Ok I know you're all getting bored with my constant Solar updates..... But I've got one more (for today, lol), and then I would like to discuss WHY I'm posting them.
After reporting on the X Class flare in yesterday mornings update, yesterday afternoon and evening we had another X Class flare, 2.1, and M Class 1.9, and a M 2.3. And this morning so far we've had another M1.9 All four were from spot 1882 (which I mistakenly called 1862 yesterday- my bad). When 1882 started to swing in around the western limb of Sol, it was a smallish, simple Beta class spot. After reviewing all the charts last night I pointed out to my captive audience (Heather, Caleb and Nick- who were held captive around the dinner table, lol) (who, by the way, are also probably sick of my constant solar updates)(at least you can choose not to read them, they're stuck with me, hahahah), that spot 1882, while being classified as a simple Beta, was definitely on the verge of getting broody.... I awoke this morning to see that they had upgraded the classification to Beta Gamma Delta.
I strongly suspect that we'll continue to see action from 1882 and 1877. 1875 has had a couple of C and M class flares in the last 48 hours, but has quieted down and is now beginning to rotate away from direct Earth view.
We are currently experiencing the reflections of 4 separate CMEs that have hit in the past 24 hours.
Oh and after 12 Mclass and 2 X class flares in the last 72 hours, they upgraded the risks to M 65% and X 35%. Thanx for finally waking up guys.
Down below I'll post a copy of SolarHams excellent review of the last 10 Flares and the current active Sun spots. *note there is one discrepancy: in the top 10 flares list, it states that the X 2.1 is attributed to 1877- this is a mistake and was corrected by NOAA to be 1882, which they DO list further down in the summary. I've tried to resize the page view to no avail, so I'm sorry if there are issues reading it accurately- you can go the original link HERE.
If you like looking at all the pictures and graphs from Solarham, you can also visit this nifty link from the NASA site: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/IswaSystemWebApp/ some of the filter shots of SOL are quite beautiful. Unfortunately NASA sucks at keeping it up to date. One would almost think they are hiding something...... lol.
Now to the "WHY".
Back in November 2012 I posted THIS ARTICLE which gives a good basis for my thoughts on the importance of our Sun's energetic activity:
I have always thought that solar energy is one of the greatest factors in our evolution of consciousness- hence my intense interest in Sol's endless dance of light. Reading Daniel's paper on "Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines & Ascension" really gave me a boost of "Eureka!!" as he directly linked the activity on and in our sun to the energetic changes happening to us, our planet, and our solar system.
This article also gives a simple explanation (although not quite accurate) of these effects:
A Renaissance in Consciousness
Solar cycles and their activity play an intimate part in the unfoldment of human consciousness. Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System (stomach lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), all human and animal behavior and all psychophysiological (mental-emotional-physical) response.
Solar flares can cause some people to be nervous, anxious, worrisome, jittery, irritable, lethargic, to have short term memory loss, to feel nauseous, queasy, and have prolonged head pressure or head aches. They can also cause trouble with the radio, phone, Internet, computers, and all forms of communication--both human and technological.
Solar activity can also be stimulating, invigorating, illuminating, and create a heightened sense of awareness, and it can enhance vision and creativity tremendously. It especially stimulates the pineal gland in the brain, which is our center of vision and creativity. The pineal gland is a "neuroendocrine transducer" that converts gravitational-magnetic signals into chemical hormonal responses that control, via the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland. The pituitary is the master control center of the brain that governs the rest of the neurological system. This information expresses into the cellular structure of the individual--essentially into the molecular matrix of the cell in a "DNA Illumination Sequence" that is responsible for our evolutionary awakening. The pituitary is the administrative seat controlling cellular memory, and hence, the remembrance / emergence of our true selves.
How a person experiences enhanced solar activity is a function of the resonance of their physical neurology. If a person is crystalized with mental, emotional and physical blockages, then increase solar activity may seem uncomfortable. It is like trying to get something to improve in vibrational resonance that has resistance to do so. It a person has a more refined neurological resonance, that is for people that have done the inner work to clear mental, emotional and physical crystallizations, then enhanced solar activity is enlivening, and gives one a heightened perceptual awareness. In addition, if a person's pineal gland is severely calcified, which is common amongst most humans and generally occurs at age six, partly due to the stifling of extra-sensory awareness and creativity when very young, then the pineal is not able to respond (vibrate) to increase "light" solar activity as it should.
Solar activity, although dramatic, catalyzes, and is essential for our evolutionary process by stimulating radical change and transformation in the organizational foundation of matter, energy and consciousness. Solar activity plays an intimate role along with the dynamic transition in Earth's precessional cycle, and the erect precessional cross which occurred around 1998-2000 A.D. and which began the "time of change" in Earth's ~25,000-year "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul." Solar flare activity and other stellar explosions (supernovas) are the primary catalysts that stimulate a renaissance in consciousness. They provide cosmic impulses that supports the evolutionary maturation of the incarnate soul--the illumination of consciousness that we all seek.
Remember, solar activity illuminates consciousness, dissolving duality's paradox - the fear and judgment based monsters within are consumed in Light - old patterns of behavior vanish, while true elegance and majesty of self emerges.
So as I've said before, if you're feeling the physical effects of all this amazing solar energy, slow down, take it easy and rest as much as possible. One of my favourite things to do is to go outside and sit back and close my eyes and feel the sun on my face. Imagining it bathing me in positive energy, feeling it flow into me, energizing me.
..... and a little Vitamin D never hurts either!
Since writing this article, almost a year ago, I've sent quite a bit of time studying our Sun, and tying together the dots of information here and there that have further solidified my opinion that SOL is definitely triggering changes in us and our planet and is/will be one of the prime catalysts in awakening our latent DNA and re-opening that 90% of our brain that is currently pretending to be nothing more than grey squishy stuff. I'm not going to get into all the details that I've been studying and researching- that would make this article at least 50 pages long and would take probably well over a week just to organize it all. But I will outline some of the various aspects to the research that I've done that has been literally mind blowing when you start to connect the dots.
One of the very blatant dots that has been reinforced over and over is that the world "Governments" are completely aware of ALL of this and doing everything in their power to Stop or at least slow down what is happening. Their biggest weapons in their arsenal: Chemtrails and Vaccines. Followed by Fuoride and the usage of mind numbing medications to dumb down the population and make them more complacent, and of course the Main Stream Media and their mega team of paid shills. Oh and the skin cancer scare and sun screen..... you'll understand that last one in a minute.
Years ago I watched a video by David Wilcock talking about the effects of solar radiation/particles/waves on seeds that had been sent into space. (sorry I can't remember which one it was). David outlined that the difference between the NASA experiment and the one done by the Chinese was that the US based NASA space vehicles are heavily insulated with Aluminum - and their seeds showed no effect from their trip into space. The Chinese space vehicles on the other hand are NOT heavily insulated with Aluminum and their seeds produced incredible results when planted back on Earth after spending time in space. The contrast of the outcome was night and day.
....there have also been many articles that talk about the "space euphoria" that astronauts experience while outside of the planet's atmosphere.... hence the reason they so heavily insulate the ships with Aluminum.
When I listened to this the very first thing that hit me was usage of Aluminum in Vaccines- what better way to "insulate" humans from solar particles/rays than to flood their systems with particulate Aluminum? Many people who have discovered the toxicity of vaccines get side tracked by the "Mercury" debate, and over look the Aluminum factor. I had a conversation with Dr. William Sears (a leading pediatrician in the US and outspoken about vaccines and their questionability) about Aluminum, and he outlined that many babies receive several HUNDRED times the recommended daily amount of Aluminum for ADULTS in a single batch of regularly scheduled vaccines! Just think about that for a moment.
Next we have Chemtrails. One of the main ingredients in chemtrails is .... Aluminum! Why? Well, it's nice and shiny so it bounces back the sun's light before it reaches Earth, it also forms a physical barrier for light to get through, AND..... it's a natural insulation that they KNOW blocks the Solar rays.
Handy eh?
Scientist have knows for a long while that the Suns "radiation" can cause "mutations" and physical changes to living organisms, but recently, in the stream of transparency that is flooding across our planet (and universe), there have been several articles that prove not only that we really ARE Beacons of Light, but that light is also a vital component to communication- on the macro and microcosmic levels- healing our bodies and "upgrading" ourselves.
This article "Is DNA the next internet?" is one that every person should read at least once. It touches on a vast assortment of amazing discoveries on the topics of Cels, DNA, cellular communication, light, frequencies- everyone will find something that resonates intensely in this article, trust me!
When we look at sunlight and the body's functions that are directly influenced by that light, I can see the dots that tie together so many aspects of our body's functions in healing and protection and the direct lines to what has been done by those who've tried to interfere with these processes.
As I said, I cannot possibly go into all the detailed research here, but a few pieces that I'll put out for you to look at at your leisure are:
Melanin: We all know that this is the stuff that gives us a golden tan in the sun, but it's not just a pretty colourant that gives us a healthy glow.
Neuromelanin also binds to Aluminum. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1450944 ....also damn interesting eh?
Although the functional nature of neuromelanin is unknown in the brain, the pigment is made from oxyradical metabolites of monoamine neurotransmitters including dopamine and norepinephrine.
Dopamine: In the brain, dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells..
Neurotransmitters..... kinda like "scaffolding, microtubules and other cytoskeletal structures now appear to fill communicative and information processing roles."....as in the super highway of the brain and nervous system.
So we have Neuromelanin, which is a sub group of Melanin, which is triggered by sunlight, that binds Aluminum (among other things) and works with dopamine- which is a neurotransmitter and plays a vital role in several aspects of health- physical and mental (and spiritual?) - I highly recommend looking at the further information on dopamine as it's a very very interesting subject- you can start HERE.
The Pineal gland secretes melatonin which activates the pituitary gland to release MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) it is in the melanocytes that melanin is produced. The Pineal gland is directly linked to the pituitary gland and the hypothalmus, which are all inter-connected to the photosensitive cells of the human eye, which relay "sunlight" to the deepest inner parts of the brain, ie: to the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus.
That is a lot to take in, I know, and it goes a hell of a lot deeper than all that. Now..... let's get back to where we started with all of this: The effects of the Sun on humans. and of course, what the PTW are trying to do to stop those effects. The Powers That Were have spent ginormous amounts of money, time and effort to not only get us out of the sun (think: spf sunblock in everything and the skin cancer fear porn, sunglasses that block the rays from the brain centers, etc..), to physically blocking that sun light through the use of chemtrails, to "insulating" our bodies with vaccines containing aluminum.....
My opinion- based on what research I can do (without being a neuroscientist or astrophysicist) and what resonates with me- is that our Sun's rays are an integral part of our human health- mental, physical and on a deeper level, spiritual (for lack of a better term). I believe that the sun is/will play a very active role in our "waking up", turning on the rest of our "useless" DNA strands, and activating the sleeping part of our brains that have been dormant for so so long.
Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar winds and tsunamis and storms, all effect humans (and all biological systems) on all levels - this is scientific fact. I truly believe there is no such thing as coincidence with what is happening with Sol, the solar maxim and it's very strange behavior this cycle.
And so....I write these articles to let people know what's happening around us and the physical effects of the incoming flares and CMEs and geomagnetic storms. I tried to not write a book, but it's turned into a bit of an epic article after all, lol.
Pay attention to the sky my friends..... what we have been taught about our Sun in school and through the media, isn't the truth. Our Sun is expanding and we are growing with it.
ps: there was another M Class 1.8 while I was writing this.
Homework link:
"Magicial" DNA: Quantum Fields and Communications
Data is valid for October 25, 2013
Magnetic Class: See bottom of page for more information.
Up / Down:
arrows in brackets indicate the change from previous day.
Area Size: Refers to Sunspot Area measured in Millionths to the Sun's visible hemisphere.
"New" Icon: The
Icon displays for 48 hours after a Sunspot being numbered.
After reporting on the X Class flare in yesterday mornings update, yesterday afternoon and evening we had another X Class flare, 2.1, and M Class 1.9, and a M 2.3. And this morning so far we've had another M1.9 All four were from spot 1882 (which I mistakenly called 1862 yesterday- my bad). When 1882 started to swing in around the western limb of Sol, it was a smallish, simple Beta class spot. After reviewing all the charts last night I pointed out to my captive audience (Heather, Caleb and Nick- who were held captive around the dinner table, lol) (who, by the way, are also probably sick of my constant solar updates)(at least you can choose not to read them, they're stuck with me, hahahah), that spot 1882, while being classified as a simple Beta, was definitely on the verge of getting broody.... I awoke this morning to see that they had upgraded the classification to Beta Gamma Delta.
I strongly suspect that we'll continue to see action from 1882 and 1877. 1875 has had a couple of C and M class flares in the last 48 hours, but has quieted down and is now beginning to rotate away from direct Earth view.
We are currently experiencing the reflections of 4 separate CMEs that have hit in the past 24 hours.
Oh and after 12 Mclass and 2 X class flares in the last 72 hours, they upgraded the risks to M 65% and X 35%. Thanx for finally waking up guys.
Down below I'll post a copy of SolarHams excellent review of the last 10 Flares and the current active Sun spots. *note there is one discrepancy: in the top 10 flares list, it states that the X 2.1 is attributed to 1877- this is a mistake and was corrected by NOAA to be 1882, which they DO list further down in the summary. I've tried to resize the page view to no avail, so I'm sorry if there are issues reading it accurately- you can go the original link HERE.
If you like looking at all the pictures and graphs from Solarham, you can also visit this nifty link from the NASA site: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/IswaSystemWebApp/ some of the filter shots of SOL are quite beautiful. Unfortunately NASA sucks at keeping it up to date. One would almost think they are hiding something...... lol.
Now to the "WHY".
Back in November 2012 I posted THIS ARTICLE which gives a good basis for my thoughts on the importance of our Sun's energetic activity:
I have always thought that solar energy is one of the greatest factors in our evolution of consciousness- hence my intense interest in Sol's endless dance of light. Reading Daniel's paper on "Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines & Ascension" really gave me a boost of "Eureka!!" as he directly linked the activity on and in our sun to the energetic changes happening to us, our planet, and our solar system.
This article also gives a simple explanation (although not quite accurate) of these effects:
A Renaissance in Consciousness
Solar cycles and their activity play an intimate part in the unfoldment of human consciousness. Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System (stomach lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), all human and animal behavior and all psychophysiological (mental-emotional-physical) response.
Solar flares can cause some people to be nervous, anxious, worrisome, jittery, irritable, lethargic, to have short term memory loss, to feel nauseous, queasy, and have prolonged head pressure or head aches. They can also cause trouble with the radio, phone, Internet, computers, and all forms of communication--both human and technological.
Solar activity can also be stimulating, invigorating, illuminating, and create a heightened sense of awareness, and it can enhance vision and creativity tremendously. It especially stimulates the pineal gland in the brain, which is our center of vision and creativity. The pineal gland is a "neuroendocrine transducer" that converts gravitational-magnetic signals into chemical hormonal responses that control, via the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland. The pituitary is the master control center of the brain that governs the rest of the neurological system. This information expresses into the cellular structure of the individual--essentially into the molecular matrix of the cell in a "DNA Illumination Sequence" that is responsible for our evolutionary awakening. The pituitary is the administrative seat controlling cellular memory, and hence, the remembrance / emergence of our true selves.
How a person experiences enhanced solar activity is a function of the resonance of their physical neurology. If a person is crystalized with mental, emotional and physical blockages, then increase solar activity may seem uncomfortable. It is like trying to get something to improve in vibrational resonance that has resistance to do so. It a person has a more refined neurological resonance, that is for people that have done the inner work to clear mental, emotional and physical crystallizations, then enhanced solar activity is enlivening, and gives one a heightened perceptual awareness. In addition, if a person's pineal gland is severely calcified, which is common amongst most humans and generally occurs at age six, partly due to the stifling of extra-sensory awareness and creativity when very young, then the pineal is not able to respond (vibrate) to increase "light" solar activity as it should.
Solar activity, although dramatic, catalyzes, and is essential for our evolutionary process by stimulating radical change and transformation in the organizational foundation of matter, energy and consciousness. Solar activity plays an intimate role along with the dynamic transition in Earth's precessional cycle, and the erect precessional cross which occurred around 1998-2000 A.D. and which began the "time of change" in Earth's ~25,000-year "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul." Solar flare activity and other stellar explosions (supernovas) are the primary catalysts that stimulate a renaissance in consciousness. They provide cosmic impulses that supports the evolutionary maturation of the incarnate soul--the illumination of consciousness that we all seek.
Remember, solar activity illuminates consciousness, dissolving duality's paradox - the fear and judgment based monsters within are consumed in Light - old patterns of behavior vanish, while true elegance and majesty of self emerges.
Unconditional Love banishes Fear - a choice.
Choose a new octave of participation in harmony and beauty,
above the raging tempest of the old world.
So as I've said before, if you're feeling the physical effects of all this amazing solar energy, slow down, take it easy and rest as much as possible. One of my favourite things to do is to go outside and sit back and close my eyes and feel the sun on my face. Imagining it bathing me in positive energy, feeling it flow into me, energizing me.
..... and a little Vitamin D never hurts either!
Since writing this article, almost a year ago, I've sent quite a bit of time studying our Sun, and tying together the dots of information here and there that have further solidified my opinion that SOL is definitely triggering changes in us and our planet and is/will be one of the prime catalysts in awakening our latent DNA and re-opening that 90% of our brain that is currently pretending to be nothing more than grey squishy stuff. I'm not going to get into all the details that I've been studying and researching- that would make this article at least 50 pages long and would take probably well over a week just to organize it all. But I will outline some of the various aspects to the research that I've done that has been literally mind blowing when you start to connect the dots.
One of the very blatant dots that has been reinforced over and over is that the world "Governments" are completely aware of ALL of this and doing everything in their power to Stop or at least slow down what is happening. Their biggest weapons in their arsenal: Chemtrails and Vaccines. Followed by Fuoride and the usage of mind numbing medications to dumb down the population and make them more complacent, and of course the Main Stream Media and their mega team of paid shills. Oh and the skin cancer scare and sun screen..... you'll understand that last one in a minute.
Years ago I watched a video by David Wilcock talking about the effects of solar radiation/particles/waves on seeds that had been sent into space. (sorry I can't remember which one it was). David outlined that the difference between the NASA experiment and the one done by the Chinese was that the US based NASA space vehicles are heavily insulated with Aluminum - and their seeds showed no effect from their trip into space. The Chinese space vehicles on the other hand are NOT heavily insulated with Aluminum and their seeds produced incredible results when planted back on Earth after spending time in space. The contrast of the outcome was night and day.
....there have also been many articles that talk about the "space euphoria" that astronauts experience while outside of the planet's atmosphere.... hence the reason they so heavily insulate the ships with Aluminum.
When I listened to this the very first thing that hit me was usage of Aluminum in Vaccines- what better way to "insulate" humans from solar particles/rays than to flood their systems with particulate Aluminum? Many people who have discovered the toxicity of vaccines get side tracked by the "Mercury" debate, and over look the Aluminum factor. I had a conversation with Dr. William Sears (a leading pediatrician in the US and outspoken about vaccines and their questionability) about Aluminum, and he outlined that many babies receive several HUNDRED times the recommended daily amount of Aluminum for ADULTS in a single batch of regularly scheduled vaccines! Just think about that for a moment.
Next we have Chemtrails. One of the main ingredients in chemtrails is .... Aluminum! Why? Well, it's nice and shiny so it bounces back the sun's light before it reaches Earth, it also forms a physical barrier for light to get through, AND..... it's a natural insulation that they KNOW blocks the Solar rays.
Handy eh?
Scientist have knows for a long while that the Suns "radiation" can cause "mutations" and physical changes to living organisms, but recently, in the stream of transparency that is flooding across our planet (and universe), there have been several articles that prove not only that we really ARE Beacons of Light, but that light is also a vital component to communication- on the macro and microcosmic levels- healing our bodies and "upgrading" ourselves.
This article "Is DNA the next internet?" is one that every person should read at least once. It touches on a vast assortment of amazing discoveries on the topics of Cels, DNA, cellular communication, light, frequencies- everyone will find something that resonates intensely in this article, trust me!
"There are about 100,000 chemical reactions happening in every cell each second. The chemical reaction can only happen if the molecule which is reacting is excited by a photon... Once the photon has excited a reaction it returns to the field and is available for more reactions... We are swimming in an ocean of light."and:
VERY Interesting!!!"Traditionally viewed as the cell's 'bone-like' scaffolding, microtubules and other cytoskeletal structures now appear to fill communicative and information processing roles. Theoretical models suggest how conformational states of tubulins within microtubule lattices can interact with neighboring tubulins to represent, propagate and process information as in molecular-level 'cellular automata' computing systems." -- Hameroff and Watt, 1982; Rasmussen et al, 1990; Hameroff et al, 1992In their paper, Hameroff and Penrose present a model linking microtubules to consciousness using quantum theory. In their model, quantum coherence emerges, and is isolated in brain microtubules until a threshold related to quantum gravity is reached. The resultant self-collapse creates an instantaneous "now" event. Sequences of such events create a flow of time, and consciousness.
Don't worry if you can't understand this. It's heavy reading but it does show that the existence of internal photons -- inner light -- is very real and is the basis of virtually all human cellular and systemic function.
When we look at sunlight and the body's functions that are directly influenced by that light, I can see the dots that tie together so many aspects of our body's functions in healing and protection and the direct lines to what has been done by those who've tried to interfere with these processes.
As I said, I cannot possibly go into all the detailed research here, but a few pieces that I'll put out for you to look at at your leisure are:
Melanin: We all know that this is the stuff that gives us a golden tan in the sun, but it's not just a pretty colourant that gives us a healthy glow.
For many dominant animals, melanin pigments are derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine. There are three basic types, namely eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin. ...
... Neuromelanin is present in the brain, but its function remains obscure. The production of melanin in human skin is called melanogenesis. This occurs by means of a process called "ultrafast internal conversion", which enables melanin to dissipate more than 99.9% of the absorbed UV radiation as heat[
Neuromelanin (NM) is a dark polymer pigment produced in specific populations of catecholaminergic neurons in the brain. Humans have the most number of NM, while they are in lesser amount in other non-human primates, and totally absent in lower species.[7] However, the biological function remains unknown, although human NM has been shown to efficiently bind transition metals such as iron, as well as other potentially toxic molecules.
Neuromelanin also binds to Aluminum. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1450944 ....also damn interesting eh?
Although the functional nature of neuromelanin is unknown in the brain, the pigment is made from oxyradical metabolites of monoamine neurotransmitters including dopamine and norepinephrine.
Dopamine: In the brain, dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells..
Neurotransmitters..... kinda like "scaffolding, microtubules and other cytoskeletal structures now appear to fill communicative and information processing roles."....as in the super highway of the brain and nervous system.
So we have Neuromelanin, which is a sub group of Melanin, which is triggered by sunlight, that binds Aluminum (among other things) and works with dopamine- which is a neurotransmitter and plays a vital role in several aspects of health- physical and mental (and spiritual?) - I highly recommend looking at the further information on dopamine as it's a very very interesting subject- you can start HERE.
The Pineal gland secretes melatonin which activates the pituitary gland to release MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) it is in the melanocytes that melanin is produced. The Pineal gland is directly linked to the pituitary gland and the hypothalmus, which are all inter-connected to the photosensitive cells of the human eye, which relay "sunlight" to the deepest inner parts of the brain, ie: to the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus.
That is a lot to take in, I know, and it goes a hell of a lot deeper than all that. Now..... let's get back to where we started with all of this: The effects of the Sun on humans. and of course, what the PTW are trying to do to stop those effects. The Powers That Were have spent ginormous amounts of money, time and effort to not only get us out of the sun (think: spf sunblock in everything and the skin cancer fear porn, sunglasses that block the rays from the brain centers, etc..), to physically blocking that sun light through the use of chemtrails, to "insulating" our bodies with vaccines containing aluminum.....
My opinion- based on what research I can do (without being a neuroscientist or astrophysicist) and what resonates with me- is that our Sun's rays are an integral part of our human health- mental, physical and on a deeper level, spiritual (for lack of a better term). I believe that the sun is/will play a very active role in our "waking up", turning on the rest of our "useless" DNA strands, and activating the sleeping part of our brains that have been dormant for so so long.
Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar winds and tsunamis and storms, all effect humans (and all biological systems) on all levels - this is scientific fact. I truly believe there is no such thing as coincidence with what is happening with Sol, the solar maxim and it's very strange behavior this cycle.
And so....I write these articles to let people know what's happening around us and the physical effects of the incoming flares and CMEs and geomagnetic storms. I tried to not write a book, but it's turned into a bit of an epic article after all, lol.
Pay attention to the sky my friends..... what we have been taught about our Sun in school and through the media, isn't the truth. Our Sun is expanding and we are growing with it.
ps: there was another M Class 1.8 while I was writing this.
Homework link:
"Magicial" DNA: Quantum Fields and Communications
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![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Magnetic Class: See bottom of page for more information.
Up / Down:

Area Size: Refers to Sunspot Area measured in Millionths to the Sun's visible hemisphere.
"New" Icon: The

![]() |
Location: S08E59
Spot Count: 5 (![]() Area Size: 280 ( ![]() |
![]() |
Location: S22E21
Spot Count: 2 (![]() Area Size: 10 ( ![]() |
![]() |
Location: S13W03
Spot Count: 11 (-) Area Size: 110 ( ![]() |
![]() |
Location: S12W16
Spot Count: 16 (![]() Area Size: 390 ( ![]() |
![]() |
Location: N07W36
Spot Count: 39 (![]() Area Size: 660 ( ![]() |
![]() |
Location: S18W67
Spot Count: 4 (![]() Area Size: 50 ( ![]() |
Sunspot Magnetic Class :
The magnetic class of sunspots is important in determining how
potentially volatile particular active regions may be. Sunspots are
regularly observed using instruments capable of determining the magnetic
polarity of sunspots and active regions. By also applying laws which
have been formulated over the years, visual observations can also be
used to establish the magnetic polarity and complexity of spot groups.
There are basically 7 magnetic types of sunspots that are classified.
They are described as follows: Type A - Alpha (single polarity spot). B - Beta (bipolar spot configuration). G - Gamma (atypical mixture of polarities). BG - Beta-Gamma (mixture of polarities in a dominantly bipolar configuration). D - Delta (opposite polarity umbrae within single penumbra). BD - Beta with a Delta configuration. BGD - Beta-Gamma with a Delta configuration. Example: A region labelled as having a magnetic classification of BG indicates that the sunspot region contains a mixture of magnetic polarities, but the dominant polarity of the group is bipolar. Potentially very powerful and potent regions are those which have classifications of BG, BD and BGD. As magnetic complexity increases, the ability of an active region to spawn major energetic events likewise increases. |