
Wednesday 8 March 2017

Vault 7.... That's it? Yet another Distraction by WikiLeaks

Image result for CIA lies

Well, as I've said multiple times for years now:  WikiLeaks= Distraction!!  Nothing they've released is actually "NEW", it's all information that we ALREADY KNOW!!

I've been waiting for this big "OHHHHH, AHHHHHHH" moment of the release of WikiLeaks "VAULT 7" dump of information..... the thing that has kept the alternative media glued to their computers, rubbing their hands together in anticipation.....  and Nope- I wasn't disappointed- This big "LEAK" is nothing more than rehash of stuff we already knew, Yet Again!!

So.... Ask yourself:  What was really going on that they needed to keep the alternative media distracted?


MARCH 7, 2017

This morning, WikiLeaks released “the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency”. Since it can be quite difficult to search through the data yourself, we are assembling a list of the most notable information.

*The CIA can masquerade its malware as belonging to a foreign intelligence agency.

Already knew this- mostly they've been using Russian stuff to blame the Russians

*The CIA stole hacking malware from the Russian Federation for their own use.

Already surmised this, from the fact that the Russians are holding several people from Russian Malware companies on unknown charges.

*The CIA is hacking everyone, including US citizens.

Well, DUH!

*Every microphone and webcam is remote controllable.

Again, this is such old news as to be barely a yawn

*The CIA’s exploits have been leaked internally and can be used by unauthorized people to gain access to virtually anything.

Again: Well, Duh!

*CIA malware can infiltrate iPhones, Androids, Windows Phones, and even your smart TV.

We've known this for YEARS!

*The U.S. consulate in Frankfurt is a covert CIA hacker base.

Already knew that- or at lease surmised this by the fact that Germany has been scrambling for over a year to cover up and spin doctor their participation in the spying on other EU countries for unnamed agencies

*The CIA created air gap jumping viruses that infect CDs, DVDs, flash drives, etc.

Again, we already knew that!

*The CIA created malware that specifically evaded certain anti-virus programs.

Seriously?! John McAfee anyone?!?   

*The CIA can hack cars for “undetectable assassinations”

*yawn* Again, sooooo ollllldddddddd!!!!

*CIA malware can infiltrate your macOS and Windows computers.


*CIA malware infiltrates your smartphone to read messages on encrypted apps, before you send them.

Doubly boring!!!  This news was released in the main stream media in 2013  for fuck sakes!!!

*CIA malware can infiltrate Linux and routers.

Not "news" but we definitely had already figured this out by ourselves

*The CIA was supposed to reveal major vulnerabilities, but instead, hoarded them for their own use.
Notepad++, a popular text editor, has a DLL hijack.

REALLY?!?  I'm Just So Fuckin SHOCKED ...... again, even if we didnt' have proof, this was surmised ages ago!

*The CIA steals saved passwords from Internet Explorer

Buhahahahhaha!!!!  ok ... this is a joke, right?  Is there a hidden camera somewhere ..... 'cause calling this a "LEAK" is fuckin' hysterical!!!!  I knew about this even BEFORE I "woke up", lol

*CIA can bypass Windows User Account Control

No shit Sherlock!

*CIA has Android malware that makes Android phones bulk-spy on WiFi networks around them.

....And AGAIN- We Already Fuckin' New This!!!

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