
Friday 9 March 2012

THRIVE The Movie

For those of you who have not found it online to watch for free- or managed to borrow a copy from a friend, the movie THRIVE, by Foster Gamble is available to watch on the web site - you can "rent" the movie for $5 for a 72 hour period.

While this is not "free" at least a $5 rental is better than having to buy it outright.  I really Really REALLY encourage you to watch this movie- I know many people that have found the answers they've been looking for through this movie, or at the very least discovered the questions that they need to ask themselves in order to begin their journey forward.

For now, here is the official trailer for Thrive- a sort of sneak peek just to get you warmed up.

* Update March 29 2012-   this comment was just posted below, but I have not been able to confirm this yet:  Starting April 5th on the website, you can view the Thrive movie for FREE

1 comment:

  1. Starting April 5th on the website, you can view the Thrive movie for FREE


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