
Tuesday 4 December 2012

Unbelievable Massive amounts of explosives found in Louisiana

I think you'll all want to watch this one minute video......


  1. Interesting... I wonder if this has anything to do with the sinkholes and allegedly- collapsing salt domes containing methane and butane gas... Jeez, Louisiana can't seem to catch a break. Very sad because my family were some of the original French settlers of the gulf area and none of our heritage-- family homes, crypts, etc-- survived. Now this. Seems someone has it in for LA... or maybe wants to have the area cleared of residents/ witnesses for some reason. Please pray/ send loving energies to the people of Louisiana; they need all the help they can get right now <3

    1. * None of our heritage survived Katrina, oops

    2. That's exactly why I reside in Shreveport Louisiana instead of New Orleans my original home due to the fact the used them same explosives to blow up the levies. Because New Orleans survived that Hurricane also, all we had at my house was water damage due to those explosives. Le t me give you an Idea of how close I from the levies, go to Google earth map type in 14600 Beekman Rd. in East New Orleans, Littlewoods and you will see where I used to stay prior to Katrina. And one thing I bet is that Blackwater Mercenaries were probably used to carry out such a task hired by Dick Cheney of course. Peace.

  2. Adding the mysterious explosion back in October and now this information as a footnote in this epic saga. I hope to learn how this all ties into what's going on behind the scenes. My gut tells me something nefarious has been foiled.


  3. Sorry, random question: anyone know of any good Internet radio/ podcasts dealing with topics like ascension, economic reset, etc? I am sooooooo sick and tired of listening to Alex Jones and his fear-mongering!!! I like Art Bell, but his original broadcasts are not current anymore... I would greatly appreciate any suggestions! Thank you!

    1. Cosmic vision news by geoffrey west. Really good. Will look up the link when I get to my computer. Just on my phone ;)

    2. Or Global Voice Radio

  4. You might try "Cosmic Vision News".

  5. Poof said the October explosion/s were something to do with 41. ;) nuff said!

    1. I'm an idiot I guess....what is 41?

      A. Beaverhausen

    2. The 41st president of the United States, George H. W. Bush.


    3. macklemore reference. gangstaaaaa

    4. anon 13:33 here again. Sorry, I thought everyone knew 41 was head of the Shrubbery (Bush Snr) :D

  6. This is insane, WTF?!!! I can not believe how low these Fuckers have stooped to keep their agenda alive. GIVE IT UP ASSHOLES. It is a wrap, you are done, game over, what else can be done to get it through your heads "WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TO TAKE YOUR SHIT ANYMORE!" So, all you CIA internet trolls, we know who you are. It is so obvious by the RIDICULOUS things you write. As soon as one of us mentions your infiltration, POOF, like magic, your disappear. Open your hearts and SEE what you are complicit in, join us, YOU are the 99% dont you get that? You will be disposed of as soon as your usefulness has expired. GET A CLUE!

  7. Dolores Cannon has great information about Ascension and the Shift..

  8. To set off the New Madrid Fault Line???

  9. Please forgive me, this is off topic, but am finding it’s very important
    it’s from dutchsince: “Microwave / Frequency Warfare”
    don’t know if it’s been posted anywhere- Thanks-

    1. I jsut watched the video. All the more reason The People of The World need to take back our countries.


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