
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Is there a Numerologist in the house?

Totally off topic.... I think?

I was just on skype with a very good friend whom I've known for years and years. At one point during our conversation we talked about 4 kids, 4 cats, 4 adults.  A few minutes later we joked about her turning 44, then I glanced up to the screen of my laptop and behind the skype window was my email program- showing notification of a comment that I made at 9:44 and on the other side of the screen it showed that I had 44 messages in my inbox. After we hung up, I looked at the skype screen and we had spoken for 44 minutes.

I know diddlysquat about numerology.  Would anyone like to illuminate what this synchronicity might mean?


  1. I'm not sure, but it's 10:44 a. m. as I read your post and write this response.

    1. When I wrote that, I looked up the number four and found out it has to do with strength and grounding, having learned and now being strong in knowing right from wrong (all of which I've been experiencing last night and this morning, since reading that history book you posted a link to) and April and therefor the month of the teacher and learning. And I was just telling myself at that moment that I needed to go upstairs to continue studying, so I said alright I get the message. And I found volume 44 of my books was by Boswell and this confirmed an argument I had had with a friend of mine. It seemed to be telling me that I was right in my assertions.

      I felt that was in a flow of some sort.

    2. I didn't see until I posted that that it was 10:44. Very strange.

      David Wilcock says that these synchronicites are the interdimesional beings and your future self even trying to communicate in a playful way with you. He says they love to do this.

    3. By the way I guess I'm two hours ahead of the clock on this website. It must have been 8:44 here on this website. Still, very strange that my clock matched in these ways.

    4. Well thats a nice coincidence! Anon 10:44 replies to Anon 8:46 who says its 10:44 right now...

    5. No, anon 17:16 I don't think I was clear: I posted all of the above comments. My clock is two hours ahead of this site.

  2. Go to and at the bottom of the page is a link to triple numbers and their meanings. It says it is a resurection/ascension number. I have been seeing this all week, too.
    Another site says 'the angels are surrounding you now'. It is a positive thing.!!!

  3. Carl Jung coined the term "synchronicity" to describe meaningful coincidences that are causally unrelated, but possess a hidden psychic dynamic linked to the activation in our psyches of some "promordial image" (also termed the "archetype"). The meaning is usually highly personal and idiosyncratic, and one should be careful not to generalize about such things. My experience is that such things are often a message from the unconscious asking to pay particular attention to some issue that is emerging into consciousness. Understanding the universal symbolism of the content can be helpful, but then symbolic meanings can be contradictory in different cultures. Check out this link for useful information on various symbolic meanings associated with the number four in different cultures:

  4. David Wilcock would be proud. :)

  5. It means that the financial reset will occur within the next four days and ascension will occur within the next 44 days.

  6. Angel Number 44 asks that you pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time.  You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment.

    1. Yep, it means "angels are with you, pay attention"

  7. Synchronicity at its finest. I usually see 11 but 44 is 4 times as special.

  8. BTS, I've been seeing 44 & 144 everywhere for the last few months...44 has gone through the roof!I think the angels are trying to tell us something.I will write more on this subject as soon as I join the forum you mentioned.

    1. I have been practicing Numerology for many years. I would say that as the timelines coalesce into the positive future, that the harmony of energies give us a foresight into divine providence that manifests itself in the master numbers that we pay attention to. The numbers were always there, but our particular numbers are shown to us now as a guideline to help us unfold and become centered. Different souls are made aware of different numbers depending on their particular mission.

      The Number 44 is a master number of responsibility, Karma, Opportunity, reevalution. Your Higher Self may be relating to you to be on alert as this may be one of your 4 personal numbers. The personal numbers are the LIFE LESSON, SOUL NUMBER, OUTER PERSONALITY, PATH OF DESTINY.

      If 44 is one of your personal numbers; You are a steady worker. You will persevere in your chosen goal because you exercise discipline. you conform to the demands of a situation, and make the best of it.You prefer to be in an environment where steady progress brings concrete results. Your success comes from useful enterprises.

      You are are extremely resourceful and cautious. You plan your actions well in advance. You could achieve distinction in political or military affairs, where self-discipline and expediency are the keys to success. You are brave in battle. You possess the will to face adversity and the energy to overcome the obstacles through sustained effort.

      Common sense and logic back up your judgment. You enjoy order and stability.Yours is a conventional approach to life. There is a great deal of the materialist in you. Guard against too deep a desire for fame and possessions. This can lead to overwork, poor health, and material losses. You then close yourself into a do-nothing, ignorant world and become discontented and frustrated. Therefore, you should investigate new opportunities to broaden your horizons. Make room in your orderly existence for things you did not plan on.

      You are well developed physically, mentally, and emotionally, but may be missing the intuitive link. The opportunity to develop this side of your character is present. Work on becoming aware of what you cannot "see". Tune into your INNER SELF. When you have achieved this awareness, you will express the master number vibration. Serve the material needs of the world through productive actions, actions first inspired on the inner planes. You can supply the common sense advice that help keep this world together.

      In this master number period you are being offered an opportunity to reevaluate your present circumstances. You have the time to contemplate the value of the rewards you are now receiving. If past efforts have been productive, you will see an increase in stratus and finances. Others will bestow kindnesses upon you. Friends and family gather and increase. At this moment you are reaching out to Hand Of God or the intuitive side of your nature. You are looking for the answers that put your world into perspective. This answer can only be found within yourself. Your advice and wisdom will set others upon their path of liberation.

    2. I wrote the above post at 10:44. It is difficult to put into words how much what you've written resonantes with me. It is difficult to describe to people without it sounding silly, just how profound is that being-in-the-flow feeling when synchronicities happen. When you are struggling profoundly with a challenge, and you feel joyful success and then these numbers come up, this is what is difficult to describe: the joy that seems to be underlined by a higher source.

  9. Three is the triangle, stability, 3D, the physical form of Hue-man completing the cycle and transitioning to the cube, abundance, 4D, Hue-man manifesting abundance as a multidimensional being. I, too, see 4, 44, and 444 every where I look. You are being reminded, as others have said, that the Angels are with you and you are on track. Thank you for the work you do.

    1. The 4, 44, and 444 are completely differing expressions and are not the same in vibration. Each of these numbers can be broken down to 3 different single digits, and thusly, represent separate numerological principles which are expressed through one of the single digits 0 through 9. These are the only TRUE numbers. Every other number can be broken down to one of the original 9 digits. For example, 4 is equal to the principle of 4. 44 which should properly be read as 4+4 is equal to number 8. 444 is read as 12, or actually 3, as the 4+4+4=12. Then since we still have a double digit number,which is not really a number but a composite, we then add the 1+2 to come up with the 3 vibration. As you can see, each number, though similar in appearance is completely separate
      in expression of one of the single digits. The master numbers are only 9 in number, thusly, 11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88-99. These numbers are such that when used in double formation, they are not broken down to the single digit but multiply in power. There are separate delineations for each Master Number.

      ALL IS ONE. ONE IS ALL. I am Watching...

  10. It has just occurred to me that after the ascension, prosperity packages etc. are a done deal. When we are all settled and feeling groovy, it would be an awesome thing to have some sort of (Why do I want to say family reunion?) get together. This blog has some of the most interesting, unique, intelligent, creative and spiritual people. I would love to sit down with a cup of coffee and chat with you all. BTS, I cant thank you enough for the time and energy you have put into my hangout. Does anybody else feel what I am saying?

    1. HEAR!! HEAR!!... very well said. I can feel your energy leaping from the signature of what you write, and am in complete agreement.

    2. I agree Kathy- we have gathered here a unique and eclectic bunch of people, with varied and insightful comments and thoughts. I am truly honoured that so many amazing souls have arrived here and stayed to continue sharing their knowledge and inspiration.


    3. Honestly, I have had such a difficult time finding people to relate to on my level of understanding. I have 1 close friend that I can call and talk to about what is really happening. I have come to view the people here like my family. I am constantly challenged and enlightened by the posts. I also feel like a valuable piece of the whole, having my own contributions to add to the mix. Being I guess what you could call, a starseed, has been extremely challenging and I have been pretty lonely. I have been forced (for the most part) to keep my own council and navigate through my intuition. I just think it would be nice to put a face to the other pieces of this puzzle. I am glad to see that other people view this cyberspot the way I do =)

    4. Kathy, I'm feeling it...imagine what would happen if we were all together in one room, the energy...WOW!It would be awesome if one day we all meet. I think why we've had such a difficult time finding others on our level such as friends and family because all that are on the same level were separated.With the laws of the universe ect, with the help of the internet, we have reunited.Is it possible we(soul family) are not many but we were scattered on this planet to help our friends and family to wake up?I have witnessed some really unusual things in my life and from those experiences I know there is more...

    5. Prosperity, I think that all of us would have that "don't I know you?" feeling as, no doubt, we have been on other journeys together. I follow other blogs too, but none resonate with me like this one. I love the fact that BTS does not allow people who are verbally abusive here. The richness and depth (not to mention intelligence)of the people who frequent this blog is awesome. I too have witnessed things in my life that are not topics of discussion for an average person. Team Dark has had me on their radar awhile and it has made for some interesting experiences (to say the least). So I feel ya there ;)

  11. .... and apparently this afternoons number is 333. when I just looked there had been exactly 333 views on this article. at 3:33 I received an amazing intel call. and just before that I was looking at something online that cost $3.33.

    ......I should call David and ask him what he thinks of all this, lol!

    1. BTS, 333 means a resounding YES of what you were thinking or what you heard on intel.

      I know that to be true because I have seen it happen in my own life. BTW, I have been seeing 888 for the last month and that means financial abundance is coming.

      I hope that abundance comes tomorrow:) Like I have said before a voice clearly told me October 24 that this was going to happen in less than a month. Today is November 20. There only three days left.

      It better happen tomorrow because I can not see it happening Thanksgiving or black Friday or during the weekend.

      I'm not saying this to make you spill any intel, I'm saying it for you to trust what you were given because it is TRUE.

  12. I had syncronicity too today. Got a costumer number 1444. My iphone fall and was broken at 15:55. the enter my car. shows 25777 kilometers.

    That all sometimes a little bit scary :) it happens every day now.

    But your one is biggy!

  13. Hi, i see 2:11, 3:11, 4:11, 5:11, 6:11, 7:11, 8:11 and 9:11 several times a day, anyone have an idea what that mean?

    1. Hmmm, maybe it's related to the 11th gate activation? I hope everyone will participate.

      "Masses will gather and create wheels within wheels of rainbow vortices of Light that will create the critical mass of Light to assist in the final completion of the Compression Grid that will trigger the final clearing of all remaining darkness and duality of this planet to make room for the new world of Oneness. We are making final preparations to exit the event horizon of the black hole that was our reality for the last 26,000 years."

  14. The digital odometer in my Toyota Matrix has a digital temperature reading centered below the mileage. On 11/18, when I glanced at it the reading was 115115 with 51 degrees. On 11/19 it was 115155 and 51 degrees. Today I happened to glance and it was 115211 and 52 degrees (the 52 exactly centered under the 52 on the odometer). I've been having "fun with numbers" for about the last 5 years.


  15. 444 — The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don’t worry because the angels’ help is nearby.

  16. The Japanese say that you are about to be very lucky if you come across these synchronicities. I recently paid 999 yen and then 1111 yen on the same day or even the phone number of my parents home - I dont care anymore Im just SEEING it all over the place - and now I face strange time readings like 11:11; 13:13; 22:22... 10:10 its like a curse and has gotten really intense in the past 4 weeks.

  17. I was shocked when I read the post having to do with the number 4. I have had the number 444 show up 3 times in just 24 hours........ then I saw this post. Would someone share any additional information if the case of 3-4's has any additional bearing?


    2. This is very welcomed information at this time in my life and makes perfect sense.

  18. Dear BTS*D*...for some reason i waited to be a member on your day, at some moment i said to myself ok i will sign up now and that's how i became member #58...hehe!.... ~"5's and 8's, such as 588 or 558 - This number sequence signifies that you are in the 11th hour, right before the change. Do not fear it, as you will be supported and loved throughout this change, which is now imminent."~....God! the 11th hour!....11th hour! i Love You BTS*D* and blessings to All of us in the 11th hour! ...withLove~inLight...Kiss!Kiss! ~chinka~ Ach!....the 11th hour! Awesome!!!

  19. 444 - The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby.

  20. Number 444 resonates with the Archangels, practicality and productivity, honesty and wisdom, order and responsibility. With three 4’s appearing, the influences and energies of the number 4 are magnified and enhanced. 4 is the number of energy, harmony and is the door to illumination, rewards for hard work well done, patience and purpose, passion and drive.

    Angel Number 444 is a message that the angels and Archangels are with you, encouraging and guiding you. They are offering you inner-strength and support to enable you to get the work done that you need to. They know and understand that you have been toiling diligently towards your goals, and encourage you to continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire.

  21. At this place in my life I have felt lost. I am comforted knowing that I am moving in the right direction. Now that I think back over the last couple of weeks, I was having sleepless nights and waking at nearly the same time.

  22. I have what I call Code Numbers since 1995 and they always match in Synchronicities so I believe in their acuracy. The Number 44 in my Codes means: Heaven..everything is well.

  23. I did not make it here until the evening and right when I finished reading your actual post, I looked at my clock (not 24hr clock) in EST and it said, 6:44.

  24. I woke up to 44 messages posted here on RTS since I last checked yesterday. hahahhahahah OK! OK! they have my attention!!! Now if they could just tell me what to do next, I'd be happy! :>)

    oh and how about this: two weeks ago we had 4 solar flares in a row, and then this week we had another 4 solar flares in a row.

  25. Hmmmm This makes for some interesting stuff. I have a question. I was born on 5/5/1961 @ 10:55am. Does anyone have any info other than the obvious 9 destiny number?

    1. The form of Numerology that I use refers to the total of the birth date as the LIFE LESSON NUMBER. The PATH OF DESTINY NUMBER is derived from the given birth name. Each letter of the alphabet has a number designation. example: A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9. Each letter in succession is given the next corresponding single digit until the end of the alphabetical sequence which is Z=8. Each letter of the proper birth name is then added together and the total sum of the digits is the DESTINY NUMBER, or what our life path is destined to become by the end of the life. Your LIFE LESSON NUMBER is 27/9. Numerology does not require the birth time in order to ascertain the 4 personal numbers.

      27/9---This is a number of great spiritual strength. The beginning of a deep spiritual understanding endow you with insight and prescience. You should follow your own intuition instead of allowing yourself to be swayed by others. You are just and wise. You wish to maintain harmony and to help others mentally, physically, and spiritually.

      You have a fertile, and creative mind and love of beauty and art. Energetic, inventive ideas bring unusually successful results after many attempts and changes. Others seek you out because you always have original approach to the solution of their problems.

      Your creativity extends to the physical plane. You will produce an abundant family. Civilizations are built on the stuff of which you are made.

      All business enterprises will succeed with you at the helm. Your mental strength and positive attitude will endow you with the power to act independently. You impress others so that they are willing to follow you and implement your ideas. Your influence over others, coupled with an ability to lead brings you wealth and comfort.

      You have a tremendous opportunity in this lifetime to develop your ideas in a tangible way. There is no question that your mental abilities are great. Now you must bring your ideas out of the realm of concepts and make them a reality. Create useful products that will benefit the world.

      TAROT SYMBOLISM---Ace of Wands.
      This delineation corresponds to a card of the Tarot deck and is helpful in understanding the 27/9 Life Lesson Number. Each number has a equal tarot card and extends from 1 to 78/6, as the tarot deck stops there. Each card depicts an earthly circumstance or situation which can be divined in meaning. The depictions were brought here to earth before man was created and are universal in interpreting the circumstances of the 3rd dimension.

      The Ace of Wands card depicts The Hand Of God coming from a cloud holding forth a living wand.(fertility and growth) Some of the leaves are falling to the ground in the form of YODS. (sparks of inspiration and creation) The wand dispenses life to all areas, for all purposes. It is a pure invention, waiting to be tapped by those that would use this great spiritual power.

      The Life Lesson Number tells us the lessons and gifts bestowed upon the native in this incarnation.

      BE Well.

      ALL IS ONE. ONE IS ALL. I am watching...

    2. Kathy Kelley22 November 2012 11:30

      Hmmmm This makes for some interesting stuff. I have a question. I was born on 5/5/1961 @ 10:55am. Does anyone have any info other than the obvious 9 destiny number?


      You were born at 10:55 am which is the 655th minute of the new day. 655 corresponds to ONE (655) = 131 prime X 5.

      131 "Prime of ONE (655)" days prior to 19610505 brings us to 12/25/60 Christmas Day.

      You were born on the 718335th day from August 11th in 6 BC, the Divine Birthdate of Jesus Christ.

      718335 = 313 prime X 2295

      The (285) Name (5145) of (66) God (764) = 6260 = 313 prime X 20

      1-9, 1-9, 1-8 = A-Z - reduced gematria.

      Dean Fagerstrom - type his name into google - taught me this "Divine Science of Numerical Correspondence" during a 2 1/2 year period beginning in March of 2001. This work is being overseen-guided by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)one of the greatest mathematician, scientists and inventors in all of world history. Swedenborg has appeard to Dean on at least two occasions.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. D shared this experience with the number 44, 144 etc. earlier today.

    I shared some numbers regarding D's birthdate which ended with this:

    Also the end of the 16754th cycle of 44 days fell on 12/04/12 which was 14 days from 11/20/12. However, 4 cycles of 44 days from 11/20/12 brings us to 20130515 which is 88 days from 8/11, the Divine Birthdate. 88 = 44 X 2.

    444 is ONE (1) from 445 which is 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" from Leo (356). 1-9, 1-9, 1-8 = A-Z


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