Once again, this has been a week of incredibly intense energetic tidal waves, sweeping in almost non-stop, leaving exhaustion and for many of us, even confusion it their wake.
And once again, I waited to see who would be the first to pop up with an update on this next wave of high energy that has crashed onto our shores. I had been waiting and checking into Gaias Portal every few hours since sometime Sunday afternoon- KNOWing that the update would happen any moment.....
WELLA! All three of the sites I have been closely watching posted within hours of each other, and the message was ohhhhhhhhhh so clear and very very perfect in my own experiences of the past 72 hours.
I personally have been through an emotional rollercoaster- dealing with old fears and LOOKING at the past experiences and SEEing them for what they were and what they meant at the time and in the NOW. There were a few times during the past 48 hours when the words "drowning" were very much on my mind. Drowning in emotions, drowning in fears, drowning in old history..... I thought deeply on the experiences and tried to look at them "rationally", tried to discern what was MY fear/emotions/reactions, vs what was the emotions/reactions of others around me that I was picking up on. Usually I am easily able to tell the difference between the internal and external energetics and emotions, but this past weekend I felt as if I was floundering on a piece of driftwood amongst the crashing waves. No sooner would I work my way though one wave of overwhelming emotion, when a second and third one would hit, leaving me almost breathless, struggling for air. The days were short in length, and yet L O N G in duration while I rode the wild surf.
Needless to say, yesterday I didn't even think about my computer or checking on anything, lol. But this morning, there is was, exactly what I was looking for. Below for you to read are the messages posted last night by Gaia's Portal, Aisha North, and Truthcodes.
Intensities of energetic pulses reaches maximum at this moment.
Flashes of insight become commonplace among hu-being elements, and are shared rapidly.
Elevation of hu-manity to Hue-manity proceeds rapidly in the current Gaia time period.
Continuations of Light Elements Incomings is enhanced at this moment and results in Grand consciousness expansion.
A short update on the energies
October 13, 2014
by Aisha North
The adjustments that have been undertaken recently will help to bring you all up to par as it were with the continuation of incoming energetic fluctuations, and so, even if some of you will still feel some temporary physical setbacks as the full scope of these energetic encodings enter your being, you will soon find yourself emerging from the fog as it were in every sense of the word. You see, as the ongoing inoculation if you will will continue to increase not only in magnitude but also in velocity, you will also continue to increase your abilities to incorporate them at an ever increasing speed. For now there is no holding back this flow of endless illumination, and so, as you continue to take in more of these energized particles with literally every breath you take, you are also in a continuous flow of expansion and eviction. In other words, as you continue to grow with this flow, you also continue to exhale whatever it is that your body has been holding on to, the detritus to use a familiar word of your former existence, and this will continue to exit your physical vehicle.
This process in itself is not without its interesting side effects as some of you may be able to testify to, for it will at times feel as if you have been running a marathon or moving a mountain during your sleep. And in many ways, this is actually what you have been doing, as you are all doing a formidable work of lightening your load in this way. And so, as day follows night and in the blink of an eye seems to be followed by a new day, this process continues to speed up exponentially, and you can almost be likened to shooting stars now by the amount of debris that glitters in your wake. For if you could see this from our perspective, you would see yourself as a shining pinprick of light gathering speed, while a trail of glimmering stardust shimmers in your wake as you continue to separate yourself fully from your old being.
Again, this process is something that has not been done before, for unlike others going through a similar process of upscaling their energetic vibrational field, you are doing so while fully immersed within a physical body. And so, you are truly the brightest stars on the firmament in every sense of the word, and you are also the ones who have been chosen for this very task by your abilities to fly as high as you are doing. For this is not something that is taken on by chance, but by a divine design, a design that you yourselves have been instrumental in putting together.
So again we say know that all is well, and you are fanning the flames of your booster rockets even as we speak, the better to accelerate your speed even more as this week continues to supply you with even more fuel for your engines, and so, all you have to do, is to allow that old field of dust that is still trailing in your wake to finally let go completely from your field. For even if this evacuation process of the old is beautiful to behold, and the detritus from it can be mesmerizing to observe, it is also of the greatest importance that you do not let yourself fall for the temptation to crane your neck and look behind you too much. For what you need to do, is to focus on the horizon ahead, and the more you continue to look backwards, the more tempestuous your journey will be.
In other words, let yourself fly away from the old and focus your inner vision on what lies ahead, not on those shimmering and alluring glimpses of your past. For they will only serve to slow you down, and remember the incoming shower of sparks will only serve to push you that much harder if you are facing in the wrong direction. So give yourself the leeway you need in order to let bygones be bygones, and set your sight on the uncharted territory that awaits ahead, ready for you to come and reclaim it. For it may seem unfamiliar to you at the moment, but the space that awaits you is more familiar to you than what you can envisage at this time, for it is indeed the primordial sea of energetic potential that beckons ahead, a place you used to know like the back of your hand, and a place that is so eager to welcome you back home into it.
And so, the more you let yourself forget what is trailing in your wake, the sooner it will let go completely from your sphere of influence, and the faster and lighter your journey forwards and upwards will be. So let go, and let the flow of incoming light continue to push you in the back so you can get reunited with that former version of you, the pure one, the all-encompassing one, the one that is devoid of inhibitions, limitations and lies, the ones that is pure and simple light and potential, but this time, it will be all this and it will be held within this familiar container you call your body. And that dear ones, is the goal you are aiming for, and it is within reach for every single one of you, and it is far, far closer than you perhaps think.
It is to be noted that in order to allow the flow and the movement of the New Earth energies then you must move from being a “solid” to “melting” to “fluidity”. The “solid” form being the static, solid that the old 3D earth created construct teaches you to be in order to be present and live in human form upon this planet. As this is released then this form moves to “melting” mode, where the energies begin to flow and movement begins to occur. It is in this movement that your deepest fears will begin to surface as you have been taught to hold tightly on to them and to create from WITHIN them. As they begin to move to the surface you may begin to believe that they are real and that you must “do” something with them. All you are required to do is to acknowledge them and then to allow them to flow. Attempting to address them or ignore them will see them begin to be “fed” with the very frequencies that you are trying to allow to release and dissolve.
This is done on ALL levels of your BEing so can be felt on ALL levels and will play out on all levels. Many of you at this time may be tempted to try to hold on to other lifetimes and try to live through these lifetimes by bringing them into your current waking reality. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth, only TRUTH is supported and TRUTH JUST IS. The human race are moving into evolution, they are NOT recreating another reality that exists on any other dimensional level and this must be acknowledged and accepted and released fully.
The dance with other dimensional realities will have you remain in the “loop” of frequency from which this was/is birthed and will see you blind to the loop whilst feeding it. The “unknown” has been taught to the human race as the “enemy”, to allow SELF to expand is to walk in the unknown and be in TRUST and FAITH of SELF at all moments of all moments, this does not mean that the unknown is indeed unknown for you are creating this at higher levels of your BEing and then allowing the expansion into said movement.
At this time there is much panic in the world, energetically a race that has been kept in isolation and kept in containment has just been handed the keys to the jail cell but much like a prisoner who has been kept caged and has subsequently adjusted to said cage the walk out of the jail cell may feel to be very scary indeed.
A New Earth and a new way of living is birthed through moving into
expansion in ways never experienced before, it is not achieved by
revisiting other dimensional timelines and trying to replicate something
that has already been experienced despite how “comforting” or “secure”
this may attempt to make you feel it is further distortion. THIS is the
only waking reality in which the New Earth can be birthed with off
planet and inter dimensional distortions seeping into and throughout the
old 3D earth created construct it is not TRUTH to interact with them
on any level. They will seek at all times to pull you out of balance and
to pull you out of alignment.
At this time you are asked to allow the melting and the subsequent flow of energies through you, around you and within you, noting that at first this may seem overwhelming and may seem to be the very opposite of what your human logical mind wants to happen. ALL JUST IS and ALL IS BY DESIGN. FLUIDITY has been prevented from being experienced by the human race until this moment and you are asked to BE. As the outer waking reality begins to move into fluidity you will instinctively know when to move and to shift and to align fully with it. It may feel as if you have been visited by an emotional storm, any storm has a calm centre and this is the place to BE whilst the storm rages and re-aligns the outer waking reality. The shifting will be at a speed that you allow and can expand with, attempts at stopping the movement will see you in emotional pain and constriction and is not supported by the New Earth frequencies. By allowing the flow you allow expansion into the “unknown” which then shifts to become the known.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.
And once again, I waited to see who would be the first to pop up with an update on this next wave of high energy that has crashed onto our shores. I had been waiting and checking into Gaias Portal every few hours since sometime Sunday afternoon- KNOWing that the update would happen any moment.....
WELLA! All three of the sites I have been closely watching posted within hours of each other, and the message was ohhhhhhhhhh so clear and very very perfect in my own experiences of the past 72 hours.
I personally have been through an emotional rollercoaster- dealing with old fears and LOOKING at the past experiences and SEEing them for what they were and what they meant at the time and in the NOW. There were a few times during the past 48 hours when the words "drowning" were very much on my mind. Drowning in emotions, drowning in fears, drowning in old history..... I thought deeply on the experiences and tried to look at them "rationally", tried to discern what was MY fear/emotions/reactions, vs what was the emotions/reactions of others around me that I was picking up on. Usually I am easily able to tell the difference between the internal and external energetics and emotions, but this past weekend I felt as if I was floundering on a piece of driftwood amongst the crashing waves. No sooner would I work my way though one wave of overwhelming emotion, when a second and third one would hit, leaving me almost breathless, struggling for air. The days were short in length, and yet L O N G in duration while I rode the wild surf.
Needless to say, yesterday I didn't even think about my computer or checking on anything, lol. But this morning, there is was, exactly what I was looking for. Below for you to read are the messages posted last night by Gaia's Portal, Aisha North, and Truthcodes.
Intensities of energetic pulses reaches maximum at this moment
13 Oct
Flashes of insight become commonplace among hu-being elements, and are shared rapidly.
Elevation of hu-manity to Hue-manity proceeds rapidly in the current Gaia time period.
Continuations of Light Elements Incomings is enhanced at this moment and results in Grand consciousness expansion.
A short update on the energies
October 13, 2014
by Aisha North
The adjustments that have been undertaken recently will help to bring you all up to par as it were with the continuation of incoming energetic fluctuations, and so, even if some of you will still feel some temporary physical setbacks as the full scope of these energetic encodings enter your being, you will soon find yourself emerging from the fog as it were in every sense of the word. You see, as the ongoing inoculation if you will will continue to increase not only in magnitude but also in velocity, you will also continue to increase your abilities to incorporate them at an ever increasing speed. For now there is no holding back this flow of endless illumination, and so, as you continue to take in more of these energized particles with literally every breath you take, you are also in a continuous flow of expansion and eviction. In other words, as you continue to grow with this flow, you also continue to exhale whatever it is that your body has been holding on to, the detritus to use a familiar word of your former existence, and this will continue to exit your physical vehicle.
This process in itself is not without its interesting side effects as some of you may be able to testify to, for it will at times feel as if you have been running a marathon or moving a mountain during your sleep. And in many ways, this is actually what you have been doing, as you are all doing a formidable work of lightening your load in this way. And so, as day follows night and in the blink of an eye seems to be followed by a new day, this process continues to speed up exponentially, and you can almost be likened to shooting stars now by the amount of debris that glitters in your wake. For if you could see this from our perspective, you would see yourself as a shining pinprick of light gathering speed, while a trail of glimmering stardust shimmers in your wake as you continue to separate yourself fully from your old being.
Again, this process is something that has not been done before, for unlike others going through a similar process of upscaling their energetic vibrational field, you are doing so while fully immersed within a physical body. And so, you are truly the brightest stars on the firmament in every sense of the word, and you are also the ones who have been chosen for this very task by your abilities to fly as high as you are doing. For this is not something that is taken on by chance, but by a divine design, a design that you yourselves have been instrumental in putting together.
So again we say know that all is well, and you are fanning the flames of your booster rockets even as we speak, the better to accelerate your speed even more as this week continues to supply you with even more fuel for your engines, and so, all you have to do, is to allow that old field of dust that is still trailing in your wake to finally let go completely from your field. For even if this evacuation process of the old is beautiful to behold, and the detritus from it can be mesmerizing to observe, it is also of the greatest importance that you do not let yourself fall for the temptation to crane your neck and look behind you too much. For what you need to do, is to focus on the horizon ahead, and the more you continue to look backwards, the more tempestuous your journey will be.
In other words, let yourself fly away from the old and focus your inner vision on what lies ahead, not on those shimmering and alluring glimpses of your past. For they will only serve to slow you down, and remember the incoming shower of sparks will only serve to push you that much harder if you are facing in the wrong direction. So give yourself the leeway you need in order to let bygones be bygones, and set your sight on the uncharted territory that awaits ahead, ready for you to come and reclaim it. For it may seem unfamiliar to you at the moment, but the space that awaits you is more familiar to you than what you can envisage at this time, for it is indeed the primordial sea of energetic potential that beckons ahead, a place you used to know like the back of your hand, and a place that is so eager to welcome you back home into it.
And so, the more you let yourself forget what is trailing in your wake, the sooner it will let go completely from your sphere of influence, and the faster and lighter your journey forwards and upwards will be. So let go, and let the flow of incoming light continue to push you in the back so you can get reunited with that former version of you, the pure one, the all-encompassing one, the one that is devoid of inhibitions, limitations and lies, the ones that is pure and simple light and potential, but this time, it will be all this and it will be held within this familiar container you call your body. And that dear ones, is the goal you are aiming for, and it is within reach for every single one of you, and it is far, far closer than you perhaps think.
Releasing the FEAR of the “unknown”
Posted: October 13, 2014 Filed under: Birthing the New Earth, exiting the old 3d earth reality, expansion, LOVE, multi dimensional, New Earth Reality, universe of 3 | Tags: crystalline sanctuary, human life, Karen Dover, LOVE, new earth frequencies, TRUTH, universe of 3 1 Comment For many of you at this time it may be a time of utter chaos, as the old 3D earth created constructs begin to dissolve there are no reference points that your human logical mind can reach in this frequency and so the human logical mind goes into a panic. Many of you may have felt the increase in energies over the past few days especially just on or at the full moon. At a human conscious waking mind level this may play out with roles and patterns being shown for what they are in TRUTH. The triggering that is done at a human conscious waking mind level may be intense with very physical symptoms that may appear in various forms.It is to be noted that in order to allow the flow and the movement of the New Earth energies then you must move from being a “solid” to “melting” to “fluidity”. The “solid” form being the static, solid that the old 3D earth created construct teaches you to be in order to be present and live in human form upon this planet. As this is released then this form moves to “melting” mode, where the energies begin to flow and movement begins to occur. It is in this movement that your deepest fears will begin to surface as you have been taught to hold tightly on to them and to create from WITHIN them. As they begin to move to the surface you may begin to believe that they are real and that you must “do” something with them. All you are required to do is to acknowledge them and then to allow them to flow. Attempting to address them or ignore them will see them begin to be “fed” with the very frequencies that you are trying to allow to release and dissolve.
This is done on ALL levels of your BEing so can be felt on ALL levels and will play out on all levels. Many of you at this time may be tempted to try to hold on to other lifetimes and try to live through these lifetimes by bringing them into your current waking reality. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth, only TRUTH is supported and TRUTH JUST IS. The human race are moving into evolution, they are NOT recreating another reality that exists on any other dimensional level and this must be acknowledged and accepted and released fully.
The dance with other dimensional realities will have you remain in the “loop” of frequency from which this was/is birthed and will see you blind to the loop whilst feeding it. The “unknown” has been taught to the human race as the “enemy”, to allow SELF to expand is to walk in the unknown and be in TRUST and FAITH of SELF at all moments of all moments, this does not mean that the unknown is indeed unknown for you are creating this at higher levels of your BEing and then allowing the expansion into said movement.
At this time there is much panic in the world, energetically a race that has been kept in isolation and kept in containment has just been handed the keys to the jail cell but much like a prisoner who has been kept caged and has subsequently adjusted to said cage the walk out of the jail cell may feel to be very scary indeed.
At this time you are asked to allow the melting and the subsequent flow of energies through you, around you and within you, noting that at first this may seem overwhelming and may seem to be the very opposite of what your human logical mind wants to happen. ALL JUST IS and ALL IS BY DESIGN. FLUIDITY has been prevented from being experienced by the human race until this moment and you are asked to BE. As the outer waking reality begins to move into fluidity you will instinctively know when to move and to shift and to align fully with it. It may feel as if you have been visited by an emotional storm, any storm has a calm centre and this is the place to BE whilst the storm rages and re-aligns the outer waking reality. The shifting will be at a speed that you allow and can expand with, attempts at stopping the movement will see you in emotional pain and constriction and is not supported by the New Earth frequencies. By allowing the flow you allow expansion into the “unknown” which then shifts to become the known.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.
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