
Thursday 20 December 2012

Being Light

 Think Positive.  Be Happy.  Be Peace.  Be Joy.  Be Light.

Visual stimulation for today


  1. Nothing will happen.

    Really looking forward to all of the excuses after tomorrow and going forward, though.

    "There's one born every minute."

    Boy, was he right!

    1. Maybe not, but I'm staying in my Happy Place non the less... and actually something will happen as something happens every second of everyday, but it is nice to see you here with your perpetually same banter. Oh and to BTS, you are doing a wonderful job, don't believe I've ever commented on your blog but tonight am experiencing a wild hair to be a smart ass. LOL.. thought I would add some Kudos and LOVE to you.


    2. good morning darlin anonymous who posted at 11:11....... teeheeeheeee

    3. There will be so many happy naysayers tomorrow just for the simple fact they are too dulled with negativity to even know if something did happen tomorrow. Which is going to be a totally different experience for everyone.

    4. Hey everyone, did ya'll get your 'packages' yet? No? SHOCKING! Well, hang in there for another 5-20 years, they're-a-comin'!


      Meanwhile, back at the ascension, the Kool-Aid is yummy!

    5. actually, from the ultimate point of view that is correct:

      nothing ever happened, nothing ever will happen.

      this, of course, has no meaning for the "person" who sees things happening constantly. but this is just a paradox because what is apparently true from a relative point of view is seen as illusion from the level above it.

  2. Love and Light to ALL.

    It's time to go SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW!!

  3. This is a video that was posted by an anonymous person under the Sandy Hook blog. It bears watching.

    1. There is no possible way for the NWO to implement "Their" version of one world government and one world religion by highjacking the spiritual movement into oneness. It just wouldnt be possible. Their idea for their NWO is 80% depopulization of earth, meaning executing about 6.5 billion people and having around 500 million as their slaves. If they are trying to do this through overtaking the idea of spiritual oneness they will fail. The idea of spiritual oneness is based on mutual love and respect for everything. The people of earth would never agree to their terms they would have to take us by force in order to have the kind of world they want. What are they gonna do untie the world into their NWO under the preface of love and light and oneness? Once they do that they are screwed.

    2. I agree Brando. They may have attempted to start some sort of opposite "religion" or path to sway those disenchanted by organized religion.... but it hopelessly failed on them. either that, or the light managed to manifest through their dark hearts , guiding them to start something that might help the light come through in the end.

    3. Please look deeper into the origins of your ascended masters.

      You are promtoing an agenda you still have yet to comprehend.

      No one hijacked anything. It is much larger than that.

      You are walking a path that is leading you into darkness.

      Brando, consider for a moment: they have convinced many of you that life is merely a game in preperation for leaving this earth as you know it. Do you not see how this is an externalization of their plans to eliminate those who will not be assimilated into the One Light of Love?

      Do you know what real love is?

    4. Please reword your sentence to simply say "Ascended masters" not "Your ascended masters". They are not my ascended masters and I really dont give a shit who they are at all. I can only name maybe 2 of them and I dont really care anyway. I dont follow them I dont support them they are not mine. I am my only ascended master. Why the hell would they want to assimilate us into love when they only know hatred and fear? Make some damn sense please. And if they wipe out most of the population great for them. If things dont change for the better on earth in the next couple years I hope I am one they wipe out cuz I dont want to see us or our beloved Gaia suffer anymore in this BS we call a life. And no way I want my children to grow up in the same control system we have been trapped in for decades upon decades. But none of that will really matter cuz we are on the path to freedom finally! And yes of course I know what real love is.

    5. But Brando, you do follow their teachings. They do not want to assimilate you into love. Nothing could be further from the truth.

      Do you hear what you are saying? You are wishing for an abomination. You are wishing for human sacrifice in order to save what you call "beloved Gaia."

      Out of fear, you have embraced a suicidal ideology, wishing for your own murder. Can you not see how that may indeed be the control system? Can you not see that there may be forces that will do everything they can to deceive you into giving up your life and your work here, only so that they may enjoy the earth in your absence?

      They will tell you that life is worthless and sordid. They will surround you with every sort of blandishment. They will promise you eternal peace. They will promise money with no reason, no proof, and no cause.

      And they will get away with it because of your impatience and your fear and your confusion.

    6. Very Interesting Conversation And Very Well Put. I Just Watched A Jesse Ventura Show On Mind Control Microwave Towers And The Man Behind The Technology. It Is Being Used Today On Individuals And Can Easily Be Used On The Entire Population. He Said It Is Too Late To Combat It. The Only Way Would Be to Remove The Towers. Right Now We Have No Way Of Knowing If We Are Being Targeted. If This We're Being Used For Good Purposes Think What We Could Do With Addictions.

    7. Brando just doesnt get it....he will eventually.

      With the microwave towers get a bit of orgonite and place it near the tower with good intentions. Those good intentions are then broadcast through the towers themselves to the whole area.

      Check out the Etheric Warriors website and read the forum.... fascinating stuff

    8. I get it just plenty you guys are preaching to the choir. Noone has convinced me that suicide is better then anything, I have come the the simply conclusion that I would rather move on past physical 3rd density duality in this current creation then to carry on as it now is. Thats not being mind controlled that is making an informed statement based on personal feelings. I have never been one of the brainwashed sheeple of this planet, my awakening process involved learning some truths that I did not know before but by the definition of being awake, I always have been. I have never followed the tachings or ideology of any government religion scholl or the likes of any control system. I always knew my entire life that something wasnt right in this existence just didnt know what it was until recently. And you are twisting my words into something I did not say at all so please stop.... I did not say anything about wishing human sacrfice to save our planet, not even close. I simply said I do not want to see us or her suffer any longer and would rather be wiped out from the planet. Big difference. If the victory for the light is not succesful it will not matter because if we do not make the needed changes the cabal will not have to wipe anyone out because the planet will not survive.

    9. I do not have any ascended masters. I have never subscribed to that rhetoric. I live in Love- love for my children, love for my planet, love for the people on this planet. I do not follow any "doctrine", I do not follow any leaders, I do not follow anyone.... I follow my heart and I live according to my heart. Please do not assume that people here are sheep just following a different Shepard.

    10. D, I totally agree with you :)

    11. I Don't Know Anything About Organic Stuff, Only That The Microwave Mind Control Projects Are Real. So When We Get Back On Our Feet Those Are Some Of The First Things That Have To Go. For The Record I Still Don't Believe In Bad Et's, But I Do Think We Have Reverse Engineered A Lot Of Their Technology And The Cabal Has Misused It.
      I Also Don't Think It's Really Too Late As The Inventor Says. The Govt Would Never Create Something Like This Without A Back Door So It Could Not Be Turned On Them.

    12. The video I posted a link to above is just info about things that were started a long time ago and it is for information only. I'm a realist and think the best way to fight something is to get to know it intimately. I found the woman Crumley esp interesting when she claims she basically disabled Creme at a gathering in Detroit. I can appreciate saucy ladies who will not take shit from people.
      P.S. I apologize for some of the posts that have every word capitalized. When I use my tablet it automatically capitalizes every word. Stupid smart devices, LOL

    13. This is Cryptic, as some call me.

      BTS, at the risk of being blunt, you do follow the doctrine of these so-called ascended masters. In fact, the St. Germain Trust takes its name from one of these supposed beings.

      One need not have chosen consciously to follow a doctrine in order to be follow it.

    14. Google St Germain and you'll find he was a charlatan. Why name a trust after a charlatan?

    15. Hey Cryptic! Do I follow the doctrine of these so-called ascended masters? THAT is a very good question, and I guess the quick easy answer would be: no.

      Let me clarify. I do not "follow" anyone. No one. I do not follow any particular site, "guru", spiritual leader, channeller, or any specific doctrine. I read everything, and what resonates to me, I store away in my brain for further analysis and further thought. If one of these so called "Ascended Masters" says something that resonates to me, I might take that and store it away in my brain.... but that piece of information holds no higher place than something that someone here might post in a comment that resonates with me.

      As I said on the radio show yesterday - I have a serious issue with the term "Ascended Master". I don't like it, and I don't use it. NOT because I do not believe that there ARE ascended beings/people - but because I hate the use of the word Master. Do these beings/people exist? I truly believe they do. But they are "Enlightened beings" to me. Does St Germaine exist? I have one very high up source who has met him several times and assures me that he does very much exist... but I myself have not met him so I can not say Yes he does.

      ... you will find that if you read my articles, that I do not ever espouse anything that I do not have absolute knowledge of, and I do not go along with the popular rhetoric. I'm a "prove it to me" type gal. I want hard facts and evidence and physical proof. (I drive my intel sources crazy) I'm not a lovey dovey person with their head in the clouds by nature, and I am deeply suspicious of anything that remotely hints of religion.

    16. to anon 01:01: you can google anything and get whatever result you are looking for. goole Bush and you'll find articles telling you he's the most awesome president in US history, and articles that say that he is Satan. Same with Obama. Same with the Pope. Same with Anyone. You can prove nothing by "Googling" because it's all based on someones opinion and their bias

    17. BTS, what proof have your "sources" given you for anything?

      The question is not does St. Germaine exist. The question is what type of supposed being is he? What is the real purpose behind the Trust?

      Have you ever thought that your suspicious nature makes you perfect for the Agenda. They want people who are generally atheistical.

  4. I have a question for those involved with these programs, does this have anything to do with the International Award Payment Center by any chance? Does anyone who they are?

    Because I received a stamped letter from them via express courier service. It was sent by courier international. The letter keeps saying I need to send in $9 or $20 to be eligible for their BLUE SERIES prize for the contest. It is a skill test asking to answer a puzzle box that has numbers at bottom. It demands I send this back in seven days, or the prize cannot be claimed.

    I've heard everywhere that this is a scam but now I'm not so sure. I called the company and they claimed they are a long time, well represented direct mail lottery company. Does anyone have experience with International Award Payment Center in Kansas Missouri at all? Do you believe it is connected with the Prosperity Programs they send out? What actions should I take?

    Also I have received other notices in my mail. Particularly, I have been targeted by banks who sent me threatening letters stating they would enforce a court injunction if I took out anymore loans. It was quite overbearing what they did. I do not know why I was targeted, but appreciate any sort of help regarding the International Award Payment Center/North American Award Center who sent the prize letters.

    1. You will not be required to pay anything to receive any of these programs. Toss that item into file 13.


    2. that international yadda yadda thingy is a scam darlin and in no way part of anything in the st Germaine trust

  5. I have been hoping for a really cool event to happen Dec 21st, such as, the good guys blow up the moon, or move it, so that we are no longer under the controlled by the matrix OR that after 12/21/12 the reptilians can no longer shape shift into human form and are therefore "OUTED" so that we can get rid of them. This is the only way the Republican/Democrat mind control will ever accept that their knucklehead candidates are actually not really their friends.

    1. Dont expect an event of the sort on Dec 21. That date is the final influx of Source energy to our planet. The energy quotient reaches its peak at this point and then as it sets in I think we can expect to start seeing the changes come to fruition next year. 2012 was the year of building the needed positive energy to manifest change. 2013 will be the year that that energy begins to manifest the changes we seek.

  6. Maybe we are all in an actual black hole. We are ready to leave the dense area... wouldn't that be incredible?

    1. Anything would be incredible. To be honest I am really starting to get sick of all this fucking shit light and dark....

    2. LOL!!! Me too brando. Me too!

  7. Well, the sun has come up this morning in Europe and all's good in the hood! :D

  8. Did BTS remove the post about the round table discussion? Must have as its not here anymore.

    1. Also it seems that the Poof(ness) interview never reappeared. Now people are saying it was all disinfo and they forced it to be removed. It was about some rumors of a new financial system, PP and how some of the elites were somehow good guys?!

    2. the poof interview will be posted again when it's time for it to be posted. timing is everything right now. I will post it as soon as I get the go ahead


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