
Saturday 15 December 2012

The excuses continue...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who skipped an overseas trip this past week because of a stomach virus, sustained a concussion after fainting, the State Departmentsaid Saturday.
The 65-year-old Clinton, who's expected to leave her job soon, was recovering at home after the incident last week and is being monitored by doctors, according to a statement by aide Philippe Reines.
No further details were immediately available.


  1. BTS is this another way for the cabal to postpone what is happening or is it that they may be covering up what is really going on?

    I have to say, you hit the nail on the head with the Connecticut incident. It seems like the last two shootings that have occurred. What exactly is their goal with these kind of events?

    I really like this blog, thank you.

  2. That shooting has weird vibes all over it. I don't see how even the craziest person could harm kindergartners. If they are pushing a gun ban agenda by harming youngsters and devastating families at Christmas, the people behind it are MONSTERS.

  3. Some people will do anything to stay out of jail.

  4. This scenario sets Hillary up to move her out of the way, hopefully sooner rather than later. Kerry was already slated to take her place.

    SaLuSa said that the Cabal will be quietly relocated so as not to cause a scene.

    I'm glad. We don't have time for arrests plastered everywhere. There are A LOT! We deserve to skip to the better portions of the changes that focus on us, our future.



  5. Clinton was set to testify before a congressional committee about the Benghazi fiasco. But all of a sudden she gets sick. Coincidence???

    1. Ascension, World Finance Reset, World Peace, Cities of Light(healing), World Government Resets.

      Everything else is being put on the back burner to serve these MOST important issues NOW.

      Love and Light to all else.

  6. Wow, I wonder what she is avoiding or has she been taken into custody? The way MSM is behaving it is business as usual for the Cabal. What I really do not understand is why there has been no seizure of assets of the banks that have been laundering trillions of dollars in drug cartel money for years and years. The consequences incurred by HSBC is enough to make you pass out cold. Our Government is punishing the victims of the drug cartel and letting the perpetrators go on without so much as a hiccup. I am pole axed and struck dumb. One thing is certain, they are doing everything possible to redirect our focus and energy from love and unity to anger and hatred. We cant be far from that 100th monkey. Once we hit that crucial point EVERYONE is awake and they have to concede defeat(and most likely run for their lives!)

  7. Think about it folks...people's children are being killed, or THEY are being killed for "coming out with it". JFK, Martin Luther, the Producer of CNBC news (who's children were killed by the Nanny). The Banksters are murderers. We have yet to see what the truth is. I don't feel like I can judge anyone, except the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and Vatican and perhaps, the Qween. She holds alot of our gold. We have to be patient and watch, I believe. Love and light....Lynne

  8. I am a bit worried... Kerry, a member of Skull and Bones, will replace Hillary? Isn't Kerry on the CFR? Where do the lies end? What do we have to look forward to if this is the best we can get?

  9. If Kerry replaces Clinton then that would give a huge sign to everyone about who is in control of the world and of the Pres. being a so called lightworker..

    1. I saw a comment somewhere yesterday that the drone issue originated with Petraeus who is Bush's general. That what the President is doing is taking control and wresting the power from the military that is influenced/controlled by the Bush Cabal. Sheds a different Light on the issue.

  10. Please people, don't rely on anyone but yourselves to save you. Even the light workers are telling you it is upon you to make change happen. Someone shared information with me that gave me a clearer understanding, I hope someone else will find it useful as well. "The Best That Money Can't Buy." By Jacque Fresco.

  11. Did she fall or was she pushed?? lol I hope she had another no-show because she is under house arrest.

    Sine Nomine

    1. She fell at the top of the steps while boarding her plane in Israel also, didn't she? There was violence very near the site she visited in Northern Ireland not long, too. Keeping her confined to her townhouse is far better for the safety of all humanity.

    2. I noticed that coincidence ~ she visits NI and troubles erupt again. Makes ya think doesn't it?

      Sine Nomine

  12. There is a rumour someone tried to poison Putin. He was in the recent list of ill bigwig. Could physical harm have been done to her?

    1. If someone is harming her, then the rest of the cabal should be quaking in their boots. Not sure I believe Putin has been poisoned though. I should think he has trusted bodyguards. If he was alleged to have been in hospital it could be a cover for him being elsewhere.... ? ;-)

      Sine Nomine

  13. Their days are numbered, and I think we can expect to see alot more elite falling ill. They cannot exist much longer in the raising vibration and nothing they can do will effect the awakened people enough to stop the 100 monkey's who are mad as fuck and determined to love this hole bullshit into one big mother fuckin love party of love and light, hell yea bitches!


    Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:21PM
    Two congressmen caught up in ethics probes:

    Two congressmen, Aaron Schock, R-Ill., and Bill Owens, D-N.Y., are under investigation for possible ethics breaches, the House Ethics Committee says.

  15. Montague Keen, December 16, 2012
    Posted on December 16, 2012

    This Christmastime, the most important thing that anyone can give, is love. Instead of getting into debt by buying presents, create a loving, sharing experience for those around you. Love and laughter are far more important than material things. The material bandwagon was created to keep you in servitude to the Cabal. For once, ignore the advertisements pressuring you to get into debt. Only the banks win in this situation. Think what freedom you will enjoy when banks are a thing of the past !

    Yet again, the old formula was used; namely, insane killings as a means to create new laws and have more control over the many. It works every time. They do not deviate from what always works. When will you wake up to it and refuse to fall for it? Human life, however young and innocent, is of no consequence to them when it can be used to their benefit. There is no justice in your world. More and more control is being placed on your lives. You just accept it without question. What does the Cabal need to do, to enable you to wake up to their plans. They are destroying human life on Earth and you just accept it without question. When will enough be enough? How much more are you going to allow them to do to you and your planet before you take control?

    You must understand that the Cabal is terrified of you. You outnumber them. They know that when the majority of you wake up, they are finished. Though many have left already, there are still enough of them in place to create havoc, when necessary, just to keep you in your place. To the Cabal, you are like animals in a zoo: they have no respect whatsoever. Link with your spiritual side, learn to open your hearts to Spirit, and you will be guided.

    This is an important time in the life of Man, when he has to accept that all he knew and accepted as true, is in fact, FALSE. It is time to challenge the so-called facts. Share your research and expose this shameless corruption. You need to sweep out all the dross to allow the pure, new energies to come into your lives. Your controllers can never rise above their third dimensional status, and so cannot remain when you enter the fifth dimension. Be prepared to let go of what no longer serves you. Go forward with confidence to the new beginnings that await you and yours. Watch the corrupt structures crumble and fall as the light of truth exposes them for what they actually are. Many of them are so evil and corrupt that only their ashes will remain. Your world needs to be cleansed of this corruption. It will take time as it cannot happen overnight. But happen it will. There is no magic wand that would make it immediately disappear. Just now, the prevention of more war is our top priority. The return of troops to their countries of origin has to commence forthwith. When the 99% demand peace, then peace will be the result. It is time to find your voice.

    To those who are in fear of losing their material possessions, I say, know that you will lose only that which you no longer require in the fifth dimension. Your path needs to have obstacles removed to enable you to complete your mission. You made this choice before you returned to Earth, so this commitment must be honoured. Life was never meant to be easy in the third dimension. This is a clearing out period. It is never easy, but it is necessary. Be there for each other. Talk your problems through. You will find that together you reach the solutions. The control of the media means that you are not being told about everything that is actually happening at this time. Everything is moving forward as it should.

    1. I can't take VK seriously after this interview.


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