites, even years ago, its always been "so close", " almost time".. "almost a green light".. “nothing in the way now”.. “ready to go” And then Nothing… Ever.

    Heather!!, Where are the "Tools the People Can Use" to stop paying mortgage, taxes, etc. as you promised? Hey look, they're not here yet either.

    But then another "hopeful' post always magically appears, just factless ‘feel good stuff”. And were asked, just like in organized religion to "hold the light and have faith"... yet again.

    This is the New Organized Religion.

    As long as the media is the cabals mouth piece, there obviously haven't been any changes. Heather is saying these UCC filings have shut down the Corporate US Govt , the Hague, the FED, the UN, etc,...but can't shut down the media or get any of this INTO the media, or get ONE piece of proof. Sure. Right.

    These sites can lead a lot of people on FOREVER with false hope, preying on peoples hopes with out providing any solid, actual proof of their claims.

    I'm all about willing it to happen. I'm all about the light and love and our thoughts manifesting into reality. But I’m also into not wasting my time and I do require proof of claims made before I dedicate my time and heart to it …anymore.

    Does it LOOK LIKE the UN is shut down? Does it LOOK LIKE the Govt is shut down or about to Change? Do YA really THINK you can Not pay your water bill, taxes, mortgage, etc? I just had a shut off notice for my water so yeah, the Utilities haven't received Heathers notices yet.

    All we ask for is proof of the claims being made. If it’s true, there should be some.

    Check your inner knowing. You know what proof is vs. what is ‘Stalling and BS”. I'll be 100% back on board when just a few of these claims are backed up. Until then. Not before.

    1. There are MANY that agree with you. If D and Heather and all of their team put this into a succinct format, which I believe tht they are.......then we are on GO.

      We are awaiting TOOLS and VERIFICATION of their authenticity.
      Believing is a great power, and I shall continue to believe.

      I understand that Focus in Motion is putting the Believing into Action, just
      need to gel the true colors of the goal to be manifested, and then I shall walk the talk on this particular adventure with GREAT enthusiasm.

      Haven't heard if the 1913 - 2013/2012 issue with the charter has been cleared up?

    2. I am also looking for some proof, please. Checked the cases filed by Heather in WA. They are there but could not see how to link them to UCC. I am not a legal expert. Can someone give us the proof FAST ? PLEASE.

    3. Well here´s a link to Heather´s §"trial-case"§:

    4. We already know she filed the papers successfully. This link does not take you to a site where you can print the documents and use them as a guide for your own use. But thank you for posting the link, for those who think she is lying. :-)

    5. If this goes mainstream, we will be getting our proof "fast and furious" and things will happen on a daily basis.

  25. Organization does not necessarily equal legitamicy. The Scientologists have great organization too.

  26. Nothing will happen.

    1. I was wondering where you were N.W.H - thank God you're alright , I was afraid something had happened to you.

    2. LMAO! You guys crack me up - NWH and P3aceFrog! ThankYou°!

    3. everything is always happening.

    4. Yes, Peacefroggy-diddly-eye-oh!

      You gave me a belly laugh...

      Thanks mate.


      Ninja Bambi

  27. "Those that say it can't be done, should stay out o f the way of the Ones doing it"...."Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right". You who need "proof" of anything happening, will always be looking for proof until its right in front of your face. I don't understand why some are trying to hard to dissuade others who believe this is true. What's wrong with your life that you can't even believe this is possible? Didn't you ever think of something better for you and your families? I know you who refuse to believe are really the Ones who really want this the most. I want this to happen for YOU. I want US ALL to be filled with the Joy and Love I felt when I had my spiritual awakening. I KNOW it awaits us ALL, not only a select few. You're ALL beautiful and I wish you could see it, Brothers and Sisters and all Anonymous. We're ALL so blessed & Loved

    1. Nobody is getting in your way Chief. Flame on! Notify everybody you know. But what are you going to tell them when they ask you for proof and you tell them you heard it on the internet and the proof hasn't come yet? You don't have proof. You have Poof and how far has that got you so far?

    2. Hi Michael

      I guess we all believe. From what I understand the stream of information can be faster. This is such a good news, that people can't wait to apply it ASAP in their lives. With lack of information on exact process, there may be instances that can come out as a disbelief. I am still awaiting information on the question I raised last week to the email address designated by the group. I guess background work is so tedious that its taking too much time to formulate something for the public. A constant stream of info can really soothe matter. My 2 cents.

    3. Well here´s proof - example and instructions - Heather´s own §"trial-case"§ - - just follow her example if you can´t wait for detailed instructions - see with your own eyes that it works!

    4. Hi DaPoohbear. Not to be skeptical, I read the documents. Probably I am missing seeing the reference to the UCC. Which document you are looking at. Page and para etc ?

    5. Amit, hello - how do you read the case documents? Sorry if that's a stupid question.

    6. Hi Peacefrog. Someone describe the Pierce County Washington website, searched for Heather's name as described in one of the comments above. Then got list of 9 documents. Downloaded and read. Couldn't however relate them to UCC.

    7. Michael,
      I like your rant. The reason I am not sitting on the fence and being NWH kind of girl is that my screen name tells no lies. I broke a year ago. The trauma of my life caught up to me and in one very real sense...I went crazy.
      I woke up a little over a year ago, after the final two traumas, and didn't hate anyone. I went to sleep with 47 years of hate and woke up at peace and full of a love so intense that when I was still riding that wave four months later I went to my doctor and a psychologist to ask if I was crazy for reacting to trauma with Love. I was told that if I thought I was Mother Theresa I might be crazy (I was sure I wasn't MT) I was also told if I was planning on committing suicide, I was probably crazy. (I wasn't planning on suicide)
      Both parties told me it sounded like after my awakening, I was on a Spiritual journey and if it felt right to follow it.
      I have had very few rules on this journey. 1) If it isn't rooted in love, I am not interested. If I don't get a warm fuzzy vibe, screw it. 2) To be open to the possibility of ANYTHING...especially the good because I already knew from years of living, how adept I can be at manifesting absolute and total CRAP.
      So yeah...I would rather work at manifesting something like TOPPT. My alternative is to continue playing the bend over and let yourself get screwed game?
      No thanks, I'd rather stay on my Love Tour and help the rest of the world fall in love with Humanity too.
      And all this Guns bullshit...In the world I plan on manifesting, there will be no guns needed to defend from a tyrannical government or a NWO.
      A girl who went crazy can dream, because dreams can come true. I have spent the last 12 months in my crazy little world playing with the Universe, making dreams come true, and I KNOW we can create together!

    8. "And all this Guns bullshit...In the world I plan on manifesting, there will be no guns needed to defend from a tyrannical government or a NWO." - Well said.

      I have never held a gun of any kind in my almost 49 yrs and see no reason to change that.

      I have nothing against guns, only there are too many who use them to harm or kill the innocent of this world. Likewise, I have nothing against knives, I uses those daily in the kitchen, but I know there are too many who use them to harm or kill.

      However, last time I looked, a knife was a useful tool, for all sorts of peaceful activities. I can't say the same about a gun (unless we are talking about hunting rifles - which the animals might argue is not a peaceful use - but as I'm not a vegetarian, I can say nothing against that).

      Ninja Bambi

  28. create a petition on the white house petition webpage and demand an answer from the govt. they have to answer it if there are at least 25000
    people sign on the petition electronically

    1. They will give a BS or disinfo answer, we already know this. What needs to happen is all the proof goes mainstream disclosing truths of all kinds!

    2. Perhaps I'm being cynical - it happens from time to time.

      But it's my feeling, that to petition to the w/house on this issue or any issue that has the best interests of the PeOpLe at its core (as things currently stand with the powers in - and those behind/above - the w/house) would be like asking a bear if he'd wouldn't rather shit in a toilet and use the bidet afterwards, instead of shitting in the woods?

      What madness is this...?

      Ninja Bambi


    Go to Kauilapele's Blog and you will find a tinyurl clickable link with ALL the many filings these fine folks have tortured the Court Systems with.
    You Naysayers may have fun READING.

    Idaho Boy

    1. anyone can petition anything. point me to a decision that legitamizes ANY of this, and I might be impressed.

      btw, you yea-sayers might be a bit more grateful for the balance we offer.

    2. There you go, Tom:

      ...will you be a good boy now and spread the *FANTASTIC*NEWS* and *ENJOY* the *FREEDOM* these fine people have worked so hard for re-claiming?! *ggg*

    3. DaPoohbear,

      Heather (who we know was a lawyer) sued a bank in Washington State, and...?

      this somehow verify's all her claims? Or am I missing something somewhere in this document?

    4. Serious discussion of trillion dollar platinum coins is in the New York Times (Paul Krugman), and it's a completely Constitutional and legal possibility.

      Obama is making exasperated "jokes" about being in office another 4 years.

      The Indian Government is giving out money directly to millions of dirt poor people in India. No programs, no middelmen organizations -- direct payments to completely destitute people. Right now. It's happening.

      The evidence is there if you want to see it. It's quantum reality, people. If you espouse only skepticism, the universe will provide you with plenty of evidence that you are right. More so now, than ever in recent human history :)

  30. Hi: Have you created the petition, Anonymous 7 16:57 since it was your idea? If so, please point us to it.



    1. It wouldn't matter. Recently we had a petition on Nesara and Obozo came out with a statement saying the bill was not anything like people were saying it is.

    2. Do you see D's comment above? She said if after the press release and nothing happens, she will put up a petition on the WH page. Let's wait for another 24 hrs. I have been thinking of a petition and since D meant to do it after the press release and I will just follow her hint to wait. My 2 cents here: The petition is a wake up call to more people, even if WH denies it. If we put the right infor there including the people's trust /removing the shackles websites and Heather's UCC filing trail woldwide, more people will see it and can decide for themselves. Namaste to all

    3. If the press release results in nothing, we need additional press releases disclosing everything in the mainstream media!

    4. LING - Are you serious - even if the WH denies it?!? They must tell us - if it is indeed true. They are legally bound - duty bound - morally bound - they represent the people - if it is indeed true - they have to tell us the truth. now.

      This press release - is it of this website? Or it is government disclosure? I would expect the government to tell us. This blog does not change policy overnight - that is done in the government. If a change of policy is happening then I expect the government to inform all citizens and residents.

    5. Look, anon 21:18, the WH should tell us the truth, but in reality how many times they have been telling us lies right at our face? I think this blogsite along with other blogsites serve mainly as the wake up call to people. We, the people have to push/pressure the govt to listen to us. Yeah, we tell them You Must Tell The Truth, will they follow? Honestly I don't know. I don't have info. that the beaucrats have evolved at what level. All I know is I do whatever I can. We are creating the 100 monkey effect even though on the surface it may not look like so. Namaste to all who put their positive energy and sincere heart into this great awakening process. Keep the pressure on! I can face my own conscience that at least I participated. It is our cause, not the govt's cause.

    6. Seriously, I have been thinking of how to spread the words more effectively to the media. Michael Moore just came to my mind. I just sent a link to his contact on his website.

      Michael Moore is a political activist with lot of influence on the media and in Holywood. Folks, can you send him more links to get his attention? If he could post the People's Trust message, and related info. that will be a big blow! Honestly I don't know if there is a breakthrough in the next 20 hrs as D predicted. Thanks to all who participated in this movement.

  31. Anyone in Alaska? I am surprised how easy one of these blogger sites are to set up! tadaa:

  32. Sanity, please! This is a classic Hegelian Dialectic psy-op, even using the old classic "Public Trust", just as the elite utilizes foundations, non-profit 501c3', etc. to control every aspect of social control. Please do some homework. With the animosity generated since these releases, why can't you see this? This is a tool of the elite that has been utilized with great success for centuries! Now Drake/1776 are at each others throats, just like the Republicans and Dempcrats, right? This is so basic..divide and conquer, a war school product that is thousands of years old. Proof is needed by any of these "intel" promoting fools... there are holes in the 1776 story one could drive a truck through. Drake is a joke. Besides...doesn't the signatures in blood on these 1776 documents, raise ANY flags with you people? Just a wee bit Satanic for my taste.If they think this will intimidate the 147 controlling global corporations...they have another thing coming. They have no proof of title or funds available, therefore no standing what so ever, UCC or otherwise. Sorry to bring the rain, but further rabid dysfunction is a gross dis-service to everybody. Peace.


    2. I've read this exact post before. My question is, what do you suggest now? You're not going to convince us to go back to sleep. If you truly believe in TPTB and their ridiculous games, and you believe that this is one of them, then surely you too are screaming WAKE UP, not go back to sleep. However your post simply seeks to keep people from feeding this particular outlet but offers no alternative. IF there are no funds and D's information is truly coming from the cabal...which would probably surprise me less than it being real...then surely you are as outraged as we all are, right? What now! If you have more "proof" of this info being lies than we have "proof" of it being true then please, offer it. Of course I have to assume your motivation would be to HELP the people to escape this game, in which case you would be equally motivated to offer SOMEthing in the name of a "solution."

  33. Hello, about Heather's Pierce County Civil case. It's got 1050 pages at $1 per page for a certified copy and 25 cents for a standard copy. Did anyone purchase it and put it on line? If not does anyone know which are the juicy parts worth purchasing? Thanks, peace.

  34. Jeffrey, I live in Anchorage. I am hoping to set up a blogspot of my own after, what I feel to be, legitimate questions are answered. This sort of thing is not new and I feel some discernment is in order before propagating this information outwards. Sorry, belief only gets me so far without more information.

    1. I'd be into chatting about your position over on the Anchorage site,, I got really involved in the zeitgeist movement as well and even though it hasn't really panned out I feel it was STILL a step in the right direction, as is this, whether it unfolds as expected or not, the energy to move is HERE, and NOW, which has it's own power.

  35. well i got a knock on the door today informing me the forclosure of my house goes into effect as of Feb 5th. i've been living and paying on my house for 11 years and i'm now 4 months behind and they are chomping at the bit to throw me out of my home. on top of that i am now officially completely broke.

    please, PLEASE GOD, throw me a bone here


    1. I'm sorry. Heather are you there? Jellyfish needs to know now.

    2. Have you looked into the Occupy Wall Street off-shoot 'Rolling Jubilee?" they can buy your debt, and then forgive it

    3. Jellyfish don't loose hope... They no longer can complete the process... I know several clients who are in the same situation... and still live in their homes for the last 3 years... I was recently told by a client that you need to send A4V....You also need to enclose a Bond or Bill of Exchange, IRS 1040ES form, Notice to Setoff Accounts, UCC-1 Filings, and a Certificate of Service.... she told me to see the following website:

    4. @ Jeffery

      no i've never heard of that. will certainly check it out, and thank you sincerely for the link


      and thank you too celia72, i will look at that link as well


    5. Start looking for friends you can live with if they kick you out. You will be able to join the class action lawsuit against the banksters if everything goes right and we see proof.

    6. Have you asked that they show you the title 18:26? At least check the wording Heather used on her filing in Washington. Wordy and full of legalese, it will show you the three steps they talk in english about at the strawman site. What have you got to lose that you aren't faced with losing already?

  36. Fifty-four House Republicans on Thursday reintroduced legislation that would terminate the IRS and replace the system of income taxes on people and corporations with a consumption tax.

    The FairTax Act, from Rep. Rob Woodall (R-Ga.), would abolish the 16th Amendment, which was ratified 100 years ago this February. That amendment gives Congress the power to impose income taxes without having to spend the revenues evenly among the states.

    Read more:

    1. That's scary. I looked it up and they want 23% on all purchases of goods AND services, including property. That's way too much.

      Open Congress Summary

      This bill would eliminate all federal income taxes, payroll taxes and the estate tax, and replace them with a federal sales tax of 23% on the use or consumption of all goods, properties and services. The Internal Revenue Service would be abolished and replaced by an Excise Tax Bureau and a Sales Tax Bureau in the Department of the Treasury.


    2. Nesara claims it will be 14% only on new nonessential items. This means no taxes on food and medicine and other essentials. If the tax is 23%, alot of us won't be buying new computers, TVs or anything we don't need. This will destroy the economy.

    3. If you get paid, for sake of easy round numbers, 1000 dollars per month, and currently pay income tax, again for ease, at 30%, you have already lost 300 dollars worth of the ability to buy goods/services, or increase your savings.

      If with this new proposed system, you get to keep all of your 1000 dollars per month, you immediately get to choose what you will do with that 300 dollars you didn't used to get..."will I buy a pair of shoes, or save the money towards that new laptop I want?" If that laptop or those shoes cost a few dollars more because sales tax has increased to 23% ( I don't know what it is in US now), then it's all part of the budgeting you make to afford the item.

      If the shoes today cost 100 dollars, but soon will cost 123 dollars, that's still your choice to buy them, out of that 300 dollars you have, that you didn't have before.

      I'm just pointing out a few things, the way I see it. We are taxed and double taxed over here in EU, and I'm sure you all are over there in N/America too. So, in my limited understanding, I would imagine that a single rate sales tax makes us all better off than income taxed plus sales taxed.

      Not all of us are heavy consumers, some prefer to save. Each to their own. Right now, if I'm not mistaken, our version of sales tax is 19%, and that's after we've already paid anywhere from 35-50+% in income tax!

      I know which I'd prefer...

      Ninja Bambi.

    4. The shoes are even cheaper than $ 100, since the price dropped to 40% taxes are included:
      Income tax of the employees of the manufacturer
      Income tax by the manufacturer
      Ground Taxes
      And over the whole production chain to the consumer.
      In addition, the price of the shoes 40% Interest expense, because the means of production are financed by credit.
      So you can be happy when you are responsible for 5% of your income can receive a good or service.
      So much is stolen from us in truth.

  37. all I can say is thank you! 2013 is a year of victory for humanity and I am grateful to all who worked to make this a reality for us all... blessing!!!

  38. Speaker Boehner addressed the opening session of the 113th Congress, saying, "The American Dream is in peril so long as its namesake is weighed down by this anchor of debt. Break its hold, and we begin to set our economy free. Jobs will come home. Confidence will come back. We do this not just to boost GDP or reduce unemployment, but to secure for our children a future of freedom and opportunity. Nothing is more important." Read more here:

    1. I don't know a lot about John Boehner, he's from another state, and I have tuned out a lot of the DC/MSM noise over the last 2 years. For all of you who already do not like him, will leave the country, can't imagine anything worse....please remember JOHN BOEHNER IS HAVING HIS SHACKLES REMOVED, TOO! Just sayin'.

  39. THE OWS is NOT a Movement- It is a bunch of Protestors backed by the banksters and have no unified demands or grievances.

    1. Well, it started that least it had the courtesy to bite them in the ass and they lost control of it enabling even more souls to wake up!

    2. 'Occupy' woke a lot of people up.

      If that story is true about the banksters dastardly plan with Occupy, then whatever they hoped it would do/what they felt it was supposed to do, I doubt it was supposed to do that waking-folks-up across the globe thingy. Or was it? I don't know...

      Ninja Bambi

  40. And, here we have yet Another.. "We'll know everything in 24hrs".

    D could be speaking her truth, but maybe caught up like the rest of us...she can't divulge her 'insiders' so how does anyone know, given the lack of accuracy, that her insiders aren't stringing all of us along?

    Breaking The Silence7 January 2013 17:31
    i've been told by several high up sources that we will see EVERYTHING in the next 24 hours . I'm hoping...... please.

    Yeah, please me, you, and everyone else too.
    But this is it for me.

    If we get...
    Yet another false green light,
    No further proof of Heathers claims of agency closures,
    No 'tools to help the average citizen use the UCC filings"
    We don't see anyone receive a PP.
    No food to the hungry
    No media coverage
    Wars are still raging
    Tribal Clashes in Darfur
    If I still have to pay back illegal mortgages and loans and utility bills
    And we get more empty nonsense excuses...

    then were in a SharkTank.

    And, for those reasons... I'm out.

    Those who say I'm a naysayer... Its a long list of what will push me away.

    But, a very short one to believe. ONE THING that will prove all of this true. Just ONE sign that anything that she alleged was closed down, actually is.

    1. Yup, 2012 has come and gone and we are sick and tired of delays. RTS feels the same way and im sure so do her insiders. If nothing happens(yet again), we won't accept any excuses. If the excuse was "but the elites made threats" I would say press on anyway and disclose the truth in the mainstream news worldwide! We can't keep living in fear forever! The elites are supposed to have lost most of their power by now!

    2. Exactly ....and everything is 'Shut down" according to Heather ....and were all free but too dumb to realize it, yet, everything still looks normally Fuct as usual.

      So far, Heather looks like another dead end. I think the red ink, or blood thumb-print, is ridiculously silly. I'm not a lawyer but I was a cop and I've seen many many court documents. None like that. IF its real, lets see some proof. If its not, we'll keep getting excuses and pushed out deadlines. Just watch.

    3. We will not buy any excuses if everything Heather and others said is true, then the light has already won.

    4. "I think the red ink, or blood thumb-print, is ridiculously silly. I'm not a lawyer but I was a cop and I've seen many many court documents. None like that."

      You may well never have seen this in your career.

      However, I've been learning a few things by reading the information put out by various people within the 'freeman' movement, and many of them tell that this is the way to sign documents, with the red ink, or your actual blood, and either a toe or thumb print.

      The reason appears to be this:

      In the fictional world of the strawman, we are assumed to be DEAD entities, CORPSES, lost at Sea, incompetents. And as such, have no rights, no say, and no chance of 'beating' the current system.

      However, once we establish ourselves as LIVING, Flesh & Blood beings, who wish to dispel or break the assumption they have made that we are DEAD/incompetants entities, strawmen (with no brain), by use of certain documents sealed with our Signatures in RED WET Blood or RED WET INK, which PROVES we are LIVING, not dead, then we have a chance of being restored to our rightful position and come out from under their fictional control/corporate entity system.

      I understand perfectly, from what I have previously seen done by others (as individuals) the red/ink/blood print.

      The fact that some in legal/law functions haven't seen it before, means nothing, as many are seeing it now!

      Ninja Bambi.

  41. @ Jeffery

    no i've never heard of that. will certainly check it out, and thank you sincerely for the link


  42. I was reading past articles and would like to quote someone who posted this beautiful piece.

    Neoamor29 November 2012 08:58

    "It's coming soon."
    "It will happen next week."
    "It's a HUGE undertaking."
    "Hang in there."
    "Changes are coming."
    "Arrests are imminent."

    Indeed. And it's a great education on NOT letting expectation and impatience get the better of you/us. Allow the natural process to PROCESS!

    When kids in the backseat invest all their energy and focus in asking "are we there yet", they miss the interesting views, and observational opportunities just outside the window they're sitting next to.

    When choosing a perspective, don't get locked into perpetual expectation.

    Quiet down, and look out the window. There's a wonderful "NOW" right under your nose.

    1. Anon 19:36.. I hear ya.. but Since you use the kid/road-trip analogy, I'll continue it...

      It would make sense in a normal road trip. Yes, Kids do that.

      But this, is not a normal road trip.
      On this road trip, the parents. lost, keep saying:

      "its just up the road",
      "its just around this next corner"
      "Were minutes away"
      "Yes, I can see from here"

      The adults should be able to admit when they are lost, need help, directions, etc. If I were in the back seat of that car, I'd say my parents have no clue where we are or where they are going and are not being honest with me about it.

      Being Positive, does not mean we have to be Delusional and believe everything infinitely.
      We can be positive, and discerning and get sick of being told the same bs over and over again by parents who aren't being honest.

  43. Great to see one for Montreal!! Who's running that one?

    1. Hi Prosperity, actually about half of them are not being run yet, including the one for Montreal, so send me an email if you want to take it over :)

  44. 24 - 2 = 22 Hours Left. Hmmm.

  45. Would someone please tell me how I get my nickname (Graylady) next to the avatar in place of(Anonymous)?

    Would really appreciate it. Thanks

    Blessings to all,

    1. Just before you press the "publish" button, look directly above that button, it says: "Comment as ... " (or if you are replying it says: "Reply as: .... ")

      " ... " is a drop-down selection, press it and choose your profile (if you are not already signed in it says "Select profile ..." else it will say "Greylady")

    2. Hi,

      Thanks for your response. I'm really illiterate when it comes to understanding anything about computers. Now I'm going to ask you a silly question, where do I sign in, what do I have to do to sign in?

      Blessings to you,

    3. Hi Joyce - no problem :-) (tip: there is no such thing as a silly question, UNLESS you already know the answer, you don't like it, and you don't want to hear it repeated, hehehe. oh yes, and everybody was a 'newbie' at some stage. :-)

      Do you already have an account/profile with one of these: Gmail (Google); LiveJournal; WordPress; TypePad; AIM; OpenID; ?

      If not:

      a) then choose one that you like, go to that service providers own site (eg, and open an account/profile with that service provider then when you come back here -- (which would then be the same as "if yes:") -- then you can use those same login credentials when you want to comment here and your (gr)avatar will follow you when you do. For instance, if you have a Gmail account, select Google, select "publish" or "preview", then use your Gmail e-mail/password in the boxes when prompted, proceed, and then the Captcha's then it's done.


      b) select: Name/URL; and simply type-in whatever you want to have displayed eg: "Greylady" or you can type "Joyce" or the link to your blog if you have one.


      c) leave it as: Anonymous (but you don't want that, hehehehe )

    4. Thank you so much,!

      The name sort of gives you a glue your dealing with a Senior Citizen, who's gray-matter has been 'Mal-funtioning' for quite some time now. (lol)

      Anyway I'll give it a go...and see what happens. ;o)
      Thanks again for your understanding and patience.

      Blessings to you,

    5. Thank you Anon 2251,

      For all the info and links.

      Blessings to you,

  46. BTS/RTS needs to show all of her insiders her blog and all the comments in her blog. The people have spoken and put our energy into our right to see official disclosure happen NOW in the mainstream medias worldwide. We will not stop with those types of comments and I am sure she will not stop pressing her insiders till we get our proof and disclosures!

    1. I would be astonished, if any so-called 'insiders' are not already reading 'D''s blog.

      Ninja Bambi.

  47. Following below is a transcript I made of one of those 'instruction manuals' that everyone's been waiting on from TOPPT, buried in plain sight.

    Rough transcript only of conference call on 11 November 2011:

    "What happens when a 17-year prosecuting attorney's house goes into foreclosure and then joins forces with the People? Listen to a conversation between current Trustee, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, and two Orange County, California residents whose houses are in the process of being stolen!" See below.

    Extra bonus: find out how to eliminate corruption, bank fraud, and all home mortgages in one fell swoop. It's not only legal, it's hugely ethical.

    • • •

    Status Update Call, 11 November 2011

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    It’s about logic. We went in and we tested the courts across the country for one and a half years. False flags: the court system isn’t really for the People.

    In all of the courts throughout the country, a conflict of interest was built in by the Rothschilds, through agents: to have a conflict of interest for the judges, so that if the judges stepped out of line they could implement it. It uses retirement funds and mortgages. They’ve been taught to hide their assets in other people’s names.

    Then ask this question of the People: Do you think that you could get a fair hearing, a fair trial? Do you trust judges, attorneys, etc.? Banks?

    On the bank, trade, and finance side: we know that there were no loans. The only way we can solve anything is by getting the People collectively aware and then for them to move together to be the solution and require that their public officers be the solution.

    It’s clear that in the court system there is no lawful forum for the People to have a remedy. So when banks / lenders are getting judgments without proving that a loan was even made, you have to ask yourself, why? How can they get these judgments?

    Then it becomes a matter of seeing the conflict of interest for the judicial. The judicial is held hostage as much as the alleged borrowers.

    So at this point we’ve determined, with due prudence and diligence, and we’ve discovered that there is no public forum, no legal forum for the People. So we shut all the courts down.

    So you have your Cancellation, which goes in and deals with the commercial side, the banking side, and when you do the Cancellation, it cancels all legal relationships between you and the bank unless they can prove that they made a loan. None of them can, so all of them are ignoring everyone’s Cancellation at first.

    Then the insurance companies stop insuring the properties that the banks are trying to take. So now there’s this fight and separation from up above.

    Okay, so what does the individual do? The individual goes in and cancels their supposed debt when no loan can be proven. You file a Note of Dispute; they don’t respond. You file a Cancellation at the court in the Recorder’s office.

    Then when the banks come and bring an action, usually the people are going in and responding: We know that the courts are not serving the People, they’re not even following the law. If they were, in the absence of proof of a loan, they wouldn’t be giving you summary judgement.

    So you file all that stuff in there, now everyone realizes that the courts are no longer the People’s courts. So what’s the only option? If there’s a game of fraud going on, you either participate or you don’t.

    Daniel, in this particular instance, has chosen not to participate in it.

  48. Daniel, in this particular instance, has chosen not to participate in it.

    He went in and disqualified the judges, he gave them the paperwork that was served on the Governor and the Attorney General’s office and they had three requirements they were supposed to go do, if you look at the paperwork.

    Well, without having addressed any of these requirements, or giving any kind of sworn oath after they’ve been made aware of the conflict, at that point any judgment or any action that they take without addressing and removing that conflict of interest, or giving security that there is no conflict of interest. At that point, each and every action they take as an individual is a separate felony.

    So at that point they go in and they do a judgment. You can’t control that they’re corrupt, right? You can’t control that they’re going to do a chosen action to participate in fraud. But what you can do is accept their admission, because that’s what it is: an admission that they’re corrupt.

    Unless they can give you proof of a loan, they’ve just given you black and white proof, where none existed before, that they are corrupt and participating in a fraud perpetrated by the banks. So all you can do is an Acceptance of their admission of their corruption by participating with the banks. And then at that point, what’s happening is a whole bunch of People are starting to file these things.

    And that’s why I’m doing a template, is so People can, who don’t know the language and all that. So when you go in and file this Acceptance, you refuse to go into a corrupt court and these courts are just issuing and rubber-stamping all these judgments without proof of a loan.

    Who actually has the most evidence to support their stance? The People have the ONLY evidence. And it’s ABSOLUTE evidence.

    I do understand, I do, Daniel, because I wanted to make sure I understood from A to Z what it’s like for a homeowner, family, a business person, it doesn’t matter. I wanted to know what it was like, and what was the actual action being done.

    I put my own house up as a test case, and I went through the steps, and I have seen everything, from the corruption of the sheriffs, to the corruption of the attorneys, to the corruption of the judicial.

    I’ve seen it, I’ve lived it, and I must be honest with you, the fortitude of the People, if they really understood how strong their will is... Because, I could see myself just crumbling if I didn’t know what I know about banking and finance. Probably I would have crumbled, because the pressures are so incredible. It’s great what we can do, it’s amazing.

    I put myself in that position, with one clarification: One thing I must admit is that I already knew the truth because I see it up in bank, trade, and finance, and I can go and make money anywhere just based on the experience I have, so that is the one thing that is different for myself and the average borrower, or alleged borrower. And I wanted to put that out there because it does make a difference. And me being able to do these things vs. someone else being able to do things...

    Daniel, you know absolute truth when you see it. You thought you were serving and fighting for your country, and yet everyone I’ve seen come out of Afghanistan or Iraq, or even Kuwait way back— they understood that they weren’t there to protect their country. They were there basically to protect special interests and gain natural resources and things like that.

    What I will say is that we keep a strong line and all the evidence is there. People start to collectively get more together and stand there and refuse to go in the courts, and refuse to participate in the fraud.

    And the Public Trustees are going and pushing from the top down, and believe me, they are feeling it all the way up at the top. All of this. It’s causing so many ripples that Europe is in the position it’s in now: Switzerland, China, because of what you guys, the People, are doing. We’re cleaning our own house.

  49. cont'd...

    So the next step is that I’ve gone all the way through, Daniel, what you have. And I’m at the same, exact place and it really was just a matter of me figuring out the language.

    The next step that I will be doing on the test case is filing that Acceptance of their Admission. And the Public Trust regarding taking all of this at the higher levels, and we’ve been working with everything from law enforcement to banks. And I’m not talking the bad side. There are people who, inside these industries, are helping because they can’t cope with it anymore, either.


    So the Acceptance of this Admission, it’s a letter that’s initially going into my court case. Your told me earlier that you’re going to send a template out. Is that done on plain paper?

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    It’s just what I said:

    I hereby, I, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, owner of... and then my address... for my property, hereby accept what Judge Such-and-Such, State of WA, his admission of corruption by participating in the fraud perpetrated by the banks. Whereby: there is no proof a loan was ever made. And then there are three things they have to prove. They failed to show title and ownership of funds alleged to have been loaned; they failed to show source in history of funds alleged to have been loaned; and they failed to show actual transfer of the title and ownership of funds alleged to have been loaned to me. Whereby this court has, by chosen action to ignore the absence of proof of a loan, thereby ignoring the fact that there is no debt that could be collected. Thereby, admission of their corruption by participating in the fraud perpetrated by the banks.

    Through all of those things, you say, ‘File number, Case number’, and if you have more than one, you put ‘em all in there. ‘Incorporated herein by reference’.


    Do I just hand it to the person at the window or do I ask them to stamp my copy, that they received it? How do I get it physically into the court record?

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    What I do is, when I write this (what I’ve just told you), and then I put on there also that every chosen action, omission, and statement are individual and separate counts of felony and civil damages.


    Is this done on pleading paper, Heather?

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    Yes, I put it on pleading paper. But instead of writing an all-caps STATE OF WA, I put just capital letters for each word and the rest are lower case. That’s the People’s Court. And then I put the case number and everything else, and that’s my final proof. That’s all I need.


    I just wanted to know the format so they wouldn’t give us any harassment. You know how they are at the courthouse.

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    No, I go in and I usually have five copies (original plus four copies). So I take an original in, and I get it stamped, and then I usually take a ‘certified’ out. I go in and I give it to him and I say, I’ll need a certified copy, please. And they make me a certified copy.

    Then what I do is, I have conformed ones, I take the other four and I stamp them with the Clerk’s stamp. Then I go up and I take those four copies and I stamp them with the Judge’s stamp— usually it’s Court Administration. If I go right to their court, up to their bench, I just stamp one copy: my copy. And then I take a copy and deliver it to the attorneys for the banks. And I stamp it with their stamp.

    So that I have all stamps of receipt for everyone that I’ve served, and that’s it. That’s all the notice that needs to be given.

  50. cont'd...

    And I usually will put in a Certificate of Service: I hearby swear, under penalty of perjury, in the State of WA, the People’s State of WA, that I have served the following persons. And then I list the judge, I list the clerk for the county, I list the attorney.

    And then I usually will go in like I’m preparing a big stock for the bank itself of everything that was filed, and I put a bill, a True Bill, of every document that’s in there, and a billing of the damages that they owe me.

    And I’ll be going in and speaking with Charlie about releasing tools, so if you or I just go in and take care of the Acceptance of Admission. And then next week you’ll see how I go in and do a True Billing.


    I got all that. So the other thing is that if I’m arranging this meeting with the sheriff in my county next week, I’d love also to be able to give him a copy of this notice of Acceptance of Admission.

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    Yup! Anybody who thinks that they can come and touch your property, please serve them ahead of time, eh? If it’s a sheriff, or the bank, or if you know the real estate agent the bank’s been using for your property, whatever.

    I’d serve a copy on each one of them because, with a cover letter that says specifically to them, ‘Sheriff So-and-So, I hereby give you due notice that I am the only owner of this property by warrant or deed’. I’ll send you my copy so you can see what it looks like, because I served the sheriff quite some time ago, back in February, before he actually came to my property. Which is...

    I don’t know if you saw the video where they came, somebody videotaped it. They couldn’t convey, they couldn’t produce the writ, they couldn’t produce a warrant, they couldn’t produce anything. They refused to. They told me their authority to come on my property was because they were Pierce County Sheriff’s Deputy. That’s it.

    And that is illegal entry, and then of course they took the property and that was that. So. And these were guys I worked with. You know? So I spent two weeks in their office talking to them, but then again that was back in January, the end of January, and February.

    A lot had happened and they’d had a lot of talks with insurance companies, with county officials, with state officials, and federals. So a lot has changed from February to now. Even our sheriffs are starting to serve differently because of what we’d done in February and even before that.

    So right now the sheriffs need to know, and I’m considering sending out a public announcement to all public officials here regarding the safe harbor and understanding... People need to understand, number one, what’s happening with our bankers, our sheriffs and public officers, and the pressure from the banks, how to go in and protect our public officers. But I’ll leave that for later.

    Just right now, Im preparing the Acceptance to be filed for Monday, and let’s see... the test case... I haven’t been back, I’ve been so busy trying to help get all the tools ready, and assist in the collective consciousness becoming more aware... It’s been a good month and a half, almost two months since.

    Oh, no summary judgment has been made on that one yet, but they did go and get a Writ of Restitution and actually evicted me from the house.

    So it’s been since January 21st, since the actual judgment was in, but it took this long to go in and actually get the black-and-white proof.

    And that’s what all you guys have been doing, working on the black-and-white proof. And when you put it all together, it looks just as bad as JP Morgan admitting to their crimes and then taking a 550 million dollar slap on the wrist after making about thirty billion on the deal. That’s just the cost of business.

  51. cont'd...

    So, what I would say to you, Daniel, is: I understand that people are getting scared, they’re getting frustrated. When sheriffs show up at their door, they have their certified warranties, their certified cancellations, they have their stamped copies that they serve notice on the judges.

    What I will tell you is this:

    When we combine what all the People are doing with what the Public Trust is doing, and you have to work it from the top down, you guys, I really wish that you could see what you, what everyone, is causing. The ripples that are occurring! I mean, governments can’t even do a simple bailout at this point because of what you guys are doing. What the People are doing.

    I really wish everyone could see and piece together and connect those dots, but if you look through the entire public forum right now, around the globe, we are causing all of it. We are driving all of it. I will stand by those statements unequivocally and without any qualification.


    Heather, can I get back to a couple of details you mentioned?

    I agree with you. I’ve been in this for two years and there’s movements that we don’t even know about all dealing with this. That’s what makes it so powerful. It’s not one group, it’s thousands of Americans from different private positions, attacking different ways, and it’s affecting them. You’re really right.

    But one you’ve mentioned: stamps. In our court, when we go to file something, the clerk will stamp it ‘Filed’. It says ‘Filed’ at the top, and that will go into the record that goes into the court. Then, if you want your copies stamped, she hands you a stamp that says ‘Accepted’ so that it was received, so to speak. And that’s the one that we use to stamp our other copies. You are mentioning other stamps. Would that just be exclusive to WA or would we in southern CA, or Orange County, there doesn’t seem to be any other stamp. And when I asked her about that, the only thing she had was a little, tiny date thing.

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    I always just ask for a certified copy. I go in and I file something, and right there I say, hey, I need a certified copy out.


    Out of all the things I’ve put into my court case so far, Heather, I have not [?] with any certified copies.

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    That’s okay, that’s okay! I’m talking about this notice, Daniel.


    The Acceptance of their Admission... I’m gonna run out of there with a certified copy, Okay. And when I get ready for doing my notice to the sheriff I’m going to need a certified copy of my Round Two documents, and my notice of Intent to Preserve Interest, and a certified copy of my deed, and that’s basically all I need for the police, correct?

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    When I go to the sheriff, I take in my warranty deed, I take in a certified copy from the auditor’s office of my warranty deed, a copy of my Cancellation, a copy of the WA State Supreme Court Disqualification, paperwork that was served on the Supreme Court, and I take in my Acceptance, a certified copy of my Acceptance of the court’s corruption.

    And that’s the pack that I always deliver, and whoever I deliver it to, I usually have a cover letter with it that the judge or, if it’s the sheriff, or if it’s a bank, or whatever, I address it: ‘You are hereby duly noticed, if you try to take action, or if you try to harm or damage me in any way regarding my property, then it is your chosen action with full personal responsibility, and each and every action or omission is punishable civilly or criminally, and each one is a separate and individual count.’

  52. cont'd...


    Okay Heather, second question is, if I was a sheriff caught in the middle of this and Daniel comes to me with his Acceptance letter and things like that, the first instinct is preservation of self. I’m going to agree with Daniel, he’s probably not going to do anything. What can we do to protect us?

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    Let them know! Let them know! I know what kind of position you were in. And you can even put that in your... give them a copy of your Immunity. You know the Acceptance. Charlie has actually scripted these out because of what we saw in CA. And we saw that the public officers are in a bind, and the People don’t really seem to consider, they didn’t know or they didn’t consider, that our public officers are just as much held hostage as the alleged borrowers.

    So we created and crafted an Immunity, an Acceptance of Immunity, for those public officers that stand and do the right thing, now.


    My second thought, Heather, when we finished with the sheriff, because I’ve been politically active in this area, I believe that we need to take what we’ve served on the sheriff, and we need to go before the Orange County Supervisors. There’s five on the Board of Supervisors in our county. And we need to let them know because they are over the Sheriffs. So we need to also put them on notice because they too are also supposed to be protecting our county.

    And I think that if each one of those supervisors had the letter where they understood that they are in the chain of title, of this corruption as well, and they need to be aware of it.

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    You want to shock everybody, then why don’t you tell the truth, which is this: The sheriff is the CEO of the county. He actually holds all the power, not your county supervisors and county executives. He has the most power our of anybody that supposedly works for the county. Most People don’t know that. Even the sheriffs themselves don’t know that.

    So what I would like for you guys to consider, if you really want to go and do this right, you let the sheriff know that you know he’s the most powerful person in the county. And that it’s his action. And then you let the executive know that, ‘I know the sheriff is the most powerful person in the county, and you guys are his supporting staff.’


    I kind of did that yesterday when I was talking to this lieutenant. I told him, I really would like to show our Sheriff in Orange County, who is a female, her name is Hutchins. And what’s really kind of funny, I’m not sure if you follow CA politics, approximately two years ago, Sheriff Corona, a thirty-year veteran, he was thrown in jail for corruption. One of the People that ousted him was third or fourth in command, their name was Hunt. Hunt got blackballed and ran for sheriff against Hutchins last year in the elections, and lost. And everybody knew it was election fraud down here. When I spoke to the lieutenant yesterday I said, I’d really like to have this meeting in front of Hutchins. And he told me that because she is so busy, more than likely he can’t arrange that right now.

    I said, well that’s fine, then I want to have the meeting with yourself. I don’t want to meet with anybody else and start over. But I want to meet with yourself. He was totally open to that.

    So when I’m going to structure my notice letter, this thing that we’re going to work on together as a collective, as a team, for the next week, prior to that meeting, I’m going to cc Hutchins on all of those communications and do the same thing: Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent, because a lieutenant is another officer of the thing.

  53. cont'd...


    I have a recording of the conversation that we had on Friday. I actually gave it to her so she can hear what went on and actually receive the copies that she’s going to get, and then with the cover letter we send to her, we would like to meet her again to confirm whatever: what are her actions: what is she going to do about it; what’s the next game plan. And I know she’s not going to have an answer but she will at least have been thinking about it because she will have received the stuff before she meets us, if she does.

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    Understand this, okay? Nothing that you can even tell them, that they don’t already know. They know, okay? Like, now you’re letting them know that YOU know.


    We kind of figured that.

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    And your public officers, when they know that the People are standing behind them, believe me, they act a lot differently than if they have to deal just with the corrupt: banks and Bar. Okay? So your officers, they need to know that you’re confident, that you’re self-responsible, and you’re going to stand with them when they do the right thing.

    So, I’ll give you a perfect example. One person was blackballed. Gosh, you know, I’m from a county where the chief of police went and murdered his wife and then killed himself. You know? And we’re one of the toughest states on domestic violence, and at that point the corruption amongst the officers was really heavily looked at, because of the fact officers knew what was going on with him and his wife, and nobody took it to a higher level.

    So when it comes to knowing, your public officers need a safe harbor. And that you need to understand, we can’t sit and bitch about our employees if we don’t give them the tools to do their jobs.

    Right now, the biggest tool they need is, they need some people to stand with them so they can do the right thing, now.


    Okay Heather, sounds wonderful, you’ve planted a lot of seeds. I’ll be looking for your template hopefully by the end of the day. And if you think your conversation with Charlie over the next four or five days prior to our meeting, if you come up with anything that you think we should use for that communication, please feel free to communicate back with us, Heather.

  54. cont'd...

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    Yeah... no, I’m here. I’ll do whatever I can to assist you to prepare for this.

    The biggest thing is, people keep asking me, ‘do you know any good attorneys?’ I mean, that’s almost the ‘constant moron’ [?] And I can say that as a former attorney. So I sit there and I wish people would know that they have more power when they speak up from their voices. And then when you join all the voices together, you give them more power.


    And as you said, Heather, regardless, there’s corruption in the courts, whether you have an attorney or you represent yourself, they’re gonna do what they’re gonna do anyway, no matter how much evidence you have and how much they don’t. So I would take the approach, it’s just time to quit playing their game in their court.

    My other thought, for those who have the courage to do this, is to stand before the City Council. And once we get through Harris and the Supervisors, I’m going to serve each one of the Council members on live TV. I’m going to put them on notice that the Sheriff has been informed that any illegal foreclosures will be... that they will be personally liable if they are involved.

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    You’re exactly right. And when you give them the Pledge, your Pledge, and a blank copy as well as one for the public officers.

    And then you give them also the Immunity, where you sign the Immunity: I don’t care what you did in the past, I care what you do now.

    When you give them the tools, then they know that they have a safe harbor. And whether they choose to engage in that safe harbor or not, will tell you exactly what personal choice they’ve made.


    When you say, ‘give them’, I’m not quite sure, maybe it will come down as a template. You said, there’s something like ‘they fill in the blanks’, are you telling me that they are from this day forward signing and reaffirming their oath, or they’re not doing that?

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    Well, there’s so many different things regarding their oath. You know, I was a public officer, I took an oath to apparently support the Constitution. I’ve gotta tell ya, I thought I took an oath that said I would uphold the Constitution. There’s a big difference between supporting and upholding.


    Here’s the kicker that I think is going to bring this all together. If they’ve committed felonies, can we set up Admiralty Courts to try them?

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    Leave that for the Public Trust. The Public Trust already has that in motion. Don’t worry about handling any convictions or anything else like that. The Public Trust is taking care of that part.

  55. cont'd...

    What everyone has the power to do is go in and take care of their own individual matter. That way, all the individual matters can be grouped together and that is what is the State. The People are the State.

    The biggest thing is that that tool, for the Pledges, is that it’s not for the People, so you know who they are. I’ve gotta tell ya, those Pledges are sending ripples across Banks, Trade, and Finance— the owners of the banks. They don’t want to see these Pledges. They don’t want to see all the Pledges that are coming in because it tells them how much power they don’t have.

    The Pledge is exactly the same for public officers, except for at the bottom there’s one paragraph more that says, ‘I am a public officer’.


    A Public Officer’s Pledge and the Immunity Pledge.

    Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

    Hey, give ‘em all notice: the People are telling you to do the right thing, now. We’ll stand by you if you do the right thing, now. There’s safe harbor for you.

    And I can tell you personally, right now, everything from the Attorney General and Governor down are getting false guarantees from the banks and the Bar that they’re going to stand behind these guys if they keep perpetrating the fraud. And I can tell you right now they aren’t.

    Some of the accounts by the banks have been in place and ready to disperse since January. They knew this was coming, in fact they knew about it. Well, they planned it. Before 2006. So just Know Who You Are, and know that your employees need the tools. So give ‘em the tools.

    Daniel, you’ve been so great at being vocal, and going in and being the solution, and inspiring others to be the solution. Stand strong, Know Who You Are, and keep moving.

    • • •

    Related resources:

    "Judges Disqualified"

    "Supreme Court of WA Filing and Sworn Affidavit of Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf"

    "Amended Final Response: National Bank Ass'n v. Heather A. Tucci-Jarraf and Youssef Jarraf"

    "Kamala Harris' foreclosure deal a win for state"

  56. Wow! Something that actually helps explain the workings of this thing.

  57. well done for transcribing this.

  58. Well great news. I work for the State of MO and was spreading the word so they retaliated. I contacted our union rep and they know all about what is going on and so I have a representative to help me blow the whole thing wide open in KC. I was amazed I finally found someone who had the information as I thought no one believed me and were trying to act like I was crazy!

  59. We have always been FREE people its just that we were tricked into believing we were slaves, surely everyone can see we have been brainwashed against our OWN Divinity that it the bottom line. WAKING up is about seeing our souls are our only masters because its connected to the Divine ONE.


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