Here's is some more of that dirty brown foam on the beach

And SuspiciousObservers update for today has short commentary worth taking note on the topic of geoengineering weather
Video on Elite War:
About the threat in the Nuclear facilities- 26 of which were in the path of Sandy:
The unit at Oyster Creek is the same as Fukushima Daiichi No. 1: “Oyster Creek is one of the oldest US nuclear plants and is the same design as Fukushima unit 1.”-SimplyInfoRemember, Fukushima reactor number 4 was shut down for maintenance when the Japanese earthquake hit. And yet the fuel pools at reactor 4 are in such precarious condition that they pose a giant threat to humanity.
Now, I've hinted at one of the reasons for the shut down of the NY Stock Exchange. Let's face it, they didn't have any damage in the NYSE (regardless of what CNN said, lol), they could of kept the electronic trading sections opened, and that was the original plan as of Sunday night, but suddenly in the middle of the night, they decided to close down all trading with no notice.
...Why would they close it? Is it because they powers that be knew it would crash on Monday? Many of my sources warned of exactly that happening. And if you're going to be doing certain things in the financial sector, it's that much easier to make changes if the Markets are not open, right? The market has been artificially propped up for a long long time. In order to "fix" things, some of that "propping" needs to disappear, back into the pit from whence it came.
With all of America's eyes on the projected (snort) path, and then the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, it gives the main stream media a reason to beat the storm drum and distract people from other news that's happening... can you say "Benghasigate"?
Right now, the truth of what actually happened (or at least, a slightly sterile version of the truth), is being leaked to the media and to the public. What many people do not realize is the ginormous magnitude of this of the truth of what happened in Benghasi.
Don't get me wrong- I do NOT like this guy and do not endorse him- BUT the information in this video is vital for people to understand the epic issues that engulf this situation.
Several sources have told me that this information- that O and the White House KNEW the attack was happening on the CIA outpost in Benghazi, and they refused to protect or help CIA Op "Ambassador" Stevens and the other Americans in the safe house- has been deliberately leaked to the media to force O's hand. He didn't follow through with what he was suppose to do. So they turned up the heat and next step in the "leaks" has kicked in. You might want to listen to these reports closely to watch for the expanding allegations and leaks and where they lead.
These are fully arrestable and indictable offences. This is jail time.
Add to this, the $43 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit - and if you think it's not real, then ask your self why the two young children of CNBC executive were murdered one day after CNBC broke the story in the main stream media, and then the story was immediately removed from their web site.
Add to this the fact that the news was broke that a Citizens Grand Jury has indicted both Biden and Obama:
OCALA, Fla., Oct. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Larry Klayman, founder and chairman of Freedom Watch, today announced that President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden have been criminally indicted for having willfully released classified national security information concerning the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound, U.S. and Israeli war plans concerning Iran and their cyber-attack onIran's nuclear facilities. ...
A true bill of indictment was issued by a Citizens' Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida, who reviewed evidence and voted unanimously to indict Obama and Biden at 6:02 pm on October 29, 2012.
The authority for a Citizens' Grand Jury can be found at
The criminal defendants, Obama and Biden, will now be given notice of their indictment, arraigned and then tried for their alleged crimes.....
So let's get back to Hurricane Sandy. It was driven for a purpose. Even the name "Frankenstorm" strongly hints at the creation of this abomination. People lost their lives, their houses and property. Citizens- in several countries- are now without electricity in a season where the cold is seeping in. The death toll is now over 50 since Sandy's inception. There are repercussions in the nuclear power industry that are very worrying. There is the, albeit slight, chance that the elections will be delayed due to the power outages and the clean up in the aftermath of Sandy.
To quote SuspiciousObservers: Eyes Open. No Fear.
To KNOW is the first step towards creating change.