"The 21.1.2012 for release of these documents is chosen for its importance and now the mankind has 60 days to set the scene to achieve what his forefathers could not do for thousands of years, and by signing himself into accepting peace in its true sense individually and collectively."
Today is the Choice Point.
I will be back later tonight to talk about this in more detail, and to talk about the corruption and mass confusion that is overwhelming those that are behind the scenes.
Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference
The Keshe Foundation made a promise that it will release a request and information on its forum today about the next step with release of its technologies for bringing peace and equality for Mankind.
The following four PDF documents blow in this link are important and to be understood individually and then collectively as one unified paper.
We have not suggested a place and/or venues in our invitation letter for peace conference, as we thought that mankind choice will be the most appropriate.
This peace conference can be held in Tehran, UN offices in New York, Beijing, Moscow or any another place on earth as location can be acceptable to all.
The point is not the venue, but to achieve the world peace for Mankind.
The 21.1.2012 for release of these documents is chosen for its importance and now the mankind has 60 days to set the scene to achieve what his forefathers could not do for thousands of years, and by signing himself into accepting peace in its true sense individually and collectively.
As a race now the man has the technology in hand to enforce world peace and the man collectively has the determination to achieve it.
To be able to achieve the world peace and see the process through, the Keshe Foundation is moving its headquarters to a new location and out of its present prison of Belgium, which has been enforced on it by international political pressure for the past nine years.
The Foundation will soon announce where it will make its new home so that we can see this treaty safely through.
In this way all political restrictions and press restriction on the Keshe Foundation will be removed and we will collaborate with all citizens of the world to make sure that the world peace treaty day can be realised.
Please collaborate with the Foundation and let today be the day when the man starts a new chapter for the humanity and in reaching our goal to let every man on this planet to accept and sign themselves into the world peace treaty with their deeds, their hearts, their soul and intheir words.
The Foundation calls upon world citizens to do what you have done in the last twelve months and as individuals to become a MESSENGER OF PEACE for your home, city, nation and mankind, and take the messages in these four letters to all world leaders, world ambassadors, mayors, religious leaders, your neighbour, brothers and sisters.
By putting these four letters on everywhere, be it on the net, media, social medias, home, work place, palaces, parliaments and by encouraging your governments, leaders of communities and individuals to sign the treaty and to organise and attend peace conferences organised by you and your nation.
Please do with this message as you did with encouraged your governments in accepting the spaceship technology USB key.
I thank you for your support and hope we can achieve together in short time what has eluded the mankind form the beginning of time.
It is time to start a new chapter in the life of the man on earth, where peace and to serve humanity becomes the centre and focal point of every man and not the false materialistic life of today which has brought about so much misery for the man from his inspection on this planet.
I cannot imagine that any true man of peace or world leader will refuse to sign and act up on what he has signed his nation, faith and himself into with signing of this treaty.
PDF Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference
PDF An insight into the Future of Man on Earth
PDF The Status of Scientists
PDF WORLD PEACE TREATY document to sign
M T Keshe
The Founder of the Keshe Foundation
The following four PDF documents blow in this link are important and to be understood individually and then collectively as one unified paper.
We have not suggested a place and/or venues in our invitation letter for peace conference, as we thought that mankind choice will be the most appropriate.
This peace conference can be held in Tehran, UN offices in New York, Beijing, Moscow or any another place on earth as location can be acceptable to all.
The point is not the venue, but to achieve the world peace for Mankind.
The 21.1.2012 for release of these documents is chosen for its importance and now the mankind has 60 days to set the scene to achieve what his forefathers could not do for thousands of years, and by signing himself into accepting peace in its true sense individually and collectively.
As a race now the man has the technology in hand to enforce world peace and the man collectively has the determination to achieve it.
To be able to achieve the world peace and see the process through, the Keshe Foundation is moving its headquarters to a new location and out of its present prison of Belgium, which has been enforced on it by international political pressure for the past nine years.
The Foundation will soon announce where it will make its new home so that we can see this treaty safely through.
In this way all political restrictions and press restriction on the Keshe Foundation will be removed and we will collaborate with all citizens of the world to make sure that the world peace treaty day can be realised.
Please collaborate with the Foundation and let today be the day when the man starts a new chapter for the humanity and in reaching our goal to let every man on this planet to accept and sign themselves into the world peace treaty with their deeds, their hearts, their soul and intheir words.
The Foundation calls upon world citizens to do what you have done in the last twelve months and as individuals to become a MESSENGER OF PEACE for your home, city, nation and mankind, and take the messages in these four letters to all world leaders, world ambassadors, mayors, religious leaders, your neighbour, brothers and sisters.
By putting these four letters on everywhere, be it on the net, media, social medias, home, work place, palaces, parliaments and by encouraging your governments, leaders of communities and individuals to sign the treaty and to organise and attend peace conferences organised by you and your nation.
Please do with this message as you did with encouraged your governments in accepting the spaceship technology USB key.
I thank you for your support and hope we can achieve together in short time what has eluded the mankind form the beginning of time.
It is time to start a new chapter in the life of the man on earth, where peace and to serve humanity becomes the centre and focal point of every man and not the false materialistic life of today which has brought about so much misery for the man from his inspection on this planet.
I cannot imagine that any true man of peace or world leader will refuse to sign and act up on what he has signed his nation, faith and himself into with signing of this treaty.
PDF Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference
PDF An insight into the Future of Man on Earth
PDF The Status of Scientists
PDF WORLD PEACE TREATY document to sign
M T Keshe
The Founder of the Keshe Foundation
The Keshe Foundation is a total scam. So here we go with more BS to swallow now that Obama has been sworn in and the Interim government was a FAIL. Never ending disinfo is all this site is about.
ReplyDeleteApparently, these countries didn't get the memo about The Keshe Foundation being a scam:
You better let them all know they've been scammed!!! Inform your press! Hurry!!
Where is your proof it's a scam? WE want YOUR proof, since you have all the info that isn't disinfo. Where is the proof?? Would it be that Iran has already captured a FEW US drones with the Keshe technology?
Come on, where is YOUR proof for us? You see, it's easy for anyone to claim "scam" "disinfo", etc. But, where is your PROOF speak of? We want to know.
From what I've seen of Keshe, he just keeps moving the goal posts. I am now at the stage when I will believe it when I see it. And I hope the date of 2012 is a typo!
DeleteSine Nomine
Dear Michael: You poor misguided soul. Why don't you do some research on the Keshe Foundation? Keshe has been blabbing his BS for years about all the new technologies he has developed. However, he has never produced anything or any prototype to prove this technology. There's your proof! All he does is make claim after claim. So, "Where's the Beef?" I think he has had plenty of time to prove up. So, Michael, show me your proof that Keshe is on the up and up. Bet you can't! And if you think some Youtube video that Iran captured US drones with Keshe technology, prove it! The ball's in your park my friend.
DeleteThe USA accepted their USB stick in November. I think it was like the 16th. I'm leaning towards this is real technology. Also, all the people of the world hold the patents so no one can steal the technology it belongs to all of us.
DeleteIs this another detour so people won't be so pissed off regarding the lies/disinfo out there? It's easy to see that the people here have a higher attention span than the other sheeple out there.
DeletePlease explain what the conversation was about this weekend. Give us a clue, or is it we don't really matter? We aren't "in the know" because we are just "simple minded."
Hello... we are still here.
Waiting for a real answer and please DO NOT pretend these appropriate questions on here do not need to be answered. It sounds as if the politicians are running the show here as well. If they don't want to answer, they simply ignore. Is that what this is about? Ignore the people?
"anon 12:37"
DeleteSo, you haven't seen his medical videos of trials where he has cured many diseases and even regrown an amputated toe? You haven't seen all the diplomats in his office receiving the technology? You haven't seen the Italian teams of scientists that have built prototypes of his technology? You haven't seen that Iran HAS actually captured a US drone that Obama had to ask to have back (and didn't get)? You haven't watched his MANY public presentations to groups of scientists who confirm his technology? You haven't seen any of that? You haven't heard that UCLA and NASA (haven't heard them dispute this at all)are currently working on his technology? You didn't know that Canada detained him for 11 days, threatening his life and stealing his papers (because he's a "con man")? You haven't heard there are well over 50,000 scientists with his patents that are working on them? Oh, again, where is YOUR proof this is a "scam", other than just saying..."where's the beef?" Really?? Back up YOUR words and do YOUR OWN research.... And btw, again, Keshe isn't the only person working on this...there are countless others! It's only a matter of time before this world is transformed from this archaic way of life to something amazing. Cling to the pastime paradise if you wish. I pray you and others that share the same mentality can open your Heart's and minds to possibility and opportunity.
From the "misguided Soul"
Blessings to you
Boy oh boy Michael: You just won't give it up, will you? Problem is, you've only heard, just like the other shit spewed out on this site that never comes to fruition. And as far as seeing videos, hell, I saw David Copperfield make a plane disappear. Wow! Suggest you go to keshefoundationscam.blogspot.com and see what Keshe is all about. Might wake you up!
DeleteSo, what you're (anon 14:14) saying is, You're right, and everyone else who disagrees with you is wrong? Ok, thank you for enlightening us All. I see no "evidence" is good enough for you unless it's negative. You really showed us! Yeah, I need someone to "wake me up", you're just that person! You create your reality and I'll create mine.
DeleteHave a good day!
Hey, non-believers in the Keshe technology......Our President wrote an EXECUTIVE ORDER forbidding the acceptance and use of Keshe Technologies. If Keshe was BS, would an executive order be required against him and his technologies???? No, he would just be ignored.
DeleteHere is the link: http://www.keshefoundation.org/en/media-a-papers/keshe-news/313-us-presidential-decree-and-keshe-foundation-response
Since this time, which was back in May of 2012, The President changed his mind and accepted the Space Technology, which was done in Nov. 2012.
It is beyond me why someone can't do a simple Google search before showing their lack of knowledge. There you go Michael, I hope us 2 misguided souls are now vindicated, or else our very own Commander in chief right up there with us.
Thanks Crystalline, It's really a shame we have to defend someone who has invented technology to help clean the Earth, cure disease, provide abundance in virtually all we lack today. This is a man who is speaking nothing but Peace and Freedom for Humanity. His foundation is owned by the People of the World, he gives candid interviews and presentations, provides access to his patents, has peer reviews, etc etc etc. And still, people badmouth him, call him a sham, deny it's true, etc etc etc. I really don't see any other motive than "disinformation". Honestly, I can't imagine why someone Would be so absolutely hatefully negative about it for any other reason. Even if it's the common excuses, "we've been lied to so many times, they said it was gonna be this date and it wasn't", etc...sounds like a little kid whining because they didn't get what they want. They must have a REASON for disputing it SO heavily. It can be no other way. Bless us ALL, no matter your "opinion" on this issue. I'm so happy for US ALL, not just the "believers". We don't know what we don't know.
DeleteJust a couple more tid-bits:
Boy, these "government's" ROCK!! They're protecting their "citizens" from these dangerous scam artists that are really a tryin ta get us! They SURELY know somethin we don't bout them scammers! Love the machine that's a protectin ya~! Hate the One's that are tryin to free ya.
Thanks, AK! YOU rock, Brother!
Your right Michael 15:22. If you don't know what you don't know, you don't know nothing. This applies to the Keshe Foundation.
DeleteA question:
ReplyDeleteWhy the need to register on a forum just to see the documents?
And btw, is this what the wait was about?
I don't know, but I'm guessing it may have something to do with operating in THE PRIVATE and electing to do your information sharing between members, as opposed to operating in THE PUBLIC (TRUSTS again)...something like that...others do it too these days, so I understand.
DeleteIf it's not that, I can't imagine why else it is set-up this way.
Ninja Bambi
If you have to register to see the docs that would suggest he doesn't want all and sundry to see them. I find that somewhat of a contradiction if he has said he wants to share the technology with the world.
DeleteSine Nomine
From what I can see there is a negative theme running through this forum with the sole purpose of dragging everyone into negative state. What is the point, is it much better down there wallowing in the muck?
DeleteThe show is not over yet, there's always a twist in the plot when least expected.
Keshe has given his Technology freely to whoever wishes to study it - I fail to see negativity in such a gesture so I seriously wonder where some peoples minds are.
Some countries will employ this Tech and then the rest will follow. This IS a game changer!
I get what you are saying, Sine Nomine, but that's not what I was getting at, nor necessarily what those choosing to operate in THE PRIVATE are attempting to do. It's not likely to be a desire to restrict access, I think, so much as a desire to protect their right to share information with members who have by registering have agreed to be in the way of receiving information, and all without interference from those that operate in THE PUBLIC, e.g. governments, etc.
DeleteCould be that I'm mis-interpreting, or just plain wrong, but that's what I suggest may be the reason for Keshe doing things this way.
Ninja Bambi
When BEing and DOing in full transparency and with full liability for your actions of "not doing harm"... being asked to register and be accountable for your actions on the Forum is a reasonable request. Troll who seek to stay anonymous and do harm will not register.
DeleteLet's all play nice and take full responsibility for our actions.
"Kindness is Power"
Why rely on hearsay? Why not check out the video for yourself. Watch the whole thing, it's not long:
DeleteKeshe Foundation Promo Intro Video (english with multiple subtitles)
Not buying it.
ReplyDeleteWe are simply IN TROUBLE.
We can't even get the USA fixed.
I want Tesla's technology's. they work
DeleteKeshe has studied Tesla's technologies and has expanded from there.
DeleteI think you are correct, ANON 1151.
ReplyDeleteBut, it does not change the fact we have lives
that are not worth living - we are slaves.
And, it appears that is not going to change.
WOW! You're in a dark place, my friend. I'll send you and anon 11:52 extra Love today.
DeleteI feel bad for those Soul's that feel they have no hope.
Bless you & we Love you.
It's a year old - date 21.1.2012
ReplyDeleteIt could be a typo, just sayin'
DeleteI also think TOPPT/OPPT is a croc of SH*T.
ReplyDeleteIt's all a croc.
you are a crock of shit you ball less wonder. you hide behind Anonymous so you can bitch but what have you done lately to positively enhance life lately. I am Justicar if you anonymous pieces of shit had any real backbone you would be about adding to benefitting mankind instead of acting like Bush Crime Syndicate Patsies. I am Justicar. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Deleteand boy, did you just do unto another.
Justicar the only thing you and your fake name have shown is that you are a dumb ass.
DeleteHey Justicar. Let's see that smiling face of yours. Seems to me you're anonymous too.
DeleteIt seems to me the efficacy of TOPPT is yet to be seen & known.
DeleteSo far, it seems to have been ignored by the cabal.
Unless, the acceptance of taxes only after 1/31 is a sign.
If so, they have 10 days to announce Nesara, or tax returns
will begin to be sent to the parasites.
TOPPT SOUNDS GOOD, and legit, when it is read through.
I just don't know.
All I can do is reserve judgment.
Well it seems all we are capable of is the same blame and name game as a high school dropout. Are we all so addicted to not having any Hope that we shoot down every possible attempt that is made? In the Dinar world It is exactly the same, Gurus make statements about the Event happening,The galactic world talks about the Event happening, so many different groups all have the same thing in common WE JUST WANT A BETTER WORLD. I am guilty of wanting better as are so many. Perhaps the Elites know this and think if we pull it away enough times their spirit will collapse then there will be no more resistance? My name is Rich, I am Justicar by choice, because I believe in Justice, not the shit they sell in court, but true justice.
DeleteWhy is the date 2012?
ReplyDeletesince all these years kesha not even show a prototype
ReplyDeleteNo credibility here.
ReplyDeleteWell D, you are obviously up and about. With that being said- when are you going to address the elephant in the room?
ReplyDeleteThe date is a typo... simple error.
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice to see folks seeking truth to the extent of showing reasoning for their objections. It's one thing to say it's false, and quite another to show that.
If you don't want to participate, that's your choice. But objections without substance are foolish at best.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think our major issue is that we continually hope someone is going to save us, and what a brilliant plan to keep everyone thinking change and salvation is right around the corner. How many times will we be disappointed before we refuse to believe there are these magical forces out there and they will save us all. I for one have decided to give my focus, thus my power, back to myself. It is time we stop blaming others for actions not taken which we ourselves have not taken. Be the change you wish to see.
ReplyDeleteMajor issue is so many are 'public' servants by choice. Choosing to be a 'citizen' and 'registered' is it's only 'slavery system'.
DeleteJerica, this comment is not directed at you, I using your comment to reply to a greater audience how much what you mention makes sense, and how much they have shut their eyes to...and some people are so 'programmed' that even when they 'think' (I did say think) their eyes are open, they are closed and the people are sleepwalking.
And they are bumping into other sleepers saying wake up and making them walk with them in the dark so we have 'the blind leading the blind.'.
General audience............
You can't expect someone not even a Galactic to break the binds of a contract you've entered into by your own signature.
Jesus Christ, himself, cannot violate your free will to be 'less that who you are', and to 'enjoin with a system of control' by registration and participation.
When the reality hits many it will be too late. There are those that step out on faith, "and are still here", so there is something about doing something different.
But if you are attached at the umbilical cord from womb to tomb claiming some right to live free when you can't even get off the tit, then who cares what your feelings are.
And yes, you can get off the tit and still work and live and eat because being on a tit or attached by umbilical cord is not a requirement. You just think it is.
And what is it you are going to do ?
DeleteAre you going to march down to the Federal Reserve, and shut it down ?
We need help, and there are no 2 ways about it.
We all got tricked into those slavery systems.
DeleteThey are fraud, since the terms of the contracts
were not disclosed. Problem is : they make it tough
to get out of the fraud we were tricked into.
It takes a lot of knowledge, and even then does not
always work.
It is not unreasonable to expect help in getting out
of this fraud. Help from fellow Americans who
are White Hats, and know it's all fraud.
BTW, I never signed my birth certificate - my parents did.
Yet, it locks me into things I do not care for.
I really don't think it's about not helping ourselves because I think we can all reasonably do that especially if we are here on this site reading this information. I don't have a problem with all the positive information that has come out and will maybe eventually help us, but you can't deny that we need a little more help than trying to do this ourselves. A lot of people don't know how to protect themselves even if they tried with a bunch of legal documentation because the corruption is so overwhelming. It's really going to have to come from someone that is in the know and has the power to help us to start to make the change. Like the announcements that were suppose to come out to help us in some way to vindicate and reinforce what we have been saying to others that changes are coming. Yet they never come. It's not really about us not helping ourselves, at least I see it that way, but we can't do it by ourselves no matter how much "umph" is pumping is in the background from Heather or D or anybody else.
DeleteIt's kind of like Jesus when he had to produce a miracle for people to believe in what he preached. Like producing food to feed everybody where there was no food, he gave people proof of something beyond their normal belief, something extraordinary. We have been promised this something extraordinary will happen and yet we are disappointed year after year. Eventually people get tired and loose hope. I wouldn't, but the majority could. Something will have to happen to make ordinary people believe in something extraordinary and to give them hope. Not just documents that say we are free. Truth is we still can't pay the rent and some have nothing to eat and that is something very real.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe 21.1.2012 for release of these documents is chosen for its importance and now the mankind has 60 days to set the scene to achieve what his forefathers could not do for thousands of years, and by signing himself into accepting peace in its true sense individually and collectively."
Assuming that they meant 2013, what's the importance of 60 days from today? According to my calculations, which may be off (Lol), that would be March 22, 2013. Why is that date of importance?
Mar 21st is the SPRING Equinox. It's the day the SUN is 'reborn' and traditionally the first day of the NEW Year. THE biggest day of the year depending on your beliefs.
DeleteNinja Bambi
Another goddamn date in the future?
DeleteNO SIR!
That carrot is rotted in front of me, I'll now just observe each day and if something happens, awesome-possum. Tired of all this energy being wasted on anticipation of a coming day. NO, no longer for me. This is not what NOW thinking is all about.
Equinox - there are two every year. One in March and one in September,when day and night are 12 hours each.
DeleteSine Nomine
I'm with you fourthmeal! Another date passes with no visible results and before it is over we are presented with another one! Coincidence or all part of the plan? ;-) I wonder.....
DeleteSine Nomine
sine nomine I have finally learned the lesson here. Hopefully now my higher Self will not keep placing this confounded lesson in front of me over, and over again. And that lesson is to live in the NOW, and screw these time-tables and predictions. Also, screw any "intel" and all that too. This info will not make you one bit happier, especially when it doesn't come true. If things happen, then accept it with your whole being and move forward. If nothing happens, be a good person and remember you are still a spiritual being having a human experience, NOT the other way around.
DeleteD I know you are a good person but I think this is where you have to prune your "intel" sources, down to HIGHER SELF and the things you KNOW from direct experience. Hearsay and he-said she-said, and all that... man its just no good!
Heather, well, I am just not sure of you, girl. I know you are good at heart because you put all of this together, but I think announcing this stuff without some form of solid evidence, solid proof that it works (like cases!), solid information that is factual and can be proven by photo, paperwork, etc. that PROTECTS people that choose by free-will to follow your direction here... because here's the thing. You can set an animal free, but you can do so in a dangerous location. There's a video of a guy who found a mouse trapped in his house. He then set it free, and it scurried off only to be snatched up by a hawk that swooped in for the kill. Being free does not mean the criminals won't come in for the kill.
I hope people understand what I'm saying here.
I thought the new date in the future was gonna be the 31st of Febuary.
DeleteYeah, Febuary 31st we are all gonna get a genuine trillion dollar coin with Obamas face on the front!
Dont let it get you down people there are lessons and learning in everything. Hope is always in the future and a useful tool for those who think they can deceive the moment.
Is there truth in anything thats been said here on this site? Are good well meaning people being played? Who the hell knows but I do get the impression that dog-ma is catching up to kar-ma. Stay tuned people, be aware and listen well to each other. Good organization with caring humble respectful people interested in truth can make huge changes.
.....listen well to each other......be respectful......
Keshe set 60 days for governments and people to respond to his announcement. He didn't set a date for another announcement as I read it. I can't read the pdfs on my phone maybe it's stated there that there will be another announcement in 60 days. If not you all set another date for something to happen that was never specified by the author, in this case Mr. Keshe.
DeleteI catch your drift fourthmeal...Heather, well, I am just not sure of you, girl. I know you are good at heart because you put all of this together, but I think announcing this stuff without some form of solid evidence, solid proof that it works (like cases!), solid information that is factual and can be proven by photo, paperwork, etc. that PROTECTS people that choose by free-will to follow your direction here... because here's the thing. You can set an animal free, but you can do so in a dangerous location. There's a video of a guy who found a mouse trapped in his house. He then set it free, and it scurried off only to be snatched up by a hawk that swooped in for the kill. Being free does not mean the criminals won't come in for the kill.
I agree with fourth meal. I was so much happier before I knew about dates. I was happy trying to live in the now and doing my spiritual practice and enjoying my synchronicities, etc. I think I will unplug from all date-giving websites just for peace of mind. If something important happens I am sure I will hear about it eventually.
DeleteI may come back here just for curiousity's sake, but I probably shouldn't.
I'm with you Rita.
DeleteWell I am also one watching what happened yesterday and today going....WTF?! For the first time I had vivid dream regarding the RV and saw my 'dream house' as I picked out new bath towels. I have no specific vested interest in the RV but my dreams gave been more and MORE accurate the last weeks so something is up but what, I have no flipping idea!!
ReplyDeleteD- tell me anything that might make this all make sense!
Hugs, belief, and frustration
Obama experiences some "intervention" during the ceremony that would make him President of Nothing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZI2GA9bhFs
ReplyDeleteRight!? No one mentioned this, but I had to rewind it a couple of times because I thought it was bizarre. He paused and made this weird face, "the president of the united sta"...then he didn't even bother to correct himself. So weird. Anyone have any insight?
DeletePublic Oath:
DeleteI, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemly swear
that I will faithfully execute
the office of President of the United State.
Legal definition of 'state' begins with, a people.
Office of President of the United People?
That would be totally rad. (radical and cool)
I caught that to. And notice they NEVER say united States of America? In the meantime during a Legislative session on January 15, 2013 Boehner they are praying to creator God and re-reading the constitution. What is going on?
DeleteObama also swore his oath on two bibles today. The original used by Linclon and the "traveling bible" of Martin Luther King Jr. Very interesting. I watched the video and it seems he was divinely prevented from saying "States" which would could possibly refer to not just the government of the united people but also the united elite shadow government. I do not believe in coincidences...... is the blessing unfolding for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear?
Delete"Kindness is Power"
I'm actually looking into that right now- because that wasn't just someone stumbling over a word. and yes Uwho- not once did he say it- until the very end when he said "god bless these United States of America" not "the" United States of America, but "these" united states of america. Very interesting turn of phrase
DeleteHi, D!
I didn't catch that D, but if contract syntax purported by David Wynn is correct, the word "the" would have cancelled the word "united under contract law. Very intersting and good catch D. I look forward to you blog update tonight.
Delete"Kindness is Power"
I listened to Obama make his oath on http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/inauguration-2013-president-obama-takes-oath-office-18273470 It is as is described in the posts above.
DeleteWhat I don't understand is why the abc announcer says just as this clip starts that this time that the oath is made is the second time as the first one today had an error and there had been a "mistake" made the first time. The idea that was given is that the family left for a private area to practice. I also seem to remember that Malia, who is broadly grinning in this abc clip, was not doing so in another clip I saw much earlier and I did wonder what was the matter with her. Why would they all go inside to practice the oath of office?
This clip is also preceded by at least 3 obnoxious scary movie clips before it starts. WTF?
Ok, I put up the abc vid above with questions re: Obama's oath taking. Then I went to you tube to try to find clip of the first time he took the oath today when Malia was scowling. I was looking at different clips of the oath when his first term oath came up. Oh boy. I had no idea he had screwed up his oath last term. Not to mention that the oath given and spoken specifically lacked any mention of the United States of America. not to mention that everybody must have been distracted by something loud happening loud happening in front of the podium just before he steps up to it. Gaw.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2YoiIb5xi4&NR=1
DeleteI find it rather odd that folks with such defeatist attitudes are coming to a site like this that seeks to uplift and enlighten, then totally fail to get the point.
ReplyDeleteIf this type of encouraging and thought provoking discussion is not for you, that's fine. Your objections without substance, especially when I and others KNOW the truth of the matter is laughable.
You that chose not to see, have a nice day... for the others... we have a lot of work to do in a very short time. Follow your truth and heart.
Seems baffling that those with such weak and defeated mentalities would show up here, isn't it John? It's a shame that so many are so beaten down that they cannot even think of good. I feel bad for them, but send Love to them. That's all we can do to help them out of their despair. They don't know this is all just an illusion and they are arguing within the illusion. I've always heard that arguing with ANYONE online is like arguing with yourself, especially when that "person" is anonymous. What's the point in trying to help those that resist any form of "help" you may want to offer. I'm grateful for those that come here with positive intention and constructive ideas to improve our World and Lives. Thanks, John, just wanted to say hello to you.
DeleteGreetings Michael, and thanks.
DeleteI used to get upset by these folks, but have learned that they are like a rainy day. Inevitable, useful, but a thing that simply means we do things a bit differently.
I have the docs but don't know how to get then on here. I'll send them to D and see if she wants to post them.
So true, Brother! A rainy day, indeed. I would love to see what you have as far as doc's. Is there a way you could post them online, password protected, so only those you give the password to, may view? I'm ready to file as well. Once each of us file doc's and get positive results, we can share with family and friends.
DeletePeace & Blessings to you.
I emailed them to D...
DeleteI'll try something but I don't know if it will work. The F system may allow hotlinking... we will see...
I hope that works...
rain helps things grow...like discernment and critical thinking.
DeleteOh, hey John, I have those doc's already. Thought you were referring to the OPPT doc's, as in "templates" you have worked up.
DeleteThanks for your positive input!
I'm not going to bash. I have learned to wait and see on a lot of things.
ReplyDeleteFirst things first, if something is intel and not supposed to be revealed and it gets revealed the side it doesn't benefit has a head's up and an opportunity (good or bad) to make something different happen.
I also know to ignore people who get mad that someone else's intel did not pan out.
It's all 'trust'. If they don't learned that they are causing the problems they experience, this is the best way to teach them.
Tell them something, tell them it's the truth, tell them to wake up their family and friends to this truth, and let them deal with the consequences of their actions. And the consequences are not even the Karma they created for crossing the boundaries of someone being asleep and having the 'right to not know something'.
Unless there have a contract under penalty of perjury, getting mad about something that is considered not true, points back to the one with the emotional response.
I have never been interested in having intel because if it benefits me and the other side gets wind of it, they can do something such that it doesn't benefit me.
That's why people never give dates for events, or shouldn't, because giving a date; someone can make sure that event on that date doesn't occur.
The oaths sworn to on yesterday.
Questions...Biden was referred to as Vice President "before" he took the oath.
Within the oath, he accepted the "office of which I am about to enter."
Barack took the oath under the name we know him by, not some birther name with Soetoro (or however it is spelled by them).
Biden's oath he repeated word for word what was told to him to repeat...word for word.
Barack's oath he was asked a question at the end by the Chief Justice and he answered it, so it's not word for word, but what does 'you' mean and what does 'me' mean if people want to find a conspiracy? Does it mean he was called God, as in So help you D? and the answer is 'so help me, D'? or is it just recognizing the Creator within as the TOPPT has tried to do, or is it just 'nothing'.
The constitution mentioned is the Constitution of the United States, not "for" and it's not the Constitution for the United States of America. Is United States the corporation, or is united states, the united people, where the legal definition for State is A People, in Black's Law 5th edition is
The two oaths as I heard them and typed them are
I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemly swear
that I will faithfully execute
the office of President of the United States
and will to the best of my ability
preserve protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States
Justice Roberts: So help 'you' God?
Barack Obama: So help 'me' God.
I, Joseph R Biden Jr., do solemly swear
That I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States
against all enemies foreign and domestic
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same
that I take this obligation freely
without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion
and that I will well and faithfully discharge
the duties of the office of which I am about to enter.
So help me God.
I paid attention to the oath and have not paid attention before. I didn't even compare with the oaths their first term. It could be the exact same thing. I don't care. I just paid attention to it this time.
One will 'support and defend' the Constitution of the United States, the other will 'preserve, protect, and defend' the Constitution of the United States
One will 'faithfully discharge the duties of the office ' the other will 'faithfully execute
the office'.
I have to pull out my legal dictionary to comprehend the aspects of preserve, protect, support, defend, execute, and discharge.
Love. Love. Love.
It's all Love.
thank you my friend- I am currently looking over the oaths with several others for those very reasons you mentioned :>)
DeleteYeah he is definitely going to execute the office of the president of the United States
DeleteI thought it interesting that the oath that O swore says "President of the United States" and not "President of the United States of America". The Corporation is usually (but not always) known as 'THE UNITED STATES' (all caps for fiction), while the Organic Union is usually (but not always) known as the 'United States of America'.
I know we are all splitting hairs here, looking for something...anything that will give us some indication that the 'good guys' even exist. Cause they are all looking pretty much like they've just taken us on a shill ride into the mouths of the enemy. I hate thinking that this is all a trojan horse.
ANON 12:57..."I know we are all splitting hairs here, looking for something...anything that will give us some indication that the 'good guys' even exist. Cause they are all looking pretty much like they've just taken us on a shill ride into the mouths of the enemy. I hate thinking that this is all a trojan horse".
DeleteLol. I love it! What if it's true??? We are screwed.
ReplyDeleteHave any of you been on his forum before this week?
Have any of you been watching his videos?
Well I have.
I have posted already on other posts here ,in regard to Mr Keshe.
He has never provided proof.
He is always setting dates in the future for his announcements,which only become ..MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS!
IRAN.....IF IRAN had this tech,they would have shown the world already.
If Mr keshe had the boxes, that he has already sold by the way,There would be no stopping him.
At present his claim is that he delivered a usb key to a majority of consulates including America.
In order to present a level playing field around the scientific community.............Fair enough,I can accept that.
He states that Belgium where he is based will not allow him to show or present his technology,so he does not.
But he goes on youtube and does interviews in this techs regard.
If he has a piece of technology,film it and put it on the yootoob!
I suggest all who come here to go to his forum and log in and read the entries and make up yer own mind.
You will find people asking where their boxes are?
And lots of folk suffering with the HOPIUM.
So please ,anyone attempting to defend him without putting in the research and time I already have----dont!
Cheers baab!
DeleteSine Nomine
so you rely on youtube for your evidence? Pathetic.
DeleteHow about you do your own research. It is a fact that NOBODY can prove anything to ANYONE ELSE. That is simply not possible. any evidence must be accepted by the one receiving it. If you reject out of hand and still demand proof, you are doing yourself a major disservice and choosing not to grow or expand knowledge or comprehension.
Unless one looks up and sees that the sky is blue, no amount of "convincing" will change anything.
john in bc
Deletewho is your comment aimed at?
Oops... sorry. Didn't meant to diss..
DeleteI think I have to much going on at once... LOL.
Thats okay John,Maybe I was not being clear enough ,so I will try again.
DeleteMr keshes interviews are on youtube
Does that mean I am pathetic for accessing his interviews on a website that hosts video interviews?
I have been going to Mr kehses forum since he opened it.
I have been reading his updates since he started updating.
I have read all that Mr keshe ha presented via his website which if you had taken the time to go and look at,is the only place he is willing to post his information ,other than his video interviews which are on you tube,vimeo,etc etc etc
I have not went as far as reading his patents,but there are those on his forum and elsewhere who have.....
If you read my post again it does not say go to you tube and do research it states go to his forum and dive in and when you come up for air,then come back and have a discussion.
My reference to you-tube was in relation to Mr keshe saying he is being censored by the Belgian government.
he supposedly travels all over the world and is an Iranian citizen....
My suggestion was that this man who has all the future technology at his fingertips does not know that if he films his mag-rav technology using a simple hand held recording device and uploads it to the youtube channel ,he will be seen by potentially millions.
Maybe I am limiting my areas of research?
Can you advise me of other places to go?
As always love to all.
Yes john in bc -who was your comment aimed at? I was thanking baab for her comments which resonate with me.
DeleteSine Nomine
Again, sorry... It wasn't aimed at Baab... Well it sort of was until I realized my error. I don't have access to edit, so by being in a hurry, I screwed up.
DeleteIt does happen. from time to time.
Thanks for pointing out my error.
DeleteKeshe's patents ARE publicly available; you can download them for free on the European Patent Office website. Additionally, I have emailed two of the patents to D and also to American Kabuki. These are for a hand-held micro plasma reactor (very elegant design! it looks like an iPod) and a gravitational and energy system. The patents show you, flat out, how the devices work. I'd post them as attachments, but they're .pdf files. If you ask politely, perhaps D or AK could post them.
It ain't over yet, imho
baab - I got your meaning. Been going to Keshe's website myself off and on waiting for the big day which still hasn't arrived.
DeleteSine Nomine
baab - you can go to the website every single day since it started and read every peice of information ever put out and still miss the entire point. Perhaps looking too hard for the wrong thing, I don't know. What more proof can he provide than the very usb keys to his whole works delivered to any country who asked?
DeleteThe Western world will work very hard to shut this up. They want to continue their agenda of total tyranny.
DeleteStop the nonsense. If Keshe put out a YouTube of his machines actually working, the world would beat a path to his door. The Banksters couldn't do squat because the cat would be out of the bag.
Anonymous21 January 2013 16:52, The cat is out of the bag and in the hands of goverments around the world. Would you like your goverment to adopt this science or bury it?
DeleteFrom listening to Keshe, as you all seem to have done, what is a plasma?
I bet all ye nay sayers can not answer that simple question which is key to the whole thing. Answer this or shut up. Google will not help - that will give you old world answers.
DeleteBaab, can you help us out here seein as you studied keshe so deeply - what is a plasma?
DeleteDavidG, the question and its answer are not requisite to determine whether Keshe is credible. Baabs does not need to know the answer to "what is plasma?" to defend her assessment of Keshe as credible. She would only need to answer "what is plasma" if she were defending or debunking a claim of science in some theory, in or outside of a patent technology. This is not her (or anyone's) requirement for determining whether Keshe is credible, though it could be a PART of criticizing him were one wanting to discredit him by his scientific claims. But this is only one avenue for assessing his credibility. The others are equally useful to credit or discredit him. Don't be an ass.
DeleteIf today were a tarot card, it would be The Hanged Man.
ReplyDeleteAnon, you are funny! :-) Gotta love it!
Deletenope- more like the Star
DeleteNope. The Hanged Man.
DeletePlease bestow us in your wisdom, what does Keshe's document from last year have to do with the information regarding our freedom? How has Heather explained the deFacto government in power and how we are suppose to lift ourselves out of the ashes?
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, Anon 1250.
DeleteThe Inauguration went without even a HINT that TOPPT, and all
their tyrant-killing filings, even exist.
To follow up the lies of today with this Keshe crap is really adding insult to injury.
ReplyDeleteWhy not try commiserating with all those your bad intel has disappointed today and come up with a new approach instead of piling dog shit on top of hose shit.
You hit it hadit. She's trying to cover up a fake with another fake.
DeleteDoes not respect her readers . Follow me while I continue to disappoint. Follow me while I continue to hurt you. O I really love you. That hurt is just illusion. I have your best interests at heart ....
DeleteAbout nothing happened today ( Me thinking “hihi curious something always is happening, and when Nothing would be happening that would be GREAT. But *nothing is going to happen ©* was “right” *smile*)
ReplyDeleteI keep an open Mind of this Story Unfolding...Just like I did from the Beginning.
There is ALWAYS something positive in the negative..ying and yang remember J
Today I already shared this http://marlan-info.org/2013/01/21/calling-to-all/ in the previous blogpost of D...but hey why not a 3th time ;-)
Wishing you a happy Now and enjoy your/our Creation and Expirience...
Stay IN Love!
Copiright is very misplaced here like cabal intel
DeleteWell, I suggested the same thing earlier, about that copyright issue:
"Anonymous21 January 2013 08:19
To make it easier for other readers here.
I asked Marthe why she used the © copyright against the text she posted above, which ends,
"...So it is and so IT wil be!
In loving service,
© Marthe Verwijst 21-01-2013"
I'm not sure Marthe actually answered my question, though she did answer me.
And Marthe, you are now asking me, in your P.S. why I asked you about the copyright you claimed.
I asked you because it seems to me, that the act of claiming copyright is because one intends that nobody else may use the copyrighted material without permission from the person claiming the copyright.
That seems to me, a strange thing for you, Marthe, to have done, when posting a comment into this blog.
What are you, Marthe, intending to prevent, deny, forbid your fellow humans from doing by your use of the © copyright?
Most of us, I believe, are here looking for more freedom in this commercial world, not less. Many people here, from the comments posted yesterday, seem to dream of a world where all is shared, freely, with those who wish to partake, and in such a world as that, there would be no need of © copyrights. Give and take, as needed, in goodwill.
That's why I asked you about your choice to claim the © copyright on a blog room comment, Marthe.
Ninja Bambi."
I see I'm not the only one curious about this.
Ninja Bambi
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt was no il wil Ninja Bambi and ALL...When I was writing the comment in works I was realising that it was a beautiful blog for my site...so I put on the © right away...I always do that and I already explained you why...When I was copieing and pasting it here I forgot to delete the ©...I'm not intending to make money out of it...I have everything I need...
DeleteIts a "protection" against those who are wanting to use my writings and art for their own benefits,making money out of it...or wanting to change the words making additions to it or deleting parts.
The words are very carefully Chosen with Great Listening to my Heart...everything letter is where it should be. Altering the Words...would mean alltering, thus lowering, the Energy that the Words are carrying....Making Its Transformational Aspect less...or even transforming it into something negative...
For my Art its the same...
My writings and art don't belong to me...They are from US ALL...
I hope thats answering your question...and my humble appologize if I offended anyone...that was NOT my Intention.
Sleep well
I understand what you are saying, Marthe, and yet it still remains essentially an issue of control and restriction that you are attempting to enforce, within the existing system of commercial law. As you say, "...Its a "protection" against those who are wanting to use my writings and art for their own benefits,making money out of it...". And that is your right, within the current legal system.
DeleteI do understand also that you are attempting to avoid the possibility that somebody may edit your words in such a way that you will find objectionable. However, you could remedy that concern with a polite notice that people don't do that, and explain why it's important to you. In which case you wouldn't need the ©, just the respectful request to leave the text whole and complete. You could also politely request that you are duly credited as originator/creator or whatever term you prefer.
So, again, it really seems to come back to the issue of money and you not wanting others to profit financially on the back of what you created. And yes, that is what the © is for, indeed.
I respect your choice, naturally.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my query.
Ninja Bambi.
Barack Obama was not denied the HISTORY MAKING MOMENT he deserved,
ReplyDelete#1 Twenty First President to be Inaugurated more than once. (on the 21st day of the 1st month)
#2 The first AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT to be voted a second term.
Let him have this day :)
He's had (365x3)+366 days at least.
DeleteSome would say that's way too many.
There's also doubt about him being American.
And I still don't get what why you quoted Moses and the freaking Red Sea on your other post!
Are you one of them there galactic dudes supposed to be saving us.
No offence, just askin'just sayin'......
What mankind is about to do can be equated to the MIRACLE of the parting of the
DeleteRED SEA, in a miniscule way.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Just doing my part and HOLDING THE LIGHT.
Just shedding LIGHT on the situation. That's part of what we are here to do on
the blog.
to see the pdf you save the see the free energy not even a real prototype bullshit
ReplyDeleteYou are correct : NOTHING happened.
ReplyDeleteAt least, nothing positive.
These parasites acted like everyhing was business as usual,
during their inauguration.
TOPPT did not seem to be any factor at all.
Why am I not surprised ?
It was worse than that. Then they had a parade with their fleet of Cadilac SUVs to really rub it in the face of the poverty stricken sheeple. Feudalism has returned, only it's worse than the middle ages. Back then by decree, the King only took a third of the peasants labor produce. Now they take about 70% when you figure all taxes, fees, licenses and permits.
Deletethat drake david neil keinnan wilcook and other aver that you said that shit out your source and its source as shit
ReplyDeleteDo you guys REALLY think we've been under Nesara Law since Dec 5 ?
ReplyDeleteI don't buy it for a second.
I think D was fed bad info.
They are doing this to keep us
complacent and docile sheep.
Have they accepted your taxes yet
DeleteWell, they are taking taxes out of my paycheck. So yes, they are accepting my taxes.
Deletewell they would have to do that until an announcement had been made, wouldn't they? People and businesses would need to educated. Wouldn't they It is interesting that they have postponed taxes being submitted until Jan 31st. Has that ever happened before?
DeleteWe have heard nothing about Nesara,
Deleteor taxes being canceled.
IF this is real, there will be announcements.
I think maybe the White Hats got bought off,
if in fact they ever really existed.
I think D is on the level,
but I question D's sources.
All the "woo-hoo" light does not seem to be
slowing them down.
It just ain't happening, that's the bottom line.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame for us who wish to be free.
I still hope TOPTT proves to be on the level,
but that jury is still out.
So far, TOPPT does not appear to have any teeth.
It appears to be a paper tiger.
D you knew that TOPTT was Bull even before you posted.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous21 January 2013 13:19
ReplyDeleteOR, they are going to get you SO pissed off, you don't think, take your guns, take to the street, then arrest you all in mass and ask, "How do ya like THEM mass arrests now?"
Sorry but if I can't laugh at it all, what's my alternative? I refuse to believe doom and gloom, but I also never bought the Boehner/Paul thing. That just made me laugh.
I have FINALLY learned to read D's posts and NOT the comments. Sorry, trollies.
ReplyDeleteWandering Fire
GO TO THIS LINK AND YOU CAN PULL UP THE PDF DOCUMENTS. http://extraterrestrials.ning.com/profiles/blogs/important-announcement-by-the-keshe-foundation
ReplyDeleteAnother sign in? No different to Keshe's own site.
DeleteNo thanks, I have waited this long I'll wait some more.
Thanks anyway.
Sine nomine
I AM here to state that in today's battle between my head and my Heart, my Heart is winning.
ReplyDeleteI AM still with you, D.
My heart is telling me the same.
DeleteToday's battle wants to be epic.
DeleteBut I feel like that moment in The Matrix when Neo finally realizes he no longer has to dodge the bullets. My head is firing all sort of Smith bullets. But my Heart sees that they don't really exist.
Nothing is happening. It is a big shame! Who are those people, telling lies?
ReplyDeleteRunning in circles within circles. It's easy to see that one side is the same as another.
ReplyDeleteCreate a problem and fix it within another. The awakening is real, but the "Elite" have solutions for that. Remember, these guys are far advanced and already are coming up with another plan to keep us enslaved.
We are our own heros. We need to take our power back and not give it away to people who don't care about us. We are just an experiment...thats all... ignorance is bliss, right? Just look at all the symbolism and you will see the truth.
Circles within circles.
I hereby propose we change the name of this blog to Securing the Shackles. After all, that's what happens when you count on white hats or anyone else to change anything.
ReplyDeleteD – Considering all of the “epic fails” from insider intel, a pattern seems to be emerging. Here is a suggestion. As distasteful as it may seem, at the very least, you and Drake should compare your intel sources to see where common threads are. And then eliminate them, period.
ReplyDeleteTHEY continue to be successful in duping us because they rely on: our factions being separate, our desperate hunger for info about massive, immediate changes, and the thought that the info is so outrageous that there must be something to it. No doubt they’ll attempt to move on to others who have followings to continue their campaign of disinformation and creating utter hopelessness, using basically the same misinfo and adding a new twist to it. They need to be stopped, now.
Just sayin’.
I thought about that too, and while it's worth a shot there is no stopping the disinfo agents from changing their fake name and using many of them.
DeleteIt has to come from the same regional office.
DeleteWith a fake name, you don't know them and you aren't likely (hopefully) to let them worm their way into your confidence. Even if you eliminate some of the known misinformers, we're all better off.
DeleteLike my old pappy used to tell me, "Don't open your mouth unless you're absolutely sure of what you're talking about."
ReplyDeleteYou people are going to hate yourselves to death!
ReplyDeleteWhat you think about (or say or yell) you bring about!!!
Please, please, instead of all the fighting and yelling and hating.....think about this.....
WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT??? You want a world full of prosperity, love & peace.....then ACT LIKE IT!!!
If you DON'T want any of that, then you seriously need to do some soul searching; or at least hunt down the entity that stole it and get it back!
We are all in this together, folks. One planet; no escaping it....yet.
Send love to all. That's what I am doing.
xoxo Christine
So Christine tell me something. Why do the people that always make these claims that freedom is coming always turn out to be WRONG?! Why do they not "bring about what they say" Dufus?
DeleteSome of the people on this blog act like they are in a stupidity contest.
Anon 15:21 Here's a *hug* I don't think you're stupid! Just feeling let down perhaps? Christine, I agree!
DeleteI'm sorry, but did you call 'me' dufus?
DeletePerhaps the "timelines" of reality keep changing because of all the negative energy brought about by those who are always questioning, doubting and hating.
It's all about energy. When there is a lot of negative energy, the attention goes there and draw reality in that direction. When there is positive, the same thing...the attention goes there and reality manifests to that outcome.
Freedom is a state of mind. If you feel free then you are. If you don't...then you aren't.
Thank you LadyX for your kind thoughts.
Everyone who is saying that the Keshe Foundation is a scam because Keshe just talks and doesn't show anything... you are all retards with no brains. JUst think for a second. Do you think he doesn't want to show us? He can't show us because the Powers that Be are monitoring him 24/7. He wanted to show a flying car and they came and shut down and confiscated everything.
ReplyDeleteNo shit? Really? Well I'll be damn!
DeleteThis is actually totally accurate... I do agree that there are forces at work to suppress the dissemination of this information, they are not being very successful.
DeleteMr. Keshe has released information sufficient for even grade school kids to build their own proof of concept devices. They are incredibly simple and easy to make. Doesn't take a nuclear engineer to replicate the results. Now it will take some re-education to comprehend how the device actually works, but results are results.
I offer this information for the naysayers as well as others that would like to see a device produce energy that they can build themselves out of some trash and easily obtainable items. Total cost of the POC device would be around $5.00 and an hour of time...
It exists and available freely for anyone to do for themselves. Now I wonder if the naysayers have the research skills to find it. LOL.
Peace... and puppies.. :)
As for not releasing the flying car, Mr. Keshe has told us that Mercedes has already produced the car, but refuses to release it to the public stating they feel it would not be accepted.
DeleteAny Merc folks in Europe that can confirm?
By the way I see so many retards attacking and blaming those that want to help, people like Wilcock, Drake, Beckow and many others. They're just human like us and don't have the answers to all the problems, they're just doing their best and it's not their fault. I know everything is very confusing, and there are so many different views on the same subjects. But stop blaming each other, if you want to blame someone, blame the cabal and those fucking bankers
ReplyDeletewhen one becomes their mouthpiece, inadvertantly or not, one cannot avoid the contamination and condemnation that comes with it.
DeleteAfter living in a slavery system for so long the idea of freedom and personal responsibility is frighening. However if given a choice of having faith in Freedom and acting positively or going back to accepting the slaverey system and acting negatively, I choose Freedom.
ReplyDeleteTo all those who choose freedom, remember patience is a virture so do not allow others who are struggling to choose drag you into negativity. It is possible that this negativity is infact delaying the unfolding. Let's visualize the new world we want to live in.
Blessings to all for your freewill to choose.
ReplyDelete"D", are you there? Knock knock, "D", are you home?
ReplyDeleteSeems like "D" is quickly turning into one of those Dinar gurus. They put out dates and rates and when nothing appears, the gurus disappear.
"D", you wont be coming back using a different name will you?
Sure just like her three gullible groupies do.
DeleteFunny she works on this everyday, what do you do besides be rude?
Deletewango, i tell the truth. Try it. You might like it.
DeleteI'm sure someone's already posted the fact that Keshe's a year late on his release date 1/21/12? I'm sure it's a typo.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible that the Oath is the verbal contract in the public. For four years the President was bound by that oath to faithfully execute
ReplyDeletethe office of President of the United States
and now,
The new oath is not the the corporation called the United States, so in the public and under pomp and circumstance, he has decided to be President of the Republic and faithfully execute
the office of President of the united State.
no, it's probably not going to go down like that.
ReplyDeletethe comments that are worth reading add something such as a link or information others might have missed. The "useless writers", as apposed to eaters, just complain and try to get others to think like they do. They don't go to other sites that have like minded whiners, they stay here and try to convince people who are not of their like mind that they are right. Now, tell me who is stupid. They are most likely that way is every day life and no one can stand them.
THANK YOU!! It's fully explaining the WHOLE thing!
DeleteI think i have it figured out. It is all about creating super sucker lists all over the world that they can sell to other con artists. One thing that i have seen in common with all the disinfo sites is that they always get around to harvesting names and email addresses. Final stage will be your SS number. After all this for a year of failures, the people left will be considered the most gullible, the perfect sucker and a con man's dream.
ReplyDeleteAll they have to do is mention a short window for access to 'free money' and people will give their social security number and all kinds of identifying info. One trustee wanted blood samples and people were like, where do I sign up...where do I pay?
DeleteI won't call The Creator a sucker, but I will say there are People who won't access their inner core self and are dealing with a lot of things they've created for their own life and want someone else to rescue them from it.
Please take you finger out of your butt. See? isn't that better? Much easier to breathe now isn't it --or is it?
Deletesilverbacked. I'm not the anonymous poster but it seems you know a lot about vision problems and where you place your thumb.
DeleteYou've revealed a lot about you since the comment drew such a response.
Good to know things like that about you silverbacked.
Umm,I just read Obama's speech and it was very clear to me... has anyone read it? It's amazing and tells me a lot.
http://www.overunity.com/ Go to this site for accurate "free energy" and alternative energy truth. There are MANY breakthroughs that are ready. Keshe is some darling of the woo-woo gang but these guys at overunity are the Real Eggheads and have Real proveable stuff. More than that they bicker among themselves to weed out the B.S. There will be finer and better energy given from above but PEACE is more important than powerful gadgets.
ReplyDeleteHi Friends,
ReplyDeleteYesterday, Drake announced that the Disclosure date has now been changed to...Wednesday.
What do you think??
* :-)
Did he give any reason why?? I just don't get why they would go through the whole charade just to denounce the whole thing 2 days later...
DeleteLet Obama make the History he was intended to.
DeleteAll the good he has done will be made known DURING or AFTER the announcements.
I heard him say he was considering naming names of sources, not that Wednesday was You are setting yourself and others up for disappointment. I'm sure that's not what you are meaning to do. It's important to listen to what's being said and not jump to conclusions.
DeleteOops! "Wednesday was........" *disclosure* is the missing word there!
DeleteDear D,
ReplyDeleteI believe that you,Heather and all the lightworkers have the highest of intentions. With that said I have a couple of questions. Did the trustees believe that there was enforcement to break the slavery system? Surely they did not expect these thieves to act in honor. So did the promises of enforcement fail? I have been fighting this heart and soul 24/7 for 4 years. My experience is that all of my DOing and BEing has not produced the freedom and justice that I and humanity seek. You sounded so certain in your article "You have the Right to Know". Now we witness Obama taking an oath not to the united states of America but to the corporate UNITED STATES. My experience in multiple court cases is we can be right and lawful but w/o enforcement we are ignored and our property stolen anyway. Thank You, Donna
I am afraid that you will receive no answer until all guilty parties conferred. do you not find it odd that D has yet to address this mess?
DeleteRight NOW, Lisa Harrison on radio, communicating with Heather : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomreigns/2013/01/22/syncretism-1
ReplyDeleteLet me guse she's saying it'll all go down before the end of this month. Then it will be before April's tax deadlinel. They it'll be memorial weekend then by four if July. Oh wait it's really going down on Labor day right? Oh well it's another year gone by while we all eat there poison gemo radiated food an breathing there chemtrails air. Ya this is a great way to live and try an be humble in this kind of control killing environment. Makes me wonder how long the higher ups want usall to go to
AK just posted a few Keshe articles (mind you** years ago I knew Keshe was a fraud - YEARS), then a vatican article, then a Hillarion channeling - basically - Nothing.
ReplyDelete"True Independence is within the mind."
ReplyDeleteThis includes critical thought. If the facts don't add up, use your independent mind and go from there.
Waiting for someone else seems kinda dumb. The power comes from the highest of the high the first of the very first...you know ...like the alpha and the omega and that kind of Greek thought...but anyway the power comes from that level straight to YOU. No intermediaries. Wait for nobody. We are waiting for YOU. We are waiting for YOU. We are waiting for YOU.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of fraud, it's high time people check out www.proliberty.com/observer/20090105. this site will give you the history of NESARA, what it started out as, and what it has ended up being. This is a exerpt from that site:
ReplyDeleteSince the late 1990s, the term "NESARA" has come up in both patriot and new age circles as the ultimate solution to America’s financial woes. At last, many people were given hope that there were lightworkers secretly working within our own government that would rescue us from the satanic clutches of an out-of-control military-industrial complex. In fact, NESARA is an acronym for the "National Economic Stabilization And Recovery Act," an economic reform proposal drafted by Dr. Harvey Barnard. This proposal was promptly hijacked by a few con-artists seizing an opportunity to prey on the ignorant and their monies. Their co-opted version is the NESARA most people have come to know.
In the late 1980s Dr. Barnard developed his NESARA legislative proposal for monetary and fiscal policy reform in order to double the standard of living for every American within one generation. In 1996 he printed 1,000 copies of Draining the Swamp, which contained his NESARA proposal, and sent them to members of Congress and others, believing the proposal would pass quickly on its merits. It included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans and returning to a bimetallic currency.
Based on a theory that debt is the number one economic factor inhibiting the growth of the economy and compound interest the number one "moral evil" and reason for debt, Dr. Barnard made several attempts to draw political attention to the problems he saw in the U.S. economy.
The proposals were never introduced by Congress, although the Treasury Department acknowledged them and Congressman Ron Paul once commented on them. In 1999 Dr. Bernard released the proposal to the public domain and published it on the internet at his website at www.nesara.org. In 2001 he established the NESARA Institute, a non-profit educational organization that maintains the website.
Shortly afterwards, people began to latch on and promote a radically different version of NESARA. This alternate version maintained that NESARA was enacted into law secretly during the Clinton administration, and that there are "White Knights" working tirelessly behind the political scenes to bring forth this secret monetary reform act.
If you want to know more, go to this site. It may make you sick, but its time for everyone here to realize exactly whats behind all of this. I AM NOT a nay sayer, as I too followed this site for quite some time while doing research on my own. Please folks, take the time to look into this. Many of you could lose the respect of your loved ones and co-workers for spouting off the information you recieve here.
And Saint Germaine is really Jim Bob Germain from Peoria. He works in a hamburger stand and decided if he could sell millions of burgers he could sell millions of matchsticks...uh...No, his name is really Billy Bob Jermain and he decided to rub a genie lamp he found out back of the Hamburger Stand and wished for more genie lamps. Anyway he took it all to Congress and introduced HR 56-007-FUanon and they laughed him out of town because "there was no such thing as a 'Saint' anything and everyone really should have a name that can be hyphenated with -Bob - like Anonymous-Bob or DumbassAnonymous-Bob anyway you get the point. Look Folks--There are White Knights---There are Patriots---they have been wringing their hands for years and there are -- Judges that know right from wrong and YES Virginia...The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.
Delete"This proposal was promptly hijacked by a few con-artists seizing an opportunity to prey on the ignorant and their monies"? I've yet to have anyone claiming to be from NESARA ask me for money. What do you mean?
DeleteThat information is disinfo - "security" not "stabilization".
Nice try anon1751 god bless. :-)
http://goldenageofgaia.com/building-nova-earth-toward-a-world-that-works-for-everyone/nesara-or-the-abundance-program/nancy-b-detweiler-history-of-nesara/ I prefer this explanation, not the one given above, which "by way of lengthy investigation" (picking the first thing off the google search) Either way the fiat currency is going to collapse and your "rulers" are going to have to run from pitchforks and torches if they don't "do" instead of "be."
DeleteD promised an update but has yet to deliver.
ReplyDeleteSomething smells fishy.
Give her a break. She was just on a show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomreigns/2013/01/22/syncretism-1 talking about OPTT. She deserves more than she gets credit for.
DeleteD usually comes on after her children get settled for the night. There is nothing fishy !!
DeleteSome people out there just love this kind of Mind F**king they just keep coming back for more
DeleteEveryone, go to that link for blogtalkradio show. Yes, D was a late guest on it, however so much good dialogue about TOPPT.
Like I said go there to getcha some more of that extra special topshelf Mind F**king there
ReplyDeleteAre you around? What do you think about the present situation regarding TOPPT?
caveat emptor
DeletePeacefrog, oh how I love you! :-)
DeleteI love Cryptic too-- it is important to understand both sides of the coin and keeping our minds open for learning. :)
ReplyDeletearchangel michael channeled through linda dillon suggest other wise when it comes to info on the web about a new president. (@10:30 mark)
Linda Dillon is also the same person who "channeled" last Feb that the galactics would be picking up about 30 or so of Steve Beckow's group and take them about The Neptune space craft for several days. They all waited around all day, but lo and behold, no pick up. Steve Beckow still believes everything she purports to channel as does most of his group.
DeleteNot interested in channeling. Didn't you know they use EMF to get to people?
ReplyDeletePlus, its all sweet words we want to hear... but we need to know the truth of what is going on, not how many "gifts" we are going to receive or how "special" we are.
No offense Anon 18:59, but sick of it all.
HEY FOLKS! D. was right. But in order to be right, she had to be wrong (this is a bit like Schrodnger's Cat thought experiement)
ReplyDeleteOn the 21st, we WERE FREED! FREED! Freed from the shackles of belief in the rescue. Freed from the internet insider info promises of freedom. Freed from the illusion of saviors, anywhere. FREE FREE FREE from the fraud. The cabal has always paid for both sides of the war. Learn your history and you will actually be free.
See? When she failed on the 21st, the 21st became our day of release from this prison of delusion.
Thanks D.! And congratulations!
Grace Sharp