I have been talking about the shifting winds of the Middle East for the past week on Transpicuous News. Suddenly there is information being put out through the media that is rattling cages and, perhaps, indicating new alliances and the changing of who's working with whom, and where.
In the video below, US VP Biden gives a very interesting piece of transparency about the situation in Syria, and the connection between Saudi Arabia and Turkey (to just name two), the Iran factor, and the basis of "religious war" that is behind the perceived "Terrorist War" that is playing out in Syria and Iraq. A "WAR" that is of course now spreading like wild fire that is burning out of control through the Middle East and areas of Africa. Of course he completely leaves the US out of the variables that are the gasoline that is feeding the Fire that is Immolating the muslim people in these areas that the "terrorists" are burning down. Which is of course typical of the American Government rhetoric: Blame everyone else, meanwhile they are the reason for ALL of the atrocities that have been perpetuated on innocent humans since that fateful day in September 2001..... (ok.... actually since way before then, but let's just focus on this timeline for now).
In Biden's attempt to twist the narrative to put the spotlight on Saudi Arabia and Turkey- to blame them for starting all of this- he's highlighting a piece of truth and transparency that has been left out of the publics view until just recently. As I've covered in Transpicuous News this past two weeks, suddenly the US is throwing the Saudi's under the proverbial bus, with the release of main stream media news stories aimed at blaming Saudi Arabia for 9/11, the Oil Crisis, and now.... for funding ISIS. The sudden push by the Western Media hounds is a blatant call out to divert attention from the US's own machinations to destabilize the Middle East, to their own benefit, of course. Who funded, trained and armed Al Qaeda? The CIA, under the umbrella of the Bush Mafia.... I mean, "administration". Who has continued to Train and Arm and Fund various "Rebel" groups? The CIA/American Cabal out of Texas. This isn't news to anyone who has been following this ridiculous mess for years. BUT..... the pieces are now being put into view of the public. All it takes is the ability to actually READ and COMPREHEND what is being said, and the time line of events that has led us to this point of extreme fuckupidness.
.... and the US isn't acting alone in this: the UK and Canada have both fully admitted to funding the "Syrian rebels" - and most of the NATO nations as well. ..... and Now the European Union is whining about all these "Jihadists" and "terrorists" that are coming BACK to Europe from Syria, where they "received training" in weapons and tactics......
Gee.... I wonder who trained them?
Not to mention, the fact that the US, UK and NATO just keep "Abandoning" their weapons everywhere.... just walk away and leaving hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons and artillery behind, so conveniently for the "rebels" and "jihadists" and the "terrorists" to take and use wherever they please..... I've actually lost count of how many news reports there have been in the past two years talking about lost US military equipment that has ended up in the hands of the "ISIS Terrorists" and "Al Qaeda Terrorists"....
Yes, there has been a dramatic shift in alliances in the Middle East. The underlying cause is not yet clearly seen, in my opinion, but the outcome in this moment, is becoming glaringly bright if you care to look under the covers of the media spin doctoring.
The article below deals with some of the Canadian angle to all of this mess- showing Harper's agenda to support only that which will make him money. His New World Order agenda has been very clearly seen over the past few months..... one can only hope that Canadians are still capable of SEEing that agenda for what it is, and where it leads when the Federal Elections roll around.
.... Might I point out that after John Baird, former Foreign Affairs Minister of Canada, returned from his little jaunt around the Middle East- a little tour of ass kissing that led to him being egged by Palestinians - he just suddenly up and quit not only his job as FAM, but to leave politics entirely...... One might wonder if what he learned abroad might have had a galvanizing effect to get the Hell out of Dodge.

Posted on February 17, 2015 | Yasser Harrak | Written on February 17, 2015

The Conservative Party of Canada has signed the longest weapons contract in Canada’s history with the Saudi regime described as a serial human rights violator. The conservatives’ performance in the efforts to internationalize democracy and defend human rights globally worth a failing mark. They went as far as befriending tyrants - such as the king of Bahrain - and closing their eyes on war criminals - such as the Sudanese president - making the diplomacy and the security of Canada at stake and in the service of multinational corporations. The cooperation between the Conservative Party of Canada and the supporters of international terrorism may be hard to believe. Yet, when the US vice president Joe Biden makes incriminating statements regarding the friends of the Conservative Party of Canada, it becomes obvious for the hard working Canadians that their country is going in the wrong direction under the conservatives.
In a recorded video, the US Vise President Joe Biden revealed several shocking facts.[1] Here are some of those facts along with legitimate comments.
Joe Biden said that Turkey (Under the rule of Erdogan’s Muslim Brotherhood party), the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia were so determined to take down the Syrian president Bashar Al Assad to wage a proxy Sunni Muslim vs Shia Muslim war. This is not a journalistic leak of information. These are remarks delivered by the Vice President of the United States of America on foreign policy, in an event organized by the institute of politics in the prestigious Harvard University. So knowing that the cause of war in Syria was to please the oil rich allies and some states neighboring Syria, we find the conservatives implicated in lying to Canadians about the true motives of war in Syria. They are also responsible for participating in the destabilization of Syria that led to the rise of ISIS.
He added that Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have poured tens of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except that the people who were being supplied were Al Nusra (Listed as an international terrorist group), Al Qaeda and the extremist Jihadi elements coming from other parts of the world. Biden faces those who think he was exaggerating with this question:” where did all of this go?” This remarks establishes a direct link between Saudi Arabia –being the best friend of the Conservative Party of Canada in the region- and radical Islamist fractions fighting to topple Al Assad’s regime especially ISIS. Mr. Biden did not say the word ISIS, but he did identify ISIS by description when he said: ”extremist Jihadi elements coming from other parts of the world”. ISIS is nothing but that description.
Mr. Biden said that now Saudi Arabia stopped the funding, Qatar has stopped the support of the most extreme elements of the terrorist organization, and the Turkish prime minister realized that they let too many people (or terrorists to be precise) into Syria. What this means is that the conservatives have been not only working hand in hand with countries that supported ISIS, but also rewarded them. The Saudis got away with the longest weapon’s deals, the Qataris and Emiratis -who tried hard to take International Civil Aviation Organization’s headquarter from Montreal to Doha – were rewarded with direct flights to Canada. This is despite the war they waged against the Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company known as Blackberry that made many Canadians lose their jobs.
These three points are essential to finds answers to many important questions. The Globe and Mail reported that The Canadian government is refusing to say whether it obtained assurances that light armored vehicles, sold to Saudi Arabia in a massive $15-billion deal, would not be used against the Saudi people.[2] If you are asking why, the answer is that this arms deal with Saudi Arabia needs to be shrouded in secrecy because asking for guarantees that Canadian arms are not used against the civilians in Saudi Arabia requires some form of equipment tracing. If the arms are traceable, the conservatives fear to find them in hands of ISIS. There are about 33 ISIS weapons known to have come from several countries, yet, it is confirmed that the origin of a number of military equipment used by ISIS including armored vehicles remain largely unknown.[3]
The ruling Conservative Party of Canada under the “strong” leadership of Stephen Harper did not only help ISIS through Saudi Arabia, but also by providing the Syrian rebels with the technology and the equipment that were subsequently used to document some of the most barbaric acts against the human being ever committed. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Canada has given $5.3-million to the Syrian opposition to support the rebels in anti-government propaganda since April 2012. The said goal was to establish a pirate radio network and training for journalists and bloggers. The conservatives offered pre-paid airtime for satellite Internet communication devices with the -said - goal of increasing co-ordination between opposition networks of local civilian actors.[4] The Syrian opposition groups engaged in a war between themselves that ended with the victory of Islamist terrorist organizations, mainly Al Nusra and ISIS. As the conservatives cannot trace back their communications equipment, it is fair to say that Canadian equipment ended in the hands of ISIS. It is so sad to see the beheading of Christians, Shia Muslims, Yazidis and the burning of the human being alive being broadcasted using Canadian technology. ISIS is known of broadcasting quality horror videos, and only the conservatives of Canada are known to have provided the equipment.
The conservatives have lied to Canadians about everything related to the Syrian conflict. They engaged in supporting regimes that Mr. Biden said have just recently stopped financing international terrorism. Canada under the rule of the conservatives is becoming less and less recognizable.
[1] Retrieved February 16, 2015 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpkBaApIIYg (link is external)
[2] Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia shrouded in secrecy, The Globe and Mail, January 21, 2015. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/canadas-arms-deal-with-saudi-arabia-shrouded-in-secrecy/article22547765/
[3] Weapon of ISIS, The Military Factory, January 22, 2015. Retrieved from: http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/weapons-of-isis.asp (link is external)
[4] Canada Sent Millions to Syrian Rebels, Ottawa Sun, August 31, 2013.
- See more at: http://unpublishedottawa.com/letter/1819/joe-biden-explains-how-conservatives-helped-isis-and-lied-about-syria#sthash.IxGegYif.dpuf
In the video below, US VP Biden gives a very interesting piece of transparency about the situation in Syria, and the connection between Saudi Arabia and Turkey (to just name two), the Iran factor, and the basis of "religious war" that is behind the perceived "Terrorist War" that is playing out in Syria and Iraq. A "WAR" that is of course now spreading like wild fire that is burning out of control through the Middle East and areas of Africa. Of course he completely leaves the US out of the variables that are the gasoline that is feeding the Fire that is Immolating the muslim people in these areas that the "terrorists" are burning down. Which is of course typical of the American Government rhetoric: Blame everyone else, meanwhile they are the reason for ALL of the atrocities that have been perpetuated on innocent humans since that fateful day in September 2001..... (ok.... actually since way before then, but let's just focus on this timeline for now).
In Biden's attempt to twist the narrative to put the spotlight on Saudi Arabia and Turkey- to blame them for starting all of this- he's highlighting a piece of truth and transparency that has been left out of the publics view until just recently. As I've covered in Transpicuous News this past two weeks, suddenly the US is throwing the Saudi's under the proverbial bus, with the release of main stream media news stories aimed at blaming Saudi Arabia for 9/11, the Oil Crisis, and now.... for funding ISIS. The sudden push by the Western Media hounds is a blatant call out to divert attention from the US's own machinations to destabilize the Middle East, to their own benefit, of course. Who funded, trained and armed Al Qaeda? The CIA, under the umbrella of the Bush Mafia.... I mean, "administration". Who has continued to Train and Arm and Fund various "Rebel" groups? The CIA/American Cabal out of Texas. This isn't news to anyone who has been following this ridiculous mess for years. BUT..... the pieces are now being put into view of the public. All it takes is the ability to actually READ and COMPREHEND what is being said, and the time line of events that has led us to this point of extreme fuckupidness.
Last month, Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby told a news conference in Washington that the US military will deploy some 400 trainers in the region in the next four to six weeks, and also send a similar number of troops to help them carry out the mission.
He said that more than 5,400 militants fighting in Syria would receive training and arms in the first year of the program. In December, the US Congress approved $500 million for the Pentagon venture.
Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since March 2011. The United States and its regional allies - especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey - are supporting the militants operating inside the country....
...The ISIL terrorists, many of whom were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, are engaged in crimes against humanity in the areas under their control.
A former CIA contractor said in a recent interview with Press TV that the agency is frustrated for being asked to train ISIL terrorists and at the very same time to combat them.
“The CIA is being faced with their current task of continuing to arm and train the rebels, which they’ve admitted to doing – the so-called Free Syrian Army, and at the same time being asked to combat the group ISIL, which it is getting harder and harder for them to mask that it’s essentially the same group,” said Steven D. Kelley.
.... and the US isn't acting alone in this: the UK and Canada have both fully admitted to funding the "Syrian rebels" - and most of the NATO nations as well. ..... and Now the European Union is whining about all these "Jihadists" and "terrorists" that are coming BACK to Europe from Syria, where they "received training" in weapons and tactics......
Gee.... I wonder who trained them?
Not to mention, the fact that the US, UK and NATO just keep "Abandoning" their weapons everywhere.... just walk away and leaving hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons and artillery behind, so conveniently for the "rebels" and "jihadists" and the "terrorists" to take and use wherever they please..... I've actually lost count of how many news reports there have been in the past two years talking about lost US military equipment that has ended up in the hands of the "ISIS Terrorists" and "Al Qaeda Terrorists"....
Yes, there has been a dramatic shift in alliances in the Middle East. The underlying cause is not yet clearly seen, in my opinion, but the outcome in this moment, is becoming glaringly bright if you care to look under the covers of the media spin doctoring.
The article below deals with some of the Canadian angle to all of this mess- showing Harper's agenda to support only that which will make him money. His New World Order agenda has been very clearly seen over the past few months..... one can only hope that Canadians are still capable of SEEing that agenda for what it is, and where it leads when the Federal Elections roll around.
.... Might I point out that after John Baird, former Foreign Affairs Minister of Canada, returned from his little jaunt around the Middle East- a little tour of ass kissing that led to him being egged by Palestinians - he just suddenly up and quit not only his job as FAM, but to leave politics entirely...... One might wonder if what he learned abroad might have had a galvanizing effect to get the Hell out of Dodge.
Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia shrouded in secrecy
OTTAWA — The Globe and MailPublished Wednesday, Jan. 21 2015,
The Canadian government is refusing to say whether it obtained assurances that light armoured vehicles being sold to Saudi Arabia in a massive $15-billion deal would not be used against the Saudi people – a key guarantee required by federal export controls when arms are destined for countries with a “persistent record of serious violations of the human rights of their citizens.”...
...Canada is developing stronger ties with the Saudis. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird’s department has made a get-together between him and Turki al-Faisal, a leading member of the Saudi royal family, a “Priority A” goal for his visit to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this week, documents obtained by The Globe and Mail show.The Canadian government boasts that its export controls are among the strongest in the world and one of these federal rules obliges Ottawa to ensure it’s not helping countries with poor human-rights records oppress its own citizens.The government is required to demonstrate “there is no reasonable risk that the goods might be used against the civilian population” before it approves applications for export permits to countries with persistent records of violating the rights of their citizens.Ottawa, however, won’t say whether it has determined this to be the case with the light armoured vehicles (LAVs) heading to Saudi Arabia.
I would also like to take a moment here to note that for all of Harper's applause for this wonderful deal that he's struck with Saudi Arabia..... General Dynamic Land Systems is a US Corporation NOT a Canadian owned company. Just sayin'.
General Dynamics Land Systems
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Dynamics_Land_SystemsIn February 1982 Chrysler announced the sale of Chrysler Defense, its profitable defense subsidiary to General Dynamics for US$348.5 million. The sale was completed in March 1982 for the revised figure of US$336.1 million.[1] General Dynamics renamed the division General Dynamics Land Systems. In 2003 General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada, a subsidiary of General Dynamics, purchased GM Defense from General Motors as well. It is now a major supplier of armored vehicles of all types, including the LAV-25, Stryker, and a wide variety of vehicles based on these chassis. General Dynamics Land Systems operates the Lima Army Tank Plant and GDAO (General Dynamics Anniston Operations) in Anniston, Alabama along with smaller operations in Tallahassee, FL and Scranton, PA. The headquarters are located in Sterling Heights, MI.
General Dynamics Land Systems Industry Defense Founded March 7, 1982 Headquarters Sterling Heights, Michigan, U.S. Area servedWorldwide Products Defense Website www .GDLS .com

Canada sent millions to Syrian rebels
By Jessica Hume, National Bureau First posted: Saturday, August 31, 2013http://www.ottawasun.com/2013/08/31/canada-sent-millions-to-syrian-rebels
OTTAWA - As the possibility of a military strike against Syria looms, some details of Canada's supporting role in the conflict have emerged.Joe Biden Explains How the Conservatives Helped ISIS and Lied About SyriaPosted on February 17, 2015 | Yasser Harrak | Written on February 17, 2015Letter type:Blog PostThe Conservative Party of Canada has signed the longest weapons contract in Canada’s history with the Saudi regime described as a serial human rights violator. The conservatives’ performance in the efforts to internationalize democracy and defend human rights globally worth a failing mark. They went as far as befriending tyrants - such as the king of Bahrain - and closing their eyes on war criminals - such as the Sudanese president - making the diplomacy and the security of Canada at stake and in the service of multinational corporations. The cooperation between the Conservative Party of Canada and the supporters of international terrorism may be hard to believe. Yet, when the US vice president Joe Biden makes incriminating statements regarding the friends of the Conservative Party of Canada, it becomes obvious for the hard working Canadians that their country is going in the wrong direction under the conservatives.- See more at: http://unpublishedottawa.com/letter/1819/joe-biden-explains-how-conservatives-helped-isis-and-lied-about-syria#sthash.IxGegYif.dpuf
In a recorded video, the US Vise President Joe Biden revealed several shocking facts.[1] Here are some of those facts along with legitimate comments.
These three points are essential to finds answers to many important questions. The Globe and Mail reported that The Canadian government is refusing to say whether it obtained assurances that light armored vehicles, sold to Saudi Arabia in a massive $15-billion deal, would not be used against the Saudi people.[2] If you are asking why, the answer is that this arms deal with Saudi Arabia needs to be shrouded in secrecy because asking for guarantees that Canadian arms are not used against the civilians in Saudi Arabia requires some form of equipment tracing. If the arms are traceable, the conservatives fear to find them in hands of ISIS. There are about 33 ISIS weapons known to have come from several countries, yet, it is confirmed that the origin of a number of military equipment used by ISIS including armored vehicles remain largely unknown.[3]
- Joe Biden said that Turkey (Under the rule of Erdogan’s Muslim Brotherhood party), the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia were so determined to take down the Syrian president Bashar Al Assad to wage a proxy Sunni Muslim vs Shia Muslim war. This is not a journalistic leak of information. These are remarks delivered by the Vice President of the United States of America on foreign policy, in an event organized by the institute of politics in the prestigious Harvard University. So knowing that the cause of war in Syria was to please the oil rich allies and some states neighboring Syria, we find the conservatives implicated in lying to Canadians about the true motives of war in Syria. They are also responsible for participating in the destabilization of Syria that led to the rise of ISIS.
- He added that Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have poured tens of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except that the people who were being supplied were Al Nusra (Listed as an international terrorist group), Al Qaeda and the extremist Jihadi elements coming from other parts of the world. Biden faces those who think he was exaggerating with this question:” where did all of this go?” This remarks establishes a direct link between Saudi Arabia –being the best friend of the Conservative Party of Canada in the region- and radical Islamist fractions fighting to topple Al Assad’s regime especially ISIS. Mr. Biden did not say the word ISIS, but he did identify ISIS by description when he said: ”extremist Jihadi elements coming from other parts of the world”. ISIS is nothing but that description.
- Mr. Biden said that now Saudi Arabia stopped the funding, Qatar has stopped the support of the most extreme elements of the terrorist organization, and the Turkish prime minister realized that they let too many people (or terrorists to be precise) into Syria. What this means is that the conservatives have been not only working hand in hand with countries that supported ISIS, but also rewarded them. The Saudis got away with the longest weapon’s deals, the Qataris and Emiratis -who tried hard to take International Civil Aviation Organization’s headquarter from Montreal to Doha – were rewarded with direct flights to Canada. This is despite the war they waged against the Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company known as Blackberry that made many Canadians lose their jobs.
The ruling Conservative Party of Canada under the “strong” leadership of Stephen Harper did not only help ISIS through Saudi Arabia, but also by providing the Syrian rebels with the technology and the equipment that were subsequently used to document some of the most barbaric acts against the human being ever committed. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Canada has given $5.3-million to the Syrian opposition to support the rebels in anti-government propaganda since April 2012. The said goal was to establish a pirate radio network and training for journalists and bloggers. The conservatives offered pre-paid airtime for satellite Internet communication devices with the -said - goal of increasing co-ordination between opposition networks of local civilian actors.[4] The Syrian opposition groups engaged in a war between themselves that ended with the victory of Islamist terrorist organizations, mainly Al Nusra and ISIS. As the conservatives cannot trace back their communications equipment, it is fair to say that Canadian equipment ended in the hands of ISIS. It is so sad to see the beheading of Christians, Shia Muslims, Yazidis and the burning of the human being alive being broadcasted using Canadian technology. ISIS is known of broadcasting quality horror videos, and only the conservatives of Canada are known to have provided the equipment.
The conservatives have lied to Canadians about everything related to the Syrian conflict. They engaged in supporting regimes that Mr. Biden said have just recently stopped financing international terrorism. Canada under the rule of the conservatives is becoming less and less recognizable.
[1] Retrieved February 16, 2015 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpkBaApIIYg (link is external)
[2] Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia shrouded in secrecy, The Globe and Mail, January 21, 2015.
[3] Weapon of ISIS, The Military Factory, January 22, 2015. Retrieved from: http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/weapons-of-isis.asp (link is external)
[4] Canada Sent Millions to Syrian Rebels, Ottawa Sun, August 31, 2013.
Canada has given $5.3-million to the Syrian opposition to support the rebels in anti-government propaganda since April 2012, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAIT).
Canadian funding has helped Syrian rebels establish a pirate radio network and training for journalists and bloggers "in an effort to rapidly increase international credibility of the Syrian opposition and visibility of humanitarian news reporting from Syria," the government says.
Joe Biden Explains How the Conservatives Helped ISIS and Lied About Syria
Posted on February 17, 2015 | Yasser
Harrak | Written on February 17, 2015
Letter type:
Blog Post
The Conservative Party of Canada has signed the longest weapons
contract in Canada’s history with the Saudi regime described as a serial
human rights violator. The conservatives’ performance in the efforts to
internationalize democracy and defend human rights globally worth a
failing mark. They went as far as befriending tyrants - such as the king
of Bahrain - and closing their eyes on war criminals - such as the
Sudanese president - making the diplomacy and the security of Canada at
stake and in the service of multinational corporations. The cooperation
between the Conservative Party of Canada and the supporters of
international terrorism may be hard to believe. Yet, when the US vice
president Joe Biden makes incriminating statements regarding the friends
of the Conservative Party of Canada, it becomes obvious for the hard
working Canadians that their country is going in the wrong direction
under the conservatives.
In a recorded video, the US Vise President Joe Biden revealed several shocking facts.[1] Here are some of those facts along with legitimate comments.
The ruling Conservative Party of Canada under the “strong” leadership of Stephen Harper did not only help ISIS through Saudi Arabia, but also by providing the Syrian rebels with the technology and the equipment that were subsequently used to document some of the most barbaric acts against the human being ever committed. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Canada has given $5.3-million to the Syrian opposition to support the rebels in anti-government propaganda since April 2012. The said goal was to establish a pirate radio network and training for journalists and bloggers. The conservatives offered pre-paid airtime for satellite Internet communication devices with the -said - goal of increasing co-ordination between opposition networks of local civilian actors.[4] The Syrian opposition groups engaged in a war between themselves that ended with the victory of Islamist terrorist organizations, mainly Al Nusra and ISIS. As the conservatives cannot trace back their communications equipment, it is fair to say that Canadian equipment ended in the hands of ISIS. It is so sad to see the beheading of Christians, Shia Muslims, Yazidis and the burning of the human being alive being broadcasted using Canadian technology. ISIS is known of broadcasting quality horror videos, and only the conservatives of Canada are known to have provided the equipment.
The conservatives have lied to Canadians about everything related to the Syrian conflict. They engaged in supporting regimes that Mr. Biden said have just recently stopped financing international terrorism. Canada under the rule of the conservatives is becoming less and less recognizable.
[1] Retrieved February 16, 2015 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpkBaApIIYg (link is external)
[2] Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia shrouded in secrecy, The Globe and Mail, January 21, 2015.
[3] Weapon of ISIS, The Military Factory, January 22, 2015. Retrieved from: http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/weapons-of-isis.asp (link is external)
[4] Canada Sent Millions to Syrian Rebels, Ottawa Sun, August 31, 2013.
- See more at:
http://unpublishedottawa.com/letter/1819/joe-biden-explains-how-conservatives-helped-isis-and-lied-about-syria#sthash.IxGegYif.dpufIn a recorded video, the US Vise President Joe Biden revealed several shocking facts.[1] Here are some of those facts along with legitimate comments.
- Joe Biden said that Turkey (Under the rule of Erdogan’s Muslim Brotherhood party), the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia were so determined to take down the Syrian president Bashar Al Assad to wage a proxy Sunni Muslim vs Shia Muslim war. This is not a journalistic leak of information. These are remarks delivered by the Vice President of the United States of America on foreign policy, in an event organized by the institute of politics in the prestigious Harvard University. So knowing that the cause of war in Syria was to please the oil rich allies and some states neighboring Syria, we find the conservatives implicated in lying to Canadians about the true motives of war in Syria. They are also responsible for participating in the destabilization of Syria that led to the rise of ISIS.
- He added that Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have poured tens of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except that the people who were being supplied were Al Nusra (Listed as an international terrorist group), Al Qaeda and the extremist Jihadi elements coming from other parts of the world. Biden faces those who think he was exaggerating with this question:” where did all of this go?” This remarks establishes a direct link between Saudi Arabia –being the best friend of the Conservative Party of Canada in the region- and radical Islamist fractions fighting to topple Al Assad’s regime especially ISIS. Mr. Biden did not say the word ISIS, but he did identify ISIS by description when he said: ”extremist Jihadi elements coming from other parts of the world”. ISIS is nothing but that description.
- Mr. Biden said that now Saudi Arabia stopped the funding, Qatar has stopped the support of the most extreme elements of the terrorist organization, and the Turkish prime minister realized that they let too many people (or terrorists to be precise) into Syria. What this means is that the conservatives have been not only working hand in hand with countries that supported ISIS, but also rewarded them. The Saudis got away with the longest weapon’s deals, the Qataris and Emiratis -who tried hard to take International Civil Aviation Organization’s headquarter from Montreal to Doha – were rewarded with direct flights to Canada. This is despite the war they waged against the Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company known as Blackberry that made many Canadians lose their jobs.
The ruling Conservative Party of Canada under the “strong” leadership of Stephen Harper did not only help ISIS through Saudi Arabia, but also by providing the Syrian rebels with the technology and the equipment that were subsequently used to document some of the most barbaric acts against the human being ever committed. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Canada has given $5.3-million to the Syrian opposition to support the rebels in anti-government propaganda since April 2012. The said goal was to establish a pirate radio network and training for journalists and bloggers. The conservatives offered pre-paid airtime for satellite Internet communication devices with the -said - goal of increasing co-ordination between opposition networks of local civilian actors.[4] The Syrian opposition groups engaged in a war between themselves that ended with the victory of Islamist terrorist organizations, mainly Al Nusra and ISIS. As the conservatives cannot trace back their communications equipment, it is fair to say that Canadian equipment ended in the hands of ISIS. It is so sad to see the beheading of Christians, Shia Muslims, Yazidis and the burning of the human being alive being broadcasted using Canadian technology. ISIS is known of broadcasting quality horror videos, and only the conservatives of Canada are known to have provided the equipment.
The conservatives have lied to Canadians about everything related to the Syrian conflict. They engaged in supporting regimes that Mr. Biden said have just recently stopped financing international terrorism. Canada under the rule of the conservatives is becoming less and less recognizable.
[1] Retrieved February 16, 2015 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpkBaApIIYg (link is external)
[2] Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia shrouded in secrecy, The Globe and Mail, January 21, 2015.
[3] Weapon of ISIS, The Military Factory, January 22, 2015. Retrieved from: http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/weapons-of-isis.asp (link is external)
[4] Canada Sent Millions to Syrian Rebels, Ottawa Sun, August 31, 2013.
Joe Biden Explains How the Conservatives Helped ISIS and Lied About Syria
Posted on February 17, 2015 | Yasser Harrak | Written on February 17, 2015
The Conservative Party of Canada has signed the longest weapons contract in Canada’s history with the Saudi regime described as a serial human rights violator. The conservatives’ performance in the efforts to internationalize democracy and defend human rights globally worth a failing mark. They went as far as befriending tyrants - such as the king of Bahrain - and closing their eyes on war criminals - such as the Sudanese president - making the diplomacy and the security of Canada at stake and in the service of multinational corporations. The cooperation between the Conservative Party of Canada and the supporters of international terrorism may be hard to believe. Yet, when the US vice president Joe Biden makes incriminating statements regarding the friends of the Conservative Party of Canada, it becomes obvious for the hard working Canadians that their country is going in the wrong direction under the conservatives.
In a recorded video, the US Vise President Joe Biden revealed several shocking facts.[1] Here are some of those facts along with legitimate comments.
Joe Biden said that Turkey (Under the rule of Erdogan’s Muslim Brotherhood party), the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia were so determined to take down the Syrian president Bashar Al Assad to wage a proxy Sunni Muslim vs Shia Muslim war. This is not a journalistic leak of information. These are remarks delivered by the Vice President of the United States of America on foreign policy, in an event organized by the institute of politics in the prestigious Harvard University. So knowing that the cause of war in Syria was to please the oil rich allies and some states neighboring Syria, we find the conservatives implicated in lying to Canadians about the true motives of war in Syria. They are also responsible for participating in the destabilization of Syria that led to the rise of ISIS.
He added that Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have poured tens of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except that the people who were being supplied were Al Nusra (Listed as an international terrorist group), Al Qaeda and the extremist Jihadi elements coming from other parts of the world. Biden faces those who think he was exaggerating with this question:” where did all of this go?” This remarks establishes a direct link between Saudi Arabia –being the best friend of the Conservative Party of Canada in the region- and radical Islamist fractions fighting to topple Al Assad’s regime especially ISIS. Mr. Biden did not say the word ISIS, but he did identify ISIS by description when he said: ”extremist Jihadi elements coming from other parts of the world”. ISIS is nothing but that description.
Mr. Biden said that now Saudi Arabia stopped the funding, Qatar has stopped the support of the most extreme elements of the terrorist organization, and the Turkish prime minister realized that they let too many people (or terrorists to be precise) into Syria. What this means is that the conservatives have been not only working hand in hand with countries that supported ISIS, but also rewarded them. The Saudis got away with the longest weapon’s deals, the Qataris and Emiratis -who tried hard to take International Civil Aviation Organization’s headquarter from Montreal to Doha – were rewarded with direct flights to Canada. This is despite the war they waged against the Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company known as Blackberry that made many Canadians lose their jobs.
These three points are essential to finds answers to many important questions. The Globe and Mail reported that The Canadian government is refusing to say whether it obtained assurances that light armored vehicles, sold to Saudi Arabia in a massive $15-billion deal, would not be used against the Saudi people.[2] If you are asking why, the answer is that this arms deal with Saudi Arabia needs to be shrouded in secrecy because asking for guarantees that Canadian arms are not used against the civilians in Saudi Arabia requires some form of equipment tracing. If the arms are traceable, the conservatives fear to find them in hands of ISIS. There are about 33 ISIS weapons known to have come from several countries, yet, it is confirmed that the origin of a number of military equipment used by ISIS including armored vehicles remain largely unknown.[3]
The ruling Conservative Party of Canada under the “strong” leadership of Stephen Harper did not only help ISIS through Saudi Arabia, but also by providing the Syrian rebels with the technology and the equipment that were subsequently used to document some of the most barbaric acts against the human being ever committed. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Canada has given $5.3-million to the Syrian opposition to support the rebels in anti-government propaganda since April 2012. The said goal was to establish a pirate radio network and training for journalists and bloggers. The conservatives offered pre-paid airtime for satellite Internet communication devices with the -said - goal of increasing co-ordination between opposition networks of local civilian actors.[4] The Syrian opposition groups engaged in a war between themselves that ended with the victory of Islamist terrorist organizations, mainly Al Nusra and ISIS. As the conservatives cannot trace back their communications equipment, it is fair to say that Canadian equipment ended in the hands of ISIS. It is so sad to see the beheading of Christians, Shia Muslims, Yazidis and the burning of the human being alive being broadcasted using Canadian technology. ISIS is known of broadcasting quality horror videos, and only the conservatives of Canada are known to have provided the equipment.
The conservatives have lied to Canadians about everything related to the Syrian conflict. They engaged in supporting regimes that Mr. Biden said have just recently stopped financing international terrorism. Canada under the rule of the conservatives is becoming less and less recognizable.
[1] Retrieved February 16, 2015 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpkBaApIIYg (link is external)
[2] Canada’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia shrouded in secrecy, The Globe and Mail, January 21, 2015. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/canadas-arms-deal-with-saudi-arabia-shrouded-in-secrecy/article22547765/
[3] Weapon of ISIS, The Military Factory, January 22, 2015. Retrieved from: http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/weapons-of-isis.asp (link is external)
[4] Canada Sent Millions to Syrian Rebels, Ottawa Sun, August 31, 2013.
- See more at: http://unpublishedottawa.com/letter/1819/joe-biden-explains-how-conservatives-helped-isis-and-lied-about-syria#sthash.IxGegYif.dpuf
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