
Monday 5 November 2012

Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines & Ascension

edited 11/5- 8pm est:  Please feel free to add your comments and any questions you have on the article in the comment section below.  We will be gathering comments from all the various sites that are working together to bring this information out, and we will be forwarding the best questions to the author of the paper. As soon as possible we will post his replies. 

This paper that you are about to read may be one of the most important things you have read in a long time.  I'm not going to lie to you, it is not a quick and easy read- you are going to need a clear head and to have your thinking caps well planted on your cranium.  The gentleman who wrote this paper is genius squared but he worked very hard on bringing this information down to the "layman" level in terms of language and explanations of some extremely in depth science.  As you read this, you will realize just how much of the science that you learned in school is backwards.

As my friend Aaron, of Soldier Hugs has to say:
We all know the “NEW WORLD ORDER”  conspiracy exists, but what you DON’T know is the SUPER SECRET science they have so desperately sought to conceal in covert obscurity for almost a century which culminates the END GAME for the rest of “US” as part of their twisted and insane quest for absolute subjugation and eradication of everyone outside of their demented and synthetically false plan to keep the majority of humanity locked into a spiraled web of deceit, manipulation, and DE-EVOLVED state.

This is being done as a means of DISTRACTION and ultimately a STALL tactic in order keep humanity locked into the current 3D paradigm and installed BELIEF archetypes, as the Cosmic Clock rapidly thrusts the Sun, the Earth, and Mankind towards the natural and inevitable Stellar evolution of ASCENSION!…

Here and Now, comes to us from a genius insider recruited directly out of college to work on SUPER SECRET “BLACK PROJECTS”, the desperately concealed REAL SCIENCE  that outlines the structure and malicious actions perpetrated on humanity for nearly a century. Those of “US” that consider ourselves “AWAKE” know about various plots, plans, and agendas aimed at the ultimate subjugation and extermination of most of “US”, but this is NOT merely for the purpose of enslaving most of humanity to serve the “ILLUMINATI ELITE”, but rather these are mere actions aimed at a MUCH GRANDER SCHEME!

Do not be daunted by the difficulty level in the first part of this article, as you go through it you will find it becomes easier to pull the pieces together.  I guarantee that you will have several *THUD* moments while you are reading this when your jaw will literally hit the floor as pieces of the puzzle come together giving you a greater understanding of so many things that many of us have been discussing and reading about for a long time.

This article "Geoengineering, chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension" is the first in a series of articles by Daniel.  The next article we will be releasing will be "Time & Timelines".... another blow your mind out your ear article that will change just about everything you thought you knew.

Are you ready to learn something that will absolutely rock your world?  Then read on!

Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP,

World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension


  1. Fantastic. Awakening to mass/arrests, financial reset, etc. eventually leads to learning about ascension which is what this is all really about.

  2. A big buildup to saying absolutely nothing that means a damn thing, in my view. I am disappointed.

    1. Right now, Anon 16:16, there is not much to deflect my attention from the sElection Event. I hear jets overhead tonight and there is an uneasy feeling. The posting is much appreciated, BTS. We love you dearly.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Okay sorry, please remove that comment, it is rude of me. I'm just saying.. this is a great perspective on ascension that I never knew of before and I am impressed with this report.

    4. I too have seen unusual military activity today. I'm on the Atlantic seaboard and have seen several military jets, some flying in formation (2 or 3 at a time) flying at low altitudes, headed south. As for the this article, I found it interesting but have read similar theories in the past. I'm ready for whatever transpires...bring it!

  3. BTS: I have to say that the Hype and Timing of your release of this article do not, in my view, balance the content of Daniel's paper.

    To me, this blog's main attraction is your vigilant focus on the possibility of an imminent economic reset.

    While Daniel's paper certainly offers a large view of relevant parts of our collective puzzle, it does not appear to do anything more than recontextualize what we already know in updated scientific terms. (It also affirms our collective ascension as a solar inevitability.) But again, this is something that so many of us already have familiarity with.

    What a lot of us appear to be drawn to BTS for at this time is your unique bead on the possibility of a real economic reset event.

    Every time you blow up a big hype bubble in another direction -- and feed anticipation along with it -- you weaken the simple, basic line if info and intel so many of us come here for.

    Not chemtrails. Not new science. Not HAARP. Not NWO's.

    ...and not because these are themselves unimportant.

    But because there's nothing we can do about these matters directly at this time without breaking the shackles of our economic servitude to a dead supersystem.

    Once the reset happens, then I'm all ears for the other narratives.

    Until then, I beg you: please...consider whether your hyping up technical articles like this is helping any of us when what we're dying for as a collective is a way out of our planetary economic entrapment.

    As usual, I DO appreciate your hard work. I just wish that you would consider maintaining a marksman's focus on the theme of economic reset if and until it finally transpires.

    Thank you for all you do.

    1. I could not have said it better. Maybe this article is a substitute for what was originally scheduled to be released, but, BTS might have jumped the gun too soon in his excitement. This information has been "out there" for many years and is nothing new. I thought we were in store for info regarding the reset or anything else where timing is of the essence.

    2. My friends, while I hear what you are saying, and yes, in some ways I agree that the economic situation is a prime focus at this moment, in the next moment it won't be. And while people await that moment there is time now to focus on things coming. There is time now to look beyond the financial and the political mayhem, and see through that road block and see the detour that the cabal has put in front of us to keep us from driving straight ahead to our goal. Yes the article is technical, but some people- especially those who struggle with the issues of "spirituality" and do not clearly understand what "ascension" is (and let's face it, THAT is not a clear subject when comparing peoples views on what it is, what it will be, and how we arrive there!)- need to read and understand the science. Many WANT to know that there is a solid scientific background, that it's not just "new age hocus pocus".
      Remember too, because YOU know this already, because YOU have a grounded understanding of the science behind this, doesn't mean that everyone does. ;>)
      So far every person I've shared this article with (and the next article that will be put out tomorrow) has taken at least one piece of information from this that has shaken them to their core.

      I am sorry that so many readers automatically thought that this article would be solely about the financial changes. Next time I will insure that I give enough information prior to the article.

      hint: tomorrows article in about Time and Timelines.

    3. It's all good in the hood BTS.

      Timing-wise, just keep in mind that tonight we're on the cusp of the election. That, combined with recent online chatter about a potential reset before the election, imbued your "heads up" with a sense of immediacy.

      I do think that Daniel's information here is a big contribution to the big picture view of things. And yes, we do need to have that clarified in scientific terms.

      I just think that Daniel's contribution will fall neatly into place as we find our economic wings and learn to collectively Fly.

      No disrespect meant to Daniel or you in my previous comments. I just think we're holding so much tension on so many fronts right now that we do well to introduce new voices like his cautiously.

    4. Financials is a good place to start looking for corruption, I think that is why so many people are following this area. However, what is money? What is gold? What is anything of value? Wasn't a "stick" used at one time for money? What one forgets that money is nothing but worthless pieces of paper. We put a value on it, making it worth something.

      Our collective is what the cabal is really after. They need to keep us in line because we belong to them (that's what they think)! I just want everyone to think about this for a second: Why do we all see the same thing? Why do we see all the same colors? If we think about it, that is a miracle into itself. It does show as a collective we define the world in which we live.

      All these years, we have had our thoughts guided and changed to fit the form of thinking of what is real and what isn't. Stepping outside the box and asking questions is the first thing that probably shakes the boots of the people who want to stay in charge.

      Our world is a wonderful place and as a collective it can only get better and better. We all have to hold on to those very thoughts so we can see change. We need to start looking at the good in this world, giving our energy into that instead of all the negative. If our energy is focused upon the negative, that energy becomes a powerful force for evil. Why all the wars? Think about it, it's not about the money, it's about humanity. Keep the fear and hate on the rise, we get more negativity.

      I am not a channeler or a new ager. I just "see" beyond what others may or many not. The amount of information that flows through the web is not bad, but we have to remember our character is defined on how we react to the information. Everyone, please remember... it took someone some hard work and time to get this information to us. Please, be good to all.
      Thank you.

  4. Daniel didn't write this Drake did can see his slang all over it.

    1. buhahahahahahahhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!! oh thank you! I really needed that laugh!!!!!!

    2. That IS laughable, especially since Drake obviously does not have the scientific knowledge to put a paper like this together.

  5. I agree. He didn't say anything new, he just said it in scientific terms.

  6. For some reason I cannot post using my Wordpress ID; hence, Anonymous.

    Fascinating, although not entirely new, and I regret the writer saw this as an outlet for personal opinion on ET intervention. I'm not interested in anyone's opinions on ET or other Ascended beings' "intervention". Stick to the facts, please and thank you.

  7. Since there are other's adding there two cents, I will add mine.
    I always look up at the sky, the sun never shines. It could be due to "global warming, slowly killing the masses making big pharma happy, changing the weather or stopping the evolutionary process." For the record, its probably all of the above.
    On Red Ice Radio, the guy (forgot his name, but he owns webbot) stated that the chemtrails was so people could not ascend.
    I have heard all this stuff before, but I can't remember where. It was a good read, but we are still missing something. What it is, no idea. Or, we are all playing a role in the land of nothing is real, like watching a tv show.
    Thank you for the good read.

    1. there will be a second article tomorrow on Time & Timelines. and Daniel is currently writing several others about various topics that this article touches on and on several other topics

  8. "Until then, I beg you: please...consider whether your hyping up technical articles like this is helping any of us when what we're dying for as a collective is a way out of our planetary economic entrapment."

    I would suggest to those who think along these lines as the anon posted above that one re-reads the article and look a little deeper. It is the spiritual transformation of yourself and collectively as humanity that will facilitate the release from "economic entrapment" and not the other way around.

    The good thing is that this can be done ( the spiritual transformation ) prior to any solar/earth changes. I have done this personally and do not live lavishly nor did I use worldly means to accomplish this as such; and so can you. Once that true desire within you says its really time, you will find the opportunities even with chaos abound around you.

    1. "It is the spiritual transformation of yourself and collectively as humanity that will facilitate the release from "economic entrapment" and not the other way around."

      As the writer you are responding to, I can affirm, as you do, that I have personally undergone all the spiritual transformation I could possibly hope for (or bear).

      So it is not that economic reset is some kind of substitute for spiritual transformation.

      As for your suggestion that spiritual transformation will release the human collective from economic entrapment, I would humbly suggest that this is highly debatable, especially given the systemic impoverishment of the underdeveloped world, as well as the trance-like slumber of most of the developed world.

      I'm not merely dialing for Dinars and not noticing the bigger picture. But somehow, the economic restart needs to help spark our collective rehabilitation and spiritual transformation.

      I don't think that spiritual transformation precedes our economic liberation as a planet in this regard.

      I think, instead, that the two processes are happening together.

      What I need is to be able to count on solid information sources for the economic reset part of the equation.

      I can get all the big picture views I want from a hundred other blogs I have bookmarked in my browser.

      BTS seems to have a honed eye trained on economic reset in real terms. That makes this online space different from most.

  9. "It is the spiritual transformation of yourself and collectively as humanity that will facilitate the release from "economic entrapment" and not the other way around."

    As the writer you are responding to, I can affirm, as you do, that I have personally undergone all the spiritual transformation I could possibly hope for (or bear).

    So it is not that economic reset is some kind of substitute for spiritual transformation.

    As for your suggestion that spiritual transformation will release the human collective from economic entrapment, I would humbly suggest that this is highly debatable, especially given the systemic impoverishment of the underdeveloped world, as well as the trance-like slumber of most of the developed world.

    I'm not merely dialing for Dinars and not noticing the bigger picture. But somehow, the economic restart needs to help spark our collective rehabilitation and spiritual transformation.

    I don't think that spiritual transformation precedes our economic liberation as a planet in this regard.

    I think, instead, that the two processes are happening together.

    What I need is to be able to count on solid information sources for the economic reset part of the equation.

    I can get all the big picture views I want from a hundred other blogs I have bookmarked in my browser.

    BTS seems to have a honed eye trained on economic reset in real terms. That makes this online space different from most.

  10. Don't worry, I'm not daunted by the difficulty of this article. I am daunted by the audacity with which it presents its lack of veracity. Just really, really embarassing to be honest.

    This is a poorly written, though admittedly creative and novel, poorly sourced hodge podge of conspiracy theories with no consideration for their relative validity and sigificance. This is unfortunate indeed because it features some valuable insight into topics worthy of further investigation; however this does not excuse the broader lack of legitimacy.

    Sorry folks, just another propaganda piece. Nothing to see here that is worth the time...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well my friend, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But as the guy writing the article has an IQ possibly higher than yours and mine combined and as he has first hand knowledge of everything he's written here, Pardon me if I choose to listen to his explanation of what's going on and why over yours. If you are someone who trolls the internet looking for "conspiracy theories" to debunk, then you are welcome to look for the exit sign. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    3. philavox, I wish you'd left your comment untouched- it really was quite awesome :>)

    4. [Heh, now that I broke my cover...let me repost for your enjoyment. And yes, I'm the cantankerous Anonymous who always posts here in favor of a hypervigilant focus on economic resets. :)]

      To Anonymous 17:56 --

      From one Anon to another, panning Daniel's article as propaganda is verging on a troll drive by.

      While I'm a bit testy while waiting out the day before our economic reset finally dawns, I do know the difference between babies and bathwater.

      Daniel is, unless I'm mistaken, one of David Wilcock's longstanding go-to insiders.

      If what you're looking for is reductive scientism to back Daniel's assertions, you're in the wrong corner of the internet.

      If you're blaming Daniel for "lack of veracity", you need to explain what you mean in a charitable, respectful tone -- or go someplace else with your empty peeves.

    5. This is "Anon 17:56", just to clarify...

      First of all to the webmaster -- I am not person who "trolls the web looking for conspiracies to debunk". I am actually someone who (used to) come(s) to this site hoping for some good news about the world, in an admittedly naive belief that this blog might have some sort of legitimate foundation. Unfortunately, as has become increasingly clear and crystallized entirely by this ridiculous post, it has none -- only more sensationalized disinformation.

      And to "Anon 18:22" : Referencing "David Wilcock" really does nothing positive for your argument here, just as it does not when this "Daniel" character uses him as a reference for a "scientific" article. David Wilcock is a joke, are you kidding me? You think this guy's supposed connection to Wilcock makes him believable? It makes him a laughingstock, actually...

      And by the way, take a step back into Objective-Land and tell me that these immediate, dismissive responses ("you're a troll", etc), aren't eerily simlar to the reaction that mainstream type will give you when you bring up 9/11 in a truthful manner.

      I don't believe conspiracy theories. I don't believe anything. I follow facts, evidence, and logic, and when those things bring you to a conclusion, you don't "believe" it -- you KNOW it. With that in mind, I KNOW that some of the "conspiracy theories" you reference are actually just facts that might involve criminal conspiracies. However, one conspiracy fact does not another make -- it only makes a sucker out of those that are desperate to BELIEVE rather than KNOW.

      Finally, to the webmaster -- I can guarantee you that this guy does not have an IQ equal to the sum of yours and mine...unless yours has a negative value, which I don't think is possible..but then what do I know, my IQ isn't very high.

      It is very obvious to anyone with a reasonable pinch of intelligence and the slightest bit of objectivity and impartiality that this article was NOT written by an extremely brilliant person who was "dumbing" down incredibly complex science for us, the "laymen".

      This is an article written by a very average person who did a poor job trying to make themselves sound smart.

      But trust me, I'm no troll -- lets keep this conversation going and I will prove to you that I am simply a devastatingly logical person who can't stand farce.

      Cheers, peace and love\

    6. Sorry, Anon 17:56, you STILL have not backed up your accusations with anything plausible, let alone intelligent. It's so easy to make the accusations, why don't you refute what you disagree with in the article, with facts, not opinions. Instead of condemning the author and what he presented, let's, as you say, keep the conversation going and point out to those of us who have no intelligence or objectivity, exactly what points in the article you disagree with and why.

    7. Hi Anon, it's me again, Anon. :)

      Since you consider David Wilcock a Joke, there is little discussion to pursue. I hold David Wilcock with an equal and opposite respect for what I consider to be his consistent and substantive contribution to date, including his published book, his intuitive gifts, and his human vulnerability. (I do consider him equally fallible and at times off the mark, in both his candor and at times his suggestions. Like you, I am beholden to no one.)

      The value of either David or Daniel's work depends on one's frame of reference. If you are using Newtonian science as your framework to evaluate the scientific context Daniel is using, then his assertions will probably seem absurd. If you want me to take your objections to Daniel in any way seriously, I would need you to explain in your own terms what exactly is amiss in his findings.

      I personally have a pretty open mind and am willing to give other's the benefit of the doubt. But when you express blanket negative rejections of Daniel's material (or David's), merely on the grounds of it being "a joke" or "ridiculous", all you are doing is broadcasting your negative conclusion as if you were absolutely correct.

      Take the time to summarize Daniel's findings and rationally critique them -- then I'll hold off on my labeling you a second rate troll. Otherwise, have fun with that.

  11. If/when the sun does go dark, I will be enormously grateful for the understanding of what is really happening. Thank you, Daniel. Also, it is already obvious to the naked eye that the sun is significantly more white than yellow, and larger.

    Question: Daniel, you discounted the photon belt theory outright, which makes me wonder. Is there no truth to the IBEX "ribbon" data at all?

    1. Thank you Patricia- I will forward your question to Daniel to answer.

    2. 3 days of darkness... as the prophecy goes, just made the connection.

    3. if Patricia meant the event Pane Andow is talking about in his -breath taking- presentation about the expected cosmic event I'd love to know as well, how to correct his analysis.. (!!)

  12. I'm desperate for the financial reset so I can have some peace from this insane world.. but frankly, why/how are people so bummed out and/or critical about this fascinating information? I probably don't have the intelligence and time to understand this fully but it certainly is intriguing. I have never quite encountered this relationship and perspective on ascension before.

  13. I have to say though, despite all that I gained from the report, the 'epilogue' seemed a bit silly, off track, and unnecessary to me. I don't understand the fear of being 'saved' by ET's. From reading about near death experiences, I really don't think higher dimensional beings are the types to impose their beliefs/ways onto others and I think that in that reality of indescribable love and higher dimensional beingness, the whole discussion in the 'epilogue' is irrelevant. Besides a lot of us are probably ET's/ED's anyway.

    1. 'I really don't think higher dimensional beings are the types to impose their beliefs/ways onto others'

      Then why are we in this mess? Is this mess solely caused by Earth humans? All the religions of the world including the biggest religion of them all - the almighty dollar - who created this type of mind control?

      Is it just Earth humans that have caused all the dark days in history?

      Why is it that it was written in ancient texts that aircraft and spaceships did exist fighting wars.

      Why is it repeated in so many different cultures that the small 'g' gods made war with each other and man looked on....

      Why is it that people thinking that higher dimensional beings are solely of service to others? The 3rd dimension is not solely the realm of do you know that duality does not exist in other dimensions...why do people shut themselves off from other possibilities...sounds like religion doesnt it.

      On a lighter note BTS whats the financial goss?


    2. I think it's mostly from the Controllers who have manipulated humans for so long. Being a free will planet, anything goes here...but I do believe there are benevolent beings, creators and donors of the human body, who have always watched over us and have done what they could (again, allowing free will here) to help us remember who we are and also to upgrade our DNA at times to help with our awakening. We can't move on up the ladder to higher states of consciousness without a little DNA tweaking. Otherwise animals would be evolving into conscious awareness, but they aren't. We had a little help. Humanity IS awakening.

    3. excellent comments and thoughts! and I'm hoping to be able to spill more financial doss very soon ;>)

  14. ...keep it coming BTS...

  15. BTS and daniel - thank you both. This report pulled together a lot of info in a way that made sense. Much of the Sun and stellar evolution info was new to me.

    A few questions:

    1. Will daniel share additional information about his work with plants and animals - what he does and how he sees that work "initiating the transition and acension process"? (Also fascinated by his work in torsion field dynamics and restoring damaged DNA)

    2. Different sources claim a secret space program exists with highly advanced technologies including bases on the moon and Mars and nearly instantaneous ways to get there. This contradicts daniel's statement re Alternative 3 that we are "not going anywhere else, any time soon." Sounds like the globalists already have?

    3. Will there be a deeper dive into the 2012/2013 boundary and it's similarity to a "synthetic quantum environment"? I heard an interview with someone supposedly involved in these experiments who stated they were prevented from "seeing" past this point in time. I don't pretend to understand all this but am fascinated by that boundary resistance and what it might mean.

    Thanks again ~ look forward to reading more of daniel's reports.

  16. I appreciate everything, especially what this website is creating and sharing with Everyone. I have a question for Daniel. Have you seen my friend Bryan Kemila's blog? I would like your feedback on his working hypothesis; When you do NO THING, other than being fully aware that the 3 dimensional experience is an illusory deception conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS,, which is turn was meant to disconnect us from REALITY, then you have reconnected to your original eternal wisdom state. There’s nothing to do, just simply become AWARE of what is transpiring. Perfection and purity is what we are ALREADY. This is wisdom and this is liberty, this is the freedom and the power and strength of what we ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. The illusory 3 dimensional teachings of intellectual and religious thought systems, that instruct us to believe that we are born sinners, and need to repent, to avoid some hell fire, are conjured up lunatic notions straight from the mind of the luciferian egregore group mind. ... The aim of the luciferian group egregore is to establish a New World Messianic Age, where the control of the illusion we call humanity, is the manipulation tactic that will be increased to such an extent that escape from being manipulated by the total 3D illusion is all but impossible. Wisdom knows, and sees the lunacy of this 3D illusory reality. The illusion called humanity, (and humanity is an illusion), will awake from the trance and reconnect to our original state through awareness. These entities, who manifest their CONTROL OF REALITY through the lives of the elite, will soon dissolve in frustration as humanity stops responding to the subliminal messages that bombard the wisdom state in endless fashion. For it is that the 3 dimensional experience is NOT REAL, and it only exists IN OUR MINDS. Therefore, its in OUR MINDS, (which are in reality, THEIR MINDS), that we disconnect emotionally from the 3D space and reclaim our eternal state, which is here now. This is what we are! We are the original eternal paradise state, and the 3D illusion was simply conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS to separate us from this immense power and peace of the wisdom state and thereby deceptively manipulate this ultimate state of being into servitude to the luciferian egregore. The beneficial aspect in understanding this, is that at any moment of our choosing, we can become aware of the luciferian hypnotic manipulation, and we can reclaim our wisdom state, and experience the freedom of the paradise state right now.


    1. ahhhhh, so refreshing and so true. Love this!!!! Thanks Ed!

  17. Fascinating! I wonder if our days get longer, will we age slower??? I found it interesting about his experimenting with seeds and a resetting of the defaults. Reminds me of something I recently heard about, a product called RnA Drops ( They are supposed to create new cells in your body (thru the RNA and chromosome 14) to help it get back to its original blueprint or default settings. It's being called Bread of Living Water, like in the Bible (shewbread or something like that). Coincidence they just came out recently and have had amazing testimonials? They were created by Dr. Carolyn Dean with the help of ION, which as I understand it, is a group of nonphysical beings. Sounds like science fiction to me, but there's been a lot of talk about this product lately on the internet and the testimonials are really interesting and include not only physical shifts but spiritual as well. Would be great if they really did bring us back to our original blueprint. They also said the drops take heavy metals, radiation and toxins and dissolve them so they are not harmful.

    We live in interesting times.

  18. excellent article....will see ya tomorrow....thanks....

    would like Daniels take on this...

    this happened after...coincidence ?

  19. Every time I see that silly smirk on Bill Gates face I envision sticking a Svalbarg seed up his nose;maybe two. Sorry, that wasn't nice. Great article and great website. Looking forward to the next.

  20. I am an amateur scientist mainly because I have never been able to stomach the obvious lies found in the classroom, so I self study, looking for those lone mavericks with their crazy theories. Why? Because if the science of Newton and Einstein is inherently flawed, as I have intuited all along, the truth is certainly out there, and it will be found among those who are ridiculed by academia. It has always been so. I have read much of Dewey Larson's work. Coupled with the work of Walter Russell, the Electric Universe model found at, the helical solar system model of Dr. Keshava Bhatm Hotson's Sea of Negative Energy, and the expanding plate tectonics model of the earth and you have my top list of how things really work. Why? Because as someone who has known intuitively since the 4th grade that huge chunks of physics is a made up lie, I've read about these alternative views and I intuitively believe them to be for the most part, correct. Together these radical views begin to form a reasonable model of the universe that explains and PREDICTS much more of the physical AND non-physical reality than relativity EVER could. If you have been brainwashed to believe that what your physics professor spoon-fed you in college is the whole story, don't bother reading any of this. You're too far gone. Myself, after years on the fringe, trying desperately to figure out what the hell is going on? Well, read this paper.......

  21. Is the author of this article the same "Daniel" that David Wilcock met and spoke about, from the Montauk Project?

    1. Considering Daniels mentions of David in this article I would assume so.

    2. Yes, as I said below, I answered my own question, it seems I jumped the gun!

  22. Daniel wrote the following:

    "My working with plants and animals here have proved to me, beyond all reasonable doubt, that a reconnection to Earth initiates the transition and ascension process, regardless of what the globalists are doing. It puts us back on the positive growth line."

    Could he please elaborate in much greater detail, especially the "reconnection to Earth" comment, but also what the average person can do to put each and every human on an accelerated, positive growth journey.

    Also could he answer the following question:

    How can we humans improve our health to live fuller, happier lives, with less aches and pains and disease?


  23. One of the recurring questions that many readers have so far is "what can we do to prepare for this inevitable "Science of Ascension"? In my opinion, daniel has already answered this by virtue of outlining all the the various things that are interfering with this and hence causing the "blockage or hold back" of our Natural acclimation to these effects. This is the PRIME reason I titled my release of this as relating to the "New World Order-Greatest Crimes", as such in order to "do something" humanity has to make the conscious choice to remove these maniacs from power, or consent to their plan of annihilation. its really that simple! Just look at the constant "distractions of elections and even financial power struggles, ALL succeeding in their plight to keep us constantly divided and arguing over the "political koolaid of the week"....
    One of things that RTS and I have discussed is that not only did we want to get this info out to the general public for this explicit reason, but also get this info into the hands of the so called "good guys" to realize that's its time to stop jockeying around over "legalese" jurisdictions and fictional "law" foundations, as these are ALL infiltrated and corrupted in the Elite Plan over hundreds of years. Its time to effect action, remove these maniacs and get prepared for whats coming.....period.
    daniel can only outline whats happening in the form of explaining the Science that THEY KNOW. But he certainly cannot be the "savior" of mankind; for that is UP TO MANKIND.

  24. Exactly Aaron! That is why it would not surprise me if we don't see the global financial "reset" before December 21,2012. After that humanity probably won't need money. I can't picture a 4th density being using money.

    The monsters are still in power otherwise we wouldn't be seeing all this crap in the lame stream media. I have ALMOST lost hope for any Dinar revaluation because these monsters will never allow it.

    The good guys seem like they are trying, but not doing a good enough job. Poof's "arrest message" and BTS "good guys won" recent message gave me some hope, but with each day that passes and everything stays the same, it is crystal clear that this prison will stay the same until December 21,2012. The good news is December 21, 2012 is just around the corner.

    I hope that I am wrong and the RV is announced today or later this week, but I doubt it. If that miracle somehow happened that would give us 45 days of financial freedom before the 4th density event.

    If any of you good guys are reading this, this is my message for you. What the %*%% are you waiting for?

    The clock is ticking. Get you butts in gear and do this NOW. NOW!!!!!!!!!

    1. "What the %*%% are you waiting for? The clock is ticking. Get you butts in gear and do this NOW. NOW!!!!!!!!!"

      .... ummmm.... yea, I've already sent that message up the pole several times. I think they're sick of me kicking them in the ass. Feel free to take over for me!!!!! :>D

    2. BTS, you don't even sound legitimate and professional with comments like these. Why would we expect VIPs to pay attention to you? It reads more like a high school kid in his basement trying to sound like an intel agent.

    3. yea, that's a joke guy. get a sense of humour.

  25. Sorry, I just read the article and I answered my own question (see previous comment).

    I have been researching these things for years, and this paper, by far, makes the most sense as to what is happening on our planet right now, no fear mongering, just straight science that correlates with actual events. I'm impressed.

  26. You know what BTS, ''fuck it'' until I see some actual concrete change i.e. prosperity packages, lol' I'll comment when I can. And shouts out to Hye Angel, Kathy Kelley, and even Anonymous5 November 2012 13:51 for what you guys said I appreciate it.
    I wish I had the time to comment to that whole (Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines & Ascension) article but I realistically don't. But there is a particular part I do think deserves my personal analogy and why I agree/disagree. And they are.....

    A Hot Time in the Old World, Tonight

    1.Use nuclear weapons to blow holes in the upper atmosphere to let the increasing heat out,
    2.Create huge, underground cities to live in until the sun stabilized, or
    3.Get the heck off of Earth.

    Now of course I do agree with number (1.) being impossible to pull off without killing a whole lot of life on earth given that the motto of the cabal is ''to save yourself is to kill everybody else'' is a pledge they couldn't risk taking on that particular agenda sense they don't live in an atmosphere exclusive to themselves independent of the protection of the Ozone layer. So lets move to 2 & 3.

    Now we've all seen and are familiar with Steven Spielberg's (Back to The Future) film franchise with Michael J. Fox as Marty Mcfly as the synopsis describes is a teenager who is accidentally sent back in time from 1985 to 1955. He meets his future-parents in high school and accidentally attracts his future mother's romantic interest. Marty must repair the damage to history by causing his parents-to-be to fall in love, and with the help of scientist Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown, he must find a way to return to 1985, right?

    Now I've read Andy Basaigo and his revelations in and about D.A.R.P.A. , Teleportation, and the secret government’s experiments using Tesla based technologies to gain quantum access by a number of tactics and means.
    And we also know the U.S. government has had Tesla-based quantum access time travel technology for over 40 years. Given also that Alfred Lambremont Webre said qoute:(If I was time travel surveilled in 1971 for my actions and book published in 2005, chances are the 2012 Mass Arrest plan has been time travel surveilled and worked into the CIA time-travel captured U.S. government plan for 2012 - 2016 and beyond.) end qoute.

    Now if what Alfred Lambert said does make sense in a way that when you know when particular things are to take place via technology that utilizes past present and future alternative modes of reality unbeknownst the people at the mercy of such technology chances are whatever your agenda may be to counter such advances a preconditioned counter move of effects has already been calculated to circumvent your plans to offset such abilities. Now what does what I say have to do with under ground cities? Trust me I'm getting to that stick with me I'm going somewhere with this.

    1. Ariel darling...the "anon at 5November 2012 13:51"...that's me, my name is ~chinka~ like....porcelain china"celestial" cup of tea...hehe! i like to read your words of wisdom, thank You for staying around....withLove~inLight!...~chinka~ Kiss!

  27. Continued...

    But here's the catch, human behavior is just as unpredictable as the sands and waters of nature which can never be completely figured out regardless how advance your tools to do so operate to figure nature behavioral patterns out. So that breach of security will ever and always remain which can never be factored at 100% accuracy. Wishful thinking at it's finest.
    The key word here is ''paradox'' meaning that when you time travel you can't go back preceding a time before the time travel device was created or you will be stuck right? Don't we hear time and time again that the ascended masters said for eons the plans to free the human race was written in stone before the cabal actually had the abilities to utilizes technical advances like time travel to prevent such plans?

    So take into account that they didn't have time travel capabilities prior to 1947 which should explain why they don't have the abilities to go back before 1947 and beyond to offset any plans to free the human population correct? The cabal began sending back all relevant information pertinent to the control of the masses BACK IN TIME, from many varying points in the future, to themselves in the past.

    To me in my personal opinion the reason why they had to make the ''Back to The Future'' film franchise was basically a contingency plan of planned ridicule of any potential defect of anyone potentially breaking away to inform the masses such activities were taking place. Because the first thing that would come to mind to the recipients of such information would be the Back to The Future movie as a relegate.

    The director of that movie could have been possibly used perhaps even knowingly was involved in this super-secret attempt at Dis-info/Mind Control to keep the masses from even thinking about what may have been going on behind their backs! I'm still getting to the underground cities, hang in there.

    Phil Corso Jr., (the son of the well-known Colonel Phillip Corso , who had worked at the Pentagon admitted that whether or not UFO's were real, that the UFO cover-up was never the main secret being kept by the government as supposed by Dr. Steven Greer of the disclosure movement! The main secret, he said, is and has always been “time travel” and the fact that time has been compromised.

    The reason he said was that the reason that UFO's and their presence was kept secret by the US and other governments was that the way they traveled through space, was by default. To be continued....... I have to fix something to eat for my niece.

  28. Anyone that calls themselves daniel is only into selling an ego, so i would take it all with a pinch of salt, he will only end up telling you he is the only one with power to save you so to take your money.

    1. Spoken like a 2-bit pipsqueak, Anon 13:38! :)

  29. Mi piacerebbe tanto ricordare che siamo in Italia!!!

    Qui sarebbe meglio usare la lingua nostra!

  30. i find the timing odd
    here comes project camelot on tv and they have david wilcocks going on about a guy called daniel,who many years ago provided him with info.....

    roll on and here as the tv show goes out ,comes daniel again with some more info,what a coincidence...
    and wait for it...someone already has this kind of info available as a book......hhhmmmmmm

    I always follow the money and I see a tv programme with no product placement(well not yet)
    The time is running out for all the 2012 lightworkers types to either stick to their guns and ascend or grab onto another excuse for it happening later on in time......David has chosen his future as he has announced he will be booking more seminars and moving on into 2013........

  31. Satan deceives the whole world.


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