
Wednesday 22 May 2013

The One People- May 20th, Show Summary

ONE PEOPLE show – May 20th (US) / 21st (Australia) – Ginger’s Show Notes and Comments

This show was all about the I-UV Exchange bridge project and the Project XIII platform . . . very exciting information. So I highly recommend listening to it all 2 hours of the show. Note taking was not easy, as the show was largely a fun, spacious, wildly imaginative . . . Waxing Moon Over Morocco Midnight Dreams . . . with many core OP ground crew members there . . . downing lots of coffee to be up and on the show . . . as 2 pm Hawaiian time is 1 am in Casablanca with Bogie and Bacall . . . where, “. . . a kiss is just a kiss . . . you must remember this . . . as time . . . goes . . . by . . .” . . . . . . (the energies for me are sooo dreamy now)

(note - even though show is peppered with some audio distortions, it is still well worth listening to!)


- BOTH the Project XIII and IUV Exchange will be highly secured on the internet with the highest encryption codes possible . . . it is a completely new way of handling data . . . data will never stay on the server, and if you want to delete something, it will be automatically deleted everywhere globally (except where backups offline) . . . our I-UValue can never be stolen, monetized, harvested or monitored . . . other devices, like an iPhone, is where the IUV Exchanges can be made and stored like a virtual transportable hard drive . . . AND you will own all your own data, being fully responsible for it all.

- The Project XIII platform will be a completely new form of social media . . . and so much MORE . . . mainly because, it will be for all the one people to create all they need . . . only limited by one’s imagination . . . with all ideas to be submitted to Caleb and crew to implement . . . there will be a small monthly contribution like $1 per month to support on-going development . . . and will launch on Mac and PC, using Silverlight.

- The I-UV Exchange will be separate from the Project XIII platform . . . and the easiest, therefore, first device to utilize the I-UV Exchange data will be the iPhone (Androids will be another month out or so, and nothing on Linux yet) . . . more clarifications to come.


- This is the beginning of THE END of the harvesting of humanity, and THE BEGINNING of our now taking full control and responsibility for our own energy and Value of who really BE here . . . Eternal Essence Embodied – ABSENT LIMITATIONS – Co-Creators Pure-Heart Embodiments . . . most fully experiencing utilizing ALL Source Energies within each of us . . . in Absolute Gaia Alignment Integrity.

- ALL this technology when launched, will belong solely to the One People of Mother Earth . . . this is the first platform for a whole new system of Self-governance . . . By The People and For the People of Earth . . . If we want to assist in being free as a collective we need to first withdraw our energy from being harvested . . . then stop using the banks whenever possible . . . instead, use our I-UV for exchange of a product or service creatively . . . show others how they can access their own I-UV Exchange Value . . . so by example . . . paying it forward globally . . . and to never stop imagining/dreaming-in all the endless possibilities . . . with our I-UV Exchange Absent Limitations? and how to with our Project XIII page? . . . to assist others? . . . to assist Mother Earth? . . . to live a FUN balanced highly heart-based creative life? . . . and how would I want this to work? . . . and send your ideas to Caleb and team . . . as they will keep adding onto the platform . . . in priority and as appropriate.

WHEN WILL THE Project XIII AND I-UV EXCHANGE LAUNCH LIVE ? . . . Even though Mark stated on show that “the Project XIII will be June 1st and the I-UV Exchange sometime later” . . . I know for a fact, Caleb and team is seriously aiming for both to be launched before this month is over.

SECOND HOUR OF SHOW . . . Mostly caller questions, ideas, more information with lots of gratitudes . . . and Deryl briefly.

In Absolute Appreciation Alohas of Love to
The Entire Stellar Core Coconut-Dreams OP Ground Crew,

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