
Sunday 9 December 2012

The Evidence - Electromagnetic Changes in our Solar System

I think that many of you will find this review by SuspiciousObservers very interesting!


  1. This kinda sounds like fear porn to me....

    1. On the surface of it, yes, I can see how some would pick up on the fear factor of the unknown. Yet more and more research that I've done points to the solar energy being the catalyst of change- not just on our planet, but throughout the solar system. the changing of the energy in our solar system, our sun and our planet, is, in my opinion, the direct reflection of the science of the changes we are experiencing. We've been told about changes to our DNA, we've been told that we currently are only using a small portion of our DNA and a very small portion of our brains- I believe that it's the change in the energy, physical energy, that is opening our DNA to its full potential- the same with out brains. Why would our brains have all these extra bedrooms, ballrooms and tennis courts if we aren't meant to throw a party and use them?
      This is my excitement about our sun and the physical changes of our galaxy and our little solar system- because I see tangible evidence that this is not just new age hookum. I can see evidence of massive changes all around us on a SCIENTIFIC LEVEL. Others might interpret it as doomsday crap, but I see it as a direct manifestation of my need for "Proof".

    2. I agree and am not affected by the fear portion of anything I see or read. At worst case scenario if the doom and gloom is real and the entire earth was going to explode in a ball of fire on Dec 21st I still would not be scared and would gladly accept the fate of physical death on earth and moving on in my soul journey as opposed to the oppression we have been trapped in for so long. I too have read alot about the sun and how it is the catalyst to the evolution of everything. Specifically I really liked the Daniel papers, they resonated with me on a level that nothing else has yet.

  2. Poof says "The Boss said IT IS TIME'!!

  3. How Can 10,000 Arrests At One Bank Happen Last Week & Not Be In The News?

    1. He didnt say 10000 arrest he said 10000 people lost their jobs.

    2. He must be referring to this.

    3. Those banks were supposed to fail so that the economy can be 'reset' with banks that won't deceive their customers, (transparency like Obama said).

      It's all part of the plan from the trap set for themselves by the Cabal, Wall Street, and banks around the world.

      There will be a lot coming at us so take deep breaths and meditate daily.!!

    4. Ok So IM Reading Way Too Much Into The Update. Oh Well. Have A Good Evening Everyone :-)

  4. Syndication-

    How can all that has happened that we are about to find out has happened, NOT been in the news or in our History Books.

    Who Owns the news sites?

    The Cabal has done an awesome job keeping it from us wouldn't you say, but we forgive them.

    It's our time now.

    1. The cabal has done an outstanding job with what they've set to accomplish honestly.

      But it's our time now. So happy.

      Love & Light

    2. The entire Worlds media is owned by Israeli Zionists or Rothschilds who are the top of the Zionist Israel pyramid. There are only 5 people who control EVERY BIT of written press, TV, and motion picture entertainment. Oh and music production too. I have intuited that the full disclosure programs behind the completely fabricated history we have been taught is ready to be aired. There are so damn many parts to the whole of it. Everything MUST be synchronized and looked at from every conceivable angle so that there are no back doors, loopholes or any avenues to be exploited by the Cabal. There is an enormous and important portal in the middle east. The bad guys are still trying to provoke a war. I think that has to be completely defused before anything else happens. The players (Israel and Iran) have nukes and Netanyahu wants to turn Iran into a blast crater along with Palestine. If you ask me that dude needs a wrap around dinner jacket and a padded cell where he can not hurt himself or others. Think Bradley Manning in a straight jacket, he he he

    3. remember this: History is written by the victor.

      As those in control of the media and the history books for countless centuries, the cabal can write whatever history they want. which is exactly what they did.

  5. I Am Going To Studiously Ignore This Blog For The Next Hour While My Heart Races Like A Freight Train And ITry To Get My Tummy Settled Lmao :-) Lol
    Taking Deep Breathes....Om Manne Padme Es...Yes I Probably Butchered That lol

  6. I wonder who 'da boss' is..

    1. Looks like we'll find out soon enough. I'm thinking Obama. He is going on vacation Dec 17-Jan 6.

      I would think he would want a lot of this behind him so he can enjoy his vacation.

    2. O- bummer and the boss... now thats funny LMFAO

    3. We will see. He didn't win 2 elections for nothing.

    4. Someone of Asian descent who's name has never been mentioned most likely

    5. It depends Pete. You're 'da boss' in your own life! ;-)

      Sine Nomine

  7. we're on the cusp of another Glacial.

  8. so......yeah, need to light a fire under the butts of the vampire squids for free energy, replicators and sea-cities in preparation for the biggest mass-migration of Mankind the Planet has ever known. I don't know about you, but living under a two mile thick ice sheet that stretches from ireland to nova scotia, south to morroco and egypt, himalyan foothills in Eurasia, calfing icebergs in the gulf of mexico in North America, isn't my cup of tea.

    1. Careful what you believe. Your thoughts and your belief system are what creates your reality. My thoughts are this. All the hype about the solar shield is based on a 3d Carbon based body. Our bodies are no longer carbon based. I guarantee it wont hurt us. We will have time enough to vacate the more dangerous areas as earths crust adjusts to the pole shift. The light victory and magnitude of the awakened intending a gradual, less violent, adjustment period over several years has completely changed the predicted catastrophic upheaval. There will be lots of crazy weather, tornadoes, etc. especially in the areas of earth that have been completely corrupted. It is our planet cleansing herself. There will be a pretty large increase of seawater from the melting of the poles. That will cause a lot of coastal flooding world wide. All of this will be in increments. I suggest that when meditating we all set aside time to connect with our mother earth. I am fucking weirdo so I lay belly down with my arms out and talk to her. Tell her how grateful I am for the bounty she provides. I ask her to forgive those who have raped and poisoned her body, for they truly do not know what they do. I ask her to teach me how she wants me to live so that I will always be in alignment with her needs. Lastly I hug my trees. I tell them how beautiful they are and thank them for providing the oxygen we need. Then ask ask them to send the love and healing energy I am giving them to Gaia through their root system. I do this almost every day. (Told you I was a couple french fries short of a happy meal)

  9. Time to rejoice is coming… THANK YOU POOF!!!

    What can you say about this Cobra latest post?


  10. How about this one?

  11. Interesting clip! I have mixed feelings about SO. He mentions earthquake magnitude increases and gives Fukushima 2011 as one of his examples ~ that was a False Flag!
    I never bought into the theory of Global Warming, so I'm with him on that. Geo-engineering seems to be causing more harm than good and I agree with SO that we need to know who is behind it and why they are doing it to stop the speculation. If it was really to regulate rainfall or bring rainfall to drought areas as some have said then why haven't they used it over the Sahara or Gobi deserts or in countries where our brothers and sisters are dying through crop failures and lack of water?

    I'm definitely not taking the "your cars are contributing to the pollution of the planet" comment. It may be true in some small degree, but I'm not taking the guilt! Zero Point Energy technology has been known about since Tesla's time and has been suppressed from public use by government. If it wasn't for the greed of the oil cabal we wouldn't have the pollution, poverty, famine etc. Is it our fault that we've been tricked by the people we have elected into government?

    Sine Nomine

    1. The thing about SO- in my opinion- is that he is one of those people who is partially awake. He is awake on one level, he sees the lies of the USGS and NOAA ect, but he hasn'twoken up the the direct link between what he knows is going on- like this article, and what it means. with SO I listen to him for the background science, and put that information into the context of my theories and what I know.

    2. Yep! I'm grateful to SO for the info he puts out. I reckon it must be his job cause I tried to research some of the info he put out and I had to give up cause there weren't enough hours in the day ~ that and I'm a complete novice in the science dept! Then there's the video to make! I think you are right BTS - take what he says and add it to what we know and feel.

      Or he could be doing a Gordon Duff - 60/40 info/disinfo. Seems de rigeur with a lot of the commentators atm. Whatever! I know that the sun is going thru changes cause I can see em! lol!

      Sine Nomine

    3. What BTS and Sine Nomine said - BINGO! Yes, a wee bit of "fear porn" in how SO presents as brando9000 mentions, but on the balance of it, some very valuable information with world + Sun perspective. So looking past the freakout veil, I was also very excited to learn what our beloved Sol is showing us!

    4. I think you all need to give SO the credit he deserves. He brings credible info to us everyday with links that back up almost everything says, free of charge for the benefit of all who care to pay attention. He is one of the very few who says to look at the facts, separate it from his opinion and come to your own conclusions. He tries very diligently to stick with facts that are known and not to influence it with his own opinion. Therefore we don't really know what he truly thinks and if he is awake or not. He is certainly awake enough to see through the lies he can prove. I personally admire him for giving us a great service and asking nothing in return. I would love to sit with him with a cup of tea and have a in depth discussion on how he truly feels and what his opinions are. I am sure he thinks he knows WAY more than what he is letting on. He sticks to the facts and that is more than I can say about most. I did not see or hear any "fear porn". I hears statements of facts and some "possibilities", but nothing I was afraid of. No one knows exactly how things are going to play out and anyone who says they do, do so out of shear arrogance. I believe in love and light and love you all so this is not meant to be argumentative. I just feel he deserves more credit then what is being shown here is all.

      I very rarely post but I just felt the need to......just like I felt the need to on several sites including this one when several started to bash BTS for the Keenan cease and desist post.....

    5. My friend anon 10:50 please make no mistake, I hold SO in the highest regard. Hence the fact that I post his videos so often. And I absolutely would love to join you in a cup of tea and a good old fashion chat with him.

    6. Put the kettle on and count me in! lol

      Sine Nomine

  12. Re Poofness's comments ~ seems to corroborate what Ben Fulford said a week or so ago that Bush Snr was hospitalized and maybe what David Wilcock ~ the negative ones will be removed from the planet???

    'George Bush Sr. was once quoted as saying: "If the American people knew the Damage we have done to their Country, they would hang us from the nearest lamp post." '

    Sine Nomine

    1. That is their greatest fear. The masses learning the truth. All of them understand that there will be no safe place, no one to turn to for asylum ANYWHERE. Even scarier than that is the wrath of Prime Creator when ALL of humanity is screaming and demanding justice. Most people can not grasp the magnitude of the betrayals and crimes against every 'useless eater' on earth. It makes the Nazi's in WW2 look like they had a pillow fight with the Jews. There will be such an outpouring of pain, shock, denial and rage the world over. All of that unbelievable evil has magically transformed our view of each other. We were all lied to, robbed, manipulated, tortured both physically and emotionally. Our origin of birth did not exempt ANYONE. It erases the boundaries between countries and cultures. This horrific experience manifested common ground that every person on earth has shared. It vaporizes that US vs THEM mentality and ushers in the unity of 'WE'. So, looking at it from that perspective, I am grateful. So Illuminati, I send you my gratitude for the valuable lessons and soul growth I have gained as a result of your actions. I forgive you, love you and release any lingering anger and resentment to the light., and so it is.

    2. Prime Creator only exists in LOVE.

      We have been conditioned to think otherwise, to keep us in fear which keeps our DNA from growth.

      What need would a ALL POWERFUL Creator have for wrath? None. He needs His children to grow up. We are our own worst enemies and what karma we bring on ourselves is more than sufficient to teach us everything. We create our own Heaven or Hell.


  13. Has anyone checked out Pane Andove? I found his site about a week ago. I am curious to hear if anyone has an opinion on him?


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