
Sunday 13 January 2013

VIDEO: The One People's Public Trust - Presentation

AK has done a great job on this!!!  I think that most people will understand the OPPT filings and their importance after watching this video.


  1. Hey D, thanks for posting this. I'm not really understanding the significance of putting into "video" format, the power point presentation, with no voice over maybe giving further details. The dramatic music doesn't help us convince anyone this is "real". One more question is, WHO exactly is holding up any mass disclosure? Is the the "good guys" or are there road blocks on the path to Freedom that are preventing mass acknowledgment? Thank you for all you're doing.

    1. IMO- we are waiting for the good guys. I don't think it's that there are roadblocks right now so much as the timing necessary to implement the changes fully. I have been telling people in the intel world that we are not going to see this happen in small parts. we are not going to see an RV, then PPs , the everything else slowly roll out. Those who are holding the light, if you will, on the new system and the funding/trusts are NOT going to allow ANYTHING to roll out until the announcements happen and the new system is up and running in full transparency. In my opinion this hasn't rolled out because the good guys are ensuring that everything is in place. and to be frank, I'm happy to wait a few more days if that means that the system will be completely under their control. A whole lot of intel people dont' agree with me,and that's their choice, but I am convinced that this is what is happening based on the intel I am receiving.

    2. Thanks for the update D,

      Patience does have a 'Perfect Work'

    3. Great, thanks, D. I appreciate the info.

    4. Thanks for the update ! :)

    5. I can wait. Watching the trolls thrash around is fun!

      Wandering Fire

    6. You're talking days right D?

      Not weeks?

    7. More on topic, this is a terrible video. The screens flash by way too fast, I'm a fast reader and I couldn't keep up.
      Did anyone actually watch it???

    8. To Louise: Why didn't you just pause the video on the parts you were reading?

    9. Too much Illuminati symbolism and it is linked to the thrive movement. Pass.

  2. An Interactive Guide to Using the TOPPT New Paradigm Protocol Documents

    1. There's no need for anybody to be intimidated by the TOPPT material or the Uniform Commercial Code. Keep in mind that all laws are homespun grits 'n' gravy at their point of creation. Check into the Federalist Papers for a taste of this flavor. Laws get created by small groups of individuals and then ushered out into the world. They're not monoliths handed down on tablets written in stone. That's a quality we ascribe to them after the fact.

    2. A secular language of metaphysics (as opposed to its ancient religious forms) is just starting to evolve. It's still in its early stages, we're maybe a generation into the effort. This is our starting point and, as always, we legitimately begin where we find ourselves. Many of the concepts introduced by TOPPT are inherently new, so it's a challenge frame them within existing legal language. Plus Heather's writing style is, well, lyrical. If you can push past these startling aspects of the documents, it's easy to see the elegance of the structure that TOPPT created.

    3. The New Paradigm Protocol documents read like somebody else's legal laundry. This is by design, so that you can relax and feel free to use the documents as templates. Wherever you see strange name and place details inserted [whether they're inside square brackets or not], in your mind's eye replace those with details relevant to your own individual circumstances. It's not hard to do. Following this process will bring swift comprehension of what's going on here, exactly. Ideas will begin to spark.

    1. cont'd...

      4. Use the internet to go straight to the source. You can easily view the legal code corresponding to any UCC number simply by pasting the UCC number into a google search bar. This will take you to the heart of the action in one click. Try it with each of these six UCC numbers, just as an exercise: UCC 1-103; UCC 1-201 (31); UCC 1-308; UCC 3-419; UCC 3-501; UCC 3-505. The codes corresponding to these specific UCC numbers are the lynchpins of the TOPPT documents, no matter which country you live in. More on this below.

      5. As a second exercise, look up these terms: 'blood oath' and 'bond servant'. Keep the definitions of these phrases in mind when you encounter the Trustees' signatures on the New Paradigm Protocol documents. Paying attention here will generate a strong intuitive understanding of what the documents themselves represent.

      6. The interpretive guide to the New Paradigm Protocol documents linked here is especially important for quick study:

    2. cont'd...

      9. Concerning the issue of which country you live in, not to worry. Your country has a commercial code that has been dovetailed to match the UCC, which is American, and the New Paradigm Protocol documents account for this by using the phrase "all 'STATE OF . . .' and International equivalents". Similarly, don't worry about references to the United States Constitution in the documents; simply replace them with reference to your own country's equivalent constitution or bill of rights.

      10. The action of completing the above templates with information particular to your own individual circumstances, and then filing the resulting documents at your local court, lawfully and completely cancels your mortgage, credit cards, and loans. These are now gone forever, while you retain full possession of your material goods and your house.

      Go give it a whirl. You're safe. It's bulletproof.

    3. Thank you for posting this. I saw this guide by someone called PH on Kauilapele's blog. Made things a bit clearer for me...

      One question is bothering me though: Couldn't individuals of the cabal use this same process and these same documents to secure possessions they obtained illegally from us?


    4. This was their creation and knowledge. Do you think that they haven't alredy secured their "property"?
      To me this is working in a system that is based on deception. The house always wins. It was designed that way.

    5. I am having trouble matching UCC demands to your definitions here. Where are you getting your information?

    6. To anon 09:15

      Commerce is actually based on full truth disclosure. The deception has come in the cabal keeping the use of this system from us ... not in the UCC itself. This understood by the cabal ... and is why they are cognizant of the power of these filings...

    7. Anon7:52 has a long post here of what is supposed to be a simplification. I look at it and say HuH? Have any of you looked at what a real page of UCC defintions is? Match the numbers. Cornell law has definitions that are completely different. Compare the definitions with what you see above. I found the same discrepancies in Heather's paperwork.
      Compare UCC 1-201 to what is above.
      I am no attorney but come on people, don't follow along blindly because it looks like someone is really fucking with us.

    8. Why would you care if people "follow along blindly"? Please Enlighten us... If the information isn't resonating with you, don't attach yourself to it. Let it go and do what you do. People are free to make their own decisions. Why do you think its your job to think for us? Are we not entitled to our opinions or beliefs? Please tell us your credentials in all things so that we should give you our permission to think for us. I'm asking for these things seriously, not in condescending tone. I really want to know how you think. Thank you Anon 12:06. Love to you.

    9. Michael,
      Probably for the same reason you felt compelled to answer me, fool.
      Take your fake love and jam it up your butt.

  3. It was a well-done video.
    However, withholding still continues on our paychecks, etc.
    The cabal is revving up for another wonderful tax season (April 15 2013), as well.
    Question is : HOW do we unencumber ourselves ?
    Do we march into work, and say "I no longer want my wages withheld", etc ?

    1. First get the booklet that has the chart of how much taxes you would owe on the money you make. If you make less than the wages that underneath that figure you would owe no taxes you can file "EXEMT" and no taxes will be withheld. I do it. They sent me a form to file that is the same form that say, a monk, would file. If you make more than that line then simply adjust your exemptions to 3 or 5 and then bank money over the year in case you end up owing. Your company's bookkeeper will be more than happy to help you. You can change your mind. The beginning of the year is a fine time to do that.
      Now later when the U.S. corp has fallen maybe thing will be different but that is the way to do it in this particular "3-D"

    2. That's exactly what I am doing this year. I am claiming 9, so no taxes are coming out. I am investing the money in high interest checking accounts (about 3%). I am doing this in hopes the corp will fail this calendar year. If not, I can pay them the money I 'owe'. If they are gone, the money is mine.

  4. Or, do we just wait for the Nesara announcement,
    and I do mean the "Reformation" Act.
    I mean, we still live in these meat suits,
    and we still have to "survive in 3D", which means comply with the cabal, or your meatsuit goes to jail.

  5. I have to say, if I have a choice, I'd rather
    NOT WAIT for Nesara to be announced.
    I have expected that announcement for 2 1/2 years,
    and as we know, it just never comes.
    A man whom I respect named Darrel Freck said it
    was imminent in July of 2010.....
    These magicians have kept Nesara under wraps for
    a long, long time......
    I think that may still be far away, in terms of time.
    I've already done some things the cabal does not like.
    If I can figure out how to use these documents, I will do it.

  6. There goes another day where so called FREE people with 5 billions in gold and silver are still starving to death. That`s the reality, everything else is illusion. Wake up before it`s to late.

  7. Well the change has to start somewhere.
    If I can file these docs with effect,
    I will do so.
    I'm awake - I'm just not pleased with
    this 3-D illusion.
    Many of us are awake to the fraud
    and the slavery systems.
    But, I don't think the cabal has stepped down yet.
    I will believe it with announcements.

    1. "With effect" Those are the key words. Only effect I see is overloading an already loaded system with meaningless paper. Someone the other day use the word "muscle" and all this paper has none.

  8. can i send this video to my CC company to get out of paying my debts? im gonna send a copy of this to the IRS and tell em i dont wanna pay my taxes.

    please stop with the propaganda...Practical solutions or Disclosure is what is needed.

    1. Best of luck wirh that and prepare for the consequences. When D and AK post on their sites the success they have had will be the day I would ever even believe any of this. But what I believe right now is that they will Never do it. The transparency is great for them to post, push and support but they will never step out from their opaque anonymity.

    2. Blind leading blind.

  9. Beautifully done! That is TRUTH! We are like rats with the cage door wide open.....we have been taught to be afraid. But we have nothing left to fear!

    Many seem to be looking for the 'next step' in order to believe. I say this is backwards. Know the truth....Believe...and the changes you are seeking will follow.

    1. Truer words have never been spoken, Jasmine. Thank you. Bless you

  10. Some of us have not been GOOD SHEEP lately.
    For those of us already in "the line of fire",
    these docs could be a good solution, even if
    we don't get Nesara any time soon.
    I'm sure we will know soon how
    these docs stand up, or don't stand up.
    I have an open mind about this.
    *** If what TOPPT says is true, the long
    slavery nightmare may be over soon.

  11. For anyone who still doesn't understand or believe we are slaves, this is for you:

    Titled "The Story of your slavery"

    Spelled out for you, whether you believe it or not is of no relevance to our "farmers". The pain of waking up to this is scary for many...only until you accept the situation for what it is. Once you understand, you allow yourself to become liberated from it. Let's ALL help each other liberate from it. NO amount of money is worth perpetuating this system, no matter your current "comfort level". Even the millionaires are slaves, actually, even more so in most cases. Can't a person see that by breaking free from this system will bring abundance to you and everyone's lives? Why are we holding ourselves back from freedom? I don't understand the hopelessness that many seem to be ok living with. Come on People! Let's rise up and take back our Life!! Let's unite, like "they" did. If we do, we're unstoppable. Love to All

    1. Good find Michael!!

      I can use this for those waking up:)

  12. I lost my home of 34 years how will these help me?

  13. I know this is old news, but I'm curious as to how the purported "plans" outlined in this DHS-insider's so-called "revelations" will play out against the NESARA official release timeline:

    Will these horrible and frightening things, which are allegedly already in motion, happen before the shackles are removed? Or before?

    What does everyone think of the Canada Free Press website and their contributors? I think there is a Part 2 to the DHS-insider interview but I haven't read it yet. I'm afraid to!


    1. Glad you reminded me of Canada Free Press.This was a very, very interesting & creepy interview,I think everyone should read it.Some things mentioned I'v seen or read in the corners of YT where a military man disguised was talking about foreign military inside the US and planning.I think part 2 will be coming shortly,after Inauguration.I'm keeping my eyes open.

      "The whole objective is to bring in outside forces to deal with the civil unrest that will happen in America."

      I would really like to here D's feedback on this interview.

      I'm waiting to see what Doug Hagmann will disclose after Inauguration...

  14. Aye, Michael.
    I know we are 14th amendment slaves, as it currenly stands.
    It's funny, the 14th amendment was never properly passed by
    3/4 of the states...... So, the 14th does not really even exist.
    Question is : Have TOPPT's filings changed this
    status quo of slavery ? I don't know.....
    It's never been acceptable to me, since my Dad
    helped to file my first tax return.
    I asked him "Where does it say it applies to ME ?".
    He said "Son, this is just the way it is".
    One hint here : they NEVER properly show to whom their
    "laws" apply.
    To be valid, a law must have an enacting clause, and clearly
    show "to whom it applies".
    Ask them for evidence that ANY of their law(s) applies to you.
    This makes them rather uncomfortable.
    But, I'm hoping we don't have to "go there" any more.
    Recently, one of the groups I follow has found evidence that all
    50 US Titles were not brought over correctly on 12/7/1925.
    The House passed it as HR 10000, but the Senate NEVER passed it.
    Quite a revelation. All their laws are invalid.
    But again, maybe we don't have to "go there" anymore.

    1. I think if we all LIVED Jasmine's words above, this would not be an issue any longer. But, Thank you for your words, focus and intention. I'm grateful to know there are so many here who are truly able to think for themselves instead of letting their "minds" be decided by what tv, periodicals or others may say. A friend of mine brought up "bigfoot" the other day in a joking way and I simply asked if he believed bigfoot was real. His first reaction was to laugh, then he said "well everybody says....". I stopped him and said, what do YOU think? He didn't know how to respond and I saw the look of "damn, I don't know what I think" in his eyes. This is how most function, "beliefs, opinions, wants, desires, etc" are given the ok (By US) to form our opinions and beliefs for us. We've forgotten our inner wisdom and replaced it with "critical thinking" or school programming, or reality tv dumbed down ideas of what "reality" is. Some are now remembering that inner wisdom. Once you remember it, you can't un-remember it. This is what's so amusing about folks coming to this blog to try to "sway opinion". Once you're awake, either Spiritually or to the "matrix", you don't go back to sleep. You don't go back into self pity, fear, rejection, insecurity, etc. You'r KNOWING can no longer be swayed by anyone else's opinion or belief, no matter how hopeless they may make it sound. When you know the Truth, fear cannot survive within you. No fear of the "cabal", death, forclosure, chemtrails, etc. These are all simply distractions to the Truth. We're remembering that Truth more and more every day. This cannot be stopped. Not by a chat room, the tv, wars, NOTHING can stop what is coming back to us in HUGE ways. If a person cannot yet feel it or understand it, that's ok. There are MANY around the Earth who ARE feeling it and who KNOW it to be true, because it is. If we all lived what we know to be our Truth, this world would already be the world we are all clamoring for. It's already there, actually, we just have to REALIZE it and LIVE it. I'm praying every day for all of you to have this Peace within you. It's our Right. There is no "elite" anything. There is no "royalty". Every Being on this planet is Divine. Don't worry bout a thing, everything's gonna be alright. Love to Us All

  15. From the presentation "While the trust, once fully executed by lawful military and law enforcement, will bring......"
    Whose military? Whose law enforcement?

  16. We are all hoping enforcement will BE THERE,
    this time around.
    Who knows ?
    Maybe we are actually in the Biblical Hell, working off
    our Karma from previous lives, and we JUST DON'T KNOW IT.

    1. But again who would be backing the enforcement. Until I can get a clear and concrete answer to this, I can't buy it. It's meet the new boss same as the old boss .
      And the hell thing, i hear you and have wondered that myself.

  17. Kudos to TOPPT, D, AK, Kauilapele, and all who are embracing and furthering this information. One must proclaim one's individual sovereignty. Just stand up and proclaim it "aloud".

    Each person, each "one" is co-creating with Creator. There is no authority between "one" and Creator. No entity has dominion over any "one". They never have. We have believed it, and so allowed it.

    The biggest thing these documents have provided is the platform for each one to see and believe in their own sovereignty. Waiting for "another" to tell us that we are free, keeps "one" in "waiting" mode. Waiting for the "green light" from another keeps "one" in the "waiting" mode.

    What would we do if we truly believed ourselves to be free? Would we celebrate? Sing and Dance? Be joyful? Take our power back from the illusion of power where it has been invested for so long?

    We have been programmed to "believe it when we see it". The trick is that "when we believe it (enough of us), we will see it." If we don't believe it, we will never see it . It's a backwards trick. :) This is how we hack the matrix.

    Celebrate as if IT has already happened. Imagine for a few moments how that would feel. WOW! Make your own green light and turn it on. I used the flashlight on my Iphone and turned to green/strobe. I Am celebrating.

    Want to really mess up the matrix? Google's search line is a way to insert whatever you want directly into the matrix. for example "one" could type in: All corrupt politicians have been arrested! The people of Planet Earth are Free! Dont' forget to giggle like a child who has a wonderful secret.....because you do. You are the secret. I Am the secret.

    Reverse the programming. It's fun knowing you are screwing up the matrix. As well, it is the jet fuel that propels us into the moment of experiencing that which we all want. But now we are not wanting it, we are celebrating it. This is how we co-create. We collectively give the green light. We know that we are free. The positive military and police are waiting for us. We make the call. We don't wait for someone else to tell us, we all know it together and create the critical mass that makes it so.

    I AM celebrating. I AM the green light. I Am hacking the Matrix. :)


    1. While you are celebrating, can you explain to us how your life has changed with regard to taxes, fees, licenses and labor?

    2. The positive military and police are waiting for us.

      Okay -- which ones are they and what are their phone numbers. Have you called them to let them know? Or is that some "one" else's job to do? Any clue when "one" can plan to let the waiting good guys know? And when "one" lets them know, then what happens?

    3. I understand you. It's all energy. Thanks for your post. Ignore the shills. Peace and Love to You.

    4. It's all energy? OK next time I am at a dead stop in my car and look uo into my rearview and see a truck barrelling at me at 50+ I will stop and remind myself that hey, It's all energy. Can't posibly hurt.

    5. That's a beautiful message. Don't worry about those that may not yet "hear" the message, enough of us do. We'll drag those who doubt along in spite of themselves. We mock what we don't understand. It's much easier to ridicule, point fingers, be impatient and bitch and moan than it is to actively participate in a positive way. I've always heard that if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. I think this is true, but I don't blame those that doubt. I can completely empathize with them. THEY have seen no PROOF. I used to be there. I hope they do get all the proof they truly desire, whatever that may be. I hope they truly do get to live out their dreams and desires. Maybe that's it, maybe we've forgotten how to dream and what it means to dream? We've been told to not believe fairy tales, because they can't come true. We've been told "only in the movies". We "grow up" and get serious. Life stopped being fun for most people right after college or high school. I'm praying we ALL get to experience having a FUN life again, together! We think fun is going to the mall or a sporting event or to an amusement park. This is not fun, but only a distraction from the real fun that we could have, if WE chose to. Why are we preventing ourselves from having so much fun? Lively up yourselves, People!! Be Happy and Love your families and friends, openly...tell them how much you LOVE them. When's the last time you did? Today? Last week?? Never??? This can ONLY make the World a better place. How can it hurt?

    6. Yes I am too celebrating as my teeth fall out of my mouth because I havent any dental ins. or money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop the b.s. and Git `er Done! Jeez, if life isnt hard enough we have to play this game as well! Un freakin` real......... Either nuke the damn planet or get nesara and all the goodies going already.

    7. How my life has changed in regards to labor, taxes, license, fees, etc. in response to using the believing is seeing strategy:

      I worry endlessly about being broke, I feel drained and feel that the job that I love isn't good enough. This stress effects my work. When money could come my way I get ironically screwed out of it...the situations are laughable.

      I stop worrying and focus on the fact that I am an abundant, infinite being. I forget everything that's been taught to me about money. I realize money is an illusion. I chose to stop worrying about survival and live in the moment. That which I need comes to me, no more no less. Just having what I need come in a series of fortunate events is uncanny and confirms my feelings of abundance and power.

      That's my true experience. Synchronicity and irony are always involved so there is no coincidence, only lessons. That being said, I feel like I'm playing both games here. An infinite being caught in a slave system...

  18. Some took the red pill
    Some took the blue
    Someone take the whole darned lot
    And chuck em down the loo


  19. Dana Mrkich on "Updating our Images of What Transformation Looks Like"

    Includes some fabulous bits on discerning truth - personal or collective - amidst confustion.


    - Crow

    1. Ha Ha - "confustion". Indeed. Apparently I need to re-read the article myself before typing LOL.


      ;-) Crow

  20. Do they allow celebrating in the GreyBar Hotel ?
    Sorry, I just can't "buy it" yet.
    I look at it like this :
    We will either :
    1. Get Nesara, or
    2. Remain slaves, some of whom may have found a few remedies.

    I've been looking for #1., above, for awhile.
    #2. is getting OLD.
    Maybe it's just too much fun having 7 billion slaves,
    and they won't give it up.

  21. The one thing that could stop it all would be a nationwide "unplug" of the American citizens. If everyone, all at once, said "we are on strike." Nobody goes to work, everyone pulls their cash from banks, nobody pays any bills -- to anyone -- for a period equal to what it takes for the cabal (whoever the hell "they" all really are) to surrender the beast.

    Look what happened with just the threat of the longshoremen's strike threat. It was "balls to the walls" to get that thing figured out because of how critical the ports are to the machinery here.

    But this collective and simultaneous "strike of the American people" -- how does it get organized and done? It's the only thing that would undeniably fuck these guys up. They could never incarcerate everyone because of the sheer numbers!! What would any of us have to lose -- we're losing it all already!

  22. The carefully-developed Army of Sheep they have worked on
    for many years would never go for that.
    Some of the Sheep are just brain dead fluoridated zombies (the majority),
    and some are on welfare, and some are part of the problem (minions).
    I just don't see how positive thinking is going to get this done.
    We need announcements & enforcement.
    Satan will not easily give up his throne.

  23. Sure, of course, we are all FREE already--in spirit. Who and what we really are was never born of this earth and will never die like all earthly things someday must.

    The basic problem with this whole thing is the corrupted man-animal knows nothing of its true identity, that this fleshy shell does not rule it, and yet some would like to have it both ways. They would like the paradise of spirit to come and overtake this physical domain. Then they could have their mortal lives in a kind of heaven on earth. But God did not create the world that way. Now, along come all these 5th dimension believers who, despite the utter failure of 12/21, are bound and determined to influence this physical realm to the point of transforming it. There is absolutely no faith that God has created this world as it is for a reason. But Jesus once said, that which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit. He understood completely that they were never to be joined, but that one was to be overcome and sacrificed for the sake of the other.

    1. The question would be - did Jesus really say that? Or is that something the cabal put in to make a "believer" think exactly what you're thinking?

  24. All we want is out NATURAL RIGHTS back in our pockets.
    I just don't know anymore.
    Source (or God) created natural rights, for ALL sentient beings,
    yet we are denied those very rights.
    Is that the Divine plan , ie, sentient beings in shackles & enslaved ?
    As I said previously, maybe this is the Biblical HELL.

  25. Pay attention to what you see but pay more attention to what you are not seeing.

  26. Hi D,

    I have a question for you. You have a lot of experience in the Dinar/Dong arena and I would appreciate if you could answer this question to the best of your ability. I know that you have kids and your time is valuable, but I think this question could help the people here that read your blog to be a lot more prosperous when this is finally all said and done. Ok here is the issue.

    I just realized that I made a mistake by buying Dinar/Dong in small amounts (I live pay check to pay check) over the last 5 months on eBay instead of using the Dinar/Dong dealer reserve strategy. I chose eBay because paying by Paypal if a lot more convenient to me. I live in PR and not in the states.

    With all the money I have spent on eBay during this past 5 months I could have secured a much larger amount of Dinar/Dong using roller over or credits like some dealers call it when you extend the reserve after the 30-90 day period is up.

    Terryk said recently that banks will not take Dinar/Dong purchased on eBay or without receipt, and while I think that is not true or erroneous (I think he might be pumping his dealers) it is still in the back of my mind. I also know that this is an once in a lifetime event and once it happens the opportunity to help yourself and others as much as you can is lost.

    I'm planing to do the reserve strategy on Tuesday/Wednesday (if it hasn't happened by then) because of two things:

    1- To protect myself just in case I have a problem with the eBay issue. I don't believe it is going to be a problem, but it would be pretty sad after all this waiting and daily fighting to die by the seashore at the last second. I want to be safe just in case.

    2- Obviously if someone told you in advance that the biggest once in a lifetime event in history is going to happen, if you are smart you would want to maximize the potential as much as you can.

    What is your opinion about this situation D?

    Thanks in advance.

  27. After listening to the archived audio from Hollowearth I would not be to worried about wasting my enegy on filing a personal Ucc as it is done. All will fall into place after the implementation of the People's Govenance on 1/21/13 !! My thoughts anyway! Was always FREE!!!! Divine intervention is in play

  28. BTW, Jesus was not declared to be "God" until 325 AD -
    at the Council of Nicea. Why did that take so long, for a "fact" that
    must have been so "evident" ?
    And, there was considerable debate (even to the point of violence)
    over declaring Jesus to be part of a "Trinity".
    The Trinity concept makes no sense, it is held to be
    one of the many "mysteries" of Christianity....
    All Christian dogma springs from the Vatican, ie, Pedophilia, Inc.
    The Jesus myth is all about control - Christianity is all about control -
    birthed by the Holy (???) Sea.
    Jesus is an AMAZING being, he is a very spiritually advanced avatar,
    but he is not a "Separate" God. We are ALL ONE with Jesus, too.
    We are all God's, but we have no idea how to tap into our power.
    That is why we are in the unenviable position we are presently in.
    Jesus knew HOW to tap into his power. We have no idea.

    1. Yes. There is much that must be revealed, or reiterated, or re-minded...because after so long, many people don't know this or never considered this. All is not what you may have been taught in the schools and churches. And it's time to unlearn and remember NOW.


      Ninja Bambi

    2. An interesting story I'd like to find for you but this is the jist: Apparently they didn't just call all the baptists and mormons or something together they called out to the ends of the world to come to Nice. There were representatives from Africa, China, India, as far north as the British Isles (druid etc.) and up in Russia (a czar is the same as ceasar) and they smithed it all down to One State Religion. They could not get a consensus out of the Istars or the Druids or the Buddist or the Bramens except a "brokered" agreement that gave birth, that day, to the "triune." It was the only thing they could do. Monotheism for Me. They kind of put all religions in a blender and that is what got spit out.

  29. The best thing about this video was the music. I agree with main premise of what is wrong with the world, but this video goes nowhere in revealing how this trust is going to work.

  30. This site puts out NOTHING and Constantly tells you that its something.
    How long do you follow a source you don't know, with insiders never explained, and who's wrong all of the time?

    All this time they could be putting out good verifiable info.
    Ask yourself, Why it is always adding additional confusing things you can't actually read and make sense of, much less Use?

    Will ANYONE EVER post a verifiable SUCCESS saying: "Yes, I did it. It worked. Here's the docs I used!!"???
    Or will it ALWAYS be this confusing crap no one can figure out?

    If never anything concrete, its a scam. One doesn't get 'insiders' without years of trust. Ask D why this blog was only started in March of last year? What's she been doing for the last 10 years?

    The media cannot operate forever if Heather has shut its masters down. And yet, it continues...right before our eyes.

    This is the worst kind of misleading people. This can be NOTHING else but a disinfo site. I can just imagine the anger and negativity my comments might cause. But calling people Troll, doesn't make this blog anymore transparent, or its info accurate, credible or real.

    We can focus to bring about these changes with or with out this incredibly inaccurate blog.

    Those of you who choose to continue to believe blindly without question or verification of who D is, who her insiders are, why Judge Dale cant be verified, why nothing is accurate... Be careful who your giving your energy to. You dont give your money to just anyone. Your energy is more important than money.

    Light and Love :)

    1. Light and Love? LOL!

    2. If that's the way you feel, why are you here? I really doubt that any concern for our well being is involved. And aren't you giving energy to this site by being here?

      Wandering Fire

    3. Wrapping up the negative energy and returning to sender with love.

    4. People wake up! All these so called alternative blogs and people are fake! They have not proven anything at all for decades!

      Look at Cobra for example. He's a eastern European scam artist. He creates identities such as Ishtar Antares and Cobra and say a whole lot of BS so that people can follow him and give him things(money and sex).

      Considering that American Kabuki and Brian believe in this Cobra so much, then it tells you they either their in on the scam or being scammed. Either way the site is BS. He doesn't even allow comments! He thoroughly screens them if they're against his views.

      Poof for years has been saying the same things over and over again, with absolutely nothing coming to fruition. He should be discredited immediately.

      David Wilcock, Drake, and Benjamin Fulford and their Neil Keenan lawsuit/White Dragon society has gone absolutely no where! David Wilcock goes into hiding so many times and always tells people to buy his book or someone elses. Drake spews out violent/discriminating nonsense regularly, with none of his so called "green lights" coming to fruition as well. Benjamin Fulford is absolutely ridiculous with his Pro Chinese propaganda he spews, probably with the help of his Ninja army.

      The 2012 Scenerio/Golden Age of Gaia, their channelings say the same thing, and obviously were totally wrong when 12/12 and 12/21 passed and nothing happened. They are now are asking for money to bring in the golden age of Gaia LOL ok.

      Now this People's Trust. These so called legal documents are incredibly poorly written and will never be taken seriously ANYWHERE. Its incredibly convoluted and difficult to read even for a seasoned lawyer. Not only that but Heather explained absolutely nothing in the interview. All she said was "we're free!", while not answering the questions AT ALL! They told us more info would be forthcoming after this interview. Not really. More BS more like it.

      Think about it. These blogs and websites only get at most thousands a hit a day? That's definitely not enough to "awaken humanity to the truth". These sites are scams, taking advantage of people with their money, time and emotions.

      Before anyone starts, no I'm not a troll or paid shill. I'm here to be objective and not blindly follow. Time and again have these people and websites said the same thing for well over a decade. Don't fall for it.

    5. You are correct about the lying and corrupt media.
      That is one I don't understand, either.
      The media's lies and obfuscation continue, unabated.

    6. I'll be polite. I don't for a second believe you are motivated by concern for my well being or anyone's other than your own. Your protestations of being neither a shill or a troll lack sincerity. The more people that come out of the woodwork screaming "fake" the more I'm convinced that TOPPT, Wilcock, AK and his crew and D are definitely onto something. Drake, I suspect, has gotten drunk on his own importance and has been cut loose and his minions are going nuts trying to prop him up for the sake of their own egos and are screaming "scam" at RTS in order to stop the erosion of their membership base.

      There. I was "nice."

      Wandering Fire

    7. I wouldn't agree that "The more people that come out of the woodwork screaming "fake" the more I'm convinced that TOPPT, Wilcock, AK and his crew and D are definitely onto something." Could it be instead that, especially after the 12/21 debacle, people have had it? I know my bullshit meter is on high.

    8. The 2012 Scenerio/Golden Age of Gaia is asking for money. American Kabuki has asked for money to buy a "computer" or pay his medical bills. Cobra always asked for money. David Wilcock wants you to buy his books or music. Fulford wants you to pay for his intel. Others provide fear porn like Drake and Kerry Cassidy. Others provide disinfo like those above, including people like David Wynn Miller and his no ice in the north pole BS. Yes the BS meter is off the charts.

    9. "Before anyone starts, no I'm not a troll or paid shill. I'm here to be objective and not blindly follow."

      You are a shill and regardless of everything, why are you stooping so pathetically low? Get yourself a concience and take part in LIFE!

    10. Wondering Blindy into Fire will ignore logic, and lack of evidence, progress, or proof but can NEVER provide one piece of reasonable evidence to continue such fevered defense. Like religion, people become so invested in this, they don't want to let it go. They mean well and they want what we want. But until they can answer the questions constantly ignored here, their attitudes are based in fear of being wrong and slipping into hopelessness. I don't blame them for that But you also can't make blind men see.

      The only reason we opposed scams is because we know what it's like and how it feels to be taken advantage of and were trying to help. D has you all believing all dissenters are "cabal, shills, trolls". Just like religion calls Dissenters devil worshipers

  31. One thing AK said in the video at the end was
    we each might Document our own "I AM"
    in the public record.....
    You know, "I, John Doe, declare that I AM, as a free
    being of flesh, blood, soul & spirit, with my natural rights intact".
    I'm not sure what THAT would do.


  33. About foreclosures, here's a page that may be of interest.

    The imperative word here is "sovereign".

  34. I have found an interesting meditation technique on the Saint Germain website, the "Purple Flame". Since he's one of the few "ascended masters", it seems to have worked for him. And maybe it will work for you too.

    1. Yes, I do the St. germaine meditation sometimes -
      "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity the creator desires".
      I also do this one - All the Light you want, All the Time, from A.A. Michael :
      " At first, you may begin by imagining the light, love, and energy pouring into you (from Source Creator). But quickly you will find that you begin to feel a response that does not depend upon your imagination. At that point there are many things you might think, imagine, pray, or intend. All of those are alright. None of them are necessary. You only need to bring into yourself, and therefore your entire field of being, more light, more love. Always more light, more love. Any doubt? More love. Uncertainty? More love. Fear? Worry? More love. Illness? More love."
      The second one does work. Before you know it, you don't have to "imagine" it anymore.

    2. I did the Violet Flame thingy over my cash money about 3 or 4 months ago. I figured, why not!

      I can't say it worked, or it didn't work, but if the fact that I've never been without cash since is proof, then it worked.

      Having said that, I had been a long time previous to doing this without suffering any severe lack of cash.

      (There were one or two occasions in my life when I've been BROKE. And they were during the time when I lived above my means, spending on a credit and/or debit cards.)

      Now I use CASH only, and have done for several years, spend according to my means, under whenever possible, and have savings too (not much, but some).

      Enough said!

      Ninja Bambi.

  35. Now, I have a question for everyone that’s screaming that TOPPT is a “scam.”
    In what way is it a “scam?” To call something a “scam” implies the intention to defraud someone of money or property. I’ve yet to see anything connected with TOPPT that could be construed as an attempt to unlawfully and/or illegally obtain money or property. Nowhere have I seen anyone requesting or requiring payment for information about the TOPPT. No where have I seen anyone telling anyone to transfer anything of any monetary value to anyone. Nowhere have I seen anyone connected with this blog or TOPPT advise people to stop paying their bills or in any way undertake any action that would harm them financially or otherwise. The presentation of information that one neither understands nor agrees with does NOT a “scam” make. Calling such information a scam is, however, a way to cast doubt on the information.

    So, all you people claiming that TOPPT is a scam. Where’s YOUR proof?
    Either put up or shut up. Oh and saying that “it won’t work” just because you THINK it won’t work, doesn’t count! Saying it “can’t be enforced” without explaining WHY it can’t be enforced doesn’t count either!

    Wandering Fire

    1. Thank you !!!!!!

    2. Stop paying your bills and come back to us.

    3. You're welcome, Anon 14:37.

      Anon 14:40. No, I am not going to stop paying my bills. Nowhere in TOPPT does that advice appear. Neither does D, Heather, AK or those associated with them advise that. Rabble rousing wingnuts posting in comments and on other sites do however and I give their financial advice the same weight as I would that of a toddler.

      Wandering Fire

    4. Wandering Fire.... scream all you want in ignorance.

      Who's put any of this bs to use? One reader. One person as I've asked for many times. D and KK? You? ANYONE AT ALL?


      Try using them before defending them.. Otherwise the burden of proof is not on me to prove its a scam. The burden of proof lies on those making claims that's these are real. Just like religion.

      So as soon as you or anyone else here D, Kk, Anyone can show these work...then you can defend them. Until we all see this, your defense is one of ignorance. Post your proof or be quiet

  36. David Wynn Miller- federal judge - cracked the Universal language code. Mombot in previous posts (probably others but i do not remember who they were) i have only watched appr. 3 hours of it. Heather - D - if you are reading this - he answered a question someone in the audience asked regarding UCC. this presentation took place sept. 2012 - so this was before Heather came out with this. I do not know if there has been a thread on this discussion about David - so if this old news - please forgive i do not have the time to go back and filter thru hundreds of comments.

    if anyone has watched this and would like to discuss this - i would love to talk to you! this man , this is only my POV but I feel David is the one of the KEY players in this reset we have all been waiting for. not downplaying Heather she is awesome! - i think she is doing a part in this- but David Wynn Miller is also definitely worth taking the time to listen too - he is filled with insider intel- and info that i have not read anywhere else. he is simply an amazing man with an even more amazing story- and that is way over simplified! if you watch his presentation you will understand what i mean.

    1. Why does this guy keep getting pushed on us now. He claims that we have never had a right handed President. Lie. He claims that there is no longer any ice at the North Pole. Lie. When i hear two blatant lies like that, why should I believe all this adverb verb mumbo jumbo?

    2. all of the sudden, out of nowhere, I'm hearing about this David Wynn Miller. I don't know if you've had the opportunity to spend some time around pathological liars, but this guy completely fits the bill. His tactics have helped no one. If his stuff is so ground-breaking you would think he would have set many legal precedents by now. Can you find me one? I love too, how in his one video he explains how he became Justice Renquist's buddy, but finally had to force him off the bench. Really? News to me.

    3. Scan about half way down this link and see what happens when you actually go into court with David Wynn Miller's methods. It looks like a good way to get your ass handed to you.

    4. I got 1/2 way through the 25 videos and my internal RED FLAG METER was giving me negative vibes. I go with my own gut about things and this guy does not sit right with me.
      I for one am not going to waste anymore of my time listening to David Miller.

    5. Every day it seems like this blog has got to be a contest between Bullshitters. Let's see who can tell the biggest whopper that fools the most sheep.

    6. Either a pathological liar or an awesome genius. I just don't know what to make of him because he is either far too intelligent for people to understand or he is making stuff up out of his ass. I am very intrigued.

    7. David Wynn Miller is the real deal. Which proves that all the docs on here are completely BS.

    8. anon 13:46 You just lost ALL your credibility as a reliable commentator with your first sentence.

  37. Yes, I too tire of the Bleating of Sheep. But I Love all of God's wingnuts. Many here are Young and Un-Educated. The way our "leaders" got ahead of us is simply because most prople are...well...dumb. They can't even make their own chocolate milkshake. Many don't buy their own toilet paper. None have studied or cared about Law and Commerce. They complain about taxes but love to drive on the roads. They join the Armed Forces and wonder how people get killed all the day.
    Anyone that wants to criticize and be one of those that "Don't" do anything and use words to defame those that "Do"...something!---should pick up a book called: "Animal Farm."
    Read it and get back to me.

    1. George Orwell.One of my favorite books. I read it in the sixties..

    2. People are ....well.... dumb because they have been lulled to sleep and systematically dumbed down against their free will choice.

    3. When i was in High School in the late 60s, Orwell was required reading and we were warned to be ever vigilant against the very things we see government do today. We watched Animal Farm many times in different classes. Every kid should, because then we wouldn't have so many lemmings like we do now. When Clinton was in office, he made a statement that Orwell should be banned from libraries.



    1. Didn't this guy just tell us last week that we wouldn't ever hear from him again?
      Add it to a long string of lies.

    2. I'm glad he changed his mind. He CAN do that, ya know. Poof's a hoot!

      Wandering Fire

    3. And another fraud

    4. i love poof

    5. well, IT IS ALWAYS A GOOD ONE,,,that is why we are addicted. guilty here. and still I believe. color me a sucker, a believer, a hell ...I don't know what!
      bring it home,baby.
      swear to god I am not a nut case.

  39. People keep posting demanding to know why certain things have happened or not happened, presumably when they were expecting them. I have no “insider sources” but I DO have a brain that I use on occasion to figure things out for myself. So since D, Heather and their respective crews have lives outside of this blog, I decided to provide some answers to the most obvious questions or at least answers that seem reasonable to me from a logical, common sense standpoint.

    If Biden is the Interim President, why is Obama still signing bills and Executive Orders?

    My question: how do you know that he is?

    Your answer: I saw it on the news/read it on the internet!!

    Oh. Actually no you didn’t. In the case of a news item without video or photographs, you know only what the Cabal controlled media has decided to tell you. You have no proof whatsoever that anything was signed by anybody.
    In the instance where a video is present, you have no more assurance of seeing the truth. In a video of Obama signing a new outrage into law what you REALLY have is a photo op of Obama, sitting at a desk signing a paper that could be anything from a blank piece of paper to a shopping list. The people standing around him beaming proudly, if there are any, are also in on the deception and are no more a guarantee of the truthfulness of the report than a random stranger on the street. Under these circumstances, Biden could very well be President while Obama goes through the motions to keep the world in the dark. Just because you read it in the “alternative” media doesn’t make it true, especially when you’re talking about people who are as closely monitored as the President of the United States. You hear what the handlers want you to hear, no matter what the source.

    Wandering Fire, part 1

    1. Hillary can’t be under arrest and/or being held at the Hague ‘cause she went back to work at the State Department!

      Sorry. Another case of believing what the media tells you. Yes, I saw a picture online of a smiling Hillary accepting a gag “welcome back to work” gift from her staff when she returned to work. But I don’t KNOW that it was Hillary. Hillary could be under wraps somewhere and we wouldn’t know it. If you buy the “clone” explanation -- and I’m not entirely sure that I do -- then for reasons of their own, the Cabal could have worked up a clone to replace her and keep everyone from knowing that anything was amiss. A low tech but nonetheless effective method would be to send an agent/actress who has been prepared to take Hillary’s place into the State Department to be photographed by anyone passing by and to pose for staged photo ops for the purpose of convincing everyone that it’s “business as usual” for Mrs. Clinton. Again. Any and all information concerning Hillary Clinton, her whereabouts and activities is coming through the Cabal controlled media.

      Wandering Fire, part 2

    2. And lastly...

      Why haven’t the Mass Arrests, NESARA, Disclosure “fill in the blank” happened yet?!!! WHAT are the good guys waiting for?!

      Aside from having unshakable legal standing to make arrests and to replace governments with an absolute minimum, Cobra supplied a compelling reason for this that makes enormous and chilling sense when you consider who we are dealing with. The reason that the good guys haven’t moved yet is because the Cabal has at least one and perhaps more “doomsday devices” planted in one or more locations and equipped with a “deadman’s switch.” For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept, a “deadman’s switch” is one that is activated when the person controlling it is dead. The simplest form of this a live hand grenade with the pin pulled held in the hand of the person who pulled it. As long as that person is alive and holding the handle of the grenade in place, it won’t explode. If that person is shot, their hand will open, the handle will pop free and seconds later, the grenade will explode, killing or severely injuring everyone nearby. Given that the Cabal has no respect for human life and, in fact, want nothing more than to reduce the human population by billions, I consider the likelihood that at least one “doomsday device” either nuclear, chemical or biological in nature is hidden somewhere in the world, probably under or near a major city. You may or may not “buy” Cobra’s statement that the device is both occult/extra-dimensional and technological in nature but it is CERTAINLY possible from a purely technological standpoint using currently available technology. So if some shadowy person high up in the Cabal says “if you do this, I will set off the doomsday device and millions maybe billions will die, quickly if they’re lucky, slowly and painfully if they are not” the Good Guys, being good guys, do as they are told while working towards finding and disarming any and all doomsday devices before they deliver the killing strike to the Cabal. There may be and probably are other things figuring into the decision to give the signal to remove the Cabal from power once and for all but this explanation will do as far as I’m concerned.

      Wandering Fire, part 3

    3. By using Cobra as an example, you totally discredited your painfully long diatribe. The truth is your delusional. I'm sending my love and light to you. lol

    4. Keep it although it explains why I have a headache right now. Time to use some of the energy tricks my psy-vamp friends taught me.
      And calling me "delusional" will get you nowhere. I'm sane and have the paperwork to prove it.

      Wandering Fire.

    5. Correct on the deadman's switch analysis. I've been waiting for someone to realize that here for quite some time :) Bridge in Minnesota was a trial run, triggered before lighted energies were authorized to run greater interference -- takes unimaginable levels of meticulous terrestrial and celestial expertise and wisdom to neutralize a control grid that is booby-trapped to the core, on numerous energetic levels. Constant fluctuations must be accounted for, hence shifting temporal overlays with regards to specific, desired outcomes. Yet the entirety of the plan still surges forward in our favor on a moment to moment basis, encompassing all dark resistance, act by act, molecule by molecule and atom by atom :)

    6. RE Hillary. I haven't followed what happened to her very closely other than she had the squits, banged her head and then the clot. I would think having sustained a head injury and possible surgery that there would be some evidence of that in any photos of her. Perhaps bandage/bandaid/scar, bald patch? Anyway she's out to pasture now so can't be "returning to work".

      Sine Nomine

    7. And while the "Media" is being discussed here it seems apt to post a comment Judge Dale wrote on the previous article

      "If you ever plan too wake have to stop relying upon information provided by the US Government controlled media. Research America's news at any other European News Service. Provda [Russia] as an example, has more accurate news about America and our governments shananigans(sp) then any American News Service; periodical or newspaper.

      Control of the press began in America in the 1930's? and was completed by 1988. Everything is filtered through military intelligence before being released to the public and all of your favorite celebrity newscasters are now employees of the CIA. It keeps them faithful to the government. NOW YOU KNOW!
      Warmest regards,
      Judge Dale"

      The line "Everything is filtered through military intelligence before being released to the public and all of your favorite celebrity newscasters are now employees of the CIA." being particularly noteworthy imo.

      Sine Nomine

    8. It's funny, but many years ago, whilst still 'asleep' and casually watching the TV news, I remember remarking to somebody that it must be a nice job to have. Well paid, short hours, etc.

      OMG! With what I know now! It gives me the shivers just thinking about what it means to be the public face and voice of the lie and manipulation machine. Same goes for MSM radio hosts that have to read the news!


      Ninja Bambi

    9. It gets creepy when you throw the BBC/Savile revelations into the mix.

      By coincidence, Ben Fulford features it in his latest outpouring. Names Gordon Brown and Tony Blair as pedophile and procurer of illicit sex respectively. (allegedly!) :o :o What wonderful people we have had for national leaders. Sickening imo.

      Sine Nomine

    10. Oh, well. Sadly, that wouldn't be a surprise...considering the rest of the names that have been named, here and there and around and about.

      It's almost a club membership requirement, isn't it? Kiddy-fiddlers Ltd.

      It's another reason, if we needed another one, to get rid of the whole lot of them, or find a way to leave them all far behind us where we are going. So distanced that they can never come near decent, loving, peaceful humans ever again.

      Ninja Bambi.

      OMG! The CAPTCHA for this comment:

      Labours 685!


    11. ^^^ hahaha! Synchronicity! :D

      Sine Nomine

  40. Bullshit, Wandering Fire,
    You must be forgetting Cobra Lie #369 which stated that his galactic warriors had sprinkled their "magic dust" so that the Cabal would "never again be able to use weapons of mass destruction.
    Surely you haven't forgot operation Stardust!
    It was about the era when he was still claiming that he definitely was not Ishtar Antares, Lie #353.

    1. Yes, Anon 16:42, I remember “Stardust” and if YOU understood the simple concept of the deadman’s switch, you would understand why it hasn’t been activated (assuming for the purposes of this discussion that it exists). With the type of doomsday device under discussion, the device or those in charge of it MUST receive a signal, probably in code, at regular intervals or the device will be activated/go off. THEREFORE, since this apparently needs a more thorough explanation, if the person charged with sending the signal is IN ANY WAY incapacitated and cannot send the proper signal at the proper time in the proper format, the doomsday device will go off. Since “Stardust” was reportedly designed to paralyze or kill those for whom it was designed, using it before any and all doomsday devices are rendered harmless would be catastrophic. As for Cobra’s identity, I don’t give a flip about who he is or what he calls himself. “Wandering Fire” is not the name my parents gave me nor is any of the dozen or so usernames I use around the web. Furthermore, Cobra has not, as far as I know, failed to give provide whatever service or information that was contracted for. If both seller and buyer are happy, everyone else needs to mind their own business. Unless, of course, they are desperate to discredit someone who is actually onto something.....

      Wandering Fire

    2. Baaaaaaaahhhhhhhhahaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    3. Is THAT all ya got, Anon 17:49?

      DAMN, the Cabal must be scraping the bottom of the barrel for minions these days. Guess most of them have wised up and headed for the hills.

      Oh well, no fun matching wits with the unarmed. I'm heading out for a while. You trolls and shills have fun talking to each other.

      Wandering Fire

  41. First off D said Boehner was the interim president not the "Biden". And I seem to think that Cobra has some information as well like you, but at this point I am too tired of hearing everything from poorness to Benjamin Fulford and anybody else! Plus I have spoken to the person from the St. Germain funds because he called to get some information from me and I think they are just in the process of actually getting it all together because I asked if actual monies were available at this time and he said that they still had to be released from our governments. Not sure what he meant but he left me more confused that before. I think this ball may be rolling but it appears we've got a ways to go yet.

    1. First off, I hope the Pig Hillary (I call "it" Piggary, for short) is out of the picture,
      and hopefully soon to be followed by the waste of skin Papa Shrub.
      They would both look great in orange jumpsuits.
      I cannot even stand to look at either of them anymore - they turn my stomach.
      Second off, if there is a Doomsday Device,
      my vote would be go ahead and let them set it off.
      Bite the bullet, and deal with whatever happens.
      I don't even care if I'm at Ground Zero - JUST DO IT.
      Enough, is enough.

    2. Speak for yourself, Anon 17:12. Indiscriminate killing of the innocent is the Cabal's thing, not ours.

      Wandering Fire

  42. did i miss something and Biden is now the intermin pres? or was that a mistake above?

    1. D could tell them that Mickey Mouse was President and half here would believe it.

    2. That was a typo after a long time typing. Sorry, my bad. I was concentrating on spelling which has never been a strong point with me.

      Wandering Fire.

  43. The main proof for me that "Something good is going on behind the scenes" is the
    fact that the EURO and FRN (not really a "dollar") have not collapsed.
    It was imminent 2 years ago, and simply has not happened.
    Why ? and, How ?
    Also, we are not in FEMA camps.
    Again, Why ? and How ?
    I do not know exactly WHAT is preventing these things,
    but, SOMETHING is preventing it.
    But, I'd sure like announcements and Nesara.

  44. Um, I just stumbled on this from Mar, 2011 from MSNBC. Unbelievable!!


    1. Wow! On MSM no less. Right there for everyone to see, but only 14,000 hits. Thile the Original surprised kitty has over 67,000,000. Guess that says it all.

      Nice find though!

    2. Nice video. Strange that it's been on YouTube since:

      "Uploaded on Mar 20, 2011

      Federal Reserve Fraud exposed on The Dylan Ratigan Show. These are the facts that the alternative media has SCREAMED for years!"

      ...and yet it's being shared here NOW as proof of something relevant to right NOW?

      This is not news, TODAY, or YESTERDAY. It is therefore not proof of any form of current disclosure by the MSM, just in case anybody gets the impression that it is.


      Ninja Bambi

    3. I find it fascinating, really I do, that these kinds of exposés have been on the MSM, in a variety of formats, uploaded to the internet for all to see (in case they missed it), and yet, still, we are under the impression that most people/too many people are still asleep! Those 'sheeple' that only get their information from MSM, and if it's NOT on MSM, the 'sheeple' won't believe it anyway!

      Well, here's a classic example of a massive fraud exposed and yet, still, what? Sheeple are snoring, still?

      Do the 'sheeple' still not believe even the MSM, when it tells them 'the truth'?

      Is this kind of information somehow too far out of the proverbial 'comfort zones' to be mentally digested by the masses?

      Can the masses not understand the nature of the information, as it relates to them, to get themselves into a mindset that says, "Hold on a!"?

      I'm asking myself these questions...and typing them here for input.

      What will happen if the 'sheeple' get a 'full disclosure' on the MSM as many here would love to see?

      Will it have the same impact as this FED RES full disclosure had last year?

      If so, I don't think it's going to be much of an effect.

      I wonder if there needs to be a 'switching-off' of all the rumoured/actual??? mind-bending/hypnotic/brain-dumbing control systems first, you know, for say a few weeks, so that people get their full faculties back first. Then present them with this video again and see what happens?

      Ninja Bambi

    4. " wonder if there needs to be a 'switching-off' of all the rumoured/actual??? mind-bending/hypnotic/brain-dumbing control systems first, you know, for say a few weeks, so that people get their full faculties back first. Then present them with this video again and see what happens?"

      lol! Its worth a try Ninja! Can I flip the switch to turn it off? lol!

      I hear people say they never watch the news on TV, which is fine, BUT they don't look for alternative information so in my book they are still dozing. All I can say is boy are they in for a surprise!

      Sine Nomine

    5. "...Can I flip the switch to turn it off?..."

      Mate! If there were such a switch, there'd likely be a fight to be the one to flip it to the OFF position.

      But, not between us. We shall sit back, relax and just enjoy the moment.


      Ninja Bambi

  45. and matter how much or what we believe,or what authentic legal perspective we come do we stop the goons at the door? cuz they are there and would love to pick up our arse and silence it. evidence is everywhere.
    give me a publicly acknowledged press release/statement.
    not being negative.....
    cuz I do believe.
    will go forward when I have the hash in to speak.

  46. Hillary is supposedly a reptilian, like many in politics.

  47. I just think it's a bummer to get these funds so late in the game, that we barely have time to enjoy these gifts, that we have to go back "home" and leave this dimension. I always wanted to know what it was like to be a billionaire and play those billionaire games. ;-) Damn those Illuminati, for wasting it for the rest of us!

    1. When exactly do you think we are going back "Home"?

    2. My research brings a recurring theme that "the experiment is over" and "there's not much time left" and "soul harvesting", in combination with a predicted cataclysm in June. I think that this cataclysm is a way (among others) to bring back (harvest) the souls to the Creator. Not everybody will die then. Some will die later. God's way of telling you "Time's up. You're done here."

    3. What a loving god. :P

  48. sgt
    where aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee you?

  49. I have always maintained that we are still being held hostage by who/whatever remains of the cabal which accounts for the continued delays. Until it is assured that humanity is safe, plans and intent can not and will not be telegraphed just to satisfy people's demands for "proof".......Wandering Fire is so bang on with his "deadman's switch" theory.....
    Think about it, if all of this is a hoax, why would the cabal go to such lengths when they already had this planet handed to them by it's inhabitants on a silver platter not too many years ago? Something BIG is happening in the sidelines and the less the ignorant masses know, the better until everything is finally disclosed......say what you want but I'm anticipating our "liberation" can anyone think of giving up when we've already gone this far?

  50. At any time you can start switching over to Silver. I have traded much of my "slave coupons" in for Silver Ounces. They are commodities. The stock Market will crumble (soon) and Commodities (food,gas etc.) will go through the Roof. But my silver will follow the trend line and I will not lose because I have not saved in a Dollar (backed by fairydust) framework. I follow economics closely and the Gold/Silver world is heavily manipulated in order that fiat currency keeps some value.
    So what I am pointing out is that Silver has gone from $6 to $30 as compared to the Dollar. The Dollar has lost $97 buying power since the FED was started in 1913. If these figures do not point out FAILURE of the system I don't know how to tell you. If the system was intact, the dollar would still be valuable. You guys saying there has been no this and there has been no that are just not paying attention. The big dogz are going to lose big time whether Heather knows what she is doing or You. The big dogz have been quietly grabbing all the Gold they can and then selling the Public these things called ETF's (exchange trade funds) that are supposedly backed by real gold. There is little real gold in the vault. Much (I mean Tons) has gone to China because we owe it to them because they bought so many Treasury bonds with the clause "payable in gold" which our bankers thought they would never call on. Silver supplies if you look at the charts are being dwindled horribly.
    So all these nice normal people are going to call up their broker (all at once) some day and say "Jeeves, be a good gent and send me around my gold bars won't You?" and the broker ain't got it.
    NOW THEN, these people are going to be very angry. Lot's of Upper Middle class people are going to shift a twinkling of an eye.

  51. So, this is interesting, isn't it?

    One would imagine, I suspect, that IF the solution to all our woes had ACTUALLY just been presented to us, courtesy of Heather et al, in any kind of format that your average man and woman in the street could U & U (understand & utilise), there would probably be nobody here to make any comments at all, they'd be too busy living in peace, AT LAST.

    But, just in case a few cheery souls still chose to come here to have a chat, I suspect they would be commenting on how happy they are, what luck they just had with this or that process they had just put into place. I imagine it would be evident that everybody felt as though they were on the proverbial cloud nine, with all manner of PROOFS of how this information worked for them, and willing to share their stories with each other in jovial harmony.

    However, the general nature of the comments here, seem to consist of the all-too-familiar complaints, disagreement, argument and debate over all the same old issues, with a good sprinkling on powdered bile over the likes of POOFNESS, COBRA and some other 'guru/muppet' called DAVID.


    Ninja Bambi.

  52. Have you ppl noticed that the blog was very quiet and with a nice vibe to it, but now that those important info came out, its literally infested with trolls aka paid shills? It actually makes me KNOW that there's truth to all this.

    Lets try to not feed them negativity, that's what they want. Its all about divide and conquer.

    1. Yes, full force infestation... pull out the raid! I've always wondered how much they get paid...

    2. They get good pay for smearing their brothers and sisters.

    3. Name calling is always put forward in place of proof. Like: "You're either with us, or you're a terrorist"
      Bush had no proof either because he's a liar and was lying to everyone to further his agenda.

      Its funny. We discerning logical thinkers who want proof... have the Blind Believers panties all in a bunch.
      If we were to use the goofy-logic they use, I'd say: "It must mean were onto something!!!! LOL

      Fortunately, I use Actual Logic and Reason. For Example: Why is there so much opposition to presenting ONE PIECE OF PROOF ANY OF THIS HEATHER NONSENSE ACTUALLY WORKS? IF there were proof, we'd have it. In place of name-calling, the proof would be shoved down all our throats. Without Proof, they only have name-calling. This is what actually shows that we ARE onto something. lol

      I LOVE the paid shill comments because frankly, its a good meter. It only lowers them, their vibrations and continues to show their lack of proof so I only have to spend a second before I see slanderous nonsense here. The fact that they don't understand this while continuing to employ this tactic shows their level of intellect.

      It makes you all look reeaal credible, intelligent and loving. Not! lol Practice Hypocrisy much?

      But don't worry, something big is "Imminent"!!! ...Oh, Ok, I'll tell you right now:

      Its Another Huge Factless Hopium Turd Sandwich from RTS.

      That's my next prediction. So far, I'm batting a thousand.

      The Score:
      Discerning Thinkers, Trolls, Shills 15
      Blind Belief in Hopium 0.

      This is called a shut-out.

  53. Wow!! Has anyone seen this? It claims that "you better be prepared for what's coming on January 15th for an announcement that will rock the nation". Could this be the announcement by the positive military?


    1. I hope it's to say that the whole military, everywhere, all nations, are going to lay down there arms and go on strike!

      Without people willing to fight, there can be no wars.

      Unless the heads of nations decide to step up, one to one, to fight it out, and see who wins, there should never be any nation sending it's people to fight another people.

      It's ancient and barbaric and sick.

      Now if the various military forces around the world have decided, en masse, to simply STOP, that would be a GIFT to the world that would mean something.

      Politicians, Monarchs, Presidents, Dictators, whatever the hell they call themselves, can kiss off! Make peace, or fight with your own, bare manicured hands!


      Ninja Bambi

    2. I hope that is indeed what will happen too. You are totally right Ninja Bambi. I am ex military myself and I decided to walk away from it, to apply my talents to better things, when I saw it for what it was.

    3. That is what it will take. The military must pitch in and do their part and old veteran warriors like me will gladly help. There are thousands of arrests to be made and hopefully all these Cabal disinfo agents will be taken right along with the banksters they work for. Nuremberg Two!

    4. Yes, John Carlo & Anoy 04:20.

      We can but wait and see.


      Ninja Bambi

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I wonder how many here that lives on air? What is wrong with Fulford, Wilcock or any of them getting paid for their work? You don't have to donate or buy their products... your choice... isn't?

    I would prefer to give thos guys my money instead of bying products that is bad for my health.. but hay that's my choice... go figure.

    1. some would regard them as parasites preying on the vulnerability of others. Guess the jury is still out on that one.

    2. I'll tell you all what I consider to be parasites:

      Banking Systems
      Legal Systems
      Political Systems
      Royal Family Systems

      Now there are some people, no doubt, that would disagree with my opinion, and I say that's fine. I don't care if you agree or disagree. I respect that we are not all the same.

      On the matter of Ben Fulford, et al, it's like McCroft said, we each have an individual CHOICE to invest, or not, in the information offered by BF/others like him. And actually, there are several blogs that post BF's full articles, which the blog owner has presumably chosen to pay for, so the rest of us get to read for FREE.

      Ninja Bambi

  56. They are talking about all this over at "Silver Doctors" (silver stackers forum) This can be spread. TRVTH

  57. Did anyone notice obama's speach this afternoon, there was no American Flag! There was a navy blue flag with a large eagle with a red and what striped heart in front of the eagle and the words E pluribus unum.
    Since when does a president speak without an American flag? Flags tell alot.

    E pluribus unum (Latin [ˈeː ˈpluːrɪbʊs ˈuːnũː]) — Latin for "Out of many, one" (alternatively translated as "One out of many" or "One from many")

    1. Different camera angle on CBS. Flag was there. Why are you watching t.V?

    2. One of many - maybe its a reference to Obama's clones ;-) lol!
      Sine Nomine

    3. What is important is that you do not see the gold fringe around the flag - Admiralty -Maritme

  58. Anon 9:48, yea, that's some kind of clue isn't it? You never see the "President" without the US flag. Interesting, isn't it? But what is all the BS about?

    D, can you shed any light on what Obama is doing and why?


  59. Hmmm, this sounds somewhat familiar... Wow, maybe the Peoples Trust IS onto something?


  60. To add another post from Dylan's site, these are absolutely AMAZING videos and ABSOLUTE PROOF that things are and have been moving! These people have been onto this for a long time and this "resistance" hasn't just happened all of a sudden. Just because you don't "hear" or "see" what you consider to be proof, these msm clips will tell you change is happening.

    These are powerful clips!

    1. Nice clip to open peoples minds, but it's from 2 years ago... What ever happened with what they were talking about in the video?

    2. Well, I would think it's a good thing that this was from two years ago because it means that people in the right areas have been "outing" this stuff and have become aware of the deception perpetrated against us. And, I think ultimately, it means that people HAVE been working behind the scenes to get this stuff corrected. I think there are some good people in politics and withing the alphabet agencies/military who DO care about the future and are concerned for our well being. It takes a brave person to stand up for Truth, especially in the msm. You're putting yourself out there, but at some point, people decide if you don't stand for the Truth, what do you really stand for? Anyway, that's some of what I take away from these "old" clips.

  61. TO Wandering Fire :
    I always speak for myself.
    I did not advocate KILLING anyone.
    Though, I admit that I wish Hitlary was DEAD.
    I cannot stand the SIGHT of HER (OR "IT").
    There is a VAST difference betweem "killing" & "wishing".

  62. Where did the "I AM" originate? Is it really what you believe it to be? Before you offer a knee-jerk reply, I urge proper research rather than a cursory google of the words.

  63. I myself try to be "logical" about this, but the fact is, there is only so much logic our minds can handle, according to whatever info we have in our brains. There is a lot of forward thinking being done by those working for the liberation of this planet and none of us here have any idea of what's really going on behind the scenes. Besides, all of the speculations going on are just our egos wanting to say later on "I told ya so!!" Some here are trying to say that there is no hope, that we are slaves and yet offer no positive solutions.......who are they kidding?

  64. Hey

    I can provide you with a lot of inside info. I am a former us and uk govt contractor working in the financial sector in London . Please post an anonymous Skype account or other way to get in touch. Your assessments are largely on the money although there are both good and bad news you are not aware of.

    Contact reedit account pp72green


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