I would like to direct your attention to the adventures of a friend of mine- my soul brother mike.
*U*man*Mike* took on the adventure of a lifetime, in the seeking to follow his path where ever it takes him, with no more than a beat up backpack, a guitar, a couple of euro coins and a wholllllllllleeee lotta love in his heart to share everywhere he goes.
Mike speaks from the heart, with the deepest kNOWing, and speaks openly, without guile or prettying up the language- my kinda guy!!!!
His adventures are being updated whenever he's made some money to drop into an internet cafe and tell us all about his daily adventures, the people he's met, and the incredible experiences he has been having, so please book mark this link if you'd like to follow him on his incredible journey from Germany to Morocco!! I've copied a few excerpts from the ongoing saga below. Enjoy!
See you soon Mikey!!!
Love D

[11/28/2013 4:08:17 AM] *U*man*mike*: I´m packing-up my essentials now. I will burn all my “official” (satanist) “documents” and just get on the “road” – see where it takes me. Follow my ~ (heart) ~ …. Because I do NOT get ANYwhere near an impression that the “average-joe” has come to graps that the “show is OVER” – much less the thugs that think of themselves as the “enforcers” and boldly call themselves “police” – I see the hipporcracy every day how this purported “X.-mas-time” has been turned into the exact opposite of what it allegedly signifies!
Since the first signs of decoration have been put up in the town where I play my music the “coins-in-my-hat” have decreased to a minimum and I´m barely making it anymore…
The following conversations span from approx Dec 12th to Jan 3rd
[7:55:38 AM] umanmike: Hi Fam°! Found another internet-Café with skype… I got enough saved up for a ride to S-Spain…. I seem to have a more vibrant shine on me every day – more amazing encounters and synchronicities than I could possibly begin to write down°! Already got like 30 or 40 bucks today – a sleeping-bag – a serving of french~fries – a chocolate-santa and lots of great conversations – and it´s only 4 in the afternoon!°!! I´m on *fire* here, folks°! (heart) (party) (inlove) (F)....
[10:30:44 AM] umanmike: Yesterday was the most incredible so far: seemed like the “Give-Mikey-Stuff”-day of the century!!! (nerd) (inlove) I´ll go outside smoke a cigarette and when I come back tell You about the most amazing chain of acts of random kindness and generosity I have EVER experienced!!!
See ya in a min……. (chuckle)
[10:33:18 AM] umanmike: It´s the most fulfilling realization of self-worth and inherent value I have EVER experienced!!!! (inlove)
he just sponaneously decided to get to work as a farewell-present to me.
It was a deep energetic experience and my body seemed to completely welcome the ink. Lars also bought a long piece of good rope for me and showed me several knots and tricks I had knot known before… Then he put together a “First.-Fishing.-Kit” with some line, hooks, sinker and float and labelled it – he always puts a little extra-attention and love into his gifts. Then he goes pulls out a “Chakrim” – traditional Muslim robe that will be the most perfect outfit for me in Morocco and looking at myself in the mirror I literally saw myself walking along the mediterranian shore with it and fitting-in completely – as usual… (chuckle).....
[11:11:03 AM] *m{i}ke*: I quickly got to the about 100mls-away town of Heidelberg (beautiful old university-town) and when playing out-front a food-court a taxi-driver applauded me and showed me thumbs-up (y) (cool) – so I proceeded to ask him for a place in town to sit in peace and warm and have a cup of coffee that stays up as late as possible….
[11:14:47 AM] *m{i}ke*: …He tells me about this place called “Piccolo” and gives me directions. Having carried my heavy bag and guitar to the place I realize it looks more up^tight and classy than I´m “dressed” for and as I walk in th door the souped-up bar-tender-lady sitting on the outside of the bar talking to a very square business-type of guy remarks “Oh, he´s looking to crash here, hm?!”. I reply calmly that I was actually looking to have a cup of coffee – possibly with a spoonful o honey and a swig of bailey´s Irish Cream – looks at me goes “5 Euros twenny°!” or something alike ….
…I go “At the restaurant vice-versa from the train-station the same thing cost me 3 bucks, so I guess I won´t stay for but one of these – but that´s ok.” I sit down and relax my strained back and zip my coffee. The general vibes remain quite condescending for a little while until the bartender-lady asks me whether I play the guitar! (Duuuh!!! No, I´m carrying that bag around for fun with a bunch of bananas in it!?!?)
…”..want me to play a tune or two?”. She goes “Sure, go ahead!” – and THAT was the breaking-point of the ice going into a rush-melting and heat-phase at the speed of heart (heart) !!!!
Some of the other guests really got into my music – quite nice accousitcs in the shack as well – both of which motivated me more – then Rita, the bartender hands me 15 Euros and akss whether I want another cup of coffee – for free – with a LOT more bailey´s this time around. Two of the other guests gave me some money and I ended up drinking 2 Jacky-on-ice on top of the well-dosed swigs of baileys-…… I was drunk like I rarely ever am – left the bar after closing – found a place to crash outside – and woke up after a drunk night with about 30 bucks plus a buncha coins in my pocket!!! Now THAT was a first-timer!!
I can´t possibly tell You all the awesome encounters along the way and truth-moments and amazing experiences – and my internet-tab here has already run up to €3,30 … but this one: A young couple from Greece gave me a ride for a half-hour or so and she told me that her friends from Morocco had just told her that great changes were coming from Morocco!!! (chuckle).....
Wanted to tell Y´all about the amazing day I had the day before yesterday: I walked towards the welfare-place where they have free coffee, tea and breakfeast for the homeless. Passing by the edge of the weekly farmers´ market I decided to play my first gig of the day. As usual where it´s real busy most people don´t even take notice – but then there was a young father with his ~3-year-old daughter “Marie” who stopped to listen. After a song he pulls a €5,- bill from his wallet and hands it to me. We start talking – I give him URLs and some background-info. While we´re talking another lady joins to hear the news… As we´re standing right next to a “bioland”-trailer I decide to buy a bottle of natural milk, some cheese and a yoghurt. I´m just realizing that I´ve written about the experience before – please stop me if I tell the same story twice here….
…The lady in the bioland-trailer hands me a jar full of herbal-quark and as I turn around to leave she calls out to me and hands me a large Christmas-tree-shaped cookie (about 7 or 8 inches length) wrapped in cellophane with jam. I thank her and walk-on to the “Augustiner-place” where people are sitting outside a fine and expensive café. Two women in their 40s or 50s or both (think) (chuckle) are taking visible notice of and a liking in my act and just as my voice is about to give-up the younger one of the two comes walking up to me hands me a €10,-bill with a huge smile and highly appreciative remarks about my voice – which was really nice of her because I really thought I´d sounded pretty crappy with my hurthing blistered swollen tounge and sore throat – but oh, well – beauty lies in the eye of the beholder… (chuckle)
[9:30:42 AM | Edited 9:30:53 AM] *m{i}ke*: A couple about 10 years above my age who know me from the “welfare-crowd” and had promised me a sleeping-bag a few days ago come walking up to me and said they tried to deposit the sleeping-bag at a café where I often hang out at the evenings now – but the people in the café didn´t want to keep it for me – so they said they´d go get it from their car and meet me in about 20 minutes outside the Starbucks´café. So I sit on the window-seal of the Starbucks when they come up handing me a practically new and awesome sleeping-bag. AFter talking for a little while when they´re fixing to leave he pulls out his wallet and insists to give me a 5-euros on top!!! I thank them and they leave and as I get ready to strap my bags back on my rear 4 girls come walking up to me – ages ~10-17 with a thermos and ask me whether I would like some Christmas-punch and some brownies. I thank them – enjoy the punch and the cookies – get ready to leave for the tram-station that is about 50 yards from the Starbucks. Barely half-way to the station a young guy – about 16 – comes up to me with a fresh steaming serving of FrenchFries with Mayonaise – smiles at me and hands it to me. I thank him as well – sit down on the bench at the tram-station – a young lady sits down at the other end of the bench – smiles at me and starts talking to me. She tells me about her perils (ex-junkie – early retired) and then proceeds to pull out her wallet and insists – against my objections – to give me a 5-Euros!!!
I´m starting to wonder how much of a “needy” impression I may have on people – because I´m far from complaining and on the contrary telling them all how happy and content I am with my life and grateful for all…
In the evening I went to the Furioso-Café where they have “all-you-can-eat”-Spaghetti with cheese-sauce for a mere €3.50 – order that and a cup of coffee with honey and a swig of Bailey´s .
[9:35:01 AM] *m{i}ke*: …then I ask Bernd the waiter to give him the money for it – so I have an overview of how much I have left. Bernd says: “Oh, that´s already paid for. A young guy of around 17 years just came in and paid for You!” (nerd)....
....[12:57:09 PM] *m{i}ke*: …just went outside on a smoke-break – - barefoot – - homeless lady comes out behind me and starts talking to me “Good for going barefoot that it´s not all too cold yet, isit?!” – As I tell her about my internet-soul-family and the amazing revelations and paradigm-changing information that I have access to – mention the documentary about earthing – explain to her what “free radicals” are and why earthing is so good for the whole system.. her man – chinese-looking disillusioned – comes out and walks past us – she´s trying to hold him because she´s very interested in what I have to tell her … she says “we don´t get sick as much since we sleep outdoors frequently!” – Seeing a lot of sorrow, worries and grief engraved in her facial expression I leave her with the reminder that her attention – her awareness – creates her reality – and the advice to focus and direct her attention towards the desirable while disregarding and disarming the un-desirable with a smile. She smiles back at me as she walks off to catch-up with her man – says “I´ll remember the thing about my attention°!” (party) (inlove) (angel)....
Last night when the *Furioso*Café closed three young women and a man that were amongst the last to leave were standing out-front on the sidewalk talking so I went up aksed them if they knew of a private spot of grass where I could lay out my sleeping-gear – and Jan said: “Not really, but you can crash out in the appartment if You like°!” – On the way to the closedby appartment Jan and I got into talking and he immediately went into condescending-giggle-mode and ridicule-routine when I started telling him about the shift of the ages and the big truths coming to light now. He said things like “..and You know the only and real truth, right?” – and went on misquoting me to extremefy my statements into the obviously ridiculous… At some point his demeanor shifted and he started to actually listen to what I was saying… (nerd) (heart)
[10:21:33 AM] *m{i}ke*: …when we got to the apartment he showed me the room I would be occupying and aksed me if I wanted to come for a glass of white russian and chat some more in the kitchen before we go to sleep. Of course I agreed and we even had the luxury of an internet-connected Linux-Laptop on the kitchen-table. I was able to connect on facebook – direct his attention to and have him bookmark http://i-uv.com/oppt-absolute/oppt-initial-investigation/ as well as the German-translated platform http://wirsindeins.org/2013/07/10/paradigma-report/ and Dani´s Blog @ http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.ca …. and then we sat and talked and listened to great music until the bottle of Kaluah was almost empty and myself quite drunk… (drunk) (chuckle)
[10:26:38 AM] *m{i}ke*: Oh, and I gave him Tom´s awesome documentation of my ongoing journey @ http://www.hack-a-way.com/?page_id=395 ......
....[9:43:54 AM] *m{i}ke*: …When I got to my bags the women from Swizzerland had already left. So I walked on to the other side of town where the park is and found myself a nice spot underneith a bare tree on the grass. I took the rope off my sleeping-gear – laid out my matt – my blankets and sleeping-bag – rolled up the rope – took off my pants – most of my upper-layer-clothing – positioned my stuff around me – my backpack, coat, pants-rolled-up and guitar andj Just as I was about to fade to sleep I heard – RAiN!!´!??!? — I exposed my face to feel – but couldn´t feel any raindrops, so I figured it was just the wind through the branches making the sound…
[9:46:30 AM] *m{i}ke*: …just as I was about to fade-away again I felt the first drop on my face. “Noooooo-way – that was an illusion!” I thought and rolled-on-over – but indeed it started raining. The Bowl with the roof over it was about 50yds away across the park. I quickly slipped out of my sleeping-bag, rolled it up inside the matt along with the blanket and ran barefoot and without pants across the park – must have been a hilarious slapstick-presentation to watch!!! (rofl)
[9:48:12 AM] *m{i}ke*: …it took me 3 round-trips to get my whole stuff to the dry area under the pagode. The ground closed to freezing – spent firework-shells all over and my loose underpants slipping to my ankles!!! (facepalm) (rofl)...
This last entry is from about two days ago....
[8:01:41 AM] *m{i}ke*: 383 new postings since I left last nite???!?!?!!!! You guys are on*Fire fo-REAL – as I am as well – this morning woke up in the park to another morning of pouring rain. The guy over in the other corner mumbling down~flow … I started singing loudly: “..mine is the SUN*Light – mine is the mo-oa-orning – born of the *ONE*Light – eden saw play!!! Praise with e-laaaai-tion – PRAiSE every moooo-oaorning – God´s re-creation – of~the~new~day°!!! (music) (heart)
[8:03:00 AM] *m{i}ke*: …Andy even made a nice remark about how I´m really shining or something as he left. I slowly packed up my stuff and looked out into the pouring cats&dogs…
[8:04:14 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..Figured I still have something like 4 bucks in my pocket – for a cup of morning coffee at the *ElGallo* – if Yogi (Johannes) the waiter lets me have anotherone for paying the one he gave me yesterday…
[8:05:33 AM] *m{i}ke*: …as I was walking across the wavey pedestrian-bridge across the intersection soming towards the uppermost bow comes a white-haired man with a fine-looking parka towards me smiles at me: “Do you need some money?”
[8:06:37 AM | Edited 8:06:53 AM] *m{i}ke*: I was blown by his direct friendly approach and kind eyes and started stuttering – “Uh, I´m on the hike – playing my guitar for coins – I won´t say ´no´!” (angel)
[8:07:41 AM] *m{i}ke*: He proceeds to pull out his wallet and produces a green (!!?!!!) bill – 100 (!!!!!) Euros – and just hands them to me – !!!!!!! -
[8:09:48 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..as I´m still speechless stuttering some form of the most appreciative “ThankYou>SO>mmuch°!!!” that I can come up with he just says: “God´s been kind with me about the money – and I already passed by two this morning – but YOU have SOMEthing special in Your eyes°!” (nerd) (think) (inlove)
[8:10:53 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..so I have my travel-savings back at the level it was at before the rain set in – got 3 coffees and a breakfeast-quesadilla at the *ElGallo*…
[8:13:56 AM] *m{i}ke*: When I was still at the park in my looooose old boxers and barefoot my cell-fone rings – it´s Manfred – the guy who´d already given me that awesome sleeping-bag… wants to give me some clothes – asks when I´ll be in town – we make a date for 11:30a.m. at the BlackForest-City-shopping-passage – - well after the 100-Euro-encounter (which was really a million-dollar-moment°!!!) (chuckle) I had totally forgotten about Manfred until shortly before the appointed time – still sitting at the *ElGallo* enjoying breakfeast…
[8:16:04 AM] *m{i}ke*: …well, so Manfred calls me again asks where I´m at and says he´ll come by the Restaurant. He brought a big plastic-bag of clothing – some blue-jeans that seem the right length – a shirt – a polo-shirt in bright orange – some shoes (my old worn-out cheap black sneakers were about to give-up) – and a wool-vest with a hood on it!!
… We talk for a while – I thank him over – say goodbye to Yogi with a good tip – and walk on down to the 2nd-hand-clothing-store named “schlepprock”. A young blonde woman with dreads greets me and I ask her if she has a place I can set down my heavy back-pack on while shopping. She clears off a table – I thank her – and ask “You probably don´t have any used boxer-shorts or underpants?!” – shaking her head with regret she goes: “No, not at all, sorry!”
[8:20:10 AM] *m{i}ke*: Sounds like I would love to stop by for a cuppa, Heidi°! (heart)
[8:21:11 AM] *m{i}ke*: I tried on the blue-jeans that Manfred had provided me with – and they were great in length – but waaaaaay to much around the waist°! (facepalm)
[8:22:16 AM] *m{i}ke*: So I asked the woman at the “schlepprock” if I could just trade-in those for a different pair. She looks around and goes: “Quickly try-on a few to see which one You want!”
[8:25:41 AM] *m{i}ke*: ….So I take three to the changing-room – two regular blue 501s that seem to be about my size – and a pair of bright yellow jeans°! …all of a sudden the girl with the dreads (forgot to aks her name) comes up and offers me a light-blue pair of addidas-boxers with perfectly intact rubber-strap. I put on the boxers and pants – throw my old torn blues and the army-cargo-pants I was wearing underneith in the trash and feel like a new being°!!!
[8:27:31 AM] *m{i}ke*: I SHOW people (and explain in de-tail!!!) how to create reality°!! I´m beyond grateful for this amazingly iNspiring and iNlightening exXxperience°!!! (heart) (angel)
[9:09:27 AM] *m{i}ke*: He´s all negative – confrontational – towards everything concerning the “system” – trying to tell me about all sorts of the most cruel and agonizing atrocities he´s “heard” or “read” about…
[9:09:54 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..he´s the “know-it-all” and keeps interrupting every sentence I try to start.. [9:10:44 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..so I start asking him a few questions …. POSiTiVE – DESiRABLE movementes and developementes and whether he´s heard/read about those…
[9:11:44 AM] *m{i}ke*: …he starts going fairly quiet and a LOT of his impressive *ego* steps back and all of a sudden starts >listening< to what I have to say… (inlove)
[9:12:36 AM] *m{i}ke*: …When he leaves I´ve left him thinking about his focus – his attention – his awareness and ability to attract and create his reality…. (party)
I haven't had a chance yet to check into the Skype room to see if Mikey has been back in with another update..... but if you're enjoying reading his adventures and his incredible experiences of ONEness and manifestation, then please go to the link above to follow along!
*U*man*Mike* took on the adventure of a lifetime, in the seeking to follow his path where ever it takes him, with no more than a beat up backpack, a guitar, a couple of euro coins and a wholllllllllleeee lotta love in his heart to share everywhere he goes.
Mike speaks from the heart, with the deepest kNOWing, and speaks openly, without guile or prettying up the language- my kinda guy!!!!
His adventures are being updated whenever he's made some money to drop into an internet cafe and tell us all about his daily adventures, the people he's met, and the incredible experiences he has been having, so please book mark this link if you'd like to follow him on his incredible journey from Germany to Morocco!! I've copied a few excerpts from the ongoing saga below. Enjoy!
See you soon Mikey!!!
Love D
Mikey’s Adventure .. So Far
[11/28/2013 4:08:17 AM] *U*man*mike*: I´m packing-up my essentials now. I will burn all my “official” (satanist) “documents” and just get on the “road” – see where it takes me. Follow my ~ (heart) ~ …. Because I do NOT get ANYwhere near an impression that the “average-joe” has come to graps that the “show is OVER” – much less the thugs that think of themselves as the “enforcers” and boldly call themselves “police” – I see the hipporcracy every day how this purported “X.-mas-time” has been turned into the exact opposite of what it allegedly signifies!
Since the first signs of decoration have been put up in the town where I play my music the “coins-in-my-hat” have decreased to a minimum and I´m barely making it anymore…
The following conversations span from approx Dec 12th to Jan 3rd
[7:55:38 AM] umanmike: Hi Fam°! Found another internet-Café with skype… I got enough saved up for a ride to S-Spain…. I seem to have a more vibrant shine on me every day – more amazing encounters and synchronicities than I could possibly begin to write down°! Already got like 30 or 40 bucks today – a sleeping-bag – a serving of french~fries – a chocolate-santa and lots of great conversations – and it´s only 4 in the afternoon!°!! I´m on *fire* here, folks°! (heart) (party) (inlove) (F)....
[10:30:44 AM] umanmike: Yesterday was the most incredible so far: seemed like the “Give-Mikey-Stuff”-day of the century!!! (nerd) (inlove) I´ll go outside smoke a cigarette and when I come back tell You about the most amazing chain of acts of random kindness and generosity I have EVER experienced!!!
[10:33:18 AM] umanmike: It´s the most fulfilling realization of self-worth and inherent value I have EVER experienced!!!! (inlove)
he just sponaneously decided to get to work as a farewell-present to me.
It was a deep energetic experience and my body seemed to completely welcome the ink. Lars also bought a long piece of good rope for me and showed me several knots and tricks I had knot known before… Then he put together a “First.-Fishing.-Kit” with some line, hooks, sinker and float and labelled it – he always puts a little extra-attention and love into his gifts. Then he goes pulls out a “Chakrim” – traditional Muslim robe that will be the most perfect outfit for me in Morocco and looking at myself in the mirror I literally saw myself walking along the mediterranian shore with it and fitting-in completely – as usual… (chuckle).....
[11:11:03 AM] *m{i}ke*: I quickly got to the about 100mls-away town of Heidelberg (beautiful old university-town) and when playing out-front a food-court a taxi-driver applauded me and showed me thumbs-up (y) (cool) – so I proceeded to ask him for a place in town to sit in peace and warm and have a cup of coffee that stays up as late as possible….
[11:14:47 AM] *m{i}ke*: …He tells me about this place called “Piccolo” and gives me directions. Having carried my heavy bag and guitar to the place I realize it looks more up^tight and classy than I´m “dressed” for and as I walk in th door the souped-up bar-tender-lady sitting on the outside of the bar talking to a very square business-type of guy remarks “Oh, he´s looking to crash here, hm?!”. I reply calmly that I was actually looking to have a cup of coffee – possibly with a spoonful o honey and a swig of bailey´s Irish Cream – looks at me goes “5 Euros twenny°!” or something alike ….
…I go “At the restaurant vice-versa from the train-station the same thing cost me 3 bucks, so I guess I won´t stay for but one of these – but that´s ok.” I sit down and relax my strained back and zip my coffee. The general vibes remain quite condescending for a little while until the bartender-lady asks me whether I play the guitar! (Duuuh!!! No, I´m carrying that bag around for fun with a bunch of bananas in it!?!?)
…”..want me to play a tune or two?”. She goes “Sure, go ahead!” – and THAT was the breaking-point of the ice going into a rush-melting and heat-phase at the speed of heart (heart) !!!!
Some of the other guests really got into my music – quite nice accousitcs in the shack as well – both of which motivated me more – then Rita, the bartender hands me 15 Euros and akss whether I want another cup of coffee – for free – with a LOT more bailey´s this time around. Two of the other guests gave me some money and I ended up drinking 2 Jacky-on-ice on top of the well-dosed swigs of baileys-…… I was drunk like I rarely ever am – left the bar after closing – found a place to crash outside – and woke up after a drunk night with about 30 bucks plus a buncha coins in my pocket!!! Now THAT was a first-timer!!
I can´t possibly tell You all the awesome encounters along the way and truth-moments and amazing experiences – and my internet-tab here has already run up to €3,30 … but this one: A young couple from Greece gave me a ride for a half-hour or so and she told me that her friends from Morocco had just told her that great changes were coming from Morocco!!! (chuckle).....
Wanted to tell Y´all about the amazing day I had the day before yesterday: I walked towards the welfare-place where they have free coffee, tea and breakfeast for the homeless. Passing by the edge of the weekly farmers´ market I decided to play my first gig of the day. As usual where it´s real busy most people don´t even take notice – but then there was a young father with his ~3-year-old daughter “Marie” who stopped to listen. After a song he pulls a €5,- bill from his wallet and hands it to me. We start talking – I give him URLs and some background-info. While we´re talking another lady joins to hear the news… As we´re standing right next to a “bioland”-trailer I decide to buy a bottle of natural milk, some cheese and a yoghurt. I´m just realizing that I´ve written about the experience before – please stop me if I tell the same story twice here….
…The lady in the bioland-trailer hands me a jar full of herbal-quark and as I turn around to leave she calls out to me and hands me a large Christmas-tree-shaped cookie (about 7 or 8 inches length) wrapped in cellophane with jam. I thank her and walk-on to the “Augustiner-place” where people are sitting outside a fine and expensive café. Two women in their 40s or 50s or both (think) (chuckle) are taking visible notice of and a liking in my act and just as my voice is about to give-up the younger one of the two comes walking up to me hands me a €10,-bill with a huge smile and highly appreciative remarks about my voice – which was really nice of her because I really thought I´d sounded pretty crappy with my hurthing blistered swollen tounge and sore throat – but oh, well – beauty lies in the eye of the beholder… (chuckle)
[9:30:42 AM | Edited 9:30:53 AM] *m{i}ke*: A couple about 10 years above my age who know me from the “welfare-crowd” and had promised me a sleeping-bag a few days ago come walking up to me and said they tried to deposit the sleeping-bag at a café where I often hang out at the evenings now – but the people in the café didn´t want to keep it for me – so they said they´d go get it from their car and meet me in about 20 minutes outside the Starbucks´café. So I sit on the window-seal of the Starbucks when they come up handing me a practically new and awesome sleeping-bag. AFter talking for a little while when they´re fixing to leave he pulls out his wallet and insists to give me a 5-euros on top!!! I thank them and they leave and as I get ready to strap my bags back on my rear 4 girls come walking up to me – ages ~10-17 with a thermos and ask me whether I would like some Christmas-punch and some brownies. I thank them – enjoy the punch and the cookies – get ready to leave for the tram-station that is about 50 yards from the Starbucks. Barely half-way to the station a young guy – about 16 – comes up to me with a fresh steaming serving of FrenchFries with Mayonaise – smiles at me and hands it to me. I thank him as well – sit down on the bench at the tram-station – a young lady sits down at the other end of the bench – smiles at me and starts talking to me. She tells me about her perils (ex-junkie – early retired) and then proceeds to pull out her wallet and insists – against my objections – to give me a 5-Euros!!!
I´m starting to wonder how much of a “needy” impression I may have on people – because I´m far from complaining and on the contrary telling them all how happy and content I am with my life and grateful for all…
In the evening I went to the Furioso-Café where they have “all-you-can-eat”-Spaghetti with cheese-sauce for a mere €3.50 – order that and a cup of coffee with honey and a swig of Bailey´s .
[9:35:01 AM] *m{i}ke*: …then I ask Bernd the waiter to give him the money for it – so I have an overview of how much I have left. Bernd says: “Oh, that´s already paid for. A young guy of around 17 years just came in and paid for You!” (nerd)....
....[12:57:09 PM] *m{i}ke*: …just went outside on a smoke-break – - barefoot – - homeless lady comes out behind me and starts talking to me “Good for going barefoot that it´s not all too cold yet, isit?!” – As I tell her about my internet-soul-family and the amazing revelations and paradigm-changing information that I have access to – mention the documentary about earthing – explain to her what “free radicals” are and why earthing is so good for the whole system.. her man – chinese-looking disillusioned – comes out and walks past us – she´s trying to hold him because she´s very interested in what I have to tell her … she says “we don´t get sick as much since we sleep outdoors frequently!” – Seeing a lot of sorrow, worries and grief engraved in her facial expression I leave her with the reminder that her attention – her awareness – creates her reality – and the advice to focus and direct her attention towards the desirable while disregarding and disarming the un-desirable with a smile. She smiles back at me as she walks off to catch-up with her man – says “I´ll remember the thing about my attention°!” (party) (inlove) (angel)....
Last night when the *Furioso*Café closed three young women and a man that were amongst the last to leave were standing out-front on the sidewalk talking so I went up aksed them if they knew of a private spot of grass where I could lay out my sleeping-gear – and Jan said: “Not really, but you can crash out in the appartment if You like°!” – On the way to the closedby appartment Jan and I got into talking and he immediately went into condescending-giggle-mode and ridicule-routine when I started telling him about the shift of the ages and the big truths coming to light now. He said things like “..and You know the only and real truth, right?” – and went on misquoting me to extremefy my statements into the obviously ridiculous… At some point his demeanor shifted and he started to actually listen to what I was saying… (nerd) (heart)
[10:21:33 AM] *m{i}ke*: …when we got to the apartment he showed me the room I would be occupying and aksed me if I wanted to come for a glass of white russian and chat some more in the kitchen before we go to sleep. Of course I agreed and we even had the luxury of an internet-connected Linux-Laptop on the kitchen-table. I was able to connect on facebook – direct his attention to and have him bookmark http://i-uv.com/oppt-absolute/oppt-initial-investigation/ as well as the German-translated platform http://wirsindeins.org/2013/07/10/paradigma-report/ and Dani´s Blog @ http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.ca …. and then we sat and talked and listened to great music until the bottle of Kaluah was almost empty and myself quite drunk… (drunk) (chuckle)
[10:26:38 AM] *m{i}ke*: Oh, and I gave him Tom´s awesome documentation of my ongoing journey @ http://www.hack-a-way.com/?page_id=395 ......
....[9:43:54 AM] *m{i}ke*: …When I got to my bags the women from Swizzerland had already left. So I walked on to the other side of town where the park is and found myself a nice spot underneith a bare tree on the grass. I took the rope off my sleeping-gear – laid out my matt – my blankets and sleeping-bag – rolled up the rope – took off my pants – most of my upper-layer-clothing – positioned my stuff around me – my backpack, coat, pants-rolled-up and guitar andj Just as I was about to fade to sleep I heard – RAiN!!´!??!? — I exposed my face to feel – but couldn´t feel any raindrops, so I figured it was just the wind through the branches making the sound…
[9:46:30 AM] *m{i}ke*: …just as I was about to fade-away again I felt the first drop on my face. “Noooooo-way – that was an illusion!” I thought and rolled-on-over – but indeed it started raining. The Bowl with the roof over it was about 50yds away across the park. I quickly slipped out of my sleeping-bag, rolled it up inside the matt along with the blanket and ran barefoot and without pants across the park – must have been a hilarious slapstick-presentation to watch!!! (rofl)
[9:48:12 AM] *m{i}ke*: …it took me 3 round-trips to get my whole stuff to the dry area under the pagode. The ground closed to freezing – spent firework-shells all over and my loose underpants slipping to my ankles!!! (facepalm) (rofl)...
This last entry is from about two days ago....
[8:01:41 AM] *m{i}ke*: 383 new postings since I left last nite???!?!?!!!! You guys are on*Fire fo-REAL – as I am as well – this morning woke up in the park to another morning of pouring rain. The guy over in the other corner mumbling down~flow … I started singing loudly: “..mine is the SUN*Light – mine is the mo-oa-orning – born of the *ONE*Light – eden saw play!!! Praise with e-laaaai-tion – PRAiSE every moooo-oaorning – God´s re-creation – of~the~new~day°!!! (music) (heart)
[8:03:00 AM] *m{i}ke*: …Andy even made a nice remark about how I´m really shining or something as he left. I slowly packed up my stuff and looked out into the pouring cats&dogs…
[8:04:14 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..Figured I still have something like 4 bucks in my pocket – for a cup of morning coffee at the *ElGallo* – if Yogi (Johannes) the waiter lets me have anotherone for paying the one he gave me yesterday…
[8:05:33 AM] *m{i}ke*: …as I was walking across the wavey pedestrian-bridge across the intersection soming towards the uppermost bow comes a white-haired man with a fine-looking parka towards me smiles at me: “Do you need some money?”
[8:06:37 AM | Edited 8:06:53 AM] *m{i}ke*: I was blown by his direct friendly approach and kind eyes and started stuttering – “Uh, I´m on the hike – playing my guitar for coins – I won´t say ´no´!” (angel)
[8:07:41 AM] *m{i}ke*: He proceeds to pull out his wallet and produces a green (!!?!!!) bill – 100 (!!!!!) Euros – and just hands them to me – !!!!!!! -
[8:09:48 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..as I´m still speechless stuttering some form of the most appreciative “ThankYou>SO>mmuch°!!!” that I can come up with he just says: “God´s been kind with me about the money – and I already passed by two this morning – but YOU have SOMEthing special in Your eyes°!” (nerd) (think) (inlove)
[8:10:53 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..so I have my travel-savings back at the level it was at before the rain set in – got 3 coffees and a breakfeast-quesadilla at the *ElGallo*…
[8:13:56 AM] *m{i}ke*: When I was still at the park in my looooose old boxers and barefoot my cell-fone rings – it´s Manfred – the guy who´d already given me that awesome sleeping-bag… wants to give me some clothes – asks when I´ll be in town – we make a date for 11:30a.m. at the BlackForest-City-shopping-passage – - well after the 100-Euro-encounter (which was really a million-dollar-moment°!!!) (chuckle) I had totally forgotten about Manfred until shortly before the appointed time – still sitting at the *ElGallo* enjoying breakfeast…
[8:16:04 AM] *m{i}ke*: …well, so Manfred calls me again asks where I´m at and says he´ll come by the Restaurant. He brought a big plastic-bag of clothing – some blue-jeans that seem the right length – a shirt – a polo-shirt in bright orange – some shoes (my old worn-out cheap black sneakers were about to give-up) – and a wool-vest with a hood on it!!
… We talk for a while – I thank him over – say goodbye to Yogi with a good tip – and walk on down to the 2nd-hand-clothing-store named “schlepprock”. A young blonde woman with dreads greets me and I ask her if she has a place I can set down my heavy back-pack on while shopping. She clears off a table – I thank her – and ask “You probably don´t have any used boxer-shorts or underpants?!” – shaking her head with regret she goes: “No, not at all, sorry!”
[8:20:10 AM] *m{i}ke*: Sounds like I would love to stop by for a cuppa, Heidi°! (heart)
[8:21:11 AM] *m{i}ke*: I tried on the blue-jeans that Manfred had provided me with – and they were great in length – but waaaaaay to much around the waist°! (facepalm)
[8:22:16 AM] *m{i}ke*: So I asked the woman at the “schlepprock” if I could just trade-in those for a different pair. She looks around and goes: “Quickly try-on a few to see which one You want!”
[8:25:41 AM] *m{i}ke*: ….So I take three to the changing-room – two regular blue 501s that seem to be about my size – and a pair of bright yellow jeans°! …all of a sudden the girl with the dreads (forgot to aks her name) comes up and offers me a light-blue pair of addidas-boxers with perfectly intact rubber-strap. I put on the boxers and pants – throw my old torn blues and the army-cargo-pants I was wearing underneith in the trash and feel like a new being°!!!
[8:27:31 AM] *m{i}ke*: I SHOW people (and explain in de-tail!!!) how to create reality°!! I´m beyond grateful for this amazingly iNspiring and iNlightening exXxperience°!!! (heart) (angel)
[9:09:27 AM] *m{i}ke*: He´s all negative – confrontational – towards everything concerning the “system” – trying to tell me about all sorts of the most cruel and agonizing atrocities he´s “heard” or “read” about…
[9:09:54 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..he´s the “know-it-all” and keeps interrupting every sentence I try to start.. [9:10:44 AM] *m{i}ke*: ..so I start asking him a few questions …. POSiTiVE – DESiRABLE movementes and developementes and whether he´s heard/read about those…
[9:11:44 AM] *m{i}ke*: …he starts going fairly quiet and a LOT of his impressive *ego* steps back and all of a sudden starts >listening< to what I have to say… (inlove)
[9:12:36 AM] *m{i}ke*: …When he leaves I´ve left him thinking about his focus – his attention – his awareness and ability to attract and create his reality…. (party)
I haven't had a chance yet to check into the Skype room to see if Mikey has been back in with another update..... but if you're enjoying reading his adventures and his incredible experiences of ONEness and manifestation, then please go to the link above to follow along!
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