
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Keenan's response?

I knew that posting the Cease & Desist orders from Dr. Soekanto to Neil Keenan was most likely going to cause a lot of contention, and I spent several hours discussing the situation with several people- friends and sources- while deciding whether to post the information or not.

And of course, during the night while I wasn't around, a shitstorm blew up which I would like to address.

First off, feel free to read the comments on the article for yourself: please use discernment and remember that everyone is free to post their opinions and what resonates with them personally, but please keep it respectful.

One of the comments and the ensuing responses  I received just a while ago :

What's up RTS? Why won't you post Neil's comments? Your credibility is seriously slipping.
  1. I haven't posted Neil's comments because Neil hasn't sent me any comments- and he know's where to find me, sooooooo.......
  2. Not so according to Jean Haines who has been in touch with Neil. Don't know what the trouble is. Maybe you could send a communication to him? It seems to be important enough to do so.

So I went to 2012: What's the real truth site- which is Jean's site, which I visit several times a week usually to see what she has to say- as I respect Jean as a writer and a light worker.  Jean posted this  article:

To my readers – about the so-called documents released on Removing the Shackles concerning Neil Keenan!!!

Please, this is pure disinfo. This site is a total waste of your time!
I was speaking with Mr. Keenan last night as he tried to post two rebuttals, and neither of them were accepted and published at this site. This information is a bunch of lies and this site in my opinion has been totally discredited.
I got up in the night to see if his replies had been published, but they still had not. When I tried to publish info here, the incoming energies (or something) threw me off line until I got up this morning.
Put very succinctly, Mr. Keenan said that this man would never sign such a document without his thumb print!! Mr. Keenan, who doesn’t back away from incredible lies like this had a lot more to say about this, and he is welcome to publish it here. Those people who were commenting, particularly someone named Ariel doesn’t have a clue – not a clue!
There is no sense trying to state this on the actual site, because I doubt they would publish my words either. so please viralize my statement. I wouldn’t visit this site again, just as I wouldn’t visit Cobra, or Caspar, or Tom Heneghan. As I have long said, these sites are all total disinfo sites, believe me!!!! Now I include this site, as well.
I will see if I can get in touch with Mr. Keenan to see if he wants to publish a comment here. 
The very first thing I want to say is that ANYONE who posts comment here on RTS knows that I have removed all moderation on the comments and ALL comments are posted as soon as the person hits "Publish".  If Keenan had an issue with publishing a comment in response to the article, then it is a technical problem on his end, because the 111 other people who had commented between last night and this morning seemed to have no issues what so ever.

Secondly, as I said to the commenter above, if Neil wanted to address the article I posted in any way, shape, or form, he know's exactly where to find me.  I haven't received a single skype message from Neil in weeks and weeks.  I haven't blocked him (I re-verified that last night and this morning) and I haven't received an email from him to either of my accounts (and he has both addresses), I've checked my spam folders both here and on my email accounts,  nor has he made any other attempt to communicate with me.

BUT.... Neil did make a big deal of going after a friend of mine who simply posted the article in a skype room that he runs.  My friend has given me permission to post that message here:

[12:02:34 AM] Neil Keenan: XXX please get your information correct.  I never received any C & D like this and especially one in which Scott is mentioned seeing I have been fighting with him.  I have photos of the Agreement Seno signed with me and will use it only after you make a complete ass out of yourself.

[12:02:40 AM] Neil Keenan: So please do not do this

[12:06:02 AM] Neil Keenan: XXX just so you know you post misiformation and the people giving you information high high up are not that high up.  I know who they are and my connections which are real have told pretty well everyone to stay far away from you.  You are a bad leak.  You blame Drake for all when in fact it was you giving him the bad information.  He paid for listening to you with his reputation.

[12:06:20 AM] Neil Keenan: Again I do not want to fight with you but your room is about to explode with your bullshit

[12:06:41 AM] Neil Keenan: so best to stop, take time and go to the toilet.  Empty out and maybe you come back with real things

[12:07:10 AM] Neil Keenan: .  I can only imagine what the others are going to do to you because they really do not have any way to defend themselves so they will come right at you.

[12:18:03 AM] Neil Keenan: I have enough documentation and photos and the fact that I am here meeing with your principal of the C & D and I will speak to him about it I hope blows up your bullshit site.  When you deal with people forget about puffing yourself up and give them facts.  You are dealing with phonies and we are all aware of it and if necessary we can also expose you.  I know where you have been, spent time and why.  I have access to your file.  I can get your file and post it if I wish.  Don't go there with your BS and sit on your comfortable cushion.  I also have your educational background and it is not to impressive.   By the way you look about the same size as Scott so maybe he can give you some hand me downs but only if you are nice to him.

Now read this rant closely.  Does THIS sound like the type of man that someone would put in charge of  and sign over  massive amounts of gold and money in the Global Accounts?

My friend posted the article in a PRIVATE intel room that HE runs on Skype.  That's it.  Neil chose to rant at him and throw school yard insults.

So, instead of contacting me and asking questions about where I received the documents from, or how I got them, or even asking me if we could discuss the documents, Keenan chose to bash a friend of mine, who is not even remotely involved, and run to someone who runs another site and tell her lies about how I'm blocking him from responding on my site.

Jean, in response: I'm sorry that you felt that I wouldn't share your comments or concerns here on RTS.  I have assured people over and over on this site that I will always respect someone's Right to their personal opinion and their Right to freedom of Speech. I harbour no grudges.

Many people have been caught up in the web that Keenan has spun.  I would take note of how many of them are still associating with, or even talking about him now.


  1. Well this is unfortunate, my old favorite site was saying my new favorite site is disinfo. WHAT TO BELIIIEEVVVEE??

    1. oh and btw...I think Keenan just has some trouble with those captcha things you have to enter when commenting...things are fucking tough....

    2. I second your thought about the difficulty probably being the captcha process - I really have to concentrate to see the numbers and letters...

    3. my friends, I would LOVE to do something about those stupid captcha crap! If anyone know's of a way to change it to something different for blogger, please let me know!

    4. To anonymous 08:43: There are no scuses, Keenan could be replying direct to BTS by email. BTS let the captcha alone, people need to prove they are smarter than machines, lol

  2. Keep following your heart and reporting accordingly, BTS, we love you! Some of Keenan's comments I've seen in the past made it clear his EGO is his number one friend.

  3. There is a saying 'IT WILL ALL COME OUT IN THE WASH' and so everyone does know that
    in the END those who spoke the truth and those who told blatant and intentional lies

    AKA DIS INFORMATION will be known by all, THE LIGHT IS INCREASING ON THIS PLANET, so those of you whoever you are that find it impossible to tell the truth your GAME is nearly where will you hide eh??? IT IS NEARLY CELEBRATION TIME...SO your lies are a waste of time......THE LIGHT HAS WON. and BTW my comments are aimed at the whole internet and all the people seeking to di inform at this time...LOOSERS....:)

    1. "It will all come out in the wash" is what I tell myself when I can't tell the players without a scorecard -- which lately, is most of the time!!

    2. Hear Hear! it WILL all come out in the wash!!!

  4. I stopped reading "2012 What's the REAL Truth" a while back when I started getting the feeling that "truth" was what she said it was and anything she didn't agree with was "disinfo." This dustup only confirms that impression so I'll be exercising my discernment and putting that "2012 What's the REAL Truth" in my "Ego Driven Site Owner" file and thereby avoiding it like a STD.

    1. I stopped reading Jean's blog for the very same reason, after almost two years I came to the conclusion that she is more than just a little delusional and maybe has some sort of bipolar condition, every once in awhile she would just go off on her readers...usually because they weren't lapping up that cheesy -Drunvalo guru...I regard her blog as a waste of time...she keeps telling people they need to "do their work" for ascension and in her last rant she told readers that "it isn't my job to lead you" through ascension.....and who thought it was?????She's a head my opinion.

    2. That's the nice thing about starting ones own blog! One can do with it whatever one wishes. One can say and post whatever one likes. There is no need to concern oneself with reader opinions. If readers don't like your blog, they don't have to visit it, or leave comments, do they.

      At the same time, the blog owner has no right to expect the blog readers to invest anything into the blog, or to 'buy into' the owner's personal advice or opinions.

      Blogs are great, because they offer us the kind of FREEDOM we find almost nowhere else in this world at the moment.


    3. Dingbat Jean is VERY hardcore left-wing. Some of the left-wing nonsense she posts on her site as "interesting" can only be viewed as issues she agrees with and supports -- no matter how idiotic.

    4. i never read what she says , i only checked what she repost from other blogs and i've seen she insist on pushing us her 'master' drunvalo , i checked he sells ascencion for few hundred dollars , so i know i do not resonate at all with Jean , or drunvalo or Greg giles .

  5. BTS, we are behind you. It's kind of humorous that Keenan is dissing your education - I have found his writings to verge on being illiterate. I have always wondered who could have actually placed him in the position to "be the savior of the world". Lol. We love you, BTS!

    1. Thank you my friend- although Neil was picking on my friends education, which is even tackier IMO.

  6. All I know is this: NOTHING.


    Except, when I post a comment here, it is published immediately. Every time.


    Captures are a pain, but it's possible to request a different one, if the one offered is impossible to figure out.


    This proves nothing, of course.

    Nothing out of nothing is nothing.

    I know nothing.

    Until I know something.

    This is truth.

  7. "a shitstorm" indeed. welcome y'all to the lunar eclipse.
    it's a culminating culmination lol. shine the light and
    'the truth shall be revealed'. bless us all.

  8. I'm laughing. I'd think people would be discussing something real.
    The enlightened fighting?
    That doesn't make sense.
    If Neil is a clone, maybe they didn't download your site properly to him, or he can't post a comment because he is an artificial intelligence computer that can type in a chat session because there are no images to decipher to put the words into the chat.

    A computer cannot read words or numbers in images.
    He has to prove he's not a robot and put in those letters and digits shown after hitting Publish and can't.

    It's a picture to the computer, but the mind can see letters and numbers and knows what to select to enter into the field to post the comment.

    So in a sense, the computer/artificial intelligence/clone(?) is right if they can't get past that, and the others who have taken a side in this is part of the separation of the Wheat and Chaff.

    BTS, you said the changes would blow our minds. Well maybe things unrevealed are finally being revealed.

    It's all Love, enjoy the ride.

  9. Whether you like him or not, or think he's real or not, and whether you approve of his edgy rhetoric or now, a response from Neil Keenan should not be relegated to the comment section, but given prominence as a post on your blog, equal in visibility to the attack on his reputation that you posted earlier. Now, instead of posting his specific response to that attack, you repost an earlier response from Keenan to a different issue, framed in a context to flatter you. Which is your privilege, of course, as this is your site. But if you are at all interested in providing equal time to a major figure in current developments you would simply allow him to post a rebuttal, prominently featured on your blog - NOT as a mere comment a hundred posters down the threat, where few would be likely to see it.


    1. Hi Michael, as I said above, I would post Keenan's response in another article- hence the fact that I posted THIS article, except that Keenan has NOT responded in any way shape or form to me. When Keenan DOES respond to me, I WILL repost it. Not in a common comment, but in bold face in an article. Hell, if Keenan even responded in the comments section, I would of asked his permission to repost in a separate, but as yet, he has not commented.

    2. Sure makes a body wonder doesn't it

    3. Michael don't assume we don't like Keenan. He's one of us. But if someone is not Keenan, can it not be mentioned why certain things did not come to pass?

      Keep your eyes open. Don't close them just because you perceive a conflict. The conflict is an illusion. Pay attention. not the time to get lost.

      Well it benefits the Cabal side of us, but it may not be your plan to get lost in all of this. And throwing accusations doesn't mean people have to rebut them or they are true. BTS has made it clear in this post that there was no communication nor comment.

      Read first...breath...comment....Love.

  10. Dear BTS, please do not feel like you have to justify anything to anyone. There is nothing to proove. We already have all the answers; we just need to go within. It is easy to forget that life does not happens to us; it happens THROUGH us. Yes, egos react, so let's embrace this challenge to bring it to balance. I am addressing this to anyone who still does not remember, who they really are. Everyone is right, always. We all see things in our own way, based on our experience and definitions. So intead of arguing here, let's become that change we ALL want to see. Love yourselves and know you are worthy to live on this planet and to receive. And it does not matter what things around us look like; it is our reaction to them that stears us to different paths. Love to you all.

    And I want to thank RTS for his outstanding work, creativeness and cool attitude running this blog! Thank you very much time and time again for all you do and for providing us with chances to learn more about who we are.

  11. Neil Keenan sounds like a straight diva. I'm telling you this guy is an enigma something you quite put your finger on. He is solely here for conflict, contradiction, and confusion. I never bought into anything Neil had to say because he was a late bird in this whole game of info wars. I can see I must of rubbed Jean the wrong way pertaining to his sentiments about me in the statements above.

    Niel Keenan came into this game with tunnel vision to an operation so vast and complex that is has no room for telescopic opinions and lack of research which Niel Keenan never does to properly support his views that would warrant any credence to his claims.

    We are talking about trillions of dollars here, how in the hell one man is in charge of such vast fortunes with out the IMF playing any supervisory role in making sure it is kept untampered with? It is just not possible but somehow that doesn't stop Neil from pretending he has such power to manage that type of responsibility. Neil's credibility to me is void and perfunctory. Neil has a God Complex believing that no money can come to the people but by him. Ok Neil, keep telling yourself that because because your rhetoric is far past due it's expiration date that at a discount It's still hard to buy even it's the last item on the shelf it's worth walking 30 blocks to the next store, at least I have the option of weighing info against other varying ideas intstead of buying yours by default of other info being absent.

    1. I noticed this trend among Keenan and people alike is that they always pretend that when they are caught up in something that questions their credibility they come with this bogus excuse that they couldn't get through to the person and they they are being blocked in someways as to throw off any responsibility of responding to something they will find hard to prove their stance against. And at the same time try to destroy the credibility of the person who is allegedly blocking them (BTS)so that they too can come off just as questionable as them sense there backs are up against the wall to prove their point as away to get out the predicament of being cornered in their claims. In other words it's called ''bait and switch''; pretend to be the victim while at the same time destroy the person who has evidence exposing you to gain sympathy from the people who follow that person that carries the truth of the one being cornered by pretending they are putting you at a disadvantage by not giving you the opportunity to say your piece. Is exactly what Keenan tried to do.

    2. Exactly, the "How dare you slander me without giving me the chance to a rebuttal" Buddy, ALL of us can post so, WTF?

    3. Yep yep yep. I'm telling Niel didn't think he would run into such an informed bunch on this website. The best defense he had was playing as if he was being slandered with no opportunity to respond in the same breath trying to destroy BTS's credibility my making he/she come off as someone that don't want thier credibility slandered so I'll block Niel's response so I can keep my readers from thinking that I too maybe a dis-info agent. Same thing his friend Jean is trying to pull with his statements. Trust I would not be on this site if I found it to be misleading in anyway shape or form. BTS does a good job of not being that person.

  12. BTS, thank you for posting Neil's comments. It actually explains a lot. I already had that feeling before, and he just confirmed it. I hate to say that, but I don't trust your "intel" and your friends anymore. Sorry...

  13. Well, This is what I have to say. I used to post and read Jeans site. I had a problem with all the negative political stuff she would post that would invoke feelings of anger and helplessness when our job is to hold the light. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time with that watching children covered in blood (one of the MUST WATCH articles she posted). There are shit slinging followers on that site that bring me down too. I use my discernment and intuition regarding where I look for my info. I also must agree with Anon 9:34 Is Keenan an A.I? There is no reason he other than the captcha to prevent him from posting. (Jean posted easily enough) If indeed he is artificial intelligence who do you think he'd be working for? Yes, he sounded like a 3 year old having a freaking temper tantrum. My advice to him: GROW UP. To BTS....If it doesn't apply, let it fly. Much love to you bro {{{HUGS}}}

    1. Kathy...I agree with you...her blog was filled with all this awful news and hot political topics and she would often make these very judgemental comments and then if a reader of her blog made a negative comment she would say how they shouldn't be so judgmental!!!She would pretend to be all about light and ascension and yet she focused on all these negative political articles........I didn't feel much light from her blog...I think she might have some mental issues.....but hey, the good thing about a blog...if you don't like it just move times I felt sorry for her because she would back one "feeling" (like she had a feeling there wouldn't be any election) after another and time would come and go and she had a perfect record of being wrong every time! She's a woman who seems easily fooled...

  14. BTS: I LOVE you for allowing all comments.

    I appreciate all you do. As an aside, while I embrace faith in Jesus, which some here might not consider compatible, I find great truth here. I follow vibes, and the vibe of this site is good. [I guess I should acknowledge that I am an optimist, and am drawn to the optimism here--but optimism is not delusion when things are becoming better.]

    I deeply appreciate that you aren't critical of people. You quote Alex Jones along with those who disagree with him, without prejudice, and you leave the door open to all who bring truth (yes, even their version of it).

    When you post something like the info about Neil Keenan, I trust that you have carefully vetted. Fulford did mention in his blog this week that Keenan was in a struggle with others regarding his claims.

    What is truth? This becomes seemingly more and more difficult to discern.

    The cabal members are dedicated worshipers of satan, whom the John the elder called "The father of all lies". Further, "...he was a murderer from the beginning...there is no truth in him..." Is it any wonder these guys who follow him are masters of deception? I think they are pulling out all the firepower they have left, and a lot of that is likely ammo in the information wars. I believe the bad guys want to lower our hope joy & love vibes back to fear and discouragement (I often think of how the Whos down in Whoville overcame the Grinch by rejoicing together in the face of loss).

    Thank you, BTS, for shining light into darkness. When you are attacked you respond in truth and love. Peace to you, and to all who visit you here

    1. SATAN = SATURN.

      The Bible was never intended to be read literally. They are stories. However, it suited the Roman Church & all subsequent franchise church denominations, to teach the Bible as if it were literal.

    2. Forgive me, I have intruded upon your belief system, but I'm sure we are all seeking truth, of all kinds, or we wouldn't be here?

      Please consider investigating Astrotheology for more information regarding the TRUE basis of all world religions.


    3. Anon 11:40/11:42: this is not about the bible, this is not about religion and thisis not about church. This is really about a relationship with Jesus Christ. To feel Him, talk to Him and be conforted. This is way beyond a believe system. Most focus on the bible and religion, forgetting the real Deal about relationship and walk of life. The bible will never save you, but the faith will. The Creator is Greater than anything we could possibly feel, think or see. Jesus came for the only purpose to declare that there is life after death, thru salvation. I love you All, we came from the same spirit of the Creator.

    4. Yes, indeed. Assuming Jesus Christ was a REAL historical figure. Except that there is much to suggest he is no such thing, but that he simply represents the SUN (the one up in the sky) - hence the halo.

      But, regardless, this is just to offer an alternative, scientific, provable, astrotheological, viewpoint, because many of us have been taught, sadly, to believe that the stories in our religious texts are real events that happened on Earth, in history. This is not so. As I said in my comment above, it suits those who would control us, via religion, to teach us these interpretations are literal. Once we realise the true Holy (Whole) Science of all religions, the Prisca Theologia, we are free.

      The stories are just that, like fairy tales, and the figures and events simply represent the Solar System and the Zodiac and the natural interactions with us and our bodies, whilst we are on this planet.

      As above, so below.

    5. please my friends, let's not go down that road into religious debate.

    6. It's a sure sign, is it not, BTS, that when the subject of religion is raised, it causes division. And this is why you ask us to desist.

      And this is my point, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, there is NO natural requirement for division. We are all ONE. But those who lie to us, via religious dogma and division, are effectively and actively encouraging and causing us to fight and bicker and accuse each other.

      I propose Peace for all, a peace which comes in the form of the knowledge and wisdom and understanding about the REAL basis of all religions, seeing as religions are often the basis for war.

      I will respectfully comply with your request, however, and cease and desist (wink wink) from religious banter.


    7. "when the subject of religion is raised, it causes division. And this is why you ask us to desist."

      Exactly! Thank you my friend

      light to everyone here and everywhere

  15. This is giving me a headache.
    love to you BTS now I will take some aspirin perhaps with a glass of red.

  16. On another note, There is a worldwide meditation today for Gaia (She is in bad shape with all the oil that has been removed from her body) I am making it a point to put her needs foremost today as it is Gaia who gives us all we need to live. If there is anybody out there who wants to join me in this endeavor, I am sure she would be grateful.

  17. BTS KUDOS for posting what Jean "doubts you would post anyway" and the remarks that Keenan said to XXX. Obviously you are not worried about your, so called, reputation and are inviting any and all to have their say. I dont know of any other place I can get all sides of an issue except here!

  18. To the gentleman who runs this site: you now have an opportunity to prove that you are fair-minded. Simply post Mr. Keenan's response, as just posted on Jean Haines' site:


    1. BTS has done it already so has proved fairmindedness I feel.

  19. This is hilarious. A couple of cult leaders squabbling over events that won't happen, as their Kool-Aid drinking followers bay like sheep. LOL


    Nothing will happen.

    1. You're right, just like your comment; Having no prospect of progress; of no value: when it comes to results in the making of an empty opinion when you anticipate logic from an empty brain attempting to think expressing the future tense of will and results, ''nothing'' will happen. You Know Like Clint Eastwood and that empty chair that had Anonymous 11:11 in it. Like your comment I glance to the side like Eastwood talking to a brain of logic that supposed to be in there. So when it comes to you making sense in the words of Clint, go head I dare ya, make my day!

    2. Spite, spite and more spite! Or is it my imagination that there is spite, where there is really only the genuine, light-filled intention to share and discuss with other humans that visit this site?

    3. Oh, now is about enlightenment? Well you got the wrong one on that my friend. I choose to share that with other of that mind set, not people like you. I love a good argument when it presents itself I'm not to caught up in the fluffy duffy love bugs and cute puppies of this ascension phase to ignore a good opportunity to debate no matter how heated it gets. I am an African American so I am no stranger to unwarranted conflict when it wants to find me and test my resolve based on superficial reasons like skin color. So don't back down and try pull pull the ascension I am supposed to be nice card because I am a light-worker. Because other so called light-workers may gently brush people like you off but !!not me!! if you want it I will certainly give it to you. Ascension ain't got nothing to do with love peace and harmony to the point where people can walk all over you and you just love away the pain of their assaults because you are a light-worker. You got this light-worker shit all fucked up.

    4. "Ariel Toliver28 November 2012 08:56

      ...All of us have Karma good and bad that's why you see people good people have such a hard time trying to work on behalf of humanity run into so many obstacles...

      ...What you have achieved by 12 12 12 will be what you will carry with you to New Earth...

      ...Everybody is invited to ascension but you can't carry old energy with you racism, jealousy, bigotry, hatefulness, stress, envy if you don't clear these things unintended circumstances may do it for you."

    5. And guess what? When I said racism, jealousy, bigotry, hatefulness, stress, envy can't be carried into 12 12 12, you can't find any of that in my statements. Kudos to that botched chess move you tried to make. And you will be hardpressed trying to find anything mention above trenched in negativity. So nice try.

    6. Negativity seems to ooze from some of your comments, dear Ariel, which is not really warranted in order for points to be made. You don't have to use particular words to make a particular impression. We feel your energy.

      It matters not, really. We are each on our own path. We all have good and bad days, good and bad tempers, good and bad ideas...etc. We can always choose to see problems as being caused by others, or being worsened by others, or being the result of misunderstandings by others, or we can choose to see that we played out part in creating problems, making them worse, in our misunderstanding of others, etc. Or we can attempt balance. Or all of those things in turns. That's our free will.


    7. Anon 11:11

      I see things happening and it's reported in Canadian MSM, mayors and more mayors,politicians,CEO's...the heat is on

      As one anti-corruption squad investigator stated in MSM "when it all comes out it will be horrific"

    8. Look I don't know how you guys interpret what I say but my intent behind what I say garners no ill will other then me making a point I feel is the most potent to make to get my point across enough for you to think about saying some slick shit you think may go unanswered. Why do you think Anonymous at 11:47 decided to back track and undercut my argument by coming with this I thought you were a light worker, you guys are not supposed to call out my bullshit like that? Listen to me, I can say a whooooooooooooooooooole lot of not so nice things if I were the person you perceive as saying negative things sometimes, but I have not and never will I am always up to clarify anything you deem negative. Go ahead I'll try my best to do so. But one side to me is very sarcastic and that's the side that answered Mr Anonymous and he couldn't take it. If you can't take the heat get out the kitchen because when it comes to food for thought most of my dishes soak in very hot water and Mr Anonymous just happen to grab the wrong plate.

  20. An apology and retraction would go a long way toward ending this apparently needless and pointless kerfuffle. It wouldn't be the first time that someone posted something they thought was for real, only to find out they'd been used to spread disinfo (assuming that's what happened to you).


    1. Same applies to Jean Haines who attacked this site and its owner and some of the posters here by name.

    2. As I said in reply to your comment on another post last night: I will not be retracting anything. I had the documents vetted by several excellent sources, and I know what I know about Keenan, who he works for, and his past.

  21. Ariel Toliver sounds an awful lot like a troll.

    1. or just a child who never learned any manners.

    2. Yes, finally someone said it! I was getting sick and tired of her too! Thank you.

  22. Stay strong BTS and don't let these opinions and drama waver you in the slightest bit. Stay true to your light and to what you know is your truth.

    You are my favourite, and I hope it stays that way and that when all the truth comes out, I won't have any reason to be disappointed with your blog.

    I am sure that you have access to this information because of your character. You are the only one I have seen among the 'insiders', that has never let their ego drive them. In fact, I have been amazed at the ruthless comments posted here without censorship and resulting in no reaction from you; only cool, calm, collected, reasonable and good hearted responses.

    Especially considering that we are being blasted with these solar flares, I don't know how you do it (of course I am not here to judge you if you make mistakes and turn out to be imperfect like the rest of us :p) I hope we are almost there! Best wishes to you.

    1. Pete, as much as it saddens me to admit it, I survive on caffeine and nicotine and raw veggies. and I rant a lot in my sleep.

    2. Please take better care of yourself. Keep a watch on your vitamins and minerals. We all love, respect and trust you and wish you to be happy.

    3. Good time to kick your caffeine and tobacco habits.

    4. raw veggies part sounds right up my alley -- eat fair trade dark chocolate for caffeine if you must have it, or organic green tea :) Tobacco is only good for prayer, not smoking :)

    5. Green & Blacks fair trade organic 75% cocoa dark chocolate is my soothing treat when I can afford it. Green tea is my afternoon pickerupper. but I fall back on my turbo boosted high octane coffee to crack my eyes open in the morning. and cigarettes are my last addiction that I can't seem to kick.....

  23. We're all human and still living in 3D. Most of us are trying to bring more light and truth, but we make mistakes. Let's not resort to the lower density action of slinging arrows, stay calm, and think about celebrating our soon to be announced freedom for ever more. Love and Light to all parties, even the cabal.

    I can never manage to leave a comment with my Wordpress ID, so I'm anonymous--sorry!

    1. I'm sorry my friend- I can't seem to get the wordpress ID's to work over here on blogger- it's driving me NUTS!!!!

  24. Here it is for ALL to read.....

    Who’s on First! – from Neil Keenan
    Posted on November 28, 2012

    Dear Jeanie,

    I would rather not post a reply, but this is just a great opportunity to nail the disinfo people such as JJ (Smith) Outlaw. The document you are looking at is one big joke. I am
    going to take it with me when I visit with Edy Seno. Everyone who knows Edy realizes this is a big gaff, and of course we know who photoshopped this from a similar document put out in August that was discredited. No, it is not Scott this time, and it is time to stop kicking him. He looks like hell and needs a break, and if anything I was too tough on him, but he is the expert in such situations, and I am sure he will have lots to say as well on his own behalf.

    Whoever put this together is a Clown, a Prankster, a Silly Fool, and I will try to share only a little of what is wrong here. First of all, Ray Dam is not affiliated with Edy Seno in any way. Beyu Soekarno is not involved with Edy in any way. It is the OITC not IOTC. Flashing back in time to the ‘Scott War’, it was clear to me that they (Scott and Wagoner) after getting caught by me had to scurry to cover their tracks, so that no one would know what they were up to. They then ran to Beyu Soekarno telling him that I screwed up their Trade. In fact, however, it was those actually working with Beyu, wishing to use him, as well as my connections—without my knowledge and behind my back—who, when they weren’t allowed to do so, got him to sign a Cease and Desist Order, blaming me for everything. Then the Wagoner bunch ran to Edy Seno, who was in the hospital and lied and used Nelu’s name to get in to talk to him. They then proceeded to tell him that the case would not be refiled, so he should issue a Cease and Desist Order, which they just happened to have in their pockets at the time.

    Seno did sign it.

    Of course, you would think that left me standing without my pants, but to the contrary! I was in the position of strength: You see, Seno’s mandate expired in 1998! What this means is that none of the 2.5% Family Heritance Guarantee was issued to the Soekarno Trust at all. During the years the Mandate was valid the West never gave them a dime, yet the Indonesian Elders did continue to protect all the assets as though they were their own. Indonesia, gatekeepers and holders were wonderful to the actual owners over the years, even though they were beaten as well. In case you haven’t realized it, the system had been hijacked. No—in case you haven’t realize it—the system was set up initially so it could be hijacked. Thank God the Elders, who live on a different spiritual plane, not one of greed but one of integrity, stood strong and defended the assets and humankind from a potential disaster.

    So how was the Soekarno Trust to get paid after the expiration of the Mandate?

    By attaching it to my lawsuit. By making it valid. By making it part of the settlement!!!!

    Continues here....

  25. Like many other like minded souls, I’ve visited and read most of the “spiritual” blogs over the years and to be honest I’ve rarely commented but time to time I feel compelled to say something. I see this name Neil Keenan appearing YET again and once again his appearance seems to trigger volumes of negative comments and turmoil and I have to ask myself –who is this person and why is there so much negative energy around him? “By their fruits ye shall know them” -never were truer words spoken and applied here, I feel personally he is someone to avoid completely.

    I agree with BTS here, apart from reading those Skype comments attributed to Keenan, my gut feeling is he wouldn't be someone that would be entrusted with a transaction or Class action of such magnitude on behalf of humanity? I just dont believe it.

    There’s a bigger issue here at play though in terms of cease and desist. We are in a time of revelation ,that’s crystal clear to anyone even half paying attention to what’s occurring globally and it’s very welcome because the Net is chock full of charlatans purporting to be spiritually awake and/or working for the benefit of humanity, financially ,spiritually, in whatever way. And they seriously need to Cease and Desist! The Archangel Michael must be exhausted, he’s speaking through so many people these days, not to mention losing power as he seems to need to “channel” weekly for a fee-(never a small fee mind you) not to mention other disincarnate entities who seem to prefer to “tune in" weekly to their “chosen” receivers as opposed to visibly addressing humanity in the UN or somewhere similar. This type of snake oil BS would be hysterical if it wasn’t so insidious and creepy,not to mention utterly exploitative of vulnerable people.

    The list of names is endless,all hustling a buck,soaked in ego,pushing their books or video or “private" readings, weekend retreats or weekly messages -fine, earn a living but don’t wrap it up in fake goodwill and sell it as anything other than what it is –a product-if it’s got a price tag, it’s a product- like cornflakes or toilet paper. And even if it hasn’t got a price tag , it’s most definitely not “off world” entities delivering a weekly message, let’s give them a little more credit than appearing weekly in Joe Blogs living room. They can traverse time and space and dimensions and cant mass message all of us? Please, it’s insulting, to them and to us.

    I’ve had little spare money most of my life, like lots of others , but I’ve managed with the love of friends and family in my life and the spiritual search continues regardless of Cabal overthrows etc etc…I don’t CARE if there’s a big wad of cash out there awaiting us nor do I give a shineola for secrets that you’re “not allowed" to tell –withholding is just another form of abuse. If you know something that will bring true benefit to people and is verifiable then share it –don’t mess with peoples’ heads or drag it out playing hide and seek. Some people are too vulnerable or in too much pain or despair for that, all it does is exhaust people and increase stress the same way these fakes who are infesting the internet do.

    So, Keenan, Wilcock, Goodchild, Beckow, Quinsey, Drunvalo, Kettler, BTS, American Kabuki and endless others, it will be very interesting to see before too long who has been speaking truth from the heart and who has been hustling and bullshitting-what you’ve sown you will reap. Time and events will tell but if in your heart of hearts you know what you've been saying is not true or is simply delusion then please dont continue to sit on the riverbank trying to sell us all bottles of water.

    1. Well said friend. Truth will out, it always does in the end. I smiled at the Archangel Michael comment - poor guy must be run off of his feet. :D

      The cabal put all these Pied Pipers in place to sucker in the people who need a crutch or someone to follow because they think they can't do it for themselves. Or to just sucker in the gullible. I looked over Ms HAines blog and felt repelled by the negativity and the must reads, make this viral statements. Out of 22 posts I counted 21 were on Gaza syria Egypt Palestinain bombings or deaths and one was the oracle report. That told me all I needed to know. Saying your one thing then doing the oposite says the person is out of balance in the spirit area. (IMO) I didn't like the way she embarrassed her friend Drake in plain view. It wouldv'e been kinder in my opnion just to say nothing more about him. Maybe the blogis a weapon of mass distraction as somebody already said lol!

      Whoever is messing with us I forgive them :-)

      BTS doesn't tell us what to do. Just posts and lets us get on with it. I never hada problem posting comments here just the captcha is a bit difficult to read sometimes as otheres have said too.

    2. Just before dawn.

      I don't see and I'm conveying this from the Creator in me...I don't see how the way One chooses to seek a website for a stimulus, and react to a stimulus is the fault of the one who provided the stimulus.

      Judgment is misplaced.

      There is a secret. A huge secret. We forgot what it was when we arrived here. Everything else has been bits and pieces of many secrets.

      Calling out aspects of Self that you perceive has withheld your truth is revealing that you have withheld things from yourself.

      Know thyself. Temet nosce

      If you want to know a secret, go find out for yourself. Seek and ye shall find. No one is your God nor your Creator and obligated to serve your needs.

      With all due respect.

  26. I am copying and pasting this as it seems to be a later response from Neil Keenan. For the sake of the world, I would like to believe that Neil Keenan and Drake are on the side of LIGHT.

    You will have to go to the site for the complete response as there is not enough space here to post the entire response.

    ← To my readers – about the so-called documents released on Removing the Shackles concerning Neil Keenan!!!
    Who’s on First! – from Neil Keenan
    Posted on November 28, 2012

    Dear Jeanie,

    I would rather not post a reply, but this is just a great opportunity to nail the disinfo people such as JJ (Smith) Outlaw. The document you are looking at is one big joke. I am
    going to take it with me when I visit with Edy Seno. Everyone who knows Edy realizes this is a big gaff, and of course we know who photoshopped this from a similar document put out in August that was discredited. No, it is not Scott this time, and it is time to stop kicking him. He looks like hell and needs a break, and if anything I was too tough on him, but he is the expert in such situations, and I am sure he will have lots to say as well on his own behalf.

    Whoever put this together is a Clown, a Prankster, a Silly Fool, and I will try to share only a little of what is wrong here. First of all, Ray Dam is not affiliated with Edy Seno in any way. Beyu Soekarno is not involved with Edy in any way. It is the OITC not IOTC. Flashing back in time to the ‘Scott War’, it was clear to me that they (Scott and Wagoner) after getting caught by me had to scurry to cover their tracks, so that no one would know what they were up to. They then ran to Beyu Soekarno telling him that I screwed up their Trade. In fact, however, it was those actually working with Beyu, wishing to use him, as well as my connections—without my knowledge and behind my back—who, when they weren’t allowed to do so, got him to sign a Cease and Desist Order, blaming me for everything. Then the Wagoner bunch ran to Edy Seno, who was in the hospital and lied and used Nelu’s name to get in to talk to him. They then proceeded to tell him that the case would not be refiled, so he should issue a Cease and Desist Order, which they just happened to have in their pockets at the time.

    Seno did sign it.

    Of course, you would think that left me standing without my pants, but to the contrary! I was in the position of strength: You see, Seno’s mandate expired in 1998! What this means is that none of the 2.5% Family Heritance Guarantee was issued to the Soekarno Trust at all. During the years the Mandate was valid the West never gave them a dime, yet the Indonesian Elders did continue to protect all the assets as though they were their own. Indonesia, gatekeepers and holders were wonderful to the actual owners over the years, even though they were beaten as well. In case you haven’t realized it, the system had been hijacked. No—in case you haven’t realize it—the system was set up initially so it could be hijacked. Thank God the Elders, who live on a different spiritual plane, not one of greed but one of integrity, stood strong and defended the assets and humankind from a potential disaster.

    So how was the Soekarno Trust to get paid after the expiration of the Mandate?

    By attaching it to my lawsuit. By making it valid. By making it part of the settlement!!!!

    Neil Keenan

    1. This is only about half of the response. Sorry I could not post the entire response but the balance of the statement is on the site.


    2. I just refreshed my browser to see that someone else just posted this Neil Keenen response.


  27. We must be getting close, instead of silence, there's a lot of noise. Someone has a lot to lose by expressing anger.

    The energies are misplaced. Now is the time to gather all the souls they can before we move forward in Now.

    I'm reminded of a baby taking their first steps. Mom on one side, Dad on the other, each calling the baby to their side to see who the baby will walk to.

    First steps are important but in a battle of duality, it's very important to know what assets they will have left when this is all over.

    They need a group to control and it's important to have enough people controlled so that low vibratory fear, anger, angst, stress energies produced can sustain them.

    Be careful how you enjoin. It takes two to argue.
    Sometimes the best position is to be a witness.

    Love to all.

  28. Any new updates from Cobra on Poofs interview today?

  29. I am in love with Ariel Tolliver! Thank you for bringing candor and intellect to the table. Those are my kind of dishes. The only thing I dont follow is limiting yourself to the label of ethnicity. We are all connected. We are all ONE. We are all HUMAN! Much love to you on this journey


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