
Friday 7 September 2012

World Global Settlements: Updates and history

The World Global Settlements are a hot topic.  A VERY important hot topic.  The following conference call gives a huge amount of information, coming from an exceptional source who has been personally involved for many many years.

I highly recommend that everyone listens to this recorded call from yesterday- vital information is given, not only about the  WGS but also the RV.

...My friends, your world is about to change.  We are waiting for one single phone call.

The big question right now is whom is going to claim this?  The bickering between political entities is getting very tiring.  Regardless of who announces it, regardless of who points their finger at themselves as being the self proclaimed saviour, we all know who did NOT help bring about these amazing changes.

EDITED: 09/19/2012 8am:
The original link for the recorded call has expired.  This is the link to the archived calls- scroll to the bottom of the page to Sept 7th PTR CC Dr Todd


  1. Hey D,

    Wanted to get your take on the difference between the WGS, Collateral Accounts, NESARA, Saint Germaine Funds, Prosperity Programs.

    Correct me if I'm wrong....

    *WGS - Being handled by the White Hats Group and worth $47 trillion dollars
    *Collateral Accounts - Neil Keenan and The Soekarno Trust
    *ST. Germaine Trust - The largest trust of them all.
    *NESARA - A law that will use funds from the ST. Germaine Trust
    *Prosperity Programs - Originally Bank Roll programs now being paid out to participants

    Is the revalue of the Iraqi Dinar and the CMKZ payouts directly linked to the WGS, or is it another trust?

    1. hey enerchi- I started to respond.... and it turned into an article it self, lol

  2. Is this link broken? Can you repost please?

    1. Hi Stevo- try this link:


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