
Thursday 27 December 2012

The Other 90%: Russian DNA Discoveries

Our friend McCroft posted this link here on RTS as a comment on an earlier article.  A huge thank you McCroft- this is brilliant and I will be doing further research on this asap!

I'm C&P the entire paper here so that everyone doesn't have to download it if they don't want to, but the original paper can be downloaded HERE.

I have argued with people for years that there is no such thing as "Junk DNA", that sooner or later we will discover a whole new world in this 90% of our DNA that currently is an unknown story and hence ignored by western scientists. Last week I had a long discussion with a good friend of mine about the fact that I fully believe that the secret to our "ascension" and the moving past this 3D existence was locked away in our unknown DNA.

When humans are only using a tiny portion of their brain capacity and only 10% of their DNA... anything is possible once the rest is turned on.

Russian DNA Discoveries
Explain Human
'Paranormal' Events

Edited and Translated from German Text

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.
The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.
In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered "junk DNA."
The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore that 90% of "junk DNA." Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary!
According to their findings, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code - especially in the apparent "useless" 90% - follows the same rules as all our human languages.
To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar (language) and do have set rules just like our languages. Therefore, human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.
The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. In brief the bottom line was: "Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation." This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray which influenced DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself.
Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) is of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven!
Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies (sound) are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language.
While western researchers cut single genes from DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically created devices that influence cellular metabolism through modulated radio and light frequencies, thus repairing genetic defects.
They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA.
This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation: by simply applying vibration (sound frequencies) and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure!
This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.
Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.
Of course the frequency has to be correct. And this is why not everybody is equally successful or can do it with always the same strength. The individual person must work on the inner processes and development in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA.
The Russian researchers work on a method that is not dependent on these factors but will ALWAYS work, provided one uses the correct frequency. But the higher developed an individual's consciousness is, the less need is there for any type of device: one can achieve these results by oneself. Science will finally stop laughing at such ideas and will confirm and explain the results. And it doesn't end there.
The Russian scientists also found out that our DNA can cause disturbing patterns in a vacuum, thus producing magnetized, interdimensional wormholes! Wormholes are by definition the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by burned-out stars).
These “wormholes” are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness. This process of hyper-communication (aka telepathy) is most effective in a heightened state of relaxation, produced by meditation and/or sessions of intense prayer.  The scientists were stunned to find that portions of in vitro samples of human DNA, housed nearly a mile away from the individual entering a deeply meditation state, actually disappeared into a “wormhole” only to re-appear minutes after meditation and prayer ended.
Stress, worry or a hyperactive intellect prevent successful hyper-communication or the information will be totally distorted and useless. In nature, hyper-communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. The organized flow of life in insects proves this dramatically. Modern man knows it only on a much more subtle level as "intuition." But we, too, can regain full use of it.
As an example from nature, when a queen ant is separated from her colony, the remaining worker ants will continue building fervently according to plan. However, if the queen is killed, all work in the colony stops. No ant will know what to do. Apparently, the queen transmits the "building plans" even if far away - via the group consciousness with her subjects. She can be as far away as she wants, as long as she is alive.
In humans, hyper-communication is most often encountered when one suddenly gains access to information that is outside one's knowledge base. Such hyper-communication is then experienced as inspiration or intuition (also in trance channeling). The Italian composer Giuseppe Tartini, for instance, dreamt one night that a devil sat at his bedside playing the violin. The next morning Tartini was able to note down the piece exactly from memory. He called it the Devil's Trill Sonata.
For years, a 42-year old male nurse dreamt of a situation in which he was hooked up to a kind of knowledge CD-ROM. Verifiable knowledge from all imaginable fields was then transmitted to him that he was able to recall in the morning. There was such a flood of information that it seemed a whole encyclopedia was transmitted at night. The majorities of facts were outside his personal knowledge base and reached technical details of which he knew absolutely nothing. When hyper-communication occurs, one can observe in the DNA, as well as in the human, supernatural phenomena.
The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light. On screen, a typical wave pattern was formed. When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained. Many controlled experiments showed that the pattern continued to come from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself. This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. It is surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after the DNA was removed. The side effects encountered most often in hyper-communication in humans are inexplicable electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the persons concerned.
Electronic devices like CD players and the like can be irritated and cease to function for hours. When the electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. Many healers and psychics know this effect from their work: the better the atmosphere and energy, the more frustrating it can be for recording devices as they stop functioning at that exact moment. Often by next morning all is back to normal.
Perhaps this is reassuring to read for many, as it has nothing to do with them being technically inept; it means they are good at hyper-communication.
In their book Vernetzte Intelligenz, Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf explain these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also quote sources presuming that in earlier times humanity had been just like the animals: very strongly connected to group consciousness and thereby acted as a group. In order to develop and experience individuality, however, we humans had to forget hyper-communication almost completely.
Now that we are fairly stable in our individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group consciousness - namely one in which we attain access to all information via our DNA without being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information. We now know that just as we use the internet, our DNA can feed proper data into the network, can retrieve data from the network, and can establish contact with other participants in the network. Remote healing, telepathy or "remote sensing" about the state of another can thus be explained. Some animals know from afar when their owners plan to return home. This can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness and hyper-communication.
Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality; otherwise we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated. Hyper-communication in the new millennium means something quite different.
Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! AND humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind.
Fifty percent of children will become a problem as soon as they go to school, since the system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the individuality of today's children is so strong that they refuse this adjustment and resist giving up their idiosyncrasies in the most diverse ways.
At the same time more and more clairvoyant children are born. Something in those children is striving more towards the group consciousness of the new kind, and it can no longer be suppressed.
As a rule, weather for example is rather difficult to influence by a single individual. But it may be influenced by group consciousness (nothing new about this to some indigenous tribes). Weather is strongly influenced by Earth resonance frequencies (Schumann frequencies). But those same frequencies are also produced in our brains, and when many people synchronize their thinking or when individuals (spiritual masters, for instance) focus their thoughts in a laser-like fashion, then it is not at all surprising that they can influence the weather.
A modern day civilization which develops group consciousness would have neither environmental problems nor scarcity of energy: for if it were to use such mental powers as a unified civilization, it would have control of the energies of its home planet as a natural consequence.
When a great number of people become unified with higher intention as in meditating on peace - potentials of violence also dissolve.
Apparently, DNA is also an organic superconductor that can work at normal body temperature, as opposed to artificial superconductors which require extremely low temperatures between 200 and 140°C to function. In addition, all superconductors are able to store light and thus information. This further explains how DNA can store information.
There is another phenomenon linked to DNA and wormholes. Normally, these super-small wormholes are highly unstable and are maintained only for the tiniest fractions of a second. Under certain conditions stable wormholes can organize themselves, which then form distinctive vacuum domains in which for example, gravity can transform into electricity. Vacuum domains are self-radiant balls of ionized gas that contain considerable amounts of energy. There are regions in Russia where such radiant balls appear very often.
Following the ensuing confusion the Russians started massive research programs leading finally to some of the discoveries mentions above. Many people know vacuum domains as shiny balls in the sky. The attentive look at them in wonder and ask themselves, what they could be.
I thought once: "Hello up there. If you happen to be a UFO, fly in a triangle." And suddenly, the light balls moved in a triangle. Or they shot across the sky like ice hockey pucks: they accelerated from zero to crazy speeds while sliding silently across the sky. One is left gawking and I have, as many others, too, thought them to be UFOs. Friendly ones, apparently, as they flew in triangles just to please me.
Now, the Russians found - in the regions where vacuum domains often appear - that sometimes fly as balls of light from the ground upwards into the sky, and that these balls can be guided by thought. Since then it has been found that vacuum domains emit waves of low frequency that are also produced in our brains and because of this similarity of waves they are able to react to our thoughts. To run excitedly into one that is on ground level might not be such a great idea, because those balls of light can contain immense energies and are capable of mutating our genes.
Many spiritual teachers also produce such visible balls or columns of light in deep meditation or during energy work, which trigger decidedly pleasant feelings and do not cause any harm. Apparently this is also dependent on some inner order, quality and origin of the vacuum domain. There are some spiritual teachers, like the young Englishman Ananda, for example, with whom nothing is seen at first, but when one tries to take a photograph while they sit and speak or meditate in hyper-communication, one gets only a picture of a white cloud on a chair.
In certain Earth healing projects, such light effects also appear on photographs. Simply put, this phenomena has to do with gravity and anti-gravity forces that are ever more stable forms of wormholes and displays of hyper-communication with energies from outside our time and space structure. Earlier generations that experienced such hyper-communication and visible vacuum domains were convinced that an angel had appeared before them: and we cannot be too sure to what forms of consciousness we can get access when using hyper-communication.
Not having scientific proof for their actual existence, people having had such experiences do NOT all suffer from hallucinations. We have simply made another giant step towards understanding our reality. Official science also knows of gravity anomalies on Earth that contribute to the formation of vacuum domains. Recently gravity anomalies have been found in Rocca di Papa, south of Rome.
All information is from the book "Vernetzte Intelligenz" von Grazyna Fosar und Franz Bludorf, ISBN 3930243237   The book is unfortunately only available in German so far. You can reach the authors here:
Kontext - Forum for Border Science


  1. As soon as I was halfway through this paper, I immediately sent it to "Daniel", who wrote the papers on Time and Timelines etc... that we published last month. This was Daniel's response:

    Daniel: Royal Rife discovered about a century ago that radio and audio waves can do remarkable things in the human body, including destroying all disease when the correct resonance is used. That part is accurate; the rest about wormholes and stuff is a major misunderstanding of the 3D time aspect of the soul. The "group consciousness" they speak of is conventionally referred to as a "social memory complex." There is really not much new in this post, other than attributing it to Russians, rather than footnoting the original discoverers in the early 1900s.
    [8:40:37 PM] D breakingthesilence: I wanted to ask you about specifi8cally that- I thought that might be based on misunderstanding the dimensions
    [8:41:58 PM] Daniel: There are no black holes or wormholes... since conventional science--which is what is taught--does not recognize the 3D nature of time, they have to come up with a device to explain the effects. Just like the ancient Greeks had to invent "epicycles" to explain the orbits of planets, and why every now and then they go backwards--never realizing the Earth wasn't the center of the Universe.

    1. Have you read this yet? hurry to read this , you will be amazed, if this is true ,life is hilarious, we are playing on earth for we go:

    2. Nice timing Anonymous 18:36! I just finished composing and sending an email to BTS (D) about this very post by American Kabuki. I was just about to post the link here too, and then I saw your post! ;)

      This is an interesting find by American Kabuki, and I would be interested in D's thoughts on this announcement.

      Thanks for sharing with everyone,


    3. If you want to know about the true essense of Russian DNA discoveries, read David Wilcock's Source Field Investigations, not this. David's book has been out for over a year. The discoveries he is talking about (Garayev and others) are a major breakthrough in understanding of DNA.

    4. This is even more interesting,after you read it ,I bet you would say : WOW !!!

    5. Thanx for the kudos D, also check out above links.. seems like things are finally moving, I'm so thrilled...!!
      I love you all!

      Cheers Oliver
      aka McCroft

    6. From the second part of American Kabuki blog , I feel it's very interesting:






    7. Anon 18:36 if this is true why does it make life hilarious? I think its too early and maybe it just flew over my head cuz I missed something.

    8. Brando, if you go to the actual website and go through each of the tabs at the top of the page and read the different filings and orders, you will get clarity on the whole thing. The Bullet Report is an investigation initiated by the same people but performed by a independent source under direction from one of the trustees.

    9. This article is amazing. I truly believe in all of this 100%. I came across some of this info before. I read a wonderful book based around what this article had to say. The book I read explains all of this in a easier way without all the scientific facts. If you really want to learn how to apply this to you life I highly suggest readers to check out this book. It is called Thoughts the Universal Code of Creating Your Own Reality. Love, light and many blessing to the person who wrote this article.

      Susan M.

  2. It can now be reported that the U.S. IRS, U.S. Provost Marshal and the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency have ordered U.S. Treasury officials to comply with the bilateral tax agreement ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court and currently being implemented by the IMF and Austrian banks that will fully implement the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols on New Years Eve, December 31, 2012.

    1. I dunno about all that. What I do know is that the IRS has hit the roundfile. They have no authority or power to order anything. If the United States IRS is demanding the return of these assets it is the Cabal attempting to get their grubby little hands on it.

    2. We will see much flailing because as of Dec. 21,2012, the tenure of the elite is over. The fat lady has entered the building. Next year is going to be full of activities, disasters, systemic failure, as the control of TPTB grinds to an end and Earth feels it's oats at the new frequency. I would like to thank those that have implemented time because it allows us the mouthful by mouthful meal that is best savored and not devoured. We should make the most of our simulation and pursue those consciousness expanding opportunities, it provides. It appears that we eternal beings have chosen many interesting experiences and some are even pleasant. The starving child, the chronically ill, the bloodthirsty elitist, the war monger for personal gain are all familiar characters in the simulation or matrix or holographic universe. We have agreed to play all roles, in turn and glean what we may. Our true nature will surface and dominate; there is no pretension and we are all laid bare. Who are you when all of the roles and postures and pretenses are stripped away? Once we have "good information", it is time to start again and grow into that which we can comprehend as what we should be. Such is the exercise of consciousness growth. Our mission never changes one iota; we are to grow our aura, help others and create love. Humility cures a myriad of woes and reflects our acceptance of God's agenda. The enemy is always pride. All is well, always was and always will be. Peace is our natural state. Ceau.

  3. Well, now I more fully understand the use of Solfeggio harmonic frequencies and chanting/toning. This is absolutely remarkable stuff. I can not thank you enough McCroft and D for bringing this to my attention. This is like the final piece of the Ascension puzzle, at least for me. I am GOBSMACKED!

  4. I agree Kathy. This will be the last piece of the Ascension puzzle.

    When the other missing 90% of our DNA is restored..we will be restored to FULL CONSCIOUSNESS.
    At that point we will remember ALL that there is as CO-CREATORS.

    I Corinthians 13:12
    For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

    What a time that will be :)

    1. Babycakes, I just read an incredible piece on American Kabuki I have a lot of faith in this channel and this info resonates with me BIG TIME

    2. Yes Kathy!

      He and his information resonates with me too, but he does not channel.
      He has been speaking face to face with his ET contacts since a child. :)



    3. I would not put your faith in Sheldon Nidle everything he has said I mean 100% has passed and not happened. He was the one that said that his GFL was going to have to take a huge portion of earths population into their ships to save us from earth disasters. He also said after that did not happen, with no excuse or reason why I might add, that his GFL was going to have to take us to inner earth and place us all in ascension chambers....All in all he has been rambling for months and months with nothing he has ever said coming to the light of day.

    4. Nor does he speak face to face,he does not channel true. But he does not speak face to face either. He explains it as a type of telepathy.

    5. Honestly I would not take information from any person at all saying that they speak for the GFL as any kind of truth as nothing that has been stated by anyone claiming to speak for them has ever come to pass.

    6. I'm with you Brando about SN. Too much contradiction in his ramblings so I stopped bothering with them.

      Sine Nomine

    7. I saw an interview with Sheldon Nidle and he seems like a very nice man, but...
      I found him about 3 years ago and was very intrigued. In the fall of 2010 his writing was strongly leading to disclosure. He said Disclosure was going to take place at Thanksgiving of that uear for the US. The President would speak over MSM and make the announcements. It was thought to be a good time because many people would not be working and they would be with their families while they digested this world changing information. Well it didn't happen and that became my first lesson on discernment.

      When it didn't happen the whole "backtracking" began again. The Galactic idea seems to go on forever. Always waiting for the right time and presenting new excuses all the time.I had to move away from the ET help as there will never be a perfect time for Earth humans in 3D. Perhaps they are now waiting for us to ascend, but we all are ascending at our own pace. Some are excited to move forward while others have to be dragged up the hill.

      We have to see something actually happen. Those of us that look for it do see the failing system, the arrests of bankers etc., but many others do not connect the dots as we do. Ultimately something big has to happen to wake everyone up. I think the Reset is our best hope at this time, but of course, like our galactic cousins, our folks seem to be waiting for the perfect time as well and we must continue being patient.

    8. Christopher, said "perfectly"! I am so tired of being told that the time is not right - like the silly people who claim that they are not going to have a child until everything lines up perfectly, and they never have any children!

  5. Yes DNA is the key to ascension. There is a science behind it, by which we can unlock the other 90 percent the "big code", which was shut down about 13,000 years ago when elitism first made its appearance on this planet. It's only by unlocking our dormant spiritual and physical potential that we will be able to travel into the fifth dimension with mother earth. Which is indeed where she is headed according to scientific measurements. Many may have noticed the sun is brighter that is due to the massive amounts of higher dimensional energy now pouring in from our sun. Suns are nodes, everything in this universe is interconnected.

    1. Anon 19:40 you seems do know a lot of things ,tells us more about that

    2. At Anon 19:40.

      There is another school of thought/truth/opinion that indicates that ASCENSION goes like this (I'm paraphrasing from memory):

      Each of us produces each month, a seed, and this seed is carried in an oil present in the spinal column. This seed must be returned to the brain, up the spinal column, intact, in order to activate the brain, the dormant cells in the brain, and this is ascension (which also then purifies the body, 100% healing, long life, etc.)

      So each month, we have the chance to ascend.

      However, this oii and this seed can be destroyed and spilled by certain actions and imbalances within our bodies, e.g. imbalanced body chemistry will destroy the seed, un-loving thoughts and emotions will destroy the seed, impure sexual expression, etc. So, we get to choose each month of our lives if we ascend or not. Those who wish to ascend, who wish to become CHRISTED can balance their bodies, their emotions and their sexual energies (tantric) and enjoy the kundalini and the raising of the oil back to the brain, the sparking of the pineal gland, the firing of the dormant brains cells, the full ascension that simply, naturally, takes place INSIDE us whilst we walk this Earth.

      It's why we are being poisoned by chemical cocktails, aka pharma drugs, why we are told not to drink distilled water, why we are bombarded by stressful 'news' and exposed to sexual promiscuity and porn at every turn, in this modern age by those controllers who know this ascension thing very well, but don't want us to know it, or if we do find out, don't want us to be able to physically achieve this due to their toxic dumping into our bodies and minds.

      From S in Europe.

    3. Not sure where you read this but not what I have read from a scientific stand point of ascension. Ascension yes, they say is linked to our DNA. This is a great 10 min video that blew my mind wide open to understand how DNA activation determines what dimensions we can access.

    4. To Brando:

      I've been enjoying the extremely enlightening presentations of Santos Bonnacci of late, along with the reference material he has used in his many years of research. :)

      S in Europe.

  6. You are being led down a rabbit hole.

    Daniel writes in a rather theoretical way about the "solar" system. Look behind this idea. Question it.

    1. Again with the cryptic remarks...

      I'm not as diplomatic as the others. Spit it out in plain English or shut up and go away. Life's too short -- at present -- to play riddle games to no purpose.

      Wandering Fire

    2. cryptic is just that ...criptic...and when he finds himself in the sunshine...he runs to the darkness of the crypt...and that, is his role in his theater to play...cheers! wandering fire!...Kiss!...~c~hinka~

    3. Life is a dance...going back to my dancing...and wind will share the secret... Kiss!

    4. Dear Cryptic or is there another nickname that you would like?

      Anyways, I was thinking about what you said and all the video's, articles, news, physics, and anything else I could get my hands on to read...
      It seems as if we would become like the "ant" colony. There is a leader and if the leader dies, everyone goes crazy. There is no individualism because all would be connected as one.

      Can I ask you what is wrong with everyone being connected? Look how many people kill themselves or become deathly ill because they thought no one cared. No one is connected anymore, and that maybe where the problem resides.

      I do believe in individualism, each person is different and has character all their own. No one wants to live as a zombie just taking orders like scout and army ants.

      There does have to be a middle ground here. People work for the better of the world and humanity as a whole. The way its been has been awful. (Of course, it isn't as awful as Africa). (I interviewed an individual who once lived there. Did you know you can't work past the age of 55 and your "retirement" goes missing? You either start your own business, depend on family, or die).

      Sorry, off topic... but really, where is this leading us? Do you actually believe that we are to ascend? Or, do you believe that we will be taken over by the dark entities who are looking for bodies to inhabit? These are real questions. I have watched enough movies to know they like to sprinkle a little truth within the movies on what they are doing.

    5. hello my cryptic friend, you wrote:

      Daniel writes in a rather theoretical way about the "solar" system. Look behind this idea. Question it.

      Are suggesting that his ideas are right or wrong? And what background do you have that enables you to discern the truth of the theories

    6. Sorry, no time for your rabbit holes today! I'm off down a different part of the warren on a mission of my own. ;-) Laters!

      Sine Nomine

    7. Dont ask him this question D he will just answer with another question.... I dont even bother reading his posts anymore. I have no need to delve through rediculous crytpic messages trying to find someone elses truth. I have my own truth and now just waiting and watching to see what unfolds.

    8. and if he cannot answer with a straight answer and responds with more questions, then I too will relegate his posts to the dusty top shelf.

    9. I have put this individual on ignore as my irritation drove me to make a fool of myself over his posts

    10. I find it somewhat ironic that 'suddenly' I can find info on Wikipedia about the Saint Germain Trust. As we all know wiki can be updated by anyone at any time. this is what is out there now.

    11. The answer you seek is in my question. Do you believe in a "solar" system?

      Look into differing theories and you may come to doubt what you believe about the sun and the earth.

    12. There ya go, he answered the question with another question. Anon 18:14 abracadabra, POOF, you're gone

    13. BTS,

      You may find that a door that is locked at one time will open when you try it again later.

      But you might ask Daniel how he can account for very simple things. Without technical jargon, can he give you an explanation for one of the implication in his writings: particularly that a clock can run both faster and slower than another clock.

      Be very cautious of Dewey Larson. His ideas come out of German philosophy of Heidegger, and they are to handled with great caution.

    14. Anon 18:14 How do you know what any of us believe about the sun? (You don't, you only think you do!) Why do you take it upon yourself to assume so much? We could assume that you are an aging philosophy prof who wears baggy sweaters and sticks potato chips in his ears!

      Anon 20:42 Your first statement - yup! true!
      2. Why don't you take yourself off to Soldier Hugs forum and ask Daniel yourself? Sure would be interesting to see that debate!
      3. What's your beef with Dewey Larson and the ideas of Heidegger and why do YOU think they should be handled with caution? These are only your *opinions* to which you are entitled but opinions only!

      Sine Nomine

  7. I have a serious question:

    How many of you have been tired? Like so tired it is hard to get through the day? When you come home from work you have to take a nap??? Several of my co-workers have been so tired...
    Even people I know that have so much energy they are bouncing off the walls are tired.
    Just let me know, it would be great to see or know if I am going through this a lone.
    After all, don't we go through enough alone?

    1. I am the same...I fight fatigue everyday....hard to wake up....and I used to operate on 6 hours sleep no I want to sleep more and more....also wake up with a head ache every morning in the center of my forehead/behind the eyes.... I walk around all day feeling like I pulled an all nighter......

    2. I hear you my friend. I'll be talking about this in my next article..... I hope. I mean, I'm trying to get the article written.... but i'm so tired.

    3. I have been a zombie lately. Very strong lucid dreams and astral projections at night are making it like Im not even sleeping. Normally I amd 6-7 hours sleep a day but I can easily go 10-11 as of late.

    4. from the 12th until 21st my partner and i were going to bed early and sleeping for ten hours
      From the 21st it has been about going to bed at a sensible time(?) about 11pm and rising at 7ish feeling as if no sleep has occured
      I have always easily slipped into dream realms but have not been able to do so since the 21st
      my body feels as if it is jumping from age to age,sometimes i feel young and energetic and ,snap, my whole body is fatigued and bent forward and other age related physical profile.

      Is it chemtrail poisoning
      Is it DNA modification
      Is it suggestion via media,including the web

      I don't know,and I don't think anyone else knows either.

    5. If I sleep any more I might as well freaking hibernate!:D Do rabbits hibernate? chasing them down Cryptic's rabbit holes might be the reason we are all so tired! :D

      No offense Cryptic!

      Sine Nomine

    6. Boy howdy am I tired. I sometimes sleep 12 or more hours a day. Cant quite figure it out. Even after that much sleep I am still dragging my feet. I have read that during sleep our DNA does its reconnection thing. Maybe this is the root of our exhaustion.

    7. I just woke up from a 2 hour nap.... yet other than the hands on the clock moving I couldn't even tell i'd been asleep

  8. Yes, there is NO junk DNA! The Kryon (Lee Carroll's source) has been teaching us this for quite some time now: our DNA that the 'scientists' cannot see is inter-dimensional.

    My understanding from memory of reading the Kryon (not recently read that info)is that until our 'scientists' they start looking for that 90% (junk) inter-dimensionally, they won't see it...but it's there, it's working and functioning - all the time - and it's not waiting for anything.

    From S in Europe.

    1. That Kryon dude is questionable according to this.

    2. Questionable?

      You are questionable. I am questionable. The other posters and admin on this blog are questionable. The TV news is questionable. Scientists are questionable. Governments are questionable. Drugs that don't cure are questionable. Military are questionable. Money is questionable. Everything is Questionable According to your own research, listen to your own instincts and make up your own mind, friend.

      From S in Europe.

    3. might wanna insert according into your remarks above then

      .... friend

    4. Simply put everything is questionable because we have been blatenly lied to for the time span of, ooohhhh idk lets just say our entire existence....

    5. Although many sources will be considered as questionable by many people. The one thing I do not deem questionable is nature, the creator, whatever you call it that built this amazing body system we utilise whilst on Earth. And if this body system is anything, it is perfect, and I don't believe that any part of it, at all, is junk or useless or pointless because our so-called scientists can't see it or don't understand it.

      And when we bring imbalance to our bodies, nature has the cure (not our so-called scientists with their theories and the drug-pushers with their 'treatments').

      Further than that very basic level of my personal truth, we must each go with whatever source explains that DNA question in a way that resonates with us personally...until we KNOW. :)

      S in Europe.

    6. very well said S!

      .... of course, it would of been nice if someone had included a users manual, with a few chapters on repair and rebooting. Just Sayin'.

  9. Just a quick "Thanks" to Sine Nomine. Your alias reminded me of an island I used to own and had named Sine Matu. So, just a quick thanks to you for inspiration that spawned my new moniker.

    Sine Matu

    1. Oh! Ok Sine Matu! Glad to be of help! :D So its an island? I thought you had spelt it wrong and you meant "Sine Metu" which If memory serves means "without fear"! lol! (Its on a whiskey label, so I'm told!;-) )

      Sine Nomine

    2. Aww poopy-dupes. See? Told you, you helped me with it. :D Yes, its been about two years or so since then. Yes, I named the island that and yes also later found out it was on the bottom of Jameson's bottles.


      Sine Metu

  10. For what it's worth, take what resonates and leave the rest (or all!)...
    Thousands of years ago, our 12-strand DNA structure was tampered with by the so-called "gods" (little "g") resulting in only 2 strands functioning. The others were switched off - these are the 90% "junk DNA", what I call the God Codes. Left with only 2 strands, we became limited Humans with limited capacity.
    Ascension, or evolving into 5D, involve re-activating all these dormant strands so that we have all 12 strands turned on; we will then be capable of Magic, literally. This is what this Ascension/New Age/New Cycle/New Earth is all about -- the return of Gaia/Tara back to her 5D status, and the re-setting of Humanity to full consciousness.

  11. This is an extract from the Apocyphon of John which was discovered in a Berlin Gnostic Codex no. 8502 circa 1890's.

    "He (Yaldabaoth - check him out yourself if you are interested) breathed his spirit into Adam (who earlier parts of the texts claim was androgynous). The spirit is the power of his mother, but he did not realize this, because he lives in ignorance. The Mother's power went out of Yaldabaoth and into the physical body that had been made to be like the one who is from the beginning.

    The body moved and became powerful. And it was enlightened.

    And the rest of the powers became jealous. Although Adam came into being through all of them, and they gave their power to this human, Adam was more intelligent tan the creators and first ruler. When they realized that Adam was enlightened and could think more clearly than they and was stripped of evil, they took and threw Adam into the lowest part of the whole material realm.

    The blessed, benevolent Mother-Father had compassion for the Mother's power had been removed from the first ruler. The archons might be able to overpower the physical, perceptible body once again. So with its benevolent and most merciful Spirit, the Mother-Father sent a helper to Adam - enlightened Insight, who is from Mother-Father and who is called Life. She helped the whole creature, laboring with it, restoring its fullness, teaching it about the decent of the seed, teaching it about the way os ascent, which is the way of descent.

    Enlightened Insight was hidden within Adam so that the archons might not recognize her, but that Insight might be able to retore what the Mother lacked." End of quote.

    That text (a brief extract) was written circa 1st Century CE (or AD) by John, brother of James who together are the sons of Zebedee, and are the words of the man known as Jesus Christ. These writings were kept out of "the Bible" by a certain "Irenaeus" circa 4th Century CE .

    Sorry for the cryptic-ness of the writing, but allowing for the roundabout language, I thought it interesting that way back then there were people trying to get at the truth of what happened to Mankind - just as we are now. For what it is worth. ;-)

    Sine Nomine

    1. Well everyone has always wanted the truth. When you first asked your parent a serious question, did you trust? If you had no trust, you wouldn't have asked. So then the question becomes... "why did that question arise in the first place?" It doesn't become clear that a parent's answers are fallible until later in years. It is still only reasonable to trust first, though, that is correct in love of another being.

      The spirit lived in ignorance and yet was enlightened. Taken literally means, it has the ability to SEE LIGHT and function in this physical plane. The most difficult part about such writings is remembering that the author has a different set of presumptions about what the reader understands. We no longer live circa 2000 years ago. The author presumes we are aware that spirits cannot see light.

      On another note, here is Adam, not the planet Venus ( Lucifer ) that is chucked headlong into the world. The "Fall of Man" per se.

      And also we have the mother-spirit sending us "insight" which if you read carefully here, you will understand is the same thing as what you breathe.

      One last note:: The whole problem is underscored due to the lesser powers being "jealous". So for a simple resolution to the whole affair, all we need to do is rectify their jealousy and then voila~, we are back to square one, right? (grins)

      Sine Metu

    2. Personally speaking, it occurred to me a while back that maybe I'm not trying to find the truth but rather I'm trying to REMEMBER it. Once upon a time, in a land far away (or not!) I knew it. :-)

      I was remarking in the post above about truth seeking then and now and the irony of it all. ;-)

      Sine Nomine

    3. The truth of the past cannot be changed ever. What we are taught about history cannot change the past. But it is certain that what we are taught about history changes our present. The truth about the future, though, can only be changed individually by each of us. If you wanted to represent this picture, then perhaps a dandelion seeding would do the trick. All of the seeds are stretched out as various people remember the future, and history folds up down the stem behind us. Now you can see why, perhaps, we are to forget the future and forgive the past.

      Sine Metu

    4. Ah! but the past doesn't exist, nor does the future! ;-)

      Sine Nomine

    5. I share your endeavor of remembering the truth Sine Nomine. Sine Metu, it is the ever present eternal now, that we must learn to dwell, something I believe humanity is currently wrestling with.

    6. Then it appears you both understand completely how to forgive and forget. :)

    7. A thought I had and tweeted, maybe a week ago, I'm no good at time. " Ancient winds whisper secrets we forgot we knew, and weave us together into a beautiful, new tapestry"
      Another thought, perhaps past, present and future, all exsist NOW. We can just experience the present, per say, because we are experiencing the concept of linear time. It's beyond my capacity, at the moment, to fully understand multi-dimensionality, and non-linear time but I expect that to change as DNA activations complete and my brain functions at full capacity. In the meantime, it's fun and dizzying to try!

    8. Be very careful with this teaching.

    9. This may or may not be "a teaching " idk, just one of MY personal, many random thoughts.

    10. Kathy Kelley - I agree its a wrestling match! ;-)

      Sine Metu (12:51) Yup! I'm at peace with the world! :D

      Lady Xanth Ancient winds whisper secrets we forgot we knew and weave us together into a beautiful new tapestry - beautifully put!

      Sine Nomine

  12. I thank McCroft for the paper by the Russians on DNA activation but in all honesty the info isnt new. I read about DNA activation as being the key to accessing other dimensions about 6 months ago.

  13. Had a thought this morning. Probably not new but I want to mention it anyway. I think we are all ascending and have been ascending for a while. Picture a ladder that is marked with 3D,4D,5D etc, instead of feet. We each have been moving up the rungs of the ladder and are at varying levels of consciousness. In this "Google" world I wanted my search results in 8 seconds or less. I guess I thought I was going to get on a high speed elevator and ascend when the button was pressed, but instead it is a ladder.

  14. bts you know the amount for every human being on earth will be receive to abundance Saint Germain and other

    1. No she doesnt. Im not sure anyone does except the people assigned to deliver the funds. And there are also people trying to say an amount but are all saying something different. So I guess we will just have to wait and find out.

    2. btw you don't are this thank to transmute all message you see is real

    3. bts I want mean you don't are stooge messenger and thank you for sharing the info Excuse my French language

  15. Regarding DNA and awakening. I recently posted about mass awakening and the 100th monkey syndrome. I just watched a short David Icke (Love this guy!) video regarding the phenomenon and I must say, he sums it up perfectly. When you combine this info with the remarkable DNA article, I see the quantum leap of consciousness and our new paradigm. If anyone is interested, the video clip is here

  16. I do not know if anyone has completely read the Treasury Finance AG Final Bullet Report on American Kabuki. I have just finished reading it. This is the GLOBAL banking event spoken of by D. I am so completely blown away by the depth and breadth of this world wide 2 year banking investigation. Wow, the new paradigm, collective, unity conscious is very apparent as it has given the powers that were, the opportunity to join the collective and redistribute their ill gotten gains back to the victims they took it from. The idea being, right the wrong, all is forgiven. This is truly as it should be in our new paradigm. I URGE EVERYONE to read this remarkable report.

    1. Yes indeedy KK! Mind-blowing read, especially when you realise who the players are. :-o Now if they'd just be able to action everything, that would be great!

      Sine Nomine

    2. Pierce County Public records tend to back up the "test house" in the test state in the test county if anyone is interested, I can post a link.

  17. This article is amazing. I truly believe in all of this 100%. I came across some of this info before. I read a wonderful book based around what this article had to say. The book I read explains all of this in a easier way without all the scientific facts. If you really want to learn how to apply this to you life I highly suggest readers to check out this book. It is called Thoughts the Universal Code of Creating Your Own Reality. Love, light and many blessing to the person who wrote this article.

    Susan M.

  18. If you'll read closely, I made no such assumption.

    1. "Look into differing theories and you may come to doubt what you believe about the sun and the earth."

      Written words, spoken words also have inferred meanings other than the obvious ones. There is an assumption inferred in the statement above. You work it out, my friend.

      You keep mentioning "fear" - I do not chose to dwell in a place of fear so for that reason I will not be addressing any of your fear laden posts. Whether you fear that those of us who believe differently to you will somehow spoil things for you, I don't know and don't want to know. You must work through that yourself if that is what you believe. Forgive the assumption.

      sedit qui timuit ne non succederet (He who feared failure sat still) I'm moving on! Good luck with whatever is your agenda.

      Sine Nomine

  19. That was to sine nomine.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


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