StarShip Earth published this excellent and extremely important article on Saturday. THIS is information that demands a response. THIS is one of those rare opportunities that are given to us to MAKE A DIFFERENCE:
THIS is the moment to NOT be an armchair activist and to actually DO something. I urge all of my American friends to take a stand on this- send your "public comment", share this information in your social circles and encourage others to stand up and take part.
All it takes in One........ Just One person. It all starts with just ONE person standing up and taking the bull by the horns. When government departments put out this type of announcement, they place their bets on the public's ignorance and complacency and the fact that "no one will notice", and that if they DO notice, they will be to lazy to do anything about it. So when the "public" actually takes up a stance AGAINST them, they are caught completely off guard. They do not want to you respond. So it's up to everyone TO respond, and to flood them with "public comments".
They are asking for your comments...... Give them a piece of your mind!
I gave them hope, though. I suggested they may be able to salvage their initiative if “they go first”. Then… we wait. A year. And if none of the government employees, White House staff, Congress, Senate, FDA, CDC, or pharmaceutical people get sick or die in that time frame after being jabbed by our public nurses with the proposed serums, then The People might consider getting some vaccinations. MIGHT. ~ BP

AMERICA: It’s not only the children the government plans to vaccinate. Now it’s the adults.
It’s not about making you healthier; it’s about making Big Pharma wealthier, and they then pass massive chunks of those dirty proceeds on to the corrupt politicians who decided you need to be poisoned; inoculated like the cattle they believe you to be.
“Published on February 6, 2015 amid the “measles outbreak” media frenzy, the HHS is accepting “public comment” on its Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) until March 9, 2015. Under the NAIP, all adult American citizens will be compelled to receive current and retroactive vaccination regimens that may amount to several dozen “shots” per individual during their “catch-up” phase. Under the federally-mandated immunization schedule children presently receive 49 vaccines before the age of six.”
It’s time to get out on the field, America. This is no time to sit on the sidelines passively watching the end game. There’s a bench-clearing brawl about to break out and you have to stand up for your civil rights.
Your government is supposed to do YOUR bidding—not the other way around. They work for YOU. You sign their paycheque.
They have NO RIGHT to force you to get any medical procedure or take any medications or vaccinations. They are not safe. Vaccinations kill and maim. Your own doctor probably doesn’t even recognize this. They just do what they’re told by Big Pharma—although many doctors have been paid millions to misinform others in the medical field.
If you’re healthy now, a vaccination could very well be your ticket into the merry-go-round of the American Health Care-less system. Is that what you want? Can you afford to be sick all the time, in pain all the time, purchasing costly medications to deal with debilitating side-effects that cause more negative side-effects, etc., ad infinitum or spend weeks in hospital away from work and your family?

You need to voice your refusal to be injected with toxic potions that will at the very least weaken your immune system and open you up for future disease, may very well make you sick soon afterward, or, at worst, see you laid out on a slab wearing nothing but a toe tag, almost immediately.
They never do clinical trials on vaccinations so there is no way to know how these chemical cocktails will affect any one person. The American people are part of an ongoing, decades-long experiment to see how much of a beating they can take before they keel over and die. They’re waiting to see if you will quietly do whatever they tell you, as you always have. They’re only too happy to think for you.
You know the government has passed legislation to protect the Pharmaceutical companies, right? Correct. They now have indemnity when people get sick or die after vaccinations. You have no legal recourse. If you are rendered unable to work, it’s on you. No insurance, and you can’t sue their asses off.
The solution is to be PROactive rather than REactive. Stop it before it starts.
Americans MUST fight this forced vaccination. Your tacit agreement is welcomed if you say nothing. Beat the deadline and let the controllers know in no uncertain terms that you will not comply.
You have until 5 pm March 9th to kill this initiative. If you don’t—heaven help you.
Many nurses have already lost their jobs because they refused
vaccinations. They know the truth about them. VACCINATIONS DO NOT
PROVIDE IMMUNITY. They do NOT prevent disease–they CAUSE it. Vaccinated
people are spreading diseases they got when they were injected!
Did the nurses sacrifice in vain? Follow their lead. It’s your turn to stand up to the corrupt government and the lying pharmaceutical companies.
You won’t give up your guns. Will you give up your health? I would move back to Canada before I’d let them inject me with anything, but then, I’m not an American citizen, so technically they can’t force me, but let me know if I should start packing, please. ~ BP
P.S. – Of course if you’re too sick to lock ‘n’ load, your gun won’t be much good, will it? ~ BP

Published on February 6, 2015 amid the “measles outbreak” media frenzy, the HHS is accepting “public comment” on its Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) until March 9, 2015. Under the NAIP, all adult American citizens will be compelled to receive current and retroactive vaccination regimens that may amount to several dozen “shots” per individual during their “catch-up” phase. Under the federally-mandated immunization schedule children presently receive 49 vaccines before the age of six.
Continue Reading on Starship Earth: The Big Picture HERE
“Published on February 6, 2015 amid the “measles outbreak” media frenzy, the HHS is accepting “public comment” on its Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) until March 9, 2015. Under the NAIP, all adult American citizens will be compelled to receive current and retroactive vaccination regimens that may amount to several dozen “shots” per individual during their “catch-up” phase. Under the federally-mandated immunization schedule children presently receive 49 vaccines before the age of six.”Americans are being given the opportunity to use their voices to influence policy. I have taken part in several movements in Canada that started exactly this same way, and due the the public outcry that we created, we were able to change and influence the movement of the Government of Canada to take away Rights, or to poison our children.
THIS is the moment to NOT be an armchair activist and to actually DO something. I urge all of my American friends to take a stand on this- send your "public comment", share this information in your social circles and encourage others to stand up and take part.
All it takes in One........ Just One person. It all starts with just ONE person standing up and taking the bull by the horns. When government departments put out this type of announcement, they place their bets on the public's ignorance and complacency and the fact that "no one will notice", and that if they DO notice, they will be to lazy to do anything about it. So when the "public" actually takes up a stance AGAINST them, they are caught completely off guard. They do not want to you respond. So it's up to everyone TO respond, and to flood them with "public comments".
They are asking for your comments...... Give them a piece of your mind!
US Government Plans to Force Vaccinations on All Adults; My Weekend Rant
Update Feb 21, 6:12 pm: I spent over an hour writing a two and a half page letter to Ms. Fish detailing my opinion of their mandatory adult vaccination plan. I’m going to mail it via snail mail immediately. I let them have it with both barrels and let them know that we are well aware what vaccinations are all about and HAVE been about for decades. I let them know that we know all about the depopulation agenda, about the AIDS vaccines distributed in Africa as well as Ebola, that the Italian court ruled that vaccines killed people, that we’re aware of the proof that vaccines cause autism, that the government and Big Pharma have covered up research and proof that vaccines are dangerous, that we know what is typically in vaccines, and that they are not in our best interests.I gave them hope, though. I suggested they may be able to salvage their initiative if “they go first”. Then… we wait. A year. And if none of the government employees, White House staff, Congress, Senate, FDA, CDC, or pharmaceutical people get sick or die in that time frame after being jabbed by our public nurses with the proposed serums, then The People might consider getting some vaccinations. MIGHT. ~ BP
AMERICA: It’s not only the children the government plans to vaccinate. Now it’s the adults.
It’s not about making you healthier; it’s about making Big Pharma wealthier, and they then pass massive chunks of those dirty proceeds on to the corrupt politicians who decided you need to be poisoned; inoculated like the cattle they believe you to be.
“Published on February 6, 2015 amid the “measles outbreak” media frenzy, the HHS is accepting “public comment” on its Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) until March 9, 2015. Under the NAIP, all adult American citizens will be compelled to receive current and retroactive vaccination regimens that may amount to several dozen “shots” per individual during their “catch-up” phase. Under the federally-mandated immunization schedule children presently receive 49 vaccines before the age of six.”
It’s time to get out on the field, America. This is no time to sit on the sidelines passively watching the end game. There’s a bench-clearing brawl about to break out and you have to stand up for your civil rights.
Your government is supposed to do YOUR bidding—not the other way around. They work for YOU. You sign their paycheque.
They have NO RIGHT to force you to get any medical procedure or take any medications or vaccinations. They are not safe. Vaccinations kill and maim. Your own doctor probably doesn’t even recognize this. They just do what they’re told by Big Pharma—although many doctors have been paid millions to misinform others in the medical field.
If you’re healthy now, a vaccination could very well be your ticket into the merry-go-round of the American Health Care-less system. Is that what you want? Can you afford to be sick all the time, in pain all the time, purchasing costly medications to deal with debilitating side-effects that cause more negative side-effects, etc., ad infinitum or spend weeks in hospital away from work and your family?
You need to voice your refusal to be injected with toxic potions that will at the very least weaken your immune system and open you up for future disease, may very well make you sick soon afterward, or, at worst, see you laid out on a slab wearing nothing but a toe tag, almost immediately.
They never do clinical trials on vaccinations so there is no way to know how these chemical cocktails will affect any one person. The American people are part of an ongoing, decades-long experiment to see how much of a beating they can take before they keel over and die. They’re waiting to see if you will quietly do whatever they tell you, as you always have. They’re only too happy to think for you.
You know the government has passed legislation to protect the Pharmaceutical companies, right? Correct. They now have indemnity when people get sick or die after vaccinations. You have no legal recourse. If you are rendered unable to work, it’s on you. No insurance, and you can’t sue their asses off.
The solution is to be PROactive rather than REactive. Stop it before it starts.
Americans MUST fight this forced vaccination. Your tacit agreement is welcomed if you say nothing. Beat the deadline and let the controllers know in no uncertain terms that you will not comply.
You have until 5 pm March 9th to kill this initiative. If you don’t—heaven help you.
“(1) The draft NAIP is available on the web at
(2) Electronic responses are preferred and may be addressed to:
(3) Written responses should be addressed
to: National Vaccine Program Office, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Room 733G, Washington, DC 20201.
Attn: HHS Adult Immunization c/o Rebecca Fish.”
Did the nurses sacrifice in vain? Follow their lead. It’s your turn to stand up to the corrupt government and the lying pharmaceutical companies.
You won’t give up your guns. Will you give up your health? I would move back to Canada before I’d let them inject me with anything, but then, I’m not an American citizen, so technically they can’t force me, but let me know if I should start packing, please. ~ BP
P.S. – Of course if you’re too sick to lock ‘n’ load, your gun won’t be much good, will it? ~ BP
February 21, 2015
US Government Moves on Nationwide Adult Vaccination
The transnational pharmaceutical cartel will be positioning itself to profit handsomely if a federally-mandated adult immunization program becomes law. The proposed US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) policy will be implemented alongside the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), thereby becoming a standard component of US national healthcare policy.Published on February 6, 2015 amid the “measles outbreak” media frenzy, the HHS is accepting “public comment” on its Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) until March 9, 2015. Under the NAIP, all adult American citizens will be compelled to receive current and retroactive vaccination regimens that may amount to several dozen “shots” per individual during their “catch-up” phase. Under the federally-mandated immunization schedule children presently receive 49 vaccines before the age of six.
Continue Reading on Starship Earth: The Big Picture HERE
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