
Tuesday 4 December 2012

It's enough to Disturb your General Constitution

This is an excellent interview with Teri Hinkle, explaining the Re-Declaration and giving a very good run down of just how low the American government has fallen and how high the Cabal have climbed, over top of the basic rights of the people.

We've talked about our path to waking people up and the frustration that hits us as our friends and family slumber on.  I think this might be one of the best "introductions" out there.  The American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are two of the most revered documents in the US.  If people can listen to this interview and they still deny the existence of the Cabal and refuse to recognize the devastation that has been wrought to the people of the world..... then, IMO, they are meant to slumber on.

Its Enough to Disturb Your General Constitution

December 2, 2012
By Brian K.

The Truth, supported by stone cold evidence revealed in this interview is enough to make even the folks down at Ripley's Believe it or Not, vomit.

Prior to my interview with Teri and Dennis, I was aware of the deception and corruption committed by United States of America Corporation against its own people, but not to the depth and degree that was revealed. So many acts of treason at so many levels. Its difficult to fathom how those behind the development of the system have gotten away with it for so long. The most sickening part is that the perpetrators rub it right in our faces. If they had done it openly, they know we "the people" would not allow it to happen. They expected  us to volunteer to tie ourselves down to the tracks using rope we paid for, to get utterly railroaded. Then they expected us to graciously ask for seconds.

I don't know about you but I'm done playing that game. Yes, I firmly believe the cavalry is coming and there is a master plan playing out behind the scenes that has a lot of promise in turning things around for this country and the world. Much of which I uncovered in my interview with Poof, for those of you who were lucky enough to hear it, before we had to pull it offline, know exactly what I'm talking about.

But that doesn't mean we should all sit around twiddling our thumbs waiting for the white knights to come save us. Fact is, the more of us who stand up for what we believe in NOW and speak up for our rights, not only citizens of the United States, but free citizens of the world, the faster we will be able to earn our way into the Golden Age!

If you're like me and you're sick of waiting, then lets all do our part now by signing the petition on the  website and re-declare our freedom and independence as Americans. It takes two minutes to do your part and make a difference. We need 25,000 signatures by Dec 25, 2012 to garner an official response from the governmen... which is nothing with ALL of your support! Stand up NOW and let your voices be heard!

Petition from the White website:


We The People Now Re-Declare in 2012…. The Declaration of Independence!

This petition is for the purpose of a public Re-Declaration of Independence that declares our Independence from the illegal US Government CORPORATION, thereby RESTORING our organic and lawful united States Government, which puts the illegal US Government CORPORATION and all its illegal BAR association members throughout ALL three branches of government on notice, and establishes a mandate by the Power and Authority of "We the People" for their immediate removal from office as mandated by the authority of the original 13th Amendment.

Created: Nov 24, 2012

Here is the link to sign the petition

Share it on your Facebook, tweet it, re-blog it, share this interview, send it out to your email network, shout it out from your roof top! NOW is the time to wake people up to the Truth!

Check out this video

Also, check out this article (mentioned in the interview) on the "Treasonous BAR (British Accredited Registry) Association:

- Brian

Click HERE to go to American Kabuki to read the entire transcript of the interview


  1. "We've talked about our path to waking people up and the frustration that hits us as our friends and family slumber on."

    Yup, I tried to wake my parents up, but they are very close minded and won't believe anything on the net, only the lies in the mainstream media. If the good guys ever regain control of the news, it will go a long way in waking up millions more. Those who are unable to wake this life simply won't be ready to ascend.

    1. Yes, understood and now the effects of trying to wake up family can be almost detrimental to one's own health and well being. It will take something awful happening to get my father's attention - unless he has been unintentionally storing ideas about reality presented to him that he is not able to accept. I keep hoping. But I can longer even stand being around him.

    2. It is frustrating trying to wake up family and friends, but remember what they said about Jesus -- a prophet is not welcomed in his own home town (paraphrased)... somebody else has to wake them up, it won't be us as their family.

      I have been giving them the Change is on the Horizon video links, so we'll see how it goes...

      Change is on the Horizon Part 1 of 3 Dawn of the Golden Age

      There are three videos, for a total of about 3 hours. Totally worth it to wake up to the ugly, ugly truth about this country. It's not ever been what we've been taught in school, and certainly not what is taught in school NOW. I would never put my kids in public school -- wish I had known all this when they were young and in public school. Home school is the only way to go.

      Be well :)


    The big media networks NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN are dying, and the BBC in London has been ridiculed into submission because of their biased reporting of the Middle East and their protection of pedophiles in their midst....

    (Read the article in link. Great news that people are waking up faster and in greater numbers! The mainstream media either needs to be forced to tell the truth or be shut down to stop the propaganda!)

    1. OUTSTANDING ARTICLE! Thanks for sharing!

    2. Interesting about BBC being brought to their knees now about the pedophile activity -- it's not new and has been here forever. Makes me joyous seeing these big MSM companies being slowly cut down to the hacks they are. Hollywood is the most pervasive pedophile haven there is -- and their victims are starting to come out about it all. Thank GOD for alternative media! :)

  3. Great ideas and I deeply appreciate all the efforts of the Re-declaration etc. I still don't think any of this will work. I don't believe anymore that there is a positive military. I don't believe what Drake says anymore and I'm ashamed that I trusted him. All this is so discouraging and I think we're already over the cliff. So fed up I want to scream my head off! lol!...and cry but what good would it do?
    I'm afraid America will be sucked dry and burned to the ground before people wake up. I truly believe that a civil war is imminent.

    1. Wait a minute, I have an AWAKE and AWARE Son who is active duty military. IT MAKES A FREAKING DIFFERENCE! SIGN IT or all the work and the deaths and sacrifices will be IN VAIN! SIGN THIS REDECLARATION PEOPLE! It is the single MOST POWERFUL THING YOU CAN DO!!! I can not believe there have only been 2500 signatures. WAKE UP AND TAKE YOUR FREEDOM BACK!

    2. Man the level of frustration I feel at this moment is beyond anything I have ever felt before. I want to SHAKE YOU, and SCREAM AT YOU, THIS IS OUR CHANCE! STEP UP TO THE PLATE, YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU CAN GRASP! DO NOT FEAR!!! They need to fear, NOT US! PLEEEAAAASSSE Do this SIGN IT!

    3. I did sign it. I've signed everything there is to sign. i've also called the Pentagon twice on my own,the DOj several times, Scotus countless times....been in this for 4 1/2 years.

    4. Bless you! Now, TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW! I dont know how much ink is in my printer but I am going to print what I can and go to Walmart and start handing out fliers to the sleepwalkers.

    5. I agree with you, civil war is imminent and there's nothing the evil ones can do to stop it. I have been to the site when the petition first came out and signed. Time to put up or shut up -- no more whining, let's do this thing!

  4. Here's the icing on the cake, so to speak

    1. I would NEVER do either -- anyone who does must be completely and totally devoid of any human reasoning whatsoever.

  5. People DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED AND GIVE UP! MAKE UP SOME FLIERS WITH THE SOLDIER HUGS WEBSITE AND GO TO A WALMART. Start the ball rolling, open your mouth and SPEAK TO THOSE WHO ARE ASLEEP! Even if they aren't aware as you and I are, they are sick of this shit too. Dont give up, GET MAD and let that anger propel you forward. It has to start with US. How can we sit back and do nothing expecting it to change? Parking ourselves in front of the computer (I am guilty of this too) IS NOT GOING TO FIX IT! GET ACTIVE, STEP UP and TAKE CONTROL. 1st amendment FREE SPEECH USE IT or LOSE IT!

  6. What is the problem people? Just sign the petition. If you already visit these websites that have posted this petition then you are already being monitored. I just can't believe that less than 3,200 people have signed the petition since the 25th of November. We need 25,000 signatures before the 25th of December. Change starts when we start to speek up for ourselves. Over Thanksgiving my mother-in-law complained to me and asked me why I don't just use paper plates and disposable cups. I told her I find them to be too wasteful. Her comment back was that every one else uses paper plates so why I shouldn't I. But is that really where we are now, to just be one of the sheeple, do it because everyone else is doing it anyway so what difference does it make? Well I disagree. There would never be any change if everyone just did the same thing as everyone else. Signing the petition does make a difference and if you don't sign it then really you have no right to whine and complain should things not change but when they do change and you haven't signed then you won't be the reason why they changed. Don't you want to take a stand, be part of history and be proud of yourself? We are the change that we have been waiting for!

    1. Amen Amen Amen! You were being nice to your MIL, I would have said that using paper plates and cups was extremely tacky and cheap lol It's the poverty mentality that folks of that era have, and most will never ever come out of that mentality of lack and fear... I have had to work on my own mother for years and years... but the best thing I have received from that effort, is that she is asking questions! Praise God! And she is wondering about "stuff" -- she thought Clinton balanced the budget lol I said nooooooooooo! He just raised the debt ceiling! She was shocked, and I just kept on talking about the others. I have been showing the videos about 9/11 too, now that they've had years to examine and figure it all out, and we know not one jet hit anything, there are new questions to ask. So, we continue on trying to wake souls up :)

  7. It seems to me that there is something wrong with the signature numbers that are showing on the Re-Declaration Petition. How is it possible that it is only eaking up by a hundred or so signatures a day, it makes no sense to me. I just can't believe that there are just so few patriotic people, I just can't. I think it's being manipulated. Maybe one of the blogs should run a pole to see how many people have signed the petition - Yes, I've signed - No, I haven't signed.



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