
Friday 21 December 2012

Join us in an hour on Wake up shift is happening!!

Join us tomorrow on "Wake up Shift is Happening" Radio show

Hi everyone!  If you can, join us today for the radio show we will be doing at 1:30pm est- Deb, Hope, Carrol and I, and our wonderful Sherrie in the background holding us together.

One of the things we will be discussing is the "Christ" Consciousness and I will be talking about my hesitations with the use of the word Christ, and the use of words of the old paradigm being used in the new.   After talking this morning with both Hope and Deb on this topic, we think that it's an important discussion to have as I'm sure many many people also might resonate with this conversation.

As usual, the show will be available to listen to afterwards and I will post links.

The energy today has been incredible so far in our house- highs and lows of massive proportions and my kids have been tossed around by the waves.  So during the show, I will be in and out as I will no doubt have to deal with more tears and more negative energies as they pass by.... you might even meet my littlest man as he's been needing a lot of mommy time and love today.

Looking forward to talking to you all in a little over an hour!

Sending you all lots of light

Join us for a Radio Broadcast on Dec. 21

Friday December 21st 1:30 PM EST
Wake Up…Shift Is Happening! Day 21 BOLU Christ-Mass Consciousness I AM Activation
It’s Time…We are calling forth 333 Beings of Light (to Unite) to be present and accounted for…It’s Time…
It’s Time…To Awaken, To Remember, To ACTIVATE the Christ Consciousness of the I AM Presence as 333 Beings BE the conduits and proxies for a New Humanity Divine Blueprint to come forth.
Many things are coming to a tipping point, to a head.  The energies have been increasing, chaotic, unnerving, relentless, roller coaster and what else is there to say?
Deborah Pietsch will be joined by Power Beings of Light Gal Pals HopeGirl, “D” of Removing the Shackles and Carrol of  FB Group No Holds Barred, as we anchor, activate and celebrate the closing of many cycles AND prepare to Activate the New Beginnings energies of 12/22/12
1st hour and half: Open roundtable for sharing and Callers
Final 30 minutes: “Tuning In to St. Germain & Master Jesus for Beings of Light ~ CHRIST – “Mass Consciousness” ACTIVATION.
As the energies increase – everyone is being given the opportunity to activate the alchemical transformational process that is available to further uplevel your energy field and Light Body.
The Christ Consciousness of the “I AM Presence” is fully anchoring during this Winter Soltice, end of many cycles and beginning of new ages, the Age of Aquarius, The Golden Age and The Age of I AM LOVE.
We are in this together.  We are here to further anchor and activate this time with you…we look forward to being together on this amazing day, December 21st 2012.

With Love, Gratitude & Light,
Deb, D, HopeGirl, Carrol and assisted by Sherrie


  1. Looking forward to it.

  2. I agree with 'nothing will happen' Nothing has happened.

    1. well my friend, that might be your reality, but it's not my reality :>)

    2. My reality is the same as 10:38. D must be in a parallel universe.

      My reality sees that the Peace President is selecting cabal cross and bones Kerry as secretary of state. So its business as usual. Carry on.

    3. There's a massive disinfo campaign(which some insiders are buying into) saying O is a "lightworker" but he continues to oppress humanity. Even if by miracle he turns to the light, this does not change the fact he has done so many crimes against humanity and will have an enormous amount of karma to work off.

      I would very much love to live in BTS reality. I am tired of all the corruption going on in the world. About 10% of us are awake, but this is not enough. If the lightworkers are ever able to force the mainstream media to speak the truth, yea another 20% of humans may wake up and this will help tons.

    4. lol- you are mistaking my words. I said that in my reality change is happening and I can acknowledge those changes that I can see. I too am tired of the corruption of this world- I rant continuously. But change is occuring- right now, all around you and I.

      ....Hence, something IS happening :>)

  3. Something has happened, and does each time you post. It's got your attention and the attention of 'nothing will happen'.

    If you really believed nothing will happen, you could ignore the Light, but you can't.

    It's the same as an atheist chronicling a church.

    Love and Light to you.

  4. D

    Will the program air?

    1. Give us a summary of what you discussed. But alot of us are disappointed that we have not seen any proof of things happening. I was out of town for a few days, been reading your posts on a new financial system and prosperity packages. I have discussed 12/21/12 with my parents and they say it's all nonsense and now are saying "told ya so" why did the Mayans hype this date so much then?

  5. "well my friend, that might be your reality, but it's not my reality"

    HAHA...I knew this line of crap would come. You know all too well that people were calling for some 'event', so to play this card is SHAMELESS. But I'm not surprised at all.

    I'd have more respect if you'd admit you were wrong.

    Not holding my breath. You are a first class snakeoil saleswoman.

    PS - GOD HATES YOU. lolololol

    1. I think the "event" is the day itself.

      "It is the "high mark" for astrological calculations. In fact, many cultures have legends and folklore about this time. The Native American Indians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Pacific Islanders, the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the British Royals, the Tibetans, the African Natives, the Australian Aborigionees, The Amazonians, and the Nordics.

      Its not everyday that a 26,000 year cycle ends, right before your very eyes. Notice and feel!

      There is a reason why ancient monuments are aligned with celestial bodies and are positioned on ley lines throughout the world. They are a common denominator for the Egyptian Pyramids, Stonehenge, The Vatican, New York City, Underwater Japanese Pyramids, Mayan Temples, and so forth."

      The above quoted from Jonnydontplay

      Yes there's been all kinds of speculation and hoopla surrounding 12/21/12, but there's a reason for that. I've also seen a lot of the "Big Guns", ie: Wilcock, Fulford, Gilliland etc (as well as the existing Mayan Elders themselves) say they didn't think anything specific was going to happen on this day, that this day was simply a turning point.

      Things are happening. Things are moving. Stay tuned.

    2. Have you seen any proof yourself or is it simply your beliefs? There was so much hype and nothing big happened. Now I am seeing excuses and ridicule all over the net. I was so hoping that we would see some sort of event, but either it is a hoax or the elites prevented this. One more thing, God loves everyone unconditionally and hates none.

    3. my anonymous friends. change is happening all around you. you can open your eyes and see it or you can refuse to see it. The choice is yours my friends and I will never tell any one else how to live or what to believe.

      I will also say that if you actually read the articles I have been writing you would know that I have never said that there was going to be some specific event that would happen today, on 12 21 2012. I have never said that the world would stand still, or that there would be 3 days of darkness, or that there would be cataclysmic earth shifts, or that we would all suddenly sprout angel wings and fly away with our harps.

      You might be thinking of some other site and some other writer.

      Regardless, go a head and say what you wish, it doesn't matter to me. Sticks and Stones and all that.

    4. D is right she has never once supported and "Event" at all on this site. And if there where any articles reposted from other blogs its simply for you to read and discern for yourself which she has stated time and time again.

    5. I am just wondering why so many lightworkers thought something big would happen on 12/21/12? Now I see so much disappointment and excuses. There's talk that the elites did something to prevent some sort of event from happening on the most anticipated date in history.

    6. You know what, All of us can intuit our own messages. I am not sure if people understand that there is work to the ascension process. I have stated over and over that in order to manifest your desire, you first MUST create the belief system that supports your intent. We are ALL extensions of God. Gifted with the same power of creation as God. Through oppression, tyranny, religion, tribal mind set (societies rules), brainwashing, pharmaceuticals and every other rotten Cabal trick, we no longer recognize our power. We no longer believe we have any power. We bought the lie that we are victims and co-created this mess, we are ALL GUILTY. I believe what we are all waiting for is that 100th monkey effect. We have not reached the critical mass of awakened people to tip the scales. Once the scale tips, everyone will know what we know, it will be instantaneous. There will be no naysayers. That is absolutely, positively the moment the Cabal loses their power forevermore. That will be the moment we are liberated. That will be the time to sit down united, as the family of man and recreate our world into something of sublime beauty. All the "snakeoil saleswoman" crap and mean spirited dialog directed at BTS is not warranted or acceptable. This is HER blog and she is speaking her truth. It also happens to be MY truth too. We have all played our part in co-creating our current nightmare. We all have to play our parts to bring about the world we want. Be loving. Do not judge or condemn others. Be mindful of what you think. Thoughts have more creative power than spoken words. Try to just passively observe a volatile situation instead of letting it rile you up. Getting riled feeds what you do not want and makes it grow. Make it your intent to wake up the rest of humanity. Be grateful for what you do have. Know that you are a priceless treasure and you are loved beyond your understanding. Soon, very soon, everything is going to be better than anything you thought was possible, for EVERYONE GLOBALLY. Live every day like it's your last. Everything is literally on the doorstep. BELIEVE IT!

  6. the proof will be in the way history rolls out in front of us over the coming weeks, months, years, decades. it's up to us and always has been, but today is symbolic and a great turning point for millions/billions of people on the planet.

    nothing happened? no saviors? no ascension? no aliens? GOOD! now WE can finally make it happen. there's no more big dates with destiny left to sit and wait WE mobilize.

    get it?

    we will look back and see 12/21/2012 as a great catalyst. there's a reason this day has been singled out by so many ancient cultures. it is the shift, the procession, and it BEGINS now. let us BE the Ones!

  7. That was amazing!!! I felt like I was going against the flow trying to be alone today because I felt drawn to participate in something like this. I ultimately decided to hang with my parents and kids, since it is my birthday, but I'd given up on meditation or anything. I just happened to be reminded of this 11 minutes before it's start and shortly after my parents just happened to go to the store right at the baby's nap time and everything fell into alignment for these perfect moments! My dog even came in and nestled into my lap in the middle of the activation, something she doesn't usually do, and she stayed there until just after it ended, even though I was listening through headphones. She's so my bud. Anyway, thanks so much for inviting us to be a part of this amazing experience!

    1. I'm so glad that everything fell into place for you my friend.

      ... it was an amazing experience! I'll write about what I felt later on when I have a moment of quiet.

    2. Mine was just the opposite. I had silence until about 30 seconds into the activation, then the teenager had to come tell me every single, minute detail about a game he was playing so I missed it. :(

      It was a good show, though!

  8. *squee* I'm still buzzing! I love these activations, intense and profound. They are very connecting both internally and externally. Beings of Light Unite! Namaste!

    1. yes, I'm feeling very very connected right now- it's awesome!

  9. I did not do any sort of activation or meditation or anything at all for that matter.... My day was total shit to be honest. I woke up at 4 AM very distraught for no apparent reason and could not go back to sleep. from that point on I was in a shitty mood and itchy as fuck all morning because I am having some health problems coming out of my skin due to what chinese medicine refers to as dampness within the body. Another name for a toxic body I guess. Either way my day was shit and I dont really care because I never had today pegged as an immediate get outta jail free card. Many months ago It seemed like if things happened on schedule that we may have had enough time to pull it off but in the past few months I could just feel that things where not lining up for ascension on Dec 21st. We still have some time in the slammer to serve as we prepare for whats to come.

    1. that was my morning as well my friend. Couldn't sleep, my kids fought and cried all morning, my head was splitting from the noise, I was grumpy.... but it got much much better. Hang in there my friend.

  10. I Listened To The Entire Show. D, You Had Me Cracking Up :-) Not Sure Who Mentioned Waking Up At 3:33 Am But Funny To Hear That Bec I Was Doing That A While Back For About Two Weeks Before I Even Discovered This Blog. I Was Researching Dr. Steven Greer And Thought It Might Be Et's Trying To Contact Me, LMAO I Still Don't Know What It Means But Now I Know it's Not Just Me!

    1. hahahahah- the numbers thing is getting a bit freaky for me too lately, lol! I"m glad that you enjoyed the program and I was able to make you smile!

  11. Today has been absolutely perfect. I started my day out at 5:30am went outside in 40 degree weather in shorts a tank and bare feet to meditate for 10 minutes. That was all I could handle as it was bloody cold and I could no longer feel my feet LOL. I finished up my shopping for Christmas, gave a homeless gentleman 5.00 and helped a young couple with a small child who didn't have enough for their grocery purchase. It made me a little short, but you know what, who cares. I have everything I need and have been ex tactically happy all day and in this NOW moment am loving life.

    Change is definitely happening. I smiled at everyone I came into contact with and got wonderful smiles back and even happy tears and 3 hugs from complete strangers.


    1. that's awesome!!! especially the hugs from strangers!

    2. Sounds great! Everywhere I went people shared smiles with me. we let a couple of elderly ladies through the checkout before us and they had tears in their eyes when they thanked us, which we reciprocated. Late on we had a wonderful card from someone we hadn't heard from in nearly 20 years ~ awesome. Change is happening,though it looks like all the bad stuff is coming out, all the problems. I want all the solutions to come flooding out now. I guess patience is a bit of a trial sometimes :-)

      Sine Nomine

  12. It would be great to relate the same thing. However, I cannot. In fact, I need to apologize before I vent. Sorry everyone if this is an unfavorable post, but this comes from the heart.
    I have tried to keep a positive attitude through out this whole process. People think I am insane to ever think anything is ever going to change. I think they are right. I am insane to believe anything good will come out of anything.

    My mom is in the hospital, I can't stand to see her this way. It pisses me off that there are treatments out there that can help her but they can't be released. What about all the people dying right now, while we are thinking love and light? When will this crap end? If nothing is going to happen, then nothing is going to happen and there is NOTHING we can do about it, as long as the people who are in power stay in power.

    Look who took Hillary's place? Another 1% who doesn't care about humanity. Bilderberg all the way. How is it that this can happen if things are changing? People are still being murdered, but that's okay as long as we are thinking of love and light? Chemtrails GLORE but yet the "bad guys" are going to prison. Really? Hmmm. This is what I honestly believe, from the heart, no less.

    The so called good guys are just buying more time until everything is in place. Sure, there will be a lot of people going down, but it's not all what you think. The bad guys are still out there, unknown. Everyone we do know that are the bad guys will go away, at some point. But the bad guys are the ones that are beyond the Rothschild's and all the other yahoo's.

    They are out there, silent as a fox. They use their puppets to do the talking. They will just get other puppets to do their work. Oh, the world will hail these new people as "wonderful" but deep down they aren't. They have been planning this for thousands of years, but was unable to complete... but they had to get on the good side of humanity. Make so horrid out there that we would want a real change. Straighten the mess out, heal humanity. Oh wait, first there are too many people. WHat can we do? We have an aging population... oh that's right, the old, sick, and disabled don't need to take up the valuable resource.
    First it was the abortions, next the elderly, then the disabled. If you can't see this coming, I would love to live in your world.

    Oh wait, what about the money? Here's a thought: Let's give the people money to show how wonderful we are... sure. What kind of money will it be? We can't use the old Federal Reserve Notes, or they might catch on. We can do this in a multitude of different ways, plus we can get the new currency out there. What do we care? The money is fiat anyways, right? We can have "money" based on precious metal and jewels. Yeah, but we can be like the federal reserve and never show the people that this money is also based upon useless fiat. After all, what makes anything valuable? Only when the people think that it is.
    This is a lost cause people. I don't see how anything can be corrected unless the good Lord intervenes and takes out these evil people. They know so much more about our past and who humanity really is, without a doubt.

    The people behind the curtain of OZ will never let themselves be known. Not now, not ever because they work in the dark.

    1. This article is very helpful in understanding the purpose of the new financial system that our "White Hats" have planned for us.

    2. All I can say my friend is that things are not what they seem to be on the outside.

    3. How are they on the inside? How can we believe when everything around is opposing what the "good folks" are saying.

    4. Anon 17:05....I Have Heard Dr Steven Greer Say Often That 70% Of The Members Of The Cabal Would Like To Dissent But Are Unable To Because The Rest Would Eat Their Own. Perhaps Holders Replacement Is One Of The Good Ones.We Won't Know Until This All Comes Out In The News. I Am Holding Onto The Hope And That The Good Forces Are Coming Forth. I Am Trusting In D. I Think She Has A Good Heart And Would Not Lead Us Astray With False Hope.

    5. I have heard that Mr. O is also somehow a good guy, but there's no proof of him doing anything except plotting crimes against humanity.

  13. There are those who say that the hierarchy has been externalizing itself for at least the past twenty years. Phrases such as "Light Worker," "Global Consciousness Shift," and "Living In The Moment"--these are all said to represent ideas externalized from occult teachings going back hundreds of years.

    This video may be of some help to you in seeing things from a different perspective:

    1. It must be comforting to the ptw that we are using the words they put in place. I'm sick of all the light and dark shit.

  14. Allright. For all of the "nothing is happening" chorus. Try this:

    Watch the video of this young man and his brother, followed by what their mom had to say.

    These are the kind of small voices that will lead us into the light.

  15. Could someone in this blog shed some light into the following comment made by an insider in the White Hats who posted the following comment in the White Hats Report blog?

    "Re RV's.
    Right now there are priority sequences. Whose who in which queue. Conversion rates and grouping are variable. First the Politicians and all the unsavory scum with them have already lined their pockets and cashed in. The usual names and Crime families. How do you think O can buy a c$35M home in Hawaii on his employee income? Do the maths.
    Right now delays are because a certain party could not get her act together presenting for Native Americans. That has caused tailbacks. Plus usual Treasury and Fed obfuscation to buy time to keep the Ponzi sham on track.
    Bankers are off on vacation now and won't return until the second week of January, but won't do a stroke of work until the third week while they fiddle their bonus reports. Sensibly, plan at least Feb or worse.
    That is not an indication they will do anything for Public speculators.
    The GS issue is nowhere. Creaking from one month to another. Again, thieves and parasites are making too much free use of it all. Thank the Cabal,Texans and vast Military and Agency budgets for crippling the economy and world. Boehner could not even get a Tax Hike through for the very wealthy. Greed rules. What a shambolic fiasco. But look at the speed of the pigs to the trough. How do you change a system which is endemically rotten to the core with Made Men guarding every key role? The enemy is within.

    john December 21, 2012 3:32 AM"

    1. this person is alluding to people who have been held up as "they're delaying everything"- there is a lot of smoke and mirrors right now. as for the person working with the "Native Americans"- let's just say that this person is about as corrupt a swindler as there ever was...and is currently wearing a fancy anklette. the big guys who thought they could use their so called "power" in the groups to double and triple dip their fortunes into the trillions are going to find out that their little pieces of paper skrs are actually worth nothing.
      You will see the changes all of a sudden

    2. Thank you, D for further elaborating the situation for us. Ever since I came to know about the group known as the White Hats, I did not feel the members at the White Hats represented the little people, for they were investigating stolen funds for the very wealthy individuals along with Al Hodges. The person who posts comments there as “John” is a British who speaks very highly of the Royal, the Queen Elizabeth and her grandson William and how fortunate the British people are for having the iconic figures who are committed to the wellbeing of the British people. Knowing what London has been doing to the world along with the Illuminati and Jesuits, I could hardly embrace “John” as the truth for our future.

    3. Is that blog a disinfo site? Everyone is waiting for them to release the long delayed article, but will it even matter?

    4. let's just say, I'm not waiting for it to come out. not caring

  16. BTS,

    You have stated your hesitation as to the use of the word "Christ" as well as the use of what you describe as "words of the old paradigm" in the new paradigm. I should like to ask you this question, to put it very plainly:

    In the "new" paradigm, what will you do to Christians who continue to preach and follow these "old" beliefs?

    1. When all the "real" truth about religion vs spirituality comes out I dont think they will follow christianity anymore as they would all knowingly be following a lie.

    2. But you are not answering the question.

      You are assuming that people who follow biblical teachings are of an "old" paradigm and that they will of necessity be converted to the "new" paradigm. But what if the reverse happens? What if they refuse to be a part of unified consciousness? What if they hold up the shift?

      How, honestly, will you and others regard these people in the new paradigm?

    3. Brando9000 is correct.

      I am a former Christian -- was very committed to the belief system, 100%, "gave my life up for Christ", the whole kit and kaboodle. Totally genuine.

      I was awoken *out* of the faith, had my eyes opened to what it was really about.

      How do I treat family members and friends who are still Christians? As I did when I was a Christian: with love and respect. I hold good boundaries about what it is that I know and understand now. But I try to remember what it was like when I believed that everyone "without Jesus" was going to hell, and how totally crazed that made me feel. I have compassion for those who feel that. But there is also no way I am going back, now that I see what I see.

      I really do believe that there will be a wave of enlightenment that will further awaken people out of the paradigm that was created well after the man called "Christ" walked this earth, one that was developed in false doctrine, and under false auspices.

      I don't think that they will "hold up the shift." Not possible. I don't think that refusal of unified consciousness is an option, not when hit with the lightwave that opens one's eyes.

      In any case, the questions above are based in dualistic thinking and concepts, and this is exactly what is passing. Besides, I know fully well that what people say on the outside versus what they really think and feel on the inside is sometimes vastly different. There is not *that* much difference between a lot of Christian or any other religious doctrine that does not fit to some degree with a newer paradigm of what this earth is about. It's a pretty slight re-orientation, IMO and from my own experience.

      Calliope the Muse

    4. Calliope, you had the liberty to leave (or to remain in) your former faith.

      My question here is about the determination that you and others are now making that, as you say, "refusal of unified consciousness is not an option...."

      Can you see how very dangerous this sort of determinism is? What a threat it poses to millions of people around the world, really to you and those like you as well?

      It is your right to believe in moral distinctions. To think dualistically. What you are embracing is an ideology that seeks to remove from you your ability to make distinctions, to see good and bad, to recognize truth from lies.

      Can you see how this might be useful to immoral powers on this earth?

    5. It's important to respect other people. No matter the religion. If they aren't hurting anyone, their choice. That is the purpose of freedom/freewill. People need to put their "big pants" on and respect/admire the differences. None are the same, and that makes life fun.


    6. That all sounds nice, but it doesn't honestly answer the question. What will happen to those who are, as you might say, less than light? Or to those whose "vibrational levels" are holding back the shift?

      What will happen to those who operate from ego? To those who do not "operate" from purity of heart? To those who judge others and who prefer to be judged?

      What will happen to these millions of people in your new paradigm?

    7. Here is an answer from Tolec of the regarding your question.

      What about the people who wish to continue to live 3D, third dimensional lives. What about them?

      ANSWER: First a point of reference - if people are physically on planet Earth in early January 2014 - they will, most will, at minimum become 4D, fourth dimensional, people. Some will, because of their soul & spirit origin essence, and current level of higher vibration, become 5D, fifth dimensional people. Please keep in mind, the raising of the vibrational frequency of this solar system, including planet Earth, is just part of its destiny, its planned evolution.

      Now, as to the approximate fifty percent (50%) (+-5%) of the people who will want to choose to remain 3D and continue to live third dimensional lives: they will have the ability to choose, or not, keep in mind this is all about free will choice, to relocate to an alternative, pristine, virgin 3D world much like Earth was before it became industrialized. This planet is also located in the Milky Way galaxy like planet Earth. As to where it is located - think of this galaxy as a "pinwheel". With this pinwheel laying horizontally on it side, as a reference point, Earth is located at 7:00, on a spiral arm, as you would look at a round clock face. This new 3D world is located at around 10:00 on a clock face on a completely different pinwheel spiral arm. People who choose to travel to this world will be provided with an advanced notice for departure sometime during the Summer 2013, approximately five (5) months before January 2014. Understand, there will be a travel - transition/adjustment - period of about '10-12 years', based on how we currently calculate time. This travel - transition/adjustment - period will be necessary because, keep in mind, all of the people traveling on this biosphere together to their new home world... they will come from all across Earth, from many countries, from all varieties of cultures, languages, mores, beliefs and ways of living. They will need this time to adjust to each other. They will also learn during the this trip what their new world will be like, and what life will be like... on their new home world together.

      In addition, they will also be taught the ground rules for this new planet which include: there will be absolutely NO DISRESPECT to this planet allowed. There will be no: littering, dumping of wastes, toxic or not, absolutely no polluting of this planet, no abuse, no stripping or raping of its natural resources. These kind of activities will not be tolerated or allowed. Finally, for these 3D Earth people once they are living on this new world - they will be given, have access to, and use of many new advanced, completely clean, highly energy efficient technologies. They will, should they choose to, be able to live out their lives and thrive quite comfortably & peacefully... on this beautiful virgin world, their new home.

    8. Forcing anyone to do anything in whatever paradigm is just plain wrong to me. We have to find our own truths. Jesus isn't the one who 'invented' Christianity. That was the Romans and the rest of the attendees at some conference in the 4th century CE/AD who hijacked the teachings and parables and cherry-picked what to put in the book referred to as the "Holy Bible" - which has been fiddled with several times btw. Check it out, don't take my word for it. What is in place now is Churchianity or Religiousity. Jesus the man was more Spiritually Aware than the priests and their followers around at the time and he dared to call the priests "whited sepulchres" - bright and shiny on the outside but full of rotten corpses on the inside - or hypocrites in other words. Not much seems to have changed from that time to now. And no, I'm not a Christian, I've just researched for a few years to try and get a fuller picture of what's been happening in the world I live in. Jesus Christ is in danger of becoming a dirty word if we aren't careful and I don't think that would be a good thing. Just my two cents.

      Sine Nomine

      Sine Nomine

    9. You keep using a word that has no place in the new paradigm. "Converted" does not exist in true oneness. If peopl want to hold firm to their beliefs then so be it. Its not like they are gonna kick a child to the curb for believing in Santa Claus when we no good and well he doesnt exist. Thats the whole basis of the new paradigm, unconditional love and acceptance. Christiand and other religions that do not blatanly murder others who dont follow their beliefs would not need to be "Converted". This is not a movement that would ever be forced upon anyone unwilling.

    10. My question here is about the determination that you and others are now making that, as you say, "refusal of unified consciousness is not an option...."

      I think you misunderstand what he means. Not that they would have to convert to unity consciousness. This consciousness field of unity we are shifting into is not an option because it is a birth right and a natural state of fully conscious spiritual beings. It is coming as a natural part of our evolution.

    11. In response to the first poster:
      "You have stated your hesitation as to the use of the word "Christ" as well as the use of what you describe as "words of the old paradigm" in the new paradigm. I should like to ask you this question, to put it very plainly:

      In the "new" paradigm, what will you do to Christians who continue to preach and follow these "old" beliefs?"

      My friend, we all were born with free will, to choose who and what we will believe and put our faith in. I would never in a thousand years tell someone what or who to believe in. Each and every person has the Right to believe as they wish and put their faith in whatever religion or philosophy they want.

      No one person, or group of people, can tell anyone else what to believe, or stop them from having faith in their beliefs. You are the only person responsible for your faith.

    12. To everyone else commenting here:

      The absolute truth (In MY opinion) is that no one knows how the "shift" will play out. No one knows how consciousness will will "Ascend". I caution people from trying to assert that one way is the only way. WE do not know. EAch one of us can believe what ever we wish, and listen to what resonates in our heart, but in the end, it is only our opinion and really only matters to the person who holds that opinion.

    13. I also read that those who can't or won't ascend be forced to relocate to another 3d world. But this brings some problems:

      1. I have not seen proof that ascension is even real and anyhow, it did not happen on 12/21/12. Maybe ascension is not what we thought it was(dimensional shift), but simply a mass awakening?

      2. There's no hard proof regarding ETs. If they are real(I believe so) and when/if they disclose themselves, they surely can't force the sheeple to relocate if they wish to stay on earth but remain asleep all their lives.

  17. We had a good day today. It started out with one of our goats giving birth early. We have been out and about, even in bad weather, the people we met all had big smiles on their faces and were happy. Just our family's observations of today.

  18. As praise worthy as it is, what this boy is doing, one doesn't need to step in sh-- to know that it will make a mess when you track it everywhere. My point...what is more worthy of praise is that there are many who have never indulged in these violent games.
    He is not much of a stand out. Yes, laud those who are returning from whence they have fallen. But these small voices will not lead into the light those who are much farther ahead.

    1. that was for 19:25

    2. ahhhh, but there are those out there who are asleep, whom the work of this boy may wake up. I think he is an awesome stand out. these small voices are bringing huge changes to those around them, and to the world. He is not the only one- read and watch this little girl educate the world- Yes, YOU know about this.... but she is reaching out to those who do NOT know, and those who are not aware:

    3. Now SHE is amazing, D.

    4. "19:25" here...

      Exactly what BTS said! My family and I have never had video games - let alone violent ones - in our household. But for those who have already stepped in the sh-t, as you put it, sometimes they won't listen to those who have teetotalled on the whole thing because even if I simply state it's what we've decided works for our household, it seems to those who are asleep a "holier than thou" lifestyle (ie if I'm saying I don't partake because it's so bad, people get defensive or brush us off as weird and insular). So yes, for someone who is completely steeped in it to get the big "aha!" about it can often be more powerful for the others who are sleeping around them than hearing it from someone like myself. So, while Antag may not consider this kid a standout because he fell first, *I* do because it takes cojones to go against the tide of what everyone else around you seems to be doing, and *especially* from what I recall about the social dynamics/pressure of being in 7th grade, not many other kids at that stage had the courage to break away from social norms to take a stand at that particular point in life, but were MUCH more concerned about just fitting in. What I found especially profound was the impact that his decision had on his mother. The whole "why didn't I as the parent think of that" aspect. Indeed.

      So yeah, I'll continue to wayshow as an "already walking the talk" example etc, but this process is a fire bucket brigade, and this little boy and others like him are just as needed to get the help ALL the way down the line, eh? ;-)

  19. Also, what will you do to those who continue to convert people from the new world consciousness over to, say, a government that embraces private property and a capitalistic economy?

    I should like it if you answer this question with a real and honest answer.

    1. You keep asking questions without first fully grasping what is happening and what it encompasses. This planet is going to shift from duality. As in the lower vibration of duality will no longer be able to sustain itself on this planet. When the earth makes her final shift into solid 5D anything currently existing in a state of duality will no longer exist. Period....

    2. my friend, I'm not even sure I understand your question. No one can "convert" someone who is awake to go back to sleep. Once you've taken the red pill, so to speak, there is no going back to sleep inside the matrix. Those that are awake and aware of the capitalistic economy cannot be lulled back to sleep by it.

      What would I "do" to those people? I do not understand the question. I, even if it were possible, would "do" nothing. As I said in response to your first question way up there ^ everyone has free will to believe or disbelieve what ever they wish to believe. YOUR choice has nothing to do with me and my choice. Why would I do something to you? You are YOU. I am ME.

  20. All the 'BIG HITTERS', who lets face it rely on an audience for their 'status',and all the rest of the heirarchies below,and anyone else who mentioned 3 days of darkness and all the other bull should be reminded at every attempt they make to re-assess their status.
    They seem to be quite quiet at the moment...
    I personally would have liked 3 days of darkness,

    I changed though...I spent the day tidying my childrens bedrooms so they would not have to when they came home from school.
    And I loved them as much as I could and resisted any urge to scold them for being children...and I went to bed early and smiled.

    1. hahahah- strangely enough, I went on a cleaning binge yesterday too- not the kids rooms (they are still complete disaster areas)... but my pantry shelves are very tidy and my kitchen is (was, lol) clean!

  21. bts hello you know when will the reset of all financial system in day week month

    1. we are waiting my friend. that's all I can tell you. that's all anyone can tell you.

  22. You should contact bts drake cobra fulford David Wilcock american kabuki among other kauilapele NESARA make a web site or blog translated into different language which enables everyone in the world to have a apparecue of what happens behind the scenes

  23. the light to new world

  24. Brando, you have honestly answered my question, and for that I thank you. You wrote of how after the shift anything that exists in duality will no longer exist. I find it difficult to believe that the rest of you cannot hear how obnoxiously heinous this sounds.

    BTS, you have not answered my question. You have a way of skirting around things. You are correct that you can believe whatever you want, but this doesn't change the fact that an ascension is what you are talking about. You can take different routes and still get to the same worrisome place. But saying that you will do nothing is simply dishonest. You are already distinguishing between those who will ascend and those who will not. In saying that your hands are clean, you are trying to have your cake and eat it too, and that is shameful.

    Deborah Pietsch is vaguely aware of this, one can hear it in her voice. She cathces herself ever so slightly whenever she talks about "helping" others in the vibrational shift to unified consciousness.

    To anon who cited Tolec's teachings. You would do well to look into the background of those teachings. As Sine Nomine so rightly said, no one should ever be forced to make such a choice. That is a murderous kind of fraud.

    1. "As Sine Nomine so rightly said, no one should ever be forced to make such a choice. That is a murderous kind of fraud."

      Well, that is exactly the kind of choice that Christianity and other religions purport; Christianity's version is "Believe Jesus is the son of God and died for your sins or you are going to hell" and oh, too bad for the people who never get a chance to hear this message. Ergo, the birth of evangelism and missionary activity.

      Here's what I choose to believe: no matter what, everything is working out as it should. We're all spirits of a higher order, from a greater source, and this play-acting on earth is just that: a play, a matrix in which to grow and learn and for that source of all being to learn and experience for itself (since we are all "droplets" of this source sent out to have this experience and then bring it back to itself).

      To me, those choosing to stay on a soul level in whatever dimension they desire is something already decided. There is no "better" or "worse" about ascending or not, there is only what the pre-planned choice was before the human ever incarnated.

      From the aspect of No Time, Beyond Time, it is possible to make these kinds of decisions. If someone decides to stay in the 3D earth, then it was a choice their soul made in order to have more learning happen at that level. Again, not better, not worse, and not even a decision that is directly made by the human incarnation.

      Honestly, I don't really get where these questions are coming from. I think that perhaps our "a priori" assumptions are coming from a WAY different basis, and that confusion abounds here.

      What is your real question or issue here?

      I personally see it as a non-issue. No one, not from a soul level, is EVER forced to make a choice such as you mention above, not from my perspective.

      But this is just my perspective on the matter. I don't think there is "one correct doctrinal position" to be had here, not the way as it works in Christianity.


    2. Please see bottom of post for my explanation.

    3. my friend I have never distinguished between those who will or will not ascend- how can I distinguish between them when i dont' know exactly what ascension is or when or how it will happen? and I have certainly never said that my hands are clean- i'm struggling along with everyone else, trying to learn my path. I am genuinely confused as to what you are trying to ask.

      You asked:
      "what will you do to those who continue to convert people from the new world consciousness over to, say, a government that embraces private property and a capitalistic economy? "
      and I responded:
      "What would I "do" to those people? I do not understand the question. I, even if it were possible, would "do" nothing. As I said in response to your first question way up there ^ everyone has free will to believe or disbelieve what ever they wish to believe. YOUR choice has nothing to do with me and my choice. Why would I do something to you? You are YOU. I am ME. "

      this is not being dishonest or even disingenuous- this is a straight up answer to your question- or at least, my answer to what I understood to be your question.

      You obviously has something you are trying to say, some point that you are trying to make. I'm more than happy to discuss it with you, but you need to make your self clear, because clearly I'm not understanding the point you are trying to make here.

  25. Another aside issue, something that is starting to peeve me a lot:

    Whattup with all the Anonymous comments? It's irritating not being able to distinguish who is who when everyone is Anon plus a time of day he or she posted.

    I choose not to use my real name, but a pseudonym, I don't use TOR or any other thing to hide my IP; it would be simple for a blog owner (or any other entity) to know who I am. Whatever. For me to think that I am "anonymous" is a joke, so I choose to use a nickname.

    At least just pick a nick to use in these forums, instead of being a chickenshit Anon poster! Put a name to what you write, be brave and willing to put yourself on the line for what it is you want to say or ask or claim.

    Enough with the Anonymous fallacy.

    Just my rather crabby opinion: but hey, I am a crone who is in her middle age, and has seen a lot of shit go down in the world. I've earned my right to be a little crabby when it comes to stuff like this.

    Put a name to yourself, all you Anon posters. You are fooling yourself if you think you are somehow hiding yourselves.

    Calliope the Crabby Crone

    1. Calliope the Crabby Crone we have a choice and are exercising that choice. Next you'll be sounding off about our punctuation. Chill!

    2. buhahahahahahhahahaha!!!! cAlliope the crabby crone- I too would like to have some names to distinguish between the different posters. I know we have regular "anonymous" posters, I can tell the lyrical and tone differences in many enough to recognize them.

      ..... as for punctuation... please!!!! no punctuation drill sergeants - I like to make my punctuation rules up as I go along!!

  26. My replies are not making it to the blog site ...?

  27. From my understanding, now that we have passed from 3D to 5D, everything that we are waiting for will 'appear' before us because it has the vibration/energy of 5D.

    Everything that does not hold the energy will simply FADE away.

    We've seen it numerous amounts of times in movies. They will simply 'disintegrate'.

    All that will be left standing will hold the 5D energy. That includes us, (Earth's inhabitants)and all other life on the planet going to 5D.

    That may be the reason why things like the bees and other species have been reported dying in record numbers. I recall reading specifically that WILL NOT have pests in 5D. :)

    What we are doing now as a 'Collective Conscious' is CREATING what we do want here. Keeping focused on that I would think, would make it happen all the more sooner.

    The Matrix is crumbling.

    Let's watch and see what we replace it with.

    1. We are not in 5D sorry. If we where the building structures and every innanimate object made out of 3D material would have crumbled to dust. Our carbon based structures cant exist in 5D.

    2. If you can remember 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe', or any other movie transitioning between portals, timelines, dimensions, etc. The edifices and other items were left in tact in that particular 'time' that they left. The traveler just 'found' themselves in another place and time.

      Some other movies are: 'The Time Traveler's Wife', 'The Lake House', 'Next'.

      What I'm speaking of will more than likely happen on a daily basis, as we see it. As the news is reported, what we 'didn't want in our future will be 'replaced' right before our very eyes with what we've been waiting for.

      No one ever said that 3D would be demolished. It may very well be used for others coming behind us as we are the first to experience this type of Ascension from 3D.

      Since we are blazing a trail, I would hope that we would knock the ball 'Out of the Park' while creating a WONDERFUL 5D.

    3. WEll I certainly don t consider bees to be pests... or all the other fish and birds that have been dying in the droves.

      no my friend, I don't think we're in 5D yet

    4. I do. Everything just hasn't manifested just yet.

      We'll find out soon :)

    5. The Bees Are Dying Because The Monsanto Cabal Are Killing Them Off. We Need The Bees In Order To Pollinate All The Plants. If They All Die, We Are Not Far Behind. Every Living Thing Has A Purpose Which We Have Forgotten In Our Automated World.

    6. Bees are dying cos they can't find their way back to their hives due to electromagnetic interference from satellites and cell-phone masts. Bees are our friends. Where would we be without the healing properties of honey?

  28. You, too, are avoiding my question. You are assuming A and then denying it. You are engaging in an extreme form of determinism and then dissembling about free will. If you do not "get" where I am coming from, then you need to read the question again.

    I will say this very clearly: How do you regard the place in your New Age of those who will not accept your fundamental beliefs about a pre-determined New Age?

    I am not asking about your beliefs, I know what those are. You do not believe in good and bad, or in right and wrong. Or in evil. You evidently have embraced a creed stoical in the extreme.

    Can you not see the elements of a possible indoctrination at work in the argument that life is merely a game? Can you not see that this could be useful for those who wish to control your life by forcing you to give it up?

    Let me ask you this Calliope: Does it make it any better that a higher self made the choice to come here and live in a matrix?

    1. my friend, I can guarantee that you Know nothing of my beliefs, as I am only just becoming aware of them my self, and they seem to change daily :>) I absolutely believe in good and evil and in right and wrong..... hence the fact that you obviously know nothing about me.
      How do you (I) regard the place in your (our?) new age of those who will not accept your (our?) fundamental beliefs about a pre-determined New Age?
      again, my friend I know nothing about our new age. I know nothing about what to expect in a reality that no one has experienced yet, so How can I KNOW what your place will be, when I don't even know my own place?

      Indoctrination is the base rule of every religion and political party on this planet. I do my best to stear clear of it, but it's a part of everything around us, from table manners to heaven and hell, from washing your hands before dinner to having respect for your elders to deciding who the saviour of mankind is. it's all indoctrination.

      again my friend YOU are skirting an issue, trying to tie the people here into your paradigm of response so that you can.... i have no idea what you want to do- pick the responses apart most likely. but again, you are the one who is not being straight or honest. tell us your point, and I'm sure we'll be happy to talk. but if you're here to play these endless word games, then I don't have the time to play your dishonest game.

  29. Anon 11:20 That has been asking about people that do not want to shift into the new paradigm. I just wanna try to explain a bit better because you seem to misunderstand a bit. Its not the people that are moving with earth to shift into the new paradigm that will not allow people that do not shift to exist here. This is natural evolution in its purest form. Everything that has ever been created has been created to evolve its just the natural path of life, it is ever evolving and changing. If any life does not evolve with the flow of natural evolution, or chooses not to it does not survive. Thats just the way things are in the universe. When circumstances change or evolve the life that evolves to is the life that carries on. The people that choose not to evolve are not being cast off the planet by us or ET's or angels for that matter. If they do not evolve with the planet they will die if they remain here. Its not obnoxious nor heinous in anyway its just the flow of evolution. Not to mention they are being more then catered to. Given a virgin, pristine planet to thrive on with all the latest technology to suit a green life. If this was just raw evolution without some help from higher beings they would just desintegrate when the earth went nova. Hope this helps you understand a bit better that no one is casting them aside or telling them they cant come. They just cant come in the current physical state we exist in.

  30. Some of us think we have gotten to the bottom of the rabbit hole but we haven't.

    Some of us are in denial.

  31. Other than the CT shootings & whether or not someone felt 12/21/12 it is sure quiet out there. I have a strong feeling that something is up.

    1. So have I Anonymous 13.18...I didnt expect any big external change at all yesterday and never believed any of the 5D stuff or the Ascension talk but i've anticipated and felt a "changing of the guard" on a subliminal level in recent weeks..I cant put it in exact terms or explain it rationally but there is definitely "something" in the wind ..despite it seeming that its business as usual, underneath that, something is in the late grandmother god rest her soul,she used to frequently say ..."coming events cast their shadows before "....perhaps thats what many are feeling..the shadow is upon us...

  32. Guys, I think I have a three-parter here. In reply to one of our Anon fellows. Just ignore if it is too long and too tiring (I already kind of feel it is):

    Part One
    Seriously, WHO is fecking WHO here?

    Surely I cannot be alone in frustration with the ridiculousness that is the name "Anonymous" here.

    I guess I am just going to have to treat you all the same.

    I have read about paid people who come in to do four things in creating ideological subversion, four stages of such:

    1) Demoralization
    2) Destabilization
    3) Causing a Crisis
    4) Attempting to "normalize" through power and control post-crisis

    Part of ideological subversion is to create the first two, especially in places where there are truths (little "t", plural, deliberately) being shared, i.e., in blogs where people are disseminating information and trying to have constructive dialogue.

    To Anonymous 22 December 2012 12:20 Whoever the Fuck You Really Are:

    "Let me ask you this Calliope: Does it make it any better that a higher self made the choice to come here and live in a matrix?"

    Yes. Infinitely.

    I really do not understand your purpose in being here and commenting/asking the questions you are. What is it that you want/desire and/or what are you seeking?

    Why is it so important for you to ask these questions and get answers from people?

    What is your agenda? Clearly you have one. What is it that you hope to accomplish?

    1. Part Two
      "How do you regard the place in your New Age of those who will not accept your fundamental beliefs about a pre-determined New Age?

      I am not asking about your beliefs, I know what those are. You do not believe in good and bad, or in right and wrong. Or in evil. You evidently have embraced a creed stoical in the extreme.

      Can you not see the elements of a possible indoctrination at work in the argument that life is merely a game? Can you not see that this could be useful for those who wish to control your life by forcing you to give it up?"

      Seriously, by the implicit ideas behind your questions, there is nothing BUT indoctrination EVERYWHERE!

      The very nature of existence on this planet is a kind of indoctrination, by what you are getting at in asking the questions you are.

      In fact, I don't disagree. By its nature, an illusory matrix is EXACTLY an indoctrination. There is no exit from it, except to become aware it exists. Even then, it is fraught with programming/indoctrination six ways to Sunday, and no one, NOT ONE can really know what is the empirical truth of this matrix. No one. Not you, not me. We only know what it is that we experience, and even then, there is a loophole that our interpretation of that experience is indoctrinated itself as well.

      I have no argument that there is indeed indoctrination. I'd call it the Matrix, or the Veil, or Maya, or whatever dozens of intellectual and religious traditions have called it for centuries.

      But it is also so clear to me that you are twisting the issues here.

      "How do you regard the place in your New Age of those who will not accept your fundamental beliefs about a pre-determined New Age?"

      First off, seriously, why do you care? No, really. I want to know why you are here even giving a flying fuck to any of this. I mean, if you don't believe it, go somewhere where people will enjoy your questions, or better yet, seek your own answers to your question(s), perhaps elsewhere. Obviously, people are not giving you the answers you are fishing for here. But you are unsatisfied with the answers, even though they have been crystal clear to me from the people who are giving you coherent and cogent answers.

    2. Part Three

      To deconstruct your question, from my point-of-view:

      a) As far as I can say, I believe that many who would call themselves spiritual at this site and comment, there is no "place" called the New Age. People don't have a "place" in it. To accept or not accept beliefs is moot; it simply does not matter. There is no "set up" where people who do not think the same need to have a "place." A true New Age does away with this concept of "place" which is one of the things that I think Brando is getting at in his comments as well. Perhaps he can correct me if I am wrong about interpreting what he is saying.

      b) There are NO fundamental beliefs of a New Age. It's a mutually exclusive concept. An oxymoron!

      c) There is nothing "pre-determined" about a New Age as far as I see it, and as far as many who comment here who are "in line" with BTS see it, from my observations here so far.

      Determinism is the belief that "for everything that happens there are conditions such that, given those conditions, nothing else could happen."

      Have you not understood modern Quantum Physics and String Theory enough to understand that there are mathematical multi-dimensions, and just like with Shroëdinger's box and cat, the cat can be both alive and dead in any given instance of time? It's only when we open the box that we know?

      Our universe is fractal in nature, and can hold multiple conditions. It is not deterministic in this sense. There are multiple conditions and multiple outcomes. On one node, there is a dead cat. On the other, an alive cat. Both exist. This is also what is meant by "no place" in a New Age which recognizes this multidimensional reality.

      Maybe, with this understanding, the answer to your question is this: people get what they want. Christians get the universe they want and have manifested/co-created with their belief system. The alleged "New Age" people (whatever the hell that really is) get their own reality on another node, based on the one they created. In a multidimensional universe THIS IS POSSIBLE. Mathematically. Physically. Totally in the realm of possibility as we know modern physics right at this moment, no fantastical thinking need be!

      Your questions so clearly come from a linear, uni-dimensional perspective, and really get people NOWHERE in discussing them, except for frustrating you, and frustrating me, and frustrating others because, frankly, I think there is a gap in understanding a few kilometers wide! Certainly a lack of communication.

      It's just not worth it, I don't think, and it makes you seem more like you are just here to create demoralization and destabilization than anything else.

      I hate to "cry shill" where people want to have meaningful disagreement and dissent, and discussion that might help us all to get along better on this planet. But eh, the evidence of your behavior kind of speaks for itself. I don't even have to do it, really.

      Just explain WHY this is such a hot, burning topic for you, and what it is that you are hoping to say by passive-aggressively asking leading questions. Say what you mean and mean what you say, eh?

      What are you hoping to hear or get at? Just state your case instead of playing this silly game of whining that "You're not reading my question right! And you're not answering me the way I am hoping you will so that I can tear down your ideas!!"

      Dude, just state it, make your case, and then go somewhere else to play, right?

      Calliope "Don't Fuck With Me, Chuck Norris Loves Me" the Muse

    3. Omg Calliope, I Could Just Kiss You, Lol. You Are Freaking Awesome. You Made Me ChuckleI Hope This Puts The Brakes On Mr Anonymous Wahhh You Won't Answer The Way I Want You To Answer. I'm Tired Of Reading His Damn Roundabout Questions.

    4. to Calliope "don't fuck with me, chuck norris loves me" the Muse......

      ..... buhahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      *wipes away a tear* oh thank you darlin. that was awesome.

    5. I don't mind passive/aggressive questions if they make me think outside of the box. :D There's good in everything if there's time to look.

      Sine Nomine

    6. yeah do you REALLY feel, calliope? 8)

    7. Yeah, Sine Nomine -- I really do feel the same, as hopefully is evident by the long response! :D

      You know, I can quietly lurk for all I am worth so much of the time, but when bullies who wish to use manipulation and control to wring out their own issues online, or even more: to be a paid manipulator to encourage doubt, dissent and to demoralize and divide, I'm going to call that as I see it and say something.

      I love a good and sane discussion by truly imaginative and open-minded people where going outside of the box pushes our understanding to new levels! Even if those questions are asked passive-aggressively. Sometimes those questions are the best way to expose what needs exposing.

      But then there are people in love with their box, and only wish to try to take down others for their own box (and ego) reinforcement.

      No patience for nonsense like that.

    8. I hear you sister! lol!

      Sine Nomine

  33. Calliope and BTS,

    Neither of you has answered my question. It is a practical philosophical question. You have given a wonderfully long discourse on your core beliefs but you still refuse to answer a simple question:

    What do you intend to do with those people who will not ascend, or who do not believe in predestined evolutionary ascension?

    It is a fairly simple question, one that does not require meta-cognitive handwringing.

    Only Brando has been honest enough to speak his truth plainly and unabashedly: those who fail to evolve will be destroyed, eliminated. In short, they will cease to exist beyond the 3rd dimension.

    I leave it to others to see the plainly horrifying aspect to such a result.

    To BTS, while you have not distinguished between particular persons who will and will not ascend, my point was that you have always distinguished (and continue to do so) between a general category of those who will ascend and those who will not.

    1. no my obstinate friend, the problem isn't in our replies- we have all replied quite fully and openly. the problem is that you are looking for a back door from which to swing your paradigm bat, and you refuse to accept our answers for the simple truth of what's being said.

      I repeat: How can I (bold underline) IIIIIII distinguish between people who will and will not ascend? I. Don't. KNOW. I don't know and it's none of my business who ascends and who doesn't!! I am responsible only for myself, no one else. i can not choose what happens to others? Am I suddenly GOD that I have the power to make these decisions?

      You have just proven without a shadow of a doubt that you are not here to engage in honest discussion , but to push your rhetoric and create division and try to paint us with a colour that suits you. You've deliberately misinterpreted Brandos entire discussion with you- to the point of making the blatantly idiotic statement above.

      Sorry my friend, your time is up and I'm moving on. Have a nice day.

    2. Anon 19:01 May be there is no answer? Have you got one? If so how about sharing it with us?

      Sine Nomine

  34. And Calliope, can we talk to each other without calling names?

    You have gravely misinterpreted Schroedinger to suit your core beliefs. In that school of thought, there exist two possibilties: a living cat in the box and a dead cat in the box. But when you open the box one or the other condition must be manifest. Not both.

    1. I think that Calliope meant that until the box IS opened then both realities (live cat, dead cat) exist.

      .... did you know I have a 6 month old kitten named Schroedinger? (his twin brother is called Möbius)

    2. I now wonder if in a different reality/timeline/universe that big things happened on 12/21/12? There's this interesting theory that not only is the universe infinite, but there's an infinite number of infinite universes with an infinite amount of possibilities? So anything can happen, will happen and is happening in the infinite cosmos. :)

    3. "You have gravely misinterpreted Schroedinger to suit your core beliefs. In that school of thought, there exist two possibilties: a living cat in the box and a dead cat in the box. But when you open the box one or the other condition must be manifest. Not both."

      Not unless there is more than one timeline/dimension with which one is working. Then there could be an alive cat in one, and a dead cat in another, and a cat in a coma in another, and a cat that is young in another, and a cat that is older in another...

      Methinks you underestimate the factor of time and multiple timelines, and how it is that it (time and the nature of space-time and time-space) does and does not work.

      And I can't call you any other name besides "Anonymous" because you won't give one. I know a lot of other names that start with an "A", too. And some with a lot of other letters that I say in my head to myself when I read your comments, lol. I'm sure you can imagine a few.

      In addition, you addressed none of the issues that I brought up or the questions I asked, just nitpicked one issue about Shroëdinger and the cat and box and whined that "I don't get it."


      You still are showing your true colors, even more with each comment.

      I'm done "listening" now -- you have nothing constructive to contribute.

  35. BTS, you must learn patience.

    No matter how much you threaten me, I will not accept that you have answered my question. If you refuse to answer it and to move on without answering it, then that is your choice, although it is not a wise one.

    You would do well to give more thought to the question that I have asked you. It is not an idle one. You have distinguished between ascension and lack of ascension. That is a simple fact, no wishing it away. Indeed, you see, we must confront it.

    Calliope, you too must learn patience. No amount of name calling will make your beliefs any stronger. Thinking about them with others who are willing to question them, I find, is often the best way of discovering if they hold any water or not.

    I will say this: if after ascension one gets whatever one wants, what use, after all, is ascension in the first place? What use is it to say that the cabal is evil? If no one can speak for anyone else, what good is it to speak at all?

    These are important questions, to which I do hope you will give at least some small amount of consideration.

    1. We first need proof that ascension is even real. So many lightworkers were so sure in their beliefs they would ascend on 12/21/12, but nothing happened on that date. Now the question remains: what, when, why, how and if for ascension? Some believe that ascension was simply the fact millions of people woke up and took their red pills. That alone was a big step in the right direction, id say. I am not too worried, right now I am focusing on the light winning. Once that happens, we will get many more answers. Even if ascension is a hoax, there's always the transhumanist option with advanced technology. Others talk about a "light chamber" where we(by choice) can upgrade our DNA and manually ascend. Read about Ray Kurzweil, a famous futurist.

    2. omg!...anon at 19:56 please do not speak at all...taking too much space...LightShines~LoveHugs! to You...bye bye...Kiss!Kiss!....~chinka~

    3. "Calliope, you too must learn patience."

      I'll say it plainly:

      Fuck you and what you think I need. Take your rhetoric and get lost.

      I have plenty of patience to go around with people who are sane, people who are plain with their agenda, and people who don't come across as deliberate demoralization and destabilization.

      You're already locked in with what you think you know, with what you think you ask, but I see right through you.

    4. And smack that with some confirmation, eh?
      22 December 2012 22:00


    5. Anon 19:56 Why MUST anyone learn anything? Isn't that forcing someone to conform to what YOU want? Aren't you trying to FORCE others to answer how you want them too? To be fair , your not the only one trying to do that from what I can see, but that doesn't make it right.

      Anon 20:28 It can be argued that some did ascend on 12/21 - all those who died on that day.

      I think I for one have spent too much on the ascension scenario what ifs. Gonna concentrate on improving life as we know it.

      Happy Holidays Everyone

      Sine Nomine

    6. Calliope, we really should discuss how unhealthy it is for you to hold back and suppress your feelings like you do. (he says tongue in cheek) ;)

    7. Calliope, it is the sign of an open mind that one reads and answers an argument without cursing. Cursing doesn't exaclt show an open mind. It is what one would expect from a child when he cannot get his way.

      To Sine Nomine, saying that one must learn something is not the same as forcing someone to learn something. It is simply pointing out a fact. Learning itself takes time, and cannot alwasy be dome swiftly and painlessly.

  36. Cryp Is Obviously A Narcissist And Taken Too Much Of Our Time. Don't Bother Trying To Justify Any More Of The Answers. Stop Feeding The Monkey, lol


    No queen at church...

  38. Wow, he finally KNOWS we are going to "do something" with the "non-believers"! I guess the jig is up, Y'all. It was a good ride while it lasted, but now we must come clean and admit to colluding to manufacture all the ancient texts, the pyramids, the artifacts, the Mayan calendar, the visions, the shamans, the Bible and all other religious writings etc etc etc, who have told of this time we're in. Not to mention all the new physics, the old system and its lies being uncovered daily, and all proof before us. Now, we have to admit to what we're gonna do with all the non-believers. Anon is on to us. Well, "anonymous" , we are gonna eat them. Sorry, I know this will scare you, but it's true. We will eat you. Good day, Sir.

    1. ....... buhahahhahahahahahahahha!!!!
      I've missed you Michael! :>)


  39. Help! There was a wish list type site that someone mentioned awhile back. I want to look up anyone in my state and being something to someone for xmas with my kids. Does anyone remember the website??

  40. Hello Merry and John and Emeraldray and forgive me for those not mentioned whom have shown such compassion for me here .It really had me crying like a baby. There are always those who are not able to see things for what they are. I did not tell my story in any attempt to have others offer help. Just sharing. What others do ,obviously comes from a place that others cannot access . This is happening worldwide. Some lend a hand,while others walk by people lying in the gutters .Not just in third world countries ,but right here in America. So please ,by no means let anybody feel that because one beautiful woman named Merry wanted to help,that you need to follow suit.We all wish and hope and dream about what the ST.Germaine Grant would do to help us all.I hope and pray that the world system works itself out ,in whatever manner is appropriate to create the changes we need to make this Earth,Gaia, the paradise it was meant to be ,for us all .Creatures all,big and small .Hug and hold whomever you love ,especially our animal family.They do far more healing than we could ever give them credit for.Maybe,next time,think before passing by someone who is in obvious need, or better yet, reach out and find some one in need.The reward in blessinngs back to you will astonish you and surely validate the process of paying it forward. Love to all . Anyone can e-mail me at ...I have nothing to hide ..Not even my crayons. How's everyone's coloring going..? Love and Light to You All...Barbara


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