
Wednesday 19 December 2012

Sandy Hook False Flag- no doubt

I like Jim Stone.  He doesn't sugar coat things, and he doesn't sensationalize.  He is not absolutely right on everything in here.... but it is well worth reading and thinking about.  Compare some of these facts with the Aurora and Sikh temple shooting.

Connecticut shooting without a doubt a false flag

Jim Stone, 17 December 2012

Through the comments readers sent in, and a little work of my own, the Connecticut shooting has been sewn up in a body bag. It's been shot dead, worse than the Sikh temple shooting, Bengasi, or Aurora, please take the time to go through what is here, it is EXTREMELY important, it's all new, up until the headline THE END. I did not need to do a huge investigation of this to totally wipe it clean, as if God sent me a gift. The best stuff is toward the end, farther down the page but it's all good, including the stuff at the beginning.

I am not able to be online much right now, but these news tips came in through the contact form, and I am posting them, with comments.
"Jim, it's Paul from your forum. This school shooting has pro attack written all over it. The ratio of dead to wounded is way off. 27 or 28 killed and media is not reporting how many others injured. Infowars commenters say from 8-12, but I can't verify those numbers.
Presstv has a report up at the following link about 22kids being stabbed at a school in China. WTF, on the same day as the CT shooting with a similar number of casualties? I don't know the connection, but something is wrong here".
My response:
I have absolutely no doubt this was a professional hit by either the Mossad or some other agency. Wanna know why? Read the next comment!
"Punk had 2 9mm's.....ABC reported .223 shell casings at scene, but Bushmaster was in mom's car.
If true, there was more than one shooter."
My response:
You bet there was more than one shooter, and that is how the main "shooter", THE PATSY ended up dead. .223 is the standard U.S. military round, and the same goes for the IDF. IDF? How about It's Damn Fishy.

Here is another good one, from Paul

"That is NOT the work of a crazed 20yo spraying bullets around for a few minutes like the media depicts, that is a series of precision killshots that would take time. The kill/injured ratio is way off.
I also found out that the social media buzz got started minutes afterwards by a bunch of twitter people whose accounts were only days old. They started calling for gun control and abolishing the 2nd ammendment instantly through an initial network of newly set up accounts. Search for calloutjoe's wordpress blog to see examples of how this is done.
This is without a doubt a planned event."
My comment:
Paul came up with a clue, for anyone who does not realize this yet - Any time you get new twitter accounts rattling off for a gun ban, the entire thing is a setup. The reason why is because people tend to be proud of who they are on places like twitter, and they will keep their current accounts and blab and brag about how great they are because they hate guns. No one genuine would have shown up new on twitter with a new account over this.
I did not check yet, but I'd bet that every one of those kids also now has a facebook page in their honor, another key indicator of a government hit job.
And by the way, the prez made me puke when I saw the fakery, I have been sick for days now over it!

Take a look at this one!

"Im not sure if you know this, but the name of the school the 12/14 shooting happened in is Sandy Hook. When I saw the name I knew the shooting just had to be orchestrated. Seems too coincedental to me that a school with nearly the same name as a haarp'd up storm would have the worst mass shooting in American history."
My comment:
Really good connection here, just like a "holmes" shot up the theater, and the Sikh temple shooter lived on Holmes Avenue. The elite do play games like this, it's the same as the number games, 3/11, 4/11, 9/11. And this time, it was Sandy the hurricane, and a "Sandy Hook", Yep, they want us to take the bait, get "hooked" by their B.S. false flag, and give up the last thing we have providing a barrier between us and the fema camps, our guns. And if you think "they" are not capable of this kind of behavior, remember, "they" killed over 40 million in the Ukraine and millions elsewhere, most recently in Iraq. If they can drone strike a wedding, they can shoot up kindergarten just as easily.

And now, it's time to spring THE BIG ONE, AND HANG THEM.

First, I will start with this comment.
"I am searching but I can't find pictures from inside the school building... the actual scenes... This makes me think of the Aurora shooting. Of course I am an amateur and therefore this fact may not be important at all."
I was given the excuse that with the Aurora shooting and the Sikh temple shooting, that pictures were not released because they would interfere with court cases. BUT WITH A DEAD SHOOTER, THERE WILL BE NO COURT CASE. So tell me, ELITE SCAMMERS, FALSE FLAGGERS, DOG WAGGERS, WHERE ARE THE PICTURES?
You had no troubles airing the beheadings during the Iraq war, or the abu ghraib photos, and you have no troubles doing special effects of people being shot to pieces in PG-13 movies, so WHY NO PICTURES OF A SHOT UP SCHOOL, Think we can't handle it? Or is the problem that there really was no shooting at all, and therefore you have no photos to show for it? Is this really all a load of B.S.?
A dead shooter means you won't have a court case, where a girl will come forward with a story of the police shooting her and ordering her to say Holmes did it, to avoid getting arrested for something else. Could not have a blunder like THAT again, could you? Obviously you will not, with no court case! Takes a while to learn how to put the polish on a scam I guess. And THAT is what I waited to say. Too much time has passed now, they can't say the pictures are forthcoming.
Here is a nice slam dunk, sent in by K.J.
"I found different aerial pictures from different buildings but all stating it's the same school in Newtown Connecticut...
Here's one:
And here's another:
Finally there's this:
A former school board official in Newtown called into question earlier reports that Nancy Lanza had been connected to Sandy Hook Elementary School, possibly as part of the teaching staff.
“No one has heard of her,” said Lillian Bittman, who served on the local school board until 2011. “Teachers don’t know her.”
My comment - Ha ha ha ha ha! That is exactly the type of thing I look for, it's as damning as Jessica Ghawi's tweets! Good job!


I just found out in the Youtube comments that a map of the region which had the Sandy Hook elementary school was used in the bat man movie that was playing in Aurora during that other "shooting" so I googled it. This region, which contains the Sandy Hook elementary school was used as a map to represent a portion of the city of Gotham during a setup of one of the bad guy's dirty deeds in that movie. It's true.
You cannot find the accurate link to this in the Youtube comments, you have to google it. It is linked below.

This is the be all end all bombshell. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS LINK! THEY HAVE BEEN NAILED.

A reader with a popular radio program sent me this:
"I am troubled by some of these shootings -- how come we never hear about the lives of all the victims weeks after? Already I am hearing rumors of photos of the school shooting victims seen as actors, and that the father of the alleged shooter was scheduled to testify aginst the Cabal the way James Holmes' father was...if any of this is true, how the hell do they get away with it?"
My comment -
They don't get away with it. They get caught every time. But the problem is "they" own the media and our government, so they can lie to the public while skirting accountability from law enforcement. Our system has failed. It is not rounding up the real criminals. And when a system fails to that extent, the public has to take action independently and round these people up. That is what the word "revolution" really means, to revolve out of corruption by force. This won't change, there will be no accountability for these criminals until people force it. When the same people who are hurting you are the ones writing the laws, revolution is the only choice or you absolutely will be destroyed by them. And that is precisely why these criminals are pushing for a gun ban, to reduce the amount of force the law abiding people can exert. Wait too long, and they will succeed in destroying us.
Final topic in messages sent:
"Would you consider leaving the forum up in a read-only mode with no postings allowed? I have not read all of the info on it yet and that info is too valuable to be lost."
My comment - The forum is supposed to still be up in read only mode, and the moderators can still post and do everything. They are aware of the dangers. I suspended the forum because I know for certain that with over a thousand log ins a day and only 7 comments, that it is hijacked pure and simple. I can't let my readers get funneled into some damn intelligence agency owned server. I won't allow it. So it's better to just suspend the forum rather than see people walk into a trap I have no control over.

The end

I will post more when I get it. Thanks for keeping me up to date, and making it easy to find that gotham map. Damming it is, yes yes indeed.

Connecticut updates

Here is a good one
Peter wrote: "The thing that I find to be the most questionable about the Connecticut "incident" is that the School District has no website. It has a URL ( ) but no web page for the schools...or district to pay for school meals et c."
My response:
Remember, there are only a few in this tribe, and their resources are too thin to cover the details. Either that or they are so sure we will just flip over with every new lie that they do not care to.
Janine wrote:
"I myself raised the issue with the lack of pictures of the recent CT "shooting" and I was saying that the children may not be dead at all (it is possible, they maybe now in MK Ultra programs alive). Yet I get called "sick" and having "digusting" ideas.
This whole thing stinks to high hell and if they are to attack again, they seem to like the number 3, look for place names on the Batman map. I did some research myself on the Dunblane shooting (similar set up) and Lockerbie and it is quite linked.
I would love to get hold of a US/UK map so we can do points from Lockerbie (which gave me the creeps when I went throught there one time on the train), Dunblane and SH. If I am to be right, ANYTHING planned by the "ellite" (no words can convey these "things") there should be a triangle or some other sort of geometric shape to the 3 points."
My response:
They definitely use symbolism and the bat man map could easily be made to serve such a purpose, we know for sure now that it served for at least one.
Forum member Glitch wrote:
Glitch from the forums: There was also a hole in their story, where they couldn't get the death of the guy's supposed mom/ supposed substitute teacher right. Some propaganda fronts were saying she died in the school, some places are saying that he killed her at home, and then went and shot up the school. The motivations are also wrong, I highly doubt that he is going to kill his mom at home before he goes and shoots up the school, it doesn't make sense, and it ties back into them not getting their stories straight. If he had killed her at home, it would have been confirmed so, but it's not. You also have the case of the identity being messed up with his brother. They won't release the name of the guy to the public until they know without a doubt what his name is. It's too easy to grab someone else's ID and frame them.
My response:
Many people had their eyes opened by the flaws in the bat man shooting, and they kept them open for this one and we can be thankful for that. It is going to take a higher skill level for them to fool us now, now that people are onto the wag the school shooting (unless the victims happen to be an ethnic minority). Thanks for that comment.
Forum member DonQuijote sent the following:
My comment - Probably an Israeli missile and subsequent propaganda campaign. Same perps.
Donna sent me something so telling I almost hurt myself with the initial burst of chuckling:
"Another thing has come to mind and I present my hypothesis to you:
IF the news feeds (even so called live) were a Wag The Dog situation, then the weather and sun direction at the time would be an indicator of when the event really occurred...
Have you noticed on all the pictures and videos how long the shadows are?
If this happened at 9 am as is claimed and the cops were there right away, why does it seem as though it is either very early in the morning or very late in the afternoon?
I have been looking through clips of weather for that day, and it just struck me as irrefutable ~ you can't control the sun and weather...
An idea anyway for what it is worth... Best regards, D"
My response:
What a great observation. If this was real, the shadows would have indeed been different. This was probably the 7AM late for coffee show.


  1. You are going around in circles.

    Therefor, look to the center of the circle.

    You are following an agenda that you do not comprehend.

    Therefor, turn around and look behind you.

    I will say this: The brotherhood may not be what you think it is. What you see as two is really one.

    1. So are you saying that the shooter was the same one that was in Aurura?
      The agenda I think is about fear. If they wanted to take away our guns, already would have been done.
      The people are being held hostage by this "brotherhood."
      When does it end?

    2. OP seems you were learning all this cryptic shit to the detriment of your spelling capabilities. Just saying.... As you were.

      Sorry RTS, couldn't resist feeding the troll.

    3. If you will be so kind as to look in the dictionary you will find that both forms exist.

      I, of course, used one of them.

      Beware of your pride.

  2. I was the 1st to mention the kill to wound ratio on your 1st post about the sandy hook incident. Google Port Arthur massacre. But I wasn't able to find any info of the amount wounded. Think back to Columbine. Those 2 wounded soo many.And we know that wasn't done by pro's.

  3. I will say again: you are going in circles.

    What you think of as two paths are really one.

    This is important perhaps beyond what you can appreciate.

    1. Are you saying the "good" and "bad" paths /brotherhoods are really one in the same? We are all moving along the same path toward ascension? If not, can you elaborate on your intention/meaning behind your statements? Thank you.

    2. It is much larger than ascension.

      What you think of as two paths of darkness and light are really one. What you think of as ascension and decline are two paths leading to the same place. What you think of as the white path and the black path are leading you down the same rabbit hole.

    3. So what you are saying that all of this is a lie? There is no ascension? That all the paths are leading from the same source? To fool us into believing there is something more, all the time its the same people pulling the invisible rope that we cannot see.
      Is it the same with the bankers going down? Or are they no longer needed considering the set up is almost complete? If they had thousands of years to figure it out, how do we figure it out in a short amount of time? The disinfo out there is too much to bear. It's almost better that I was asleep. Maybe we still all are if we don't understand... this game that we never asked to play.

    4. You have asked an honest question.

      Is there an ascension? There may be one, if you follow the path you are on, but it may not be what you expect.

      You are confused. That's what they do best.

    5. Does this have anything to do with the number 13? I was just reading last night about the book of Judas. He was always given the name as a traitor, but Jesus taught him secret teachings.
      I also read about the angels, demons, aliens and everything of that nature, just looking for some sort of truth. Is there any out there? I am so tired...
      Is there a difference between what the bible states as the rapture or ascension?

      The only thing I think most humanity would really like is peace and love. We have known fear, but not the true unconditional love. We search and search... there has to be something more.

      No offense to anyone, but I am tired of the riddles. Trying to figure things out all the time and research everything I can get my hands on is becoming too tiring.
      This is the only thing I can figure out, please let me know if you think I am wrong or not... but I guess it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, considering I am accountable to myself..
      Here is my theory:
      The greedy men go, and people watch on in disbelief that there could be so much corruption. They always knew it deep down, but didn't want reality to set in.
      The people that "save" us are the people that will end up making our lives a complete nightmare later on. But we won't know it at first. We will think that all is good for a short while. The "saviors" will turn and become much more wicked that banksters ever were. They enjoyed greed, these others enjoy suffering of humans, animals, and even the Earth herself.

    6. I think that you mean by the two paths becoming one of the same could be, death.
      Ascension and rapture doesn't mean we take our bodies with us.
      We remove the cloak that hold our spirits. Of course, that will be blamed on something like a plaque. Maybe that is what all the caskets are for.

      If the "Elite" know this is going to happen, there will be panic all over the place. People will think their loved ones actually died, while they just left their body to something better. Is that why they tried lowering our vibration? After all, they DO want us to die, but they don't want people freaking out in the streets.

      I don't know, maybe all of this is just a dream or a nightmare...

    7. You are on the right track. If indeed they gave you a counterfeit currency, could they not have given you a counterfeit religion of light and unity?

      Be careful of the idea that you are accountable only to yourself.

    8. That was meant for anon at 19:44.

    9. anon 16:59....why not just speak plainly? or point us in a direction to understand these cryptic riddles you drop in this blog? i'm intuiting that your position is that good and evil are two sides of the same duality coin and that true freedom lies in transcending this realm of duality altogether. am i close?

      well if so, that's wonderful, but humanity is in desparate, dire straights and the vast majority of the world's population isn't in a position to meditate the world away while their food and air is being poisoned, their minds programmed, their savings and homes stolen out from under them and their children killed by wars, famine and insane psy op plots by those hell-bent on destroying and owning us.

      we need practical, real world answers and yes, we need some kind of saving grace, some kind of divine intervention...otherwise we are toast. so if all us mere mortals are running around just chasing our tails, why not give us a real example of what needs to happen here? the situation we face is far too serious for riddles and koans.



    10. I meant, I am accountable for my own feelings and actions. I know I am accountable to the creator and individuals around me.

      Do you ever feel that you don't belong here? Like something inside is stating it. Anyways...
      All this light and love stuff that people long for is not real. Religion is not real. Is the light inside real? Is math real? Is ANYTHING real?
      So, if/when the ascension occurs, will we leave our bodies behind? Is the ancient religions wrong? Were we just set up?

    11. "Anonymous18 December 2012 19:56
      You are on the right track. If indeed they gave you a counterfeit currency, could they not have given you a counterfeit religion of light and unity?

      Be careful of the idea that you are accountable only to yourself."

      this is bullshit. we (the human race) are a good people who have been coerced into a living nightmare by those who held knowledge and power and used it against us in every conceivable machination imagineable. we are accountable to EACHOTHER...and we try. we try to help others and ourselves to have better lives if only in the smallest of ways. and even these gestures of goodwill have been highjacked when and wherever possible. we do not deserve this. left to our own devices, we would have functional societies and a healthy planet. if even what we deem to be of highest good is some slight of hand trickery by "the dark", then what options do we have? if even our greatest intentions for the human race are flipped inside out and backwards then what hope do we have left?


      flip THAT.


    12. Ok Morpheus. we'll all Play Neo for you. We are the children of the Matrix. All is only illusion. Except for the one who is many; the only reality; the uncreated; UN-manifested; undivided; the all in all; immanent and transcendent.
      ouch!! I just gave myself a headache.

    13. jf,

      Transendence is far from my point. You must learn patience.

      Take the time to comprehend the magnitude of what I'm saying to you. We are talking about something much larger than ascension. What feeds the white rabbit may also be feeding the black rabbit. You have been led to follow a false light.

    14. Anon 19:56
      I appreciate your answers, even if it's not something that I want to "read."
      Killing the messenger has never done any good, no matter if it were a King or a Plantation owner.
      JF was right, we have been lied to, poisoned, killed, beaten, had everything stolen from us... who would want to sign up for that? Is it the challenge so we can move forward?
      Is the Earth a learning planet? We are here to learn duality, and then here for life time after lifetime until we complete our life contract? If this were so, too bad we don't have the veil ripped away so we can get it done and move on! :)

    15. Anon 20:35

      If what you are stating is true, where do we put our energy into?
      No one wants to feed the dark.

    16. They keep the people who have "broken out" running in circles...
      So they don't look behind them. Quickly, "don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing."
      What is it they need? A 95% negativity rate? Keep the hope going, then let 'em down. Pretty soon they will crack and the negativity will seep in. People won't know what happened...
      Few will have the chance to ascend, but most will stay here, for the harvest.
      Isn't that something we may have read before?

    17. Are we going to forget everything again, like the last time? If it all leads to the same place, do we just start over??????????????? Not playing the victim card here, but how sad. We didn't even know we were at war, sneaky people who love to plot..

    18. Most targets lately have been children. I wonder if this has anything to do with something mentioned at change in consciousness, and how the children will be most affected?

    19. By te way, I absolutely believe there is a divine god who loves us and that we are all part of the universe and each other. Our job here on earth is to learn to love. If you have ever listened or read the stories of near da=eath experiences you know this is true. I alo believe we are coming out of the iron age where good/evil exists within each of us. On Dec 21 we begin the bronze age where good and evil exist within the family. What that means for us now I don't know. There seems to be an obvious battle going on at the moment, thats for certain.

    20. Another thought....when looking at NDE's you realize you are responsible for how you make others feel and in turn the ripple effect from every action.

    21. I once heard someone say "do NOT go to the light if you pass over". He said the white light is not what we have been told. He said to look for the purple or violet light (I think those were the colors). He said the white light is the ETs who are keeping us enslaved. When you go to the white light, it keeps you reincarnating. Not sure if I believe anything he says but it made sense in the context he used.



      from A Course in Miracles

    23. Anon 20:35

      "you must learn patience"
      seeing the challenges present in my personal life and those of the planet at large, patience is my middle name. what other choice is there? doesn't mean i'm not SERIOUSLY pissed about the situation.

      "you have been led to follow a false light"
      a false light. interesting. my light is mine, and it is comprised of love and hope for the healing of humanity and the earth. i live on earth, and only know what i know. if the "true light" is something other than what i have in my heart and intentions for myself, you and all other sentient beings (and if my hopes and intentions are just feeding the same dark agenda), then i guess i'm truly at a loss. "true light" seems to be the most secretly hidden and elusive thing in existence...impossible to obtain apparently.

      still, i don't buy it. i live to serve the goodness and upliftment of us all. i believe the majority of us here do as well. i believe the majority of the planet would as well, given the proper knowledge.

      i'd still love a straight answer from you: what's your angle here? why so cryptic all the time? why not just say what you mean? do you believe it is helpful to post vague platitudes while the world suffers so needlessly? have some courage to speak your truth plainly.


    24. Anon 22:02....that does not make sense. There is no purpose to the ET's enslaving us, as we do nothing for them. Also, no one describes any other color but a brilliant white light, and there are no choices of colored lights to follow. When going thru the tunnel to the light, it is done, there is no choice of colored light to follow. The only choice some have is to come back to the physical body. The overwhelming message is to love. If there were evil ET's guiding us to the white light it would not make sense to then give the message to LOVE. There is no evil in loving yourself and others.

      P.S. I am making the choice right here, right now, to fight this evil, these evil times, the evil that exists within each of us (this duality?) and to love, to have faith that I and those of this blog (this world) are meant to bring forth the love and the light that exists within us. My good will overcome my evil. We are coming into the next age on December 21st. Have faith. We are of the awakened. Our love must shine on those of evil intent.

    25. funky, how do you know there is no other light? Everyone who comes back sees the white light, what about those who do NOT come back? Maybe they made it past the point of no return by NOT following the white light. I never said the ETs were evil. Just because they have their own agenda does not mean they are evil. There is nothing to fight, that is the illusion.

    26. I think he/she is cryptic for a reason...maybe to get you to think and come up with your own conclusions?? idk. hmmm, light, such a huge topic. Quantum physicists are now saying that creation (light) comes from black holes (darkness) so really the source for both is the same, is it not? We have to get away from the whole good/bad, right/wrong which is just judgement created by our ego. It's not who we are.

    27. what if the light that everyone sees when they die is not really the light we think or that we have been taught. what if it's a hallway on a big ship? why do doctors all wear white lab coats? It's so easy to program the human mind, which is infantile. We haven't even begun to get serious about using it's full capacity. What if there is no God that we have been told. What if prime creator is really just a black hole or a vibration or frequency? We use our limited human mind to conceive of a father figure. I think we got this from the demi Gods of the bible, the gods we used to worship, and maybe still do without realizing it. Oh so much to think about, I love this conversation. Kinda gets the mind churning, no?

    28. one will never overcome the mind, there is only acceptance. Acceptance leads to full awakening where the mind is no longer in control.

    29. "Anonymous18 22:38
      I think he/she is cryptic for a reason...maybe to get you to think and come up with your own conclusions??"

      i think about "this stuff" constantly and i have been coming up with my own conclusions (to the extent any thought is truly original. aren't all conclusions the product of information gleened from experience?) for many years, which change perpetually in light of new information. i feel he/she is being vague for the sake of vagueness. if we all here are being led astray by our positive intent, then let's see some pudding. we all know how the water gets muddied, but we're trying to discern what is true and what is not. "he/she" seems to have the truth angle covered and i'm interested in hearing more about it in more direct language.


    30. Anonymous18 December 2012 22:44
      one will never overcome the mind, there is only acceptance. Acceptance leads to full awakening where the mind is no longer in control.


      good food for thought. i consciously practice acceptance as a sort of living meditation, which includes the acceptance of some things being unacceptable, as well as the part of myself that does not accept these things and lives to undo them. the level of uneeded and engineered suffering on this planet is unacceptable to me, and i accept that. i also accept that i'm not an enlightened being and cannot force myself to be that. so here i am, as i am.


    31. I only wish you would read the story of Anita Moorjani, the latest book I am reading. She tries to explain it. We have been brought here to learn to love ourselves and everything/everyone around us. This creates a ripple effect, a vibration if you will. How can anyone say this is a bad thing? Again, what resonates with me is the story at truereality about the four levels we have to go through. The iron age speaks to me currently, and so that is what I am trying to convey here. It is of course just my opinion. Anon 22:44-I agree. I think that if we stop trying to reason, and find all the ways in which we have been duped, we start feeling. Otherwise we stay in this mindset where we point fingers, feel anger, hate and resentment, and feed the Machine. I just want to love. I have no fear of death. I no longer have a fear of being alone bec now I know I have never been alone.
      what this means in my everyday life I am trying to figure out. I have just awakened in the last few months, so what do I know, LOL other than it just feels so damn good to be happy and to know that I will be uncconditionally loved and accepted when I leave my physical body. Who could not love that!
      Other than that, if I have to step in front of a bus to save someones life then so be it :-)
      BTW, I just saw a post on my FB wall from someone to set aside a moment on the 21st to mourn the lost in Connecticut. I will not mourn, for that feels like I am feeding the Machine. I will lift my eyes to the sky and wish those souls good luck on their early journey. They are in the loving presence of our Creator.


    33. Anon 02:32 The Ori seem very similar to the Annunaki, Enki, Enlil, Yahweh and Elohim.

      Sine Nomine

    34. This criptic riddle dude is just one of the guys that believes this hole love and light stuff and ascension has been hijacked by the cabal to trick us into their NWO, hes just having too much fun trying to be cool to just come out and say it. I still call BULLSHIT!

    35. I propose ignoring "Cryptic Riddle Dude" ~ good name btw brando! ~ from now on. If this stuff is supposed to be distracting us, then him/her is being distracted too by posting with us.

      Sine Nomine

    36. I like the "Cryptic Riddle Dude." Maybe it is because he can't actually say what it is, something we need to figure out for ourselves.
      I came across an interesting piece of information a while ago. Tell me what you think:
      "Difficult it is to talk to people from objects, for which our languages still have no words, when our whole language is arranged on the opposite, where the impressions of the senses assure us of his youth perpetually the contrary, and to our abstract concepts, sense, logic and reason are cultivated, where our whole system of thought, even our inner consciousness is shattered basically, where all our feelings, thoughts, judgments, sciences, our very first principles as doubtful, to appear as illusions, where it seems Frenzy, to assert the contrary against the whole world, against his inner and outer sense. But, with all we want to dare to present our thoughts, and with human tongues things put forward, which we suppose by our highest reason we in the distance, barely, but niemalen in this Gestallt develop fully and clearly are, We want to see who dabey strong enough to work their way out from this general deception, to make going on for some time by the body and the senses, to glorify themselves, and to think in a different world inside.

      No man has innate ideas. All our concepts, we only received through the senses, in such proportion as better or worse, the more or less. These are initially mere sensations. General and abstract terms only arise from repeated sensations, emotions are nothing but the similarities may, without prior individual feelings, and therefore without previous use of the senses, are not thought of, all our mind and reason are cultivated on it as their only reason , or possibly could, blind and deaf from birth, human understanding, reason? After these senses alone is our judge dermaligen terms of the world and its parts, would, in other senses are also changing our ideas, feelings, and if the construction of our eye was microscopically: we would see a new, entirely different world, a different language and philosophy.

      If we now have not only innate idea, all terms merely solely by means of the senses have, this sense of humiliation and exaltation, a Vermindrung and multiplication are capable of, if not anbey experience shows that with each Verändrung or Modification us the world, with their parts appear different, we must therefore have, in other senses from the world and its parts, very different ideas, because the sensations are also Abändrung of the abstract concepts, all based on the fact itself must change to appeal to his Abändrung: for instance we to say all the cause of the grössesten confidence that this earth as well as all the other parts of the world, the Seyen not and imagine what they appear to us, but that with all of all our knowledge on this fluctuating supposite builded SEY , that all our these out gebauete concepts and abstractions do not lead to the inside of the thing itself, that very reason come the indissoluble of most previously impacting tasks, that therefore the philosophies so many and mancherley grant access as various organized nature of reality; assumed that the five senses are known to us for no reason as the only and last, from which one can imagine the world."

    37. I wonder Criptic, does this have anything to do with Israel?

    38. I found this information a while back. Pages and Pages of stuff. It was written in another language, so I translated it through google. I really don't know what it means, it just seemed interesting.

      I don't know if it was something out of Israel, or if there is a real nationality to it. When reading to its entirety, there is no nationality. It's like a set of beliefs based on what is not known to many people. Even having this information doesn't mean you understand it...

    39. It might help if we had the original language?

      Sine Nomine

    40. I don't have the original text, but I found it on an Illuminati website.
      I am sure that you can find it. Just google it.

    41. It is I. Cryptic, as you call me.

      I must apologize for leaving so abruptly yesterday evening.

      When I spoke about two rabbits, one white and one black, but both of them leading you to the same place, I had in mind evidence for the real origin of the doctrine of ascension and New Age teachings. I myself am not a Christian, but I do believe that some who follow biblical teachings have been made painfully and acutely aware that things are not as they seem.

      Here is a film that touches the surface of some of these things. It offers a good place to begin to look in a direction quite different from that in which most of you have been taught to look.

    42. Cryptic:

      This movie is exactly what I felt in my heart.
      However, this movie speaks of many Christian ideals. What if you don't believe what all the bible states? The bible was written by man, not by God.
      How do we get through this? It sounds as if it's already calculated through.
      New World Order...

      If you aren't a christian, who is going to come and save us? In Christian teachings, Jesus comes back to save us, after the anti-christ emerges...
      So, if there is no Savior, are we are our own savior?

      I personally believe in Jesus. He has been in my heart all my life. I don't believe most of what the bible teaches, but he has always been there, since I was very young, before anyone spoke of him, he was with me.

    43. I am only 30 minutes into the movie and I think I see what you are talking about. Many of us appear to be trading one form of NWO for another New Age NWO. Interesting. I'm going to have to chew on that for a day or two. The more I learn the more angry I get at how we are continually being manipulated. I for one have begun leaning towards this New Age thinking. I think it is only natural to start down this path once you start researching. It really does take a lot of time and energy to look into all the angles and the info out here. I may just have to lean back towards only what I can get the facts on rather than the philosophies that abound. I hope D starts a new thread on this topic so we can post relevant comments.

    44. Wow, That was pretty eye opening! Talk about some bad acting! Jeez, you think they could have done better than that. What a fucking joke. It is more than obvious this is all about disarming Americans. I hope that this makes everyone more determined to adhere to our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. It is unfortunate that there are so many people still fast asleep that will be willing to throw the second amendment in the trashcan. I can only pray for a mass awakening tomorrow for ascension.

    45. To : Anonymous18 December 2012 22:02
      About not going to white light when you die...

      Look up Robert Morning Sky on Youtube.
      He mentions it in the middle of this series :

      Also look at George Kavassilas

  4. This is just too weird...

    1. WTF?! I just shared this on facebook. This needs to get out everywhere just as much as the Batman thing, before it gets pulled. WTF?! EVERYONE WHO READS THIS PLEASE WATCH THIS LINK.... omg....

    2. I know, right? To me, it looks like he's joking around and then he gets into his actor mode to make it look like he's grieving. I get such an eery feeling from this video and so does everyone I show it too. Some just explain it away as the grieving process. I don't know of anyone who would laugh and joke around just a mere hours after their child was brutally killed. Makes no sense to me.

    3. I just showed the clip to my roommate and her reaction was "ok so even if we know they are lying what can we do about it". I told her we need to just be aware that our govt is lying to us. Other than that, what CAN we do?

    4. This is supposed to be the father of a victim who also expressed condolences to the shooter’s family as well. I saw him on CNN and there was something off about him, he seemed too composed for someone who just went through such tragedy. I remember thinking that he might be in shock… And there’s another one, I don’t know if you guys noticed, but when that medical examiner guy held a press conference… He cracked some jokes, laughed, then composed himself, then again with laughing.. He just seemed too cold and too detached eventhough he is a medical examiner. And after he was done with the interview he sat behind while some other guy was talking but I looked and I saw I reporter approaching him and she laughed, as if they are sharing a joke, he handled her some (business) card. It was so weird.

    5. Agree! Weird and sick! What's going on? If this is to try and implement the gun ban then it will fail. End of! Is this some mind control experiment to see how much bull sit we will fall for? That ain't working either. GIVE IT UP!!!! NOW!!!!

      Sine Nomine

    6. Dear Sine,
      Anunnaki, Enki, Enlil, Yahweh, etc. are the system lords (Goa'uld). The Ori have a similarity with the Federation of Light. So watch out!
      I hope that we can soon BTS report by the SG teams, hihi

    7. Thanks for the warning anon 07:48 I shall file it in the bin marked BS. hihi

      Sine Nomine

    8. Dear Sine, I mean this quite seriously.
      Please note Anonymous 19:11

    9. Anon 09:22 Sure you do! And so do I!

      Sine Nomine

  5. How can this happen? Why can they get away with this? It is so hard to think that everyday people would cooperate in such evil behavior. When will our world begin to change for the better? I do not understand how our authorities can report these things if it did not happen. I am so confused.

  6. When I looked at this map:

    I saw that "STRIKE ZONE 2" is next to "NARROWS" and if you look at the key at the bottom of the map, the circle made of broken lines says "CHECK POINT: BRIDGE/TUNNELS". There is a Narrows Bridge in WA State.

    1. I would suggest our people start watching/filming that bridge on a 24/7 schedule to catch the bastards in action.

    2. excellent! I hope you don't mind if I pass this info up the tree and see what comes of it.

    3. Yes, please do. Thank you. Also, apparently, New York has both a Narrows Bridge and Narrows Tunnel -- but that's through online research -- not in person.

  7. One question I have is where did the media originally get the idea that the mother was linked to the school? If there was no record of her and no one heard of her, where did the idea come from?

    1. that my friend is a very good question eh?

    2. Overall impression is that no one really knew her. Which, in such a small community is rather strange. And people they interviewed...same ones over and over again.

  8. The school does have a website at the link listed above and it does have Sandy Hook listed and it does have a calender, and lots of info for students and parents, including lunch program. Looks like a normal school website to me.

  9. I am sorry but I have to keep my consciousness focused on what is good right here and now for the time being but I love us. All of us!

  10. Isn't it suppose to say Sandy Hook in the title or is it just a play on words that your wrote Sandy Nook???

    1. buhahahhahaha- that was a dyslexic typo my friend- thank you for pointing it out to me- I'll go edit it now.

    2. LOL....No problem! :)

  11. Could the CT killings be the Cabal yet again attempting to postpone the announcement of Nesara? They have done this before.

    1. It is 2 days from Dec. 21, 2012, and judging from the comments on this thread, I would venture to say that If the cabal wished to use this horrendous happening as a distraction, they have sadly accomplished their goal.

    2. Knock yourself out and venture away! Doesn't make you correct. First law of blog-land 'Thou shalt not make assumptions!'

      Have a nice day!

      Sine Nomine

    3. I don't understand and am probably a bit confused. Reading the posts over the weekend about certain PP being delivered and the subsequent clarification by BTS that the implementation of NESARA is a precursor to the distribution of the PP.

      Would I be wrong in understanding that NESARA has already been implemented? Also why would what happened postpone this announcement? Once a new law like NESARA is implemented aren't they obligated to inform the public ASAP?

      Or am I missing something?

    4. Anonymous 8:45: ..... yes.... announcements. THAT is one of the things we are waiting for.

  12. seems as though we have an anonymous 'hidden hand' in the audience...

    The sooner it is realized that life is a theater of experience, a game, the more likely the disproval rate lessens and the paradigm truly shifts, no?

    In all the 'light' messages continuity of conscience reigns. Most of the 'channeled' messages state that everything is done yet go on to mention final set up or steps and later returns to the 'everything is ready/done' mantra. This has always been the giveaway about most of the 'messages' conveyed.

    Good/bad? Try positive/negative!

    What *I* think anonymously hidden hand is saying is that light AND dark will both transcend to the 4th and eventually 5th but different spectrums. Inasmuch, if you are 'pure' or of the light you will see the golden age. If you hold reverence towards 'dark' tendencies you will help in manifesting a negative 4th density earth of karmic servitude.

    Then we have the 'tweeners' who will see a temporary glimpse of what it is all about before beginning another 3D cycle to prove that they 'get it'...

    At least that is my interpretation of the cryptic messages in relation to my retention from the 'hidden hand' interview.

  13. Covering and uncovering this is all fine and dandy but I wanna know more about these PP's and people confirming they got them as well as whats next? And I do not wish to know more in reagrds to me getting anything I could care less about money. Something I have never had none the less my life is rich and fulfilled. I just wanna this shit to get on the ball yo!

    1. we are waiting for the big BIG deliveries. BUt they will all roll out at once, so at this moment we wait. It's like a huge inhale of breath... holding.... holding.... waiting for the massive exhale, blowing everything out into the public. this is about timing. I've suspected for a while that they have a specific date that they are waiting for.

    2. Yes I feel the same D- there are 3 notable dates coming up........21st(tomorrow here!!), 25th (unlikely as no couriers or mail) and 1st.
      As we are basically the first in the world to see the new day we would be more than happy to be the test case down here for "dancing shoe"" deliveries.

      Are confirmations you've had so far been to the end person or "distributors"?

  14. This is for "Cryptic riddle dude"

    Sine Nomine

    1. Sine Nomine, this is brilliant. Thanks for posting. What I get out of this is that we need to simplify the problem and the solution. Forget the ascension. We need to take back our autonomy, our freedoms, our government and re-simplify it and learn to live in a simpler way. We have allowed ourselves to be controlled and manipulated. I can see though how it will require a monumental coordination of forces within the legal system and the military to do this. I think we have been mislead by the people currently in power in believing that we need a higher government to keep order and peace, when in actuality they are the reason we have no peace. D can tell us hopefully thru her connections that we are still on the path to make that a reality. D?

    2. You're welcome Funkyjomedina. I came across it a few days ago though I've known about some of the things mentioned for a while and it made me sit up and think big time seeing everything together in that one vid. This stuff has been planned by those we've allowed to control us. I feel more clear about things now. That's why the cryptic riddler is not cutting it with me, whether he's a shill, troll or just someone who has genuine intentions.

      Sine Nomine

    3. funkyjo- in my opinion we are on the path

  15. Nothing will happen.

    1. Good morning darlin! how are you doin' today?

    2. I start to get worried when our cryptic 3 word anonymous doesn't post. Really glad to see ya buddy! Jeez D you are up mighty early or have you not slept at all?

    3. You must be the "Nothing will happen" dude. :-p

      Sine Nomine

  16. The spin gets more ridiculous by the minute. Today: 'I am the devil': Former classmate reveals school gunman had 'online devil worshiping page' as childhood barber recounts how he never spoke and just stared at floors

    "The Sandy Hook gunman worshiped the devil and had an online page dedicated to Satan, a former classmate revealed, as his childhood barber recalls Adam Lanza never spoke and would stare at the floor every time he had his hair cut.

    Lanza's worshiping page had the word 'Devil' written in red, Gothic-style letters against a black background, Trevor L. Todd told The National Enquirer, something which he said was 'weird' and 'gave him the chills'.

    The FBI are trying to piece together his smashed up hard drive to see if his online footprint will reveal any motive for the killing, but they strongly believe he made use of devil-worshiping and suicide sites and boasted of his murder plans on message forums."

    "Adam Lanza's childhood barber Bob Skuba revealed today that Nancy Lanza stopped bringing her son in for haircuts a few years ago so he thought he had moved away from the area.

    He told CNN that Adam would never speak or even look at him any time he came in for a cut, which was every six weeks for years.

    'I wish I would have killed him then. Or he should have killed himself a long time ago. He would have saved us all the trouble.

    'I should have slit and stabbed him by accident. It would have been a lot better for those people.'"

    1. There appears to be a Trevor Todd that does indeed live in Newtown, CT:

  17. We need to acknowledge this was a cabal hit like all the others we know so well, inform those who will listen, and move on with a clear understanding of what the message is/was. They use our emotions against us, and exploit our natural tendencies towards compassion and inquiry to further their aims. Our innate truth-seeking drive is easily hijacked by emotional turmoil and mazes of mind games that double back on themselves, and they know this. Seeking clarity, we only find endless searching and circular questioning instead of peace, which is where the real "power" is found.

    We have to remember that we have been genetically manipulated with great precision (meticulously constrained) so that these tried-and-true tools of control have maximum impact upon our psyches. The last significant changes to our genome were not made in the interest of our spiritual development, but rather for the purpose of easy manipulation across the many realms of suffering that have been specifically designed to keep us harnessed to low energies, low energies that the controllers have depended upon for sustenance.

    What's the best way to avoid a vampire? Don't let it into your house when it asks permission to enter.

    Tricky business when they've set up shop to feast on all of our relations, I realize. But still a good vibrational tenet to incorporate into the daily mantra :)

  18. I think the 'cryptic dude' should stop setting themselves up as teacher. Playing with peoples emotions is not of a kindly nature. We must all come to our own understanding and sometimes we will resonate with what we read or 'feel' something is correct and we can ask for guidance from the point of Divine Love. No, maybe not our creator, as we may have been manipulated into something other than our true identity, the same as we are being manipulated now with the poisons and belief systems. But, wonderful human beings, we will awaken, most already have. We understand how we are manipulated and we just say NO. It is not a life of learning when we continue to be poisoned and put into war situations. We are simply put here with the understanding that we need to learn. We are slaves to the Elite who appear human. It is easy to see that the mask they wear cannot be, as humankind are not mindless, greedy murderers. If we can appreciate this has been going on for thousands of years, yes they are clever, yes they are ETs and yes, they will come to us in a clever disguise of love and light. So, whatever happens, if we end up in that place where we are told to reincarnate again on this third dimensional plain, we can bypass them. We can simply say no. We can hold all the love we can muster inside our Being and we can go into a higher dimension. For we are of a much higher frequency than they. We have just been lied to and manipulated to believe we must be a part of their game. We have seen the light, we know the truth. We can transcend way past any place they can be. If you are within the confines of a Being that is emanating love and light, question their truth. Are they setting themselves up as teachers, talking you into another life of hell. Where is the love that you have learned so well? Say no.

    1. I'm not so sure the Criptic Dude (gotta love that name) means harm. I think they just want us to look at the possibility that what we are following reagrding the New Age/Ascension/Higher Sprituality thing into the very NWO we are trying to avoid. We need to look at ALL possibilities, not follow anything blindly. I am learning more and more every day. I believe in a higher being. I also believe there is a faction of people (not ET's) who are trying to control us because they think we need to be controlled. Those are the people we need to address. They have gotten so huge and infiltrated so many areas of our lives throughout the world that it is going to require a monumental movement. One of the most important things they are trying to do is disarm us. Once they do that then we will not be able to defend ourselves. We need a government for the people, by the people. We need the military behind us. If you listen to the Gordon Duff during a 3 hour interview on youtube on December 3 he said he heard there was a failed attempt about two weeks prior. That makes sense, esp if you look at the time frame. That would be around November 19, and on Nov 21 Obama put out a memo warning that threats to the gov't would be dealt with. The question is, was it derailed?

    2. Funkyjo, That remains to be seen. I do know that no sitting President has ever sent an eminent warning of that nature before. So much is still under wraps and there are gag orders everywhere. Sure makes it awfully hard to sit back and relax with ascension on the doorstep. I have decided to do myself a favor and disconnect from all the speculation and go visit a dear friend I have not seen in a year. I am needing a break and some personal "fun" time. So, I am off for 24hrs of R&R. I am hoping by doing so I will have a better perspective of things upon my return. Love and Light to all..

    3. I'd like to thank "Cryptic riddle dude" for his imput. We got off to a bad start because I thought he/she was the hidden hand illuminati dude trying to wind us up. I apologise.
      Whether we like it or not, the New Age concept was manufactured by the same group responsible for the NWO. They really have tried to cover all bases. I've been looking at this for ages and I'm still learning too, like Funkyjo. Don't take my word for it, please research it yourselves.

      Sine Nomine

    4. Yes, that is the beginning of I wanted you to think about.

      Someone above asked the question, "What can we do?"

      You must have patience. I believe that there is right and wrong, and thus I know that they will fail, sooner or later. Because of this understanding, I have the patience required to turn away from their allurements and their promises of money and utopic peace.

      This patience is very important.

      The following video touches on the origins of the New Age Ascension movement:

    5. I apologize. That address is:

    6. Great vid! Always had my suspicions about the guy. Saw one of his first interviews when he said how much he admired Alice Bailey. Also seen photo of him in a Masonic Lodge. And one of his wives, forget which, had a very weird website full of masonic symbols. His ideas get more loony imo.

      Sine Nomine

  19. Hey America, the world is laughing at you. No one but you believes any of this crazy crap. You and everything you believe in is a joke.

  20. Another point that I found interesting that the media seems to have left out all but one that I can find, is the brother who's id was used in suspected murders (the older brother) that just seems to scream out. The older brother works for Ernst & Young. As reported by wall st journal dec 18 , 2012. page a6 . Now I never heard of this company so I did a simple search. They are and accounting audit firm. List of companies involved in audit scandals, E&Y show up several times and are connected to firms involved in libor scandal, according to some reports its as if E&Y never even audited some of the companies involved and gave them green lights. His father Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial., GE is also one of the companies who paid out before going to trial."So far, the Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase & Co., UBS AG, Wells Fargo & Co. and GE’s former trading unit called GE Funding have paid $743 million to settle a criminal probe and civil claims for conspiring to rig bids on U.S. municipal-bond deals. Some money has been returned to victims. The case involving GE went to court and revealed how the scams were done. The Securities and Exchange Commission said GE Funding made millions by rigging 328 transactions in 44 states. GE operatives would get information about competing bids then adjust theirs accordingly. Sometimes they would take turns, with other intermediaries, putting in bids that were guaranteed to lose. Three individuals have been convicted of anti-trust violations." I find it odd that the cops id or find an id of a person in a company involved in auditing some of the big names in the libor scandal, is the brother of the person of the mass murder, who is also the son of a man who works in a company, who paid out some of the largest sums of money before trial dealing with the libor scandal(not the fathers division, but same parent company). So whether the father was to testify or not, there is still a connection with both companies, father and sons.Was the older brother supposed to be set up and they messed up?

  21. Why was the computer destroyed with a blunt object instead of just shooting it, after the boy had already shot the mother in the face? Why was he wearing a mask/body armor? Why kill himself when he had hundreds of ammo left, when his intent was obviously to harm others (if he was the shooter) why even if the mother stated she wanted the "boys to learn responsibility through firearm use" would she buy a body armor/gas mask type piece of equipment just to teach target practice? (because she a prepper? lol doubt it)another interesting fact, everyone is up and arms about how this kid was a lunatic mental patient, well how they hell did he get a drivers license? Sane enough to drive a 1-2 ton heap of metal at 100 MPH but not guns? lol. Is this why initial reports mentioned he got dropped off because people would ask the same thing I just did, how did he get a license if he is so mental? Or if he doesn't have a license, was it his brothers license he used? And if so, how or when did he get it since brother and father both say no interaction with him in three years? Since police were investigating the New jersey? "Federal sources say that identification belonging to Ryan Lanza was found at the scene, which may have caused an initial misidentification. Ryan Lanza says he had not been in contact with his brother since 2010." also odd is that the brother lives in new jersey, where sandy hook is, the name of school is sandy hook elementary. he lives in Hoboken but the very fact it even has a sandy hook in the state where the brother lives + the school his brother shot up (supposedly) is pretty odd to say the least. The bodies were found with rifle bullets or long range wounds, but the (supposed) shooter only had hand guns on him, and rifle was in a trunk of a car. Well IM pretty sure that beats jfk's magic bullet theory.If we even bring in the dark night, lol, dark night move trailer has a building with aurora at top in bright red letters, a shooting happens at dark night opening in aurora co. In the same movie, a map is shown with sandy hook as only visible name sandy hook is in new jersey. A shooting happens in sandy hook elementary school. The brother of the shooter lives in new jersey brothers id was found on brother of supposed shootings, LOL. Robert Holmes current position with FICO involves him handling Fraud.Now for those of you who don’t know FICO is a company that gives credit scores to Businesses and individuals. A lot of people in financial positions involved to say the least

  22. there is good and evil! they are at war with Gods creation.their nwo is about 1 thing ,bring hell to earth. its that plane,dont believe anything other than it! if it was possable they would even fool the very elect! if america was not armed to the teeth, what would be happening now.

  23. its not impossible to be such a great shooter first time handling a gun... during my training at police academy, I left civilian life and out-performed ex-soldiers in both gun theory and practical... I even became a sharp shooter with the M16 and M4... Some people just have the knack for certain self interests.


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