Here are Jim Stones thoughts about the Germanwing Plane crash into the Alps this week. I've gone through and copied all of the relevant material as Jim's site doesn't have "separate articles" that can be referred back to by a link or date.
I will be discussing this obviously preset up, sacrificial "accident" on Transpicuous News Tomorrow night in depth. There is a LOT of shit going on right now....
Irrefutable fact 1: A remote hijack recovery system was available, and was not used to recover this A320 even though it was obviously in distress. On the A320, a pilot is rendered completely disabled when this system is activated. On the 757/67 the pilot still has influence but has to fight like hell against it once activated. This was clearly discussed on the Boeing web site in pilots blogs, when I accidentally got into a secure area looking for answers after 911. There was lots of information I have not put into this report to keep it readable, but it was DETAILED, such as, the actual computer that is responsible for the remote option on the 757/67 is UNDER A FLOOR PANEL AT THE FRONT OF THE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT. That's classified info, and cold hard proof I really did do a great job on the Boeing web site for those who are in the know.
I am trying to be a little more clear here so the intelligence agencies realize that I really did get into a secure area and really do have accurate info, and maybe they will back off on the GOD DAMN MAIL CENSORSHIP. It is pointless, I will not be convinced to change this story, I know what I know and that is the end of it. Trolling and censoring simply can't cut it.

The fact that these fighter jets got expunged from the ziopress SAYS IT ALL, but the Ziopress did the cleanup too late, people got screenshots of the news reports both before and after this, and these screenshots are below, on this page.
Remi Jouty, director of France's Bureau of Investigation and Analysis:
"So far, we don't have any evidence that points clearly to a technical explanation," the official said. "So we have to consider the possibility of deliberate human responsibility."
The scenario given by Remi is a lie, the fighter jets say so. HERE IS THE CHECK MATE, AND THERE IS NO WAY OUT OF IT:
They might, in the end, say the fighter jets were there to see why the plane went into a descent. But if that be the case, fighter jets, which have very skilled pilots will fly upside down or along side a distressed jet to look in the cockpit and see what is going on. That did not happen, we have no word of this, yet THE FIGHTER JETS WERE THERE. If they were not there to assist the plane or find out what was going on with the pilots, they were there to destroy the plane, and the crash of a perfectly working plane proves it. There is no way out of this.
I think looking at the passenger list could be very informative. This looks like a hit. A major hit, at the level of nation-states or the largest criminal cartels. Or a worldwide group of fanatics. So, who was on this flight?
Don't expect an honest answer. There are no honest governments."
The biggest problem they can never overcome is the fighter jets that followed it until it hit the mountain, and then, rather than assess the situation, they bugged out. THAT SAYS IT ALL, they cannot back track from that cold hard fact.
Absent the tail, the plane could still proceed at full throttle into the mountain and whatever debris came off the tail would most likely have simply followed the plane into the mountain and not left a separate debris path. This fits the eyewitness scenario quite well, and would explain the roaring sound people heard continue for several seconds, this could have easily been caused by a missile launch to blow the tail out.
Other scenarios, such as a laser brought it down are in my opinion just diversions, but I will certainly give the scenario of smoke coming from the aircraft after it was shot while approaching the mountain fair consideration. Fighter jets and collision avoidance disabling certainly fit that scenario.

Normal plane crashes do not have such small debris and erased bodies because pilots slow the plane down and it crashes at around 200 mph, not 600 plus.
FOR THE RECORD: The plane peaked out at 38,000 feet, stayed there for ONE MINUTE, and then did it's death dive. That is not long enough to black out everyone from a loss of cabin pressure, or "slowly depressurize the cabin" and once the plane hit 25,000 feet, people would have woken up even if this theory is what happened. It is an obvious hoax theory. The plane was simply not high enough long enough for this theory to hold any water.
Come back to you again with this. Check the flight path radar. At video 016 it is getting hazy (why?). At 019 you still see the big plane on the right of GWI/18G .... At 020 this plane is vanished. AWAKS could do that - you know that better tan me cause you are the specialist. Looks for me like a warning to Merkel concerning not following US instructions concerninbg WW III ..... Please check ....
P.S.: The flight had been directed over the Alps, pretty far away from the direct route. There, where the plane came down, no French citizens could be hit.
you asked the question Who was on the plane?
In the news moments ago they said that there have been two engineers of Delphi on board of this plane.
Maybe it might be a small piece of info but to get the full pic we need to put them all together.
March 24 2015
The extended grounding of all 757/67 aircraft was done because the "white hats" knew the truth about 911 from second one, and ordered all 757/67 planes grounded while the remote hijack recovery systems were disabled one at a time because they knew how 911 really happened regardless of the zio spin. The Airbus A320 was allowed to continue with its remote hijack recovery systems in place because their access codes were more secure and at that time there was no hack that would work.
All reports are saying the plane crashed while in one piece so structural malfunction can probably be ruled out.
3. The plane was equipped with remote control (for "hijack recovery") AS A STANDARD FEATURE. That level of external control would make switching off communications via remote control a NO BRAINER.

HERE WE HAVE THE EDITED REPORT, WITH THE FIGHTER JETS REMOVED. If they get put back into the story and lies are hatched for damage control it is TOO LATE, the fact they chose to expunge this information irrevocably proves they never wanted these fighter jets to be mentioned, and THAT SAYS IT ALL. TOO LATE, BUSTED:

3. Fighter jet escorts, along with a very good description about how they appeared (they were not UFO's)
4. A redaction of the fighter jet escorts.
LOGICAL OUTPUT: 1. The pilots never contacted the tower because 2. The fighter jets prevented it by either jamming communications or 3. turning them off via remote control, and then crashing the jet via remote. 4. Expungement of the fighter jets from the news reports NAILS IT ALL, THIS ONE IS SHOT DEAD AND SERVED COLD.
Very small
debris proves that the plane hit at 600 plus MPH. There is only one
recognizable piece of the plane left, where 4 windows can be seen.
During a normal crash scenario, the crash will happen between 150 - 220
mph because the pilots have the plane fully slowed down before it hits.
So there are large pieces left to be seen.
However, if this was a remote control crash (as I believe) it probably happened at full throttle during a dive, which means 600 plus mph.
How bad is a 15 - 20 mph car crash compared to a 60 plus mph crash? That is why there is not much left to be seen here . . . . .
March 23 2015
I will be discussing this obviously preset up, sacrificial "accident" on Transpicuous News Tomorrow night in depth. There is a LOT of shit going on right now....
Someone killed a big lie for me - the cockpit door!
A forward-opening hinge door separates the cockpit from the passenger compartment. It has three electric locking strikes, controlled by the flight crew. In normal conditions, when the door is closed, they remain locked. When there is a request to enter the cockpit, the flight crew can authorize entry by unlocking the door, that remains closed until it is pushed open. When the flight crew does not respond to requests for entry, the door can also be unlocked by the cabin crew, by entering a two to seven-digit code (programmed by the airline) on the keypad, installed on the lateral side of the Forward Attendant Panel (FAP).DEAR REMI, PLEASE ASSIST! WE NEED SOME MORE "TRUTH TELLING", PLEASE, WERE BOTH PILOTS SUICIDAL ALONG WITH EVERY STEWARDESS?
Here is my final statement regarding the Germanwings downing:
THE EXPERIENCED PILOT LEFT THE COCKPIT TO TRY TO FIND A TECHNICAL REASON FOR WHY THEY LOST CONTROL OF THE AIRCRAFT AFTER ENTERING FRENCH AIRSPACE AND THE REST IN THE PRESS ABOUT A SUICIDE PILOT IS A SCAMMING ZIO LIE. Understand that the French government now has to front every type of lie possible to bury the truth. They cannot accept responsibility for fulfilling this agenda, and did not expect to get caught. Lying is now their only option. These lies are test run on public forums to see what will sell. When a lie is told that people go for, that is what gets published as "a new discovery". It will be important to not drift from the facts, which are set in bedrock. They are:Irrefutable fact 1: A remote hijack recovery system was available, and was not used to recover this A320 even though it was obviously in distress. On the A320, a pilot is rendered completely disabled when this system is activated. On the 757/67 the pilot still has influence but has to fight like hell against it once activated. This was clearly discussed on the Boeing web site in pilots blogs, when I accidentally got into a secure area looking for answers after 911. There was lots of information I have not put into this report to keep it readable, but it was DETAILED, such as, the actual computer that is responsible for the remote option on the 757/67 is UNDER A FLOOR PANEL AT THE FRONT OF THE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT. That's classified info, and cold hard proof I really did do a great job on the Boeing web site for those who are in the know.
I am trying to be a little more clear here so the intelligence agencies realize that I really did get into a secure area and really do have accurate info, and maybe they will back off on the GOD DAMN MAIL CENSORSHIP. It is pointless, I will not be convinced to change this story, I know what I know and that is the end of it. Trolling and censoring simply can't cut it.

When I say France hijacked this airplane and ditched it for a reason, I am not puffing B.S. - If a nutcase antidepressant pilot decided to whack the crew and passengers, the correct outcome would have been:THE PLANE DESCENDED TO 18,000 FEET AND AT THAT TIME GROUND CONTROL TOOK ACTION AND LANDED IT, PERIOD, END OF DISCUSSION
A COMPLETELY ALONE Italian fighter jet issued a mayday call one minute before this Airbus went into it's descent while in view of it, and then returned to base. This is documented, but the reason for the mayday call has never been published, and I know why: Because "SEVERAL" French fighter jets were in the area, on the edge of where this Italian fighter jet was allowed to go, taking over this airbus the second it entered French airspace, AND FOLLOWED IT ALL THE WAY TO THE CRASH SCENE. The Italian turned around after witnessing the remote takeover because he was not authorized to go into French airspace. How do we know this in irrefutable terms? Because witnesses on the ground saw these French fighter jets following this airbus all the way up until it crashed, and after the crash was a confirmed reality THEY BUGGED OUT RATHER THAN STAY AROUND AND ASSESS THE SITUATION.The fact that these fighter jets got expunged from the ziopress SAYS IT ALL, but the Ziopress did the cleanup too late, people got screenshots of the news reports both before and after this, and these screenshots are below, on this page.
SO, If an Italian fighter jet issued a mayday which is EXTREMELY UNUSUAL, and immediately returned to base, AND "several" French fighter jets escorted this airbus into a mountain only to subsequently get expunged, THE AIRBUS PILOT LEFT THE COCKPIT TO TRY TO FIND A TECHNICAL REASON FOR WHY THEY LOST CONTROL OF THE AIRCRAFT AFTER ENTERING FRENCH AIRSPACE AND THE REST IN THE PRESS ABOUT A SUICIDE PILOT IS A SCAMMING ZIO LIE.
The original report with all the details follows:
Due to a complete blackout of information in the mail boxes, this is probably as complete as this report can get. Frankly, it is already a death sentence to the credibility of the French government, so it is fine the way it is, READ IT AND WEEP, ARCHIVE AND POST!My remote control claims are well founded:
As mentioned farther down this page, In 2002 I got proof the A320 has remote hijack recovery as a standard feature in all models when I "accidentally" got into a secure area of the Boeing web site where pilots were discussing the differences between aircraft from various manufacturers. They were discussing this remote hijack recovery system they all know exists and were questioning why it was not used to stop 911 because both the 757/767 had this system as well. When I say France crashed this airplane on purpose, I have a damn good reason to say so. Dear Remi, as the plane had remote hijack recovery built in, why was that system not activated during the eight minutes during which the plane was in difficulty and without pilot communication? There was plenty of time to recognize that the plane was out of control and would crash without intervention. Why did you not activate the hijack recovery system? Perhaps you had a different agenda. Perhaps that system was instead being used to fulfill that agenda.Next up from the liars: THE AGENDA. Lie#354: The suicide pilot Muslim tie-in to get support for that war in Yemen! waiting, waiting, waiting . . . . .
An intentional pilot initiated crash is the only way out for the liars
UPDATE: Cockpit lock out story is a LIE. The manual override that keeps the cockpit door locked only lasts 5 minutes, per TV reports. That would leave 3 to 5 minutes to storm the cockpit and take at least some evasive or corrective action.
As I said right from the beginning, this crash was intentionally created via remote control, and the plane hit the mountain in perfect working condition. The investigators know this. I wondered what they would come up with to hide the fact that this was a government hit. And so, now, they are going to say one pilot locked the other out of the cockpit and then intentionally crashed the plane. Go figure, but here is Remi suggesting a pilot did it on purpose:
"So far, we don't have any evidence that points clearly to a technical explanation," the official said. "So we have to consider the possibility of deliberate human responsibility."
The scenario given by Remi is a lie, the fighter jets say so. HERE IS THE CHECK MATE, AND THERE IS NO WAY OUT OF IT:
They might, in the end, say the fighter jets were there to see why the plane went into a descent. But if that be the case, fighter jets, which have very skilled pilots will fly upside down or along side a distressed jet to look in the cockpit and see what is going on. That did not happen, we have no word of this, yet THE FIGHTER JETS WERE THERE. If they were not there to assist the plane or find out what was going on with the pilots, they were there to destroy the plane, and the crash of a perfectly working plane proves it. There is no way out of this.
I do not know the source of the following quote, but evidently it came from a pilot. It first appeared on Barking Moonbat two days ago according to the Google time stamp, AND IT SAYS IT ALL:
"IF France finds the flight recorders, and IF they aren't mangled beyond use, and IF they make the actual contents public record, then I won't be at all surprised to find they didn't record a word of cockpit conversation nor a peep from the passenger cabin. I bet there won't be any records of any AirPhone usage, or any outgoing messages from any of the cell phones on board. I think the plane was hacked. Brought down. A poison gas canister attached to the air system and triggered by the "seat belts" signal when the plane reached altitude. And exactly 30 minutes later, the engines were shut down. Either by programming or by remote control. And the computer flies the plane perfectly, like a glider in an 8 minute descent, right into an Alp.I think looking at the passenger list could be very informative. This looks like a hit. A major hit, at the level of nation-states or the largest criminal cartels. Or a worldwide group of fanatics. So, who was on this flight?
Don't expect an honest answer. There are no honest governments."
As mentioned farther down this page, In 2002 I got proof the A320 has remote hijack recovery as a standard feature in all models when I "accidentally" got into a secure area of the Boeing web site where pilots were discussing the differences between aircraft from various manufacturers. They were discussing this remote hijack recovery system they all know exists and were questioning why it was not used to stop 911 because both the 757/767 had this system as well. When I say France crashed this airplane on purpose, I have a damn good reason to say so.
All relevant info regarding this crash, proving it was a government hit and nothing else is below.
Here is the scenario they decided to peddle
One pilot left the cockpit and could not get in. The other pilot was not responsive until the plane crashed. An arab type terror scenario has been implied, that the pilot in the cockpit suicide crashed the plane ON PURPOSE. PROBLEM. HUGE PROBLEMHOW DOES THAT EXPLAIN THE FIGHTER JET ESCORTS THEY EXPUNGED FROM REPORTS, FIGHTER JETS THAT ARE CUTELY CAPTURED AND SHOWN REPORTED BELOW ON THIS VERY PAGE? If you have not seen this, scroll down to the captures
This was their "flight recorder discovery" and if you believe that line, I have a bag of moon rocks.
Bottom line? They know they are nailed and this is the only scenario they have other than a remote controlled crash that can possibly fit what happened - an autopilot disabling followed by a perfectly controlled power descent straignt into a mountain. Either they explain it this way, or the are FORCED TO ADMIT THIS WAS A REMOTE CONTROL WHACK JOB. FAT CHANCE THEY EVER WILL If they try to back peddle from the "pilot crashed it on purpose" angle and just say the pilot passed out, that is a fail because autopilot was in control and even in the extremely likely event it was not in control, absent a pilot a plane will keep flying straight and level until it runs out of fuel. It will not go into a dive by itself.The biggest problem they can never overcome is the fighter jets that followed it until it hit the mountain, and then, rather than assess the situation, they bugged out. THAT SAYS IT ALL, they cannot back track from that cold hard fact.
They really are stuck with the suicide crash option. Will people believe it? NOT IF THEY KNOW ABOUT THE FIGHTER JETS. ARCHIVE AND POST!
It looks to me like Germany paid some "holocaust reparations" with an airplane!
Germanwings downing a legitimate black op
This is easy to tell, because now there are many theories popping up to divert and distract. There is one new theory, however, that got my interest and may actually be a clue if it is legit. This theory is that the fighter jets shot the A320 right before impact with the mountain and it was smoking as it hit. This could be plausible for the following reason: The A320 is a full fly by wire aircraft. If a pilot pushes a pedal or pulls a lever, it is not hooked up to the mechanics in any way whatsoever. And if this A320 was equipped with collision avoidance, this full fly by wire attribute most likely would not have allowed it to hit the mountain, most likely it would have pulled up on time and missed. If this is the case, then the fighter jets would have been needed to shoot the elevator portion of the tail flaps out, which are needed to make the aircraft pull up and if the tail is disabled, the collision avoidance would not have been able to stop the crash.Absent the tail, the plane could still proceed at full throttle into the mountain and whatever debris came off the tail would most likely have simply followed the plane into the mountain and not left a separate debris path. This fits the eyewitness scenario quite well, and would explain the roaring sound people heard continue for several seconds, this could have easily been caused by a missile launch to blow the tail out.
Other scenarios, such as a laser brought it down are in my opinion just diversions, but I will certainly give the scenario of smoke coming from the aircraft after it was shot while approaching the mountain fair consideration. Fighter jets and collision avoidance disabling certainly fit that scenario.
After all
Why would the fighter jets be there to begin with, and then leave the scene immediately after a crash that would have been obvious to them? No aircraft, even an ultralight, would go unnoticed by a fighter jet designed to hunt and kill, THEY KNEW THAT CRASH HAPPENED, WHY DID THEY LEAVE THE SCENE IMMEDIATELY? If they did not cause it, it would have been their job to stick around, assess the situation and report back to the base what the situation was. They did not do this, BIG QUESTION: WHY NOT?
Mails being tampered with - if you are trying to get through with information and are not seeing it here, it is because it got blocked. I have found what might be a good mail provider and will try to circumvent this problem."It is inexplicable how such a thing could happen to a technically perfect aircraft with experienced, trained at Lufthansa pilots" - Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr MY RESPONSE: IT IS NOT INEXPLICABLE, READ THE FOLLOWING:
New info on Germanwings crash
It has now been determined that the descent was a perfectly controlled full throttle dive of a perfectly working aircraft straight into the side of a mountain. And I know how it happened, details below.
Why no identifiable bodies? I got the answer:
Many people on the web are asking where the people are and how an airplane can just "vanish" into such tiny pieces. I have the answer. The crash was done in a way that caused the bodies to be erased so no person outside the controlled group of investigators could possibly identify anyone on the flight.How do you cause bodies to vanish and an airplane to turn into such small pieces?
By having the crash occur at a very high speed. And this particular crash happened at 600 plus MPH. A 600 plus MPH impact is proven by how badly the plane shredded. And 600 plus MPH crashes do not happen outside of willful intent.Chris wrote:
About the remote control capabilities of the 757/767 aircraft, you are right. They were revolutionary aircraft, and Popular Science covered their release in detail in the early 1980's. In one of the many reports they did, they talked about how the aircraft were hijack proof and ground controllable. I cannot find anything on this now, it seems 911 has done away with history and the report that mentioned this is not on the web. Someone is going to have to dig through the basement to find it in print.
My response:
I had a subscription to Popular science at that time and remember this. Additionally, in 2002 I accidentally got into a secure area of the Boeing web site where pilots were posting about this system and how it had been removed from all the aircraft after 911. Those who had experience with airbus said the system was still in A320 aircraft because Airbus had not been compromised (their coding was more secure). And this would explain why the fighter jets which accompanied this Germanwings flight all the way to it's death and then left the scene did not shoot it down, even though it is more than obvious they were either responsible for the crash or ordered to witness it. If erasing bodies and making them unidentifiable to all but a very controlled group of investigators was needed to conceal who was on that flight, remote controlling the aircraft into a mountain after a steep dive at full throttle would be the best way to do it, and now investigators at the scene have said the largest body part they have found is the size of a briefcase. Absolutely no one can be visually identified.Normal plane crashes do not have such small debris and erased bodies because pilots slow the plane down and it crashes at around 200 mph, not 600 plus.
Beyond all doubt, the fighter aircraft were responsible for this crash and whoever ordered this crash wanted the bodies erased. This is why the fighter jets did not shoot the plane down even though they were clearly responsible for it's demise. If they had shot the plane, it would have fallen in large pieces and would have had the bodies be intact. By using remote to crash the plane after a full throttle dive, they ensured a perfect crash scene with obliteration of evidence.
This is why no communication with the pilots happened, they were totally blacked out even after the tower declared an emergency and made repeated attempts to contact the pilots long before the crash actually happened and received no response. This is highly unusual, if not completely unprecedented except for the other obvious government jobs, - 911 and flight 370. They are testing conspiracies to see what will work to fool the public on forums and blogs right now, before releasing "what the black boxes said." The most prevalent theory for why the pilots were silent is slow depressurization blacked everyone out with no one noticing. This is bunk.FOR THE RECORD: The plane peaked out at 38,000 feet, stayed there for ONE MINUTE, and then did it's death dive. That is not long enough to black out everyone from a loss of cabin pressure, or "slowly depressurize the cabin" and once the plane hit 25,000 feet, people would have woken up even if this theory is what happened. It is an obvious hoax theory. The plane was simply not high enough long enough for this theory to hold any water.
Unfiltered mail blurbs from mails that made it.
Hello, Jim. This info. ought to be good for a sarcastic comment vis-a-vis sep 11 - might want to consider the remnants look like confetti, but the plane in 5 side polygon was claimed it drove through multi-foot thick reinforced concrete walls in a row and 2 others punched through steel framed towers, too. Shouldn't we then see a 40 foot deep divot hole in the mountainside? tim _____Come back to you again with this. Check the flight path radar. At video 016 it is getting hazy (why?). At 019 you still see the big plane on the right of GWI/18G .... At 020 this plane is vanished. AWAKS could do that - you know that better tan me cause you are the specialist. Looks for me like a warning to Merkel concerning not following US instructions concerninbg WW III ..... Please check ....
P.S.: The flight had been directed over the Alps, pretty far away from the direct route. There, where the plane came down, no French citizens could be hit.
you asked the question Who was on the plane?
In the news moments ago they said that there have been two engineers of Delphi on board of this plane.
Maybe it might be a small piece of info but to get the full pic we need to put them all together.
March 24 2015
A320 remote recovery system used to crash German A320, FINAL ANSWER.
PermalinkThis is not a joke, or statement that will be redacted, It's OBVIOUS.
At the time of 911, there were three well known aircraft that had remote control hijack recovery as a standard feature. These three aircraft were the Boeing 757, 767 and the Airbus A320. Though this information has been buried post 911, If anyone is able to dig expunged history, all 757/67 aircraft were grounded for over a month after 911. This grounding is not the same as the grounding of all aircraft that occurred, it is a separate grounding. The big short term grounding of all aircraft remains well publicized.The extended grounding of all 757/67 aircraft was done because the "white hats" knew the truth about 911 from second one, and ordered all 757/67 planes grounded while the remote hijack recovery systems were disabled one at a time because they knew how 911 really happened regardless of the zio spin. The Airbus A320 was allowed to continue with its remote hijack recovery systems in place because their access codes were more secure and at that time there was no hack that would work.
With regard to the present day crash:
If there is nothing to hide, we should already have word of what the pilots were saying to the tower, which is a cold hard fact with any crash that is not a black op. HOWEVER IT IS ALREADY CONFIRMED THE PILOTS "SAID NOTHING" AND THIS CANNOT BE REDACTED, DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH SCAMMING SOMETHING IN IF THEY TRY. In ALL CASES THAT ARE NOT BLACK OPS where problems happen at cruising altitude prior to a crash, pilots can always talk, and always have plenty of time to at least tell the tower what the problem is, plane crashes are not car accidents that are over in a second. As it turns out, the plane crash took a full 10 minutes to happen, which means that the fact that no pilot issued a mayday or radioed the tower had to have been caused, there is no way the pilots "missed" a 10 minute long crash in progress. The "slow depressurization" air mask failure conspiracies being hatched at this time patently ignore the presence of fighter jets which are the obvious culprit.This crash happened in France, which means there is no possibility whatsoever that the pilots were out of reach of a tower. We should already have all the details, no flight recorder recovery needed if this crash was legitimate.
You only need two pieces of info to nail this one. They are: 1. No word from the pilots, saying anything was wrong. 2. The plane was flying at a high altitude before this "crash". This means that the pilots could have at least issued a mayday, and they did not. Even though they crashed at a high speed, you can't delete that much altitude before a mayday could be sent or the tower could be reached the normal way. The only way NO communication can happen is if they got jammed or someone outside the aircraft disabled any ability to send a mayday. Or if the cockpit was suddenly destroyedAll reports are saying the plane crashed while in one piece so structural malfunction can probably be ruled out.
"Witnesses have described hearing an explosion 'like the sound of dynamite' then seeing fighter jets fly past, suggesting the passenger plane had been under military escort". It is impossible for the "sound of dynamite" to have been a sonic boom, because witnesses on the ground heard it before the fighter jets passed, and a sonic boom arrives AFTER the object causing it passes. The sound of dynamite was most likely the actual jet crash that the fighter planes either caused or were ordered to be present to witness.To the idiots out there who might say "Oh, the conspiracy crowd solved this before a single investigator arrived at the crash scene:" There are only a few things you need to know to solve this one, the rest is just scammery:
1. The plane descended for 10 minutes, and NO WORD FROM THE PILOTS. How can that happen? Jamming of communications. Who could have jammed communications? 2. The fighter jets, which were following this Airbus. THEY could have jammed the communications with ease, AND shot it down. They probably did not shoot it down OR EVEN NEED TO JAM COMMUNICATIONS because:3. The plane was equipped with remote control (for "hijack recovery") AS A STANDARD FEATURE. That level of external control would make switching off communications via remote control a NO BRAINER.
Why would fighter jets be following at just the right time anyway? That alone CINCHES IT. We really do need to figure out who was on that plane.
Here we have a screen capture, provided by a reader, that was taken at 10:44:36. It includes a large amount of the information I have above, INCLUDING THE FIGHTER JET ESCORTS:
HERE WE HAVE THE EDITED REPORT, WITH THE FIGHTER JETS REMOVED. If they get put back into the story and lies are hatched for damage control it is TOO LATE, the fact they chose to expunge this information irrevocably proves they never wanted these fighter jets to be mentioned, and THAT SAYS IT ALL. TOO LATE, BUSTED:

So now we have:
1. Plane took forever to crash and pilots never contacted the tower. That is a huge mystery, even according to the tower. 2. An Airbus with a remote control option.3. Fighter jet escorts, along with a very good description about how they appeared (they were not UFO's)
4. A redaction of the fighter jet escorts.
LOGICAL OUTPUT: 1. The pilots never contacted the tower because 2. The fighter jets prevented it by either jamming communications or 3. turning them off via remote control, and then crashing the jet via remote. 4. Expungement of the fighter jets from the news reports NAILS IT ALL, THIS ONE IS SHOT DEAD AND SERVED COLD.
Small debris helps confirm remote controlled crash because it indicates the plane crashed at 600 plus mph. THIS WOULD NOT HAPPEN UNLESS IT WAS INTENTIONAL.

However, if this was a remote control crash (as I believe) it probably happened at full throttle during a dive, which means 600 plus mph.
How bad is a 15 - 20 mph car crash compared to a 60 plus mph crash? That is why there is not much left to be seen here . . . . .
March 23 2015
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