
Friday 21 December 2012

My Apology

Good morning my wonderful friends!!

I want to apologize for the post I put up last night.  It was very late, I was blearily exhausted, I just copied and pasted the post without reading it first......

Baabs and various other anonymous posters- I throw myself on the mercy of the court and plead exhaustion and momentary stupidity.  If I had known that it contained a link to a service that charges, I would not of posted that section of the article (at the very least).  I do not post links  or promote any site that asks for money.  That has been my "rule" since the very first post on the very first day.

I'm sorry.

 I am now going to return to my previous good mood and enjoy this wonderful day.



  1. Whew! I knew something was amiss here. Thankyou for your honesty and genuine concern for your readers. Though my confidence was initially shaken, I am very understanding in this regard, and was quite relieved to read your heartfelt apology- as I'm certain all your loyal readers were also. Don't be so hard on yourself though, and please carry on. Love to you and yours.

  2. D, I thought something like that happened... It just didn't feel like "you" :) And yes, don't be so hard on yourself, you are doing amazing job here and I can only imagine what you do that we are not even aware of. :) Much love&light.

  3. Has anyone ascended yet?

    1. Honestly I am sticking with my previous statements on this and other blogs that this is not an individual ascension for any person or thing on this planet. It is a planetary ascension involving everything on this planet. I truly believe that we will still see a wonderful ascension event as I have envisioned it while it dream state. But I think that we are now in the transition phase where things have to have some time to set in. Plus there is still like 85% of our population that needs to wake up and start understanding what has been going on so that they can consciously assimilate all this energy. I think Tolec has it right when he says 2013 is a time of change and transition and that we will see an ascension event late 2013 or early 2014.

    2. There needs to be proof to all those theories and none of us has seen any. If ascension is a hoax, oh well I read alot about the transhumanist movement. They say that technology will progress to the point(sooner if all that suppressed tech ever gets released) where humans will upgrade themselves into sentient robots and be able to live forever as long as they backup all of their memories. Read up on Ray Kurzweil.

  4. Yeah a gas of mine ascended and disappeared to another dimension.

  5. I think we can find it in our hearts to forgive you D, at least I know I do. We all know how exhausting this shit has been lately.

  6. so, what's the new spin gonna be? how will all theses channellers walk back the lofty promises of their favorite non-physical entity? denial, of course. all the "negative" people just don't understand: they were never talking about a physical ascension (conveniently bypassing the whole crystalline body business). who ever said the world would look different? not us.

    well, the world still looks exactly like it did yesterday. No crystal cities, no cool ufo's, not even a removal of the cabal.

    don't these channellers get it yet? theses non-physical beings they do contact are interested in one thing only: to leech their energy. we humans have yummy energy for these guys and they will say anything to get them to give it up. this is why they go on and on about energetic portals, special energetic days, etc. this is feast time for them.

    1. D does not support or post anything to do with channelers here. So why are you?

    2. because this site is one of the only ones that even allows comments.

      let's face it, we're one incentuous family, all these 2012 blogs.

    3. Most channels are nothing more than disinfo, I realized this months ago. Other channels are simply that person's own beliefs. I really wonder if this whole ascension theory is just a hoax or a massive disinfo campaign. If it is, there's always the transhumanist route by 2030 per Moore's law.

    4. Salusa popped up to deliver his channel about the great changes and wonders and sights and.........blah blah we would be seeing on the 21st..and at the end stated he would not be posting again until the 28th......going on holiday?
      at the most amazing moment in time for humanity? not staying to post new revelations? no he is away to eat his tukey and worship his saturnalian could make it up but there is really no need.....

      I would also like to apologise to BTS for my angry post ,and her velocity in dealing with the to you from me.

  7. You nailed it right on the head 08:46

    "don't these channellers get it yet? theses non-physical beings they do contact are interested in one thing only: to leech their energy. we humans have yummy energy for these guys and they will say anything to get them to give it up. this is why they go on and on about energetic portals, special energetic days, etc. this is feast time for them."

    1. Yeah just ask Greg Giles about that:)

    2. notice these contacts are always luminaries like Jesus, Archangel Michael, etc. we never hear from Joe the peasant or from Sam the butcher. they are well aware of our fascination with the cult of personality, so they provide exactly that. then, they know the more uplifting the message (and most of these are full of truth and light)the further the message will go, the more will read it, the bigger the feast. people naively believe that as long as they are not involved in the exchange of fear than it is all good. what makes them think these guys don't have a taste for loving positive energy too? they're not monsters, just hungry for our energy and light. and it is offered up to them with our attention and intentions.

  8. OBAMA TO SPEAK ON FISCAL CLIFF TODAY AT EST...could this be the announcement we have been waiting for???

  9. Did he speak of the fiscal cliff? Did he speak of the announcements?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hello Merry and John and Emeraldray and forgive me for those not mentioned whom have shown such compassion for me here .It really had me crying like a baby. There are always those who are not able to see things for what they are. I did not tell my story in any attempt to have others offer help. Just sharing. What others do ,obviously comes from a place that others cannot access . This is happening worldwide. Some lend a hand,while others walk by people lying in the gutters .Not just in third world countries ,but right here in America. So please ,by no means let anybody feel that because one beautiful woman named Merry wanted to help,that you need to follow suit.We all wish and hope and dream about what the ST.Germaine Grant would do to help us all.I hope and pray that the world system works itself out ,in whatever manner is appropriate to create the changes we need to make this Earth,Gaia, the paradise it was meant to be ,for us all .Creatures all,big and small .Hug and hold whomever you love ,especially our animal family.They do far more healing than we could ever give them credit for.Maybe,next time,think before passing by someone who is in obvious need, or better yet, reach out and find some one in need.The reward in blessinngs back to you will astonish you and surely validate the process of paying it forward. Love to all . Anyone can e-mail me at ...I have nothing to hide ..Not even my crayons. How's everyone's coloring going..? Love and Light to You All...Barbara


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