Mission I’m Possible Numero 1. ON The One Network as MIPPERU.
WE”RE BACK we encourage open dialogue and we are focusing on the Clean up of the Amazonia, on THE ONE NETWORK.
MIPPERU Show Numero Uno.
Every Saturday But starting on The 15th November at 4PM EST.
Welcome to the show and click on the link to listen live.
MIP Peru on The One Network First Show to be Saturday 15th November 2014 at 4PM EST and weekly Following.
MISSION I’m Possible Live from the new studio in Tarapoto in the San Martin District of Amazonia, Peru.
With John Anderson, Dave Stewart and Cary Ellis, Karl Moltzan, Paul Exhall and panel of guests in The Zoom room.
We welcome your comments and
interaction in the discussion of designing and building this giant
project of consciousness and reforestation.
We shall be discussing Cary’s New
Book 21st Centuary Super Human and Her work in Peru with The Peruvian
Scrolls and trying to explain a New paradigm way of thinking that will
ultimately lead to our invention of a new Paradigm way of Funding the
San Roque De Cumbaza Project of Total Self sustainability and
After 8 months of being on voluntary expedition in the jungle and
getting to grips with the understanding of The Quechuan People by
speaking with their presidents and Mayors and communities, we have
offered up an alternative Project of total self sustainability and
Permaculture which will Lead to the Amazonia Clean up of rivers towns
and jungle.This Project is 4 square miles of Forest in and around San Roque De Cumbaza 20 kms north of The City of Tarapoto in the San Martin District of Peru. In combining both ancient and new technologies we have offered an alternative way of operating human interaction within our motherland.
Linking Aquaponics and A full complete Recycling Center of Plastic, Metal and Organic waste Plus converting human and animal waste into Gas and Soil manure, this entire process has the potential to convert the waste in to organic food for the villagers.
This in turn leaves the need out for the villagers to go farming for Cafe in the jungle and we can then set about the repair of the damaged jungle which can be part of a 5 year restoration project all the way up to the Quebrada 5 kms away.
This is where the villagers get their water from. Peru is water rich we have found and ultimatley can have Micro Hydro power in the project after prepareing access to the Quebrada by using the vast natural rocks that the Rio Cumbaza delivers free each day.
Mayor of San Roque de Cumbaza Center right with Heidi, Claudia and Patricia Right and Dave and Martin with locals left.
We are responding to the villagers requests for open sourcing our technologies and It is our visionj that one of the villagers or a group of them will take full control of this project in order for us to be releived to extend the clean up of the rivers and Soil in the region until we get to the City of Tarapoto.
The rivers are like Veins of the Amazonia and cleansing them using ancient Bio Char technology and More modern Day Effective Micro organisms technologies will make these areas Totally self sustainable and will have a knock on effect through out Amazonia.
was used in the Building and farming of Machhu Picchu and it lays
looking as good to day as it did do when it was built all those years
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