
Sunday 9 December 2012

Wayshowers, be gentle

Well my friends..... If you listened to the round table discussion last night on Blog Talk Radio, then you now know that I'm a chick. lol

If you missed the live show last night, (sorry for the spoiler), you can listen to the show HERE or HERE.

Deb, Hope, Carol, (and Sherri who was hiding in the back ground) and I had a great time last night and the two hours flew by so quickly it was seemingly over in a blink.  I have a feeling that we'll be getting together again very soon for another round table conversation.

For everyone who is waiting for my next update, I did give a very small update last night on the show-  go to the recording HERE and fast forward to approx. the 1:06 mark.

Again I will reiterate that absolutely incredible things have happened in the last few weeks, especially this past week.  We are at a point of no return- the things that have been done cannot be undone, and the things that have happened can only go forward.  Timing is everything, but the timing is silent and no one knows the exact time it will be released- not me, not my sources.  This is an ever  modulating event, constantly metamorphosing: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. "The Plan" adjusts and adapts to each nuance...
...hence the fact that we just do not know the moment.

But it is coming.

As I said last night, I am very thankful for the awesome people that have been coming to RTS and making it a place to talk and discuss, listen and learn, and especially a place of support.  You are an incredible group of people and it is YOU that are making the difference here.

We will get trolls, we will get people that have been blinded by other agendas, we will get people that are confused by the massive amount of disinfo and the main stream rhetoric.... please be gentle with these people.  I know that I go off occasionally on the obvious trolls, but really, the best way to deal with a troll is: "Don't feed the Trolls".   Those that are spreading disinformation may or may not be disinfo agents, they may or may not know who is guiding them to make these uninformed comments- so be gentle.  If someone posts a comment that you don't agree with, it's your right to comment with your opinion, but please: Be gentle.   Remember that if the person commenting is blinded by the disinfo and lies, they are still capable of seeing.  But if they are ridiculed or taunted or shoved away, then their eyes will remain firmly shut.  Be gentle. I have witnessed the awakening of many people, people that originally came at me with derision and anger, but through calm dialogue the seed was planted that set them on a road to research and discovery.

Remember too that many people come to RTS for information about the financial and political changes and are not aware of the other changes that are happening all around them.  We never know when words that we speak may open, or shut, a mind.

More so than "lightworker" I love the term that was used last night: Wayshower. We are all Wayshowers, each and everyone of us, regardless of whether we have been awake for 10 years or 10 days.

Thank you my awesome wayshower friends.


  1. Wise words 'be gentle'. Kindness has a more positive effect usually than a verbal bashing/fault-finding lecture on the perceived error in someone's comments. when we attack someone it says more about them state of our own awareness or lack thereof than the person we are attacking.
    Somehow for me, Wayshower seems less ego-driven than Lightworker, so I'll stick with Wayshower.

    Sine Nomine

    1. error! should read 'it says more about THE state of our own awareness '
      Sine Nomine

    2. Hi Anonymous,
      Never worry about the typos. Creation is vast and dynamic. If in some communication you 'thought' you typed one way but creation made it another way, one way that I deal with it is to consider that maybe the writings were for a limited audience. Some people will not read anything with typos, they assume the writer is an idiot, and with that limitation, they may spread that idea it to others rather than accept the fluidness of expressing an idea with or without structured diction. If they assume the writer is an idiot, they will not find the information they seek that was in the writing. Creation seems to allow people to limit their self by their own created limitations. It's been shown taht a setnance whit tpyos can still be read by the mind. The seekers will see the message. The non-seekers will stay on the surface and critique the spelling. Both are allowed and each are on their own journey. Your messages with their typos seem to be for both audiences. Having their own unique effect on the audience. Your creations are reaching and affecting those it's meant to reach and affect.
      Love to you.

    3. Thank you for your kind words Anon@09:03 Love coming back to you!
      Sine Nomine

  2. Encouraging message may you received more light charging your spirit and physical strength to help many people. Best to you BTS.

  3. Denise Rednour, is that you, RTS???????

    1. Omg, if BTS is Denise Rednour, that would be fabulous! Carrol is from 'No Holds Barred', the group, for the most part, who was kicked out of Drake and Denise's group, now known as Universal Voice! I guess this would be forgiveness in action, if true! D, whoever you are, I LOVE the work you are doing here! Awesome that you are a chick!!

    2. hahahahahaahah! no, I'm not denise :>)

    3. On the original Re-declaration audio, you are referred to as Danni (Danielle/a?) up in Canada. You had to listen really close to catch it, I did :P

  4. Just listened to interview from 1:06 like you said D and I do see people as well losing hope but it can be expected at this late in the game. But I agree with D people things have to be moving along as so many people are so silent as of late, it has to mean things are moving. I for one have not lost a single ounce of hope and never will. Especially this past week I have been so full of love and joy that nothing can bring me down! I am very sensitive to energy and changes in it and I can tell all of you it has changed dramatically in the past week. It is very strong and very positive flowing everywhere. As I have developed my sensitivity to energy I am starting to be able to see it physically and I have to say at first it scared me because of the way it manifests in the physical where my eyes can see it. It looks like the shiny, squigiling lines that you sometimes see when you cough too hard. Everywhere I look in the shy for the past about 2 weeks I noticed I was seeing this here and there and as of this past week its all I see when I look up now. The entire sky is filled with these faint silvery lines that are moving all around each other. At first I thought my vision was going bad or something lol. After relaxing and asking exactly what was going on the answer just came to me as if I had always known, I just said to myself, "I am seeing the energy of creation flowing through the air!" and after that moment it made so much sense to me as I have been wanting some kind of physical sign that it was real and have been asking for that sign. Well I got it and its wonderful! So anyone losing hope just stop and breathe. The change is here and its flowing everywhere. If you still cant see it I promise you I can and it is just a matter of time now. People in the street probably think theres something wrong with me. "Man whats that guy doing? Hes just standing there staring up at the sky?....". Lol!

    1. hahahahah- I've been seeing those bright squiggles, like particles shooting all over the sky for years and years. I pretty much ignored it, figuring that it was just some weird eye thing I had going on. it was only this january when I read an article and the writer mentioned these particles/waves/lights/sparkles and I had one of those epiphanies of "Holy crap!!! and here I just thought I had some bizarre eye thing going on!!". Now I stand there staring at the sky all the time, lol!!

    2. This is the energy of the sun, that the Hindus call "Prana"!

    3. I see this way! At first I thought it was my contacts or glasses. For the past 5 months I see this way just looking around, it is my constant state of vision now, but it shows up more in the day as opposed to night when I have lights on. I thought it was me starting to "see" through the matrix at first, but then it came to me I was seeing energy, which is kinda the same thing I guess. So glad to know I'm not the only one! Most around me are asleep and had no idea what I was talking about when I used to say "doesn't everything kinda look staticky or pixelated to you now?"
      Also, I loved the podcast last night! I felt like I was in the same room with you all sharing love and light! Namaste!

  5. Hi.. this is Carrol.. I loved being there with you all last night.. I see the tremendous response we received and it is all positive. The group No Holds barred was exploding with Joy. I was told to tell you all THANK YOU from every member there. As far as the squiggles.. I have seen them as well. I was getting Orbs in my photos for years, and now I can even see them with my own eyes. LOVE YOU D. and everyone. <3

    1. Hi carrol- So glad that you stopped by to say hi. Last nights roundtable conversation was a great evening. Can't wait to do it again.

      Love D

  6. Great call last night. Enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for the update, hope you guys do another call soon. A lot was said that we needed to hear. I think more people will be stepping up to the plate with more courage during these times of change because the pep talk you warrior goddesses gave us. :)

  7. I really enjoyed listening to all of you, I have also had the eye thing going on. What really enlightened me was the fact that I too had a tramatic occurance in my life and could not understand why something so devastating had happened. Then I starting going down rabbit holes trying to figure it out, one hole led to another and then another and one day about a year ago I knew they were all connected and that I was given this opportunity to help right an enormous wrong! Was glad to hear it happened to alot of folks the same way. Like the hour I first believed! I have become a Wayshower. And trust in the power of knowing life will be full of peace,love,freedom and abundance. I will be relieved when all comes to light and the truth will be known by everyone.

  8. I only discovered your blog maybe 2 months ago (although I'm following other sources) and I instantly liked it :) And funny thing, I was absolutely sure you're a girl :)) Anyhow I really appreciate what you're doing and I enjoyed listening to all of you. Greetings from Europe :)

    1. Totally ditto Irene!

    2. Greetings and thank you my friends- I lived in Europe for several years and I do miss it!


  9. You know what, I can see what you are alluding to BTS because I know you read my e-mail and I can see though you didn't respond to the last one... this post from you today exudes a general output of what would have probably been said if you replied. Because I know I came off a little militant and didn't leave much room for you to space and wiggle in between what I wrote. Because I constructed it that way because I wanted you to see that both of us are wise enough to see both sides as maybe being right and wrong.

    At the same time though what I say comes off a little bit stronger then what you are comfortable with which is why you probably thought I was arguing and didn't want to listen to you because I know you were only speaking on behalf of your readers and just want them to have a place to where they feel they are not on defense of their opinions all the time because I feel they are trying to undermine the topics being discussed so I try to undercut them with sarcastic condescending remarks just to let them know that everybody ain't to nice to not put some of them in check in a belittling way if you ask for it.

    That was my whole thing, I wanted to put that mark out there that ''us'' the readers on this blog are not to light filled that we just are going to take whatever insult or antagony to our opinions and make us feel like we are in la la land exaggerating our imaginations about world change with Prosperity Packages, RV, UFO'S, ascension and so on. Now that I feel that most got the point of why I did what I did I think I can stop since the point has been made.

    Because this post needed to be posted since I was the driving engine in why this may have been posted given the talks I had with BTS about readers complaining that I come off as subjugating and not given them their space into how they see things and not making them feel small because they don't have the full picture. My thing with that was if you don't have the full picture don't post comments alluding to the moderator of this site like she has the full picture when she doesn't post something you think you have more understanding when she post articles with you in mind to understand it together.
    A lot of people like to assume that the ''wayshowers'' that make blogs automatically knows about everything that is going on so they are put on that pedestal and if they make one false move they will be berated with comments from people talking about this site is dis info' or they are with the cabal a covert agent sent out to confuse us because the article doesn't line up with other info from another site that has a different perspective on the same subject who they are already familiar with as a truth seeker.

    So to the other readers, I'm not an apologist because the one thing you will never find on my grocery list' is the term and ''olive baskets'' but I am aware of how my comments may rub you the wrong way because that was my intentions so like I told BTS I extend my hat, head down left knee to the ground as I throw myself upon the mercy of the dignified courts. You will not have to hear that tone of speaking from me henceforth. So I bid you adieu for now and I will speak with you guys later.

    1. I Am So Happy You Are Back Ariel :-) I Think There Are People Who Are Trying To Cause Discord Among Us And That We Need To Be Wary And Aware. IJust Feel This Vast Love For Everyone And Am Now Trying To Ignore The Naysayers. Thank You For Your Wonderful Words, And I For One Look Forward Tao The Positive Things We All Have To Offer. IAm Bursting With Excitement To See What My Role Will Be In All This Wonderfulness :-)

    2. Thanks, and for the record of those who think I am a female !!no!! I am a 29 year old male. And yes maybe those people are wrestling with their own souls as to which one they want to give into, the one of the old world or the one of the new world? I think I can stomach approaching the new world with an open mind and hopefully find whatever my soul is guided to that will cement my footing in this ascension phase we find ourselves in so I can have a firm foundation to work from to continue on with Gai where ever she may abound.

    3. HI ariel, I hate to burst your bubble darlin, but this post wasn't written with you in mind ;>) I haven't responded to your last email because I've been run off my feet and wanted to reread it again and respond to it when I have the time to answer it thoroughly.

      I wrote this post for everyone. we all have a tendency to occasionally be snarky and sarcastic when dealing with trolls. we all have grumpy days, we all have days when we're short tempered and quick to take offence. I am just as guilty of this as anyone, so this is a reminder to myself as well.

      In the end, none of us KNOW with 100% absolute certainty what will happen over the course of the next few days and years and eons. We can talk about what we've studied, researched, read, watched and heard, we can talk about what resonates with us, but in the end we are all on a journey to a place we've never been before (that we remember, lol). No one person's opinion is of higher value than any other persons opinion. Mine included. I know no more than any of you guys about this journey, hell I know a lot less than some of you :>) We can gather together and talk about our thoughts and opinions, and we can each choose what to believe and decide what resonates with us. But as I said: Be gentle please.

    4. Cool, because what I wrote in that last e-mail wasn't as open minded to what you said about not being so aggressive and dominating to certain people who come here or have different opinions based on blind assumptions they have about a particular person they may follow; an example would be the Niel Keenan thing of course as I had no mercy for a certain reader and others who supported that guy because David Wilcock recommended him.

      As now in this post you can see I yielded and let whatever be said, said with out the gauntlet being thrown as to who information is more accurate then the other. And yes I agree though some information may make more sense than others we still have to give that leeway as to how that info is perceived so that others may come with another angle that may just be as valuable as the preceding opinion to the contrary.

      I will just try my best not to come off to antagonistic to the point where I am not open to another possibility to the argument so even if it seems I am trust, that is not the case I am only trying to push you further in your assessment as to make sure you are leaving out and omitting things that may support your information even further. That has always been of way of make sure the kinks are ironed out enough to make the subject matter more firm then to just swallow anything you may not even believe yourself. That's why I may come off condescending to some of you. So I guess that is cleared up.

    5. love and light to you Ariel my friend


    6. Thanks, BTS, for what you wrote at 15:11.

      Having spent many years seeking truth in Christian churches--and, yes, finding some--I have become hypersensitive to the arrogance that says or implies, "...We are on the cutting edge..." When Job was suffering he sarcastically said to his judgmental friends, "No doubt you are the [only wise] people [in the world], and wisdom will die with you!" If anyone out there believes himself / herself to have all the answers, good luck with that. Those whom I have known who believed they were the people and wisdom would die with them have not fared so well (and I have lived long enough to watch the process).

      IF, as we all say, and many of us believe, the most significant, impactful thing in the universe is LOVE, we will benefit from learning what LOVE is. It is NOT placing oneself above others or judging others or their ideas, thoughts or beliefs (no, I have not known this experientially all of my life).

      One of the brothers of Yeshua wrote, "...Mercy triumphs / rejoices over judgment..."

      Mercy gives witness to the presence of LOVE in much the same way that the sparkles in the air / sky seem to give witness to the presence of a special energy.

  10. Definite feminine energy "feel" here, even before your partial revealing!

    Plus, perhaps have read you previously, in a different setting, or even settings?

    No matter, enjoying & appreciative of whatever info you can provide.

    1. I don't know Merry- I've been heavily involved in political activism in the field of Maternal and Infant health for many years, .... maybe you've read some of myt articles in that area?

  11. A girl! Cool!
    I thought you were a sensitive and intelligent guy ;)
    I love your blog and your style.
    Unfortunately I am not fluent in English to understand the audios.
    I love it when transcribing the interviews, google translate helps me.
    We break the barriers of space and I feel very close to all of you, siblings worldwide, vibrating at the same intent.
    Peace and love to all!

    1. light to you zazul- I would love it if someone could do a transcript of the show to post here on RTS


    2. BTS, regarding a transcript, check your email...

    3. Merry- I didn't receive anything- can you please send the email again?


    4. D, Ariel, You are both incredibly balanced people. You are in the ZONE. The perfect balance of both masculine and feminine polarity. Out of curiosity, both of you, look at your palms. Do the lines on the left palm mirror the ones on the right?

  12. I Have Been Following This Blog For About A Month Now And At First I Was A Disbeliever Esp When People Were Talking About Dinars Which Still Do Not Resonate With Me. But Everything Else Has Been Making sense. I Watched Thrive And Connected The Dots With The Gambles Help And Now Follow Dr. Steven Greer. I Am Getting Nowhere With Any Of My Friends Though. How Do You Stand It When No One Will Listen To You? It Is Very Hard Being Around The Negative People In My Life, Which Is Why I Am So Grateful To Have Found This Blog. I Am Not A Lightworker Or A Wayshower But I Will Gladly Help To Calm People When The World Govt And Economy Changes. In The Beginning Of My Journey I Thought The World Was Going To End And Started To Save Survival Stuff But Now That I Know Differently I Will Use Those Supplies To Help My Neighbors If Things Are Disrupted For A Few Days Or Weeks. Is It Wrong For Me To Want To Be Able To Say "I Told You Something Was Up" When The Crap Hits The Fan :-)

    1. I conclude by your post here that you in fact are a lightworker as well also a prepared way shower. Namaste!

    2. I agree with brando- you definitely sound like a wayshower to me :>)

      as for the trial of being awake in a sleeping world.... it is a difficult road to walk, but you'll be amazed with the new people you will meet that you resonate with.

    3. Anon 11:07, If you are searching for answers to the big questions and have stumbled onto this blog and it are absolutely positively a lightworker. You have answered the clarion call to wake up and fulfill your particular role in the process. I get monthly news letters from 'era of peace' the webpage of a wayshower extraordinaire named Patricia Cota Robles. Even if you cant reach them on a conscious level, you can invoke the highest aspect of every man woman and child as a walk in until they wake. Her latest letter has very concise step by step invocations for 12-12-12 portal activation which is less than 48hrs away. Go here and print this info. It will give you peace of mind that even though your friends and family are asleep, no one is being left out, missing the boat or being left behind. When earth is perfectly aligned with the galactic center of the universe (12-21-2012) floodgates of knowledge should open for everyone asleep or not.

  13. Anon 11:07

    The fact that you are awake and willing to help means that you are a Lightworker.

    Here is a message from Saul encouraging us to be compassionate to those waking up after announcements begin.

    We're all going to be so elated and finally LOVE will abound!

  14. We all have already chosen what job we will do before we came this lifetime.
    Each will contribute when and where we are needed for we are told there is much to do.

    We are all Light Workers. We all have a mission and purpose. Our job in this incarnation is to figure out what our purpose and mission are and to live them in a way that serves our highest good and the highest good of others.

    Way Showers are light workers who choose to bring their talents and gifts into the world in a larger way. They use their leadership skills to help light workers contribute their skills to create a new world of community, harmony and equality.

  15. !!Good news!! last week I posted an article from Mother Sekhmet channeled by Beth Trutwin about people who don't clear up there karma before 12/12/12 will not be making it to the new earth and this what was said.

    Mother Sekhmet: 12.12.12 is the day we balance our karma within duality. If we fall asleep between now and then refusing to change then it will be like falling asleep on the snow. You will fall asleep never to wake again. You may then finish out your time on Earth but as your Spirit leaves this time it will go on to another duality place to finish unfinished karma. It will not be invited back to Earth. End Quote.

    But now something has changed as said by Patricia Cota Robles, during the past 25 years miracles have taken place that have exceeded the greatest expectations of Heaven. The Awakening that has occurred within the mass consciousness of Humanity has changed the course of history. As a result of the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, during the past 25 years the I AM Presence of every recalcitrant person on Earth, who was in danger of not making the shift to the New Earth, has made the conscious decision to do what is necessary to clear their karmic liabilities, so they can move forward in the Light. This is true whether or not the person’s fear-based, fragmented human ego is consciously aware of that fact or not. The choice to move forward in the Light by even the most rebellious people is exactly why we are witnessing such appalling negativity being pushed to the surface all over the world. This negativity is surfacing at an accelerated pace in order to be healed and transmuted into Light.

    As a result of this miracle, the two Earth’s have become ONE. This means that every man, woman, and child is moving forward with the New Earth. NO ONE IS GOING TO BE LEFT BEHIND!

    If recalcitrant souls do not clear their karmic liabilities before they leave the physical plane, they will be taken to the Inner Schools of Learning associated with the New Earth to complete their transmuting process. Once they have completed learning the lessons of Oneness and Reverence for All Life, they will join the rest of Humanity on the New Earth. The Company of Heaven said this is the greatest act of Divine Grace every rendered to the fallen Sons and Daughters of God by the Cosmic I AM, All That Is, our Father-Mother God.

    Ariel Toliver: This is extremely good news to hear as I thought I would be seeing a lot of people not make it including myself but now It makes total sense as to why they inspired us to push through certain things based on the fear and possibilities that we would not make it to the new earth if we didn't by a certain date. I am a very happy person as a result of this divine grace God has bestowed upon us.

    1. To be honest Ariel it was not God that bestowed this upon us. We are the ones we have been waiting for and we are the ones that bestowed this upon ourselves. =D

    2. I am very happy for you too Ariel! I am so happy you came to the realization that you will indeed ascend with your brothers and sisters! Namaste!

    3. I agree brando!

      Ariel, I have always felt that no one would be left behind- the thought that some would be "left behind" has always felt wrong to me. But I think that every soul will make the choice that they planned when they decided to come here.

    4. To Brando9000: I can agree with that because even the celestials mention such things as we were and are the driving force behind these massive changes that are to happen. And that's why I think the world that will be created all the accolades and accreditation can go to us the people of earth the ascended ones as they always say this has never happened before, ascension in the physical body is the first time this has ever occurred especially humanity as a whole is concerned now that they too are joining the party regardless if the baggage they carry may slow down the process.

      Did you guys know that the human genome can only be found on planet earth and nowhere else? That is the reason why the cosmos can not ascend with out us because they don't hold the template to dictate universally how things will end up once ascension occurs here. Remember this is the most densest planet because the control factor of the cabal is experienced no where else in the cosmos but here, this why they are in awe of how we overcame and woke up in record time to realize this without really seeing the enemy but recognizing it is there enough to destroy the strangle hold just by realizing and acting against something we really can't locate.

      Do you guys know how amazing that is? Even Zigbibniew Brezenski had to admit that they didn't plan on running into such opposition to there plans not even knowing what there plans were until only a few years ago though they spent eons implementing them with out our knowledge. Guys that happen within a span of ten years, do you know how small of an amount of time that is in cosmic time? !!A nano second!! probably shorter then that, but that's how fast we woke up.

    5. Ariel,

      Please don't think I mean to be rude or hurtful. But take just a moment and read that last pargraph. Does it not sound a little too neat and timely that he would say such a thing. Do you ever wonder about how all this "intel" and internet research is taking place just at this precise moment, all of these daming facts being discovered all of a sudden.

      DO you ever wonder if perhaps a part of the agenda of very powerful and devious people has been to allow you to have this information, and to make sure that you have it, in order to accept a solution that is presented to you by the same people who connived to put the world into such disarray in the first place?

      These are very good questions that I would just politely recoommend that people here begin to ask.

      That's all. Fairly simple. I'm not a troll. I just want to widen the conversation a bit.

    6. To Anonymous 16:45: Yes of course, but I never hung on to it as something to be above the possibility that maybe it's to good to be true that a potential cabal member is in concession of defeat against plans they thought would surely work. And I glad you brought up them allowing us to have this information is being part of a ploy and decoy to play into the hand of the perpetrators to make us think we are freely accessing information that exposing us to things they didn't want known but somehow shared among people that they know are to stupid gullible and docile to act upon the information because ''American Idol'' and ''So You Think You Can Dance'' and X Factor' is doing so big in numbers and ratings that the very few people that know about the illuminati's agenda is fruitless not worth pursuing because the majority of the populace is to dead to fall behind and support such a minority of people who know the truth. OOp's it already happened it was called ''Occupy Wall Street'' and the rest is history buddy.

      I know all about there Problem Reaction Solution, guess what it will never work this time you know why, let me give you a hint.
      The House on Wednesday unanimously passed a Senate resolution introduced by Sens. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) that calls on the U.S. government to oppose United Nations control of the Internet. The 397-0 vote is meant to send a signal to countries meeting at a U.N. conference on telecommunications this week.

      Ariel Toliver: Now why would the UN who is the driving force behind the illuminati loose a vote in such a dramatic faction with 0 votes to fall back on and still considered to be a force to reckon with?

      You think I really care if the Illuminati all started coming out to renounce their plans because to many of us know about it, nope!! because I realize this ascension is not about them in the most minute and remote way. Because guess what you fail to realize the power they had was given to them by an allotted time that is way over due for them to relinquish their power... look up the Moors these are the people who taught the Illuimknati everything they know because they were and are the original Free Mason and Illuminati, even Richard C. Hoagland who worked for NASA said this on Coast To Coast Am. These guys are not even the true holders of the knowledge they use against us. Zigbigniew Brenzenski is a nobody to me a really insignificant person who I just found out about recently but I know he was behind the election of Barrack Obama.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Welcome back to your blog Ariel. :D

  17. Please do not be blinded by your pride. Your sources are not what you think they are. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll or disinformed.

    I will tell you this: balance your kindness with clear-headed and critical thought about the big picture. You may not have the perspective that you need at this time. Don't assume that you do. There are those of us who are attempting (without much success, so far) to give you information and wisdom that can help you to see that what you are engaged in doing, as well as the nature of the agenda behind the people from whom you are getting "intel," are not what you think they are.

    Be willing to hear what others are saying. They have most assuredly listened and heard what you have said. And they want to help you.

    1. So basically what you are saying is that you believe that the cabal has put out this hole shift theory and what not out as part of their agenda as to try and trick us into accepting their solution to the earths present problems? Because I for one do not believe that for a second. I see two different kinds of people that are awake, there are those that are awake to the knowledge of our earths present situation with all the corruption and control of the elites and follow the physical/political/ 3D side of it. Then there are those that have awakened to this but also have awakened to their true nature and spirituality. The latter of the awakened ones have moved past the left brained critical thinking aspect of the former awakened ones and we have pretty much stopped thinking and started feeling from the heart where real truth is. And I truly feel that this is not some game set up by the elites to trick us into submission again. And if it is then they are just as fucked as we are because this planet cannot and will not sustain much more of the abuse we humans have forced her to endure. If the shift doesnt happen and come with some fast moving profound changes then Gaia nor us will be here much longer.

    2. There are those who are Aware ...of all the duality and extremes between the polarities and then those who are Awakened as well ...of who they are and how they are and are thereby closing the divide and merging the masculine and feminine the ego and the heart the left brain and the right, the us and the them who are truly fractal aspects of our collective shadow side, the negative energy we have all emitted for too long...and now we know better...the change has already happened, the turn around has happened - let us stop reporting and accept we are creators !!

    3. I'll put it this way: Have you ever wondered why "New Age Ascension" sounds just like "New World Order?"

      Perhaps they were meant to sound this way, because they are two parts of the same movement?

    4. 16:31 & 21:02 I totally agree.

      Problem reaction solution. Who is creating the problem? We are seeing the reaction now with a huge increase in poverty. What is the solution?

      To all just google the 'history of the new age movement' like the church in early days the cabal infiltrated the movements and 'guided' those movements.

      Critical thinking and discernment, your heart, your higher self and your guides are the only way.

      Why does the cabal want to fast track a new world religion - google Tony Blair and his world religion views. What does the new age movement sound like compared to a new world religion? Quite similiar.

      Its all to do with power. If they controll a new world religion then they control your hearts and minds. They dont care about money all they want is the power. If they use money as a tool to retain absolute power they will.

      What does Poofs recording say? Regional currencies are to be created just like the Euro. Royal bloodlines will be controlling the distribution of wealth. And the same leaches like Bernanke and Geithner will get a new job in the new system. Sounds like a new system with the same management and with different bloodline families giving the edicts.

      All I ask of everyone of you is to question everything. And tell your friends that you are questioning everything. The more questioning there is the more the truth is revealed.

    5. Anon@00:09 Thanks for your words. I have been feeling the same way about the things you mention.

      'New Age' spirituality, religion ~ call it what you like ~ was put in place in the 1960's by the cabal. Don't take my word for it , just do your own research cause its out there. The plan was new world order and that covered EVERYTHING. I don't know what percentage of the 'gurus' are working on their behalf but some of them are. If in doubt just put the name of the one you listen to into your search engine with the word "fraud" or "exposed" of "debunked" and see what comes up. If nothing does then fine, no problems. Some though are part of mind control, so we need to be aware of that. Bottom line is listen to your HEART. If it doesn't FEEL right, then it probably isn't right. Do not relinquish your power ~ its the most precious thing we have in my view.

      There are some great posts in this thread ~ thanks to all of you for your thought provoking comments.

      Sine Nomine

    6. Here is my take. I have a very vivid 15 second film clip in my head. All of our DNA has been downloaded and reintegrated into our 12 Chakras. All of the solar flares have upgraded our cellular bodies to a level that can withstand the influx of information that will pour from our source restoring full function of all 12 DNA strands. Our DNA is like monster fiber optics cable that transfer info and knowledge from our chakras. My movie has prime creator flipping one of those huge circuit breaker handles and completely rebooting humanities new operating system. It'll be like reading a 1000 page saga in 8 minutes. It should be miraculous. No one can say what will happen because this experiment has never been attempted before. All I can say is think quantum leap

  18. Anonymous 16:45
    Everyone will not be tuned to the message you send.
    We must respect their decision to resonate with the messages they seek to vibrate with.

    You can tell from the posts, some still think there is a 'creator' out there.
    In 'the way' they choose to prepare for these times, they will see what they 'desire' to see in a soul-ution that is outside of them.

    All paths will lead to the same destination, regardless of when One chooses or can get there.

    A free will planet is interesting. It's hard to trespass on a soul path if the soul agrees to an experience, even if the 'divine spark of the soul' don't remember whether they will like the experience or how long it will last.

    I commend your efforts and your gentleness in attempting to raise an alternate awareness.

    Remember some people are in soul groups and may choose to 'lead' or 'follow' others into whatever experience they choose.

    I have ears, I hear you.
    I Love you.

  19. Saul is the guy that states in every article of his that your life is an illusion! Do you agree that your life is an illusion?

    Im sure that the millions of sick thirsty and starving really would be offended if someone told them that there life of struggle is a life of illusion. So would a lot of others including me.

    When I read Smallman and the constant use of the word 'illusion' I scratched him off my reading material.

    1. You are free to ignore this response to your response.
      The Law of One series at, may add to your discovery of what Saul meant by that.

      If I had a belief or understanding or knowing that I am a divine spark that is eternal, and came here to forget who I was, forget my power, and experience both sides of creation in duality including experience birth and death; would my experiences here be considered an illusion?

      To experience joy, or pain, to experience hunger or love, to experience sleep, to eat chocolate, or cotton candy, those things I could not experience as the divine spark of light, if that was my true form.

      We are all welcome to tune out the things that don't resonate with us.
      Everyone will get to the same destination when they are ready.

      I don't know Saul and I haven't read his articles, but I did watch the series and I got a comprehension of why One would be told our life is an illusion. In the series we were given examples and I remember seeking and finding (or shall I say, having seen most of the information) in different locations and having the video connect those dots was intriguing.

      You'll decide what you accept as your truth.
      I comprehend what Saul communicated.
      There are many internet personalities that have discussed what Saul has in many ways. Dolores Cannon, Santos Bonacci, George Kavissilas, the 2012 video on youtube

      Everything you seek is not in one place.
      You may find that you come back to whatever Saul is trying to 'remind' you of when you discover more.

  20. I just want to thank everyone here for all the amazing, supportive, encouraging love filled posts. It is looking through a window into each of your souls. Everyone is so unique and perfect, each of us is 1 note that combined produces a symphony. I have been so lonely all my life because I did not resonate with anything society deemed acceptable. I swear I felt like I had a green face and antenna sticking out of my head. The notion of studying things in school that I had no desire to learn was a completely alien or communist concept.(Take your pick) Planning everything in life to a rigid ticking clock is ridiculous and pointless. Being taught to have a perfect 'work ethic' for a job I despised, yeah right. My motto, I don't have to and you cant make me! I could never admit these things to anybody. At least not until stumbling onto this blog. Everybody here has a similar life full of weirdness too. Finally connecting to people exactly like me has brought more happiness than I thought possible. Thank you D for creating this niche for all of us who volunteered for this mission. Your investing more than time, infusing yourself into it, is what has made it so exceptional. To all my soul family here Namaste`

    1. I felt like that too Kathy ~ I didn't fit with any of the mainstream whatevers, not even my own family. Turned out OK in the end. Finally found a partner and some good friends who "got" me! lol! Your post brought me to tears - good ones! Sending you love Sister! :-)

      Sine Nomine

  21. Just dropping quickly by to post this link - hope its OK here. Clarifies the whole caboodle I think.

    Sine Nomine

  22. For all those supporting the idea that the cabal is orchestrating this hole play that is playing out right now I will reitterate what I stated above. If this is all a play by the cabal to trick us back into submission into their NWO then they are just as fucked as we are because if the course of this planet is not correct and fast then we nor the cabal will be here much longer. And if the cabal is behind it all then they are either turing to the light themselves or are just too dumb to see what they are really doing here. because they are systematically waking up large portions of people daily to what they have been doing to us for so long and they are also promoting the one thing that they hate and that is the one true weapon against them. Thats the vibration of love and oneness. For the cabal to promote their own weakness and try to spread it across the entire planet makes no sense. The cabal cannot exist in the vibration of love and oneness.

    1. Exactly!!!! The promotion of oneness, the promotion of love..... how in any way shape or form could that be used by the cabal?

    2. Of course they are waking up vast portions of humanity. BUT how awake are those large portions of people? Are they fully awake to ascertain the difference between 'love' and a 'new world religion'? Please consider that at least 90% of the population are still unquestioning sheep.

      Brando and BTS did you actually do the google search of Blair and his one religion? From your replies I suggest that you havent.

      And BTS for someone new to the game as you admitted in your interview please dont dismiss everything that doesnt conform to your paradigm.

      'Exactly!!!! The promotion of oneness, the promotion of love..... how in any way shape or form could that be used by the cabal?'

      I found this response of yours to be very shortsighted. Read your history books. Read about every and I mean EVERY religion throughout history.

      Its a big world out there.

    3. That Tony Blair Faith Foundation made me feel sick. (Tony Bleugh!? LOL) I think I get where you are coming from Anon@09:52. But as this guy was the most hated PM according to the rumors I don't think there's much chance of him having a big following on his home patch. Especially as there are Scottish MP's trying to get him charged for crimes against humanity. The US might be different of course. The cabal have certainly tried to manipulate the New Age Spiritual movement but I think the more that people awaken, the more they realise to what extent we have been manipulated and the cabal will fail in their efforts on every level.
      I think there are many levels of oneness ~ I know that sounds contradictory. We are all part of the One but we all have our individual beliefs. We aren't robots and some of us are never going to believe everything someone else believes.
      Sine Nomine

    4. Brando9000, Reach within and ask yourself. If slavery is a violation how do you get someone to be your slave? You tell them what you are doing and by their silence it is agreement, or by their signature it's agreement, or by their gesture shaking their head yes or no, its their agreement.

      The Creator within you cannot be oppressed by the Creator within them except by agreement. They MUST reveal what they are doing.

      You have more to learn about the world in which you live. There are hints among these postings but no one can 'TAKE' you there. You have to seek.

      I have told people not to wake anyone up before they are ready. It is not our job to awake anyone. I equate it to a Christian awaking someone to Christ and then expecting the One they awoke to have the behaviors that are Christ-Like. When they see a behavior from a 'so called Christian' and it's not Christ-Like they consider the One they awoke as a 'back slider'.
      Waking someone up doesn't mean they are READY for the path you put them on.
      They have to be ready to walk the path and they can never go back to the existence they were comfortable with that is their right to live.
      Christ spoke in parables because people who heard him but was not ready, would not have their path interfered with.
      Here, people listen to Dolores Cannon. Take things as a grain of salt. Do not sit on dates or times or events, but get the overall message about waking people up and getting upset at what others have done to you.
      It's called Dolores Cannon 5D Earth is Here
      The dimension doesn't resonate with me, so I just let what she describe sit on a shelf but I do listen to the information she is conveying and reminding us of.

    5. Sine Nomine

      Read the full article:

    6. I have no need to read this article as this scenario does not exist in my timeline thanks. =D

    7. OK question to you guys supporting this idea of the cabal being behind this hole movement.... If it is them telling us that have have committed mass genocidal sacrafices to lay lines of an evil pentagram energy vortex across Europe and it was them that have stolen our children and raped and tortured them to enduce them with mind control programming to make them their personal slaves, it was also them that have systematically poisoned the entire planet since the early 1900, it was them that have planned and funded both sides of every war on our planet, it was also them that have created religion and politics to keep us seperate and fighting as well as TV and video games to desensatize us to war. If this was all them telling us this stuff then what? What possible outcome could they have to gain? What is there next move? Because its not like they can just put the awakened ones back to sleep. Its not like they can just imply a one world government and keep poisoning our waters and genetically modifying our foods. Its not like they are ever going to be able to convince us to go to war again or that a fiat currency will ever work again. I dont see any possible positive outcome they could have to stage this hole thing, maybe you can enlighten me please.

    8. Anonymous 12:10 I am Anonymous 10:54

      I happen to KNOW that's not the whole truth. There is some truth in every communication. Sometimes how things are presented, if there are omissions of the truth, it can lead people to 'believe' things from what was written.

      I'm not sure your reasons for posting that link, but if it is to misguide or confuse, you may want to think about what you are creating.

      Agenda 21 would be a good idea if it weren't for how it's presented, and the control certain ones want to have of it. Amish people probably live an Agenda 21 type lifestyle. Group conscious would be a good idea if it weren't for cults or in Star Trek the Borg. Mormons share a common group conscious about family and relationship, and outside control would not exist in that setting.

      So as much energy as that one put into posting those details, they left out too much for it to be considered a universal truth.

      the one who posted that article assumes people discussing Creation or Universe, or our connections to one another has only studied for a few months.

      That assumption is shortchanging yourself but it is YOUR path to discovery.

      I can't make suggestions, because I travel with the same care as Morpheus, in The Matrix (movie).
      If you are seeking and our paths cross, I will say just enough to get you to 'the door', but only you can walk in.

      Morpheus at least offered the red pill but told Neo by not taking it, life would be the same and he wouldn't have to look back, but he forewarned Neo about awaking up. Once you do, you can never go back.

      Your posting is a distortion.
      I equate your posting with this scenario.
      It's like shining a light in half a room and claiming the other half doesn't exist. The viewer if they trust what you provided; would believe the size of the room is limited to only what the light was shown. Thus it's truth surrounded by distortion.

      A challenge has been presented to you.
      You can access both and tune your truth meter.
      Ask your inner self, ask your higher self why was the rumormill link shown to you in this reply after the Dolores link was shown to you?
      What purpose does one have to provide an opposite view point to life?
      What purpose does one have to tell you there is no alternative, all roads lead to Hell?
      What is Hell? What is their interest in you thinking you are going there Anyway?
      What purpose do they have to guide you and tell you why it's the road you are on?

      Ask your higher self which path is the path for you to take?

      That's how you deal with things like this that are posted in your life as you are searching.

      If you don't know either path, peek at both.
      Both paths will guide you.
      As grown ups responsible for your own journey, you must learn to read the signs placed before you. You can't run away you must learn to read them so you can instantly know if a sign was written for you to notice.
      Some paths will cause you to take a longer journey to the same destination; like a long detour down a winding road.

      Love to Sine Nomine - Not sure what you are creating, but my inner Spirit told me to make sure I added a comment to indicate non-support of that link that followed my own.

    9. O yea, and if it was the cabal staging this hole one love, one world of peace and oneness then in order to impliment it to the fullest they would have to wake up the entire population to it and teach them about love and oneness. SO then they have an entire planet of people living in love and oness of peace and harmony then where does that leave them? They feed of the lowest vibration in existence, fear. So how does getting their one world government implimented by promoting it with love, peace and oneness help them in any way? Sorry not buying it, it would not work out for them and they would screw themselves over big time lol.

    10. Anon 10:54 here.
      No one is trying to get anyone to buy into anything.
      Please, ignore posts about One Love and Peace and Harmony.
      It doesn't resonate with you.
      But those that have walked certain paths KNOW, so don't stop us from showing each other.

      I didn't know until I had a family member in jail.
      My path started in Redemption...I never would have known it would lead me to where I am today.
      Cabal is Created.
      All Creation is for a reason.
      Your day will come when you will seek certain things.
      Until then avoid those things that offend you, or shelf what you've been exposed to until something connects or disconnects it for you.


    11. No no you misunderstand I am all for peace love and oneness it is what we need to fix this collective we exist in, I am just saying that for the hole new paradigm stuff to be staged by the cabal would be the dumbest move they could ever make.

    12. Anon 10:54 here again,
      Yes, there is a staging aspect to it by the Cabal.

      I worried about those that would 'fall' for the staging aspect of ascension.
      The Cabal is crafty, but they do things by contract or agreement.
      No one will enter into their trap except by their own will.
      This is one of the pluses and minuses of our existence.
      There's many choices, go to inner earth, get in some chamber to have the DNA manipulated to help with ascension, get on a space ship, ride out any and all changes on the surface of terra forma (as one internet poster put it).

      Many of us are under contract that binds us. We want to fight what oppresses us but we won't get out of the contracts we signed with our life energy.
      Imagine your signature if viewed with an energy spectroscope, it glowed with the Divine Spark of the Creator. If a computer signed it, no such glow would appear. By your signature you gave life to an agreement between two parties.
      That's what you do when you agree to things and enter contracts. The Creator in you are accepting those terms and agreeing with another Creator to abide by them. Do not hate them and wish their death when you are a party to the situation. What you wish for them, you wish for yourself. (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you).

      I saw a George Kavissilas video when he was in Australia. A woman was so concerned about her family she was drawn to tears about them not making ascension. He had to explain to her, the journey was an individual journey and that she had to let go, and let them have their free will choice to not ascend if they wanted to.

      I once threw warnings such as your on a site where people were wanting to get on a space ship to get off this planet because they felt so oppressed by the "Dark Cabal".
      I stayed within the parameters of not forcing awakening and said at most, that the people offering the space ride indicated if the Ones wanting to leave had a pet, and the pet did not want to go, they could not make it go. They'd have to leave it with someone. This was evidence they recognize the free will of all life to choose their experience. This is a free will planet but once you leave, the space ship is not a free will space ship. You can't say, turn around I want to go back. Time is man's creation so there is no way that space ship can bring them back to the same earth at the same time they were removed, and there is no power they have to make them take them back. Of their will, they left and the journey on the ship has it's own progression.
      Also, if other members boarded other ships, there is no power to tell them to let you join other members on other ships. The connections of family existed while on Earth, once you leave, it's a whole new soul experience. The same rules do not apply for what was considered family.

      Thanks for explaining your concerns even further, but I don't want anyone who this does not resonate with to force these things on their self as their truth. It may mean they are led astray, but they chose their path by their preparations for these times.

      Unprepared people will experience what is left in their life plan to experience by their preparedness or lack there of.

      That's why I keep saying all roads lead to the same place, some just take longer. All of creation started with Love. The dark and light spaces in the Universe, the dark and light aspects of Life as we experience it, is created from Love.

      I chose the Dolores video to share because she is gentle without judging when she explained things she learned in from others deep hypnosis. She indicates she's been able to talk to the higher self in the subconscious part of the brain of those she hypnotized. The Illuminati know these things she's learned, but they teach only those things among them selves to stay free, and that keep us seeking only through them for our knowledge so we would always 'feel oppressed'.

    13. I have watched every second of Dolores Canon's videos and interviews she has. She, after Wayne Dyer, was the first real person I researched when I started to awaken. But I had to move past her and broaden my research because she only has one story to tell through all her research and every interview she reiterates the same message over and over. She hasnt released any new information for a very long time and I need more. Theres lots of stuff that I have found on various blogs that resonates and lots that doesnt. I tend to believe Tolecs version of ascension that it is happening on this planet and to us whether we want it to or not and as long as we remain on this planet we will ascend with her. I am still not sure how I feel about any ships or ascension chambers right now, until I can meet the ET's that are offering it in person I cannot know for sure what their intentions are.

    14. Ah, yes Dolores repeats. She's a good start. I had a co-worker having the worst son parent arrangement with his mother and he was in his 50's and could not get past it. Dolores was the only awakening he received in soul contracts and forgiveness and it helped him to let go and forgive.

      There are other places to journey, but not everyone is ready to look.

      The "window of opportunity hidden hand page 1" info (first hit from yahoo) was full length with interruptions from other posters at another site. Someone truncated the questions and answers into a single page and posted it on scribd as well as other pages, but it doesn't do the experience if the back and forth communication and discovery any justice. Hidden_Hand gave details that opened up my comprehension of the Illuminati and Cabal. He only described himself as 'Elite' and explained 'the game' on earth. He once gave a date (and he knew he should never give a date) because the date came and went and the event he mentioned did not happen. After seeing what happened when he gave a date for a future event that did not happen, I learned that giving dates for what 'could' happen is not fact. Anyone can do something to make sure it doesn't happen at the time revealed. It was over 100 pages and I had to shelve most of it. His truth was not my truth. But then I learned more and I was able to comprehend more. I appreciated 'knowing' that part of the Divine Plan as explained by him. I was open to wherever Universe sent me, I ended up in documentaries. Totally enjoyed what I learned in, 'What time is it?', and 'How long is a piece of string?'. Both found at The Legend of Bagger Vance, movie, was my first time noticing how Hollywood put words of wisdom in their movies. Prior to that, I had watched them for entertainment. I think that's why awakening is unique to each of us. My journey is not the same as others; sort of like Neo who learned from Morpheus and Trinity yet he did things differently because he saw things differently.

    15. my anonymous friend way back up there at the top-

      "Brando and BTS did you actually do the google search of Blair and his one religion? From your replies I suggest that you havent.

      And BTS for someone new to the game as you admitted in your interview please dont dismiss everything that doesnt conform to your paradigm.

      'Exactly!!!! The promotion of oneness, the promotion of love..... how in any way shape or form could that be used by the cabal?'

      I found this response of yours to be very shortsighted. Read your history books. Read about every and I mean EVERY religion throughout history."

      I have looked at the tony Blair stuff and I honestly don't see what it has to do with anything we've been discussing here - not even remotely. I'm not dismissing what "doesnt conform to my paradigm.", I'm saying that in my opinion I don't agree with your assessment. as for history and religion.... my friend, I spent 25 years studying both religion and I still read history book just for fun. Please do not try to belittle me and insinuate I'm a nubie and uneducated just because I do not agree with your opinion. My opinion is BASED on my vast study of world religions and their effects on history and social development in various cultures, AND with what resonates within me.

    16. To Anon@12:10 I already know about the stuff in that article and more. I've read Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs and more. I too have studied organized religions and know what they're about.

      Having read some of your comments (I have limited time) I get the impression, rightly or wrongly, that you are coming from a place of fear. Fear for yourself and fear for us as you think some of us are following blindly. If that is so, your concerns are commendable imo. I thank you for them. I can assure you, speaking only for myself, that they are not necessary on my part. I follow no-one, never have. I observe, listen, bounce ideas with others and then retire into myself and form my decisions from a place of faith. That faith has got me through the trials of life that I have experienced from childhood and gotten me safely to where I am at now. I am at peace with whatever I have to do next.

      Thank you once again and love to you.
      Sine Nomine

    17. To Anon 10:54 ! Your inner Spirit had no need to worry - I got it, thanks! I know what I'm creating but have always had trouble communicating it to others ~ probably part of my soul bargains! lol! Love to you friend.

      Sine Nomine.

  23. A "Chick" LMAO That comment cracked me up!! But I should have known as your blog is one of my very favorites for intelligent and graceful postings. WELL DONE and BRAVO!! Keep it up and it's nice to know OUR FAMILY is so very awesome!!

  24. A small aside here, and a little heads up for those of us who forfeited our email addresses when we recently 'signed up' for the St. G grant; and while I do not feel that this is in any way related, it could catch us up in our enthusiasm, it almost did me. Fraudulent emails supposedly coming from Fed Ex priority...stating that they missed you and to take 'this receipt' to their local office. Delete immediately...this is most definitely NOT the procedure.
    Virus impacted.

    Was pretty excited for a wee moment.

    Hope that this helps at least one person.

    Hold the smile.

  25. I am posting for the first time since 21:02. I have posted nothing since that time and now.

    I will say this to Brando: You've asked an honest question. Why would they promote a doctrine of peace, love, and oneness, when they feed off of fear? You hold the key to your own question. Do you not fear that the world is collapsing around you? Are you not afraid of a coming catastrophe? Are you not afraid that, unless drastic measures are taken, that the world and everything you know will cease to exist?

    You find yourself wondering, "How could they put the awakened ones back to sleep?" And yet, what if you were never awake?

    What if it is your fear that makes you want to accept their promises?

    How could they make war in a world of love and unity? When have they ever said that they want to make war?

    You see, Brandon, it's not a question of what are they doing, or even of how are they doing it. Rather, ask yourself a different question: What would you not do to ascend to another dimension? What would you not do to make sure that you receive what they have promised you?

    1. No I fear none of these things mentioned. Honestly I fear very small dumb things much worries then things on such a global scale. The only thing that scares me the most about all of this is if nothing happens at all. I would much rather see the world fall off its axis and explode in a ball of smoke then for nothing at all to change. But this is only a very small fear as well as I feel that something wonderful is coming. And as I have stated before if it is all a ploy by the elite to enact their NWO and somehow keep things the same as they are now then we will all be going up in a ball of smoke eventually anyway because our beloved Gaia will no longer stand for the abuse and torture she has endured for so long. As far as your last paragraph goes, Im not even sure how I am supposed to answer these questions because I am not sure I understand what they mean?

  26. Anons 16:31, 21:02 and 00:09 (way up there ;)) well said and I see where you are coming from. It can be useful sometimes to remind ourselves of the elite’s big picture plan. The plan is three fold – a one world government, a one world currency and a one world religion. This new age movement has served as the cabal’s stepping stone for conditioning and then transitioning the masses gradually away from the mainstream religions (which they control) to their future one world religion. Look up Alice Bailey, Blavatsky, and others - all architects of the new age movement. The original plan was hatched over a 100 years….these guys think long term.

    It’s concerning that a lot of innocent, well intentioned and good people have, over the past several decades, been unwittingly drawn in by the charisma of ‘new age’ philosophy. I suspect a lot of ‘new agers’ (leaders as well as followers) don’t even realise they are being played as pawns in bringing this thing to fruition. When it’s time they’ll willingly swallow it up since a one world religion is just a natural progression from the brainwashing they’ve received as new agers. You can see how all the pieces fit. Create something new that’s more appealing than the old, collapse the old at the right time (assuming we let them) and step the masses seamlessly into the one religion that awaits them. That way you maintain what religions have always managed to do spectacularly well and that is universal Control.

    Incidentally, for those who are not aware of – or doubt any of this - the blueprint for their one world religious doctrine is already in place and it has a funky name to go with it. Look up; it’s a sneak peak at what they think they have in store for us. Be aware of its existence but don’t fear or allow yourself to be fooled by any of it! It ought to be brought into the light and outed for what it is. Then it will go away.

    The answers to everything are indeed in your heart. Intuit and question everything you are told..including what I’ve just said…do your own research, come to your own conclusions and be discerning at all times. Always ask who’s agenda is being served?


    1. This Maitreya thing is just another religion. True spirituality and people that are in tune with it denounce all religions as they imply worship of a higher being when in reality we are the higher being and should worship self and the One=All.

  27. ...oh and with all this confusion and mystery about genders, I can confirm that I'm a male ;)

  28. Ok every single one of you guys supporting this idea the cabal is behind all of this I would like you to paint me a picture of what their one world government, one world currency and one world religion is going to look like after they have it implemented please. Because any1 that sings on for this shift into oneness is doing it for and with the intentions of peace and love. The cabal wanted to kill 2/3 of the population and have the rest in FEMA camps as slaves. So please tell me how any one of us supporting peace and oneness would be fooled into this or how they would be able to turn the tables from the peace and love to global genocide and that we would all just accept it with open arms. You all make some good points but at the same time none of you make any sense. Please elaborate with some kind of explanation of how the elites would bring their plan into fruitiion and what it would look like. Because if they stay with the hole peace and love thing they will either have to hop on board themselves or they would be doomed trying to exist in the vibration of oneness.

    1. Do you think theyve only have one plan?

    2. Thanks for posting but this does not answer the question.

    3. If the hole genocide thing failed and the cabal wish to align the earth with their new found NWO of peace love and happiness then ahmen! lmao.

  29. Brando: I have no need to read this article as this scenario does not exist in my timeline thanks. =D

    Wow have you just been injected with a huge dose of flouride recently?

  30. I read the article thanks. But it still does not exist to me. And no I do not consume flouride from any source thanks!

  31. We are all in the process of co-creating our new realities and this is the crucial time where our thoughts and feelings will manifest that reality for us. Just some food for thought on where your thoughts may take you. I choose love. I know no fear.


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