
Saturday 8 December 2012

Roundtable Conversation with Breaking the Silence, Hopegirl, and friends

I hope you will be able to listen in tomorrow night to the Shift Is Happening Radio show on Blog Talk Radio as I will be sitting down with Hopegirl, Deb Pietsch, Carol of No Holds Barred and Angel gifting , plus perhaps a few more friends,to have a conversation about the Shift .... although with everything that is happening right this minute, the topic of conversation might change completely by tomorrow night. ;>)

I am planning on being on the Shift is Happening radio show for the first hour at least, but may have to disappear from time to time... it might be a very busy night for me ;>)

... it might turn into a night to remember.


Tune in for a Very Special Roundtable Show! Beings of Light Unite!

Day 8: Beings of Light Unite ~ Lively Roundtable Conversation with Hopegirl & Friends
Saturday, December 8, 2012 6pm PST/ 9pm EST for 3 hours
Hosted by Deborah Ariel Pietsch, of iTV & radio show, “Wake Up…Shift Is Happening!”, HopeGirl of the Hopegirl2012 Blog and the initiator of the “How to fix the World Project” on a live Round Table conversation show. Our roundtable includes D, the author of “Removing the Shackles” blog and Carrol from the “No Holds Barred” Facebook group, and the Angel Gifting Organization, as well as a possible surprise guest or two!
For More info on each of these powerful Roundtable Participants please see the following links to their great work!
Deb Pietsch- Wake Up Shift is Happening TV
Removing the Shackles Blog
Angel Gifting Organization
We’ll be sharing thoughts, ideas, insights and even experiential tools to support you through this amazingly powerful transitional time. Here are some of the topics we’ll be covering:
We’ll be further introducing “Beings of Light Unite” a project of unification whose time has come. The Beings of Light Unite Unified Field Activation on 12/12/12
  • · Where we all are in the Great Awakening
  • · What’s going on with the “Money Shift / Re-Set”
  • · How we become more powerful as a Unified Field
  • · Different things happening on the Global Scale
  • · How we can energetically further increase our vibration and frequency at this time of transition
  • · Support you in being more comfortable—if you’re not– as a Way-shower and Leader with tools and conversation
  • · Things that can be done on a community scale to prepare for this shift in energy
  • · Q and A
  • · Further introduction to “The Beings Of Light Unite” Unification Project with activations starting on 12-12-12 –


  1. Sounds like a Heaven of a good time!!!

  2. Been stalking the blog ALL DAY! D, I will be tuned in at 6pm pst. There is also some terrific info regarding how to get involved and amplify efforts on the 12:12:12 portal here~ I am dancing an Irish Jig with JOY in my being. BTS, as always, Thanks for your time energy and effort keeping us informed and and giving us a hangout to toss ideas and info to each other. Much love and light to you friend {{{HUGS}}} and a big MUUAAAHHH!

    1. Me too Kathy lol. I wake up in the middle of the night to see whats happening!


    2. This is my favorite blog, really hope it all comes true.

  3. Further introduction to “The Beings Of Light Unite” Unification Project with activations starting on 12-12-12

    More like PONTIFICATION project. lol I'm just kidding. I couldn't resist. looking forward to it BTS.

    1. PONTIFICATE?!? Come now, I prefer the expression "Soap Boxing" :>P

  4. You dont call yourself antag for nothing, do ya? ;) LMAO. I've got happy feet!

    1. I will also have happy feet that will have me jumping for joy if the event materializes by 12/21/12.

  5. Will the show be archived so we can listen to it at a different time? (like the various 2012 Scenario shows?) Looking forward to it -- thanks!

    1. I'm pretty sure it will be available to listen to later on- I'll post the information as soon as I have it.

  6. Eff YES!!!

    Bring it on home Star Brethren. :>)

  7. Life is good...let's rock!...thank You BTS~*D*~ You rock!...Kiss!Kiss! withLove~inLight... ~chinka~

    1. love and light to you chinka my friend

    2. Life is only going to be good if the light wins. Alot of people don't believe anything will happen.

  8. I enjoy your site. I was wondering if anybody saw the notes by Alexandra from the Cobra Conference?

    There's a lot of information here, but I found his description of "The New Financial System" a little "unsettling." In particular, he/she mentions a currency revaluation many of us are familiar with and notes "it will not work" Any thoughts or opinions would be welcome. Thanks BTS. Will definitely check out the show

    1. I also dont like how Cobra states that light workers and light warriors will be the richest on the planet..... I thought the hole idea of abundance and oneness was equality in all aspects? Cobra has alot of stuff that resonates with me and alot that doesnt.

    2. Maybe everything will be so different in the near future that we can't really imagine, with our current perspective, what it will be like in its entirety. Sometimes I wonder if the assumptions we make are based a lot on the current ways of life, including the illusion of duality and translating the Intel we are receiving with a dualistic perspective. Maybe the energy of unity will be so normal that it changes everything, and being rich takes on a whole new meaning, not one having more then the other but one having a feeling of completeness.

    3. I agree Blue 8. Every time I try to envision changes to our world that I would make, my higher self says that the 10% of our memory that we have access to now, doesn't even come close to having our complete memory and therefore we would be able to view our situation from a MUCH higher place of existence.

      With so much taken out of the equation, we would be free to create PARADISE from a higher perspective.

      We can't even begin to imagine because we are missing the other 90%!!

      There was a Bible verse that stuck in my mind growing up and I think it very well pertains to our immediate future:

      But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
      I Corinthians 2:9

      Now I know what it was referring to.....WE DON'T HAVE A CLUE :)
      Which is an awesome thing!!

    4. My feeling about Cobra is that this is a very well-intentioned individual who *may* (I don't know this) be operating from a position of detached self-created fantasy about "The Event".

      I have been observing Cobra's writings from the beginning, and initially I was intrigued by the condensed quality of writing produced, and the tone of contextualized knowing that seemed to inform it.

      Had Cobra's website remained ad-free, and if Cobra had chosen to remain out of the public limelight, my curiosity may have remained piqued. But I personally found the timing of Cobra's financial requests suspect. They seemed manipulative. Similarly have I found suspect Cobra's periodic build-up of anticipation, followed by unusually cryptic announcements of just how much more boobytrapped the system is.

      What I see happening in this display is Cobra potentially playing upon his readership's feedback over time, and calibrating his unfolding presentation accordingly. I do not sense that Cobra is acting as an objective presenter of any kind of objective truth.

      Again, this is my own tentative personal assessment at this time. I could be wrong.

    5. "WE don't have a clue"..... THAT is exactly my motto.

    6. I read all the notes and it's an interesting story till we have proof. Some parts of it resonated with me. He believes we will see the "event" on or before 12/21/12, but does not guarantee anything...

    7. Cobra is just an Ashtar command guy who is pretending to be somebody he is not, in order to sell more conferences. Otherwise, not a lot of people would be interested in them. Of course he has to say something that will resonate with you. So does GFL If they don't, it would be too easy to discredit them. But it's a twisted truth, that has a much more sinister underlying agenda. It's the opinion of many that GFL/ Ashtar command are a front for Reptilians/Greys and other malevolent entities. So all the collective consciousness meditations and events sponsored by them, if expertly twisted, can be easily taken over to serve their agendas.

  9. If I can dive way down the rabbit hole for a moment, I think what you seeds to philavox is probably true for us all on a macro level. We are all thirsty for news and to witness physical manifestations of the changes we desire. But if I may, as much as we often allow ourselves to be distracted from our own empowerment and creative selves, we too are in some ways playing off each other, like you theorize Cobra plays off his readership. We believe what we see manifesting, and what we believe, we create. So it's like we are chasing each other's tails ;)

    I feel Cobra is legit, but that doesn't matter. I think we are all in the midst of our self created classroom of self realization, where we are manifesting our doubts as much as we are manifesting our dreams. And that's pretty profound.

  10. Is too quiet, and nobody is talking not even in the Dinar Chats. That is strange. That means we are REALLY done, or preparing ourselves for a bigger fall.

    We will know soon won't we?

    1. .... I'm just waiting my friend. Busting at the seams, pacing the floor with impatience, (add a liberal sprinkling of cursing and swearing and the occasional tantrum), and frustrated because they aren't doing this by MY schedule.

      ........... So we wait. Together.

    2. Thanks BTS for your good intentions. At least everyone is on the same page for once, so there must be some truth to the rumors.

      I fear that if nothing happens this time a lot of us won't be able to recover from the disappointment.

    3. Anonymous 12:37- I hear you my friend. And that message has been sent up the tree several times in the past few days by several people. All I can say is that it's coming- steps have been taken and things have happened to insure that it will, there is no going back now. But we wait for the release of everything.

    4. Awesome. Thanks:)

    5. Have you been shown hard proof by your insiders, BTS? None of us have any proof, all we can do is keep an open mind and hope the light wins so we can see the event and our ascension. If nothing happens, it's game over for humanity as the elite is gonna fight to the last man. :(

  11. I got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night!!!,

  12. I agree Anon 10:21. We don't know what is going to happen, no news...
    I have been stocking this blog as well, waiting for the "24 hours" to pass...went away...then 48 hours... gone... then we are welcomed to listen to a radio show.

    I don't know, I think people would have listened to the radio show without the need to state the 24 hour thing. I enjoy reading the blogs, even for entertainment sake. However, I do have a problem with the "hope" theme.

    There are many people who truly believe something great is coming. I would LOVE to see something great heading our way. But there are people who are WAITING on it, becoming consumed, and don't do anything else regarding to their financial situation. People are losing their houses, living on the streets, digging out of garbage cans... but yet "something good is going to happen soon."

    I really want something good to happen, there is such pain in my heart when there are people, animals, and the Earth suffering so greatly. If there is information going to come out soon, it would be best to keep it to ourselves, not say something is going to come out, hopefully in the next 24 hours... instead, have the radio shows and articles listed that might be building up to that point. After all, we are not the cabal. We don't build up people's hope just to have in crushed days later. We live in light and love. Ratings or anything like that doesn't interfere for the good we are trying to do in this world.
    Life is short, we need to stand by our promises, give others clear, concise, and knowledgeable information, and show the love in our hearts.
    Sorry if this post was long... but I just want people to live in the now, not the future, not the past. When and it happens, the timing is right. It's easier not to say a word until it does, instead of crushing the hearts of many.
    Love everyone, have a great weekend...

    1. I hear you my friend, and I've made a promise to myself not to post times any more. Within 6 hours of posting that last update I was kicking myself because immediately news of delays started rolling in. I apologize to all of you for that.

    2. RTS-
      I am sure that it's hard to keep the information within yourself, not letting anyone know until the time is right. You do have the right intentions, that I do know.
      Bursting at the seams is no fun, when you just want to give the information of what is coming.
      It took a long time to get to this point, so now timing is everything. Thank you for not posting the information that everyone wants to know. For now, great articles and allowing the people out there to become informed is best. After all, most people don't even know they are slaves...

    3.! *D* cheer You...and us up...Kiss!Kiss! ~chinka~

    4. Chinka that is an AWESOME post guaranteed to cheer anyone up! Much love and light to you sister

    5. thank You my darling Kathy for calling me this long journey...i don't feel so alone tears like a river from joy! Bless You my sister...Kiss! ~chinka~

    6. It's amazing, isn't it. I feel like I am in love with everything. I am bursting with joy on this fine day. I am looking forward to meeting you some day very soon and having the pleasure of wrapping you up in an embrace of pure love. Bless YOU, sister

    7. me too..Kathy...i know in my heart we will meet...with Grace i thank You...Kiss! ~chinka~

    8. I find it hard to get too excited till we see hard proof that the light won. More and more people think nothing is going to happen.

    9. Trust me when I say this, I had a very strange and intense dream (or OBE) the other night. I was there when the scales tipped to the side of light. There was an intense elation and joy between those who are watching and guarding earth and humanity from harm by the Cabal. There were many who did not believe it could be done (as this is not the first or even second attempt to shift humanity out of 3D duality). It felt like the dark & light forces here are in an inner galactic superbowl game. All intelligent beings throughout space and time are watching (that's a LOT of beings). Well, bottom line, the light won. There is a phasing out of the old paradigm. The shift will not just be on the 21st this month, although this will be the hugest influx of energy. If you are not prepared for the shift, the portal will remain open until the end of your life. Most people will ascend between the 21st of December and 2016. There is so much about to be revealed to the public, we are at that threshold now. Understand this, the crimes and lies are so deep and extensive that once revealed, will cause most people to go through a grief process (a cleansing). Then when PP's are released people will be equal, we will on be on a financial level field freeing us from struggling with day to day existence. We will have the time and means to pursue what we are passionate about. Imagine the collective state of mind in a situation like that. There is a lot of work to be done and the great revealing is literally ready to go. Have hope! The future is so full of beauty and promise, seriously.

  13. I don't see Cobra asking for money at the site, I see a lady named Alexandra at the Galactic Connection asking for money to help maintain her website (hey are not free)...what am I missing? I'm blonde, lol......

  14. Well since I know FOR CERTAIN BTS is involved with the Trust of St. Germain, I cant even imagine having the info and not being able to spill it. KUDOS to you D, for holding your mud. BTS has, no doubt, seen first hand what happens when people say things before the awaited GREEN LIGHT and the time frames coming and going because of it. I have a deep inner knowing that there will indeed be a "special guest" or two during the blog talk. We have just a few hours to go and I have butterflies in the belly hee hee.

    1. Kathy .... lots of love and light to you my friend. You are an amazing source of positive vibrations.


    2. Let's hope the Mayan's "green light" of 12/21/12 results in the event then ascension. None of us have hard proof, just faith and hope that the light can win this battle of duality or it's game over for humanity.

    3. Missed the special guests because they were out of time! There was also some confusion about the length of the show too. D, I would listen in on a weekly basis, if that could be manifested (fingers crossed)

  15. Don't worry BTS if you can't share info. None of us want delays. We who know, know how close we are. I think Dec 21-24 is going to be way more signifcant than most people realize. There will be one timeline left and it is not one that the cabal gets to continue the status quo. ;)

    1. The cabal is fighting very hard to maintain the status quo, we shall find out in 12 days. There's supposed to be an event, if nothing happens, the cable prevented this and it could be game over for humanity.

    2. Have you ever considered that the "cabal" are the ones responsible for the event that you describe, and that they very much want you right where you are? And that they will feed you any amount of Intel to keep you there?

  16. I was just wondering about the microwaves and mind control stuff. I was reading article after article, looking at pictures of what these towers look like.. these things are all over the place.
    Is there a plan to get rid of the technology that is hurting the people of the world? I just thought to myself, "No wonder why there are so many people on drugs to stop depression!"
    Is it a topic that will be on the radio show? Hopefully so, since many people (including me) had no idea what was going on. It was like a light went out into my brain. All of the anger, depression, anxiety, paranoia, and everything in between can be the causes of it.. well, not all, but a good portion. Imagine the data they had received by using the experiments of the waves amongst the population of the world. It really explains a lot~ it is better to know these things to guide you into real truth.
    Thanks BTS for allowing questions to be asked!~love~is~the~key~to~everything...

    1. Hi my friend, I don't think we'll be addressing this topic directly tonight.... but you never know the realms that the conversation might slip into. I do think that at a certain point, many topics of this will be brought to the forefront of conversation, especially once certain things start happening.


  17. BTS, I like your site the best because the commentor's are the most sincere and also most rational. Some other sites that i think are good have the most horrible commentor's. I, particularly, enjoy reading Kathy Kelly's comments as she exudes good positive energy and i can feel it from her. Your site is an example of light attracting light. Kudos.

    1. thank you my friend- you have no idea how much that means to me- Light attracting light.

      light to you

    2. Indeed! Kathy is a ray of love and sunshine! Thank you all for being a part of my life and journey. You all make a an impact on me and I learn from you. I love you brothers and sisters! Namaste!

    3. Wow, Anon 14:32 and LadyXanth, I am truly honored by your very kind words. It is my intent to raise awareness as well as hope about what is unfolding. It is an honor and a privilege to have been allowed this opportunity to be of assistance. This blog is my hang out. The incredible light, love and knowledge being shared between all of us is so awesome and I find it so cool that we have people from all over the world. Love and Light to all of you. We are all family we are one!

  18. subject...sorta.
    does anyone know exactly the alignment portal/window engagement on 12 12 12~~~PST?
    thank you.

    1. 12/12/12 to 12/21/12 may be the final window where we will either enter the positive timeline where we see the event materialize or the negative timeline where nothing happens and things keep getting worse and worse till the elites destroy humanity.

  19. Never mind :=D I found this link from American Kabuki, directly after I posted this above question. HA!
    For anyone else wondering:

  20. Hmmm I wonder..was something going on earlier today? I went to the gas station and all bank machines were down.

    I'll be tuning in at 9:00est :)

    1. Here's to hoping it means something. Lots of rumors of a new financial system...

  21. I agree Anonymous 8.

    A large part of keeping the vibrations high is because D let's it be known that negative commenters are not welcome here.

    The journey we are on bears with it a responsibility from us to 'HOLD UP THE LIGHT', and it is the most SERIOUS portion of our 26,000 year journey.

    Thank you D for 'uninviting' negative commenters, and thank you for hosting the site:)

    I do like the appreciation and mutual respect between commenters as well as encouragement. The love can be felt. Any level above this will need a crystal body to contain :)

    1. BTS believes in freedom of speech and you can say what you want as long as you don't attack anyone. Alot of people don't believe anything will happen. Yes they are being "negative" but I can understand why with all the delays and still no proof. I wish the insiders and lightworkers all the luck in the world. 12/21/12 is the most important date in history, we shall find out!

    2. Have you ever considered that that date was sold to you from a plan that powerful people put in place long ago?

      Have you ever considered that you are all receiving information that is given specifically to you so that you will believe what you believe?

      Have you considered that this has all been done before?

      Do you think I would be telling you this for no reason?

      Do you know what it is like to watch you all going into a new dark age, and apparently being able to do nothing to help you?

    3. Anon 18:33
      I have "seen" what you are saying. It has happened before. Things have been put in place for a long time. However, there is a power greater than that of the most powerful. We have one true source, and that source has made it clear that enough was enough.

      We have gone through it, but no more. The age of light is really upon us. The real light of the world, not the darkness. Many people are waking up, the more we wake up, the better chance we have.

      Fear does not outweigh love, and love is really all there ever was and will be.

    4. Anon 18:33 I truly get where you are coming from and it is a fact that EVERYTHING in the known universe is comprised of cycles. So, yes we have been here before. However for approximately 300,000 years earth and her inhabitants have been stuck, like a record skipping. It is the planet that wishes to evolve as she has been stuck with humanity and exploited mercilessly. Most of what I know, I was born knowing. No one told me anything, so no one sold me anything. It is very hard to explain if you are not one of the volunteers who came here to assist earth and humanity on the journey. Those of us that were chosen are but a fraction of the population but we all responded to our pre-planned call to duty and suited and booted for the task. Right now most people view us as crack pots and institutional escapees. That is okay, that wont be the case very soon. If you really want to know what is happening, go to Read sections 1 & 2. You will understand how we got into the mess and what is going to happen to remedy it. It is okay if you don't believe it, it is going to happen right before your eyes. ;)

    5. Exactly! This guy really got me thinking because my entire life philosophy is open to everything and critical to everything. I really love the fact that I'm not following any one person's opinion and certainly not being spoofed anything and trust me, I know spoon feeding when it occurs. This is where I've come after a life of experiences. It started through meditation when I was young, and I would fill notebooks upon notebooks with these thoughts and ideas that are finally now being confirmed externally. I've lost the path and found myself over and over again and my current beliefs are based on a myriad of experiences and resources shown to me over time. The fact that others have been having the same exact set of experiences in their own way and have now reached the same place as i just feels like a beautiful miracle. This trip started for me as a reaction to strong unconditional love that created a strong link to source, which fed me information through intuition. If unconditional love is wrong then maybe I want to be wrong. The bigger picture of it is such a perfect miracle that it certainly feels outside of the hands of any controlling force and much more in the place of all that is, existing in all NOW moments past present and future, but mostly the eternal present presence, which is of course the same thing...

    6. Sorry for the typos...iPad autocorrects then won't let me edit!

  22. Looking forward to this :) I'm excited to hear about what all these great people have to say. Thank you BTS for your continued hard work, it can't be easy to keep all this information to yourself but you've got a lot of support from people like myself, who visit this blog and are seekers of truth.

  23. After subscribing to the newsletters this one arrived in my in box time stamped 11:11. Gotta love synchronicity! Will there be a written over view of the radio show as I don't have the attention span to listen to 3 hours, lol.

    Thanks for the continued updates BTS, even if it's to say you are still waiting to get the go ahead. I don't post much but do love to check out this blog daily. Thank you for all you are doing and that goes to all the light workers quietly beavering away in the background.

  24. I think that we are going to be hit by high frequencies on 12-12-12 and all of this will start to manifest. By 12-21-12, we will go through the dimensional shift.

  25. The financial reset is exciting because it is somewhat more tangible and down to earth. It will instantly awaken (to a certain extent) the masses. But I believe that ascension will be the most incredible, indescribable moment when all of this will no longer matter. All the work done this year was invaluable, however.

  26. I like the sound of your voice D. :)

    1. hahahahahha- I have a cold, so it's not usually quite this deep, lol!

    2. D your voice sounds almost exactly like mine. It kinda creeped me out for a minute!

  27. Ordo ab chao

    You are all falling for the salvation that has been planned to save you from engineered mayhem.

    You will take their aid and it will lead to slaughter.

    You ought to splash cold water on your face and wake up and get your heads straight.

    You are too gullible.

    1. If only you could know what you are saying.

      At least I've done what I can to right some of what I was responsible for.

      I've done what I can.

    2. Oh wow, we have a lost and miserable individual trying to (good luck with that) rain on our parade. Anon 18:26 I am rubber, you are glue anything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. Sending love and light to your closet in the dark.

  28. BTS, it started at 8pm EST?...darn I missed most of it.Hope they archive it :)

    1. Babycakes, on the site it states 8pm, error? I'm confused

    2. Was listening from the beginning,but audio abruptly cut off at 53:20 & cannot rejoin.

      Right when D was talking too...bummer...really wanted to hear your financial info, D.

      Hopefully archive or at least a show summary will be posted quite soon, as it's a great show so far.

    3. Merry there will definitely be a recording that I will post as soon as I get the link!


    4. Listening again right now:

  29. D, your voice warms my heart. Your words are so encouraging. I love your energy and the divine feminine energy on the show.

  30. Enjoyed the show! Now I know why I resonate so well with RTS. Hearing you was like hearing the voice of an old friend. Thanks for your integrity and keeping quiet as necessary. Even though I want the info now your excitement is enough to hold me over. I always needed work on Patience, anyway. Thanks again!

    1. Thank you Christopher!...... once you've mastered the patience thing, wanna teach me the trick?


  31. Kick ass show D! I hung out on the phone hoping to get the chance to tell all of you wonderful ladies how much I appreciate the work you do. A couple things were mentioned on the show especially by the men who called in that I wanted to hopefully bring forth some knowledge about. Ya know, I never really stopped to think about the male aspect being overwhelmed by the influx of feminine energy to earth right now. It is important to realize that for many thousands of years our social collective has been that it is weak for men to be emotional. That was done in an attempt to steer men away from their emotions because that is the 'key' to navigating out of 3D. The primary reason for all the destruction we see around us is the lack of humanity being in touch with our emotions, especially men because you are labeled "weak" for living in sync with yours. It is the predominate Male energy that is the cause of wars and power struggles. We women are more fortunate because as the bringers of life we are wired through our emotions. Great praise, status and wealth has been given to male of high intellect. I know that the root of greed stems from very developed intellect disconnected from emotion. That is where the lack of conscience originates. To disconnect it, you disconnect from the family of man and your moral compass. I get that now. I want to tell all of you men here that I love you and I have empathy for your plight. I commend you for staying on the path to enlightenment because that is in direct conflict of most cultural acceptances. All of you are so very brave! I want to remind you that you have help you might not be aware of. EVERYONE HERE Archangel Michael is the guardian angel for ALL those of the family of light. He is ALWAYS there to help, all you need to do is ask him. If you want to develop your emotions for example state" It is my 'intent' to bring my emotions into harmonious balance with my highest self, I am asking the aid of Archangel Michael to help me achieve this" Do not use the word try! In fact toss that into the vocabulary trash can. Trying is not doing. I am bringing, My intent is... are the action words of manifestation.

  32. I listen to the call it was great. Thank you D. Well be longing for you to be able to talk again..LOL It was women with the know!

  33. Heh! I knew you were a chick. :) It's nice to hear the energy of your voice.

    FYI, there have been questions about if this is archived or not: it is. It's 11:40 pm EST and I am listening now. There is also an MP3 download. Right click and "Save As", then put on your favorite device or listen on your computer.

    Calliope the Muse

    1. Thanks Calliope, saved that for listening again later!

  34. Another thing I would like to touch on are chakra blockages. I have a lot of first hand experience with that. When we go through traumatic experiences and have emotional, grief, shame, guilt anything that is not love, we create a blockage in the corresponding chakra. Very recently I sat down with a list of everything I could think of that I was hanging onto. I called upon Michael and told him I wanted I wanted to surrender each painful thing to him for transmutation to light, and I wanted him to remove any blockage associated too. One by one I went through my list. Many people are not really of a mind to accept the incredible power we each possess. Our life experience has given confirmation that we are powerless against what happens to us.....WRONG! The negative media has force fed us the 'we are all victims lie' so that we feel powerless and our thoughts further co-create a victim experience. BULLSHIT!! You have to begin to manufacture the belief system that supports your intentions. You can intend, but, if you really dont believe you have the power, nothing will change. Breaking free of the brainwashing behind TV is not easy! Start with unplugging your TV & putting it in the garage or cut off the cable and save some money. GET AWAY FROM THE TV! My Dad called it an idiot box, truer words have never been spoken! TV has been the most powerful tool the Cabal has ever possessed. Step into your birth right as an extension of source endowed with all of the same abilities and gifts to create as source. Source is all powerful and limitless, SO ARE YOU!

  35. Hello everyone. I'm rather new to this blog and I'm intrigued by some of the comments although, I must admit, much is unclear to me.

    Will the moderator and/or those that are aware, who contribute to this site, please enlighten me and elaborate on the who, what, when, where and how of upcoming events that you seem to be anticipating so eagerly?

    Seriously, for the uninitiated and those new to your site, what is all the excitement about?

    Thank you

    1. The excitement speaking personally, is all about LIFE as it was meant to be lived on this planet and the SHIFT in consciousness which is happening NOW and bringing this about. Pure and simple.

      Sine Nomine

    2. Hi Anonymous 3:46- as a few have said, we are talking about a huge shift in consciousness that is currently taking place. many call this shift "ascension" if you search on the rTS search bar at the top of the page for "ascension" you will pull up a lot of articles that will help you understand what we are talking about.

      light to you my friend

    3. Hi anon 03:46, I will take a shot at explaining a bit of it. The solar system is made up cycles big ones and little ones. What is happening is an end of an age. It takes approximately 27,000 years for our Milky Way galaxy to complete a cycle around the galactic center of the universe. This is known as 'the shift of the ages' or 'procession of the equinox's' December 21, 2012 has been written about and anticipated by many, many civilizations on earth. There are also signs of the zodiac governing each age. We are moving out of the Pisces Age and into the Age of Aquarius. There is going to be a very powerful influx of energy and activation of humanities original DNA blueprint on Dec 21st, it will bring a quantum shift in consciousness. You are already caught up in it or you would not have found yourself here, lol. With the incoming Aquarius energy, we are moving away from an division (Us vs Them) and into unity consciousness. We are all one, share our home, earth and need to work together to make life more loving, joyful and sustainable. There is much destruction now (banks, governments etc.) because it's corrupt, unbalanced and filled with dark energy. It is not to be feared. It should be celebrated because we are in the process of liberating, ourselves and each other from hundreds of years of lies, manipulation and control. It is a very big privilege to be alive on earth right now. Nothing like this has ever been tried before. It is a grand experiment engineered by Source or Prime Creator (God).

  36. >Seriously, for the uninitiated and those new to your site, what is all the excitement about?<

    Wait two weeks ( just kidding sortof ) there's some really encouraging life changing things in the works behind the scenes. Themes include: Prosperity for *all*, Free energy devices emerging, Disclosure of much that has been hidden ( appocolypse = unveiling ) regarding who we are, where we came from, where we are going. The cosmic connection... we are not alone in *these* universes.

    Does that explain it? To me its mostly about the economy and who controls the flow of our creative output, i.e. money... debt etc. it's complitated LOL good luck figuring it out tho!

    HINT: whirled peas recipe


  37. Tried to listen here but it will not play:

  38. To Kathy, D, and all of you amazing people here:

    I'm starting a new project called A Media of Our Own and I'd love you all to be a part of it! The comments here have created such a wonderful meeting place of minds that is very much in line with the spark of behind this project. I feel like we need a place where the posts come from real, true-life thoughts, experiences and ideas from...everyone. For once we could discuss true human experience rather than that which is given to us as "truth" through "experts" and "authorities," which we're expected to accept as reality. I think t would really foster growth and development and also create a database for those just coming in to explore. I'll have more details when I'm able to launch it, but it's certainly not something I can do alone and I'd love for the community here to be a part of it. I'm leaving for vacation today, but when I get back it's a go!

    1. I would be honored to add my experience to the education of the newly awakened. I cant wait for the next roundtable blogtalk! I have so much to contribute and I haven't exactly uncovered my niche yet. What I have discovered is that THIS blog, with THESE incredible people is where I need to plant myself. I go with the 'More will be revealed' train of thought. Lucien Marie, Have a FANTASTIC vacation and Happy Holidays!

    2. Lucie and Kathy- can you both email me your contact information please?


  39. Again, sorry for the typos...not being able to edit is driving me nuts!

  40. Thank you for an awesome broadcast beautiful souls! You should do this regularly!

  41. I think it is time for me to actually read HopeGirl2012's book that I printed out and went to the trouble of binding at the local Fedex. Then I can get an idea of the way in which I can contribute to this beautiful happening. I'm so happy to have found you all, and I loved getting to hear you on the radio.


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