
Saturday 12 January 2013



Yes. You asked for answers regarding so many things, including St. Germaine's Trust, NESARA, The Prosperity Packages, the Global Collateral Accounts and before you unconsciously choose to live with limits or to live without limits...Pay conscious attention to the answers to all all your questions...Pay energy of attention to the release of truth, and the whole truth, for nothing but the absolute truth. Absolute truth is visible by conscious free will choice to breath and bring forth all data transparently, in trust of eternal guarantee of absolute peace, absolute love, and absolute grace. Know the answers in absolute context of absolute truth by within, then consciously choose by free will choice whether you absolutely BE and then DO BE'ing.

What IS the Public Trust and what does it DO?...In This absolute current present moment of now, it is the visible space of absolute truth that consciously absorbs the energy and holds the contrast of all data for you to exercise by free will conscious choice to BE free, without limits, now. So it is done. Ask your self, between feeling trust and feeling distrust...what do you consciously choose by your free will to experience now? All own the Public Trust, and all that is guaranteed as BE'ing absolutely secured in it, equally to all, in this absolute current present moment of will be done and honored. So it is.

In trust you can lovingly relax, purify and build in transparency, or, by contrast, in distrust you can angrily shield, fight and whither in transparency. What do you consciously choose by your free will to experience in this absolute current present moment of now? Your DO'ing what you choose to BE is the “application” of your choice. Your BE'ing is the delivery point of what you choose. No “rfid”, no “gps”, no “ssn”, no “codice fiscale”, no “blood”, no “address” required because that is so “yesterday” in this absolute current present moment of now.

As you begin BE'ing together as one in this absolute current present moment of now, ...consciously choose between the contrast to BE or not to DO or not to DO...choose by your free will choice! Either way you choose, by your free will, do you not know and see the absolute truth that it is? That each choice still equals BE'ing and DO'ing something? DO consciously make those choices the absolute current present moment of now. Consciously choose to BE and direct that absolute current of energy into the present moment of now, without limits, by free will choice. Your conscious free will choice exercised is to create, co-create as one in this absolute current present moment of will be done and honored. So it is.

The “powers that were”, in all your dimensions, know...they have known forever without transparency and... Now they DO consciously choose in transparency to experience... All the data of absolute truth is made visible in this absolute current present moment of now. Absolute truth of the energy and code you used to consciously deceive, limit, commandeer, and pervert into systems of mis-direction, mis-managements , by contrived events, finely tuned by the tool of using “expectation”, “hope”, “want”, “need”, through the perverted tools of the “corporation”, “government”, “society”, “country”, “family”, “gregorian calendar”, “holiday”, “holy day”, “religion”, “title”, “master”, “servant”, “media”, “film”, “money”, “commerce”, “ucc”, “divinity”, “above”, “below”, “inner”, “outer”, and other allusions of separation and division of the one implemented to serve your self interests to the damage of all others, duly canceled, and the energy re-set now by conscious free will of eternal presence consciously exercised and guaranteed in word ofabsolute truth. What do you consciously choose by your free will to experience in this absolute current present moment of now? Free will be done and honored. So it is.

In absolute love, peace and grace all now shall know you can choose to experience the opportunity to make a different choice....know and see the absolute truth of how the perverted systems of mis-direction, mis-management, and the allusion were consciously chosen to manifest the extreme contrasts to show these “powers that were” that they could not stop, delay, hinder and avoid the absolute truth of what IS and to free those in the deepest slumbers or shackled by the strongest restraints, in all their that all could know and see absolute truth in this absolute current present moment of now the paradise of freedom...what DO you consciously choose by your free will to experience in this absolute current present moment of now? Free will be done and honored. So it is.

THE DISCLOSURE is now visible...use your tools within of resonance to recognize and know what in the absolute data IS absolute truth. You will recognize those who fear having all the data on the table and know why. The “roll out” of THE DISCOLSURE is further made and done by all equally,...DO as you freely choose in this absolute current present moment of now. Free will be done and honored. So it is.

By absolute declaration and loving decree made in absolute responsibility and absolute liability, begin absolute context of visible specifics of THE DISCLOSURE, THE EVENT, and “roll out” in the manner absolutely good for all in this absolute current present moment of now.

DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, January 11, 2013, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with absolute responsibility and liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with governing law, UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA:

/s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as          /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body             /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as
         Trustee 1111                                  BE'ing     1111                                                Co-Creator            1111

/s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as          /s/Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body            /s/Hollis Randal Hillner, as    
          Trustee 1111                                 BE'ing      1111                                              Co-Creator             1111

/s/Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as  
          Trustee 1111                                 BE'ing      1111                                              Co-Creator           1111

__________________________       _____________________________________       ___________________________
               as Trustee                          as state of body and BE'ing                                  as Co-Creator


  1. It gives a very feel good factor and I hope that something 3D will soon follow this 5D disclosure. Hope, love and light to the team.

    1. "By absolute declaration and loving decree made in absolute responsibility and absolute liability, begin absolute context of visible specifics of THE DISCLOSURE, THE EVENT, and “roll out” in the manner absolutely good for all in this absolute current present moment of now."

      Green light. Let's do this.

    2. D, when you refer to a green light you mean the disclosure must happen during a 48/72 hour period? Or we still need to have the press release to finalize the disclosures? When you mention green light, Drake came to my mind for some reason as I associate to a 48 hour notice.

    3. lol I thought of Drake when reading "green light." Hmmmm, I should have realised that "D" stands for Drake. If D comes back and says "two more weeks" then I know she's really got a beard!

    4. buhahahahahhahah!!!!!! I don't have a beard last time I looked, but I'm at that ages when odd hairs start sprouting up in odd places, so who knows- maybe in 2 weeks I'll look like Santa!!! Anything is possible I guess. :>)

    5. 48-72 hours?

  2. This document is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. It poses a choice for each of us. INFORMS us that we indeed DO have a choice! To live as slaves of "the system" created by men of no conscience with their goal being personal advancement paid for in the blood, sweat and life work of those they view as nothing more than parasites to be exterminated, or to stand in our collective ABSOLUTE TRUTH that each of us is an individual expression of the Creator of all things that lives WITHIN all things, in full acceptance that there is no higher authority than OURSELVES as a physical manifestation of our Creator. We are sovereign, we recognize no authority except that which is based in Common Law. We accept responsibility for ourselves and choose to see the Creator in all persons, and all of creation. We claim our unalienable BIRTH RIGHT to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness without limitation, fear, prejudice, restraint, or laws that conflict with the universal law of oneness of ALL PEOPLES. We claim the eternal abundance of the universe as our absolute unalienable BIRTH RIGHT bestowed upon us by Creator AS Creator at our birth on this planet called earth. I do not know about all of you, but this is a no-brainer for me. I CHOOSE FREEDOM!

    1. Kathy, very well put!


    2. We live in a world of illusions. Some believe we are free not seeing the shackles. Others see the shackles but think they are free. Not until we remove the shackles in this life, this reincarnation, in practicality, will you be free Together. That is what this is all about.


    3. This document says nothing! You don't need anything to tell you have complete freedom. Freedom only comes from within. People are still looking outside for the savior and they will sorely be disappointed when no one comes to save them.

    4. I choose FREEDOM!!! To live, to love and to prosper. No more fear and no more scarcity...BE, DO, ACCEPT FREEDOM............... wooooohoooooo

    5. I also choose freedom. Now let's make it happen in our virtual reality for the sake of our Awareness which is prime.


    6. How is everyone doing this morning? I have been out of the loop for a minute; I'm sure I missed a lot of interesting discussions. But it looks like things are moving along quite well with this OPPT situation. I hope everyone is ready to get to work and rebuild this world with the ''truth and wisdom'' as it's main foundation. I know a lot of you including me are going through some tough trials and tribulations right now, whether that's dealing with bills, car notes, rent, relationships, debt, or the indentured servitude of jobs that we are forced to adhere to to satisfy physical obligations at the detriment of a spiritual erosion that is internally incongruent to what your soul wants and needs but is put on the back burner indefinitely trying to figure how do you balance the world inside you vs the world outside that doesn't mirror anything you feel inside.

      Wrestling with do you abandon such spiritual aspirations for the sake of security and safety of your home induced and paid for by a job you don't longer resonate with or do you place a firm footing into a world that doesn't yet exist on a pavement that still attached to the old world? It is so divinely soothing to the soul to be alive right now that the gratitude of being thankful for the air I breath, can be placed into a jar labled and idolized as a sacred ritual that took place in a special moment of time that I concealed the moment I realized that I didn't have to purposely hold my breath long enough to suffocate to feel the releif of inhaling life again because being on the brink of death gives credence to life by default. Ascension is not the process of becoming someone more evolved. Ascension is a process of remembering who you have always been and returning to it with audacity and persistance. As hidden patents that make your life easier are released, and as funds horded by the few are shared with the many, the �shoulds� of our life will greatly decrease. Thanks to people like Heather and her team of tenacious and dauntless souls who beat the PTW (Powers That Were) at there own game.

      I understood where she was coming in the realms of people asking what they can do, an Heather replying as she relays we are already doing it by the sheer comments we leave on this blog and others. She is definitely 5th dimensional. As what she say encompasses so much instead of conveying herself in 3d details of the ego wanting to know but not wanting to except what's already been done.

      I heard there are 50,0000 types of techonology ready to be released and that the ''KESHE Foundation'' is ready to go public in March to demonstrate what will soon be in the public arena to use and facilitate a more efficient and proficient way of life for all of earths inhabitants. I see that the more evidence that comes out that supports OPPT as a valid and legal movement the more Drake and his team become more agitated as most of Drake's intel now comes strictly and exclusivley from his ''anal data base''. And Benjamin Fulford, Niel Keenan, Casper and the likes are slowly but surely are starting to become more and more inconsistent in thier statetments as we come closer and closer to the ''real truth'' behind this stage play of lies and deciet as we look at the feet under the curtain scramble around as they try to put on another show now that there hat tricks are starting loose it's allure and majestic luster.

    7. And Kathy I see you got into a heated debate, which resulted in you calling someone a ''asshole'' lol lol, don't worry about them anonymous guys there not on this blog everyday because it doesn't resonate with them, there on it because it does, It's like you learning a cool basketball trick, the spectators will ridicule it at first; to take power away from the thought of you wanting to potentially use it against them by stifling the attempt in the form of verbal slander saying that will ''never work on anyone''. So they constantly attend the gym glancing out the corner of their eyes seeing you progress in scrimmage pick-up games slowly but surely perfecting the move but still ridiculing you as you do because they fear the outcome of potentially being one of the person's falling victim to what you have been practicing and pretend they are not interested in trying to practice that move themselves because then they would have to give credit to you when they get it right and try it on someone they think they can get with it. That is what is going on with those type of people Kathy, they hate that you might be right.

    8. Dee, do you have any informationg regarding the OPC (Operation Compassion)? We both know that countries that are looking to trade internationally must comply and adhere to the Basel III Laws using hard backed currencies contingent upon the new US Treasury Notes that is backed by gold. And reading American Kabuki's blog I ran across an article pertaining to at least two hundred and twenty-five (225) countries with new UN (United Nations) currency exchange rates that went into effect on 12/31/12. On top of that a relative article by Carol A. Parker posted on 10-2012-14 3 months prior to the return of the gold standard she reported to happen on January 1st 2013 her saying that back in October that ''this isn't uncertainty''. Banks in major economies across the world have actually currently adopted the rules. In anticipation, central banks have actually been getting gold in big volumes. Turkey added 3.9 million ounces in the last year.

      Mexico has bought 3.2 million ounces. Russia's reserves stand at 29.2 million ounces - the highest in 20 years. As they prepare for gold to become currency as soon as again, the cost of the yellow metal will certainly continue to go up. Experts are forecasting gold to rise to between $ 10,000 and $ 14,000 per ounce. Make sure you're prepared for the biggest economic change - and profit windfall -. It seems to me that the global reset has happened to some major extent, am I wrong?

    9. Because here's what John Mchaffie also said... For The Record folks -------

      When the RV actually happens and the initial funds come in, OPC WILL be off like a flash.

      The 10K BUG ME gifts WILL be out first followed by the HOT DIRE STRAITS and DIRE STRAITS.

      The OPC site(s) WILL be activated and our Wonderful Angels Will be distributing the blessings.

      Donors (from the PP) who have expressed interest WILL be contacted and names WILL be provided to them.

      This has been the wildest roller coaster in my 65 years. I be so glad to get off!

      GOD Will Bless You And Yours,

      Now I just recently ran across another update from ''The Shining Light'' blog with a post titled Currency Changes; here are a few excerpts from different countries announcing currency exchages.

      "Zambia zeroes in on new banknotes" by René Vollgraaff, 2012-11-25 16:15:00 WHILE South Africans get used to the new banknote series, with the Big Five moved to the back of the notes, Zambia is preparing to remove three zeros from its money. The Bank of Zambia has announced that the kwacha will be rebased by dividing it by 1,000, dropping three zeros off the currency, on January 1. * This article was first published in Sunday Times: Business Times

      Fiji unveils new currency without British Queen's portrait Updated: 2012-12-12 SUVA, December 12(Xinhua) -- Fijian President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau on Wednesday unveiled the country's new banknotes and coins on which British Queen Elizabeth II's portrait no longer features, in a bid to create the country's "own identity" and show "it is now time to move forward."....The new notes and coins are set to come into circulation with effect from January 2, 2013.

      (Times of Zambia) LuSE closes trading 12/25/12 THE Lusaka Stock Exchange (LuSE)has closed trading to allow implementation of the rebasing exercise effective January 1, 2013. According to a statement posted by Inter Market Securities Investment analyst Joseph Lungu, the last day of trading on LuSE was Friday December 21, 2012. From December 24, 2012 to January 1, 2013 the MARKET WILL REMAIN CLOSED and only open on January 2, 2013...This is to facilitate for the rebasing which is effective January 1, 2013″, Mr Lungu.

      So the gist at what I am getting at is that OPC (Operation Compassion) was anticipating this very thing to give robust and a firm backing to the PP'S (Prosperity Packages) since it is now supported by the ever increasing gold reserves that even Iraq trippled in such a short time. So what else do you think they are waiting for to get this thing going? I mean 225 countries have now based there currenc on the US Treasury Notes that are backed by gold and not the fiat Federal Reserve Notes. So is it safe to say that we have rv'ed?

    10. Ariel, I've missed you! I've been wondering about you the last week or 2. I'm glad you are well. Namaste!

    11. To LadyXanth: Thank you so much, my internet has been cut off because I am in the process of moving for 6 months back home in New Orleans for employment reasons. So I am forced to us the Library computer which I hate because it has time contraints on how long you can use it. I have to walk for an hour because I haven't got another car yet so I just take it as a good exercise walking to and fro; I lost 4 pounds so it ain't to bad. So If I don't get back to any comments I'm probably not at the library anymore or my time limit ran out. You guys take care of yourselves and prepare your friends and family for what's about to happen. See ya.

    12. Ariel,
      John Machaffie quote "
      This has been the wildest roller coaster in my 65 years. I be so glad to get off!"

      If some of you remember, it wasn't mote than 3 months ago that he posted a photo of him and his young family with his very young children. He said he posted it to show people he was real. Then shortly after, I remember this quote. "
      This has been the wildest roller coaster in my 65 years. I be so glad to get off!"
      Somethings wrong. Besides the fact that a lot of disinfo gets posted on his site, now he claims he is 65 after posting a picture of himself looking in his 30s.
      I no longer trust his site at all and he censors stuff that proves he is posting Bullshit.

    13. To Anonymous 13:17: I was not privy to that, but I never look at any site as the absolute gospel anyway. So that wouldn't affect me the way it would someoneelse who adhere to his every word are post. Because I got into a little debate with him once; but him being the blog administrator he censored half of what I wrote by posting half of what I said because he could not refute any of it. That' why I'm not sure if his affiliation with OPC (Operation Compassion) taints the program as a whole because of his conservative demeanor when it comes to certain post. I hope credence isn't taken away from OPC if John turns out to be some sort of shill or disinfo agent.

  3. will be done and honored. SO IT IS!

  4. the paradise of freedom.

    Wow! Just WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    With love and gratitude. ;-)

    Sine Nomine

  5. I am not from the USA so I have no knowledge of your laws etc. This all looks extremely positive,

    Who in Authority, will start the ball rolling, so that to put it very basically the good can win?

    So when will all these documents be able to be put to those in Authority, to close down the evil ones, and pardon me if I have not waded and read through everything, but I have to limit my time to view things right now. LET THE LIGHT SHINE ALWAYS ON THE DARK AND NEVER AGAIN THE DARK BE ALLOWED TO HAVE ANY POWER IN THIS UNIVERSE.......IS THAT TOO MUCH TO HOPE FOR?:)

    1. No, I think we all need to make a habit of thinking not in terms of what is possible but rather in the ABSOLUTE TRUTH that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

    2. KK your post reminded me of something that was written on a trinket I saw years ago which I wrote down so I could look at it from time to time.

      "Nothing is too good to be true
      Nothing is too wonderful to happen
      Nothing is too good to last"

      Don't know whose words they are so can't attribute them. Just felt moved to put them here. ;-)

      Sine Nomine

    3. ""Nothing is too good to be true
      Nothing is too wonderful to happen
      Nothing is too good to last"

      Love this sine Nomine!! thank you

    4. anon 3:14 quote
      "Who in Authority, will start the ball rolling, so that to put it very basically the good can win?"
      There is none in authority that is my choice in the NOW, we are all one.

      We can choice to accept the actors illusion of authority or we can make them prove to us that they have authority,(which they do not and can not prove) by using Heathers documents and changing it to your specific circumstances, you ask them questions.
      In that exercise you and the actor realize their authority is an illusion.

      formerly know as "wantingpeace"

  6. 'Who in Authority ...?'

    YOU! You and every other sovereign being in, on and around this planet who decides for himself to be free, and then thinks, speaks and acts accordingly.

    Join us in keeping the ball rolling ;-)

  7. Hi I've been many of these posts of the people's trust and can't say I understand everything. I have been called to jury duty for what seems to be a constant revolving door . I miss a day of work or more ....without pay..which these days are a hardship . The courts give me $15.00 a day . Big whoop. I of course will appear because they tell me it's my civic duty and if I don't , they'll send a badge and then I'll have to appear before a judge . Hey , I didn't even do anything and already I'm feeling "badgered". If I'm chosen and asked if I feel I can render a guilty or not guilty plea based on the evidence given ...I may just say as of Dec. 5th the USA is under a new legal system called Nesara . as a result I can not render a plea because I do not recognize the BAR as it is recognized under the British crown . I appreciate being asked to come forward today but my personal freedom to be required by law to have to appear before you today has in itself been taken from me .
    Everybody pray for me and wish me well :)

    1. Jury duty sucks! My grandfathers method of getting out of jury duty was to tell them that he fully believed in capital punishment and that every citizen should own a gun and be in charge of enforcing the constitution..... he was called up 7 times, never chosen even once :>)

    2. Off topic, but you just need to formally rescind your "Voters Registration"... "Voting" as it is today, is meaningless anyway.

    3. I live in FL and I did this but it doesn't work here, cause they go by your DRIVERS LICENSE not VOTERS REGISTRATION.....

  8. Just Before Dawn12 January 2013 at 12:37

    Anytime anyone claims something to be the absolute truth, that’s the time to run for the hills-not only is this "Disclosure" not "the" answer to those searching for answers, it’s about 6 paragraphs and hundreds of words too long-such WAFFLE dressed up as some sort of "declaration"-it’s the equivalent of one of those horrible show off singers using 50 notes where one will do- guys, I know(or at least hope) you mean well but all of that verbiage to say a simple truth. I mean WHO speaks like that, apart from some fantasy film character or amateur dramatic society doing a poor version of Shakespeare? And that teeth itching phrase- "so it is"?-could you have used anything more pretentious?-it’s a favourite of the guys who dress up at Solstice and pretend they're druids or witches and after spewing some trees moon and water nonsense solemnly proclaim before all -"so it is"-cue fake thunder and lightning...WHEN SHALL WE THREE MEET AGAIN …it’s a wow alright Sine as in it actually uses the phrase "so" yesterday in there somewhere…can you imagine an ordinary man or woman in the street(who doesn’t live in “the valley” or in America for that matter) reading that statement- it reads like something from a self help book, dare I say it ,written by some californian with far too much time on their hands- please, please, can we call a halt to all of this fake wow, love and light speak and get real...this Disclosure is about as useful and practical in the real world as an ashtray on a motorbike. May I suggest the three who wrote it and those who proclaim its absolute truth take it to Bashar Assad and read it to him-then read it to the refugees across the border in Turkey-or perhaps read it to the North Koreans and maybe the drug lords/human traffickers in Mexico and Russia-
    Let me sum up the entire Disclosure statement for those who havn’t got the willpower to read it all the way through and Frankie said it with much more panache but here it is in a nutshell......

    DO BE DO BE DO .....tra la la ..DO BE DO BE DO...tra la. la...(Repeat to fade)

    1. JBD...LOL! An ashtray on a motorbike! I'm stealing that one. And how true. I wanted to find some credibility in this, but the first paragraph and all its "absolutes" scream foolishness. I didn't have the willpower to keep going with this story. Congrats to those who do and who believe. I don't. All love and light to all of you, whatever you expect.

    2. When you believe in things you don't understand.... you suffer. Another cruel hoax, full of NWO nuances- 194 "new governments" financed by the people, the "creator"-a one world religion,absolute truth? From Santa and the Easter bunny,right? et al,et al. Somebody needs their ass kicked, in all light and love.Psycho Babble at it' finest,imho. Peace takes work, put down then pipes, because many here sound like white white punks on dope...lmao

    3. Just Before Dawn, I love you!
      I visualized the motorbike upgrade, that once purchased and used it wasn't an upgrade after all! I'm laughing. I hope by now we have our 100th Monkey that doesn't believe in everything shown to them.

      The discernment has gotten so much better and the comments show the lifting of the veil so much faster.


  9. is something supposed to happen when you click on this? It just opens to bigger screen of the same title and doesn't say anything.

    1. The Disclosure should be there.

  10. I just don't see what this document demonstrates - it seems like more of an "affirmation" to me? I guess I just never felt that I needed someone else to tell me that I had a choice, or could live as a free person - I already do! Guess it's just because it goes against the usual definitions of Disclosure...there's no revelation here to me.

    03:51m I notice you mention that someone said the U.S. is under a new legal system - if that's the case, I sure wish someone would tell our courts about it :) I'm sure you do as well...maybe you could get out of jury duty! In the 'good old days' employers would pay the balance of one's salary to make up for the loss in pay - I'll bet that doesn't happen now?

    best wishes,

    1. Hi mombot! this disclosure is a duly filed UCC document, that basically gives the greenlight for full disclosure to "roll out"- but it is also much more than that, and in many ways this was written not just for you or us, but for the Powers that Were, and those who are creating the changes and supporting the new system.

    2. I don't know if you live in the USA but unless you meet the requirements to legally be excused from jury duty a summons will be issued by the court delivered by a sheriff to appear before a judge. That happened To a friend of mine and it wasn't pretty.
      I am sure there are some employers that will pay the balance while one performs their jury duties ,however, mine does not and the law does not require him to do so. I work on a patient basis so when we have to cancel my patient load not only do we put t those people out that made appointments six months ago, my employer losses that income .i wish he would but that's his deal

      I guess I was trying to make the point that with the people's trust and we are truly free I should not be forced into a situation over and over by intimidation of contempt of court while others never serve. Where's my justice. I am not free to exercise my rights merely because I am not pregnant, over 70 , hardship, etc etc.. Merely making a point and questioning our "laws" thanks for replying .bonb

    3. Thanks D -

      "Who in Authority, will start the ball rolling, so that to put it very basically the good can win?"

      I thought this Was the authority that started the ball rolling? Supposed to be, anyway - the more I read, the more anxious I get at the thought that I am AGAIN being swept into some sort of agreement made by someone else. Then again, no one but me can enter into a valid contract where I'm a party, right? So no need to worry - but reading the Paradigm report again, I took issue with the sections about trustees, particularly pages 4-5 where it states
      I don't agree with this statement at all, unless it only applies to the noted parties. In which case, it doesn't apply to Me.

      I agree with those who comment on all the new-age gibberish, which seems to be more prevalent that legitimate "legalese"...a lot of typos, too. Wouldn't be a big deal if these weren't allegedly legal and binding -

      One last thing - how many people are actually on record as Public Trustees? In the same Paradigm report on page 5, there's a reference to "Tucker-Rey" as well as Charles Miller on page 10. Neither of these names appear on the later documents - can the Trustees just swap in/out at will, or are these changes documented somewhere? I say this because the report states (p. 5) that the Investigation Lead gives full approval of the Trustees - but they don't seem to be the same people who are "managing" the Trust now?

      Happy Saturday all -

    4. Talk about dis-info under the guise of authority, ya'll need to meet at the tall oak tree. A used handkerchief could be duly filed UCC document...this means absolutely nothing, as does this entire scam. Puking...

    5. Charles Miller? Well, there ya go.

  11. Reads like a mixture of legalese and God-speak Sorry, but I dont quite get it?? Maybe D can explain, I would appreciate that :) I think we are moving in the right direction but still a bit confused. I certainly thought that "Disclosure" when it came would be in an easy to understand format.

    Where is the official televised disclosure speeches is what I would love to know???
    (This is a direct question, Please answer with direct answer.)

    1. there is power and energy in words. This formally filed UCC document is telling the Powers That Were that their time is up, and telling the positive military and those working for the changes that the time is NOW. Those in people power know exactly what all these UCC documents mean and they understand the ramifications of this document in all it's context. This document is the order to Disclose the truth to the world.

      The official Televised Disclosure speeches will roll out very soon my friend.

    2. Thank you D for explaining it, The understanding is coming! I hate the word "Soon" am I am sure you do too :) but it is refreshing seeing what you wrote, none the less. Thank you Heather and co.

    3. D, Where are these documents formerly filed? I can't seem to find a link to that?

    4. I will find out - excellent question :>D

    5. Excellent Question? Seems to me the only important one and how could it be more then a phone call away?

    6. D - I got goose bumps when I read you reply "5:07"!!!

      Bring IT ON!!!

    7. From Heather:

      [10:32:01 AM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: they are being filed in WA DC's on the filings themselves

    8. D, is this the press release that was coming out, or is that separate and forthcoming?

      If this Is the press release, is it being sent to AP, Reuters etc. or is it limited to the internet post? I keep wondering how all the people who don't spend time on the web...those that are typically tied into broadcast/print media (and most often labeled sheeple)...are going to get the word? I realize that I can be a channel for that, but it would be great to have them get validation from an everyday source in their lives -


      p.s. I can Guarantee that because I called out typos in my earlier post, my ego will make sure I throw out a few myself today as an exercise in humility - LOL. It wasn't meant as a criticism - I'm sure you all proofed this so many times it's all just a blur by now...I used to work in marketing/graphics, so that sort of thing jumps out at me.

    9. When I try to analyze, rationalize,and try to understand the Documents (intellectuality)... I get myself so confused, and frustrated, and therefor miss the whole meaning of these Documents.

      I read somewhere, or heard someone mention that these Documents are all based on Metaphysics.

      So.... when I read them, I go within myself (The Metaphysical Self) and accept the truth for what it is. Feels Sooo Much Better!!

      Blessings to all,

    10. Now I'm even more confused D. Are they filed in Washington State or Washington, DC as you posted above?

  12. Sounds interesting... But still a little vague. I went out of the country for a few days hoping that something would get the ball rolling while I was gone. Maybe this is it? We shall see. But this seems like a good start! I apparently need to re-read the original filing documents because I just read one of AK's most recent posts regarding further clarification of TOPPT and apparently this is some sort of unintended, unlimited loophole created by Lincoln during the civil war (?!)... Totally missed that part the first skimming! Sounds possible, I wouldn't put it past TPTW to find and exploit formalities to enslave the masses. It's what they do best. I keep hoping that the scales will tip in our favor; how can things continue the path we are currently on? Honestly, I don't see how they could. Things have been in their favor, under their control for far too long. I just don't see how the universe could possibly allow it any longer. I feel that the universe has an ingrained sense of justice and an innate ability to prevail when the time is right. The dark can't hide is the shadows forever! And when they are exposed for the enslavers that they are, I think the world will balk at the truth-- that WE have been the ones with all the power all along! And they used money and fear to enslave us! Without us, they are NOTHING and they know it. That's why we have to say NO MORE. It's been going on for far too long and I think humanity is ready to evolve into the next stage of consciousness and there is no room for any type of forced enslavement in this new paradigm. Too many people have had enough with their bondage and I think they know their jig is up. I just really want to see this stuff go mainstream asap... I still have a hard time imagining how it will all go down. Will it be like worldwide news-briefing? Will they actually USE the emergency broadcast system for something other than a monthly test? Lol! Will there be a V For Vendette-style airwaves takeover of Internet, tv, radio, etc.? It would honestly have to be this big for me to take anything seriously these days... We have been so deceived for sooooooo long... I feel like there are too many boys who cry wolf out there BUT I'm really praying to God/ Jesus/ the Universe that TOPPT is THE REAL DEAL. There is so much riding on this moment in time. Something's gotta give... One way or the other.

    1. My understanding of the Universal law of creation is that the Creator's universe is an infinitely expanding self correction universe. All participants as sparks of the creator are free to participate in universal creation that supports this infinite expansion. Any actions of creation that do not support the highest good are subject to a self regulating correction that we sometimes refer to as Karma. Karma is neither good nor bad just the self regulating and self correcting system that this universe operates on and is the Universal law of cause and effect. As the slavery systems are clearly a destructive action and do not support the highest good of the universe and have rapidly declined the ability of the other participants to peacefuly co-create these elite corrupt participants and their slavery systems have now exhausted their ability to mis-create to the point of self correction. They must for survival allow this correction to proceed or be annihalated entirely from the Univeral creation. We are now at zero point and the self corrections are taking place. The Universal law operates as a self regulating system and cannot be destroyed. It's expansion has been hindered for centuries and positive creation delayed due to the slavery systems created. It appears to me we are on the verge of a very large self correction. Freedom to again co-create in a loving and peaceful manner for the highest good of all appears to be about to happen. Let's feed this forward momentum with positive, kind loving energies of thoughts, words and actions to help the momentum along. The blessings of the highest order is unfolding. It is up to us now not to fall into fear and slow this down. Instead of HOPE, lets move to FAITH in our ability to positively co-create in all of our thoughts, words and actions from this zero point moment forward. Be the change you wish to see!
      In gratitude to all co-creators,
      "Kindness is Power"

    2. group question - do athiests believe in a Creator?

    3. Just asked one of my athiest friends, he said "no"
      I asked "how did you get here? What started life?"
      He said "the big bang"
      Me "so, technically you believe in a creator"
      He "yeah, the big bang being creator"

    4. Thanks! If I'd tried finding out using a search, I'd be reading and tallying opinions all weekend -

  13. Dawn, What are your contacts saying?? Any new Intel.? If we the people of this Earth are so important in getting things done, removing the shackles, waking up! Why the heck are we being treated with, No direct answers to simple questions,etc.. Dont we deserve the honesty in all of this? Something very questionable going on here!

    If it hasnt been bad enough we were lied to all our lives, now the truth is suppose to be vetting out and we still get cryptic Intel thrown at us, every damn corner we turn. I was better off when I didnt know any of this stuff, now it`s just a mental mind fuck!

    1. Just Before Dawn12 January 2013 at 14:21

      All I can offer is what I've asked myself having visited here for a month...Do I feel clearer spiritually and mentally after I visit this site or more confused and deflated having read the posts and the comments-and I most definitely do not feel clearer or lighter-Sri Ramana Maharshi summed it up very powerfully in 5 very simple words-YOU ARE FREE.JUST BE.....That’s FIVE words, now compare that to what you read above and to all of the "changes are imminent " kabuki theatre that you read here and on other websites...go back to the archives what was posted here in March or April of 2012-almost a year ago-the exact same "change is imminent" routine-that doesn’t free chains you to false hope and keeps you coming back for more-see it for what it is...recognise the language’s the same "dear ones" "love and light" dialect-a distraction to keep you "occupied"-it’s a similar mindset to those who came up with “patriot” act or homeland “security”-it’s the opposite of what it means –
      Your personal truth and relationship with what you believe to be your source is deeply personal-nourish it because when you awaken to your own source and power nothing in this world has a hold on you but wherever you see someone proclaim absolute truth rest assured it’s anything you think the "source" of all the universes needs a 6 paragraph statement in cod legalese/loveandlightspeak to announce change to the world?
      Bring your own change to your OWN heart and you change your world. You don’t need Removing the Shackles, the Peoples Trust or ANYONE to show you YOUR way…and you certainly don’t need to be told "SOON" one more time-look into your own heart, I could be mistaken but I'll bet a penny to five billion dollars the doorway to your own source is in there.
      Break away from the energy whirlpool here. Spend time with and on those you love and who love you-that’s REAL. The rest is a game of "I know something you don’t know"-Childish egos parading as holders of “secret” knowledge or “insider” information. The game is up. Their time is OVER.It’s a new day.

    2. I wholeheartedly agree Dawn. When you look at the past posts from months ago, it exposes the Bullshit better than anything else ever could.
      Now google these UCC document numbers and see where they take you. Ring around the Rosie! Right back to the same suspect disinfo websites.
      D, If I'm wrong, show us what part of the government these documents are actually filed with, please.

    3. I want a new drug
      one that will do what it could
      one that wont make me feel to bad
      one that wont make me feel to good

      I want a new drug
      one that wont make me doubt
      one that dont cost to much
      make my face break out

    4. From Heather:

      [10:32:01 AM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: they are being filed in WA DC's on the filings themselves

    5. D, You only give ambiguous answers. Were not asking what states. We already know that. A verifiable fact, please. What specifc Govt Office or Agency in DC?

  14. Let's get this ball rolling ... WE ARE FREE !!!

  15. Why when I google these UCC document numbers, the only references I get is to the same websites that have been talking about this "freedom" stuff for a year? I cannot find any kind of official link that shows what these documents are with regard to government.

    1. From Heather:

      [10:32:01 AM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: they are being filed in WA DC's on the filings themselves

  16. I did read this wonderful reply of heather here:

    i think lisa harrison could give this a big positive swing.

    the law of 7 sais: if you have a question ask the people you know ask them to ask the people they know, apperantly after 7 times you find the right person..

    i think we need some legal experts to implement these files in different countrys and languages..

    Maybe i didnt look good enough, but is it an idea to make translation groupes?

    Last but not least. yesterday i spoke to this braziliaan spiritual 'healer' (can't find a better word) i said :' the days of darkness are over, isn't it? he gave me this big, big smile and said 'Yes, finally we can do all the things which were in the Original plan for us to do' (..)

    love you all, we've made it!

    i think we need

    1. Heather and I will be doing an interview with Lisa in the very near future- we will be planning it out early next week.

  17. Okay folks I am going to post this link here.
    I will also be posting it every time i post on this blog so everyone coming here can use the link if they wish to.
    I feel that the info on this video is important and goes hand in hand with the above and may even reduce the above in order for it to be more easily understood.!

    There is about 12 hours of this video,so it is not for the faint hearted,
    Depending on your opinion it contains disclosure.
    Disclosure of many things related to extraterrestrial life,law and language,perception and human communication.
    The guy makes many claims during the video and I am sure you will always use your own truth to make up your own mind.!

    Now I dont expect to have any criticism here on this link for the next 12 hours because thats how long you would need to watch it all
    So no cheating.
    I have spent many more hours on this blog reading so 12 hours is not a lot of watching .!

    1. baab, thanks for the heads up on those youtube videos. I'm watching them now. Quite fascinating.

    2. It is ,I am currently at part 7
      I posted the link when I was ready to watch video 3 because I wanted others to see it and if it has any value,It can be discussed.

      I am already watching every word that comes out of my mouth.
      Silence is Golden.

    3. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for posting this link. I will savor every word. I think this is the most constructive, helpful information possible to clear up confusion and help the ones who have not seen clearly as of yet to acquire those "eyes that see". I have never found anything that gets to the root of the TRUTH of what has occurred on this planet as well and as thoroughly as this information does, and I am just at the end of part 1.

    4. What a fascinating guy, baab - thanks so much for this link!

      I don't know if you've checked out his website, but this interesting info is listed:
      I’ll start my correlation of events when David was 25 years of age, as I feel this is critical to my story. David had a kidney disorder that required surgery however the doctor scheduled to operate on the day of surgery was unavailable, and at the last minute was replaced by a Korean doctor who had never operated on any human before, a complete novice. To cut a long story short, the Korean doctor read David’s chart incorrectly and surgically removed both kidney’s including the adrenal glands - David died on the operating table.

      In the Morgue the nurse assisting the autopsy noticed David’s heart, which at this stage was lying on the outside of his body on his chest unsevered, incredulously the heart began to beat! He came back from the dead? Well, yes he did with an IQ of 200 .......go figure.

      The doctors put him back together again, including his perfectly healthy kidney, alive, however now he has 6 times the amount of endorphins you and I have, and so the saga continued.

      It also notes that he lost the custody case 67 times (talk about tenacity!) before he figured out he needed to come at it a different way - it would be interesting to hear his ex-wife's story of those years ;)

      This would be great stuff to listen to while sleeping, so it plants in the subconscious. Thanks again -


    5. Why does Mille look so young? If he was a Professor in the mid 70s, he would have to be at least in his 60s in this video. He looks 40 at best.

    6. Maybe he practices Urine Therapy...?

      It's the Fountain of Youth, The Elixir of Life.


      Ninja Bambi

    7. hmmm...
      "David Wynn Miller shares with us his experience of dying on the operating table at the age of 25. After coming back to life a short while later, he went the next 8 years without sleeping, at all. Additionally, since his death experience, David no longer ages. He is now 63 years old."

  18. lead by example my mother did say
    and so she taught me to stand on my feet
    and here now we are in total freedom
    surrounded by people in anarchy
    whose job is it to clean it all up now?
    it is our job to free all our people
    spread the news like a stone in the water
    let each ripple flow out to every one
    know in your heart and your mind you are free
    vibrate this love to the world like a bell

    1. We can all declare ourselves free all day long but until the government knows that we are, I have three levels of government demanding a big "piece of the action" from my labor. As far as i can tell, the only people free are the homeless unemployed. My client is due and it's time to start another saturday work day.

    2. Back in the day when my grandpa would work
      He would cut hair for peoples' tomatoes
      People would bring other things to him too
      I asked him how he knew how much to charge
      He told me he loved to cut hair is all

      So will you wait until every one else
      is homeless before you join all our ranks
      Your life has become time by your owners
      What are you planning to do with it then
      When the time keepers take all your numbers

      Homeless and unemployed as i am here
      Where my feet travel i sleep this is home
      i have more time than the employed man too
      i watch the birds and the children that play
      Thank you i am for this vision today

    3. Anonymous 06:39, you have it backwards. The government, the PTW, KNOW we are free; WE, the Peole, do not. That is their ace in the hole and always has been since time immemorial.

      This whole One People's Trust thing has been an exercise in POWER. Who really has the power? Hint, the answer is not what or whom you think. It is the People, and ONLY the People, that have any power whatsoever. But the PTW have brainwashed and hypnotized most of us into believing it is they who have the power.

      Heather alluded to this in the conversation with Brian and D and even gave an indisputable example, but apparently no one was listening.

      It is even stated, for all to see in plain site, in our own Declaration of Independence, but yet, the People fail to see it and more importantly, fail to act on it.

      This is all not about UCC documents, or Disclosures or anything of the like. It is about the People taking back their power, the power they have given away to the PTW, over many, many centuries, and probably even aeons.

      We are manifestations of Source, we are Creators, and thus, WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY. Science is proving that more and more every day. This is what the PTW know that we do not. That is their one and only secret.

    4. Yes anon 9:09, I have been hearing that same thing for years. How does the talk translate into real world stuff? Nobody seems to be able to break into that area. What do we have to do to quit being taxed for every breath we take?

    5. Then how do the people UNITE (without guns & "might makes right") to change things for everyone? And FAST?? We're dying out here and it takes all our energy to barely survive. And by "we" I mean my childen and me.

      While we're powerful individually and in small groups, until the knowledge goes a lot further than us (ie large groups, publicity, mainstream media), the whole "Money-Legal" thing doesn't change, so that if we disobey the rules we (or our children) are hurt.

      I understand the Disclosure is important. (And I'm somewhat disappointed at all the typos, which make it look amateurish instead of professional and legal and powerful.)

      But is this the press release? The press release needs to be CONCISE (brief history so people understand, what the changes will be, next steps, and timetable). It needs to be CONCRETE, UNDERSTANDABLE, and go out EVERYWHERE in a MASSIVE BLITZ to both alternative media and to MSM. If even a few little MSM places use it, the rest (or at least a few, then more and more) will follow so as not to miss the scoop and to reply to people who heard about it and who are asking.

      It simply HAS to go further than alternative media, blogs, etc. or it doesn't reach enough people to ensure critical mass or any broad change, which is what we need. We need CRITICAL MASS, volume, quantity! And we need it SOON!

      PLEASE! (See, I was polite.)

    6. Also the press release needs to go WORLDWIDE - INTERNATIONAL - translated into MANY LANGUAGES, not just U.S.

      Succinct summary of history, what has happened recently to change things and why (TOPPPT), next steps, timetable.

      And if there is any concrete action people can take, what that is and HOW TO DO IT!

    7. Louise, "We create our own reality" is what I've been trying to tell people.Not because I read it in a book or online or someone told me.It came from a white lie I said about 10 years ago.Believing so much it came true.As time went on I realized I could create everything I wanted and everything came to be..

    8. Anon 12:48 "How to do it" Send a letter to everyone you know and as many people you don't know randaomly from the yellow/white pages.A letter to their home,the old fashion way.It will be the first letter that they will open and is not a bill.They will read it.We've all tried the email thing the Facebook posts and nobody is interested that way.I've heard it from many on all these blogs.Sender on letter "by the people" and also ask them to do the same.If everyone is receiving this letter people will start talking about it.Human nature..We must ALL take this action now.make this letter viral, we are so many here from all over the world it could spread fast.Like I said the letter has to be delivered the old fashion way..

  19. A book of interest is Peter Barnes' "Capitalism 3.0". He mentions strategies for trusts and commons.

  20. I suppose can see both sides of the debate regarding TOPPT. I personally find it best to exist in a place of hopeful neutrality. If TOPPT really is what it’s supposed to be, then I’d imagine we’ll begin to see a massively positive shift of the status quo before the month is out -- AWESOME! If not… well then I guess I’ll have to continue to do the best I can with the hand I’ve been dealt. It seems to me to be an awful waste of time and energy getting my panties in a twist over all of this --and I have seen A LOT of panty twisting resulting from TOPPT. I’m surprised people can still walk…

    Staying tuned as always.


  21. Beautiful! I'm so grateful to be alive now.

    This article explains so much to those who may still not understand why this is all happening NOW.

    Bless us All

    1. What does it mean to be a spark of the creator functioning in a human body?
      Google "Ted talks/How does it feel to have a stroke" for a great explanation.
      We can choose to be here. Or not.
      To BE or not to Be and our freewill choice of our experiences is a choice.
      "Kindness is Power"

  22. Oh goody, another feel good disclosure, I'll be back later for another hit of hopium, just word it a tad differently than this one and I'll smoke it right up.
    Thank you

    Hope floats

    1. I want a new drug
      one that wont hurt my head
      one that wont make my mouth to dry
      make my eyes to red

      I want a new drug
      one that wont spill
      one that dont cost to much
      or comes in a pill

  23. So - do we go into court with this document then? I don't get it. I am looking for remedy. This disclosure document sounds like a spiritual philosphy thing. I think I get the point, but is this really what we need right now?

  24. As far as I can see, we're witnessing the continuation of a process that had started in 1776 or 1781, but had been abandoned, for some reason: the creation of national and international public trust. This has been prophetized a long time ago. And that's understandable, when you know that, when the mind is in elevated spiritual state, time is irrelevant.

    1. Time is relevant on paying my bills. And if I don't pay my rent, my kids and I will be homeless. It's cold here!

      We need CONCRETE!!! We need REMEDY and someone who understands the legalese to help out. (And we are extremely grateful for that!)

      How about a team of constitutional lawyers to do a bunch of these (several of each broad type ie foreclosure, credit card bills, etc. etc.) pro-bono and set the precedents so the rest can do it also? Instead of a bunch of non-legal individuals re-inventing the wheel over and over and possibly failing because they don't have the knowledge?

    2. ***********************

      ********* D *********


      Did you see this? Could you pass this on to Heather? Thank you.

  25. The old engineering/analytical brain goes "TILT!" and then silences. The Heart of the One I AM expands and glows and releases the deep inner "YES!" as tears stream down my cheeks. And so it is.

    1. New Wings,

      That is a good, simple explanation of peoples reaction to all this. I see it that way too.

      For those that only have the analytical,left brain to evaluate, it would sure be nice if someone would translate the writing into language that could be understood by that segment of the population. I believe that the writing is missing a large segment of the population. It just doesn't speak to the left brain, and the legalize doesn't speak to anyone except those trained in reading legalize.

      Just my take, offered with no offense to anyone.


      Tom M.

    2. Yea, wouldn't it? They've been asked infinitely but only ever continue to put out this drivel. Maybe they're incapable of being concise

  26. Mike is wearing panties? Well, good for him. That panties-twisting act certainly should prove an interesting feat.

    1. Got them in a bind one too many times in the past. I learn from my mistakes... go commando.


  27. Came across this comment on this morning's Suspicious0bserver's Youtube video and I thought it was appropriate regarding yesterday's mindf*^#k between Sine Metu and Anonymous and I'm hoping that some who seem to back every post by D here without any personal discernment will take the time to read it:

    I am glad you disagree. Its only when opposing views meet that you test what you believe. If everyone believed the same thing there would be no free will, free speech, free thought. But a majority belief does not make it true. Take all forms of religion. Each believes that theirs is true, but not all can be. Lets both agree to disagree and keep searching for the truth.

  28. Re-posting a question to D. This is from another anon. poster.

    Q. D, when you refer to a green light you mean the disclosure must happen during a 48/72 hour period? Or we still need to have the press release to finalize the disclosures? When you mention green light, Drake came to my mind for some reason as I associate to a 48 hour notice.

    1. hahaha- you know what? as SOON as I typed "green light" I cringed for exactly that reason. How many hours? I don't know.

      ...I will say this though: I woke up this morning with an intense sense of accomplishment and the feeling that I can now sit back and watch it all roll out. I've had a smile on my face all day.

    2. Thank you d. :) Let`s get out the popcorn and watch the world wide movie.

  29. One fish, two fish, red fish, BS. This is "so" yesterday and "so" not disclosure.
    and how about the mixed signal over at Kapuki's site. He stands with OPPT and their claim that Boehner is interim prez and then he goes and makes a post about O passing a law. Really??! There will never be dirwct answers to direct questions because they cannot provide them- same reason why Drake will not do a show where callers could call in and ask straight forward critical questions. I love how these guys take advantage of the "magical" number 1111-clever guys, good job on that one-lol.
    UCC docs are usually filed wirh the Sec of State and some of their sites may allow you to view. This was probably filed in WA so if anyone cares to spend the time and energy- go for it. I saw a comment on one of these posts that had a link to an article about people filing bogus docs and it being a felony so if this site and others are backing OPPT's cure all magic then they should be held accountable for getting these poor suckers
    into hot water. I've noticed that the number of commenters has diminished over the past few days- so people may be starting the smell the you know what that's BE'ing shovelled. Wanna het thid in by 1111.

  30. My god, it's turning blue! ;-)

  31. Darn it. I "missed the mark" but that's nothing new for this site.
    Love and Light and best wishes.
    By Wlll l AM. Phew- at least I was able to get that llll in.

    try this on for size
    the man may talk about space craft and time travel but that is only in passing,does he explain disclosure? maybe

    I have not finished watching yet,so no comments to make other than it seems to be all happening at once!

  33. In the War of the Worlds it was the "tiniest" thing that brought down the attackers.

    Where's the best place to hide anything, guys? IN PLAIN SIGHT.

    The dark ones have set their own trap because they thought we were stupid and would never wake up. What the People's Trust is showing us is that we can't see the forest for the trees. It's so simple. We think this is too simple a revelation to bring down the whole kit and kaboodle of bad guys. The ones who were controlling us have never tried to hide anything. They thought we'd never figure it out, and furthermore if we did, they knew most people would never believe anything so awful could possibly be true. Just look around at those who still call us "conspiracy theorists". A conspiracy theorist is nothing more than someone willing to believe something that is too awful to be true. That was their "ace in the hole". They are so egotisical that they just don't care who puts the pieces together, because there would never be enough people to see the truth that it could ever cause their downfall.

    The simplest overlooked thing can bring down a single crime or a whole nation of crimes. And remember that God hid who we really are right inside our own heart in plain sight where it is safe and no one can take it from us. We just try to make everything so damned difficult, and that is where these criminals have us "over a barrel".

    Stop looking around for what you already have.

    1. Wow! Brilliant insight, Spirit 156. Overflowing with enormous truth :)

  34. spirit156 i second that. When a challenge is created there is an instant solution for it as well! Hence there can't be any solution without a challenge! The best solutions are simple! ;o)

    Merge our mind/heart and awesome possabilites will come out of that peace and abundance to all!

  35. The Hundredth Monkey Effect

    which one are you

    The biggest fear the cabal have is

    we the people waking up

    never lose sight of your goal

    keep waking people up never give up

    when enough people have woken up

    our reality will change in the twinkle of an eye

    so which monkey are you

  36. well i'm trying to absorb this and understand. if being really and truly FREE and ABUNDANT means i have to have a rather high level working knowledge of law and legaleze...i just don't really know. that doesn't really work for me (or the vast, vast majority of people all over the world) in any kind of practical way. not being negative, just honest. does it mean i'm not willing to try and learn? no. but true FREEDOM, i think, should be FREE of the need to be a law student.

    call me a coward, but i would be extremely intimidated to try to throw my new FREEDOM into the face of a cop or a judge or a bank, for fear of ending up FREE within a jail cell or having what meager funds i still have FREE'd from my possession.

    so, for me, maybe it is not time yet. or maybe i'm missing something extremely simple and obvious because i'm looking too hard. i don't know. i suppose a real, actual DISCLOSURE to ALL THE PEOPLE via the mainstream press would go a long way to getting the ball rolling. that would be great, but it's not expected in reality. there's been far too many "imminent" disclosures that have come and gone for me to be foolish enough to continue hanging on. still...there is a spark of hope that i think cannot be killed (though it can be, and has been, beaten down to a bloody little pulp).

    i apologize for the low-ish energy of this post. all my big, high energy has been burned up in the endlessly repeating expectation/disappointment game of this drama. i'm just an average joe, if that.


    1. You've pretty much nailed my view exactly, jellyfish. Thanks for saving me some time.
      I'm just so sick of this OPPT semantic rollercoaster and endless "delays" on disclosure and the financial reset (and then WE get blamed by Cobra, for being "complainers," "whiners," etc.).

      "Oh, lordy, if all our infinitely powerful friends interceded now, there would so much carnage and we can't have that, and besides, they don't have the authority..." blah, blah, blah...

      I'm sorry if this bums people out, but I'm just so fucking tired of this shit. D. you promised us some intel in the "crayons post," so please stop pulling a David Wilcock and release it already.

      This "Disclosure" doc is not intel, it is another mind game.

    2. > but true FREEDOM, i think,
      > should be FREE of the need
      > to be a law student.

      Ya, that's how I feel...

    3. Jellyfish, you did fine. This is not for everyone. Anyone that would try it has some knowledge of the system and the words used within it.

      Let me tell you. Not everyone can justify or defend any document they didn't create out of their own mind.

      Heather and the other /trustees/be'ings/co-creators can justify their work. It is their co-creation.

      Anyone else trying to use it claiming they are included in it may not find the Trustees are available to help them defend their position.

      UCC has been out a long time. First One who did it may have had the utmost success. Some founding teachers of it had UCCs filed and are sitting behind jail.

      So what I'm saying it.
      Even if this was what you were looking for.

      IF you had to defend what you did with it or go to jail, CAN you defend yourself to stay out of jail if this doesn't defend you by being in existence.

      My answer, my truth, is no. You will be left out there to figure it out yourself.

      That paper can't testify, it can't speak on your behalf. If you hire an attorney he's not going to use it to defend you because it's not something he can practice their law with and a judge does not have to recognize commercial papers in the court room if the judge presumes to have jurisdiction over the subject matter and the 'person'.

      Some will do it and think they have the help of the trustee to defend what they do under the 'protections' of the trust.

      When the world is so busy trying to get help for the paperwork, they'll see they traded one trust "In God we Trust" for another "The One People's Public Trust"

      I prefer my 'private' capacity over public any day. Privacy is mine. A right I'm born with.

      No privacy in the public. Full Disclosure.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Never give my friend removing the cabal is simple
      keep spreading the word.
      The Hundredth Monkey Effect which one are you

      The biggest fear the cabal have is
      we the people wakinging up
      never lose sight of your goal
      keep waking people up never give up

      when enough people have woken up
      our reality will change in the twincle
      of an eye


    2. Thanks John, I hope something good happens soon.

    3. So true John! When people learn their true gift of creating...WOW!

  38. Just like the `ole story of when the truck got stuck in a tunnel entrance and all these people of knowledge couldnt figure how to get the truck out as it was jammed! A little gir passing bye in a car said to the men, Why dont you just let the air out of the tires! Problem solved! The answer to the issue was in plain sight!

  39. MUST SEE > I THINK EVERYONE WILL APPRECIATE THIS > David Wynn Miller - Quantum Grammar: He has an over 200 IQ - Talks of Takeover Of The World WITH Video Documents. FBI to Mr. Miller > "You've just disqualified every treaty trust & contract in 8500 years on planet Earth..." (full playlist 25 videos) FIRST ONE ALONE IS AMAZING!

    1. Already posted the you tube link above.
      Be aware that this is nothing to do with Heather et al's strategy
      There is a point in video 10 at about 4 minutes where he mentions the UCC and states that it is an english construct and therefore not available to other countries......!

    2. this guy is a total fantasist and liar. he says he broke this code in 1988 and published it all over the internet, except that in 1988 there was no robust internet. the WWW didn't even exist before 1993.

    3. actually, the internet (ARPANET) was quite robust in the 80's - it just wasn't the graphical marketing tool that everyone refers to today as the internet. There's no reason to question this claim...this is precisely the sort of tool someone would have used at that time.

      My first job as a webmaster had me coding in e-macs and html 1, and we were still trying to figure out how to get images and sound to work (we followed the porn sites to learn the image part - haha). Although the web existed, I remember giving a presentation to our BOD and they cut my budget because they said "no one will ever buy anything on the internet". LOL


    4. he says he uploaded VIDEOS. the ability to upload videos did not exist then. It was all bulletin boards and script.

    5. really? I didn't hear it that way (haha - back to the interpretation of language). I heard him say he published on the net, and then sent out videos to media, etc. so I just figured he meant betamax or vhs (can't remember which it was then :)

      I'm not going to the mat for the may well be right, and if so I stand corrected. He does make some pretty amazing claims, and if you look at his wiki page they sure don't list many successes. One way or another, he certainly sounds like an Outlier - but I certainly take exception to his statement that we're all at a 2nd grade reading level (generalizations really annoy me).


  40. The scientists are looking at whether there's a message in our DNA.

    1. I already know the answer to that!

      Yes, there is a message in our DNA.

      It's from the CREATOR of all that is.

      The message is: YOU ARE PERFECT.


      Ninja Bambi

  41. I would take this guy with a grain os salt, maybe a shaker.......look him up on Wikipedia ( not that THAT is completely accurate either. Just saying. PEOPLE USE DISCERNMENT!!!!)

  42. I"m stopping in just quickly for a moment to wish you all a wonderful saturday (or sunday, depending on where you are on this lovely planet!). I am running away for the rest of the day.
    I am feeling very relaxed and at peace with everything today- like I can now sit back and allow everything to *happen*. So it's time for resting my brain and exercising my body for a couple of days.

    Light to you all!

  43. I'm referring to David Wynn Miller in the above comment :)

  44. > > > OMG! HE tells the truth in a BIG WAY and is also the CHIEF FEDERAL JUDGE who is the one who PROSECUTES JUDGES! David Wynn Miller > (2 / 25)

  45. Slavery and the 8 Veils- enjoy.

  46. You are going to sleep Saturday Night, wake up Sunday morning with a New Financial System and Good Luck on Monday!!!

    1. Seriously? July 25th? Really, everyday, the news of the day before can end up being old news because people are doing something different and made a change.

      When I saw this video months ago, several Saturday nights came by with no Sunday financial change.

      Anything is possible, but your post was distorted in that it would appear you were giving info on something imminent.

      But you weren't.

    2. Anon 10:23 - On a Saturday Night! Could be any, even tonight and that is what I was referring to. Could be tonight! Have faith!

      By the way, go do some prayers/meditations if cant hold yourself. You sound bitter!

      Light to you

    3. I agree months have passed by and nothing. I believe there is a reason and that reason is the resistance of the c-a-b-a-l.

      One day it might happen like that gentleman said. I just hope it is today.

  47. Please watch, as it is a very specific proposal for active persons in this movement...

  48. I some time ago read something about the dimensions of beings: 1st dimension, 2nd, 3rd... First dimension: one-celled organisms like microbes. 2nd dimension: animals like fish , birds, etc. 3rd dimension: beings that have free will, including humans. As 3rd dimension beings, our beings incorporate the characteristics of the "inferior" dimensions. Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells and sometimes, humans exhibit group social behavior like the fish or more appropriately, the sheep. Ever seen schools of fish all swimming in the same direction? A new take on "synchronized swimming"? Sometimes, we let that 2nd dimension override our judgement, and at that moment, we behave like sheep or lemmings towards our destruction. That passivity comes into play when bad things happen in the world. A saying says "Bad things happen when good men do nothing". So, there's always this fight, this tension against our lower dimensions that are trying to pull us back in.

  49. And the fight to reach higher dimensional realms, is made that much harder through the presence of hostile extradimensional beings like the "Archons", the "greys" and the "Saurians" (or Draconians as they call themselves). But, life is an experiment and each experiment runs "tests" to validate it. And I suppose those beings are part of the test.

  50. To put things into perspective, even with all the evil in this world (and other worlds), evil accounts to probably 1% of the universe. Evil (and good) would not exist without free will.

  51. I, am not being negative, however we of the un-initiated and without alien modification of our brain chemistry can-not do what -DWM_has done. I, don't know if anyone has caught that little statement he made about his 8yr old experience. This being said we have a vast population completely ignorant of how they are being used and abused without the slightest bit of awareness of what to fight, and how to fight this system of corruption and greed. So now are we expected to go into court and just say "No to your bullshit and we are not going to take it anymore", because I, guarantee you there will be a lot of people in orange jumpsuits real soon!

    The system has to be de-cloaked for all the world to see and let it be understood what these crooks have been up to..until that happens we are just pissing in the wind. Not just the UN and Heads Of State, why do the criminals responsible for putting us in this mess always get the inside dope..makes me suspicious of the whole damn can bet I, will be using a lot of discernment going forward with this OPPT situation. Until I, see Politicians, Judges, Police etc. be arrested for crimes against the people non of this is real


  52. Anybody sees parallels between "evil" on this planet and "evil" in the universe? Whatever number it is: 1% or 2%, or 5%, it means that most people are good. And don't forget that much evil on this planet is of extradimensional influence. So, you can feel good about us BEing good.

  53. If you truly study the U.C.C. (Uniform Commercial Code), you will understand exactly why the OPPT Trustees filed the Trust documentation under "State" (Washington) and "Federal" U.C.C. registration. All currently enforced statute "law" (anywhere in the world)is based on Commercial Law (i.e. Lex Merchant). If you understand this, then you will understand that everthing the minions of the "Cabal" send / present you with is a commercial Offer to Contract, whether it is a "Jury Summons", "Court Summons", "IRS Summons", "Traffic Citaition", etc. If you simply "accept" the Offer without first asking what the definitions of the words in the Contract mean, then you've deemed to have agreed to all "Terms & Conditions" of the Contract. Here is a generic sample template of how to respond to a "Jury Summons": From: Valeriya Victoria [Sovereign]
    c/o 204 West Seventh Street, Number 109 [90057]
    Los Angeles (57), California, U. S. of A.
    Service by: Certified Mail ______________________
    To: Ms. Gloria Gomez
    Director, Juror Services Division
    Office of Jury Commissioner
    320 West Temple Street, 15th Floor [90012-3278]
    Los Angeles (12), California, U. S. of A.
    June 22, A. D. 20xx
    Subject: Jury Summons
    In Re: JID Number - 123456789

    Dear Ms. Gomez,
    I have recently received a "Juror Summons" in the mail. This is my response to the Summons. In order to know if I am "qualified" to be a juror, I must complete "section A" - the Affidavit. I notice that I am expected to sign the Affidavit under penalty of perjury. In light of this fact, and to insure that I fully understand the legal terms being used on the Affidavit and the nature of the duty that may fall upon me in this matter, I will need your office to provide me with certain information.
    a. In section "A", Question 1, I am being asked if I am a "citizen of the United States". Please provide me with the statutory definition that you are using for the term "citizen of the United States" in question 1. Please include the source of the definition so that it may be seen in proper context.
    b. In section "A", Question 3, I am being asked if I am a "resident" of Los Angeles County. Please provide me with the statutory definition that you are using for the term "resident" in question 3. Please include the source of the definition so that it may be seen in proper context.
    c. In section "A" (step 2) it instructs a “person” to sign the affidavit under penalty of perjury. Please provide me with your authority to compel me to affix my signature to any document (including the affidavit) under penalty of perjury.
    You may mail your response to the postal mail location exactly as shown at the top of this page. I appreciate your assistance in this Matter.
    If I don’t receive proper written response from you as specified supra, within three (3) business days of verified receipt of this commercial Instrument by you or your authorized agent it will mean: (1) you do not desire my services, (2) there is no lawful Requirement or legal Obligation for me to respond further, and (3) this Matter is closed.
    Valeriya Victoria [Sovereign]
    (not an Accommodation Party)
    Authorized Signatory for: “VALERIYA V SOVEREIGN”

    1. Thanks Valeriya, but I must add...

      Folks, this isn't cut and paste. If you do you are asking for some goon in a costume to tear you a new butthole. Reason the purpose for the letter, the questions and the specific nature of response. Recognize that no matter how upset you may be about a subject, you must remain civil and play nice.

      3 days response time is absolute minimum and can cause problems if the other party is 5 days away by mail. Use your head. Think carefully about what you are planning to do and when you are sure you have it all sussed out, tell someone else that comprehends this stuff and let them tear it apart. If there are any holes or things you will regret in the documents, you will find them before you are held liable for them.


    2. I really like that, Anon 11:45. I recently received something from the "court". I was wondering on how to reply to it. My choices, per the letter, were

      (1) Accept that I owe such debt and do not want a trial [that means that I agree to a judgement being entered against me for the amount claimed plust interest and costs. Any money owed should be paid directly to the plaintiff. You will be giving up your right to a trial and will not have the right to appeal your decision to admit this debt or claim.]

      (2) Request a trial

      (3) Debt actions only: In addition to a trail, I request that the plaintiff provide me with a more detailed statement of the claim, which would be a bill of particulars.

      Are those REALLY THE ONLY CHOICES I HAVE??? {D if you're reading this, would love your feedback} I have until this coming Friday to respond or ***cue the threatening music track*** I can have my wages garnished (I don't have any wages; my husband does but he is not listed on this therefore they cannot garnish his wages)

      OR they can put a lean against my property (I dont' own any property) so that the plaintiff can receive their payment.

      Now if you're wondering WHY this has been filed, it is actually something that I didn't even know was my debt; it was filed against me from a home health care agency we had implemented during the time when my mother was living with me....dying. We, in our family, thought that she was the client and that whatever remaining balance should be filed with the probate and registar of wills.

      Any thoughts or suggestions on wording that I might use to reply to them.

      Thank you. Christine

    3. Just a word of caution - I was in this situation once and thought they couldn't garnish because I'm self-employed, but they went for a direct hit and garnished my bank the time, I had 3 minor children with their own student accounts (where I was the 'legal' person of age on each account) and they cleaned out all 3 of those...left me with about 75 cents the week my rent was due. I don't know if they can still do this, but it shocked the hell out of me

      Good luck -

    4. Christine, did you ever get a bill? Not a statement or invoice, but a bill...

      Respond seeking clarification, accounting and validation of the debt. Be certain that you require the person responding to do so under oath and full commercial liability... Ask the tough questions as they relate to your matter. Go over all the information.

      Demand a bill, a true bill in accordance with the legislation of the area you are in. I guarantee they will not give you one. (be sure you now what a true bill is). If they give you an order in court, especially if they haven't provided proof of claim, you have every right to bill the court for that order.

      There is the thing about a fictional plaintiff. How can a piece of paper sustain a loss?

      You really don't have the time to defend yourself, unless you are really good at researching and reasoning. It sound to me that this is again, offer and acceptance. Demand clarification of the debt, signed under oath and full commercial liability, and a true bill validating the claim of debt.

      Sorry best I can do with such limited info and time.


    5. Educate yourself. I'm not hocking something here I'm just a member who knows these guys are the real deal. They have a lot of information for free, but full membership (very cheap) gives you powerful tools to deal with any all manner of "legal" matters. Have a look. Peter and Michael are good guys and will help with hand holding to get you going.

  54. As far as I can tell, David Wynne Miller doesn't have much of a success record helping people with his genius, parse syntax grammar, "money" is a verb, approach. In fact, there are a lot of instances where folks he "helped" ended up in jail.

    He claims a lot. Have any of his claims been independently verified? Starting with the Korean doctor story? Medical record please? And the I.Q. test result, administered by an unimpeachable assesor?

    People -- are we so desperate that we'll believe anyone's word as long as they aren't a Rothschild or company?

    1. Yeah, everybody seems to end up in jail that listens to this guy. He might be right but apparently has not been successful bucking the system.

    2. Or maybe that's all you can find on the internet because he's really on to something and they have to discredit him--same principle with all the agents posting here. The guy knows the real power of the postal system and the UPU. How many of you even know what the UPU is? Probably none, and looking at the website won't tell you. Why? Your controllers don't want you to know. It's one of the oldest international institutions in the world (founded 1874) and is used by the Vatican to administer its Trust over the entire planet and everything on it. Think they want you to know that? Listen to what the guy has to say very carefully. Truth is FAR stranger than fiction.

    3. Lol. It's probably not all that can be found on the internet. It took about two minutes. If a person wanted to waste a bunch more time, I'm sure there's more. Really. The UPU is no big secret, but he says it is so, voila...we think it's a secret. There are an awful lot of agencies, societies, and other organizations we don't hear about on a day to day business. It doesn't mean anything. But he says it does, so you believe it. He's a cracker.

    4. He was Bill Clinton's lawyer during the Lewinsky trial - He didn't go to jail

    5. the Lewinski "trial" ? LOL. Did they try that one in an Admirality court? LOL.

  55. "David believes 6th April 2012, is when QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR will be established in mainstream society globally. (copied from the "About" page at the site of a David Wynne Miller follower).

    David Wynne Miller said,
    " matter where I travel in the world this strange phenomenon occurs, I introduce myself as David, people shake my hand look me straight in the eye and say pleased to meet you Steven, not every person I meet does this of course, however the amount of times this occurs is phenomenal” he shrugs his shoulders smiles and says “maybe it is Steven facilitating the seminars, maybe that’s how I know all the answers.” (also from the page cited above).'s that for credibility?

    Don't waste your time watching all those videos. Instead, go do something loving for someone or for yourself that will give you some joy and lasting pleasure.

  56. Hi D.

    Have a great day off. So excited you are doing something with Lisa Harrison the best interviewee on the planet.
    Can you please let us know when it is to be.

    Sukiwarrior. UK.

  57. I can see how a lot of people would be befuddled over the wording and dimensional concept of The Trust however the occult that created our law and corruption are well aware of the ways they have done this thinking no one could break the code. They now are finding out that someone (s) have cracke the code.

    1. This "code" we call legalese is, in truth, only a second language.

      If I may, I offer a suggestion that many will feel is way off base, but is needed to really comprehend this stuff.

      Everything you have been taught by "officials" is 180 degrees opposed from reality, and I mean EVERYTHING. Once you can see that, the rest falls into place fairly easily.

      We all can "crack this code" and one needs not go as far as it seems. Conditional acceptance is honorable and a vital part of protecting yourself. This is why it is so deeply hidden.

      "I accept your offer on the condition you prove the following under oath and full commercial liability..."

      You must remain in honor and avoid at all costs becoming adversarial. If you try to "fight" them on their ground, you will lose. So demand they prove they have ground in the first place. I am sorry for harping on this but it is the key to ALL the crap they are stuffing down our throats.


  58. It would be interesting to get Alfred Webre's imput since he is an international judge and well aware of the multidimensional aspects of what has taken place on our planet.

    1. Agreed-- he's an interesting fella...

    2. That's a very good idea. I'm Facebook "friends" with him, and he's been kind enough to answer questions for me in the past. I'll email him and let y'all know if he replies. I'll email Tolec for good measure, too.

  59. It occurred to me -- why would Poof have gone into such a hissy fit last week over D's post if D's post didn't have some substance to it? Poof doesn't rant through the whole weekly letter every time Fulford opens his mouth (Poof said Fulford was "hit or miss" in the yanked interview.)

    In fact, I only found RTS because Poof pointed to it in one of his letters. Wonder what he'll say tomorrow, I don't think that after all these years he's "all done" because of D's post. I don't think he'll quit until stuff FINALLY happens or he kicks the bucket.

  60. One would be wise to use a great deal of discernment, on this blog and on the internet in general. There is, of course, no filtering at all and many, many types of psychological needs seeking and finding one another. You take a blog like this and one thing most of the seekers here share is a deep dissatisfaction with the world as it is. For some, their dissatisfaction is so severe that they will suspend most of their good judgement when they hear something to assuage this hole in their world. So, along comes the fufillers, and it's a match made in heaven. They tell them exactly what they want to hear, and for a while at least this hungry pit of dissatisfaction is filled. It feels better not to suffer than to listen to their better judgement, so they believe despite all evidence to the contrary. A confidence scam operates on a similar principal.

  61. Posted by Drake at his site:

    Financial Reality
    Here it is in a nutshell.
    This does NOT have the legal/lawful standing
    everyone is looking for. IT does NOT work this way.
    However, there is remedy available through similar action
    AFTER one other major detail has been attended to.
    Only after the existence of these ‘corporate entities’ is established
    through correct procedure, can they be contested.
    Although simple, this prerequisite is required.
    The second part establishes that these ‘entities’ are fraudulent in
    their basis, which goes to their ‘rights’ as defined by their respective charters.
    That their charters overstepped the authority of those agreeing to
    the original inception. Being Unconstitutional, none of these ‘entities’ can
    exist, let alone exercise the authorities as given or taken.
    This is one portion of the Keenan suit.
    It is the second part/impact that begins to offer true remedy.
    Only those controlling the Collateral Accounts have true authority
    of any kind.
    It is these ‘Controllers’ who have decided to ‘call’ each ‘account’
    due and payable in full. This requires repayment of the collateral and the
    interest of 4% per anum.
    Because each borrower ‘monetizes’ its collateral into currency,
    this will (potentially) collapse all ‘credit instruments’ including bonds,
    money’s, and all other government holdings.
    It then falls to We The People to decide how not to have this happen
    again. The restructuring will be offered after this settlement takes place.
    ~ Drake

    1. And Drake got his degree in Economics from what university, exactly?
      How about his degree in Constitutional Studies?
      Just curious since he seems to know SO MUCH about the current economic system and how the Constitution is applied.

      Wandering Fire

    2. I guess it's too bad that Drake has no idea who ACTUALLY controls the collateral accounts.

    3. Yeah, it really is. I wonder if that fact has dawned on him yet...

      Wandering Fire

    4. Drake, You have stated very strongly that there is no more time or options and that war is imminent and even unavoidable. While it is admirable to prepare for worst case it should also be prudent to seek alternatives to blood letting with even more energy.

      “these ‘Controllers’ who have decided”. – This is not acceptable for sovereign BEINGS.

      “Only after the existence of these ‘corporate entities’ is established through correct procedure, can they be contested. – Or they can contest otherwise, needing to prove that they are corporate (which they will not, unrebutted and unrebuttable)

      We can do this via battle and life loss or via argument and reason. I can see you have your mind set.

    5. Why is Drake signing his name like Jean "Dingbat" Haines?


    6. David - why are you writing to drake here?

      16:37 - why do you have to call people names?

  62. Poof needs proof to back up what he says. That includes Drake the snake, Benjamin Full-of-shit Fulford, David buy-my-book Wilcock, and Cobra aka Ishtar Antares, a known fraud and eastern European scammer, who uses people to get money off of the them, including gullible women so he can have sex with them.

    People have every right to be suspicious of these so called truthers, lightworkers, etc. That includes this blog and many others. So what is true then? The White Dragon Society? The People's Trust? Neil Keenan and his lawsuit? The Galactic Federation with Mr. Salusa for the star system Siruis?

    Look, I want change for the betterment of humanity and this planet, but with so many fraudsters saying so many things like "it will happen soon" and the new age will happen and it will be amazing because we'll be in 5D. Ok going by your guys track record, We should of ascended a decade ago. If not ascended then we should have gotten prosperity and mass arrests of the "cabal". Just saying.

    1. Just look at how these people get their credibility. We have our channellers who all think they are in touch with the true voice, while those others simply are not. Then we have those like Cobra who supposedly meet we the ETs in the physical, no channelling for him, but of course we must take his word for it that meets regularly with these off-world contacts. Same thing with Sheldon Nidle. There's the white hat, militia types who all seem to have this hero complex, like John Wayne or something. They just have to do what they have to do, never asked for this darn job, just doin' my best, ma'm. Finally we have the voices of the whistle-blowers and the must-be-kept-secret intellers, those like D, AK and project camelot.

      We like to laugh at the religious types who operate on faith, but really, what more do we have?

    2. Please understand that each of these folks have a piece of the puzzle. Each is looking at their respective area and are finding SOME of the truth. None of these folks have the whole picture. I don't have the whole picture and I don't believe anyone will, beyond a very small select group that can openly view ALL information presented and tie the loose ends together.

      Please be patient, open to possibilities and critical in thinking when new info comes out. By critical, I am referring to viewing information as information until corroborating information presents itself. Please try to stay out of the "blame game" or "knee-jerk reactions". These will not advance your comprehension or find the truth.


    3. Anonymous 14:40 is exactly right.

    4. Poof has been milking this elusive hope for years and years. What's astonishing is the Poof has any residual credibility with anyone, whatsoever. And Poof comments here ... the writing is distinct and identifiable in style.

    5. "WHERE'S THE BEEF??" yesterday and today? ;)


    6. *giggle!*

      Wandering Fire

    7. Nice comeback D. Your so smart. :P

  63. IDK WTF any of that is suppose to mean or do.... But Im getting tired of all this run around bull shit. Is something going to fucking show up or what? I have not read a signle document from TOPPT or anything in reagrds to them nor will I ever. All I care about is some shit coming out for the public to see so we can get this shit rolloing out into the world for all to see....

    1. Meat N' Taters!!!! I agree...let's git it on!

    2. Do the cuss words make you sound tougher, Brando?

    3. You havn't read a single line and nor will you and then you expect everyone to usher you into some kind of wonderful world where we are all slaves to your every demand? I am never negative but oh my!

  64. anon 14:06 you must be all worn out and need a nap from bashing so many people who are far more knowledgeable, connected and worldly than you. Perhaps it's beyond your diminutive comprehension to conceive of how large a project this is and how many people involved when you want your results instantaneously. Yet what do you contribute on the positive side? Go tell your sources to get things done now!

    1. Hey guys! I'm Rising Dolphin, My sources, from the 27th dimension tell me that the great galactic war is almost over! Yippee! However, before its completely over, a special allignment must occur. The Andromedan Central Sun and our Milky way must align before a great cosmic wave enters the Earth and all the souls on her. When that occurs, we enter the 20th dimension! If you want to know more go to my blog and sign up for $10 weekly. Love and light!

  65. Just putting a few things together here!!! Obama and Biden were removed from the Corporate Goverment on Dec 5th 2012!! Boehner is the interm President. If you listen to this archived audio from Jan 6th you might hear the same thing I AM!!! We have been told numerous times that Obama is a good guy and I believe this!! When you listen to this you will hear that on Inaugaration Day Obama & the NEW GOVERNMENT will be sworn in. This will be our Divine timing all coming together with what Heather and the team at TOPPT have been putting together for us!!!
    Monday is the Martin Luther King holiday, January 21st
    And is inaugeration date

  66. Pete L.
    If Obama is out, then why the Inaug. Party??? I heard through a good source, Obama will stick around, not as prez. of course but to see things done properly with nesara. Time will tell!

  67. I tried to anon 11:38 way up there about the youtube video about the brain scientist who had a severe stroke and experienced nirvana a few years ago. Software here wouldn't let me.

    Her name is Jill Bolte Taylor, who was a Harvard brain scientist at the time she had her stroke. Here is her superb 18 minute TED talk about the experience: It can also be found at the TED website.

  68. I love Poof. He hints at what has been happening behind the scenes. If you go back and read the White Hats reports at the time that Poof was exploding with excitement, it all ties in. There is one WH's report where they are asking Geither to come on in, that they had followed the money trail and knew where his crimes were but if he would move over to their side, and give up the details, they would take care of him. As we can see now, Geitner is being granted immunity after he leaves at the end of January That is just one example. Poof's articles have been on point, you just have to do some research to figure it out. He doesn't write for those who have to be spoon fed.

  69. bts you start or control stop blog post criticizing drake you are a half measure you aver nothing to say so realiter

  70. "m just quickly stopping for a moment to wish you a wonderful Saturday (or Sunday, depending on where you are on this beautiful planet). I flee for the rest of the day.
    I feel very relaxed and at peace with everything today, as I can now sit back and allow everything to happen. ** Then it's time to rest my brain and body to perform a couple of days.
    liar again and monitor position to answer


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