RV/Gold Bait and Switch? - Secular Value vs Absolute Value - Hidden History of Gold
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Visual of average Joe, happily putting on clothes with their golden shackles. Represents Gold's true purpose in our society, maintaining slavery systems. |
D, from Breaking the Silence Removing the Shackles is constantly reenforcing this idea. Her recent post details that the new financial system and Revaluation, was intended to be Slavery Systems 2.0, the culmination of efforts the NWO or Illuminati have been planning for years. This post will outline the rationale and concepts to why this is the case, and why an Absolute Value System is needed now more then ever. Lets take it back to PRIME!
Historically Gold has served as a mechanism to control society. The bankers and financial powers of the planet have used Revaluations every 70 years or so, to transfer wealth from one group to another; usually from the free people of the planet, to the elite. There are 3 bodies of work we can use as reference material for this discussion which I will list at the end of this post.
What is Value and Why is Gold Valuable?
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Visualization of Public forum wherein we decided gold was valuable. Presumption of Fact by Convention |
"The world is flat!" This is a prime example of a Presumption Fact by Convention, the Vatican and Pope declared the world was flat and the Earth was the center of the universe, that does not mean it actually was true, but in the world of social agreements, it was. Gold has value by Presumption of Fact that it has historically ALWAYS been valuable; which can only be true by social agreement or convention.
Nothing (No-thing) in the Universe has Intrinsic Monetary Value
Intrinsic Value means:
Intrinsic value is an ethical and philosophic property. It is the ethical or philosophic value that an object has "in itself" or "for its own sake", as an intrinsic propertyIntrinsic value from the definition above implies a thing has value by itself. How can Gold have Intrinsic Monetary Value by itself? It can not because the entire concept of gold having monetary value is in relation to people. If you remove the individual gold has no meaning as money.
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Visualization of ALL Value being relative to the person who is doing the measuring. No-thing has Intrinsic Value by itself |
But if we examine each of these qualities we realize that they are all subjective to humans, and therefore nothing more then value by convention or agreement. But there is a hidden aspect to why gold based Secular Value Systems are used - because they can be manipulated by those who are in the know; knowledge is power.
Where does Value come from?
This is a HUGE concept to discuss at the moment and a great many are confused trying to make sense of it, but the source of ALL value can be understood very simply. All value is in the eye of the beholder. We can dispel the gold-as-absolute-value myth pretty quick by working through some thought experiments and taking things into perspective.
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Visualization of All things having value, dependent on the BEing in relation to their DOing |
This brings us to where value really comes from. Value is a term which makes reference to something else. A bushel of carrots to a vegetarian has much more value then a pound of hamburger meat because of the usage each has with respect to the individual is different. Similarly, high tech electrical components have more value to a computer manufacture then 10 tons of cow manure. It should become clear now how value actually works in reality. A thing, has value only in relation to how it can be used by you! This is what is meant by you are the value, the meaning a thing has, that you give, is what it's value is to you.
All THINGS have Value
Does the air you're breathing mean something to you, absolutely it does. Does the person closest to you in your life mean something to you, of course they do. How can anyone then argue that Gold is the only thing of real value, as an absolute, unquestioned truth, when it clearly it is not.
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Cosmic Christ by Alex Grey Visualization of All Value being in the Eye of the Beholder |
Do you see now how EVERYTHING has value, but the value is relative to each individual?
This is why our value is infinite, because as we do the INner work to realize who we really are, we expand our consciousness to discover that all things relate to our selves because we are ONE. This simple idea has universal ramifications, and the greater your capacity to realize this concept the more value and meaning each seemingly separate thing has. What is meant by Eternal Essence Embodied, is all things are the infinite, rendered into finite form. Value appreciation is a function of awareness and attainment of truth realization within.
Thats why doing the Inner work is so important to Showing you the money. You are the mechanisms that gives that money value, for yourself!
Secular Value System vs Absolute Value System
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Visualization of the Secret Intent behind Gold - A Secular Value System designed to control creative powers on earth |
What is a Secular Value System you maybe asking yourself? It is the agreement of a society, the majority of a society or the controlling influential members of a society, to agree that: only SOME things will be acceptable as value instead of ALL things. As we just reviewed, this system is a fiction because the greater truth is ALL THINGS HAVE VALUE. The history of modern civilization going back to ancient Sumer is an epic of Secular Value Systems dominating our planet. These systems are designed for one purpose, to transfer power of creation, via the labor of the free people, to a controlling elite.
As you will discover, this is how gold has been used all throughout our history.
Musical Chairs Game
How does gold transfer powers of creation to the controlling elite? Silver, cattle, trade goods and labor have always worked side by side with gold as methods of value representation for all of human history. As you will discover, gold has been used like a financial 'musical chairs' mechanism - powerful people quietly accumulate gold, then declare it as the only thing of real value (the only true money), and nothing else can be used to pay debts. This causes a currency crisis in the society as items that were previously used as value expressions are now worthless. Its like buying a stock at $50 a share only to have the price bottom out the next day. The people who were in the wise before hand are now the kingpin's of the new, gold backed financial system.
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Visualization of power grab that is accomplished by knowing when the Monetary 'music will stop' (i.e. when we switch to a gold standard) |
See this post, Silver & Gold - Hidden Secrets Of Money 'Currency Vs Money' - Mike Maloney, and listen to the the narrator. This is exactly the musical chairs game we are taking about. "We are about to see the biggest transfer of wealth in recorded history, this has happened many times in the past, and if you know before hand you can 'ride the wave' on the other side, and make mountains of money!" (paraphrasing) This is exactly what we just described above, a musical chairs game.
I can not speak for everyone, but I can tell you I am done playing games.
Gold and Silver vs Fiat Currencies
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Visualization of Unknowing masses forced to switch over to gold, when the 'Monetary Music Stops' |
Gold is the worlds oldest and most successfully power grabbing mechanisms; the worlds oldest fiat Currency. The latest push, Basal III, the Revaluation and a-like, are all going to quietly transfer wealth to the hands of yet another unseen elite.
A currency based on Fiat is actually a more honest expression of what any value system really is, social conventions. Why does it get so much bad press? Because the people who designed and use our contemporary FRN Fiat currency, are using it as a Secular Value System to control creation via the labor of the free people.
Fiat Money System can be an Absolute Value System
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One of the Historical Examples of interest free Fiat Money Systems being squashed by the Elite, because they have the power to free the people |
You will discover later, histories most powerful and influential societies, at one time, had Fiat money systems which were destroyed by secular money systems. Fiat Money Systems, just like an Absolute Value System, MUST be Interest free. Any Usury will aggregate power into the party whom collects that interest, and if they do not spend all the interest back into the free society, scarcity will result for the free people within.
The I-UV exchange, is an Absolute Value System based on energetic exchanges of BEing and DOing, which is much more harmonious of how nature and the universe at large actually work. I will be re-releasing a post I wrote in early 2013 "Showing you the money - How to Access Your Absolute Value" which discusses how goodwill and love are the foundations of an Absolute Value System.
Resource Material: The Secret of Oz
The Secret of Oz is a wonderful series of the secret history of money mainly covering the United States. The data presented reveals how Fiat Money Systems based on Interest free public currency are the life blood of successful societies the world over. And it will demonstrate how Gold has ben used to divide and conquer as well as transfer wealth many times in the past.
Resource Material: Financial Tyranny by David Wilcock
does a wonderful job in his free ebook, Financial Tyranny, revealing
probably the most recent musical chairs power grab by the elite using
gold. The Concept of a Secular based Value system causing major problems
was actually the basis for why they wanted to switch to a world Reserve
Fiat system in the first place; the Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith
was written to support this notion. However, because the system was in
the hands of the elite and their hidden interests, it ultimately served
to hinder humanity, instead of free it.
To review this full body of work please see this post DIVINE COSMOS: FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time.
Resource Material: - Gold
a recent interview on the 5d Media Network, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
refer to the releasing of gold from spiritual bondage. This idea, that
gold is alive, just like all other things in the universe, and it has
been kept in slavery, just like we have, is also presented in the
has a long history on earth, and not in the way people have
traditionally though of it. Frank, of UCADIA networks, uses some strong
language to discuss these concepts, but on the whole they are amazingly
- Justin
Evil Symbols
Other names | G (in Freemasonry), ór (gaelic sounding "awe"), zaháv (hebrew) |
Year of origin | As religious material = 4,500 BCE from Ireland (Cuilliaéan) |
As cursed material = 1260 BCE Under Ramses II onwards | |
As cursed "lawful money" destroying Empires from 60 BCE onwards | |
As medium for cursing souls from 1543 CE onwards as "Bar" |
Gold, the god of the Roman Caesars in opposition to the Divine Creator
(as referenced in the New Testament); the false god of the Israelites
(golden calf) in opposition to Yah; the false god of the MenesHeh in
opposition to Sabaoth (Satan); the ultimate “G” meaning of Freemasonry;
the cursed medium into which the “salvaged souls” by the banks and
courts condemn our spirits since 1543; the wrecker of civilizations and
cause of great depressions as “lawful” money; the medium of spells and
No other medium has caused so much suffering, so much war or grief. No
other medium or material has been associated with so many curses. No
other object has been proven to be the very worst material for
underwriting “lawful” money through indisputable evidence of its use by
bankers and merchants to beguile, usurp and collapse empires. Yet
despite all these warnings, including more scriptural warnings than any
other substance across more faiths than any other material, Gold remains
a substance worshipped by hundreds of millions, particularly Christians
in absolute contradiction and defiance to their faith.
Despite its worship, despite overwhelming historic evidence of its
danger, those that promote gold, particularly as “lawful” money rarely
consider its clear history, its dominant “owner” and its sole purpose
for over two thousand years as a destroyer of cultures and as a bringer
of curses and ill fortune upon those spellbound by it. Therefore, we
will investigate how such a medium acquired such evil symbolism and
The Religious Origin of Gold
While erased from the history books, the first verifiable Gold mines and
goldsmith work originates from Ireland - a source of the majority of
the Gold for the early and middle Bronze Age. Ireland and specifically
the first priest class of Western Civilization, the Cuilliaéan or
"Holly", are also the source and origin of the religious origin
associated with Gold.
As the Cuilliaéan (Druid Priest Class) exported spiritual reasoning to
all corners of the known world from the 5th Millenium BCE onwards, so
too their artifacts of Gold were considered to possess supernatural
power. One of the most excellent examples of Cuilliaéan spiritual gold
work still preserved are the "Wizard" or Vizier hats (one known as the
Berlin Gold Hat) detailed extremely accurate lunar settings and
astronomical information.
The origin of the curses attached to Gold
Under the Hyksos Kings of Egypt, exiled from their reconquered Ebla and
themselves connected to both Ireland and the ancient Ebla Priest-King
lines, Gold as a sacred medium grew to new heights.
However, following the successful defeat of the last absolute Hyksos
Pharaoh Akhenaten by the swamp pirates of the Nile Delta, the Menes,
rose to power as the Ramses and set about squandering and abusing the
massive wealth of Egypt, causing even greater hardship and economic
Seti, the son of Ramses I was responsible for capturing the former
leading court families of Akhenaten from Ugarit and returning them to
Egypt now as slaves instead of senior officials. However, under Ramses
II from 1260 BCE, these supernatural beings who survived the plagues of
Egypt were forced to rob the tombs of their former masters, defiling
their very ancestors to melt down the phenomenal gold of the Hyksos to
pay for the extravagance of the Menes pirates.
Thus the curse of gold began with hundreds of thousands of small “bars”
being minted as the first “lawful money” all carrying millions of curses
associated with the desecration of the Cuilliaéan (Holy) Hyksos Kings.
Fromt his point on, the followers of Akhenaten as Moses, became known as
the Israelites or the “unclean/cursed”.
The worship of gold as a "god" in itself
Since the infusion of millions of curses into gold as a medium of
“lawful money” by the Ramses Menes pirates ordering the Israelites to
“melt down” the history of the Hyksos, three groups have dominated the
control of gold, with only one being immune to the curse of gold – the
Cuilliaéan; the other two being the Israelites and the swamp pirates
being the Menes (later Menes-Heh and their descendents the Khazars,
Venetians, Ashkenazi, Zionist).
During captivity under the swamp pirate Ramses pharaohs, the Israelites
were the first group to begin worshipping gold as its own god, in the
form of the “golden calf” in an open rejection of Yah and the Divine
Creator. The calf was later also adopted as a false god by the Menes-Heh
This open rejection in defiance of the Divine Creator – a kind of
reverse curse claimed against all creation of the Divine – finds its
modern equivalent in the “G” of Freemasonry and the highest realization
of those that attain the status of enlightenment as a “Gewe” that the G
standards for the god of Gold as a curse and hatred against the Divine,
the world and harmony.
The worship of G being the Golden Symbol of Freemasonry, being the
embodiment of the Golden Calf is also the origin of the Parasite - a
mental illness perpetuated through the manual of mental illness known as
the Talmud that continues to infect the world today and spellbinds
worshippers of Gold to rather destroy the world than save it, to
sacrifice their own families for their earthly "god".
The origin of "lawful money" and the destroyer of Empires
While the use of gold as a form of currency and portal wealth dates back
to the time of the swamp pirate Menes Ramses Kings of Egypt, the
production of gold and any association with the fictional concept of
debt was always considered public until Rome around 60 to 62 BCE.
Indeed, the Greek city states and many other civilizations were minting
and using gold coins as currency for hundreds of years prior, such as
the city of Lydia, without causing economic depression.
The historic difference is what took place in 60 to 62 BCE in Rome when
Julius Caesar sought to “purchase” control of the Roman Empire with the
help of the Menes pirates now merchants and bankers, who controlled the
Temple of Juno. In exchange for “privatizing” the money supply of Rome
from base metal coinage to gold and granting them exclusive and
perpetual production of coinage, they agreed to underwrite his
Thus 60 to 62 BCE represents the actual “zero point” for the creation of
lawful money by the Menes bankers/merchants by seizing control of the
public money supply to make it private, using gold as the spell and
illusion. Within two years the whole Roman Empire was in financial
crisis and Civil War erupted. So with the creation of “lawful money” –
by permitting an elite class of pirates with historically no conscience,
ethics or beliefs to control the money, using gold, Empires could be
brought to their knees. The Temple of Juno was called Juno Moneta and is
the origin of the word “Money”.
The use of gold as the trick into gaining control and privatization of
the production of money has been repeated by these same families and
those that followed being the Khazar/Venetian/Ashkenazi (Nazis) has seen
countless Empires rise and fall from the Spanish, the German, the
French, the English and soon now the American Empire of Pax Americana by
2011/2012 (if their plans continue unchallenged).
In the past three hundred years, those that control the vast majority of
gold have undertaken two specific campaigns – to remove private citizen
ownership of gold and to remove public gold reserves as competition.
Gold is then withdrawn after an appropriate time, replaced by liens, and
paper based underwriting to paper based currency. As debt has become
unmanageable, gold is then returned under a different guise, using the
poor intellectual and “truth and enlightenment” class to promote its
This is precisely the plan being successfully executed by the
descendents of the Menes water pirates and the Khazar land pirates now
as bankers and merchants. The strongest promoters of “lawful money”
today is not the business class, historians or politicians, but the
truth movement, unwittingly manipulated by the bankers as they were
every seventy years like clockwork in the 1930’s globally and the 1860’s
in America , in 1790’s in France and in 1720’s in Amsterdam and
Despite the fact that the Parasite Banker/Merchant families have used
the “lawful money” trick of gold repeatedly and despite the fact of the
overwhelming evidence that such acceptance only strengthens their
control on commerce, the truth movement of today is completely and
utterly entranced, ignorant and spellbound as it was every other time
since the days of the Roman Empire and Julius Caesar – hence the curse
power of gold.
The origin of gold as the prison of "salvaged" souls
On March 14th 1543, the Venetians completed their conveyance of the
power structure of the Roman Cult to their new church and force, the
Society of Gesu (Jesus), thereby ensuring neither the Medici, nor their
arch-enemy the Parasite families of Genoa could seize real power again.
The new site for the apparatus of the Vatican being the Court of Rota,
the Sacred Chancery, the Treasury and the Sacred Penitentiary would be
London, as the New Jerusalem Temple and later the United States as an
extension to the Temple.
During this time, the Jesuits were granted an exclusive “right” never
before seen, the concept of salvaging those souls “lost” to the See
(Sea) through the concept of Salvation using Banks and Courts as part of
their apparatus - Thus the full blown commercialization of sin.
What then did the Jesuits consider was the highest collateral against
the flesh as surety and performance of promissory notes? Indeed, it was
the soul. But where does one place something ethereal when salvaged and
into what tangible medium? The answer was Gold Bars, the origin of the
name of the Bar Associations, the “reapers of souls”.
Bar means “stake or rod of iron used to fasten a door or gate”. It also
means “ruling with a rod of iron”. So now, the Jesuits controlled the
Sacred Penitentiary into which were placed the most valuable asset of
all, souls cursed into Bars of Gold.
Of course, such claims can easily be dismissed as conspiracy and satanic
ritual theorizing gone mad. Yet gold has remained in some way the base
underwriting of all “lawful money” ever since, making a comeback every
seventy years or so, promoted by the truth movement and patriots of the
day, to their eternal regret after the fact.
However, strong symbolic evidence exists that the mandatory requirement
of Bar gold to be 999.9 percent pure is derived from 666, which is the
upside down of 999.9. Again, such arguments can be seen as pure
conjecture. Yet what cannot be argued is that gold as lawful money is
written in the strictest of law possible within the Bible and other
texts as an abomination, as a false idol – yet is totally supported and
promoted by people who claim to follow its teachings- thus proving
without question the supernatural powers associated with this cursed
How much Gold has ever been produced (mined)?
It may or may not surprise you to know that there is no unanimous
agreement as to exactly how much gold has been produced, nor is still in
existence and “owned” across planet Earth.
We know that official (public) gold reserves account for some 30,000
metric tonnes of Gold, the single largest gold deposit facility being
the Federal Reserve of New York with around 5,000 in official (public)
gold reserves.
Then there are private gold reserves, not declared and included in total
estimates. The internationally recognized Barclays Bank estimate around
24,000 to 26,000 metric tonnes are stored in secure private facilities
and that around 80% of all the gold ever mined is in bullion (bar ingot)
form. They therefore estimate the total Gold mined to be only 70,000
However the internationally recognized US Geological Survey Department
as well as historical mining publications put total global gold
production from 1900 to 2006 at 128,075 metric tonnes which is over
58,000 higher from the last century alone than the total claimed by
Barclays as being all the gold ever mined!
Contrary to the banking sector which seems to substantially low ball
estimates, the mining industry claims the total gold produced is closer
to around 140,000 to 150,000 metric tonnes.
However, if we take into account both accurate production measures and
historical data, then from 1600 to the present day, over 150,000 tonnes
of gold have been produced, which means even the seemingly “high” figure
of 150,000 tonnes is still too conservative.
For example, over 3,000 tonnes of Gold was stripped from the American
civilizations by the Spanish between 1492 and 1600, estimated to be
around 40% of total global production during the period. Between 1600
and 1800, the Jesuit controlled massive slave mines of Colombia and
Brazil are estimated to have produced three times the Gold stolen during
the American civilization genocides.
The most accurate estimate, taking into account all records, all
historical references and the history of mining techniques and mining
areas is that around 200,143 metric tonnes is closer to the figure of
all gold every mined/produced.
Years | Production | Total | % |
pre 0 | 25,000 | 12.50% | |
0-400 | 8,597 | 33,597 | 4.30% |
401-1490 | 8,129 | 41,726 | 4.10% |
1491-1600 | 6,513 | 48,239 | 3.30% |
1600-1800 | 12,312 | 60,551 | 6.20% |
1800-1900 | 11,517 | 72,068 | 5.80% |
1900-2006 | 128,075 | 200,143 | 64.00% |
100.00% |
General demand and use of Gold today
Average total global gold production over the last ten years currently
stands around 2,300 to 2,500 metric tonnes per annum. Currently, the
three largest gold producers in the world are South Africa (24%),
Australia (16%) and Canada (8%).
In terms of average total global demand, global demand has been running
around 3,800 to 4,000 metric tonnes per annum of which 81% is used for
jewelry, 10% for industrial and 9% as bullion (retail investment).
This higher consumption of gold compared to production has led some
analysts to believe that the price of gold is set to continue to rise
even further in coming years.
Why the discrepancy?
It is hard to reconcile why such massive and obvious discrepancies exist
to deliberately down play the total size of the total amount of gold
from 200,000+ tonnes to less than 70,000 tonnes.
One obvious reason is the maintenance of high gold prices. So long as
production is less than demand and so long as the markets maintain a
perception of limited reserves, traders and owners of gold can demand
phenomenal prices.
A second and more difficult reason may be the existence of owners of
large stores of gold, who are in such a strong financial position that
they are willing to hold onto massive private gold reserves away from
any accounting, for strategic, political and financial advantage.
The Russians, for example are believed to hold many tonnes of gold in
private reserves, which is impossible to verify. However, when we look
at official estimates, we are talking about a potential discrepancy in
gold estimates of over 50,000 metric tonnes (almost $1,000 Billion)
simply missing and unaccounted.
¼ of the world’s total gold doesn't just simply disappear. Private
collectors may hide a portion out of circulation, but eventually it
returns in some way and can be tracked. Nor do individual dictators have
the power or apparatus to perform such feats.
The gold reserves held by the Vatican and their Venetian Parasite Masters
The largest single holder of ingot/bullion gold of any organization for
the past 1,000 years is and has always been the Roman Cult controlling
the Catholic Church.
The Roman Catholic Church controls approximately 60,350 metric tonnes of
gold, twice the size of the total official gold reserves around the
world or approximately 30.2% of all the gold ever mined/produced. At
current prices, it puts the asset value of the greatest treasure in
human history at over US $1,245 Billion.
Years | Key Reason | Acquisition | Total | % world |
1100-1200 | Eastern Crusades | 9200 | 9300 | 27.7% |
1200-1350 | Western Civilization | 12500 | 21800 | 57.0% |
1351-1490 | Templer Treasures | 4200 | 26000 | 62.3% |
1491-1600 | New World | 3100 | 29100 | 60.3% |
1600-1800 | Slave Mines | 4050 | 33150 | 54.7% |
1800-1900 | End of Empires | 6500 | 39650 | 55.0% |
1900-1945 | World Wars | 16200 | 55850 | 53.4% |
1946-2006 | Organized crime | 4500 | 60350 | 30.2% |
At present, the Roman Catholic Church is back down to total gold
domination numbers not seen since the fall of the Holy Roman Empire
(around 1100) when it controlled less than 30% of total world gold.
For most of the past 1,000 years, the Catholic Church has been in a
dominant position to control the world market of gold with over 50% of
all gold and a high point from around the 14th Century to around 17th
Century of controlling over 60% of the total gold ever mined.
The treasure has been split between various declared reserves as well as
undisclosed reserves. Only 20% of total gold reserves are stored
through third parties in official reserves, the largest declared reserve
being the Federal Reserve Bank, followed by the reserves in Italy,
Switzerland, Germany and France.
This is the treasure that once again will be used to re-gain control of
the world under the "guise" of saving the world through "lawful money"
in 2011/2012 unless good people can be woken up from the spell of the
bankers and their gold.
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