
Thursday 27 December 2012

Just rambling: What do you think about a "radio" show?

Good morning my friends!!  This is just a quick morning ramble about a few things I have on my mind.  I have been thinking for a while (ok, a lot longer than "a while") about starting my own online radio show- not necessarily a regular weekly show, but to get together occasionally to chat, and to interview/chat with various people on different topics.  There are several people that I want to talk to on a whole bunch of topics, ranging from financial/political changes, energy changes, earth changes, ..... yea, about all the changes we are seeing and experiencing.

What's happening: past, present and future.

On that note, this morning I'm looking through the world of online radio show hosting and sussing out the various ins and outs of each one. ...... yea, I'm confused, lol.  

Do you guys have any suggestions?  Any experience with the format and different companies- like blogtalk radio for example?  I'm seriously over my head on this one as my knowledge about technical stuff is about on par with moron.

I'm looking for a format/platform that will allow us to have 2-3 hour time slots- whenever we feel like it, with the ability to take callers, and to, of course, record and archive each show.  If we can incorporate an online scrolling chat where people could ask questions and discuss topics with each other at the same time, and where I could post links, that would also be an excellent addition.

...and of course all this must be free. Absolutely free. I asking too much? (lol)

Give me your thoughts and ideas my friends.

And on a completely unrelated topic- I took the evening off last night and became an asparagus on the couch and watched a movie for the first time in a long time.

*** Note:  Dark Knight Rising has now been relegated to the dusty top shelf, along with the Phantom Menace, Batman & Robin, Catwoman, and Hulk 1...... two hours of my life that I will never get back.


Such is Life.


  1. bts c le problème est que la personne dans le monde qui comprene pas de traduction anglaise sur votre blog avec Google traducter son simplie mais la radio est impossible de connaître les questions et les réponses dans ma langue

    1. Maybe translate for D so she doesnt have to? Unless of course she speaks fronch which I have no idea, very possible as judging from her email address she is Canadian. =P

    2. Je pense c'est plus bon si vous mette les questions ici.Je sais pas si BTS comprend Francais.

    3. Bonjour, mon ami. Oui, c'est un problème. MAIS ..... si nous pouvions avoir des gens merveilleux là pour vous aider avec les transcriptions des spectacles, nous pourrions alors mettre cela et non anglophones pourrait mettre la transcription par Google Translate. Cela aiderait-il?

    4. and no, I don't speak french- well not real french, I do a good imitation of speaking cereal box Quebecois french.... you know: I can tell you that wheat is ble, corn is mais and apple is pomme..... I can ask for directions: où est la toilette? or ask for help: Je suis un crétin anglais, s'il vous plaît aidez-moi..... but yea that's about the limit of my french, lol

      .... but I can curse fluently in french, german,italian,maltese, thai, and japanese!!!!

    5. yes translate for many people stand you post gadget in your blog to translate sorry to mi english i speak not very good tanks to french men to paris

  2. i would love to help...but like you is beyond me....would definitely listen though....good luck....

  3. Not any other experience other than as a listener, but have enjoyed many people's broadcasts who use blogtalk radio.

    - Crow

  4. bts the problem is that nobody in the world who knows the English on your blog with Google traducter is simple but the radio is impossible to know the questions and answers in my language

    1. Would have to set up a team to do transcripts of the show so it could be translated.

    2. yes for me I'm french

    3. lol Brando- that's exactly what I replied up above in french!!

      oui, mon ami, nous pouvons comprendre quelque chose

  5. I, think its a good idea: Maybe you be on AFR (American Freedom Radio) Perhaps you can focus on the Governmental Changes, Ascension, Societal and Sociological impact of whats about to happen. Myself personally would be interested in discussions with personages like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and his thoughts about the financial system and where its headed vs Drake info. Also look at personalities like Jordan Maxwell and Jim Marrs to get contrasting opinions on the spiritual and esoteric. There is so much change going on at present whats is amazing is why cant the the other 95% see it..which is another discussion topic.

    1. The other 95% can focus on the growth of a single flower and be oblivious to the happenings of the world of man and still have the grace of 'their Creator'. As long as One lives 'their life' according to 'their will', they will have their Shepherd looking out for them and protecting them.

      Protecting them from people who want to wake them up and affect their psyche and affect their life adventures by affecting their current state of mind.

      Whoever woke you up, may have woke up before you were ready - you seem focused on waking others up as if you don't want them getting more sleep than you because you're awake now.

    2. If everyone were truly awake, it would not be a good thing. Just my opinion but there is an insufficient education system at present to stem the onslaught of the uneducated.

    3. The sooner the masses are awake the sooner the truths can be integrated into the collective consciousness. Everyone should be worried about waking the masses up. It is the main thing holding all of this back.

    4. Brando9000, the Creator has a plan for everyone because the Creator is in everyone.

      Those who profess to being awake and do not start recognizing that fact will find theirself dumbfounded about how creation does not open up for them.

      If You have a skill that creation can use but in the wrong hands it can be damaging and you think everyone needs to know are a party to the consequences of the skill in the wrong hands used for the wrong purposes.

      Illuminated Ones were probably ascended, but some may have awakened members of their family to certain truths before they were ready to handle such power.

      Thus without respecting those who are not awake, we have the situation we are in today.

      You will be the one to stop you. No one else will; but everything you do is written in your blood and in your energy because you are the carrier of the deeds you do and a witness to what you've done to others.

      As for the people's trust, they are as close to a public disclosure of the Creator within as I've ever seen.

      They even have gone so far and to indicate their unrebuttable status as of the creator.

      One's job is not to save someone from their self, but we have a right to prevent the trespass on the life experience of the unawake/unaware.

      Each state of life has it's own experiences. Do not put someone at the batter's plate and expect them to know the game, want to play, and help you win; when they were happier and more content not knowing things according to their 'free will' to not know.

      Let your conscience be your guide, and if you have no conscience, hopefully your creator put a bit of their soul into the programming to help you discern what should and should not be done.

      Pay attention to comments of people and learn to tune into those that are truly awake and those that think they are.

      Tone and temperament and level of control or demand in their activities are key.

      You must know's the 'trust' factor that got us into this situation and the 'trust' factor will bring a lot of people down and they will be looking around wondering why everyone didn't fall for it but they did.

      "In God we Trust" was the beginning of teaching us the trust factor and there are a lot of tricks to the trade being used on sites that allow open comments.

      Be joyful and use your light.
      If someone is asleep and see the light, they will follow it and want to know what you know without you having to force it upon them.

    5. This is the best post I have ever read.

    6. Im sorry man but I stopped reading that half way through and Im not gonna finish it sorry. I am not understanding man sorry. All I know regardless of caring about every single sensitive unawakened persons little feelings is that we have a dire situation here on this planet that needs to be reconsiled now. Not when everyone has had their due time to wake up. We need more of this planets populace to stand up and say fuck you! To the people controlling us and holding us back. And if some peoples tireless slumber needs to be interupted to get it done then so fucking be it. It is time to tell them enough is enough and the people that arent ready need to man the fuck up and help us do this thing!

    7. without you having to force it upon them.

      I would rather have the truth forced upon me then to willingly and unknowingly live a lie. Sometimes things just have to happen to move forward and forward we must move soon.

    8. I think it's important to remember that every person has their own soul journey and their own reason for being here right now and their own job to do. There are some who's job might be to wake up the sleeping. We cannot judge anothers journey or their place in the plan. I know MY job, I know what I'm suppose to do (sorta).... so I cannot tell someone else that their job isnt' their job, because I don't know. If there job is to wake people up, then only they will know that. If someone elses job ISN'T to wake people up, then they may not understand or resonate with that other persons job. We are not all here for exactly the same purpose.

    9. Waking people up by just being whom you are and knowing what you know and sharing it upon request is about as far as it should go. Waking people up that are busy doing something else, even sleeping, would mean you have an agenda of your own. Advertising that you are available for consultation is fine; those that are attracted, will inquire, and the rest will go their way.
      You could also go about seeking people whom are advertising they would like to be awakened.

      Would it be something to hold your own account if you knew that various people you had disturbed became so angry that they would pick up weapons and cause destruction? The situation is only "dire" today as much as it has been for thousands of years. One's perception of deceit, though, perhaps, is what causes a feeling of urgency; the "protection of self" mechanism. Active rage is only destruction to what surrounds. Destruction is the final decision to change anger. Anger is only a means to avoid the pain of sadness. Sadness is only a pain to hide one's shame. The shame is the admission of fault. And fault is the antithesis of perfection. Love is the creative process and therefore, as it might be said, the "chess board" logical "better move" in the "game" would be to love the enemy, rather than be ashamed they exist. What is more important then? The self? or the creation? Destruction of the people that comprise the "cabal" is to join their ranks. If you truly want to be creative, it would be a much better tactic to have them join yours. Good luck, Jim, this tape will self-destruct in 60 seconds...

      Sine Metu

    10. I agree with BTS.

      If I know something that will prevent someone else suffering then I will pass on that information. It is up to the other person what they do with that info.

      Just throwing something else in here. If the ones referred to as "un-awakened" are holding the awakened ones back and preventing the collective from reaching their true potential, should they be left asleep?

      Sine Nomine

    11. Case per case instances are not the same thing as saying "EVERYONE should be awakened right now!" .. or even further... "EVERYONE should be told all things in all regards about everything immediately". National security gets a "bad taste" in the mouth these days because of those various "leaders" that have abused those two words in the past 20 years. But those abuses do not remove the responsibility from those whom are actually providing the "defense" portion of that security. Some things are simply best suited as "on a need to know basis" only.

      You point out two cases, yourself. One of which is certainly saying "prevent suffering" is a need to know. Certainly I agree. Your second case is a little vague, no? Are you saying that a handful of people are holding several million people back? It only takes 10% of a population of humans to believe something is true, before the rest of the population will adopt "common sense" about whatever that is. I am only saying that a "rush" to wake everyone up would be the sort of thing that ends up causing blood in the streets, and I don't mean the blood of those in charge.

      On another note: What exactly are the qualifications or requirements to be considered "awake"? Is there a list? Certainly the lack of quality education of the masses over the past 50 years has created a stagnant grass-roots interest or even an ability to understand academia. Are we saying that people unaware of corruption are not awake? Corruption is nothing new. Are we saying that people unaware of exopolitics are asleep? Exopolitics are also nothing new. How about alternative forms of spirituality versus fundamentalist religions? New? War new? Control of the news, new? Politics, new? Perhaps a better definition is simply that those that are asleep are merely uneducated and the "alarm" has been sounded that we need to do the job ourselves.... just like in the "old" days. Nothing new. Or maybe being asleep is quite the opposite, and people are tired of being awake so much that complacency has set in. The last thing they want to hear is that the world is a huge mess, they already changed the channel, you know?

      Sine Metu

    12. Sine Metu, I posed the question - I don't have the answer! :D Awake can mean anything - it depends who is defining it.

      There will be as many answers imo as there are people who chose to read the question and respond. Where I'm at now there are no hard and fast answers. There are no rights or wrongs, just experience.

      We create our reality, so I chose to create the peaceful and the smooth option. lol!

      Sine Nomine

    13. and there are levels of being awake as well. Some are awake to the Cabal and what's being, and has been done to the planet and it's people, but are completely asleep to the energy changes. One of the reasons I set up RTS the way I did was to create a cross over between the financial/political changes and the shift of consciousness changes. I know that several people who previously didn't know/understand the shift, have had their curiosity turned on to start their journey to researching for themselves because of sites like this one, and many others.
      That is part of waking the sleepers, IMO

    14. No need for a defense, Sine Nomine, I was just sorta following the thread topic.... erm... the rambling part, you know? :)

      Media has basically done better for education of the masses than the school systems have.

    15. Sine Metu I wasn't offering defense I was being honest, no more no less. lol!

      BTS - thanks for what you are doing.

      Sine Nomine

    16. Ok, just making sure I didn't come off as poking you with a stick or something.

    17. No worries Sine Metu! :-)

      An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice, "Let me tell you a story.

      I too, at times, have felt a great hate for those that have taken so much, with no sorrow for what they do.

      But hate wears you down, and does not hurt your enemy. It is like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have struggled with these feelings many times." He continued, "It is as if there are two wolves inside me. One is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him, and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way.

      But the other wolf, ah! He is full of anger. The littlest thing will set him into a fit of temper. He fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger,for his anger will change nothing.

      Sometimes, it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to dominate my spirit."

      The boy looked intently into his Grandfather's eyes and asked, "Which one wins, Grandfather?"

      The Grandfather smiled and quietly said, "The one I feed."

      ^^^That's one of my favorite parables.;-)

      Sine Nomine

    18. ...reality is but a dream that
      lies externally...

  6. i would love to help,but when the dna changes are complete and i become a celestial being in the fifth dimension ,I will be a radio frequency myself.......all welcome to tune in and drop out.

    seriously,If and when you get organised I will compose you a theme tune and some ambient backing.

    1. that would be amazing baab! i will definitely take you up on that!

  7. I am IN where do I sign, lol. I think it is a terrific idea. I am at your service in any capacity I am capable. I will have Skype up and running by Saturday (I think). BTW have you had a chance to go the and check out the documents and filings posted there? I went on a hunt for info after AK posted the press release. I would really like your take on all of it since you have experience with court filings.

    1. I just replied to your email \kathy- I"m looking into it right now ans when I get more info, I'll definitely post it

    2. Ya know D, after all the reading I have done, I have come to the conclusion that it isn't necessary (at least for me) for you to report your findings. This is exactly what the cryptic hints were referring to as far back as July. These amazing people have a wicked sense of humor too. The dates of their filings were EXTREMELY significant. 1 being April 1st, the other being the 4th of July. Everything still being spouted from DC is meaningless. All of the steps were necessary to give factual evidence of failure to uphold their sworn oaths of office from the President, on down. They took control of Charles A Miller DBA (USA Corp Inc) on April 1st. Petitioned all parties involved for remedy and got no response from anyone. Proved that we were, in fact capital (debt slaves) forced to pay the IRS and Federal Reserve without due notice without authorization, by fear, threat, etc. They as the new owners of said corporation foreclosed upon themselves. Documenting everything each step of the way proved acts of Treason committed by the government on we the people. The rest has become historical fact.

    3. ...good stuff to the max...
      keep the positiveness flowing...

  8. The business man's secret coin-flip... Do you NEED a radio show? or do you WANT a radio show? Then while that coin is up flipping about in the air... imagine how much time and trouble its going to COST you, compared to how much time and trouble its going to SPARE you. And while that imagination movie is playing, ask yourself the true reasons you started your blog. Is a radio show in line with your original "charter"? Have you completed all of your goals to such an extent that something "extra" will enhance your production? Or could something "extra" actually impede your production and risk your original goals?

    Hope this helps

    1. THAT, my friend, is an excellent question(s)!!!

      Here's is the thing- I actually do better when I'm just speaking off the cuff, rather than writing. I suppose I could just pre-record skype calls and post them here, but then people couldn't respond or ask questions.

      ... I'll think about this- thank you my friend!


    2. excellent method,
      I hope to remember that.

    3. After reading a few other of your thoughts posted, my suggestion is to leave this forum as is, but create another "inner level" for those whom you believe are truly helpful to the group dynamic. I also suggest using IRC rather than a web-chat of any kind. IRC would give you a lot more control over your threshold as well as provide a natural technological barrier for people to cross. IRC is the "original" chat protocol of the internet. That would allow you to, at least, have a "presence" when you are "around", and "type" off the cuff and allow active participation. IRC coupled in "the rear" of your blog forum would curtail the troll aspect as well. You could invite various people to the IRC channel one at a time, help them get on board with the software, etc. IRC is a more suitable solution to the requirements than a radio-show.

      When its a nail, use a hammer. When its a screw use a screw-driver.

      Sine Metu

    4. good thought Sine Metu- I have been thinking of just starting a skype chat group for now.

    5. D, no need to prerecord your shows. You can imbed a Blogtalk "box" on your blog page.

    6. Google Hangouts can now be recorded and put up on YouTube. I have watched some of those. People can write in questions via comment or chat.

  9. Here is a link to an interview with imo one of the best interviewers interviewing another one of the best: Note the part about interviewing... :) I consider Lisa Harrison to be also one of the greats ( Note in all 3 that personal ego never interferes with their relating to their interview subjects, they never forget they are trying to get the subject's information to their audience and that the focus of each interview is well thought out ahead of time. Lisa interviewing Dr Bruce Lipton Regina interviewing Dr Judy Wood: .

    You already have a blog for comments, that should be all you need to start using one of the free broadcasters. Just get started! :)

    1. Wow! Thank you, that Dr. Judy Wood interview was mind blowing, I had never come across it yet. D, are you up to date on this?

    2. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet- remind me tomorrow please someone, lol!!!

    3. Okay for you to have something to remember about it.. Basically the 9/11 truth movement is false and was planted by the dark ones as a distraction (mostly well meaning people are involved with it today though). What really happened was that the buildings and people were 'dustified' using the same technology/science that is used for free energy, but in this case for destructive ends. The engineer Judy Wood puts all this evidence forward exceptionally well and in a highly convincing manner. Brilliant.

    4. Anon 20:58 Yes indeedy! And further to that, all the media stations who reported the event were in on it, same scripts, doctored pics, phoney witnesses who were all connected to the media companies etc. There's a YT clip on that too. I'll see if I can find it.

      Sine Nomine

    5. This is it:

      Sine Nomine


      2 + 2 = ??

      This is all OLD stuff. Dustify is a new word. Disintegration is an old word.

      The concepts are very old. Why would it be possible for her to get data on blasts? By law, all blasting is measured for the sake of lawsuits in the event that a blast causes resonant frequencies in and around the resonant frequency of concrete. Whenever structures are blasted, or even when earth is dislodged for construction purposes, the blasts are measured. So, something as simple as a quarter stick of dynamite in a hole 50 yards from your home, could indeed cause your house foundation to crack. magic!

      This is not cryptic, but I certainly won't fill in any gaps here.

    7. I think "disintegration" is a tad different from the "molecular dissociation" that Dr Wood talks about. Things can disintegrate for a number of different reasons, but molecular disassociation leaves just the molecules which as they disassociate fly upwards as dust. There's a Youtube vid dramatically listing the materials from the towers (the world's largest office building) that left no trace at the site, eg, thousands of toilets, telephones, file cabinets, chairs, etc)

    8. Perhaps. But literally speaking, "disintegration" simply means that a unit becomes its constituent parts.... no longer integral. Nothing in the universe can just "poof" disappear. In any case, all things have a resonant frequency, and the various patents ( among thousands of others ) listed above are enough to explain the idea. :) Gives a little different meaning to the fat lady singing.

      If it says anything about Dr. Wood... it says that she is certainly holding quite a bit "back". Of all people that could put 2 + 2 together about such things, she is more than qualified.

    9. Enerchi has posted this clip which ties in to what has already been posted about FF events - kind of.

      Sine Nomine

    10. Better interview ( IMHO ) with Dr. Wood...

  10. The US and Canada has the most controled media in the world. We need many free Voices. Yours is a growing free voice that people want to hear. I as a small voice have hear many of the same things D have heard and is not allowed to share. Keeping the truth from the public is not good. I have heard that information is kept from the public so the round up can be completed. I feel that the round up can be done a lot quicker with the help of the public. Keeping the public in the dark is a bad idea and sounds like in the Hunger games when the rebal leader wanted to restart the Hunger games.

    1. I agree with you my friend- the public could/would/should help.... unfortunately I am constrained by my sources: If I repeat intel I'm not suppose to then I loose that source forever- leaving me blind in one corner. I have been promised that once the gag order is removed I can tell all. THAT is the main reason for me being in this ridiculously frustrating and time consuming game: to get the deeper truth so that i can bring that out to the people who are already beyond the kindergarten level of being awake and who really want to know the meat and potatoes of what has been happening.

    2. bts you are splendid and thanks to you for all

    3. Sometimes I wonder if gag-orders are there simply to allow various pre-selected authors enough time to get their book publishing contracts in place.

    4. hahahahahah- I told one of my sources that I'm going to publish my book before he does his!! lol

  11. This is off topic and I didn't want to put this on another thread in case it gets lost among the many posts! BTS, did you see the article about the One People's Public Trust and is it for real? Link below:

    1. What the heck is that? A lot of legal speak but is it valid? The dollars seem like a joke.

    2. I"m looking into it my friends- I'll let you know what I find out!

    3. Oh, thank you BTS that would be great!

    4. I found that after I went to the site of origin and searched the site (Clink on the index tabs at the top) the whole thing sorta fell into place. Also the Treasury Finance AG Final Bullet Report posted on AK is another must read (in its entirety). From what I read, it looks as though the Cabal left 1 very important loose thread when they incorporated the united states. They did not state the purpose (obviously they couldn't list enslave the world and crown ourselves the supreme rulers) of incorporation. This left an open avenue to nullify their actions and retake control of the whole shabang, which is what has apparently happened. Now, these above reproach, self appointed guardians of the assets have had the complete LEGAL right and ethical obligation to audit EVERYTHING, both known and occult account ledgers. It is their primary goal to disclose ALL of it to the public and restart our banking, Government including Judicial to an above board, transparent, ethical and balanced system. This whole thing is part of the new paradigm because it gives the opportunity to all perpetrators to right their wrong and be forgiven. Any who choose not to do so will be made examples of by their own free will choice. That is EXACTLY as it should be (IMO).

    5. The investigations into the central banking system were a worldwide endeavor. That being said, their solution is a GLOBAL one and affects everyone on earth.

    6. Thanks for explaining that Kathy. I must admit the whole thing looked a daunting read and waaaayyyy over my head. All the jargon and the length of the report really threw it for me but you explained it in a way even I could understand.

    7. It reminds me of a Denial of Service attack in a way. If every single person in the country did just one thing to overwhelm the government asking for "service", the erm... operators would go nuts. They have more lawsuits going on right now, that another two or three big ones certainly cant hurt anyone, right? Have you ever seen kids play sandlot football? You DONT want to be the one at the bottom of the pile as your "friends" all jump on top to see how high they can get it. ( grins )

  12. D you could take a look at It seems to have most of the features you are looking for, although not sure if there's a cost involved.

    In terms of interview styles one of the best on the internet (in my opinion) is Henrik Palmgren of He has a very empathetic approach, prepares excellent questions before each interview and his interviews are more like a conversation than an interview. Hope all that helps.

    1. I should also add that any show you record could also be later uploaded to youtube. On youtube you could also add any links relevant to that show. That would get the message out to a wider audience and hopefully wake up a few more folks....

    2. A few folks have mentioned that they thought it was a bad idea for D. to do a radio show to try to wake people up. Let me just say that the eclectic interviewers shows already mentioned in these comments are not about trying to get the listeners to adopt a "way". They are about providing many viewpoints for the listeners. They are providing information. I doubt many would even find them if they weren't searching for a particular interview subject. We certainly need more shows with such eclecticism for the folks waking up and needing more information, no? D. would be a perfect host for such a show, especially since we found out she knows how to keep her mouth shut and listen. :) And she could make such good use of her inquisitive good humor to refocus those wandering interviewees!

      Guh, John Carlo! I clicked reply to your message to tell you I count Henrik among the best too, but the phone rang...and then, duh!

    3. yes that's just it: it's not really about waking people up, as talking through the questions that those who ARE awake already have. Know what I mean?

      ...Hell, I have a crap load of questions myself, lol!

  13. RTS I would like you to talk to one of the trustees from One People's Public Trust. I want to know where do we go from here, how will this affect Americans and the Cabal. How long before we assert our God given rights and KICK THE CABAL OUT!!. It would be nice if you could arrange and interview with them. Thanks for all you do. Muhaa!

    1. I'm looking into the one people's public trust right now- as soon as I have some information I'll let you guys know!
      Muhaaaa to you to darlin!

    2. Linda, Last night after their press release was posted, I actually emailed ALL of the trustees. You can contact them yourself by going to the website of origin I forwarded the response I got from the primary trustee to D (the owner of this blog) for her to vet out more info. She has experience with court processes and legal filings. So, more will be revealed....

  14. this whole, mass awakening and overturning of an unjust cabal has always left many unanswered questions: will the gang in Oakland suddenly decide that all this murder and crack dealing is not a good thing and then become somehow different? you understand that would also mean forsaking the underlying cultural influence that glamorizes poppin' caps and the like. or how about the unscruplulous, double-dealing business man. will he just give up on his ways? and, once again, that would mean a complete change of heart. who will willingly clean the bathrooms and deal with the seamier side of life?

    my mother reminded me of an oil-rich country, perhaps qatar, where everyone gets money from the government. no one has to work of course, but it has now gotten to the point where the people don't even want to clean up after their personal life, so they bus in foreigners to do all their housekeeping.

    It's a very curious thing how god always manages to give with one hand and take with another. this is because our lives are not about getting the things we think will make us happy. we are all here to learn from whatever life position we find ourselves in. this is the true, messy way hearts and minds are changed and our consciousnesses are raised. from the point of view of the mortal person we think we are most of it really sucks. pain and heartache are the features of a real ascension, and because of how personal it all is, it can only happen one supposed person at a time.

    1. you're mother might of been describing Dubai or Abudhabi- that's EXACLY how things work over there.

      There will be a lot of changes. I am looking forward to working through them and seeing how they roll out.

  15. Looks like she'll be back at it next week though she won't be leaving the country, doctor's orders.

    "Clinton's ongoing recovery will still prevent her from flying abroad, but will allow plans to move forward for her to testify in open hearing on the Sept. 11 attack on Benghazi, testimony that she was unable to give"

    1. There's a few lines to read in between in that statement, if you know what I mean!! lol!

      Sine Nomine

    2. Yeah, like the one yesterday about GHW Bush where the spokesman said something like "He coughed once today" is in ICU because of complications.

  16. bts to report american kabuki is realy 5 000 000 000 dollar for all people ?

    1. That is what is said in the post on AK's website but that doesnt mean he is supporting it or is involved in anyway. And I dont think D would know anymore then what I have stated. Dont think she is in cahoots with him in any way other then viewing his blog same as we would.

    2. I chat with AK, but haven't had a chance to talk to him about this yet..... the silly season is seriously cramping my chatting style right now, lol!

  17. Are you American or Canadian D?

    1. Her email is

      I'll let you decide =P

    2. Ok awesome, from Ottawa here. It'll be nice if you have details about how this will unfold in Canada when the announcements begin.

    3. Hey there my fellow canuck! I'm currently banging heads together to get a better picture of what's going on in Canada- it's a sad state of affairs when I have to bludgeon my American sources to get intel about Canada, eh? (lol)

      I can say this: heavy shit is going on up here too. What's about to roll out in the US will also be rolling out in Canada too.

  18. Go for it BTS. You could call it " Colouring With D.(?)".....Canadian style. You could wet your feet before one of you contacts puts you in touch with a main-stream tv network to remove the blinders for a wider audience. When the table is set for all the gag - orders to be dropped that is.

    There must be so many people just itching to speak and take a weight off. You could even go on the road interviewing some of the dark ones from their maximum security facilties, giving them an opportunity for redemption. It could be cathartic or theraputic for them - bring crayons yo. Not old GHW Bush though - He's getting to the stage now where he'll just want to eat the crayons.

    Hmmm, I digressed a bit there - ne'rmind - go for it. Peace.

    1. you're a riot my peacefrog friend!!!! :>D

    2. Spewing water on my flatscreen peacefrog! So glad you have joined the RTS family!

  19. per the AP: Ret Gen H "Stormin'" Norman Schwarzkopf has died.

    - Crow

    1. ...Maybe before he could be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity.

  20. Quick, check out HAARP status before it changes - it's ALL BLUE!!!! Everywhere. Almost like they aren't zapping us right at this moment...

    1. hmmmmm.... i just sent that up the tree, I'll see what they say

    2. Wow, that is very noteworthy!

    3. fyi, I used to follow that report until I heard from a very reliable source that it's bogus ...

      just sayin' ...

  21. I think your doing radio shows would be GREAT!

    Re a platform to use for radio show: I like the Blogtalk Radio (Inlight Radio) shows done by the 2012 Scenario group -- seems like good technical quality, shows are archived & downloadable, and call-in format is available. Pretty sure it's free. There's a link on their Inlight Radio page to sign up on Blogtalk.

  22. Ok, Getting Back To The Current Emergency, Lol......Where Are We On Taking Back Our World :-)

    1. I"m still sitting in the corner eating crayons... I mean, colouring.

  23. To me, chat rooms are dens of EGO masturbation not to mention magnets for Cabal-paid trolls. I won't usually spend time listening to a show focusing on their chat room.

    1. i hear you on that one!!! I just think that if there was a way for people to post questions live during the show it would be a great way to include everyone.

    2. I surely agree that having live questions during the show is great. But I do think it's better for the host to give guests a chance in a good chunk at the beginning of the show to give a coherent presentation of their background/information. You can get a pal (with brains, an organized mmind & a good sense of humor) to collect questions for asking later in the show and to otherwise communicate in the chat room so you can focus on the coherence of the interview and time. Another way to do it is to simply have your pal collect them from the comment section on your blog. This does seem to mitigate somewhat the herd mentality generated in a chat room and therefore allow more independent thought amongst the listeners.

      I do think that you have the capacity to develop a high caliber show that will be extremely useful to a grand variety of humans across the globe as they awaken. Now start your planning by beginning your email "press release" list, almost more important than your list of your first several guests {here, starting big makes it much easier to get future guests you may really want more - so think REALLY big!)

      Oh, and D., did I mention that the time to start this is NOW? :)

    3. Rats. I meant the "email list" to send to other blogs/news sources since you will get your listeners from these and your own blog.

      (makes note to proof read before hitting post button...)

  24. For what it's worth, my first thoughts on your question of whether or not you should do a radio show are:

    WHY do you want to do a show?

    Then I'm thinking these kinds of things:

    It's one thing to be a guest on the show of another known host as the anonymous 'D' from RTS, but with your own show I personally think it's a bit much to do it as the anon 'D' and expect full audience participation, so do you wait and do a radio show once you reveal your true identity and talk about the 'rabbit hole' and your sources, etc.?

    There are many, many excellent radio hosts out there offering wonderful coverage of broad-spectrum subjects within the 'truther' movement, ascentions/spirituality and alternative news areas, so you would be pitting yourself up against them for what purpose? What will you offer that's unique that you can actually discuss, in depth, and answer questions about, without being 'gagged'?

    It all seems like a lot of effort, on your part and the part of any volunteers willing to assist you, so you can compete in a 'marketplace' that is already saturated.

    Unless you can finally reveal all, and tell all, about yourself and your unique position, and what you really know and who told you, etc...?


    From S in Europe

    1. Some good points there I think S in Europe.

      BTS - Obviously you have had the idea planted by Spirit and its yours to run with it or not. Being a simple soul I make lists of pro's and con's and then ignore them!!!! lol! Meditating on its good, with or without chocolate! If you really want to have the experience go for it! The alternative is not to do something then waste energy on the shoulda, woulda coulda moments that might follow ;-) lol

      Audience participation for those outside the country could be done via e-mailed questions - there's a two-fold advantage to that - research can be done if needed and no surprises on air! Live phone-ins get a bit boring if all the callers spend minutes eulogizing about how wonderful the presenters are (even though some of them are and I'm sure you'll be no exception!! lol )and don't cut to the chase imo

      Whatever you decide, if you commit to the airwaves please give those of us in different time zones access to archives or transcripts if poss.

      Sine Nomine

    2. Why do you word it "Pitting against each other"? This is the kind of mindset holding us back. Why couldnt it be "Working together with to discover new ideas and surpass all boundries" Its not a competition whos the best host.

    3. No it's not a competition, Brando. However I worded my thought to your dislike, the point remains the same. There are plenty on various radio station offering a great variety of topics over many timeslots, so to decide to do a show, one must consider what one has to offer that is unique and how one plans to obtain guests, listeners, etc. when one is currently incognito.

      I would hope that from the nature of my posts in general, it would be apparent that I am not of a 'backward' mindset, however, we all use hackneyed terminology at times when making quick posts - perfection has not arrived into my world yet - and so the subject of mindsets aside, the reality of available airtime and guests/listeners' time to divide up between all the shows they want to listen to and guest on is limited.


      S in Europe

    4. Having said all of the above, I am well aware that my opinion is totally worthless in any event.

      'D' will do a show, or not, as she sees fit.


      S in Europe.

  25. D,

    I know you think most Dinar "burros" are full of it, but if there is one that has been the CLOSEST to the truth I think it is Hammerman. His latest update:

    "Intel Guru Hammerman I am under control from Homeland Security. I am not able to talk about any RV news. I will tell you...forget about the a regular RV until mid to late February. It can't happen, it won't happen until then. I don't expect the dong to go until mid February either, but not sure on the dong. There is only a 5% chance the VND goes before then. I will tell you...the stock exchange in Iraq is starting to move. Kuwait has been paid off & has agreed to let them out of Chapter 7. Talabani did not have a stroke, he is fine, that was made up information."

    If it is really true, it really doesn't surprise me for the f****** at the top in the good old US to keep delaying things just to keep the little people like us controlled. This is not Kuwait, millions of people own Dinar. I think that is what is holding this thing. The amount of people with the golden paper. Their present excuse must be "cash in security reasons". They are probably scheming ideas right now on what to do next. The crooks that control the US have been the problem behind these delays for a long time now.

    I know you are going to disagree on this update, but it looks like it is going to happen this way. This sucks!!!!

    1. Hammerman is ..... let's just say he's not a nice person and has a penchant for the make believe when he has nothing to say.... which is most of the time.

    2. Agreed. If you want real pulse information about anything "real" regarding markets, then go to the correct place. Pull out your own calculator though.

      ( its sorta like an ancient blog site that has been around since before blogs existed.... sorta )

  26. I like to think that the tabloids are used as a messaging system,heres one from the daily mail in the uk,online version so it is the world version.

    Its all in the headlines.......thoughts?

    1. I dont get it..what do you see in it?

    2. All I see of any significance is 'Dead Accounts set close'. Could be something, could be nothing! ;-)

      Sine Nomine

    3. But isn't that the name of the play?

    4. sorry folks,just me rolling around the rabbit hole and going too deep!
      I fell into a link to something else and my attention was diverted thus.
      My bullshit detector was on full and I read something in nothing..
      Non-stories usually have that effect on me.

      I dont mind admitting it.

      A Good one and all.

  27. what could be the white hat's motivation for leading us down the garden path? they were all pointing to this week as the time when a financial reset was supposed to occurr. once again, we are left with nothing. I've come to the conclusion that they are either being led by disinfo experts or they themselves are the disinfo operatives. there is also a much less probable possibility and that is something called hero syndrome. this is when a person has very low self-esteem and needs to seen by others as a knight in shining armor, or a white hat, if you will.

    well, I'm done with it all. parts of it might still come into being, like the wanta, mitterand deal, but I sincerely doubt when all is said and done the financial system (especially the federal reserve) will undergo any kind of overhaul.

    1. Long time ago I learned a lesson. I was still a kid. Mom called us all in early to eat so we had time to wash our hands and so forth. Phone rang while she was stirring the pot. Eventually my little sister said something pretty similar to what you just said. I just looked at my brother and grinned. More for us.

      I personally couldn't care less what their time table is. But that's just me. Have a great day! ( grins )

  28. btw this radio free

  29. to create radio free

  30. D,

    Since the 25th and 26th have come and gone with no SGT. Does this mean that we now have to wait till Easter for "The Event" to happen?

  31. D. Is it possible to get some basic info about the SGT Grants without violating your agreements? Questions such as....What do those in charge of the trust see as its purpose? Is it for people to have for the transition? Prior to a reset? After a Reset? etc. Thanks!

    1. Hi Christopher- sorry I missed seenign your comment earlier. the SGT grants and funds are literally to boost the economy- to give people money to spend. There are specialized grants going out to people to do amazing things with, but these grants you see here are a way to spread money as fast a possible to as many people as possible. I believe that the funds will not be released until the reset happens and the new system is online (how else can they safeguard the money to insure that the bad guys can't steal it?). But the reality is that no one "knows" exactly when it will be released- it is only my opinion that it will be after the new system comes online.


    The time has now come to release these Prosperity Funds and the funds from Saint Germain’s, World Trust. This money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zero out all debt. 250years of compound interest has mushroomed the World Trust into a net worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, or $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000.
    That’s 1 with 40 zeros behind it. This is enough money to buy a gold cube the size of the orbit of Saturn. So astronomical most people will not believe it!
    The money from the World Trust will be distributed in the following manner.

    Level One — World Trust.
    This is under the trusteeship of Master St. Germain. At his direction The World Trust can only be activated for payout at only two times during any given year, Easter and Christmas. At St. Germain’s orders the World Court activates the funding process. This process continues down through the four lower levels of trusts to the people, and under certain conditions the funding window remains open until the next holiday funding window begins. For example, if the Easter window is activated, the window can remain open until December 24, the day before Christmas, at which time it closes. The window remains open only if significant funds are moved to certain designated trusts during a set period of time. If not, the funding window is closed when such deadlines are not met.

    Level Two —
    These are the 180 Royal Trusts under the control of trustees in various sovereign countries. Examples are The French Trust, The Russian Trust, and the Vatican Trust.

    Level Three —
    These are the Family Trusts under the control of trustees of the world’s wealthiest families. Examples are Bronfman, Warburg, Morgan, Rothschild, and Rockefeller.

    1. Level Four —
      These are the 250 plus Corporate Trusts under the control of trustees from powerful companies and corporations. Examples are General Electric, Lockheed, General Motors, Boeing, Carnegie, Ford, Marriott and AT&T. There are 4-5 trustees per trust which means that approximately 1200 trustees must sign documents to move money through these trusts.

      Level Five —
      These are the Prosperity Program Trusts which represent the various 70-75 bank roll programs which are under the control of designated program trustees. Again, there are 4-5 trustees per trust or some 350 persons who must sign documents to activate these trusts. Some examples include Bergevene, SBC, ITI, Savage, Morgan, Omega, and Freedom. The largest trust is Freedom and it must be funded first. It is these trust’s that hold the wealth from the enlightened robber baron children.

      Then finally the funds will be released to the common man.

      As the funds pass through each trust, the trustee must use only certain designated “safe” banks and sign the proper documents with only certain designated banking personnel at those banks. Should this process be activated and then be stalled by deceitful bankers, deceitful trustees, etc. and the deadlines for funding to reach certain trusts are not met, the funding window is then closed. This is the problem members of the Bush family are blocking the release of these funds.

      Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:45 AM

      1 comment:
      AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 11:23 AM
      I wish someone would explain why the Bush family is blocking the funds. The old man is in the hospital and he must be running the show from ICU. Wish he could live long enough to be brought to Justice and tell the country how many people he has harmed. He made the statement one time that if the American people knew what he had done they would hang him from a lamp post.

      I remember reading that young George said that the Freedom money was his and no one would ever receive it. Anybody in the prosperity programs remember that...........

    2. I read that this morning and I don't usually have much time for John MacHaffie but you'ld all better hope that this is coming from someone's imagination and not based in fact. The trustees are Rothschild, Morgan, Warburg, Carnegie, General Electric, AT&T, and the Vatican amongst others LOL - In the words of another famous racketeer "You cannot be serious" and yet this info pops up again and again.

      So these organizations are going to fix all the world's problems which they jimmied into reality and pave the way for enlightenment and the New Age. No, I don't think so really, and yes, many use the term "new age". Even the E.T. gentleman who has a part time lease in Mr Quinsey's head was using the term again today. He was also talking about avoiding "the need for them (people) to be taken off earth". Yeah good look with that idea Salusa.

      These better not be the Trustees of anything got to with my future for frogs sake. It is funny though;- In the context of a quattuardecillion, 5 billion for everyone would be meaningless. Ingenious, (evil croakle)- a bit like Spinal tap where they have amps that go up to 11 instead of 10. Meanwhile a super-entity of unlimited (well limited to Ring of Saturn-sized gold cube) wealth buys out all major corperations in the world. Run that by me again? There's something wrong with this picture ;hmmm - maybe if I turn it on it's side? No, that's not working. Upside-down? Nu - no good . Help please.


    3. yeah... I was planning on posting this today. This is the only thing I've seen on the ST. Germain's Trust. It struck me as BS when I saw all those pawns of the "descended masters" as cryptic (who sounds a lot like a disciple of sherry spooner..) would hint vaguely at...

      oh well, time to re-up on colloidal silver and buy some orgone!

    4. No I am no disciple of hers.

      But I am sure she'll be flattered to here her name mentioned.

    5. A small apology, for I meant to write the word "hear."

      Oh, well. Thinnking ahead of myself.

    6. none of the trustees are rothchilds, vatican or bushes. lol.

  33. There sure seems like a lack of pertinent news on the blogs right now. It's kind of dead. What does it mean?

    1. Sigh. I think I will have to go back to my real life now. It was interesting while it lasted.

    2. all is quiet. Intel is silent- anyone that knows anything is currently chewing crayons... I mean, colouring.

  34. There is something to it?

  35. Anonymous28 December 2012 09:39 the World Trust into a net worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, or $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000.

    Do you actually think that this amount is real? For all of our sakes get a grip. What would that amount of money do to the world economy? It would wreck it. A big Mac would cost a thousand bucks. Simple Economics 101.

    So according to your source st germaine is still part of the new world order because I dont see any new world order types missing out.

    Its embarrassing reading that piece of drivel.

    1. A thousand dollar big-mack? ... mmmm..... mack'licious

      It's gotta be good right?

      O.K.... I'll get mee coat....

    2. You couldn't give me a Big Plastic Mac if it was FREE and came sprinkled with magic dream dust! I like to eat actual food when I'm hungry. :)

      S in Europe

    3. Howrya S.? Yes, I like to eat real food too. Love mee fruits and veggies - But a free big mac with magic dream dust .....mmmmm ....dreamy. It's gotta be good right?

      O.K.... I'll get mee coat this time.

      P.S - TODAY I have mostly been eating banana and pommegranate.


    4. I'm alright, Peace, thanks! And don't you sound happy with yourself and your nana-granate bonanza! :)

      Mind the fairies didn't run off with that coat of yours, that one you can't seem to put your hand on today! ;)


    5. I"ll have an order of fries and a large coke please ... with magic dust. or salt, which ever is handier

  36. Yes that is an awesome idea. It would be great if you could interview insiders, perhaps get into disclosure issues, the global reset and the new banking system, ascension, and leading edge science. The breakthroughs that will happen in the next few months will be astounding and it would be great to have someone in the alternative media who knows what's going on and help us have discussions on how we can help both our communities and the environment. Exciting times I hope you do this!

  37. updating AK yes 5 000 000 000.00

  38. peoples trust announcement 2 at AK

  39. So many paradigms in action at any given time.

    People who have benefitted from the current system will communicate as if all is lost when it collapses.

    I wondered if two monetary systems would be operating side by side, but it seems one must go before another can be implemented.

    Iraq has gone through the demise of one currency and the issuance of another.

    Having done that and learned how to do it and control prices and suppress inflation, it's possible it was a pre-requisite for where we are today.

    Being awake is multi-faceted - there are many things going on at the same time. People are focused on one. Trust.

    It's all a trust.
    Ask people who are/were in bankruptcy who was there... a trust-ee.
    Now there is some money sitting somewhere with some value and yet again we are told we can receive it and it will elevate us to some standing?

    Then you have people who are 'awake' and don't want everyone to have the same amount ""because to them"", some have worked longer or harder than others (something they are missing in their awake state makes them think that...the day will come when they discover if that be-lie-f is true or false).
    Then there are people concerned with the price of goods and services because they are 'awake' and still 'dependent' on the system for shelter, or food, or medicine, or entertainment.

    I've not prepared for a disaster, nor own a weapon. The natives lived on this land long before there were grocery stores and pasture-ized milk. Their weapons were for their use for food, not to kill each other.

    I know who I am.
    Greater (The Creator) is he that is IN ME.

    What is freedom is when you can live as you see fit for you without trespass; whether you have enough money to go where you want to go; whether you have enough money to hire someone to do the things you don't want to do; whether you can transport yourself from point a to point b without having to 'show your papers' to people who wear and flash 'colors' (red and blue) of authority?

    And we are 'awake' and wait.
    Some for money.
    Some for freedom.
    Some for prosperity.

    And we are 'awake' and taking action.
    Some educating their self and learning smidgens of the hidden secrets.
    Some comprehending and unraveling the control structures that are in place to keep us under some form of control.
    Some remaining silent and doing what is right for them as they can move according to their Free Will and in the process the actions are right for the collective of humanity.

    This communication is in all love.

    1. Freedom from money is much easier. You might have missed this in your own words, but, if you are using money to go where you want to go, then you ARE showing your "papers".

    2. Anon 15:50 here.

      So you are one of those 'if you are doing this, then that' kind of people.

      We should stop bearing false witness against our brothers. Something that comes from being awake to who we are.

      So you put an accusation out there that isn't rebutted it would stand as truth, eh?

      I do use money. I use dollar coins..., you know those metals no matter how debased that are minted and come from the United States Mint, and has nothing to do with the federal reserve system and their papers. You know the original money, that the Constitution communicates about even if it isn't gold or silver. Do you spend coins, more than you use paper for currency? Debit card (digital currency) maybe? Coins too much of a burden or too heavy for you? Maybe it's not cool to spend a bunch of coins in the store? Not cool to have bulging pockets or a heavy purse?

      I don't show any money when someone flashes red and blue lights as show of authority. Your comment is misleading for those who are 'awake' but lack discernment of certain truths.

      I write 'demand payment in lawful money per 12USC411' many documents/receipts/checks that are representing money.

      In this paradigm, even the so called 'elite' do not have freedom from money (also in the form of credit). The original Natives of America do not have freedom from money.

      Do you have freedom from money?
      I don't, and I'm not seeking freedom from money.

      A form of freedom I prefer will come from being free of 'the will' of the one who controls the money.

    3. re: So you are one of those 'if you are doing this, then that' kind of people.

      Yes, since logic is the basis of reason.

      re: the rest of your post directed to me.

      I haven't a clue to what you are trying to allude, but I suggest you take your complaint to the "one who controls the money" since you note that they are your master. I certainly can't help you with it.

    4. Logic and reason are not the only truths.
      Truth here is you state 'I suggest you take your complaint to the one who controls the money'. So you want to govern what I can or should do?

      Seems to be issue with control.
      Want to control another? Tell them where they can go, or whether they can be here?

      Also you make 'note' of a master.
      The statement was 'you note that they are your master'.

      I never noted anyone as a master because I know who I AM.
      But I see you. I can see you even better in what you communicate on this blog.
      And the ones who follow you.
      As the attack occurs, the others come in and take a hit or laugh.

      I just want others who are seeking to see you too.
      See the tone, see the control issues, use their discernment skills so they don't fall for the 'trust'.

    5. Money is a medium of exchange.
      There is nothing wrong with money.
      Ann Barnhardt did a great multi part youtube about the creation of money, making it clear why is it useful.

      Logic and reason would dictate that just because someone controls something, it doesn't automatically make them a 'master' over what they control.

    6. re: Anonymous29 December 2012 08:21

      per: "Logic and reason are not the only truths."

      Incorrect; neither are truths. Logic is a means to determine truth, and reason is the ability to apply logic. Truth is simply truth.

      Per your complaint: You make the statement yourself, just as I noted. If you cannot read your own words, correctly, then blame yourself rather than me.

      Specifically you stated: "A form of freedom I prefer will come from being free of 'the will' of the one who controls the money. "

      Therefore, you state yourself that you do not control the money and that you are not free of the controller's will. Therefore, you have admitted that you have a master that controls you with their will and you name them as the controller of your money. Its quite simple if you read what you actually wrote.

      Notwithstanding, I suggest you refer your complaint to your master. Their business is distinctly different from my own affairs. Perhaps they will waste their time with the microscopic matters of your agenda. In other words, yes, you are addressing me and your complaint is with another. You clearly missed the entire point of the original reply and you obviously prefer to see it as some sort of argument rather than a fact. C'est la vie.

      re: Anonymous29 December 2012 08:27

      per: "Logic and reason would dictate that just because someone controls something, it doesn't automatically make them a 'master' over what they control."

      Please buy a dictionary. Thanks in advance.

      mas·ter (mstr)
      1. One that has control over another or others.
      a. The owner or keeper of an animal: The dog ran toward its master.
      b. The owner of a slave.
      3. One who has control over or ownership of something: the master of a large tea plantation.
      4. The captain of a merchant ship. Also called master mariner.
      5. An employer.
      6. The man who serves as the head of a household.
      7. One who defeats another; a victor.


  40. BTS and others -please check out this site. I don't know who these people are but if their idea takes off - just imagine what that would mean for everyone. this could happen - they are making it happen right now. could we?

    1. This website is playing into an Agenda. Use your discernment and be cautious.

    2. What agenda exactly?

    3. anon1850 - so does this one -

      "rolls eyes"

  41. Dont know if anyone asked yet but you should send this up the ladder D,
    Or could this have alot to do with why your lips have been sealed lately.

    Sealed with crayons? Lol =P

    1. Hi Brando. Someone posted this further up the page from a different website. Same article and the author seems very sure but it doesn't make sense to me from the perspective of the Western central banksters because they don't have claim to their gold. They've leased it back into the market through their agents, and bullion banks to create more fractional paper gold in order to supress the price of physical.

      Sure, they're net buyers for the last while but G.A.T.A has done a lot of work to show that their books do not distinguish between gold and gold- recievables meaning that it's swopped or leased out. Some say there is double, triple or multiple accounting going on. Most of the gold has been heading East for the last few years and I'm no gold expert but Something's Rotten in Denmark if the article is accurate. But what do I know?

      Peace Brando.

    2. this would make sense to me gold = no control.....down goes the cabal...starve the beast...swap dollar for dollar unless the dollar came from an immoral way....seems simple to me....

      not to say this will happen....just a positive take on it....

    3. Would appreciate your take on this too if and when you have a minute BTS.


      Sine Nomine

    4. Yes and No. The important part of this article is that Basel III officially starts january first. Asset Backed- all countries currencies and all banks.

  42. Please use your discernment and be cautious with this so-called "news." You are being led down a rabbit hole.

    Do you recall when Facebook stock was the stock that everyone wanted to have? And then it collapsed.

    They are deceiving you.

    1. wow....if you think that we take every article as gospel you are deceiving yourself...this little game you play makes me sound like a lobbyist for rabbit holes....

      not everyone wanted facebook stock.....i would give you 50/50 at your credibility is tarnished right there....

    2. Anonymous, anyone with a clue understood well in advance that facebook was a ponzi, just one in a long line of ponzi IPO's. It comes on a great wave of propaganda you know? Gold on the other hand is rarely ever mentioned at all and never in a good light. The corperate media has been wheeling out "experts" every year to assure investors that gold's bubble is about to burst never mentioning that it has been in a bull market for 11 years.

      All this with less then 1% of financial assetts in the metal, so the facebook analogy doest't hold any water my friend. Must do better!


    3. Could you be a bit more vague? Your message appears to have too much information in it for me to understand. Lets start with "so-called news". Yes, I can certainly see how it completely avoids the topic of this blog, but there is a very very slight hint that "news" and "radio-show" might connect somehow, and the use of "so-called" implies strongly that "somebody" is actually trying to label something in particular. The topic here is "Just Rambling...", though, and if you have been following along, the background setting right now is a mix of "holiday cheer" and "using crayons" for various things like coloring, games, and even snacks. If you are trying to get people to buy or sell that particular "stock", then you should be advised that advice like that is considered to be an "Adult" topic and could have serious affects on the lives of people that read it.

      To be fair, though, your final statement, "They are deceiving you", is ALMOST vague enough to appear to be rambling, but it simply has too much substance and basis of fact for my taste. The paper-trail of names you list there, "They", well... CERTAINLY EVERYONE has heard of, or at least SOME of readers of this blog have brushed elbows with "them". They are all around us... those... well, I don't have your skills of vagueness, but yes, those beings have been around for nearly forever, right? You mention deception though, and THAT is where I must draw the line. It's simply too much information and borders on some kind of actual insinuation. With facts like that, OMG!!! I might even be able to figure out who "they" actually are! you know? So, just my suggestion,.. not trying to be pushy or anything, but, could you be a little more vague please? We use crayons around here, okay?

      Thanks in advance!

    4. Yes indeed Anonymous 1855, Sine speaks truth - we likes crayons, see?
      You can colour with us if you wish. You can draw a rabbit, but it's got to look like a rabbit - not just a fuzzy white blob on a green backround. Just a suggestion for indigestion.


    5. Sine Metu, I apologize, for I meant for that post to appear just below Brando's at 17:47. I do hope it makes more sense to you in that light. And, no, I won't name the ones to whom I am referring. I fear them too much to do that.

      And Peacefrog, you haven't been following the BBC have you? As well, that article itself is quite a piece of airport reading, no?

      And, really, Facebook was just a trial run.

    6. Anonymous, are you saying that a pegging of the dollar to gold/euro/stirling etc is going to take place on Jan. 1st - yes or no? Effecting a currency devaluation? 160,000 tonnes is a pittance againsed the notes currently in circulation, throw in some derivative failures, and repeat the Weimar Republic scenario, is that it? Or what is it? I'm just a simple frog.

    7. For Whatever It's Worth, GoldBuyback Stores Have Popped Up Here In The U.s. Every Two Blocks, Over The Last Couple Of years So Someone Is Trying To Get Their Hands On As Much Gold As Possible. It Is Ridiculous. Any Ideas Out Here?

    8. Funkyjo - That's happening here but it's no mystery. They're taking advantage of hard economic times. They offer 40 euro for a ring worth 300 euro.

    9. Okie - doke, Anonymous 1941's not going to reply to me, time for the leaba
      'night all.

    10. re: Anonymous28 December 2012 19:41 "I fear them too much to do that."

      If you live in fear then you have joined their ranks. Think about it. You are a walking, talking, living advertisement that "wrong" is better than "right". We all eventually take leave of this planet, no? How would you prefer to be remembered by your children or your friends, or by history? Why bother coming here if your choice is to acquiesce to suffering? That tact only gives the rest of the planet your burden rather than lightening the burden of the community at large, true? You should at least spare the rest of us your burdens if you have willfully chosen fear as your demeanor. So, jump on board and help pull your weight, or go hide in a hole if you are truly afraid. Sitting on top of a fence is certainly the best spot to get "picked off", you know? :)

      Signed in blue crayon

      ( besides: my real reason for participating here at RTS is because I LOVE the little puzzles with the letters and numbers that prove I am not a robot while simultaneously giving my eyes a serious workout )

    11. Facebook is not gold Mr. Cryptic. Gold will never lose its value. You are leading yourself down a rabbit hole. You are deceiving yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and question that as it misleads you.

    12. Sine Metu,
      A 'Why bother coming here' statement?

      Seekers, pay attention to the communications of those who have monikers and indicate they are 'awake' or 'knowing'.

      They are still in training and still have to learn acceptance and unconditional love. I didn't say Oneness or Singularity (we are all from the same source already, We are one; we don't have to be borgs or borg like to prove it).

      Just pay attention to tone, and temperament and elements of 'control'. You will tweak your discernment skills and be able to see.

      Sometimes it's not what someone tells you or what they write for you to is the hidden message within that discernment skills are very useful for in these times.

      Our skills should have been tweaked to a vibration (preferably of truth by now).

      If something is not true, you'd feel no need to shut it down, and there are ways of exposing something that is not true without evicting the one that communicated it.

      And why people come here. To learn. To tweak their discernment skills. To let go of old belief systems and step into knowing. To communicate their thoughts and to learn from another whether their thoughts are deceiving them or leading them astray.

      Others...don't leave if told to by another here. The Creator brought you here for a reason. Learn what it is that you were to receive from the experience of being here before you walk away due to an-other's comment.

      As people wait, they express impatience. They have much to learn and are not ascended yet.
      Love and forgiveness and atonement, direct it at the world, and it will come back to you.

    13. Two things:

      1) "Why bother coming here if your choice is to acquiesce to suffering?" is full text.

      2) "here" within the full context of the entire paragraph means "the earth" ( as opposed to writing in this "here" forum )

      I write literally. Perhaps you should read the words that are written and try to dismiss the ones that appear between the lines. Better stated, maybe: YOU imply that I was TELLING somebody to leave. On the factual contrary, however, I was rhetorically asking somebody their reason for coming to earth to live in fear. On the other hand, perhaps the words you read between the lines are trying to tell you something? yes? They certainly didn't come from me, so, that means they came from.... ???

      ( grins )

      I stand by my words, Anon. Somebody that says to me I should not be participating at RTS; that I am being led down a rabbit hole, and then says they are afraid of "them", and proceeds to post this in reply to the thread, deserves to be coaxed off the fence by simple humane logic that love conquers fear. Did you bother to read the entire thread? I don't think so.

    14. I concur with what Sine Metu said ^^^ Sit on the fence too long and you get a numb butt! ;-) lol!

      Sine Nomine

    15. Seekers, pay attention to the communications of those who have monikers and indicate they are 'awake' or 'knowing'.

      who are the seekers to who you send warnings? there are bad people here no?

    16. I ignored that comment completely because it simply isn't true. Let's try the truth instead: A person with a moniker is a person that has created an "account" of one form or another with any of "Google", "OpenID", "LiveJournal", "Wordpress", "AIM" ( omg are they still around? lol ), TypePad, or has a name/URL they would like to use.

      And now a message for the truly paranoid: You are actually posting to nobody else but me, a multi-personality entity that has time to be awake 24 hours a day waiting for your posts. I am cybernetic and have been assigned by the super secret black shadow underground circle of the eagle's eye to convince you to leave your God, your country, and your family to join in an extra-dimensional transfer of your soul to the planet Xerox. It is there where you will be left abandoned with only an omni-mono-nucleoid ring which can foresee the future of your past and allow you to save a race of tiny insects from the evil overlord roaches that have enslaved them. Most of their population won't even believe you exist because of your enormous relative size and their inability to either see that high up, or focus. If you fail in this mission, I will still be processing every post on this forum using every trick in the book to disguise myself as somebody else. I might even claim that I am you until you deny it to yourself in writing. Once your brainwashing has become complete then you will be given secret instructions by postal courier on a Sunday with a meeting place and time to join our craft. If you are successful in your mission, you may return and rejoin the forum here as one of the collective mind of crayon eating, banana-granate sipping, thumb-twiddling ends of RTS with honor. If you divulge this secret to anyone, we will zap their brains from a distance so that they will not believe a word you say about this. You can signify your acceptance to this contract using the ultra-7331 codex "lol".

    17. Facebook IPO = Basel III gold backed standard?

      Sorry my friend, I think you might have fallen down the wrong rabbit hole.

    18. Sine Metu 7331 codex 'lol' activated

      Roflol! Excellent post!

      Sine Nomine

    19. Sine Metu 4.44

      Best episode ever! Is he onto us? ...Eh....You ... I mean me. Oh no I think I've said too much. Quick, cover me with some impromptu belly - dancing while I salvage the situation with a crayon remark.

  43. P.S. I Feel I Need To Go Back To College And get A Masters In business JustTo Keep Up With You Guys. I Thought I Was A Somewhat Intelligent Woman Keeping Up With The Business World But You Have Me Dumbfounded And Scratching My Head, Not To Mention Practically Spewing My Decaf Over The Tablet With YourComebacks. I Wonder At TimeS What Fun We Would All Have At A Dinner Party :-)

    1. I'll bring the after dinner chocolates ;-)

      sine Nomine

    2. ...I'll entertain all the isolated
      women not involved in the conversation
      and we'll discuss copper...

  44. 165 comments?! D, you need a forum!!

  45. I just would like to ask the cryptic crusader this.... What is it that makes you any more educated then anyone else to be telling people that so much info on this blog is not true or deceiving us in any way? What makes you think your truth is ours or that you are any more correct then anyone else? You are always telling us that we are being led down a rabbit hole like it has some kind of metaphoric meaning of negativity, but if you never jumped into a rabbit hole would you ever find a rabbit?

    1. Jesus Brando you remind me of a 6 year old. Nobody has all the answers so stop your whining. If you dont want to learn then fine but stop acting like a 6 year old thinking that you have all the answers. Just grow up get past your inferiority complex stop acting like a sheep and learn.

    2. Seems to me you are ranting like a 6 year old brah not me lol. I was asking a serious question with no ranting once so ever. You are the one on the rant and shooting insults like a child.... My questions and statements are legitimate, is your name calling and insulting? Did I ever once say I had even a single answer or for that matter all of them?

  46. Maybe its Leporiphobia :o

    1. ...that's what life is all
      about Charlie Brown...


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