
Friday 12 October 2012

When Freedom of Speech craps in my livingroom

I strongly support freedom of speech.

Freedom of expression, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of spirit, freedom to live your life as you see fit... as long as it harms no one.

I honour the free will that humans have to make up their own minds, to live according to their own hearts.

Yes, I support freedom of speech. Fully.

If you disagree with me or disagree with an article I've posted or if you have a different view of an issue and wish to express your thoughts/views/ideas, I will always honour those comments that are sent to me and will post them here on the RTS site- Regardless of my personal opinion. And if you truly wish to discuss a topic, I'm always interested in open conversation and healthy debate.


Those people who come to  RTS to leave comments that are void of any real content, who's prime reason to come here is to denigrate and deride myself or other commenters, then either one of two things will happen, depending on my mood and the time I have available:

1- I will automatically delete your comment

2- I will post your comment, followed by whatever reply my overly tired, somewhat grumpy, and fully sarcastic disposition feels like throwing out there.

...It is my site after all and I feel entitled to exercise my freedom of speech, and to use my freedom to delete, on those people who's capability of executing a genuine, fully thought out, and at least somewhat rational comment, is clearly lacking.

As I said, I will respect a difference of opinion and I encourage the exchanging of ideas and even open debate.  But if you want to dump your toxic waste in my livingroom, I'll show you the door.  Go take a crap in your own livingroom if that's what turns your crank.


  1. Well Said.

    ALL IS ONE. ONE IS ALL. I am watching...

  2. Good for you! I truly believe some people spend their entire day trolling sites trying to instigate arguments and spew negativity...and almost always remain anonymous, cowering in the shadows. Thanks for saving MY time in having to read them :) ~ Namaste

  3. AMEN!!! Is there a LIKE button here!!!

  4. my father has given me understanding of truth,,,yesterday your email,was sent to all my list...and i told them i send with tears of joy...i loved it

  5. ...whew...good stuff there...

  6. Good for you, and I fully both agree and support you! If people do not have at the very least, well educated, constructive opinions and disagreements, then it is not even worth taking up space to read their garbage. We are all adults here, and I would like to think on the same path to recreate our world into a just, peaceful and loving one. If someone just wants to create chaos, then show them the door!

  7. Good for you and I fully both agree and support you! If people do not have at the very least, well educated, constructive opinions/disagreements, then it is not even worth taking up space to read their garbage. We are all adults here, and I would like to think on the same path to recreate our world into a just, peaceful and loving one. If someone just wants to create chaos, then show them the door!

  8. For some reason all the updates have been removed on the Dinar Guru website. Is this just me or is that for everyone? Interesting....

  9. hello


    Anyone can tell me who is in control RV?

    Is Obama who estra stopping RV?

  10. RAOFLMAO AMEN! Great Blog Spot!


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