
Wednesday 15 April 2015

Transpicuous News Sunday Apr 12, video archive

Good morning everyone!

Here is the video archive of Sunday nights Transpicuous News Update on April 12, 2015, and below it, all the links to last weeks News stories that I covered in TN.

Tonight on The Transpicuous News Midweek Report, we're going to delve again into the CERN issues and also talk about the "Assyrian" Question with what is going on in the Middle East and in Iraq specifically. 

Last night on the One People's Roundtable Discussion we had Bradley Loves on and, OH!  What a show it was!!  Amazing conversations on several topics ranging from CERN, the "controllers", Satanic rituals and luciferian connections in our history, and their search for "esoteric" and "Magical" artifacts and scrolls to maintain their power base.   I will go into several of these topics tonight on TN.   As soon as the Archive Video for last nights Round table discussion is uploaded, I will post it out here on RTS- this is a video that really is vital for people to tune into, as the information we dissect is very important to what is currently going on on our planet and beyond.

So please join me tonight on Transpicuous News, Midweek Report at 11pm London/Morocco time, 4pm EDT, for the LIVE stream show on CCN:

As a side note, for those with slow internet, dial up, or limited bandwidth, many watchers have reported that they have much better success with a smoother broadcast by watching the feed from the RTS page (the video live stream is embedded on the right had side of the  RTS screen).

See you all tonight!


News Links for TN Report on April 12

SBU has blocked more than 10,000 websites|en&u=

US Fighter Jets Send Message to China With ‘Emergency’ Landing in Taiwan

Read more:

Why IS the US military moving back into 'Stargate' base deep under the Rocky Mountains a decade after it was abandoned?

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Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

U.S. military to ask Canada to install better missile sensors in Arctic: senior defence official

 Athens repays IMF €450m as cash runs out

Putin returns Nazi-looted icon to Greek prime minister

​US bans Intel from sending computer chips to China amid nuclear research fears

​100,000 Italians sign petition for eurozone exit referendum

Define Irony: Obama Concerned China Using "Size, Muscle" To Bully Other Countries

Catholic Church insurance company allocated $150 million for child sexual abuse compensation

U.S. Capitol Locked Down After Suicide Outside Building

Moldova looks for answers as $1 billion disappears

BP EarthWatch on Youtube:

EMP Nuclear Attack Fears Have US Reopen Cheyenne Mountain

Canada to send troops to Ukraine ‘in non-combat role’ - report

Fukushima Robot Dies Three Hours After Entering Radioactive Reactor Vesse

Read more:

Космическая погода
Geomagnetic Activity Forecast   
April 9, 2015

Is There Something Behind the Power Outage in Washington DC?

The April 7th, 2015 power outage in Washington DC is curious to say the least. Virtually instantaneously, the government declare it was not a terrorist attack. ..Instead, this has been attributed to a piece of metal breaking loose from a power line 43 miles southeast of the District of Columbia, which knocked out electricity to the White House, State Department  (and the Justice Dept) and wide area including parts of Maryland. Can a simple piece of metal break and shut down that much power of a strategic area as DC? ...
Only six days before Obama had to switch to emergency power was on April 1st in Rome where the power supply was out for hours effecting the Lazio region. That included the major Roman airport of Fiumicino. The cause of that event somehow remains unknown.
Just the day before in Turkey there was another power failure. That was the worst blackout since the devastating Marmara earthquake of 1999. Chaos in the capital and much of the country drew more than 70 million Turks into chaos. Public transport was paralyzed, traffic lights were dark....and the NSA style surveillance cameras in the capital Ankara went black.
There, left-wing extremists broke into the Palace of Justice and kidnapped a prosecutor during the massive power outage. The prosecutor had worked on the case of a protester who had been shot in Gezi Park. Even Prime Minister Davutoglu suspected spontaneous “sabotage”.
....Then there was Amsterdam.  In the Netherlands, on March 27th a series of questionable blackouts took place is a very dubious chain of events. Large parts of the Northern Netherlands with nearly three million people experienced a devastating power failure. Thousands were stuck on trains, trams and elevators. The official statement was that a high-voltage switch-gear in the Amsterdam suburb Diemen failed due to the power overloading. Was Europe’s fourth largest airport and the entire rail network in the north of the country simply a victim of an accident or perhaps the target of a cyber-attack?

Turkey suffers second major blackout in less than a month

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