
Friday 14 December 2012

California earthquake- USGS using their favourite eraser again

We had  major earthquakes off the coast of Baja California this morning- and already the USGS is creatively editing the information.

Dutchsinse posted this video around 4:30am CST this morning- outlining the 6.4 and 6.1 magnitude earthquakes off the coast of California, and two earthquakes in Nevada and Utah 3.5 and 3.2 mag that immediately  followed.  Dutch outlines the earthquakes in a brief report below:

BUT..... by the time I got my lazy ass out of bed at 6:30am EST the USGS had already been doing some creative editing.  The 6.1 magnitude earthquake has completely disappeared from their charts along with the 3.5 and 3.2 in Nevada and Utah. As a matter of fact if you click on the links that Dutch provided  here:   You'll see that the USGS has oh so creatively combined the two earthquakes into one.  Interesting.

SuspiciousObservers gives this update:


  1. What is the purpose of them covering this up?

  2. Yeah, what's the point of erasing it?

  3. They want to hide the earth changes....

  4. Or hide what they've done or are doing.
    It still won't stop the Event.

  5. D,

    Have you seen this?
    Neil Keenan's Update-The Changing of the Guard!

    I found it on:

  6. yes I think they want to hide the magnitude of the earth changes. If you've been paying attention, very few of even the big earthquakes have gotten any media attention. Volcanoes erupting, mainstream media ignores it. 700 dead in the Philippines and the MSM ignores it. The sink holes, the explosions, the floods.... not a word. because if they reported on them, then they'd have to try to explain to people what's going on.

    1. I'm a bit confused. If the world is indeed experiencing increased changes in weather, etc then does that point to what many have predicted about the end of the world via global catastrophes? Are they hiding it so no one thinks there is truth to the underground cities that have been created for the elite? So then is it possibly true only the elite will be physically saved? I for one do not watnt to go to an underground bunker to keep company with the crazy elite.

    2. Just because the earth is changes and so many unexplanied natural disasters are happening doesnt mean its the end of the world. Is your body not changing? Are unexplained things not happening to you and people around you? Cuz they are for me. Everything is changing and the earth is changing physically and energetically. The earth is letting out negative energy to come to her surface andd be released and healed.

  7. Something to check out. I noticed it very early this morning after Suspicious 0bserver added it to his favorites. Here are recent comments from user Telluricurrent and S0 about it:

    telluricurrent 2 hours ago
    Look to SOs fav list, the first vid an hour long must be mandatory viewing a must see, blew me away and lines up with some very strong evidence I have collected.

    Suspicious0bservers 13 minutes ago
    That's my buddy from childhood. Came out of no-where with that video... probably not an accident of the universe that I knew him.

    User 2011Message has bee compiling similar videos all throughout the year:

  8. D, you are taking care of a 2-year-old (with accompanying boo-boos) plus another daughter -- plus probably a couple of other chores in your life LOL (like cooking dinner and helping to save the planet and keeping us posted on both)! So FYI, you are NOT a lazy ass, haha! I have twin boys who are 17 (and they STILL take a lot of work, though they ARE potty trained which helps a lot) and I remember how much energy it took for me to do all I needed to do when they were 2 years old! Not that I ever got "ALL" I needed to do finished, but I kept everybody alive and fed and happy, and they are good boys, I'm proud of them! A wonderful time but I'm still worn out, ha! (The little varmints would gang up on me!)

    1. hahahahah- I actually have 4 kids- well 5 but the eldest doesn't count any more, lol- and my two middle kids are homeschooled.

      ... yes, I'm clinically insane.

    2. Be careful giving away personal details to anyone on the web BTS! I've seen some very nasty things happen to people who have been too open in the past. Its easy to think people are as well intentioned as ourselves but sadly this isn't always the case. Stay safe my friend and be wise.

      Sine Nomine


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