
Sunday 16 December 2012

Getting a letter on a Sunday

sooooo..... anyone seen any mailmen  or postal workers in their neighbourhood today in the US?


  1. I can barely get my mail on Saturdays. Why might I see one today?

    1. Wow, this is too weird because my husband and I were going down the road and we just happened to be driving by our local post office and we thought it odd that there was a mail person loading mail or something from the mailboxes (well not sure what she was doing but she was in her postmaster suit)...but I remember this because I told him "silly don't you know that they are like Santa Claus and everything has to be mailed by Christmas! Coincidence that you should say that! AND WE NO FOR SURE THAT NOT IN A MILLION YEARS WOULD WE SEE THEM WORKING ON SUNDAY!

  2. Oh, come on!! More info, please! (Picture a 2-year-old, arms crossed, throwing temper-tantrum! LOL). Is it really FINALLY happening??!?

  3. As per Anon. 10:40; no, why?
    I'm in Fredericksburg, Va. and the postman/woman is a contractor, so we never see a U.S. Postal federal mailman in uniform in the subdivision, but do see them on the main roads out here. Can't recall ever seeing a postman anywhere delivering on Sunday, even during the holidays. Please submit a reason for the query. Frank

  4. Well D, it's monday morning here in New Zealand .....we will get mail.Should I hang about and see if it's the type I want to open ;)

    1. I"m not sure of the timing in your area of the world bob- sorry!

    2. Thanks D..In actual fact it's only that gifting offer a few weeks ago posted on your site which would come locally.
      The one we entered 15 years ago (end of greek alphabet)is to go to US address.
      Might have to hop on a plane soon??
      Alot of people suffering over here too. Be awesome to relieve as much of that as possible.

  5. Frank again; would you be inferring some relationship to the Dinar RV? If so do you folks really believe you will be getting something before the supposed reset globally?

  6. Frank again: It is 2:07 in the afternoon for your reference.

  7. Frank again: Re. Anon. 11:07; respectfully That is the way I feel too since dpopping in here a couple months ago. How long can one fabricate more hopium rhetoric and keep this up before people stop coming here? "I know something but I can't tell" Well, when you can tell everyone will already know!

    1. There are a lot of sad and lonely people, looking for something, anything to hang their hat on. Tomorrow, when it's obvious that this is yet another failed prediction, these same people will ignore reality and will be back for more.

      "There's one born every minute."

    2. Anonymous...Yep...that Neil Keenan video...don't believe it for a moment...Nesara - doesn't exist.........Wanta Funds...they announced they were being released months ago...anyone seen it? Come on guys, stop this..

    3. Why? It "neither picks your pocket nor breaks your leg" so why should you spend any time at all coming here, time and again, repeating some variation of "Nothing will happen" and "You are all fools for thinking something will happen."

      I do NOT for a second believe that your motives have anything to do with a concern for the welfare of the people who read this blog and especially the ones who post here.

  8. Thanks for the heads up D!

    You're an Angel :)

  9. I haven't stepped foot off of my property yet. I cant see the street from my yard (One of the perks of my little house). Methinks you are dropping a hint. I will venture out in a couple of hours and report back. BTW Hopium is food for the soul and is contagious. We can always use a dose of it ;) Don't worry be happy!

  10. Does this mean "POOF" will be updating with "Elvis Has Left the Building" today?

  11. BTS.....Would these deliveries be for ones entrusted to the distribution of the packages, or for all???

    1. not all have gone out yet. not all are "schedules" to go out (that they'll tell me, anyway) but many are to those entrusted with distribution

  12. What ever happened to the BIG update from a week ago? More BS.

    1. I'm still waiting my friend.... just like everyone else. Timing is everything and they refuse to follow my schedule regardless of how many tantrums I throw- it's not freakin' fair!

  13. Kathy I need a property like that...... :).

  14. ...yes, give me a property
    like that as well...

  15. "Poof" is going to use today "Celebration" from the "Kool & The Gang"

    And he says at the end "consultations till I can't" and you then the reader think "this is finally going to be the week the global reset happens" and then NOTHING happens.

    See you next week after nothing happens yet again! The rich old white men called the "Cabal" are still stalling this as we speak.

    1. You bet your sweet bippy THAT song will be at the head of the CELEBRATION LINEUP!!


      I've had it on my CELEBRATION CD for quite some time now.

      I call it 'SETTING THE TABLE'

    2. Actually it's 'HERE COMES SANTA CLAUS' via ELVIS....not Kool and The Gang


      Obama will put on the finishing touches from Hawaii evidently as he's leaving for vacation tomorrow.

    3. It was a guess of mine just for fun. Kool and the Gang fits more than the Elvis song but I'm not Poof right.

      I hope he is right and we will soon see if this is real or a fantasy in a very dark world.

    4. Obama will put the finishing touches from that is very funny..........Obama is dark cabal guys...grow up.........and Poof has been posting these exact same posts...the songs change some....for several years.........he might just be a cabal joke on you..........sorry, but someone has to tell you....

    5. And as far as I can remember there have been "nonbelievers" like you that go as far back as years posting the same disbelief. I guess we'll see who's right very shortly now.

    6. to anon at 18:07...listen pipsqueak i have da flu and consequently fever and aches and blurry vision...but, don't irritate me!...leave Poof out of your blurs and blaaahs! ok?!...btw. what have you done lately johnny?...sending you love~light out of spite...hehe!...Kiss!Kiss!...~chinka~

    7. Anon 19:34 and I can't wait until the day finally arrives when people wake up and realize what a sham all of this is. But will that day ever arrive? Will the day ever come when the believers finally realize the truth of this charade or will they continue to be strung along by the myriad of excuses being thrown out. I know how much hope people have waiting for a savior outside of themselves. That was not Jesus' message. His message was WE have the power. "Greater works than these you will also do." He never mentioned once about waiting for a prosperity package before awakening to your greatness. Stop waiting for a savior.

  16. Will see, only one week,and will see.And after this week , when nothing happens, then what ???? God i so hope something will happen.
    From Romania with love

  17. This is what Mrs. BTS is talking about:

    From Mr. "I have been wrong a million times before" TerryK:








    Let hope he is RIGHT for once, but I'm 99% sure he is not. Let hope I'm wrong:)

  18. We were at the grocery store earlier and a postal worker was emptying the mail box there. I commented to my husband that I never noticed the mailbox there before. Unusual to see them out on Sunday,yes!

    1. Wow, it IS happening!!! OMG HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!

  19. Where is Poof? I thought he posts on Sunday.


    2. Wow, thanks. I have been looking for it... :)

  20. So, this is only something for the US? sigh

    1. This may start in the US but it cannot effect one country if it does not effect all my friend. If it starts in the US it will make its way around the entire world eventually.

    2. I really hope so :) I mean I'm aware it has to start like that... The country I live in has been given a "garbage" rating recently and they are pushing very hard so that we take loans from IMF. So far, government is saying no to that option. But the situation is already collapsing.

  21. [terryk] To think that this maybe the day. to sit here and think that the next words maybe the last we share. to think that all our lives maybe changing forever. to think that most of you will go nuts to think that i hope i don’t have a heart attack.

    [jad] hey TerryK, still on for tonight per your info.???

    [terryk] have not gotten anything different jad

    [garfield] - the phone call re: pp's, is that a requirement that they are delivered before Forex can post, do they all have to be delivered, thanks

    [terryk] of the 14 that they are handling 13 have , what i was told.they are waiting on the last which is scheduled for this afternoon.

    [garfield] - May I ask how the Forex should work tonight. Do they just update all of the currencies without any fanfare. You mentioned two hours after they open, give or take. If it does show it will just show a different set of numbers, thanks


    [cjswest] ok2bhappy] so updating currencies by 7:00 pm east 4:00 pacific ? Maybe

    [terryk] alot of the pp have been paid last night and this am. they are excited and telling me if there is a night for this to happen - tonight is the night. There. Bammmmmm. ok all i will be back later, got to get some work done. God bless you all.

  22. I'm confused. From the research I have done, it seems that these "prosperity packages" being delivered are to people who got into a pyramid scheme in the 1990's - by contributing $300 they are supposed to receive billions upon billions of dollars - and I am also understanding that this money is coming from the global prosperity funds. Many of those in charge of these schemes also spent time in the federal penitentiary system. Also - some of the first payouts go to Bush and his gang of thugs. So, it is kind of confusing getting too excited about this. Just sayin'...

    1. There are 77 different PPs going out. the prosperity packages are through several trusts including the world global settlements and the st Germaine trust. that money is NOT going to but Bush cabal nor his gang of thugs. but

  23. in the words of Scarlet O'Hara..."after all, tomorrow is another day." When do people get tired of all these empty promises of something good just around the corner? Tomorrow won't be any different than today. WE'll still have to go to work, put in our 8 hours so we can pay those bills that keep us enslaved. Too many people still asleep. We have it too good in this country. Our forefathers are probably turning over in their graves at how complacent we are today.

    1. You have it too good in your country? is that a crack at humor cuz Im laughing... You have it good in a country controlled by child murdering Satanists? I am pretty sure that no one in this entire world other then the elites running it have it good.

    2. do you see anyone taking the streets demanding these Satanists stop? Do you see anyone refusing to pay their illegal taxes? Do you see any revelation taking place? Nope! And the reason is because people have a TV in their house so they can be entertained, they have a computer so they can go on Facebook and play computer games, they have ipods, ipads, iphones and so many gadgets, gizmos that the Cabalists gladly use to distract people. People are more concerned with who won Dancing With the Stars than they do what REALLY happened in CT. No, you won't see people in this country taking to the streets en masse because they are too complacent, too distracted. How many more rights will be taken from us before we FINALLY get our couch warmers off the couch and demand a change. People don't see what is going on behind the scenes and most don't want to know, they refuse to know. It shakes up their world too much and they won't have it. 9/11 should have been a cattle call, but people still sad idly by and just keep allowing these people to continue what they are doing.

    3. Occupy and Anonymous! People are in the streets, you just don't see it on MSM.

    4. the occupy movement has done nothing. I think that goes for Anonymous as well. Do you see any change from either of them? The Cabal is still in charge until the fat lady sings, and she hasn't sung yet.

    5. Occupy was the first to really help with hurrican Sandy. They are also buying student and medical debt and forgiving it! Anonymous is constantly fighting for internet and personal freedom. They are huge in finding and exposing pedophiles! They do much behind the scenes, as I said MSM rarely talks about it.

  24. So far Forex is still the same.

  25. ...Another day, another fake dollar. It's okay, because we are the people that make the difference, not someone saving us. The people will wake up at some point.

    1. The people have awaken.
      Some get mad because others are still asleep.
      If they open their eyes and do something before closing the contracts that compel them to be a slave, they'll end up incarcerated. What can they do from behind bars when they didn't set their self up properly before taking action.

      Many think a gun and a life taken is a solution. The gunman in CT and other gun men prove taking a life is not the solution to any problem.

      Many want to sign petitions for freedom and turn around and remain registered to be a citizen, and answer yes whenever asked 'are you a US Citizen', and get mad at the people who are not, by saying they are illegal and should leave or worse 'go back to where they came from'.

      The one who opens the hatch and releases the people from the ties that binds them will be free, not in a contract that compels slavery, not willing to kill another, and not going to tell anyone where they have to go or what soil they can walk upon.

      The freedom of the people will start with freeing the mind, and freeing the judgment of those that haven't harmed them, and forgiveness of those that have.

      Only One who feels unloved will do such unloving things.
      You can't turn a hateful heart into a loving heart with more hate.

      As for the I know something, or it's coming, or wait and see.
      I gauge how long people continue to ride on the words of a stranger.
      The news is words from a stranger.
      The political promises are words from a stranger.
      All these years, people still rely on words of a stranger as if it were written under penalty of perjury.

      BTS could very well be preparing those who would receive prosperity with discernment skills to not trust everything presented to them.

      We are in this situation because of blind trust of people running the system.

      It takes a lifetime to obtain riches, and only a few seconds to lose it by your actions.
      The Nigerian scams stopped working when people stopped trusting the word of anyone with a promise.

  26. No will happen you fools. Why oh why do you allow yourselves to gleefully ingest lies, empty promises from charlatans and schemers.

  27. BTS,

    Have to say that this post seems a bit off the mark to me, given the empty forewarnings of good things to come posted here multiple times in the past.

    Unless you have certain knowledge that a rollout is underway today, I don't understand why you are posting this.

    Your message feeds anticipation. Is this what you intend?

    If nothing does happen with the postman today, what will you say in response?

    It was my hope that your blog would prove different from others in this quality.

    Is it?

    1. BTS must know something, but she is not able to say it, yet.
      I do not think either Poof or BTS are trying to tease us like the Dinar Gurus.
      The reality is that come January 2013, the government benefits in the US will not go out, and half the US population receiving those benefts will freak out.
      I think the people who are working behind the scenes know that we are running out of time.

    2. Unemployment benefits?

      Social Security?

      Food stamps?

    3. I would love to see the govt benefits taken away because then people will finally stand up and say no more! Looking at history, it takes a lot for humanity to get up and do something. It takes something horrendous to motivate people to take action, the kind of action that effects change. But 9/11 really didn't do much to motivate people, it actually served to take more of our rights away and people continue to just sit by idly and allow it. I was appalled at how many people went through the xray machine at the airporit security rather than pat down. They lined up like sheep.

    4. That would be your reaction, but people who are not awake will lose it. How would you guide those people, mind you half of 300 million people. Do you have that power within you? If so, why have YOU not anything thus far?

    5. Philavox my friend, I wouldn't post if I didn't KNOW. :>) THIS I KNOW :>) :>) :>)

    6. No one has the power to wake anyone up. That is an individual choice. Sometimes we need a cosmic 2x4 to get our attention. The biggest growth comes from the greatest challenges.

    7. ...good stuff there...

    8. BTS --

      I love it that you KNOW. Thank you for shouting it out loud!

      Right effin' on!!!!

  28. It is her blog and she can post whatever she wants. You guys have to remember that this global reset plan is not approved by the insane psychopaths controllers of the fiat debt slave financial system, so there is a battle between good and evil as we speak. I'm frustrated that good hasn't won against evil, but maybe and just maybe after Friday of this week it finally will.

    I hope we are not disappointed again by another "delay". I think God is neutral in this and it is watching without judging what happens in this battle.

    1. I forgot to say that I hope it happens, so I can take a much needed vacation. I'm looking (or dreaming) right now at different hotels in Las Vegas, Orlando and some other places and I will pick one if this MIRACLE finally happens this week.

      These monsters have been in control for so long that if it does happens I will probably hit myself real hard to see if this has really happened. The shock will be too much.

  29. I saw a mail man today deliver items on our road - I asked him why he was working on a Sunday - all he said was "Tis the season".
    Take it for what its worth!!! :)

    1. what state do you live in? hmmm...i hope this is the sign of something wonderful!

    2. thank you Kuda. (ps:I've never seen a postal worker out before during "tis the season" ;>)

    3. I used to work for the Post Office and know people who still do. The closer it gets to Christmas, the Post Office does deliver 'Special Delivery' and 'Overnight' for competition sake, even on the weekends.

      They have even delivered into the early evening..say 6PM on the weekend.

      I can see using this method as a camouflage. Looks like they have all the bases covered and the delivery game has begun!!

  30. Dude or duddete BTS is referring to the last PP package that is set to be delivered today. See the TerryK post above. According to him all have been delivered but the one remaining was going to arrive today. It doesn't mean people people all around the country are going to receive PP packages. Well that is how I understand it. These 14 PP packages will fund the banks and other things.

    1. I guess I'm a bit stumped as to the cryptic one liner that constitutes BTS's post above.

      If BTS is merely referring to TerryK's publicly available information, why not say so?

      If BTS is receiving info in addition to TerryK that gives BTS solid confidence that this process is being actualized, why not spell that out?

      I think that, given the (late, late) hour, and the serial delays that have taken the wind out of many seemingly informed messengers to drop this one-liner without offering any more information seems a bit thin.

      Yes, of course BTS can post whatever she wants because it's her blog. And: her credibility depends on what she posts, and how she follows up on it.

      I'm not trying to be a hard ass. I'm just tired of seemingly well-informed messengers in this niche doing 180's and spewing garbage.

      I'll be interested to read BTS' follow up, whenever she gets around to it.

    2. TerryK is wrong on the numbers of PPs going out, and wrong on the numbers of PPs still to go out, and wrong that the "last" one is going out today.... and it pisses me off to no end when he says shit like this and makes everyone freak out because "but I didn't get mine yet!!!".....

      They are going out- a huge number are already out. but there are SEVERAL to still be delivered and as yet the date for those deliveries hasnt' been set.

    3. Please let us know, when you find someone who has received one PP for sure, until then, every thing else is talk.

    4. My anonymous friend 18:53 I have lost count of the confirmations (individual) that I've had in the past 72 hours.

    5. BTS --

      So far, in my book, you are batting 1000 in this post.

      My spidey sense tells me that you would simply not lay the smack down if it wasn't solid.

      And since you are clearly laying it down...

  31. It's 5pm on the West Coast & 8pm in the East. Getting a little late in the day, but I'm extremely hopeful, grateful and excited. I've been reassured by my sources that this WILL happen before Christmas. Keep in mind that nothing like this has ever been attempted before and I'm sure there are a lot of logistics to work out, as well as a gag order on those involved. Loose lips sink ships. Those of us that are lucky enough to receive the first wave of prosperity should do what we can to make the holiday merry & bright for others. *Fingers crossed* I plan on playing Santa to as many people as I can who are asking for help in my state, who are on the following list. I hope others will do the same. I spent about an hour the other night going through this website and I have not been able to sleep well since. I would love an opportunity to help these people before Christmas.

    1. Anonymous16 December 2012 17:14,

      Are you talking about the Dinar/Dong RV(global reset) or the grants some people are receiving from the St. Germain trust etc.?

    2. Anonymous 16 December 2012 17:14 that's just a wonderful idea my friend. I plan to do likewise in my part of the world when I receive mine.

  32. What a bunch of HOGWASH !!!! (1) Since when do they deliver mail on Sunday A let me see
    how bout NEVER. (2) Who ever rights this stuff like to sike people out not gonna happen.
    Theres your proof see Im right see nothing happened, just like all this other stuff sike your waiting for nothing. Think the people writing all this stuff just like to here them slefs talk and mess with people, must be how they get there kicks? Seeing is believing and like I said got nothing!!!!

    1. You might not of gotten mail delivered to you today, but I happen to know of several people who did. Special delivery.

    2. so who decides who the recipients of these packages are?

    3. Good question. Months ago, I read somewhere about someone that had a site that offered one of these packages but got into trouble. 1997-1999 I believe. Early days of the Internet. Man, if only we had known then:)

      They accused him of being a pyramid scheme scammer etc.

    4. Did you buy into a ponzi scheme in the 1990's? If not, I think you are out of luck...

    5. Nope- it wasn't a pyramid scheme- the cabal labelled it that and even tried to arrest a few of the original trustees to stop the PPs from happening. It certainly isnt' a ponzi scheme either, lol. May new Prosperity Packages are and have been going out and there will a few more in the next little while

    6. I'm SO grateful for your sharing, BTS! It's been a long wonderful to see the results manifesting now!

  33. Just spoke with a friend of mine who said she has seen postal workers making deliveries on Sundays before. So nothing out of the ordinary. Is someone trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill? More fantasy promises of something wonderful to come, keeping people strung along? hmmmm....I guess we will see soon enough.

  34. I know that when it gets closer the the holidays, postal workers do work on Sundays.

  35. Wow! I can say that in Montclair, NJ my wife & I were walking home from breakfast at our local coffee shop. A USPS delivery truck (not the typical small mail truck but similar in size to UPS/FedEx) handed off a package on our street. We both were wondering, do they deliver on Sunday's for the holiday rush?

  36. BTS, is there any way you could possibly tell me if I would be someone getting a package of any sort? I wouldn't ask but I'm just at a point where I'm feeling kind of energetically drained hoping and praying that something like this will go through. I don't want it to buy goodies or this or that, just to balance my home and family life out to a point where we can actually feel at least a little more contented. And secondly, I would love to be able to share it with other families and individuals in need. I did apply for the St Germain Grant, but other than that I'm not exactly sure how or why I'd be getting a package. Any response would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all you do.

    1. Also I just wanted to mention that I don't mean to sound selfish because I completely understand that there are so many others in so many parts of the world who needs these funds first and far more than I. But anyway, was just curious how this might effect some of us 'average Joes' though. Thanks again.

    2. my friend I would love to be able to tell you that, but in order to do that I would have to know specifically WHICH PP you're signed up for.... and "St. Germaine" unfortunately isn't good enough- I would need to know exactly which SG package you signed up for.

    3. I guess I don't exactly know. I had seen the info about it on a couple different sites, one being the Drake and Co. Fb page. Not posted by them specifically but by a member. Anyway, they asked for an email with a few bits of basically non-personal information and reason for applying for the grant. The cut off date for applying was November 11th. I sadly don't know much else about it but it was supposedly connected to the 'St Germain Trust.' Not much other info was given. Might have not even been legit. But anyway, thanks for replying though. Guess I just need to continue to sit tight like the rest of the world.

    4. Ok, that package I've been told will be going out in the second or third wave of deliveries. but I don't have a time frame yet.

    5. Well thank you so much for that information! That's wonderful. God bless you and yours and I hope you have fantastic holidays!

    6. This is the OP again. Someone said down further on the page that you had to receive a call back or some sort of response to receive the St Germain grant. I guess maybe I didn't make it then because I never received any kind of communication. Might not be getting anything after all. But oh well I guess. As long as this funding gets the ball rolling for authentic positive change for us all, that's all that really matters. I still wish everyone, including BTS, wonderful holidays.

  37. I saw a USPS truck on my street today. I was very surprised. In 2.5 year we've lived here I've never seen a mailman here on a Sunday.I had a funny feeling. Now I see this post here. Wow.

    1. Is everyone recieving it, or just those that signed up for it?

    2. my friend 18:57- people who have signed up already will receive packages, but some of those packages are to be further spread out. ie: a person signs up to receive a package, they get a package and are told you will get $X amount, of which you may keep 3,5,6,10% (it depends), and the rest you must send out to 10, 20, 50, 100 people in $X many dollar packages. Depending on what PP you receive, and share, then those you share with may also be sharing their packages out with more people.....The plan for the St Germaine Prosperity Packages is to get as much money out into the public as fast as they can and far as they can.

    3. Say what? This makes no sense at all!! What's to keep anyone from keeping it all themselves? This sounds suspiciously like the Nigerian scam! I was actually starting to believe you until this. It would have been much more believable if you said certain well-known trusted agencies were getting money to set up services for the poor. And if you said the homeless starving people in 3rd world countries were going to be lifted up out of poverty. Or rather, that certain agencies were getting money to bring forth free energy. Locals getting checks that they have to deposit and then give away the majority to others is simply similar to a Nigerian scam. People, if you get a check, DO NOT deposit it and then write checks on it. You will go to jail.

    4. LOL oh my, this is beginning to sound like a circus! I'm with you funkyjomedina. What about the people who really need the money, like those who are homeless who don't have computers to sign up for anything, who aren't going to know those who receive these packages. Shouldn't the money go to those who need it the most, like the homeless, 3rd world countries, etc?

  38. sounds to me as if this whole prosperity package is only for a select, nothing new here, folks. If it doesn't serve everyone, nothing has changed.

    1. Bullshit! The entire new constitutional banking system is being implemented from the ground up through this process. This IS the shift we've all been waiting for and ALL shall benefit in a multitude of ways.

    2. Hi Anonymous- read the comment I posted just above yours. Some PPs are money owed to people for a long time, some are for individual people, some- like the St Germaine trust are to be spread far and wide as fast as possible. The fastest way to do that is through word of mouth and personal referals

    3. Sorry about cussing. That was not appropriate. Everything else I said is true. Please just relax and let things unfold. If in fact BTS has several friend who have now received their PP's, ALL Americans and in fact ALL Earthlings will benefit. Delivery of the packages and booting up of the new Treasury Money system is the END of the cabal and all their abuses. Let's all just enjoy life and love and watch the shift unfold.
      blessings to all

    4. dont worry newwings- I curse and swear like a trucker or a long shoreman, you certainly are not going to offend me! And we're all adults here, so calling bullshit is acceptable IMO, lol

    5. so how did these individuals get in line to receive these packages? word of mouth and personal, it's who you know and being in the right place at the right time, eh?

    6. It seems to me that it would be faster to use the IRS records to get to the most people the quickest. Word of mouth??? That just does not sound fair...

    7. Anon 20:10 - you are exactly correct. We are just creating a new version of the 1%. The majority of us didn't know the right people in the 1990s, so we are screwed.

    8. Anon 20:16 that's what it seems like to me too. Amazing what the mention of money will do to people and how their behavior changes.

  39. I used to work for the Post Office and know people who still do. The closer it gets to Christmas, the Post Office does deliver 'Special Delivery' and 'Overnight' for competition sake, even on the weekends.

    They have even delivered into the early evening..say 6PM on the weekend. I have seen them with my own eyes also.

    I can see using this method as a camouflage. Looks like they have all the bases covered and the delivery game has begun!!

    1. Quick search on

      USPS Express Mail
      ... Sunday and holiday delivery is available to many ZIP Codes for a modest
      premium. ... Sunday and holiday delivery costs an additional fee. ...

      USPS Express Mail Flat Rate
      ... Find out when and where to drop off to get an overnight delivery . ... Sunday
      and holiday deliveries are also available for an extra fee. ...

      USPS Express Mail Flat Rate Envelopes
      ... Find out when and where to drop off to get an overnight delivery . ... Sunday
      and holiday deliveries are also available for an extra fee. ...

  40. D, do you know the details of how much funds are given to a single person in these prosperity funds and what the instructions are to do with them once received? Is it confidential once you receive one, hence why recipients are not talking about this all over the web?

    I signed up for one by emailing "Grants, c/o Clayton Hanna at " before the November 11th deadline. Should I be expecting anything at any point or even sometime soon?

    Thank you.

    1. the amount of money, and the instructions hugely vary according to which fund the PP came from. but ALL prosperity package recipients must sign an iron clad Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA)... which is EXACTLY why you're not reading hundreds of posts on the internet of people singing and dancing and telling the world that they've received their PP....

      .... not to mention, for safety and security is would be AMAZINGLY STUPID to announce something like that online. Kinda like wearing a t-shirt that says "I just inherited $5 million dollars! Please mug me!!"

    2. These are not the properity packages, what you are talking about are the St. Germain Trust Fund monies. I applied for them as well and I got called back. I asked him specifically what grant it was and he said ...these are monies coming out of Europe, through the St. Germain Trust Fund.

    3. Hi Anonymous 19:30- the St Germaine Trust fund is also considered a "prosperity package"- but it's confusing as all hell, because there are so many different ones out there. and even the SGT has several different funds.

    4. Oh wow you were called back on the ST GERMAINE TRUST? So if we didn't get a call, we likely werent included? OR did you not send all the information they requested?


    5. Anonymous 19:48 I received an e-mail because I send one to Clayton. He reply that you had until 2013 January to apply. They were extended. Also, averyone that applyed will receive!

    6. That is also my understanding Mary Ann. it might take months to get them all out, but they are working on it. and many many have not received confirmations because they number of applications has been so huge they just physically can NOT contact everyone personally.

  41. We are all adults here, but it sounds like those believing still believe there is a Santa Clause, and those who don't believe, well.....I think the results may be the same. Not sure. But without FAITH, nothing really does happen.

  42. Oh bummer I was gone all day. Would they leave a note? Is this regarding the st germain fund we signed up for just recently? ...lastly...if it was enough to purchase a house...I would CRY! :)

    1. We were told that a note would be left if you were not at home.

    2. I meant...the St Germaine Trust that came out Nov 10th and Ended November 11th of this year....might they be delivering those? Another mean they started delivery today but they will likely continue tomorrow? There is still hope if we didn't receive anything today?

      I'm quite excited...can you tell.

    3. I don't think she meant the St. Germain Trust application funds because I got called back from that particular program and he told me on the phone that my email had made the cut-off and to send in my full information as soon as possible because as it was, he had received 130,000 applications and would not be able to get to me til 6 weeks later. He was really nice. And I was very happy. So no, I don't think she means these. I think it's the prosperity packages that everybody is talking about which are quite different. IMO

    4. As I said earlier... somewhere up there ^, that package is, I believe, part of the second or third wave to go out, so no, it's not part of the deliveries being made right now. Sorry my friend, and yea, I wish it was too

    5. You received a phone call regarding the St Germain Trust application? If we didn't get a call, we likely didn't make it?? OR did you not include all the information requested?


    6. Thank you everyone for responding. Well yay for those that signed up for the ones being funded before will have a merry one.

    7. I highly doubt it, Jasmine. How convenient that they have to sign a nondisclosure agreement so they can use that as an excuse why no one is coming forward who has received a package. I don't know about anyone else, but I have seen absolutely no proof whatsoever that these prosperity packages are real and have been sent out. They can keep making all the excuses they want.

  43. Please someone who has received their PP put a message confirming that the PP's are real, no matter that I did not receive anything, the important thing is that's true.

    1. The reason they don't is because none have received. Hope springs eternal and after listening to Poof to get ready for the last ten years, I've just about lost all hope that this will ever happen. Another year into the history books and not a thing to show for it other than another Sunday Poof update that never goes anywhere. If I took Poof's advice three weeks ago, I would never get out of the house....:)

    2. No, the reason they don't put out a public message that they have received their pp is because, as I already wrote above ^

      the amount of money, and the instructions hugely vary according to which fund the PP came from. but ALL prosperity package recipients must sign an iron clad Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA)... which is EXACTLY why you're not reading hundreds of posts on the internet of people singing and dancing and telling the world that they've received their PP....

      .... not to mention, for safety and security is would be AMAZINGLY STUPID to announce something like that online. Kinda like wearing a t-shirt that says "I just inherited $5 million dollars! Please mug me!!"

  44. I have no faith, but I wish you a merry Christmas all the same.

  45. I am glad the RTS is just "hinting" instead of stating the next 24 hours. I am sure its hard NOT to tell what is going on. My girl, you are strong.
    I really hope they aren't fooling you. It seems as if this thing has been going on forever. We are told one thing, then another, then another... all different things from fear to joy.

    I think everyone here understands that we really don't know until/if/never/ happens.
    It is a nice thought that something wonderful could happen for many people out there who are living on the streets, need medication, food, or anything else. Those are the people I root for, those are the ones I would love to see succeed no matter what.

    If I won the lottery, I would have a foundation to train people into careers without worrying about payment. I believe lifting people up and letting them decide what they want out of life. People are happy and productive this way. Isn't that what life is about? Being happy, loved, nurtured, and just to say, "It's okay. It's okay." Imagine hearing those words when you felt as if you disappointed someone. What a load off the shoulders. Maybe we should learn just to say, "It's okay to be wrong. It's okay for trying your best. It's okay to be you."

    1. Thank you my friend. as for me- I don't have to rely on sources etc, I have personal confirmations of deliveries.

      Your foundation sounds fantastic- I have two foundations that I am setting up as well..... just need the money!

    2. That makes my day! The people who need the money to start a real life is ready to unfold!
      I can't wait to watch it unfold for all of humanity. It's needed for the world to move forward with real change, free energy, the earth won't be hurting anymore, and we can begin what we needed to.

      Is it safe to say the chemtrail thing will be history too?

  46. D is one of the PP being delivery now Omega? And is it just for thr trustee or everyone?

    1. Hi Mary Ann- I do not have confirmation of any Omega packages being delivered yet.

  47. For those of you reading and following these comments I will add one more thing (to the huge pile of info I've already spilled here, lol) order for these PPs to be paid out, a certain thing has to of happened. and it has!!! Anyone wanna wager a guess on what I'm talking about?

    1. The cabal arrested or out of power?

    2. Collateral accounts released?

    3. What D?????????????????????????

      Tell us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Did we all ascend and we just don't know it yet?? :D just joking. Ooh! Did Bush Sr. kick the bucket? Was Hillary arrested? Did our galactic brothers and sisters intervene? Was the Vatican neutralized? We're the Wanta funds released? Did Obama turn towards the light? Did COBRA's "Compression Breakthrough" finally happen? Did St. Germain rematerialize on the earth plane? Did we experience Divine intervention? Did we activate the crystal grid... Or the pyramids? Did the light overcome the dark? We're the Rockefellers and Rothschilds arrested? Was the Black Pope taken off planet? OK, I'm out of guesses. We're any of them close? Am I getting warmer? :))))

    5. Anon 20:02 - haha, gotta love you!!! Someone else who thinks like I do!

    6. hint: they cant' be paid out in fiat currency. .....

    7. ...did they bring back
      Jonny Quest?

    8. Thanks. :)) Oh! I just thought of something else... If the funds are now being released... WHEN CAN WE EXPECT THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS? That aspect is actually more interesting to me than money.

    9. Ah ha! Goodbye Federal Reserve, hello metal backed treasury! :)))))

    10. Right on Anonymous that's what I thank to?

    11. Some thoughts.. they are being paid out in u.s. treasury notes, or a new gold backed currency, or the federal reserve is officially dismantled? I'm curious if this means the announcements and reset are just around the corner.

    12. BTR,

      That must be the RV that is supposed to be exchanged for the US Treasury Dollars that is backed by real assets.

    13. Yeah,

      Poof said the Fed is HISTORY...

      Is that it D?

    14. "wanna see me comb my hair real fast?"

    15. a lot more to it than that anon 20:18 :>D

    16. Well that would enable us to go ahead with the Gold Backed Currency, right?

  48. Thank you D, could you answer my question about:

    'I signed up for one by emailing "Grants, c/o Clayton Hanna at " before the November 11th deadline. Should I be expecting anything at any point or even sometime soon?'

    It's the one you discussed on your blog a few weeks ago.

    1. as I said somewhere up there ^ that PP is in the second or third round to go out and will most likely take a while as the participation is HUGE.

    2. Good to know. Thanks D. I'll wait as paintiently as I can. As soon as I read your post this morning I hurried and brushed my hair and put on a bra in case anyone knocked on my door (it's Sunday!). The bra has official been taken off... for now. :)))))

  49. D, also Destiny and Alfa?

    1. .. and the freedom- no confirmation on any of them yet.... I'm waiting just like everyone else

  50. I have not posted on this thread as of yet.

    I will say this: All of you who are promoting what you call "prosperity packages," you are promoting an agenda that you cannot comprehend.

    The subjects to which you are referring will cause great harm to many people. Please research what is called The Prosperity Doctrine. You will find what information you need to discover a deeper insight into what is going on here.

    Carmina sacra canunt cum funes in manu tangere gaudent.

    1. What does that mean: "Sing sacred songs with ropes in hand touch rejoice"?

    2. lol. I was just wondering the same thing after a quick trip over to google translate.

    3. I wrote at 20:23

      It is a prose rendition of a passage from The Aeneid of Virgil. It refers to the moment when the young men and women of Troy pull the wooden horse into the walls of the city. The sang sacred songs, rejoicing to touch the reins with their hands.

      This is what, I am afraid, too many of you are doing here.

    4. ahhh, thanks for the clarification. I couldn't agree with you more.

    5. But 20:41, isn't God omnipotent? Is not money then of His creation? God is much larger than money and it is not a threat to Him or His people. At least I don't see it that way. Gluttony, greed, envy; those are our enemies. And those traits live within the heart of man, money or no money. It is the heart that is to be cleansed, not prosperity. I see no evil in feeding the starving or housing the homeless. I don't see how God would either.

    6. Anon 20:56 these prosperity packages are NOT housing the homeless or the starving. Don't be naive.

    7. Well we'll see. I for one hope only for the best. We'll know soon enough if we've all been hoodwinked.

    8. I would suggest that you study the ideas of cause and chance.

      You are singing a song that you do not comprehend.

      You may be surprised to learn that the people whom you are following detest the use of money.

    9. Anon 21:32 I am homeless and I signed up for the St. Germaine fund ( the November one) I haven't heard back yet, but when I do, indeed it will help other homeless as well as myself.

  51. How does all of this affect gold and silver prices?

    1. With the instant mega increase of the money supply due to the PPs I suggest that inflation will significantly increase and therefore so would precious metals. For the rest of us that have not signed onto any PP I think our grocery bills will be a lot higher in future. Can anyone remember back to the 70's with interest rates at 17%? Weimar Republic anyone? I sure hope these people know what they are doing.

  52. So these packages all relate to something in 1999 and if we didn't sign up for that...then we hope for the later release when it gets to the general public or is there a way to sign up if we are in desperate need?

    I want to rejoice for those that receive....I'm just a single mom struggling so I'm hoping it gets to us too.

    1. I've seen some gifting programs showing up in the last couple of weeks. Here's one: I really hope your family, along with everyone else (myself included), will no longer need to suffer.

    2. It's

  53. OMG I GOT ONE!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY. SO sorry but I am beside myself THANK YOU GOD THANK YOU....I AM SAVED!!!!!!!!!! Bless you ALL!!

    1. LMAO, so much for that iron clad nondisclosure agreement. hahaha, nice try!

    2. What exactly did you get? A bag of gold or silver? LOL....

  54. I will repeat what I said above. This smells suspiciously similar to the Nigerian scam. You get a check, you deposit it, then send a money order or cashiers check back to the sender, then you write checks on what you deposited and then go to jail for writing checks on NSF. If you get a check, do not deposit it and then write checks on it. YOU WILL GO TO JAIL. BTS, if you are lying and raising these peoples hopes for nothing then I hope you will still be able to live with yourself after this.

    1. You haven't thought this through too much, have you?

      Okay, here is what we've heard: The money is in the banks at this point and time...if thats the case, these Prosperity Packages aren't just going to send a check to you for $ Million dollars. Anything over $10,000 is ludicrous to even consider sending via mail.

      No, its an order claim process that people can do at the bank. For money that is IN THE BANK waiting for them.

      People that would send money for receiving money are just silly. :)

  55. Hey!! someone tell me where I can sign up for one of these PP's?

  56. this is all making me a little sad. I didn't sign up for anything

  57. I want:

    A) Clean Air
    B) Clean Water
    C) Organic (unmodified/Non-GMO/Non-GE) Food
    D) A fully operational and functioning legal system (i.e. crooks go to jail - no 'I'm politically connected so I get out of jail free cards' allowed)

    Once I have all that (or at least concrete evidence of moving in the right direction) I will then be content that we are making our way back onto the right path.

    I can work. I can provide for my family. I can wait to be last in that PP line ; ) (Pst - don't tell my wife I said that....LOL.)

    To all that are receiving a PP - Congratulations!
    To all of those waiting for a PP - Hold on to the Light!

    Blessings to all! ; >

    PS - FWIW - I didn't see any postal service people in our neighborhood : (

    PPS - Almost forget to express my appreciation and 'a heartfelt thank you' to all Lightworkers and Wayshowers! Cheers!

    PPPS - Ok, FD, I do want one more thing......Contact! I believe this will truly rock our world for the better and assist those still struggling to 'wake up' from the Matrix that confines us. The new Age begins on December 21, 2012 and the Wheel turns again. However, just like the first light tap of a Blacksmiths Hammer tests the metal it won't be until the full force of the Smith connects hammer to anvil that the metal really begins to form to it's new shape...and that my friends is 'First Contact'. : )


  58. What seems completely arbitrary in this supposed process is that we are hearing this only for US people. And being one as I am, I fail to understand why this process would realistically favor us, over the millions of others, around the world...

    And this whole percentage 'thing', you keep the PP, but only if you give the biggest amount is much like a red herring... so instead of questioning the *validity* of the whole process above, we are now left to ponder what would the percentage that each package entitles the bearer.

    While I have no proof of anything, I ask:
    Why would any of this happen before the supposed 'Event' that will free people from what we consider the 'shackles' [ the very name of this blog, not to mention ].
    What would be the benefit, if all systems [banking, energy, healthcare, etc.] are still managed by the very powers that limit us? How can all this be efficacious until they are gone?

    As many of the posters mention herein, USPS is making extra deliveries for the Xmas season. Therefore the argument of this being an indication of all this being true, is impossible to ascertain. Speculation at best.

    While all this might be just well-intentioned, we must question, with our inner being:
    Does this make sense? Listen to that voice within. With patience, not avarice.

    If we are to embark on a new socioeconomic system, why would even any of this be needed to begin with? Yes, perhaps for the transitory period.
    But perhaps re-educating our hearts and minds may well be all that is the primal directive here. Refueling arithmetic material possession accounting is not conducive to the dawning of the new Era.

    Ultimately, all this is immaterial and speculative.

    Heart Joy to All.

  59. I fully agree with "Anonymous16 December 2012 23:35".

    I cannot wait for the cabal to be dismembered, and arrests etc to be all over the headlines, as per "THE EVENT" scenario that we all hope for.

    But when I read of bundles of cash being handed out to people in the developed world, I cannot see this as wise or helpful. I know that even in the USA people are suffering, I don't doubt that. But I envisage a system that more likely tends to peoples needs, without just throwing around liquid cash.

    Also, agree with the point that in the 3rd World, we still have fellow humans in imminent danger of death due either to lack, or danger of war.

  60. Well, I didn't know I have to sign up for anything, and since I really don't have any money I couldn't have signed even if I knew :))) I was more focused on the other aspects of what's going on, not the financial one. Someone mentioned the 90's and how you had to sign up for something then...Unfortunatelly during that time I was a kid, we had war going on in this country, Internet wasn't available for anyone and I surely didn't know the "right" people, I don't even have a family :)) I really don't know what to say :) for years and years I'm used to very little money for (not even all) basic needs. There is so much I cannot afford and it's pretty basic stuff like clothes and food. But I have something money cannot buy and for that, I consider myself rich. And happy :)

  61. Someone above had mentioned that the deadline to apply for a certain PP was extended until January 2013. Which one is it and where do we apply??

  62. Question: Has this anything to do with Neil Keenan and all the video's and stuff on jhaines6 blog? Or is this happening because of something else? (Sorry, that's 2 questions!)

    Sine Nomine


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