
Sunday 28 October 2012

7.7 Magnitude Earthquake with Tsunami warning off West Coast of Canada

edited 10:28 4:14pm est
more earthquakes including a 6.3M just over an hour ago- bringing the total to 51

edited 10/28 1:56pm est
Since the first 7.7 M earthquake last night, there has been a constant earthquake swarm- 33 quakes between 4.0 -5.1 Magnitude quakes.

Late last night a 7.7 magnitude earth quake hit the Queen Charlotte Islands off the west coast of Canada- this was followed by several more earthquakes in the 4-5 magnitude range.  A Tsunami alert was issued, and has just been cancelled 45 minutes ago:

Here is Dutchsinse's report on  the event- please note the amount of earthquakes, of magnitude 4.0 or greater, that have hit the west coast of North America in the past 7 days.

SuspiciousObservers report for today:

My friends, it's not "Fear Porn", it's a reality wake up call.  Our planet is shifting (in more ways than one), and we need to Be Prepared!

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