
Monday 19 November 2012

The Third "Daniel" paper: ETs & EDs

Here is Daniel's third paper on EDs & ETs.  As I said earlier this morning, the first couple of pages gives the scientific explanation of "Dimensions", which is a bit daunting, but further into the paper it all makes sense, lol.

New Paper Update-Nov. 19th, 2012

As we continue with our series of “The daniel Papers”, we now come to the publishing and release of “EDsETs”. In this paper we discover some of basics of what are extra dimensional and extra terrestrial beings and how they do what they do. We will need all of our previously learned knowledge contained within the Time and Timelines paper, as well as having our thinking caps firmly affixed to our craniums to continue on this journey of discovery. If your like me, the first part of this paper is a little difficult to grasp and visualize but of course once your passed it, the 2nd half of the paper is once again “awe inspiring” and leaves you with a sense of peace and also excitement as you realize the scope of the abilities we are moving into on our natural path of ascension, and for us the new frontier into the awareness and explorations of the temporal landscape of existence!


NEW FORUM! daniel and I have decided to create a new FORUM here that will serve as a collective Think Tank and network hub for serious discussions of these topics and research, but also as an invitation to other “Uncommitted Investigators” out there who are willing to share there knowledge and research in an open format. Please click below to access and sign up for the new forum.

SoldierHugs FORUM


  1. Sweet, bring it on. Can't wait to meet and greet. By the way forgive me if I accidentally step on anyone's toes, or whatever you call them.

  2. What a wonderful world!

  3. I just found this. Can anyone please provide links to the other two parts ?


  5. look over on the right- the two articles are called "Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders,Timelines" and the second article is called "Time and Timelines"

  6. I was really hoping for Daniel to share some of his knowledge in regards to the exact races that are here or may be here in the near future and as to say wich are benevolent and wich are not. There is much info on the net about this already I know, but it is all contradictive from one source to the next. Just seems that Daniel may have the information to shed some light on the situation.

  7. EVERYTHING ist contradictive from one source to another ... so exactly why should I believe "Daniel" is the real deal?

    1. You shouldn't!!! By the way, I'll wake you after the ascension. NOT! You belong in the 3RD Dimension for another Century.

    2. So now that's negative fear porn, sure you're ascending?

    3. "...EVERYTHING ist contradictive from one source to another ... so exactly why should I believe "Daniel" is the real deal?" - This is a fair question. I don't think it's wise to decide who/what to believe, but rather to listen to your instinct, to determine which sources/information/ideas/theories, etc., resonate within in YOU.

      You are the ONLY one who can choose what's right for you. Asking somebody else what/who you should believe is giving Your-Self no respect and no honour. YOU are the wisest person YOU know.

      It's nice that we can all share resources and information, but it's not required or advisable to seek outside guidance in order to make those decisions that should come from within.

      Best of luck on your journeys, friends. :)

    4. Until I can meet these ET's myself to truly feel their energy fields I cannot make my own judgement other then what I feel through conscious though. And Daniel's is just another perspective to add to my collective of information I have gained thus far.

    5. In my personal opinion and experience, all we can do is read everything and discern for our selves what makes sense and what resonates with us. The truth is that we can not know for an absolute fact what is the absolute truth in anything we read- it's up to each person to do what they can to discover the truth as best they can.
      Brando9000 "Daniel's is just another perspective to add to my collective of information I have gained thus far.".... EXACTLY!

  8. Great! Been waiting for this! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

  9. Hi. If anyone can get a message through to soldier hugs; they need to understand they are (and have been for some time) censored to many. Me in particular (ironically: @censorednewsnow) ... They need to understand (or get someone on board that does) how to mirror, and get as many mirrors as possible organised around the world.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ok duhhhhhh.... sorry not enough coffee before I read your comment- I interpreted it to mean that the comments on soldier hugs were being censored. ignore my comment above. I've already passed your message to Aaron. Thanx!

  10. PS ... A suggestion; please upload the papers (as they are released) to and not only embed them but ensure you click the box to allow them to be downloaded (thus they can be mirrored).

    This is how I've been doing it so far (and it's worked fine, working fine, thus far).

    If we keep mirroring the docs, they cannot find them all fast enough to stop access to the people that need to get these documents.

    For an example; see:

    PS We're fast running out of time:

    PPS This can blow the control mechanism wide open; please consider to embed this video and ask everyone with a website anywhere, to get it embedded:

    1. Daniel's papers already are on Scribd, uploaded by enerchi:

  11. I think I sprained my brain on this one, whew! I am taking a little time to process and then I need to re-read it, After I get some tea/caffeine infusion.


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