*A conversation with Trustee Heather Tucci-Jarraf of The One People's Public Trust*
January 3, 2013
by American Kabuki, Brian, and D.
Brian from the American Kabuki ground crew and D. from Removing the Shackles discuss with Heather Tucci-Jarraf how she got started investigating banking fraud and the events that led to her being invited into the TOPPT as a trustee.
To give you an overview of the concept of what this organization is doing you have to understand how our current reality has been manipulated.
Some time, long ago, humanity made the choice to experience separateness from Creator Source. In in truth separation is impossible, but Creator Source allowed an allusion of it for its many manifestations of Source. A contract was made and sides were chosen by the participants in duality consciousness. Whether this was a voluntary choice or whether humanity was pushed and tricked into it by outside meddlers, I don't know.
The choice to experience separateness in a state of duality consciousness drew into this environment other beings who were attracted to the lower density negative consciousness. They fed off the negative energies. An invasion of sorts ensued. These beings set up an quantum anomaly in the etheric realms that would cut off human beings that inhabited this planet from source, their identity, and their memories of other incarnations. Thus shielding humans from the natural energy input from Creator Source. This allowed these beings to parasite the energy, time, and resources of human beings dwelling here, and shield themselves from higher energies they found uncomfortable. This quantum anomaly vastly shortened human life spans which facilated control because knowledge was lost when people died. They convinced the people over the ages that they had sinned, that Source had abandoned them because Source didn't love them. That they had fallen from grace. Nothing was further from the truth.
They used the natural energy grid of the planet to reinforce their control by making sure the darkest and most savage events took place on the acupressure points of this planetary grid creating a negative feedback loop into the very ecosystem of the planet. The earth energy grid looks very much like the patterns on the surface of a soccer ball.
Governments were formed, and an economic system was imported from the Orion system. They had done this on other worlds before. It was a competitive economic casino system pitting one innocent human against another. The game was rigged and the house always won. The system rewarded handsomely those who faciliated the system, the beings needed human minions, and they quickly empowered the most sociopathic and compassionless among the people, to rule as puppets for them.
They created systems of hierarchies, one form of "archy" "ism" and "ocracy" after another. They knew that to keep up this synthetic entropic reality of scarcity, they must always polarize the beings who still had energetic ties to source within their heart. For if they awakened the illusion would fall. They divided humanity with religions, ideologies and political factions to keep people in their seats within the system and so busy surviving they never had time to simply BE.
No time to ponder, no time for contemplation, no time for joy, just a brutal struggle for basic survival while the minions of power wallowed in luxury and comfort. For if the people had time to contemplate the structure of the universe they dwelt in, they would notice the stars defy entropy and only grow more complex, and that nature itself defied entropy producing much bounty from the soil and sunshine compared to the effort of planting it, and the full abundance the Creator Source intended for humanity.
The spiritual traditions were twisted, the judges corrupted, and the educational systems were all designed to teach people this was the natural order of things.
What the Trustees accomplished was the reverse engineering of the financial system, including its endemic corruption. They discovered was that it was beyond repair. But what to do? The minons still controlled the judges, the police, the banks, the media, and the consciousness of an unawakened humanity. For all the corruption inherent in the system, all the companies, transactions, financial houses, and governments (worldwide!) were all registered corporations within a very well documented system called the UCC. All IRS codes are registered in the UCC. All US Codes are registered in the UCC. All international equivalents are registered in the international equivalent of the UCC It’s all there, registered and documented. The US was a Corporation until they canceled it and left what always was, the United States of America Trust. There was one for Australia. Iran too was a corporation. This means the very concept of self-determination by the citizens of ANY country, was and is a complete fraud.
What wasn't well known was that the UCC and commercial registry was itself a privately run company, commandeered and run by the principals, agents, and beneficiaries of these slavery systems, these private corporations until one of the people discovered it. Through a series of registration, gift, and assignment the ownership is now with the original owner who paid for it...we the people of this planet. But humanity didn't "know" that it was gifted, or rather, returned back to them and the bankers were sure not going to tell them that. In legal terms, in order for a gift transfer to take place, someone has to accept the gift. Heather drew up the acceptance papers and accepted and registered the gift of the UCC for humanity to be held in perpetual trust by the One People's Public Trust, which itself belongs to humanity.
The One People's Public Trust has created and filed legal documents based on The Law of One, Universal Law, and UCC law that states in effect each human is a manifestation of the Creator Source, and as such is a Creator, and is not subordinate to any artificial principality or corporate fiction.
The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...
Being that these impostors posed as being superior to other equal manifestations of Creator Source, and derived their substance from the abuse, ridicule, murder, theft, and extortion of other Creator Source manifestations, the One People's Public Trust successfully filed and executed legal proceedings foreclosing on said Governments, banking institutions and supporting infrastructure and collaborators. A key part of the approach that "The Powers That Were" could not and will not rebutt, is that the slavery systems were private corporations operating under the guise of the people's governments.
They have created legal frameworks called CVACs which will act as interim governments, they have allocated $500,000,000 from each $5 Billion owed each human in equity, to the each of the 194 CVACs to fund their startup. Every government requires funding.
While the Trust, once fully executed by lawful military and law enforcement, will bring substantial prosperity to humanity, its bigger than, its the legal basis for the complete permanent removal of the slavery system the controllers instituted.
Download the MP3s here: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2013/01/03/the-one-peoples-public-trust-discussion-of-1-1-13-video-and-mp3s/
BTS how to have the translation in French the MP3
ReplyDeleteMy merry friend is transcribing the recording and I will post it for you asap :>) Mon ami
wanna translate it too, in Romanian
DeleteOMG!!! Thank you, D, AK, Kauilapele, Brian and everyone else who helped bring this to "reality"! WE are SOOOO Blessed to be here right now! You guys Rock!!!
ReplyDeleteMuch Love to ALL Humanity!!!
Deletebts can activate the subtitle of the video on you tube to translate English i want subtitle translate english in French
ReplyDeleteNothing will happen.
ReplyDeleteLMAO!!! So I'm reading the comments in all of their sincerity and exuberance for the future and then I get here and read this post. I wish I could convey the humor it was to me. I literally burst out laughing. Thanks 14:51. You chuckle me.
DeleteFor you Anonymous 14.51, my friend.........
DeleteDUDE!!!!!!! Where the hell have you been?! I've been worried sick about you- welcome back :>)
DeleteLove D
Oh don't worry D, Nothing happened to him, and Nothing ever will.
Hey "Nothing will happen" how've ya been? Something must've happened to keep you away ? :D
DeleteSine Nomine
Okay I AM BEing, I am responsible, I am FREE and I am manifesting this as MY TRUTH!
ReplyDeleteThank you D, Heather, AK, KP and team. I'm off to listen to the recordings. I may be gone some time ;p
Deleteyou got it chick!!!!!
DeleteWhat a time to be alive! Am feeling it's Happening! Thanks to you wonderful people
Hello BTS,
ReplyDeleteIf this is the case, isn't it a done deal then? Why do we still have all the chemtrails out there? We were blasted again today... so many people getting sick.
What do we need to do to make this manifest into something of substance? It seems as if everything is still business as usual.
Thank you BTS for all your hard work, but don't condemn me for being skeptical over the whole deal. I have heard this story regarding "duality" a while back. Here it is:
Yahweh created us, (Not the true source, according to who knows)? Anyways, everything was so perfect, humans didn't want anything to change. Another group was brought in, to bring in duality (causing conflict). They wanted to leave at some point, but they were trapped by the grid.
Now, they need to get our negativity level up to 95% world wide, and not everyone will ascend. They plan to, at some point, but not during this time. Their time will be at the next age.
All I know is, it would be great to have the wars, violence, hunger, and all the nasty things on the planet earth to stop and be replaced by love, truth, and abundance.
Blasted in the southeast US as well. Chemtrails here have picked up drastically since the election, almost every day now and at night the cloudy sky is red. Pretty creepy.
DeleteI have noticed towards evening, the sky instead of being dark, is pink/dark.
DeleteWhat could cause something like that? Really weird?!
Oh my friend- we will be addressing this in the next few days. I'm putting a team together and we are about to take this to the next level. Wanna come?
DeleteBTS: I want to go........ I would like to see where I can help.
DeleteAnonymous 3 January 2013 15:27
Deletethey brought in negativity. They have to get their negativity up to 95% for their harvest. They go to a negative density, work off the karma they created here.
If you heard it, it was distorted like sitting in a line and first thing whispered is not the last thing spoken when it come out the end of the line.
Their goal was not to 'make' anyone else deal with negative. They brought the tools and anyone could choose to use them, but anyone using them are not being made to be 95% negative nor is the planet being made 98% negative.
Some used the tools and didn't like how they felt, so they are 51% positive or more.
Everyone does not ascend, but ascension is not the end of anything nor is it a beginning of anything.
No one fails if they don't ascend.
I want to see more of this planet. I want to sail the seas, climb the highest mountain, go inner earth, and dive into the depths of the sea.
I'm not ready to leave here and I'm not ready to change form into a crystal (but if I am going to be like a butterfly and enter a chrysalis I made myself (not some machine some other entity created) and come out with wings, I'll take that, but I still want to experience life here. ) I'm not done living on Earth.
So I'll admit I want to be one who does not ascend, i don't care how awake or enlightened I am. I have desires that I still want met while here.
Believe what you will, but one group's goal is not the goal for the planet unless they want to follow along because they are not paying attention.
My understanding is that Yahweh/Jehovah (same entity different spellings) altered mankind who was already on this planet - accelerated our evolution, then realised we were more intelligent than he and his band of geneticists. Yahweh/Jehovah seems to have been a bit of a buffoon because if you read some of the texts (not the Bible) about him its evident he had no clue about his Source - seems he suffered from the arrogance of ignorance! I digress, sorry!
DeleteThese entities dumbed down our DNA because they did not want us knowing we were just as powerful as they were.
There have been various souls incarnated on Earth since then who have tried to enlighten us. Even though the controllers disposed of these good souls and made every attempt to erase their teachings, their texts have been preserved but scattered across the four corners of the Earth. We are now putting all the pieces back together! (imo)
Sine Nomine
Could you people actually understand Heather? Her phone was breaking up constantly and I could not hear her actually answer a single question that Brian asked. Brian sounds like a sincere journalist asking good questions but all I could hear Heather say was that the system was already changed again and again and that we are free. Well I'm not free. I just wrote a check for two thousand dollars property tax on a shack. Overhead I am still bombarded by chemtrails. I go to my slave job each day and the government takes most of my earnings. Free?
ReplyDelete"They have created legal frameworks called CVACs which will act as interim governments, they have allocated $500,000,000 from each $5 Billion owed each human in equity"
DeleteThe first thing you do in the new system is to exhibit a much larger check for taxes.
Brave new world.
I had trouble understanding Heather as well.I'm getting audited because the mafia government thinks I'm ripping them off.My credit cards are through the roof and this is reality.Does Heather have a real solution right now?
DeleteWE will be talking and doing that very very soon- working on it now!
DeleteI've listened to the 1st hr. of the video and I'm totally blown away by Heather and the work her team has done! They have laid one of the crucial foundation stones of freedom in this new age. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT WHEN MAJOR MEDIA MEDIA OR GOVERNMENTS MAKE "BIG DISCLOSURE THAT WILL FIX EVERYTHING"!IT'S NOT ABOUT THAT!DO NOT BE ATTACHED TO DATES, SUMS OR OUTCOMES! FEAR NOT! BE FREE NOW!DECLARE YOURSELF A FREE SOVEREIGN BEING AND ACT LIKE ONE! WALK YOUR TALK AND LIVE IN THE SOLUTION! Don't worry about the people who aren't awake yet and don't want to be free. They're just not ready yet. Let them be who they are and where they're at. Honor their free will choices and let them have their process. They are god / goddess / all that is too, just like everything and everyone else. Love & Gratitude to Heather & TOPPT, RTS, KP, Ben, David W.,and all beings everywhere.
ReplyDeleteIn The One Heart,
Well Geordie,
DeleteAre you going to work tomorrow? Are you continuing to pay mortgage or rent or your other bills? What changed for you since you listened to this video? You must have got more answers than I did.
I am self employed. I do what I love and I love what I do. I am free! I always have enough of everything that I need. I don't live in Scare City. I don't believe in disease. I take good care of myself because I love myself. I don't have health insurance, life insurance, pension, no car, no TV...I don't want or need any of those things. I am free and I create my reality as I choose. I have always been free and always will be free.This is my choice, this is my truth. Yes, I pay rent and bills and buy food with the fake money. That's my free will choice.
DeleteAHaha LOL, Go on Geordie ya good thing.
Delete........And YOU said........
"Ain't nothing gonna break my stride
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Oh no, I've got to keep on moving
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride
I'm running and I won't touch ground
Oh no, I've got to keep on moving"
Man at work (doing what he loves doing)
Not me though, I'm self unemployed (free will choice ), and I live in Procrastination City on a fence. More power to you, I might take a leaf out of your book sometime. Please excuse a frog for jumping in, uninvited, I was compelled to do so by a higher power. Peace.
Totally with you on every word you've said Geordie. I too have been living a live FREE of worries, FREE of FEAR, I'm a self employed too and I do what I LOVE and I'm also a light holder for all of humanity. Love, light, peace and tranquility to all of humanity.
Deleterest assured, when nothing becomes of this too, it will be the negative energy that will be blamed. then, conveniently, the law of attraction will be cited by some fourth rate spiritualist.
ReplyDeleteNah Tom, you're doing a good job of that yourself.
DeleteHoly Moley Canolli! This is AWESOME!!!!! I'm house-sitting and am gonna hit the jacuzzi and listen to the audios. Blessings to all who have helped bring this forward! :)
ReplyDeleteVery interesting interview... too bad it raised more questions that it answered. Still in the dark about HOW this is EXACTLY going to work. I would have liked Brian to continue along his line of questioning regarding his DUI example. What about ceasing payments to credit cards/mortgages/student loans/income taxes/etc? What do you do when they come'a knockn' on the door? "Sorry, man. You don't have authority over me. Take a hike."
ReplyDeleteI hate to be a Negative Nancy, but I'll believe it when I see it. On a positive note, if this is truly legitimate it sounds like we should be seeing MASSIVE changes for the better fairly soon. I'll stay tuned.
This is only one of many we will be doing- because, as I said, there is no possible way for us to do more than barely scratch the surface in 3 hours- and it took us closer to 4 hours to record what we did due to technical problems with connection and sound quality. (and the fact that I kept forgetting to un-mute my mic, duh). This is literally only the beginning.
DeleteActually "you will see it when you believe it." And the wold will make it so when enough people believe it.
Out of curiosity, how many of you also daily check American Kabuki and Kauilapele's blogs? I chuckled when Bryan mentioned that D's peeps check on her blog at least 30 times a day! Yep! Since AK began a blog, I have been checking his, and Kauilapele's probably longer. I'm new here to Removing the Shackles, but this is the best blog because it is the only one where we are allowed to freely comment! Go D!! Thanks so much for this post, I am keeping toes and fingers crossed that this is People's trust is true!
ReplyDeleteit's as true as true can get darlin!!!
DeleteI've been a fan of BTS for a while but I have to say this-having listened to some of this interview/conversation with Heather Tucci i'm not remotely convinced about the One Peoples Public Trust having heard some of the answers to questions from Brian-for example when asked "when are announcements going to be made and in a way that reaches the masses out there" the answer given by Heather completely avoids specifics and goes into this vague "you are free right now" type of rhetoric...tell that to those who are in serious financial and physical dire straits-Sure,I'm free and i'm going to ring my local loanshark tomorrow and tell him that the One Peoples Public Trust said so and therefore I dont owe him any money but if he insists I do owe him it i'll tell him I have 500 million coming to me and could he wait......i'm sorry but its going to take a LOT more factual solid verifiable evidence that this is anything more than a tiny handful of people wishful thinking and hoping that support grows for their actions. Filing legal documents can be done by anyone with the knowledge and know how-people want specifics,VERIFIABLE factual specifics ,not "i cant tell you in detail but trust me its happening" or act "as if" and it will come to pass- well ,i'm sorry until I see specifics i'm not buying it-as in a)quantify who exactly is behind this legal action,what financial companies are involved in terms of having staff taking action to remedy the world financial structures-how many official governmental organisations or groups are on board with this and in what countries?what major media have been advised of it and are they interested in any way in announcing these actions(not all of them are owned by the cabal globally)-hard facts,not rhetoric-thats whats needed now-its 2013-we are DONE with vague generalities-its time to call BS immediately whenever and wherever it rises..
ReplyDeleteP.S i've only Just read the article above the sound clip-"quantum anomaly" and "an economic system was imported from the Orion system"..SERIOUSLY? D??? Right until this minute I thought your blog was about REAL information-Oh god,how heartbreaking,i'm so disappointed.here we go..now you've become just another website blaming the "evil space people" for ruining the planet and capturing our minds and economies...when are we going to grow up and get real and stop blaming ficticious enemies for our own greed and passivity...there are no "Orion systems of economy",there are no archons,there are no off world entites keeping us as slaves-WE are the enemy as much we are our saviours,look in the mirror....armies fight because soldiers acquiesce,banks ripped us off because we allowed them to and because we were greedy as well and took all the cheap money they offered,chemtrails fill skies cos we look up and shrug and allow planes filled with chemicals to take off-for Heaven and Earth's sake-WE ARE THE PROBLEM as much as we are the solution...and while i'm on a rant (sorry guys),BRIAN ,DUDE, for christ's sake get some decent sound equipment or make sure whoever you're interviewing has a decent connection/mic-the sound quality of this conversation was just awful(as was poofs interview)-if youre going to post interviews that might affect " everyone on the planet" then make it possible for eveyone to hear whats being said ...seriously dude...I'm a fan of yours and truly admire your energy and dedication but this does not help get the message out..ok,i'm going to lie down and nurse my broken heart and maybe in the morning D will say it was all a bad dream and the bad space people never existed and she'll have gone back to real topics,you know ,fact based, rooted in reality...
I'm with you dawn. I didn't hear anything but fantasy and no real answers. This actually sounded like Drakes script from back around April so this is probably coming from Nidel again.
DeleteWow, I'll send you Love and healing energies, my friend. You're such a defeated Being. I'm sorry to hear that. It must be a dark place for you to be inside yourself. I hope you find Happiness soon.
DeleteLove to you, JBD
"its 2013-we are DONE with vague generalities-its time to call BS immediately whenever and wherever it rises..."
Deletewell said and i agree with this sentiment. we've been absolutely bombarded with every form and manner of BS in regards to these issues over the years, and it seems every single, at first, seemingly credible person/development involved in this massive drama is sooner or later proven to be either a scammer or a sucker who was used by other scammers to spread false hope. or that the "bad guys" just have an endless bag of tricks to derail anything from ever happening.
i waver back and forth between hope and cynicism due to many, many heartbreaks and disappointments...still hope can never be fully extinguished. i want so badly to believe this one is the real deal, but we have long passed the point of "put up or shut up". i hate to put it that way, but some of the worst abuse has come from friendly, smiling faces. so, for now, once again...i'm hoping.
Michael,please,hold on to the wows and the love and healing energies for yourself-its very generous of you to offer to part with some of your own personal supply but I prefer to source my own rather than have some sent uninvited -I guess it's one of the side effects of being so defeated,along with acute discernment,intense crippling loyalty to reality based truth,a healthy dose of salty sarcasm and all of those defeatist attitudes seem to have ended up allied to the desire that people offer a modicum of proof when claiming world changing powers,information or plans.As for darkness?...i'll settle for the benediction of darkness any time over the versions of love and light that are on offer these days from so many.
Deleteyea, michael. take your condescending projections and shove em sideways.
DeleteHey Tom and JBD, I understand your feelings and I just want you to know that you can't really stop me from Loving you both. I wish you both Happiness.
DeleteMichael, your answer's here are so cute and loving <3
DeleteJust Before Dawn, your rants were so full of contradictions.
DeleteYou have great respect for AK and Brian, but you don't believe in any off-world beings? Hard to accept that.
You want "verifiable facts" of what's been announced by the Trust, but then you state "We are the enemy as much as we are our saviors..." So why do you need proof of anything?
Personally, I think you are controlled opposition and all I can say is YOU should do a better job when you troll sites, if you want to be convincing. I'm surprised no one else has seen through your phony 'rants.'
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWell Done! Much LOVE and gratitude to all those involved.
ReplyDeleteIf all is done then so it shall be and so it is. As a free and sovereign being, with all that I am I demand without further delay all lawful currency or precious metal in which I/We are entitled to be returned to me/us immediately. I can and will accept payment VIA paypal to email address matthewwax000@yahoo.com
Without prejudice,
Oh, I'm sure you are going to get a ton of offers coming in now to your email address. You can probably count on at least 10 new ads for boner pills alone.
Deletei choose to no longer live in fear of boner pill ads
Deleteof course i love the sound of all this...but i don't really "get it". i'm free now? i'm no longer subject to the status quo and the powers that be/were/whatever as long as i declare it?
ReplyDeletehow is this implemented in practical terms? at the risk of sounding "greedy", how do i access this $5B that is mine by rightful ownership? a measely ten grand would save me from losing my home and my car...is there some real-world way for me to be able to access these funds which are currently available? i mean it, i really, REALLY need money like right this very minute or else my life is about to take a very negative turn in the dead of winter, and as hard as i try, i can't seem to meditate this stark reality into anything other than what it is and what is facing me.
there is no sarcasm in my post. i'm requesting real answers in plain, straight forward language. if anyone with some understanding of all this could offer any insight or advice i would be very grateful.
thank you,
I thought Brian did a pretty good job of asking those very questions. I never heard the answers though. She took him around in circles like a fox being chased by a couple of hounds and you could tell Brian was scratching his head. But hey, once again there are people here just elated so maybe they heard something we didn't.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSo she teleported all the gold and now has possession. Could we see a current photo with her standing next to it? Something other than Drakes old cut and paste scam please. I'd be most grateful and would find this just a bit more believable. While you are at it, a picture of the teleportation device would be nice, hopefully without Jeff Golddblum as The Fly standing next to it.
ReplyDeleteI'm visualizing a cabalist trying to drag his 1000 lb. solid gold ass across the floor - what a great way to keep them from escaping !!! LOL
DeleteBTS - when is list of question going to be posted - the list Heather said would have the right questions to ask when we found ourselves in a situation that would help us disentangle ourselves from the system and not wind up slapped with fines, etc? I am confused about things still - and I do agree with some comments that Heather danced around issues without actually coming out and answering them. At some point in time - an announcement of some sort will have to be forthcoming when the regime change takes place here in the United Serfdom of America. the sooner the better.
ReplyDeletewhat about my shool loans - to pay or not pay? IRS? cross them off my christmas list? i want to be pro active- the old guys are gone - circling the drain - we know that - but are the folks who work for these places aware of what is going to be coming down the pike?if i had that list - i would cross the IRS off my paycheck tomorrow.
this is going to be a wonderful new world, folks. stay strong in your creative visualizations- stay strong in your knowing that we will see this thru - stay strong in your beliefs in yourself. seeing is believing - i agree-and as Heather said - do some backtracking and find out dates/times/places. think back to all the intel - some of it was spot on - it all feels to be coming together. hang tight - have faith- and know that Creator has not forgotten who we are - and the sooner we start to remember who Creator is - the sooner we become reconnected to who we really are.
as i've said my friend- this first conversation was literally just barely scratching the surface. we are moving forward and there is a lot more to come
DeleteIt only scratched the surface because she wouldn't give a straight answer to some very good questions from Brien. She had plenty of time and chances.
DeleteFrom what I understood, she did give straight answers to the best of her ability. She did not give a date because there is no date, things will happen when they happen. Everything is ready, all of the systems are in place. Paper work is done, Gold and technologies are ready to be released, we are all free.
DeleteIt is up to us to take that freedom. There are people in positions to come forward and implement the changes (government, military). There are people in positions to release this information through the mainstream media. WE are the ones who decide when this comes out. WE are the ones that cause the people in the positions to "move things forward" to make the change. The shields are down, but that does not mean that the ship will simply blow up.
When asked what can WE do she said, "you are already doing it." We need to speak out about what we want. It doesn't matter whether you speak out to the government, to the media, on alternative media sights, or in your mind. Your intent for positive change is there. That is what brings about the change and that is what Heather was trying to convey. People united create the change, and WE are and WE will continue to do so.
This is amazing fantastic , amazing , wonderful lets rock and roll, who s in Scotland whos up for it from tomorrow :) Lorraine
ReplyDeleteD, I’ve been following your website because you seem to provide no nonsense, clear intel. This is what I expected when I listened to this interview: clear and concise answers. First of all, the sound quality was horrible. Every other word Heather said was cut off, and you had to strain your brain to try and piece together bits of her sentence to figure out what she was saying. Then, when you did figure it out, it was nothing but vague verbiage about us already being free. Dancing and more dancing, without saying much of anything. Like most of us, I want an answer to the 64 thousand dollar question… where are we in the process of getting these announcements made about the new government and banking system? If Heather doesn’t know, she should have said she doesn’t know. I am grateful to her and the trustees for all the work that went into setting the legal foundation for a change in banking, but what steps are being taken to implement the changes? Heather was asked this question more than once and she never gave a direct answer. We need to see arrests being made and these criminals held accountable. Hard intel, please! D, your clarity would be appreciated.
you are about to get inundated with hard intel in the next few days. D's days of sitting in the corner colouring are over.
DeleteAwesome D, I was very inspired by Heather, and the essence of what she spoke made a lot of sense to me and seemed real. In fact, it is a strange coincidence that just in the past two days, I felt this freedom and realized that there is nothing to fear and that no one can enslave me anymore, only physically assault me, ultimately.
DeleteAll that being said, the conversation/interview was very confusing for me at times and a bit vague. It is like everything has happened already yet at the same time the credit companies are calling me obsessively, if I go driving without my car insurance, I'll be pulled over, I can be put in prison for something that does not violate the law of one; it's like in the outer world absolutely nothing is happening, and I don't mean this as being judgemental of the 'good guys' behind the scenes.
Yes, I realize that what we all must do is be in the moment and take mindful action and do out part. But that being said, individually, we only have so much experience and knowledge and ability in our physical bodies in this lifetime.
Is this ultimately a waiting game where the momentum of all the people awakening will create the changes, or is there an actual 'event', announcement of some sort to the mass public, advanced technology making an appearance in stores, or gold being delivered to everyone, that we are also waiting for? Are we waiting for the collective and doing what we can, or are we waiting for something behind the scenes still?
Alot of people's posts I have read here so far D dont want more intel they want answers. Like as to when this shit is going to be officially announced, cuz there arent enough of us ready to just stand up and claim our freedom at the moment. Something has to break in the mainstream.
DeleteIgnore the negative comments and those purposely made to make followers of this blog look like bumbling uneducated dorks. Of course there's going to be a major push back to the release of this new information. Use your critical thinking skills and hold on tight. We're all gonna be ok. :)
ReplyDeleteI, just finished listening to the audio transcript of the TOPPT interview. It,is very joyous to know that freedom is at hand, but the criminal Babylonian court system we're under is not going to go quietly into the night....Too much money is being made. The Police/Judges/Attorneys need the bright light of truth shone on them for all the world to see via the media until this happens its going to be business as usual. There needs to be a formal disclosure and round the clock broadcast of freedom and what the truth really is. This can't be released in this way people barely read! They only believe the lies they see on TV... Believe me I, just dealt with a vehicle/license registration issue the only info the police are interested in is your SSN so they can access your CUSIP account...Until everyone is wearing the sunglasses so they can see truth ( re:They Live- The Movie) it will be business as usual.
ReplyDeleteAny news about the revaluations of IQD and VND?
ReplyDeleteWe know there was no loan made, on an alleged mortgage, yet the court system continues to allow the banks to steal out homes through foreclosures anyway, even ignoring proof that the bank could not prove they loaned any money. How do we stop this NOW?!
ReplyDeleteAnon 18:12 and 18:43, said, I am in total agreement. We know there was no loan. I have been in court for years, there is so much greed and corruption in the system. We know their whole SCAM, they continue to attempt to extort from us. The system is a colossal RICO enterprise and they need to be held accountable for their crimes. Who is going to do that? Who do we report their crimes to? How are these pretend judges, government employees being paid if their employer has been foreclosed on? How are these courts still tapping into our Cestuie Que Trusts if they no longer control things? As long as these pretend actors can get $ from their actions they will continue.
DeleteWhere are the Common Law courts that have been in existance for months? When am I going to be recognized for who i am, the living breathing divine spirit?
No matter how many times I prove who I am, the courts insanely continue to call me a dead entity and find me Guilty through the Strawman. They continue to ignore that I am the beneficiary and that the clerk and judge are in breach of their fiduciary duty as trustees.
I am sooooooooooo tired of fighting these corrupt actors, we need more amunition than one more remedy.
I was hoping for a peaceful solution.
Wantingpeace, I too have been through the court systems and when they found their Strawman guilty it was not ME they found guilty.
DeleteI heard the attorney tell the jury, 'the role you will be playing today is...'
When you know who you are, it's pretty hard for someone to convince you, you are something else.
The court system is one of the harder tests to pass, but when you know....they know you know....and the outcome is totally different.
They still have their rules they follow and as they go through their rules you (One) can get caught up in the fact that they are still moving forward.
A game has a beginning and an end.
Court has a beginning and an end. You can't stop the game, but if you are who you say you are at the end of the game, you win.
I'll put it this way. If I can learn it, anyone can because we are equal.
portal 2012 cobra need more time to
ReplyDeleteI have seen people file UCC papers and liens going back to 1995 (I visited the Montana Freemen). What now? When does someone benefit from these pieces of paper?
ReplyDeleteVery interesting conversation.
ReplyDeleteSo question: why aren't advanced technologies being manufactured and currently in stores right now if there is no longer anyone in power to stop this from happening? It seems that this has been tried extensively in the past decades but was sabotaged through physical destruction and violence by the cabal. If we are already free now, what is stopping these people who have this talent and ability to manufacture this now? Is there not enough 'good guys' in some retail and manufacturing sectors to make this a reality asap?
This is not meant as a complaint.
P.S. I would like to make this happen myself and take action today but I am clueless both about the technology, the manufacturing, and how products into stores. It would take me a long time to learn this and I am sure that there are many willing people who would be happy to exercise their passion in these areas and years of experience and knowledge. But something must be holding them back still..?
DeleteThe conversation with Heather is very interesting and I realize that I am free ultimately, but it still feels like there is a major force preventing people from creating without being physically harmed.
The manufacturing has been in place for sometime. As a matter of fact, my nephew works for a company that has plenty of overtime for it's employees who are contracted to make the components for some of the products.
DeleteOkay fantastic, and I don't mean this again as whining. But is it that the technology takes time to manufacture before being ready to sell in stores and there is fine tuning happening, or is there still some force that is preventing this to become merchandise for the public. I would imagine that somewhere there would be people in positions of power in business, eager and exhilarated to get this into the public asap because of the fantastic changes that would benefit everyone. And if it's been around so long, it seems some of it would be all ready. Maybe it's just a complicated process and the timing needs to be right.
DeleteIf some of you believe so strongly that some shadowy conspiracy exists then why is it so hard for you to believe that its reign is over and that the Light has won?
ReplyDeleteNow who's asleep or in denial?
Simple. It's because we don't see any evidence! While we were listening to Heather, The US and Saudi Arabia were teamed up kicking the crap out of Yemen. That is reality.
DeleteWhat evidence do you have that strings are being pulled from the shadows? None, just belief is all you have yet that is good enough for you. Flip your train of thought and you may just change your reality.
DeleteWe live in a matrix, controlled by the mass media which is controlled by government. You THINK you see evidence of all sorts of stuff - Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sandy Hook Shootings, but what you see that you think is evidence is choreographed and controlled. Unless you are THERE, in person, no so-called evidence can be trusted.
Delete911 was a hoax, completely perpetrated by the government using one tool - the mainstream media. Every mainstream report was choreographed, there were no passenger planes, no passengers who died, and probably no people in the towers that died. The towers and building 7 were a controlled demolition.
So don't rely on what you THINK is evidence. Heather is saying do your own research to prove to yourself whether what she is saying is true or not.
Demanding that anyone show you evidence is a toddler's tantrum, and proves your enslaved mentality.
The whole point is we haven't been set free by this, we have always been free, we have just allowed ourselves to be enslaved. When we realize this, and start acting free, instead of continuing to act like slaves, this is when things will start to change.
Everything is possible-- but real change is in the imagination so far...
ReplyDeleteOnce the MSM goes, it will be easy to spot.
Okay I listened to most of this and I have to say I was expecting something entirely different, kinda like on 12/21/12. Okay so now we are free and have ascended. Just really thought it would have a different emotion to it than one accompanying a quizzical look. The trust puts out documents that 99% cannot understand, which is what they said was the intention and then come out and tell the people, you're free go out and act like it. Okay so I'm not going to pay my taxes this year. The IRS will cower in fear? Or will I get slapped with a lien, interest and penalties? If this is going to wake up the masses, then a major snooze button is being hit. I'm sorry but I want a new dawn as much as the rest of you, but if this was it, it needs more beta testing.
ReplyDeleteNice write up BTS...this is SUCH an important development for us all :) Please listen in earnest to all the tapes, Peeps. I have, and will listen again. I have also read thru the most of the documents. This is exciting. It seems law as we know it will no longer affect us so terribly. WE will lay out the law for THEM.
ReplyDeletePlease excuse me if I have overlooked something obvious. Which tapes are you referring to, please?
DeleteLight ans light to all you beautiful souls working for the betterment of humankind. I work a crappy job for pennies a day and if nothing else you give me hope and I thank you for that. Godspeed brothers and sisters.
ReplyDeleteHere's a few specific questions:
ReplyDelete1) What about the IRS? I owe them and so does another family member (5 digits he owes them). I don't ever want to give them anything. How do we circumvent them?
2) Can those who have mortgages stop paying them and still keep their homes?
3) What about credit cards, car loans, education loans, etc.? Do we just stop paying them?
4) Any information about the revaluation of the IQD & the VND?
Thank you all very much for what you have done for humanity!!! "Free, free, set them free"
THANK YOU....I get all she said BUT what about the frickin' IRS. Yes, it's BS and feeds the Federal Reserve...and what about those turkeys? I want it all GONE but Friday my check will still have taxes removed. "Act Free" was just a little to simply put for me. I want to yank my kids from public school and home school them but I have bills to pay. Can we have the Declaration of Facts to see and mull over D? I believe it all and see how it started so give me some legalese info and I would love to begin by stopping my employer from forcing me to have taxes removed...I;ll go first just show me how.
DeleteBTS, I just finished listening to the interview and I found it most interesting in a tantalizing kind of way, well done to all of you. I don't have any doubt about the sincerity of everyone involved and that a great deal is going on behind the scenes but I still have issues with predestination and that these are only scenes, including the epoch of dark control that we are exiting, and that everything will fall into place in an "if you build it they will come" kind of way. Isn't it somewhat like a computer program?
ReplyDeleteIt does unnerve me when I hear that the universe works "this way" and there is no other, and when someone speaks so definatively about "the creator" or AEON whether it's Heather, or S. Nidle or whomever. S. Nidle ( who's G.F.o.L. will be connected to our future further down the line, right? ) also talks about ascended masters and Heather often uses the I AM reference too which I'm not fully comfortable with either. Do you see what I mean? - You said yourself that you're not comfortable with the whole ascended masters thing. Has anything given you a change of heart about that? You mentioned that you have barely scratched the surface yet in terms of intel.
I'm familiar with all these subjects within an energetic model of the universe and spirituality, they're not new to me and I don't really fear it. But there's something finite, too organized and dare I say souless about a standardized hierachy of spiritual expression. I'm not married to this doubt I have, but at the same time I won't get carried away with futuristic technologies, money, or be dazzled by "shiny things" over there >just because they're the polar opposite to what I new was wrong here . The humans have always been drip fed "the new" and drip fed information.
I can see how this could be all good and wonderful and true but I can also see the possibility of a hegelian dialectic on a larger scale with the Orions or archons or whoever as the boogieman just as Hitler was here. This is an old story for me aswell, I've heard it all before. I've put this down on paper before over the last few years for my own sanity so I won't expand on it anymore here because this is already too long a comment. But if you or anyone who happens to read this, thinks about this stuff, and no I haven't turned into cryptic, I'ld like to hear how it is that one can be sure that all this light over dark, isn't just duality again, flipping back and forth between duality and singularity on another level. Please don't tell me to discern with my heart because it's already my heart together with my head that's asking me the questions.
Good post Peacefrog - thank you. I share your concerns over the "Orion" scenario etc. I am still peeling away the onion layers in the hope that when I get to the centre the tears will not have been in vain! Airing our concerns is cathartic imo - just the act of putting them out there, because as sure as eggs is eggs, the answers will come back to us by some means or other in time.
DeleteI'm thinking now that it doesn't matter about all the myths legends and rumors about how we got to where we're at ~ just acknowledge that its behind us and that now is different. Once we are at peace, then we can deal with the history at our leisure and it won't be such a struggle to sort out the truth. Just my feelings today! They might be different tomorrow! ;-)
Sine Nomine
From what I have read and what resonates with me our whole way of life is a mimic of what alot of planets are like in the Orion system. Their fate was not meant to be ours here on earth but it ended up that way anyway.
DeleteWell put, Peacefrog, and yes, for all the crap I give Cryptic, one could not be intelligent and *not* question this way. It's true.
DeleteMy strategy has just been to get very quiet, centered in the present moment, and try to let these questions ride. I try to tune into what is at the heart level as much as possible (as you mention, too).
As with most questions, they get answered sooner or later sometimes as much by what is *not* happening or said as what is. I think many have already brought that up here.
For me, it seems that light instead of dark has certain "earmarks" to it, a frequency signature, and also a certain orientation, like I wrote in a comment to Cryptic in a past comment about where it seems there is more of a "service to others" orientation rather than "service to self" on the side of the light as opposed to the side of the dark. But they both still use the same energetic principles and and "universal laws" in 3D, so sure, they run up against one another on a line, just as in the Symbol of the Tao, right? (For those who don't know what I mean, the "yin/yang" symbol.)
But ultimately, it seems that in this dimension of 3D there is no sure way of knowing because as you put it "I can also see the possibility of a hegelian dialectic on a larger scale."
I think that is why I continue to look for larger evidence of something on an even greater scale than just financial freedom alone. The whole financial freedom issue is so very limited. And sure, it is an area where people have huge problems and questions, myself included, but there is a bigger picture and larger stakes it seems that this very physical part of life here on this planet.
I know there is suffering on this planet, I think everyone here who reads this knows there is physical suffering planet-wide and we are fed up of it, and want to change it. It's the common ground we have, even with the "nothing will happen" folks, I hope anyway. I think the reason they write "nothing will happen" is that they wish something could. Why else visit a site like this and take the time to write something like that? No one except truly hardened people and/or psychopaths wants to see suffering, even if it is only their own. The majority of us here don't want to see our own suffering as well as the suffering of others. Why else come to this site to read and comment? (Unless someone is paid to do it, lol.)
For me, as my life has evolved in spiritual matters, I realize that no matter what, I am still here, and bound in time, and the only way out is through. One foot in front of the other.
So, moment to moment, I try to decide what to do, deepening into the "now" and making the best of wherever I am at the moment. Trying to see if there is a way to "hack the matrix," or, to "jump the dialectic" altogether.
I don't know if it is possible, but with some intuitive part of me, I think that there *has* to be a way to do that, based on what we know of dimensional existences in math and science. I think with part of myself, the higher self, I already know how to do this. The rest of me bound here would like to figure that out, too.
But yeah, I hear you -- is there any true way of knowing what is a lie and what is not? And isn't something like a "lie" relative as well?
Anon 4 Jan 01:54 says it nicely: "sure as eggs is eggs, the answers will come back to us by some means or other in time."
Yup, only time will tell.
Wonder what happens if we get rid of "time," LOL!!
Thanks for giving your perspectives Muse, Brando, and the one without name.
DeleteI appreciate it.
I've listened to the first 2 hours of the MP3 of Heather explaining the work of the One People's Trust and what has taken place. It is all great news.
ReplyDeleteThat it is all begin seems evident. It is line watching an avalanche begin in super slow motion, but the mass of the avalanche is starting to move and dislodge other previously immoveable parts of the mass (mountain/snow/economy). Soon the nature of the avalanche will be visible to more and more observers--and lame street media.
One problem with releasing immense wealth to all people is that value is relative. If it is a fiat currency or Troy-ounce chunks of gold, it is useless in itself. You have to convert the value to needed goods. What is to prevent hyperinflation? If I have to use a kilogram of gold to buy a kilogram of flour to make bread, what good is the release of so much wealth in whatever form it is to be released? This aspect has apparently not been addressed, yet I think it deserves some discussion from the admirable and knowledgeable position that Heather is bringing to this issue.
if you were not punching a clock for the man.....and doing what you enjoy doing..... for the benefit of humanity...you would not expect a kilo of gold to provide your service.....cause you don't need a bag of gold....tribes worked like this for years until we came along and civilized them....you have grown up in an individual competition system which rewards you for being "better" than someone else...think of a group being and building the best that they can....
DeleteI am sure there will be a transition period...
If you still have a problem I would be more than happy to make you a loaf of bread....as long as you help me make it....and if you are incapable of helping....you can have it for free.... :)
IMHO, I don't think we'll get 5 billion or so because along with the disbursement of the people's money, all goods would also have been revalued back to their pre-inflation rates. I'm thinking simplistically here because I believe everything from hereon is mere conjecture and we have no way of knowing exactly how things are gonna work.....say we're given 1 million each, the revaluation of goods could make that 1 million 10 or more......I don't know......
DeleteAll anyone has to do is monitor the feeds from all over the globe.....there is something BIG happening that is hidden from the public, there is an eerie quiet that I have never felt before. Anyway, I feel for everyone asking "proof" as I myself am frustrated and tired with this reality, but I also understand that with a massive undertaking such as this, plans and intentions can not and will not be telegraphed just to satisfy people who will only "believe" if they "see"......I also understand that the secrecy is ultimately for humanity's safety.....or haven't anyone realized yet that we are being held hostage in so many subtle and yet blatant ways by the cabal which accounts for the delays and the subsequent frustrations.......I am very tired but I'll wait still yet.....what have we got to lose? If all of this is a huge hoax, then we just shrug our shoulders, continue on with "business as usual", the usual wars, corruption, killings, greed, etc......and congratulate ourselves for being astute in our observations, "I knew it!!" or "I told ya so!!"
However, if it wasn't a hoax, and the truth came out........I wonder what everyone who doubted would feel
The reason people don't believe is because, though you say the people are in charge there is still this de facto government putting out all kinds of Executive Orders to imprison the people NDAA, gun confiscation etc. When will we see that PROBLEM GOING AWAY. How do stop these people. We've had all that we can take. Even if it is just talk, we are tired of their threats.
ReplyDeleteFor one, thank you for putting away your colors. It's funny how the "good" and "bad" guys want to treat the people of the world as children. Actually, it's completely insulting. Do they Not Understand that It's the People of the World that create change???
Informed choice is important. Knowing the information is what will set humanity free. There is no amount of money that can do that. Knowledge has always been the power and its time to bring the power back to the people.
Thank you for all your hard work.
IF EVERYONE, jumped up off the couch to do something RIGHT NOW?
ReplyDeleteit might throw the earth off its axis!!!
best just wait and see what "the big boys at the top" ( to quote Alan Watt ) do to save us. yeah right.
OK D. I am with ya... F that S (LOL) lets do it.
Reality Check in five.. four... three.. two...
Me? I'll be at work for the next 11 hours like I do every week day making my reality paying off the bills and working toward getting a Lake House (some day)
If Nesara happens or whatever? everyone will want a "Lake House" when they realize they can have or do anything they want and at least I will have scoped them out on the internet by then and know where the nice ones are
Ivan Tulafitov
I agree with you Ivan, everyone needs to start defending themselves. We have to have ground roots movements all over the place. The only way this corruption will stop is if we band together as one people.
DeleteThe divide and conquer technique is not working anymore. The people that are still sleeping are aware of it, know something isn't right... so they are slowing peeling their eyes open.
It will happen. But the more information released the better. Why let the power remain the hands of a few, instead of the hands of all? We need to get off our butts.
How do we let the masses know about this ( that have no idea) . I tried telling some people not to long ago and they looked at me as if I was crazy . Was really hoping that this would manifest sooner then later. I have to pay rent to my slum - lord today with money that I don' t really have. Now I will have to struggle till payday. Losing faith here folks and I don' t want to do that !
ReplyDeleteYou are not kidding. Many of us that have been fighting this fight for decades have alienated family members friends and clients trying wake people up. Usually when you show them clear evidence, their noses wrinkle up like you just stuck some dog vomit in their face. They can't face it and the "that's too negative" cliche is a real sucker that I always hear.
DeleteWithout access to the collateral accounts, this trust is meaningless.
ReplyDeleteSo a straight answer to a straight question.
Do you have access to the collateral accounts?
I too listened to Heather and really heard no substance in what she was saying. I at this point in the game of life want to see proof and evidence. I have had it with broken promises and empty words and deeds. Show me the money as they say!!!!In the big scheme of things it means nothing unless we see or experience something tangible. Heather didnt answer the questions until she does it means nothing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. Heather danced around Brian's questions and responded vaguely. Classic lawyer speak. Tired of this shit. Just hurry up and release the information and take action!
DeleteI want to believe all of this but wont until I see something tangible... Hearing that something's been done but not seeing it with my own eyes is meaningless. I want to know the following:
ReplyDelete1.) Distribution and Digestion -
The UCC filings sound good but are ridiculously long and confusing even to intellectual lay persons. Given this, what is your plan to reach and explain all this to the masses with lower intellects, dare I say Red States ;)... in a way that they'll digest and understand it?
2.) If everything that Heather alleged as now closed, gone, shut down, where are the reports of those jobs being vacated?
3.) If major changes were underway, we'd hear about it from people via social media. Explain in plain layman's terms how and when the UCC filings will change the cabal's operations in a visible, tangible way to the average American citizen still under the veil and watching Main Stream Media?
4.) "We took it back to Prime" Lawyers have a large vocabulary. I'm quite sure that more concise language was at her disposal. She simply either chose to be confusing on this, or is incapable of being concise. Neither of these fly well with my "inner knowing". Way more explanation of this please.
5.) "Its already happening"
As Heather kept insisting. I couldn't help but think. 'So then what about IRS and filing taxes this year?', 'What about getting pulled over and telling the cop he's "no longer a cop, and have no authority over me because I am a creator... Where's your employment contract?". I used to be a cop and this will not work. Its irresponsible of her to suggest this. What about my mortgage and other 'illegal loans"? Utility Bills? Do we simply tell them: Hey you're no longer allowed to charge us for these things? I wouldn't.
6.) Explain in layman's terms why UCC filings make a tangible difference, whats the enforcing authority?
7.) There will always be large media. Eventually they have to reform and be on-board or dismantle. What and when will this be?
8.) When we'll see tangible differences and changes such as an end to Wars and atrocities currently underway, Syria, Darfur, Afghanistan?
9.) When will the New Govt will announce itself, take effect?
10.) When does the new currency system begin?
11.) Will there be Total, Some or NO debt relief?
Thank You
As far as I can tell, all tax collection agencies are still working the same as ever right down to the city level. The same with the court system so I haven't seen one iota of change or freedom.
DeleteOne thing I found interesting. I have a very good friend who is a retired attorney but practiced over 40 years. I asked him point blank what the BAR stood for and he got a funny look on his face and told me that he did not know. Has anyone else asked that question of an attorney?
It's the same reaction with the Federal Reserve, and the installation of that foul little agency was the key to everything the cabal has done. Nobody, no matter their level of education, knows anything but a rote, indoctrinated response about it...even if they work in the field of finance. The system has compartmentalized the sheep quite well.
DeleteIf I recall from the interview, Heather said they are working on getting out some instructions to the people as to methods of interaction with the police etc, certainly some methods of dealing with the vile tax collectors as well.
One of the precepts of freedom is that you know you're free and you behave as such.
*This is a largely spiritual concept and is proportionally as powerful as you believe it to be.*
Of course this doesn't preclude a certain level of diplomacy esp. when facing an aggressive cop with a gun. But we must understand, even now, there are precious few people in jail who did not volunteer to be there. Never consent to any actions against you by a police officer--and tell them as such. Repeat after me, "I DO NOT CONSENT." Don't admit to being the ALL CAPS name, tell them your first name and no more--politely refuse to incriminate yourself, keep it simple, "I DO NOT CONSENT" repeatedly and peacefully until they get the idea and leave you alone. Even if the insane bastard arrests you, there will be a record of your statements, hopefully witnesses as well, and the judge will have to take notice. They are mostly dishonorable liars, bullies and thieves who may still dishonor you, but there is more power in this simple phrase AND the presence of the man/woman behind it than you know.
Anon 18:03
DeleteGo to www.Privatis.me and start learning how to empower yourself.
I just don't see how she has been able to work covertly from such vast financial/political/legal organisations that are said to be filled with the cabal?She has been able to work secretly without any of the 1,000's of highly placed and presumably intelligent cabal staff discovering her and having their own plans to counter any papers she might file?She is working for freedom but using a corrupt legal system?
ReplyDeleteI too listened to the conversation...created more confusion than clarity.She gave few direct answers to direct questions, paricularly the important how/when questions.
Michael...careful with all the love talk.... I'm starting to see Glenn Close, rabbits and pots in my mind'e eye...
ReplyDeleteThe liberation of humanity cannot be accomplished by telegraphing all plans and intent......reading all the posts, I can say that they are all legitimate questions and concerns......however, we are only thinking and seeing from a certain limited perspective based on our individual intelligence levels (I don't mean any criticism here)and whatever knowledge we have and believe in. There is only a certain amount of info that we would let in past our already established beliefs......We do NOT have even a small inkling of the BIG picture here......
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, I too, am so frustrated and very tired and just like everyone else, want some relief from this oppressive reality......Please, whatever happens, LET'S NOT TURN ON EACH OTHER.......
One of my conserns was the slip about the Rothchilds as they have been out in the media lately supposedly with a plan for a global currency and world order still just makes me wonder how Heather survived the wrath of the elites and worked under their radar.
ReplyDeleteI am grateful for all the work everyone has done.... I can't wait for the information Heather will provide to claim our freedom....it is time to roll up our sleves and work together....
ReplyDeleteYeah three truckers in charge of trillions. Sure thing. What's not to believe?
ReplyDeleteMental checks should be on the horizon for anyone believing this crap!
B.D. Cummings mobile,al
I call Bullshit, the cops still arrest, we still need our papers to drive
ReplyDeleteWe still pay insurance scam.
5 billion per person, my ass, this chick said nothing all she did was talk around the subject, no real hard answers.
Saw 6 chem trails today.
She is a dis informative lying b*tch
We are still paying tax, who has resigned, what arrest?
I took a good few days to rummage through the different blogs, listen to the interview and formulate some sense out of whats really going on...I'm not even sure if I got the full picture, but curious to see where it all goes.
ReplyDeleteThough this is the first time I'm hearing about the One People's Public Trust, I do know a little about the ideas involving the "law of one." Which as I understand is being referenced here. The "common law" and the Liberation that is supposedly HERE and NOW.."We are free" is the message, and its a good one, an inspiring one.. but I feel many are not ready to believe that. Since birth we've been reinforced with the concept that we are a free nation, we have rights and freedoms, we have democracy..etc. But this NEW freedom, that Heather talks about in the audio, isn't something we are used to...it sounds too unbelievable, and rightly so, because we have nothing to compare it to...
Am I free?...Hard to say when I've conveniently imprisoned myself with a monthly car payment, monthly rent, cell phone contract, credit cards and everything else..I'm part of the system, i have a dependency on money like everyone else. It's easy to say I've been duped or mislead by higher powers, banks, fear...etc and claim i didn't know any better, but everyone has a choice and this choice to continue living as you are presents itself not only yesterday but also NOW...and even more so after learning about The OPPT and the "Shift" that is supposedly underway.
Despite what may be happening outside of myself, It's so important to recalibrate my own thinking and ask...do i agree with my way of life? Are my relationships with people the way i want them to be? ..etc..that is a start in a real revolution that I hope to achieve personally...the rest is just background information to guide me along the way...no point in waiting for someone to hand me my right to a million dollars for example, it it will come when i am ready for it...And when I am ready, I will realize that I dont even need it!
After reviewing some of these articles, blogs and responses (both positive and negative) on American Kabuki, I had this thought...I wonder what it must have felt like to be a slave in America 150 years ago when slavery became abolished. Surely, there must have been disbelief, hope and a whole lot of confusion, fear and joy...but even today we still live under the paradigm of racism and inequality...everything takes time of course, and its up to us to drive this history forward the best way we can.
I would LOVE to discuss this further, and I will with my meetup group www.meetup.com/biggerpicturela as it falls in line with everything that we strive for...independence in all forms...and a truer understanding of our reality!