
Thursday 22 November 2012

Paying the Price of Being Awake

The Price of being awake.  I think that most of my readers here on RTS have experienced this price in some way or another.  Just yesterday evening I was speaking to a good friend and colleague about the frustrations that this ride of intel gathering has dropped on us like a 10 ton weight.

Intel work aside (and that's frustrating enough on it's own!), we talked about the hardship of living in a sleeping world, while we are wide awake.  The feelings of frustration, anger, aggravation  misery, exasperation and oppression when trying to talk to sleeping people in our families and among friends, who refuse to listen at the very least.  Some of us have been mocked and abused by these people that supposedly care for us, told to stop talking about these things, insulted and verbally abused for speaking the truth, threatened with dire consequences if we don't stop talking about the reality of the warped system and the debased and discombobulated world we live in. 

Obviously we want this ride to finally come to an end, to see this old corrupt system brought to an end and the new financial system up and running.  We want to see prosperity roll out across the world and see the freedom of it's people restored.  We want to see the end of the cabalistic driven misery train. We want to see those people that have driven this planet into the greatest depression ever brought to justice. We want the truth of what has been happening to be revealed- the truth of what has been done to us for generations upon generations, the truth of history....

... and if I may wallow in a moment of very 3D wimsey:  I want the truth to come out, so that for at least one small moment I can stand up and say to these people in my life "SEE!!!!  I was RIGHT!!"

...yea, I'm still working from a very 3D level- sorry.

We all pay a price for our wakefulness.   What price have you paid?

Opting Out and Paying the Price of Being Awake

November 21, 2012 | By  Reply
Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times
At the very core of a revolution lies the radical transformation of the individual, which is ear-marked by the dissolution of fear of the consequences for speaking and acting in accordance with good conscience.
More people are starting to awaken to the realities of our world – the good: human energies, medicinal properties of plants, the power of meditation, universal consciousness – the bad: the assault on natural health, genetically-modified foods, chemtrails, electromagnetic pollution – and the ugly: toxic disasters, deforestation, corruption, greed, endless war, cancer.
With this awakening comes greater awareness of the role that an individual’s acquiescence to intrusions on personal liberty plays in supporting the system.  The awakening process naturally compels one into developing the courage to risk inconveniences like expulsion, humiliation, arrest, fines and jail-time, or worse, in order to live in a accordance with principle and common sense. Courageous non-compliance to ridiculous government edicts and rules, as well as to the opinion’s of others, is the highest form of protest, but often carries penalties, both social and legal.
So, what price are some paying for being ‘awake?
Expulsion and Loss of Opportunity
Implementation of location tracking radio-frequency ID (RFID) technology has been underway for many years now, with governments putting RFID chips into passports, vehicle registration stickers and license plates, medical institutions using these chips on infants and Alzheimer’s patients, and corporations using RFID to track employees and inventory. Often the reasons given for the implementation of this technology are security and increased efficiency. Yet, many are justifiably concerned that RFID can and is already being used to compromise our civil liberties and invade personal privacy.
“With tags in so many objects, relaying information to databases that can be linked to credit and bank cards, almost no aspect of life may soon be safe from the prying eyes of corporations and governments”. - Mark Rasch, former head of the computer-crime unit of the U.S. Justice Department (Seattle Times)
Schools, such as Northside Independent School District (NISD) in San Antonio, Texas, are starting to use RFID-equipped ID badges to stay aware of students’ locations while they are on campus in an effort to reduce truancy and tardiness. Yet, students are standing up for their right to privacy. Andrea Hernandez, sophomore at NISD’s John Jay High School, is a great example; she has refused to wear the RFID badge.
“What we’re teaching kids is that they live in a total surveillance state and if they do not comply, they will be punished. There has to be a point at which schools have to show valid reasons why they’re doing this.” – John Whitehead, civil liberties lawyer and founder of the Rutherford Institute (
Andrea Hernandez is being expelled from John Jay HS and her program at the Science and Engineering Academy. Her father, Steven Hernandez, objects to his daughter wearing the tracking device, citing Biblical concerns. He compares the RFID cards to the “mark of the beast” in the Book of Revelation.
Publicly criticizing the school in this way has prompted school officials to offer immunity to his daughter if Mr. Hernandez would in turn hush up and stop encouraging others to stand up to this Orwellian policy. They offered to remove the chip from Andrea’s card in exchange for the family to end its criticism of the “Student Locator Program.”
“[A]s part of the accommodation my daughter and I would have to agree to stop criticizing the program and publicly support … it. I told [the Deputy Superintendent] that was unacceptable because it would imply an endorsement of the district’s policy and my daughter and I should not have to give up our constitutional rights to speak out against a program that we feel is wrong.” – Steven Hernandez (
In this case, a bright young high school kid is risking being expelled from school, the bravery and astuteness of Andrea Hernandez and her family has inspired many others in her school district to speak out – 300 more students now refuse to wear the RFID badges and about 700 more have signed a petition opposing the use of RFID-equipped badges, giving reasons such as religious beliefs and concerns about civil liberties and personal privacy.
Unjust Criminal Punishment and Public Humiliation
There is a growing concern among the American public about the use of increasingly invasive and potentially harmful body scanners at airports, and the lack of unbiased third-party testing on the potential dangers of using these scanners. This is doubled by the growing abuses conducted by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which was created to oversee airport security in the US after 9-11.
We are writing to call your attention to serious concerns about the potential health risks of the recently adopted whole body backscatter X-ray airport security scanners. This is an urgent situation as these X-ray scanners are rapidly being implemented as a primary screening step for all air travel passengers. Our overriding concern is the extent to which the safety of this scanning device has been adequately demonstrated. - Doctors John Sedat Ph.D., David Agard, Ph.D., Marc Shuman, M.D., Robert Stroud, Ph.D., all of whom are faculty at the University of California, San Francisco (Natural News)
Created in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the TSA was charged with providing effective and efficient security for passenger and freight transportation in the United States. It has since become one of the Department of Homeland Security’s most visible and costly means of clamping down on Americans domestically, boasting an $8 billion annual budget and a roster of employees that includes TSOs (or airport screeners). – Canada Free Press
Worries about harmful radiation, virtual strip searches, inappropriate “pat downs” and molestations, theft of personal items, and the verbal abuse of the traveling public, are resulting in regular citizens speaking up for their rights.
TSA claims you have the right to refuse scans, however, it has become clear that opting out exposes one to more ‘invasive’ treatment, which, in some cases, leads to delayed travel, embarrassment, charged emotions and anger, or even arrest and prosecution.
This is what happened to Andrea Fornella Abbott, who recently was found guilty of disorderly conduct and sentenced to one year of probation for standing up for her 14-year old daughter’s rights and not allowing TSA screeners to ‘pat-down’ or touch the child.
The common sensical act of not permitting strangers to put their hands on the private parts of her teenage daughter comes with a price tag, however, it also lights the way for others who’s intuition is already telling them that we are in grave danger of become a new breed of highly obedient slaves.

Just like Andrea, many travelers have already paid the price for being awake and standing up for their rights and beliefs. As the world transforms around us and we enter the age of enlightenment, many more students, employees, drivers and regular citizens will jeopardize their comfort and convenience, be publically humiliated, or disrupt their daily lives in order to spark a revolution. Movements, such as TSA opt-out weektaking place during this Thanksgiving week, will give more individuals the confidence to stand up to tyranny, despite threats of retaliation by TSA, and pursue life with renewed awareness of the power of the individual, at whatever cost.
There is no single grand act that can bring about a revolution, only a thousand daily unsung acts of individual courage can do that.
What price are you paying for being ‘awake’ during the waking times?’

Read the original article HERE


  1. Bless you Girl, Finally someone understands the reality of being awake and the price that comes with it!!!

    1. We all have our price that we pay, eh? Being awake isn't easy. But we didn't decide to be here right now, doing what we do, because it would be easy, right? ;>) WE'll keep doing the job we're here to do. It's too late throw up that red pill, lol.

  2. "We all pay a price for our wakefulness. What price have you paid?" - Oh, wow! What timing! What a deeply confirming post to read today, when I've been arguing, in a sadly very 3d way, with my husband, who is so deeply asleep one could describe it as borderline comatose. Thanks for reminding me that I'm not alone, and not insane (though I've been accused of that).

    I've been close to tears on many occasions with the frustration of it all, the sense of hopelessness, and then, it passes, and we get that next gem of information, or intel, or support from strangers across the net - as with this post now.

    Wonderful! The tears are now falling as I am typing this comment. I don't care. Let them cheeks can enjoy the precious salt-water bath! :)

    Thank you!

    1. tears are the cathartic cleansers of the soul sometimes.

      Light to you my friend.


    2. Thank you, once again.

      I live in a foreign land to that of my birth, with a network of ZERO friends. I see nobody most days,(not counting occasional glimpses whilst dog-walking or shopping) and my husband, as I've mentioned, is a sleeper. It gets very lonely at times, though, thankfully, I love my own company, so most days I'm fine. The loneliest time is when I'm sitting not alone, but with a million miles of distance spanning the two of us. That's worse than being a single in this life. I hope, when all this truth is revealed, when we have the freedom to 'breathe' again, and choose, and just relax, that our damaged and bruised relationships will be quickly healed.

  3. I lost my marriage of 16 years just a few days ago. We are very much on different "vibrational" levels now. She is fast asleep with no intention of waking up and is consciously exercising her right to bury her head in the sand. She has no interest in even reading two words towards educating herself but was quick to ridicule and chastise me for being brainwashed. We would have blow up fights around the portal dates and full moon dates almost like it was scheduled. It was eery reading about the energies and their effects and watch the result play out in my life. The energy forecast for my sign (Taurus) is very close to what is playing out in my life right now. I haven't had the synchronicity with the numbers like many have but the energy synchronicity is eerily dead on.

    Holding the light, Wide awake and waiting........ still....

    1. Most marriages break up because someone changed and tried to force that change on another, be it religion, weight loss, nutritional/dietary changes, financial changes, etc. After 16 years, a relationship needs more than one thing to break it, unless that one thing is so big it interferes with 'peace of mind'.
      If I were asleep and wanted to stay asleep, I would not want someone shaking me and shoving me every waking moment telling me to wake up. I may have done this journey before, or it may be my first time around and I may want to stay asleep.
      Why wouldn't anyone after 16 years allow me to be me?

    2. As you suggest, anonymous, 10:26, there are usually a variety of things involved in marriage break-ups, and it's never possible for any outsiders to know the truth. It's fair to assume our friend, Sam, above, was rather simplifying the whole thing by sharing that one element of difficulty, in specific relation to this post.

      Life is very complex, and none of us sees the whole picture, do we? Not when it involves us, and not when it involves others. We just do our best, hopefully. :)

    3. Anon 10:26: Great response, and very true, loved it! ; )

  4. According to Cobra, the compression grid is complete.

    1. You mean according to Ishtar who keeps saying that he is not Ishtar? Even people from his conferences are already confirming that he is in fact Ishtar. Is he ever going to stop lying?

  5. Paying the price of 3D. No one has it easy here including the unawakened ones. This is a hell hole with fleeting moments of joy.

    1. yes, fleeting moments of joy. More joy on the way now!

  6. Thank you for what you have shared. It was interesting that I had the same thoughts at the same time as you. I am sure many others had the same thoughts at the same time we did. Prayer open us up to the a whole new world. I am seeing people growing also. I saw the movie last night JFK and saw that they never covered in the movie a major fact that a lot of people know today, that JFK was getting rid of the Federal Reserve that is owned by terrorist organizations.

  7. I have certainly lost some friends, have been shunned by some family members (ouch), and have been mocked on many occasions, however... I LOVE BEING AWAKE! I am an activist with a passion and I'll take the lumps that come with the gig, because for every person who has shunned or mocked, ten others have opened their eyes. And I love that. Miss BTS, we're all on a big adventure here and you are serving a very important role by helping us to stay awake at a time when the odds are stacked up against us. I think we're ALL going to enjoy a slice of that "SEE!!!! I was RIGHT!!" pie when this is all over. ;)

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

  8. and yes, a Happy Turkey day to all our American friends!!!! We have a LOT to be thankful for this year.

  9. I've had many difficult fights with my family over SO MANY topics...and oh yes haha they think I'm "insane" too. Well I'll take being called insane in a world like this then being sane since that's a good way to gauge yourself to see you don't start falling asleep again...especially not now, when I just know things WILL get better soon. Darkest before the dawn is what I tell people, as they laugh away at what I'm saying. But hey, I wouldn't trade what has happened because I can see the universe in a way that I could have never imagined before. Stay strong everyone, we're all together in this!

    1. "I've had many difficult fights with my family over SO MANY topics...and oh yes haha they think I'm "insane" too." Man do I hear ya!! My very presence in my family is antagonizing to them; hence my handle...Antag. They HATE what I talk about. And I just scratch my head that they can't see things the way I do.(like I have all the answers, right?)They want to hold to the old ways of perceiving the world and how things are at the moment. They are looking for change but won't yet open their eyes.
      I'm hopeful.

  10. Two posts I found very inspiring on the subject. Tolec's new video that he posted last night, and Inelia Benz's most recent post "You can choose your paradigm". Both help to make peace with other people's choice and right to awaken at their pace, trust that their higher selves know better what's best for them than we do.

    1. Well, exactly! I am seeing so many people who as soon as they become "awaken" start spewing at others who are still behind. But how abut those who awakened 20 years ago? 40 years ago?

    2. Agree! We all will awaken eventually. We have all eternity to do so, let the others do it when they are ready. Make new friends who are like- minded and leave the other ones alone.

  11. Some numerology for you. Today on 11/22 I turn 33. Thought it was a little funny.

  12. There is a karmic responsibility against you if you wake up someone before they are ready. If one's soul is not mature and you tell them something they are not ready to know, they may act in a way that does not match their spiritual maturity and harm their self by their actions or trespass against another because 'they know not what they do'.

    Being 'truly' awake, you can ride the sticks and stones may break my bones comments.

    I don't know of any way to let you know that you 'do not' have the designation as someone's waker upper. That job is left to them as they are equal and One with you. Their path may be to remain asleep for a while longer until they learn a lesson in their sleep state, and your actions that 'jump' them into another reality is a gross trespass.

    They will forgive you for interfering with their life path, but the karmic energy you generated is going to be paid by you. I can imagine many wondering why they are going through some trial or tribulation and they were 'doing good' and someone they perceived as 'doing bad' is getting all the breaks.

    Maybe they aren't doing what you did, and in their 'doing bad', they affected their life and awakening and in 'doing good' you reached over and affected someone with your activities and you had no right to.

    The Creator within everyone wants to experience life. Why would anyone want to interfere with the experience of Life just because they want that life to go a certain way within a certain timeframe?

    Something to think about as you do what you do. I forgive you, and I won't interfere and clear your karma. That's your job. You are co-creators. You created it, you can transmute it.

    Love to All.

    1. I think we are, some of us, assuming us awakened ones are attempting to force others to awaken, which may be true in some cases, and not at all true in others.

      When an awakened person takes part in a conversation, on whatever subject it may be, they are fully entitled to give their opinions, from their viewpoint. I wouldn't describe that as forcing another to awaken. However, the result of this is often that the non-awakened person/s lash out at the awakened ones for 'being crazy' or whatever. So, it's a two-way street, I'd say, and no one party is necessarily infringing upon the rights of the other, unless they actually are.

    2. It's not only forcing. It's also judging, bitching and getting upset over those who are not "awaken" yet. Jesus was not judging those who chose to remain asleep, he was only teaching or healing those who asked for it first. You always can be loving whatever others express in a conversation. If you feel comfortable with your beliefs you don't have the need to convert the others. It's a sign of insecurity if you do.

  13. Man Oh Man, *D* this is one subject I can speak about. I have been one of those people who was, pretty much, born awake. I can remember my little girl self asking my "Mommy" why none of Jesus' apostles were girls. My Mom, who was also awakened, and my best friend could not handle life and committed suicide in 1997. I am an only child and my father is a poster child for the extreme right wing republican, Bush supporting, illuminati class. Incidentally he worked for Rocketdyne (Apollo Space Projects). He couldn't stand my mother (teenage sex without condom's) and can't stand me because not only do I look like her, I am like her! That being said, my Son is in the Military. He is an awesome kid but, for the most part, asleep. I actually think I got a crowbar in his brain the other night. His idea of fixing the problem is with guns and violence aimed at the illuminati families. I have stated before that I have 1 friend I can speak with about these things. John Q. Normal's response to what I have to say is "Why do you want to think about stuff like that for?" I can remember being at a church in the 90's needing a motel voucher. There was a group of people there. The minister asked us "who here is worthy of God's love?" Well, I raised my hand. EVERYONE turned and looked at me like I was the ANTICHRIST! This has been a theme played out over and over in my life. I never attended school past the 7th grade because I saw it for what it was. My education is erudite and life experience so eligibility for employment is very narrow. I have paid on every level throughout my entire life. This has been one wing dinger of an incarnation.

    1. Ooops, forgot to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING! This topic is why I feel so at home here at RTS. This has become sacred space to me where I can honestly speak and share my knowledge. BTS, my undying gratitude for this cyber spot!

    2. and my undying gratitude for people like you Kathy that speak openly here, from the heart.

      Light to you my sister

  14. I just did some interesting reading at "Follow the Money" regarding vaccines. It is a UK Blog, but this applies to the US and Canada as well. Apparently the UK has been more forthcoming about the Freedom of Information Act that its US counterpart. This is some eye-popping reading! Here is the thread:

    1. Vaccines awareness and the truth of their horrific nature is one of the first things that "woke me up". I could write for hours on the information I have in my head about vaccines!!! This is a great article.

    2. Having a baby with a pregnant girlfriend and having to hear a bunch of nonsense about vaccines issue from her "First in her nursing class" stepmom, the vaccine thing is the issue of my life. Ironically, I work at a nutrition store where we sell almost next-gen detoxes for vaccine/chemtrail heavy metal/mycoplasma residue. (If anyone wants more info, let me know. Always trying to help with Fibro, Autism, Alzheimers etc.. sufferers. Cancer too.) I feel as though the propaganda of vaccines is almost the most brainwashed topic theyve put into the masses minds.

  15. BTS, do you know what morpheus operational means?

  16. So BTS, since it is thanksgiving, do we get an intel update this evening? Especially since the changes are imminent. :p

  17. Oh and BTS, when this all done with, do we get to see a photo of you and learn more about you? :)

    1. when this is all said and done, yes, I will introduce myself to you all and finally you'll all know who I am :>)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. For people whose marriage is broken recently or facing dissolvement, SaLusa's message dated 11.12 maybe helpful to view it from a higher perspective: "We refer to your marriages or partnerships as they will relate to the higher dimensions. You will no longer be bound by 3D vows and it will be up to each individual as to whether you wish to continue on the same basis, and you will find that you have much more freedom. Also unlike Earth where attraction is largely of a physical nature, the love of other souls is an exchange of energy that will be quite normal, as those you will be in the presence of will all have a vibration that will be in harmony with yours." (

  19. About marriage. I also recall sometime ago I read somewhere from a spiritual teacher talking about marriage dissolvement these days. She said, if you are kicked out by your partner, you should be thankful for your partner has pushed you out to be independent! I think that is so true. We should be grateful that we are free of the bondage of marriage if it doesn't work. When the abundance becomes widespread, the foundation that supports a 3-D marriage will collapse, too. Think about it, if you are totally capable of being on your own both on the material and spiritual level, why do you need a marriage to maitain the relationship? The current 3-D marriage has too many strings attached. With the coming collapse of 3-D, the marriage collapse is inevitable. So, don't worry about it!

  20. Hi all

    This is my first post here. I’ve been reading this excellent blog for a few weeks now and thought it’s about time I stop lurking and start contributing ;). The ‘price of being awake’ is something I’ve been contemplating for quite awhile now so BTS’s post prompted me to share a few thoughts.

    My own awakening came later in life. I’d been asleep for nearly 50 years. My awakening didn’t come through another person attempting to wake me up but through some sort of divine guidance. One day, by pure chance and out of curiosity I opened a link buried in an article in a nutritional newsletter (of all things) about the money system which started me down the seemingly endless rabbit hole. The rest is history. It cost me the woman I loved. I felt obligated to tell her about what I was discovering. How can you hide such an awakening from the people that are closest to you in your life? The ones you love dearly and want to protect, but can’t or won’t see it?

    As others here have said, people will indeed awaken when they are ready, or when they are guided to do so, as in my case when the time was right for me to receive the message.

    I don’t talk to folks about this stuff anymore either. Occasionally, I drop clues in conversation if I sense it feels right and the person might be ready. I mostly only talk to other awakened ones that I know (not many).

    So where does all this lead us? Why us? Why are we the awakened ones and not someone else? I’ve come to the conclusion that we have some sort of important role to play at some point. And that may not be to awaken those in a deep trance. It may be something else, and it may be different for all of us. For me, it’s to provide whatever guidance, comfort, support and assistance I can to those that need it in the midst of the mass shock and disbelieve that will ultimately prevail when the announcements are made. I quietly await to fulfil that purpose.


    1. Welcome John Carlo- I'm glad that you are adding your wisdom to our conversations here on RTS

  21. I believe that all of us who are awake, and even many who are not, are here for a purpose- with a specific "mission" if you will. That reason might be huge or it might be small to the outside viewer, but each is equally important in the greater plan. Looking back now, I can pin point specific people in my life who had a major impact and guided me towards being fully awake- and most of those people were not "Awake" themselves. Was that their purpose? In many ways we may not know exactly what impact we have . Maybe we say just one single sentence to the right person that opens their eye and starts them on their journey to waking up. I have talked to many people over the years about topics like vaccines, medical/pharmaceutical/government corruption- argued vehemently with them- they got angry and frustrated and set out to prove me wrong, only to discover the truth and start on their path down the rabbit hole. Was that my role? I don't know, but I do believe that people who are not ready will not wake up regardless of what you tell them. Some people only need a quiet sentence, but some require a bit of a more rough shake to wake them up. I ask my self sometimes "why did you spew so much information at the person?" - but maybe I was suppose too?
    I have met many people on my journey, and the synchronicity with which we have been drawn together- especially in the last 6 months- has been unbelievable. Is that our path? To find each other? I think it is. We are all on the road to discovery, and many roads are intersecting together.

    1. Ya know, I was telling you that I had spent some time working with my 1 awake friend. She and I agree to disagree about spiritual paths. She is a devout Christian who validates everything through the Bible. (My personal take is that it was rewritten to mislead) I said to her yesterday, the only absolutely unedited, unrevised Bible was written on her heart. And told her not to confirm anything regarding spirit with anything outside of herself. I swear, that pause she took, in my mind I saw her step on a rake and get smacked in the head with it. Sometimes, when I am speaking about stuff like this, it feels like the words don't even come from me. I have also found that most people, no matter how asleep can grasp the big picture. They key is catching them in a receptive state of mind. I have kind of a gift for that. The journey has been rough but man, there have been moments of sublime beauty, being loving, not combative in reaching those who slumber. With those closest to us, we get defensive, and although we don't mean to, we come across as combative. At that point is when they put their fingers in their ears yelling La,La, I cant hear you! It's a really tricky road to travel.

  22. A funny thing about people who are called crazy...when they finally prove that they were right...suddenly, they are regarded and remembered as GREAT PEOPLE!

    Don't let the insults or ridicule deter you! SHEEPLE are entitled to their opinions and beliefs too! Just continue to voice your opinion calmly and respectfully and one day you too will be regarded and remembered as a GREAT PERSON!

  23. Very nice article. I've been paying the price also. Many friends just ask me for not to talk about those things to them anymore. Some of those "friends" just walked away. But I have faith that they will be back very soon, at last.

    I've translated and posted this article here:


    1. Thank you so much Paulo. You have no idea how much I appreciate that you and many others who have gone to the trouble to translate many of the articles I have posted here on RTS into other languages.

      The last time I checked, we were being translated into French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Chinese and Japanese.

      Much light to you and your family

    2. ...hehe!...i am so happy to hear that BTS!...Thank God! Allelujah!...people allover the world are waking up!..(as i sent You everywhere i can!) withLove~inLight Kiss!~Buzka! i am celestial....cup of tea...hehe!

  24. The so called sheeple, have a purpose.
    Shen some of them wake up, they will know more about 'who they are' than some of the Ones that claim to be 'awake' now.

    There are different levels of being awake.
    Some are just sleep walking.
    Others states they are awake because they know things others around them don't know.

    There is a level of knowing, a Christ Conscious level of knowing that extends beyond what the world is doing, but centers around how we perceive and interact with our other selves. There is more awakening needed to change One's perception of the "SHEEPLE".

    For those seeking, the observation of the sheeple is a reflection of how much you still do not know about you. The word is a great tool to expose those that don't know key 'spiritual' things. Our existence here has to do with more than just what's going on in the physical world. . I used to use the word 'Sheeple'. I eventually had to
    forgive myself because found out who I was referring to when I used the word Sheeple.

    I once was blind but now I see.

    NEYTIRI Why save you?
    JAKE Yes, why save me?
    NEYTIRI You have a strong heart. No fear. But stupid! Ignorant like a child!
    JAKE If I'm so ignorant, maybe you should teach me.
    NEYTIRI Sky people can not learn. You do not See.
    JAKE Then teach me to "see."
    NEYTIRI No one can teach you to See.
    Avatar, 2009

    1. OUTSTANDING!, I just re-watched Avatar last week. I must admit, it had a much bigger impact on my heart the second time around.

  25. Well, I've been "paying the price" for being "awake" for over 35 years.

    It's been a life of being "outside looking in", which (when I think about it) is how I've always felt, since I was a kid. I'm nearly 54 now.

    Had my psyche blown open in 1980, had my emotional "protective shell" shattered and went through over a dozen years of "therapy" and self-exploration.

    You have to finally just "be OK with" others not being awake.

    Stop trying to convince them. It doesn't work. They won't see until they're READY to, if they ever are. And you just have to let that be OK.

    So yes, the price of being awake? Let's see...isolation from family, not having many "friends", but fierce connections to the friends who DO understand.

    ANd a big one, realizing that you are no longer really "employable" once awake...and the frustration that a lifetime of living close-to (or mostly under) the "poverty line" because of your "awakeness" brings. Feelings of "Am I crazy for choosing this path?"

    Feelings of "How I hate this world...this beautiful, f*cked-up it is and until it changes I will never find peace."

    Feeling like you wanna just line the populace of the world up and just do one long smack upside the head a-la Larry, Moe & Curly Joe) to all of 'em, all the way down the line. (humor DOES help, yaknow!).

    So wanna be awake? Allow me to paraphrase the great Bette Davis:

    "Fasten yer's gonna be a bumpy life."

  26. god this is a great article.... "the price of being awake" is the perfect way to put it. i can't add much to what's already been written here, but i'm very familiar with most of it. friends/family think i'm nuts etc etc. really good to find some common voices here, thanks so much.


  27. As I read 'Paying the Price of Being Awake' I had a huge heart opening. Tears flowed as I recalled moments of rejection by people I love. Thank you for sharing.

    When we release people as they are to the Light, and let them know we are there if they need someone, I trust their heart intelligence or Soul Light will bring what they require to them when they are ready.

  28. Thank you BTS for posting this article and thank you to all who have posted their comments. So many of the comments I could be writing myself. Being awake has been quite the journey. I am an artist, I make handmade tiles and I also have a part time job but my married equivalent has had a very difficult time with my unwillingness to participate in the "Real World" with getting a full time job with benefits and a 401K. He gets very upset about my living so close to the bone and not having any long-term retirement plans (I’m 52), but as far as I’m concerned 401K’s will go the way of the Dodo. We have had the same stomach churning conversations on almost a weekly basis but we have been together 18 years so it’s hard to give up on one another. I think I have a better chance with my dinars (which he has refused to purchase) then he has with his CD’s and pension, he disagrees.

    My mother on the other hand, is very much awake but tends to be more the type that lectures others for not being so. I have not been partial to her approach but she has had an impact on many and has made many connections. I was never one that made friends easily since even before I was officially awake, I was always different. I never gravitated to organized religion (8 years Catholic School) or what we were taught in school, i.e. how the pyramids were built, I was always different. At this point I try to have authentic conversations with those that I can but for the most part have given up on making friends and stay pretty much to myself. I give my significant other things to read and watch occasionally but often have often gotten ridiculed for it though less these days. He’s more of a sleepwalker than a head-in-the-sander but my son (24) has chosen to stay fast asleep. He has told me not to talk about this stuff when he is around refuses to talk to his grandmother any more and thinks she is out of her mind and I’m just crazy, but he loves me anyway.

    So yes, I very much understand the price, the price we have all shared. Anyway, I too am in great anticipation for being able to breath a sigh of relief, “we are here, it is over, hallelujah” along with a bit of “see, I told you”. Blessings to all!!!

  29. Thanks to everyone for sharing their honest comments. This is a difficult, but worthwhile, journey and I often think that ignorance must surely be bliss, but I'm thankful that I am awake even though it makes this life challenging. I highly recommend a book by Dolores Cannon titled "The Three Waves of Volunteers". This book helped me immensely in coming terms with this "reality" and what it means to me and my mission during the times of transition. All of Dolores' books are wonderful and thanks to her writing and research I've learned the answers to many of the questions I've always wanted to know. Things that didn't make sense to me in this world now have clarity. If you're unfamiliar with Dolores Cannon, here's a good video introduction. You can find her 15+ books on Amazon, but I recommend starting with "Three Waves", as it has the most up-to-date info.

  30. This is a toughie to read & think about because I literally lost parental responsibility for my now-7-year-old son because of this process (not my parental rights, but essentially custody, although such does not exist in my state). I have been back in the US where he is living and my ex is keeping him from me, so after 4 months of being back, I still have not reunited with my son. I am about to lose my drivers' license (on December 22, lol -- we'll see, I guess) because of non-payment of child support because I lost my job. I stayed in Europe with a friend, not to evade support, but to avoid my vindictive ex (this process took such a toll on me, I just lay down and let him walk all over me). Ultimately, if my ex's lawyer wanted to press it, I could be found in contempt of court with regards to the child support (which was set at a bogus amount anyway -- way too high for an unemployed person to be paying, and based on an inflated prior salary amount), and we all know what that can mean. Man, BTS, I could stand to have those shackles removed ASAP!

    This has been a hard process. But you know what? Those turkeys have not gotten me down. Oh they have tried! And nearly won. But they have not won, and they will not win, and I just have to hang in there. I receive reassurance that things will eventually work out.

    It's hard to stand my ground, and there are times when I feel alone and helpless. (Much more to this story than even can fit in this comment. It'd make a great book if only I could get to a climax and happy resolution of everything!)

    But I stand my ground. At least I know what is happening to me, and why, and who is really responsible. Ultimately, this makes me very empowered. :)

    Only Forward.
    Calliope the Muse

    1. It's truly criminal to refuse a mother and child the right to be together based on a financial point only. No words for these criminal lawyers, judges, sleeping people who use these criminals to exact revenge on ex-loved ones. The freedom movement has made great strides in recent months, and it seems in USA there is an abundance of information, documentation, support, etc, to assist those who wish to live outside of that legal bed of lies to extricate themselves, either fully, or partially, especially in light of financial lies and judgements. I feel inclined, Calliope the Muse, to recommend you check out what is possible, at least on the money side of things, you've got nothing to lose, it would seem. For example, a site of interest may be:

      This site has pertinent links to lots of other sites.

      I wish you the best of luck.

    2. I had to laugh because I can't tell you how much these words have been given to me, and how often I have said them: "you've got nothing to lose, it would seem."

      Can you feel my grin?! It's true and makes me understand a couple of things.

      You know, I believe that this part of the journey I am on is to help remove those shackles by figuring out how to bust the system on this one. I'm checking out the link now, and Anon 01:13, let's just keep hoping that I can hack it (meant in more ways than one, lol).

      Thank you for the encouragement. It's pretty nasty what "they" can do, but compared to what the light can accomplish, well -- there is no comparison, huh.

      Here's to my ability to bend the spoon in the matrix.

    3. My condolences. I know tons of men whom this has happened to. A Google search for men's rights or father's rights will reveal thousands of stories how the corrupt family court screws over men(and even the occasional woman) with unfair divorce, alimony and custody laws. My parents do not yet understand why I will never marry nor have children.

    4. Oh my stars Calliope, my condolences. I have found throughout my life that every enormous, difficult and very painful experience I have been through, has had a solid gold lining. I didn't "get it" except in hindsight. The division of families has been an enormously successful Illuminati tool. Everything you experience, regardless of your perception is for personal growth and attaining higher consciousness. I have had my children stolen from me by my in-laws and only managed to regain custody of 1 after him being gone for 12 years. So, I know from first hand experience exactly how you feel. I know this sounds impossible, but try to truly wish your ex love and forgiveness and ask that he be awakened to the truth of what is. I am certain he will have no choice come the 21st of December, he will KNOW what he has done. Prosperity is right in front of us literally on the doorstep. Put this little bit of ME time that you have to good use. I have a feeling there wont be much more of it. Know that there are people who care and truly understand what you are going through. {{{{HUGS}}}}

    5. Thank you, everybody, thank you so much.

      One advantage of being awakened is that I can see with a bigger picture and can know and understand that there is a "sold gold lining" as Kathy writes.

      And yes, Anon 19:23, it is a totally corrupt system! But you know what? I don't know if I would have been awakened to this aspect of, well, awakening -- I did not ever understand the role of the elite and those who control them in the entire picture. I thought it was just, you know, about the karma and the learning, yada yada yada.

      Now, I am, like, OHHHHHH, Illuminati! Holy crap! I GET IT. It has been like a giant lightbulb going on. And you know how else I know? After almost four years to the day of my leaving the US because of all this, within 6 weeks of my waking up about this darker aspect of who controls our planet, etc. this stuff all exploded in my face. They were showing themselves to me, obviously and clearly, and I remember thinking, "WOW. This is *real*". So yeah, ultimately I am grateful.

      Kathy, I have been hoping with a part of myself that my ex would just come to his senses. The thing is that he could actually be a pretty open-minded person, and is wired up to see things a little on the "woo-woo" side, so it is not a stretch that he could awaken, see he is being manipulated and come to his senses about this. I am *so glad* to know that you understand on a personal level. There are actually a lot of people who have been victimized in this way.

      Oh yes, I do hope that a lot of big changes are on our doorsteps. Good ones. Healing ones, for us and for the planet (not that healing is always pretty. I mean, sometimes people are healed by opening their bodies up, removing the ick and disease that is inside, then sewing them back up! Not pretty. But life-saving).

      Much gratitude to you all. Just keep hoping that the signals about what, if anything, I need to actually *do* next will become as obvious as a giant neon sign pointing, "Go this way!" ;-)

      Only Forward!!

    6. Calliope, One thing I found that confirms the magnitude of the changes ahead for earth was to listen to Carl Boudreau's Astrology for December 2012. That thread is here This pretty much carves our glorious future in stone. I was pole axed as I listened. This should give you inspiration to put on your creative tin foil hat and co-create it with the rest of the awakened. Understand that you are a Goddess with the same powers of creation as the Source of all things. You are limitless, unique and unrepeatable. I think when we are all envisioning our grandest dreams for humanity together, we weave a fabric of incredible strength, unity and profound beauty. When you encounter your mission, trust me, you will not need a big neon sign. You will just know and respond accordingly. Ascension energies are to last from the solstice through 2016. So do some digging into what it is you fear and get rid of it. It has no place in our new lives. Only Forward is right! in Love and Service, Kathy

    7. I actually take assaults by 'Team Dark' as an indicator of the power we possess to defeat them. That is all they can do, attempt to focus our energy onto things other than intending their demise. I have been on their radar for a VERY long time. I have some interesting experiences I am hoping to share in the near future. It is my intention to help put together a 'Family of Light' meet and greet with *D* and the awesome people who frequent this blog, after PP's and initial ascension. Regarding health, when all of our 12 DNA strands have reintegrated, health will be free. We have not had access to our bodies as a result of the scattering of our original blueprint. Imagine, we will be able to embody whatever physical age or form we choose! The key to the whole she-bang is to think in terms of limitless instead of limited. After being so tightly controlled, it takes a little practice to get it right.

  31. Jason Lincoln Jeffers recently asked to be a guest on my Align Shine Prosper inner-net radio show.

    As I listened to his video today I recalled reading 'Paying The Price of Being Awake' and ask to share his message. The Danger of Cherished Opinions Thank you.


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