This data is very interesting in relation to the Ancient Mysteries and The Alchemical process of realizing yourself and attaining Self Mastery. This post goes well with Emotional Guidance Scale (Explained in detail) How to be guided by your emotions, instead of controlled by them. By Justin. And the post True Health: How to Tap Into the Healing Abilities of Your Chakras.
Our Emotions, (E-Motion Energy in Motion) reflect to us physically, what we have created within, our RE-Presentation of the Truth. Below we can see the mapping of our emotions on the body itself, which helps us in our NOW moment of experiencing them, because we can channel those energies into our actions; both within and without. This could be thought of as the Caring aspect, the Divine Feminine.
A Compass is used to guide ships and people direction-ally, could it be that the word is also suggesting that Compassion is a Guide to our higher self? The Ancient Mystery's thought so, and as a result much of the Masonic Symbolism expresses this as well, as Mark Passio discusses extensively in his work.
The word Compassion, has the word Compass in it, which is used to make a circle. Hence in Masonic Symbolism, the compass is on top of a perfectly balanced Square. Representing that we have come into ONENESS with our material experience, or animal nature, through Compassion and using our Emotions as a tool for Caring enough to take action; leading to the Mastery of Self, and the grounding of the higher self.
It is a feedback effect. We experience the sensations of our experience, then these sensations trigger symbolic reflections to us, which are the results of how we 'decided' to feel after an experience, which then triggers an emotional reaction. For example, the smell of coffee brewing, to a coffee drinker is a delightful experience, whereas to one who hates coffee, it is nauseating.
"We create our reality," is something we are developing a greater appreciation of, and in the aforementioned example, we create what we feel when smelling the coffee brewing based off our choices. And all of this is relevant to Self Mastery, because the Universe, or Eternal Essence, is choosing to experience, everything, for full realization (Real Eyes Ation, to make real through seeing what IS).
The 'bad' emotional states we create for ourselves are a result of our choices. We and the Universe agreed to create these 'painful' experiences so that we can make a greater choice, and RE-Member who we truly are, via free will. Progress is the watch word of the Universe.
P.A.I.N. = Pay Attention Inward Now. Look within and Alchemize, or transmute the inner RE-Presentation we have created for ourselves, and we will in turn, transmute this bad experience into a good one. And we will experience good emotions as a result, the Universe's way of saying.. "your on the right track!"
Source - Occupy Corpratism
Susanne Posel
December 31, 2013
Psychologists at Aalto University (AU) in Finland have conducted a study to decipher where on the human body emotion manifests.
Most people describe having “butterflies in your stomach” or having “your heart race with excitement” when experiencing love.
Depression is described as having a “dampened” feeling in the “arms, legs and head”; while danger feels like “strong sensations in the chest area”.
Lauri Nummenmaa, lead author of the study and psychologist for the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science at AU, explains: “Our emotional system in the brain sends signals to the body so we can deal with our situation. Say you see a snake and you feel fear. Your nervous system increases oxygen to your muscles and raises your heart rate so you can deal with the threat. It’s an automated system. We don’t have to think about it.”
Scientists have disagreed on how each emotion distinctly manifests as physical patterns on the human body.
Nummenmaa gathered 700 volunteers to participate in this experiment .
Volunteers were shown 2 blank silhouettes of persons on a screen and asked to determine their emotions by painting the areas of the body that were stimulated by that emotion.

Nummenmaa said: “We could then help clinicians to more accurately differentiate between different types of [emotional] disorders. Our data show bodily sensations associated with different emotions are so specific that, in fact, they could at least in theory contribute significantly to the conscious feeling of the corresponding emotion.”
The study published is entitled, “Bodily Maps of Emotion” and uses “a topographical self-report tool to reveal that different emotional states are associated with topographically distinct and culturally universal bodily sensations; these sensations could underlie our conscious emotional experiences.”
Nummenmaa assumes that this “unique tool for emotion research” could be used to “provide a biomarker for emotional disorders.”
The study concludes that “are represented in the somatosensory system as culturally universal categorical somatotopic maps. Perception of these emotion-triggered bodily changes may play a key role in generating consciously felt emotions.”
Anotonio Damasio, professor of neuroscience and director of the Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI), commented : “Nummenmaa’s findings offer more support for what he’s been suggesting for years: Each emotion activates a distinct set of body parts, he thinks, and the mind’s recognition of those patterns helps us consciously identify that emotion.”
Damasio said: “People look at emotions as something in relation to other people. But emotions also have to do with how we deal with the environment — threats and opportunities.”
Paul Zak, chair of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, remarked that the findings of this study are “unimpressive” and that the “weak design” of the study failed to show “how emotions work” and “doesn’t prove a thing.”
Our Emotions, (E-Motion Energy in Motion) reflect to us physically, what we have created within, our RE-Presentation of the Truth. Below we can see the mapping of our emotions on the body itself, which helps us in our NOW moment of experiencing them, because we can channel those energies into our actions; both within and without. This could be thought of as the Caring aspect, the Divine Feminine.
A Compass is used to guide ships and people direction-ally, could it be that the word is also suggesting that Compassion is a Guide to our higher self? The Ancient Mystery's thought so, and as a result much of the Masonic Symbolism expresses this as well, as Mark Passio discusses extensively in his work.
The word Compassion, has the word Compass in it, which is used to make a circle. Hence in Masonic Symbolism, the compass is on top of a perfectly balanced Square. Representing that we have come into ONENESS with our material experience, or animal nature, through Compassion and using our Emotions as a tool for Caring enough to take action; leading to the Mastery of Self, and the grounding of the higher self.
It is a feedback effect. We experience the sensations of our experience, then these sensations trigger symbolic reflections to us, which are the results of how we 'decided' to feel after an experience, which then triggers an emotional reaction. For example, the smell of coffee brewing, to a coffee drinker is a delightful experience, whereas to one who hates coffee, it is nauseating.
"We create our reality," is something we are developing a greater appreciation of, and in the aforementioned example, we create what we feel when smelling the coffee brewing based off our choices. And all of this is relevant to Self Mastery, because the Universe, or Eternal Essence, is choosing to experience, everything, for full realization (Real Eyes Ation, to make real through seeing what IS).
The 'bad' emotional states we create for ourselves are a result of our choices. We and the Universe agreed to create these 'painful' experiences so that we can make a greater choice, and RE-Member who we truly are, via free will. Progress is the watch word of the Universe.
P.A.I.N. = Pay Attention Inward Now. Look within and Alchemize, or transmute the inner RE-Presentation we have created for ourselves, and we will in turn, transmute this bad experience into a good one. And we will experience good emotions as a result, the Universe's way of saying.. "your on the right track!"
- Justin
Source - Occupy Corpratism
Susanne Posel
December 31, 2013
Psychologists at Aalto University (AU) in Finland have conducted a study to decipher where on the human body emotion manifests.
Most people describe having “butterflies in your stomach” or having “your heart race with excitement” when experiencing love.
Depression is described as having a “dampened” feeling in the “arms, legs and head”; while danger feels like “strong sensations in the chest area”.
Lauri Nummenmaa, lead author of the study and psychologist for the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science at AU, explains: “Our emotional system in the brain sends signals to the body so we can deal with our situation. Say you see a snake and you feel fear. Your nervous system increases oxygen to your muscles and raises your heart rate so you can deal with the threat. It’s an automated system. We don’t have to think about it.”
Scientists have disagreed on how each emotion distinctly manifests as physical patterns on the human body.
Nummenmaa gathered 700 volunteers to participate in this experiment .
Volunteers were shown 2 blank silhouettes of persons on a screen and asked to determine their emotions by painting the areas of the body that were stimulated by that emotion.
Nummenmaa said: “We could then help clinicians to more accurately differentiate between different types of [emotional] disorders. Our data show bodily sensations associated with different emotions are so specific that, in fact, they could at least in theory contribute significantly to the conscious feeling of the corresponding emotion.”
The study published is entitled, “Bodily Maps of Emotion” and uses “a topographical self-report tool to reveal that different emotional states are associated with topographically distinct and culturally universal bodily sensations; these sensations could underlie our conscious emotional experiences.”
Nummenmaa assumes that this “unique tool for emotion research” could be used to “provide a biomarker for emotional disorders.”
The study concludes that “are represented in the somatosensory system as culturally universal categorical somatotopic maps. Perception of these emotion-triggered bodily changes may play a key role in generating consciously felt emotions.”
Anotonio Damasio, professor of neuroscience and director of the Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI), commented : “Nummenmaa’s findings offer more support for what he’s been suggesting for years: Each emotion activates a distinct set of body parts, he thinks, and the mind’s recognition of those patterns helps us consciously identify that emotion.”
Damasio said: “People look at emotions as something in relation to other people. But emotions also have to do with how we deal with the environment — threats and opportunities.”
Paul Zak, chair of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, remarked that the findings of this study are “unimpressive” and that the “weak design” of the study failed to show “how emotions work” and “doesn’t prove a thing.”
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