
Saturday, 28 February 2015

Nemtsov: Mutiny, Martyr, or Malicious Murder?

Really, this is a continuation of the conversation about ISIS.

When the US, and it's subordinate agencies, have a global reputation for over throwing governments through the use of decoy "opposition", staged military coups,  paid for riots and political demonstrations, and of course plain ol' buying off the rival political parties, is it any wonder that the first reaction by many upon reading of Russian opposition leader  Nemtsov being gunned down last night in front of the Kremlin was "unsurprised"?

Yes, there is definitely a chance that Putin may have had him "taken out", but the article below very interestingly points out that Nemtsov's death is of greater use to those who would love to see Putin fall, than to Putin himself.

Needless to say, the Drama is Rolling out heavily right now, with all sides using Nemtsov's death  as an opportunity to push their own agenda:

"Just a few short hours after the terrible murder of Russian opposition politician and outspoken Putin critic Boris Nemtsov, US' John Kerry was quick to condemn the actions of the "reformer" and demand Russia's "expeditious investigation," and President Obama has since issued a statement "admiring [Nemtsov's] struggle against corruption." The undertone was clear - 'Putin did it'. Furthermore, President Poroshenko has claimed that Nemtsov was on the verge of "exposing direct Russian links to the Ukraine conflict." As many realise the futility of trying to determine whether it is a Russian act, a CIA act meant to look like a Russian act, or a Russian act meant to look like a CIA act, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says the Nemtsov murder was "100% provocation... It looks like a contract killing.""- Zero Hedge (article below)
Do we know who did what?  Nope.  But I think that this is yet another piece of the puzzle that will show itself very clearly, very soon.


Russia: US-Backed Opposition Leader Gunned Down in Moscow

Martyrdom on demand: if not of use alive, perhaps of use dead? 

February 28, 2015 (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) US-backed opposition groups in Russia have so far failed utterly to produce results. Their transparent subservience to Washington coupled with their distasteful brand of politics has left a rather unpleasant taste in the mouth of most Russians. Each attempt to spread the "virus" of color revolution to Moscow, as US Senator John McCain called it, has failed - and each attempt has fallen progressively flatter.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has never been more popular. His ability to weather serial provocations aimed at Russia by NATO has made him a champion against the perceived growing injustice exacted against the developing world by an increasingly militaristic and exploitative West.

So when US-backed opposition groups in Russia decided to gather again this coming March 1, Sunday, many wondered just exactly what they expected to accomplish.

Bloomberg just a day ago, would report in an article titled, "Anti-Putin Opposition Looks to Russian Spring for Revival," that:
Just before he was jailed for handing out leaflets at a metro station, Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny used his last moments in a Moscow court to record a video urging supporters to join a March 1 protest against President Vladimir Putin. 

Navalny’s removal from the “Spring” rally by a 15-day sentence underlined the beleaguered state of an opposition movement that brought 100,000 onto Moscow’s streets three years ago as well as the Kremlin’s unease about the potential for unrest in Russia.

Squeezed by government persecution and Putin’s near-record approval rating, Russia’s opposition is betting that an unfolding economic crisis will spark a spring revolt on a scale last seen at the winter protests of 2011-2012, the largest since the collapse of Communism 20 years earlier. It seeks to draw as many as 100,000 people to the “anti-crisis march” in Moscow, with protests also planned in 15 other cities. They’ll highlight declining living standards and the conflict in eastern Ukraine that triggered U.S. and European Union sanctions against Russia.

The article however, also stated that:
The opposition “hasn’t been this weak for many years,” Stefan Meister, an analyst at the German Council of Foreign Relations in Berlin, said by phone. “Even when we have a growing economic crisis in Russia, there’s still high support for Putin.”
Clearly to match the expectations the "spring" rally was meant to have, to infuse the "virus" US Senator McCain had claimed was intended for Moscow, something drastic would have to be done to change the current calculus.

The prospect of triggering sustainable unrest aimed at the Kremlin was beyond impossible - that is - until the leader of the planned protest was shot dead, practically on the steps of the Kremlin itself in the heart of Moscow.

Boris Nemtsov, was reportedly shot four times in the back on Friday night in a drive-by shooting. His body laid conveniently for media photographers to capture the Kremlin looming in the background.

Russia immediately condemned the killing, with President Putin noting it was an act of "pure provocation."

Nemtsov's Questionable Ties to US Agitators 

Nemtsov had led US-backed opposition protests for years. In 2012, he was caught literally walking into the US Embassy in Moscow to meet with then newly appointed US Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul who had serve on the board of directors of Freedom House and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Image: Boris Nemtsov literally walking into the US Embassy in Moscow in 2012 to meet with then newly appointed US Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul - a veteran agitator who has served on the boards of both Freedom House and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). 

The significance of this cannot be overstated.

It was in 2004, when Michael McFaul would write in the Washington Post in an op-ed titled, "'Meddling' In Ukraine Democracy is not an American plot," that:
Did Americans meddle in the internal affairs of Ukraine? Yes. The American agents of influence would prefer different language to describe their activities -- democratic assistance, democracy promotion, civil society support, etc. -- but their work, however labeled, seeks to influence political change in Ukraine. The U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy and a few other foundations sponsored certain U.S. organizations, including Freedom House, the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute, the Solidarity Center, the Eurasia Foundation, Internews and several others to provide small grants and technical assistance to Ukrainian civil society. The European Union, individual European countries and the Soros-funded International Renaissance Foundation did the same.
Added to McFaul's confession, are similar reports such as the Guardian's 2004 article titled, "US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev," which reported:
But while the gains of the orange-bedecked "chestnut revolution" are Ukraine's, the campaign is an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and mass marketing that, in four countries in four years, has been used to try to salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes.

Funded and organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and US non-government organisations, the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade in 2000 to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box.
Richard Miles, the US ambassador in Belgrade, played a key role. And by last year, as US ambassador in Tbilisi, he repeated the trick in Georgia, coaching Mikhail Saakashvili in how to bring down Eduard Shevardnadze. 
Ten months after the success in Belgrade, the US ambassador in Minsk, Michael Kozak, a veteran of similar operations in central America, notably in Nicaragua, organised a near identical campaign to try to defeat the Belarus hardman, Alexander Lukashenko.
That one failed. "There will be no Kostunica in Belarus," the Belarus president declared, referring to the victory in Belgrade.
But experience gained in Serbia, Georgia and Belarus has been invaluable in plotting to beat the regime of Leonid Kuchma in Kiev.  
The operation - engineering democracy through the ballot box and civil disobedience - is now so slick that the methods have matured into a template for winning other people's elections.

It is important to understand what the US did in Ukraine, Serbia, Georgia, Belarus, and Nicaragua, and who was involved, because that is precisely what the US repeated in 2011 amid the so-called "Arab Spring," and again in 2013-2014 during the so-called "Euromaidan," and precisely what they are attempting to do in Russia itself today.

That Nemtsov was meeting directly with McFaul who openly works to subvert governments to suit special interests in Washington and on Wall Street, gives some indication of just how closely tied to US meddling Nemtsov was.

In addition to Nemtsov's direct contact with representatives of US-backed sedition, Nemtsov's adviser, Vladimir Kara-Murza, has attended NED forums including one in 2011 titled, "Elections in Russia: Polling and Perspectives," and an NED forum in 2013 titled, "Russia: A Postmodern Dictatorship?" which was jointly presented by Kara-Murza's "Institute ofModern Russia," a joint-US Neo-Con/US-backed Russian opposition propaganda clearing house.

The height of US-backed regime change appeared to be the so-called "Arab Spring." The Atlantic in an article titled, "The Arab Spring: 'A Virus That Will Attack Moscow and Beijing'," would state:
[US Senator John McCain] said, "A year ago, Ben-Ali and Gaddafi were not in power. Assad won't be in power this time next year. This Arab Spring is a virus that will attack Moscow and Beijing." McCain then walked off the stage. 

Comparing the Arab Spring to a virus is not new for the Senator -- but to my knowledge, coupling Russia and China to the comment is. 

Senator McCain's framing reflects a triumphalism bouncing around at this conference. It sees the Arab Spring as a product of Western design -- and potentially as a tool to take on other non-democratic governments. 

At an earlier session, Senator Udall said that those who believed that the Arab Spring was an organic revolution from within these countries were wrong -- and that the West and NATO in particular had been primary drivers of results in Libya -- and that the West had helped animate and move affairs in Egypt. Udall provocatively added Syria to that list as well.

"This virus" may have overwhelmed governments around the world at first, but since then, success has been limited with major setbacks in Thailand, Malaysia, and even in Egypt where US-backed regimes were either ousted by military coups, or never made it into power to begin with. Ukraine's "Euromaidan," while successful in Kiev, has led to Crimea's return to Russia and a bitter civil war in the country's eastern most provinces that have drained the lifeblood from Washington's newly acquired client state.

It was clear that Washington's "template" needed an upgrade. What could be done, just days ahead of another attempt to trigger sustainable unrest in Moscow? What could the movement use? A martyr.

Nemtsov, A Convenient Martyr... Too Convenient 

The provocative murder in the center of Moscow, in close proximity to the Kremlin itself, would lead the more gullible members of the general public to imagine President Putin himself leaning back in his office chair with a rifle sticking out the window of the Kremlin, and gunning down his rival - in true super villain form.

Already, before any investigation has been conducted, Western news sources are attempting to imply the Kremlin was behind his murder - hoping the general public believes Russia's leadership would be careless and thoughtless enough to commit such a provocative act just two days ahead of protests.

The BBC in its report, "Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead," would claim:
He died hours after appealing for support for a march on Sunday in Moscow against the war in Ukraine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has condemned the murder, the Kremlin says.
In a recent interview, Mr Nemtsov had said he feared Mr Putin would have him killed because of his opposition to the war in Ukraine.
Of course, the BBC also mentioned Nemtsov's intentions of exploiting growing economic concerns in Russia, brought on entirely by sanctions placed on Russia by the United States and its allies regarding chaos admittedly caused by overt, admitted US meddling in Ukraine's internal affairs.

It appears likely that rather than the Kremlin clumsily killing an opponent on their doorstep on the eve of  a major protest, he was instead killed by either members of his own opposition movement, or by his US backers themselves. The combination of economic strain brought on by US sanctions, US-backed mobs planning to take to the streets, and now a martyr conventionality delivered just 2 days before the protest he was meant to lead was to take place, has the deck stacked with the most favorable cards to deliver the West the sort of sustainable chaos and unrest it has desired to create in Russia, and has admittedly created in neighboring Ukraine, according to America's own former Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul.

Continue Reading HERE:

Putin Spokesman Says Nemtsov Murder Was "100% Provocation"

Tyler Durden's picture

Just a few short hours after the terrible murder of Russian opposition politician and outspoken Putin critic Boris Nemtsov, US' John Kerry was quick to condemn the actions of the "reformer" and demand Russia's "expeditious investigation," and President Obama has since issued a statement "admiring [Nemtsov's] struggle against corruption." The undertone was clear - 'Putin did it'. Furthermore, President Poroshenko has claimed that Nemtsov was on the verge of "exposing direct Russian links to the Ukraine conflict." As many realise the futility of trying to determine whether it is a Russian act, a CIA act meant to look like a Russian act, or a Russian act meant to look like a CIA act, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says the Nemtsov murder was "100% provocation... It looks like a contract killing."

As RT reports,
Opposition politician Boris Nemtsov died in the center of Moscow after he was shot at four times. A number of leading figures from all sides of political spectrum called his murder a "provocation".

Boris Nemtsov, a veteran opposition figure in Russia, was gunned down in a drive-by attack in central Moscow on Friday night. The murder triggered worldwide condemnation and calls to bring the killers to justice.

Russian Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov explains...

*  *  *
Images from Ukraine...

As The Telegraph reports, President Poroshenko has stated that Nemtsov planned to reveal Russian links to the Ukraine conflict...
Iryna Baliacheva, a Russian political migrant living in Ukraine told reporters Putin was to blame for the murder.
"Putin opened Pandora's box and released dangerous powers: non-acceptance of a different opinion (from his), representatives of the opposition were called traitors, while we (Ukrainians) are considered US Department of State agents.
"And now people who believed in Russia's television lies may also believe that some robbers killed him, but I think that this was organised by Putin in order for him to stay in power."
The gathering in Kiev came as Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, said on Saturday Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was murdered because he planned to disclose evidence of Russia's involvement in Ukraine's separatist conflict.
Poroshenko paid tribute to Nemtsov, who was shot dead late on Friday, and said the fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin had told him a couple of weeks ago that he had proof of Russia's role in the Ukraine crisis and would reveal it.
"Boris Nemtsov, a big friend of Ukraine and big patriot of Russia has been killed. He was like a bridge connecting Ukraine and Russia, he built the kind of relations between our countries that I would like to see," said Poroshenko.
"To me Nemtsov is a symbol of a Russian citizen that connects (Ukraine and Russia) and sincerely respects Ukraine."
"Boris had declared that he would provide the clear evidence of Russian Armed forces' participation in (the war) in Ukraine.
"Somebody was afraid of this, Boris wasn't afraid. Killers and executors were afraid."
*  *  *
Secretary Kerry: February 2015 » Murder of Boris Nemtsov
I am shocked and saddened to learn of the brutal murder of former Russian Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov in central Moscow. Boris Nemtsov committed his life to a more democratic, prosperous, open Russia, and to strong relationships between Russia and its neighbors and partners, including the United States. He served his country in many roles – in the federal government, in the parliament, as Governor of Nizhniy Novgorod, and as a political leader and activist. In every post, he sought to reform and open Russia, and to empower the Russian people to have a greater say in the life of their country. His absence will be deeply felt in Russia and around the world. The United States urges the Russian authorities to act expeditiously to investigate and bring to justice those responsible. Our thoughts are with the Russian people and with Mr. Nemtsov’s family and friends as we mourn his loss.
*  *  *
Statement by the President on the Murder of Boris Nemtsov
The United States condemns the brutal murder of Boris Nemtsov, and we call upon the Russian government to conduct a prompt, impartial, and transparent investigation into the circumstances of his murder and ensure that those responsible for this vicious killing are brought to justice.  Nemtsov was a tireless advocate for his country, seeking for his fellow Russian citizens the rights to which all people are entitled.  I admired Nemtsov’s courageous dedication to the struggle against corruption in Russia and appreciated his willingness to share his candid views with me when we met in Moscow in 2009.  We offer our sincere condolences to Boris Efimovich’s family, and to the Russian people, who have lost one of the most dedicated and eloquent defenders of their rights.
Continue Reading on ZeroHedge HERE:

Nude man "Escaping" from Buckingham Palace?

Ummmmmmmmm....... Yea, I think we'd like an official comment from Buckingham Palace on this one!!!  Let's see them explain their way around this!!

Net Neutrality: The Act to Smother the Flames

While the talking heads of the Main Stream Media are singing  "Glory Hallelujah" to the Ode of "Net Neutrality", the people who actually have a brain capable of rational thought are pounding their heads on their desks at the gullibility of the public to actually buy into this schtick.  It boggles my mind that there are so many people, even those in some of the alternative media outlets known for outing the usual garbage, that are eating up this crap, licking their plate and asking for more.

Let me point out the most important point of ALL of this shit:


Why haven't we seen it?  Why hasn't it been released to the public?  If this is such a wonderful new law, that allows unicorns to fart rainbows all over the internet like a force field of public protection, then why is it being kept away from public scrutiny? 

In EVERY single "Bill", "Law", "Amendment", "Canon", "Writ", "Ordinance", "Notice" to come out of any government corporation, there is ALWAYS a hidden agenda that protects the Corporations and removes Freedoms and Rights of the people that these announcements proclaim to be "protecting".  This "Net Neutrality Act" is no different, and we are about to come face to face with the understanding that the last vestige of "Freedom of Speech" has just been shackled by the bureaucracy of Government and Corporate interests. ......

.... I mean, so I assume.  Since I, nor anyone else, can READ the Act, we really have no idea what it contains, nor what controls have just been thrown over the internet to smother the smouldering fire of information that is feeding the flames of Transparency.

And on Wednesday, the FEC held a hearing on whether or not they should regulate political speech on blogs, websites and YouTube videos…
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is holding a hearing today to receive public feedback on whether it should create new rules regulating political speech, including political speech on the Internet that one commissioner warned could affect blogs, YouTube videos and even websites like the Drudge Report.

This happened February 11, 2015..... yet did we hear about it?   The FEC looked for "Public Feedback" and yet, did we know about this?  Did the general public KNOW, and did they understand the question that they were being asked to give an opinion on?  Nope. 

IF this was implemented in the "Net Neutrality Act", then those of us who continually speak out against Government Corruption, Deception, and Fraud may find ourselves fighting against a government controlled gag.   I for one, will DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to continue to shine a spotlight on the bullshit of these corporate entities that pretend to be Governments.  For me, the passing of this "Act" may be the Battle Cry that will echo around the planet, to rally all of those people who are Truth Speakers and Truth Seekers into one cohesive Phalanx that will break through the crumbling walls of Lies and Disinformation that the Governments, Corporations and Banks are cowering behind.

... Let it echo around the world:  "We are coming for YOU!" .... you fuckers.


The Internet is Lost and a Tweet from @Drudge Sums it All Up

Matt Drudge
The last bastion of intellectual freedom and open communication has fallen to the hands of the government. We knew it was a matter of time, but now it seems to have snuck up on most who were unaware.
This isn’t a new development, but now that it’s done some people are cheering “damn the big corporations” while others are rightfully realizing that this is not a victory for the people but rather a strategic foothold given to the government. We may or may not have been in control of the internet in the recent past, but we’re officially watching the beginning of true censorship and utter destruction of virtual privacy.
Controversial political figure Matt Drudge summed it up with one Tweet:

The Net Neutrality Debate Proves The Opinions Are Far From Informed

As many of you know the FCC approved what is now considered the greatest change in the fundamental underpinnings of how the internet will be both used as well as “allowed” to be used. The regulation now known as Net Neutrality will supposedly make the internet more “fair” or “equal” to everyone. All I’ll ask you to ponder is this: How’s your cable bill working out for you?
There’s a lot of known and unknowns still to be had as we sit here today. Why? Regardless of what you’ve heard or seen written in the press about this regulation; no one, and I do mean, no one knows the details to this new and sweeping regulation.
The reported 330-ish paged regulation was held in a way resembling sealed documents from a court case. The only people who read it are those that wrote it, and voted it into law. We now have to wait and see just how much everything changes.
Every future or current business, entrepreneur, as well as individual that accesses the web will be effected. Along with what everyone now takes for granted about the internet will also be changed. How much if any will remain the same, or even possible going forward no one yet knows. And that’s not hyperbole. Everything that one thought they knew or even assumed has now changed. Period.
What took my breath away was just how many bought into the premise that all this was about (as in solely ) was not allowing ISP or cable providers to throttle content. i.e., Not allow a cable provider to charge more to a content provider for faster access to deliver their content and nothing more. And that regulating the internet would now fix this issue.
The discussions and buttressing of arguments based on examples using monopolies and utilities by those pushing for it showed just how ill-informed many of the so-called “experts” were.....

......Think about it this way. The electricity coming into your home works generally the same way. And this was used by many as an underpinning of their argument to express the “utility” equivalency discussion. Personally I thought it was the exact argument to show just how little many understood rather than solidify it.
If you want more power into your home guess what? You have to pay for the infrastructure not only at your home (e.g. update your wiring and more) but you also might need to pay for the build out from the pole. If you want or need 3 phase power? You’re going to need to spend money. A lot of money. The power is there but if you want it, you’re going to need to pay.
The infrastructure to carry what you currently have you paid for when the home was built. The electric company didn’t pay, the home builder paid when the home was first constructed. If you want more power? You are going to pay. And here’s where this issue really strike home to the “utility” issue used by so many.
If you don’t like the power companies fees, service, regulations et al. Tough. Because you can’t go around them. You can’t build your own better, more customer friendly or compliant power company. They have a true monopoly. And no matter what you say or do, you are going to pay if it’s decided by the regulating authorities, that no matter what – you are going to pay.
Think not? You can go “off grid” you say? You’ll find a way to “hack.” Not so fast. There are reports nationwide where it is illegal to disconnect your home from the “power” companies. Many are finding themselves facing both criminal as well as monetary charges for trying to “disconnect.” Your cable bill (or broadband) is going to fall into this category in coming years. After all, if it’s now deemed as “utility” status why not? Think it’s just the electricity? How about another “utility?”
Try telling many city governments that you just spent $25,000 to update your septic system to a new state of the art standard so you don’t need to connect to the cities new and improved or proposed  sewer system. Ask them why you need to pay for some “special assessment” bill of a few thousand dollars payable in 30 days along with receiving a monthly bill for something you don’t need or use?
The response will be: “Sorry, I just work here. Please pay the bill and make sure your property is accessible for the digging crews to connect your property. Have a nice day.” And that’s just the start. Welcome to the world of “utility.” and “monopoly.” Careful what you wish for – you just might get it!
If you think those in the industry as in “Silicon Valley” have more of an understanding that you or I do. All I’ll do is point you to the most recent as well as instructive or insightful understandings on this issue by one of net neutrality’s foremost cheerleaders.
I suggest you watch this short exchange that took place on CNBC™  as to why this must take place and why its necessary for the good of the internet. Then ask yourself this question: The internet just moved from anything you knew it to be, into something no one has any understanding or clue as to what it will morph into from here. All based on a movement propelled on the understandings and insights professed by so-called “experts” as those in this video.
Personally I am stunned on just how little of an understanding of business those in Silicon Valley have. Yet maybe I shouldn’t be. For there is no where else a business can be worth billions in market cap that either can’t turn a profit, or better yet, can’t keep a customer if they so dare as to charge a penny.
But that’s now all about to change too. Because once new “regulation” concerns become part of the mix Wall Street has to think about when deciding who, what, or where will the hot money (if there’s any left) will flow: Silicon Valley is going to find itself with not as much love as they once garnered. For nothing snuffs out the spark of VC free money for “hacking” or lets say “Innovation” like the threat and over arching hand – of regulation. Welcome to the land of utilities. Hope you like the new neighborhood.

Continue reading HERE

Friday, 27 February 2015

Transpicuous News: Special Report on the Middle East

Welcome to tonight's Transpicuous News Special Report on the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia to allow Israel use of its airspace to strike Iran – report

Inside Gaza's tunnels, militants get ready for the next war

U.S., Iran Explore Option of 10-Year Nuclear Freeze

 Israel is galloping to the next war in Gaza

CIA-planted ‘evidence’ may force IAEA review of Iran’s alleged nuke arms program – report

Transpicuous News: Special Report on Middle East - in 10 minutes

I will be going Live on CCN in 10 minutes- at 9:30 pm GMT- 4:30 pm EST,  ... with a special News Update Report on the Middle East.

You can watch the live stream here on RTS, on the CCN video viewer on the right side bar, or watch directly on CCN :

Chemtrailed "Dog Fight" over coast of Morocco Feb 25, 2015

Wednesday February 25, 2015 started, what was to be a very "interesting day", off with an aerial circus.  

We are on the northern coast of Morocco, facing the Med and just across from Spain.  At 8:30am (GMT) the horizon as far as the eye could see was a beautiful clear blue.  Then it started....

Directly in front of our house, what looked at first to be a very drunken pilot  trying his hand at sky writing, turned into what can only be described as an aerial "Dog Fight" involving two jets..... 

Within minutes of the aerial drunken acrobatics beginning, we watched as Chemplane and Chemplane streaked across the sky, laying down line after line of chemtrails.  I fully believe that they were meant to hide what was going on by obscuring the sky with a milky veil.

Unfortunately I had serious issues with my video camera as the sun was making it almost impossible to see through the view screen- so I apologize for the wobbliness and lack of focus in places.  Luckily our friend Jorge, who is a photographer, managed to grab some amazing shots of the twisting and spiraling chemtrails as the jets - two of them- roared back and forth.....

.... they were obviously chasing something..... what ever it was, we couldn't see it though.

Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmm".

Over all, the sky show lasted well over 35 minutes, and the skys by the end of it were completely murky and fogged by the endless chemtrails that were blasted out right over top  of us..... and no where else in the vicinity.

I go into further detail during TN last night:

Transpicuous News Feb 26, 2015: Smokey Subways and Chemtraily Skys

Transpicuous News Feb 26, 2015: Smokey Subways and Chemtraily Skys

Welcome to Transpicuous News on Feb 26th, 2015.

After a very rocky start on Wednesday, we finally had to give up on doing the Transpicuous News Midweek report on the CCN LIVE Stream.... as we suddenly encountered a technical "glitch" that no one could explain nor had ever seen happen before on Live Stream.....  I go into the details of that adventure in the Midweek report, that I finally ended up recording and uploading to YouTube. 

It's been an interesting week my friends- there are a lot of things "shaking out" right now, and I suspect this is only the beginning of the surprises we have coming. Key areas to watch right now: Washington DC and it surrounding places of interest.


Be Alert.    Be Prepared.    And keep your eye on the ball!!

Removing the Shackles Articles:

Iraqi Army Shoots Down UK planes delivering weapons to ISIL

 Forced Vaccinations: They are calling for YOUR "Comments"

 The Greek Apology: The "Big Boys" won this round

 ISIS: Psyop, CIA, Terrorists, Rebel, Religious Group?

Midweek News Links:

Breaking News 2015 Budget law officially implemented

UN warns of a severe financial crisis in Iraq|en&u=

Mark Zuckerberg just slammed the anti-vaccination movement

Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams

Leaders of the Houston "arson attack" mosque responded to Islamophobia in the best way!!-657974

Turkish whistleblower: government can hand over any bank to state fund

HSBC offers apology as CEO mired in scandal, too

Yemen's president withdraws resignation

It's raining money! Traffic in Dubai halts after cash falls from the sky

Egypt's Sisi issues decree widening scope of security crackdown

‘Flagrant aggression:’ Damascus livid after Turkey’s incursion onto Syrian soil

How did Turkish troops manage to safely enter and exit Syria?

Troika "Happy" With Revised List Of Greek Reform Promises: Full Varoufakis Letter

Afghan central bank branch employees raid their own bank and run

 Ukraine Signals It Needs Cash Fast as Capital Controls Tightened

U.S. prepares draft threatening U.N. sanctions on South Sudan

The New Saudi King Is Kicking Off His Reign With a $32 Billion Gift to His People
Smoke appears in Washington subway system three times in two days

DHS Secretary Warns Amid Funding Fight: 'If Anyone Is Planning to Go to The Mall...'

Japan’s credit card firm to start using Russia’s national payment system by end of 2015

Iraqi Army Downs 2 UK Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL

Paper claim: Malvinas-Falklands join Argentina... on new banknote

Putin: Gas supplies to Europe could suffer in 3-4 days if Kiev doesn't pay

Tunisia, Italy 'Reject' Military İntervention İn Libya

US combat vehicles parade near Russia border amid tensions

Greek Cypriots sign military deal with Russia

Metrolink Crash: Truck Driver Arrested on Felony Hit and Run Charge

Is Turkey Turning Towards A Full Eurasian Pivot?

Read more:

Russia could protect interests in Arctic via military means – defense minister

It's time for China to bid farewell to the dollar peg

EU asks WTO to help settle trade dispute with Russia - See more at:

Jerusalem church building torched in apparent hate crime - See more at:

Thursday, 26 February 2015

1000+ Underground Documentaries

Ever had one of those evenings when you're looking for something to watch, and can't stand the idea of bruising your brain with Hollywood propaganda? 

I just discovered this site and it's a "must bookmark" for future evenings (or days) when I'm looking to expand my mind, instead of rotting it.

This website has pulled together an impressive amount of "Underground Documentaries" - over 1000 documentaries on just about every subject imaginable to those who are interested in looking under the veils of lies and deception that is propagated by the Governments(Corporations) and Main Stream Media.   Here is "Underground Documentaries" side bar listing of categories:

Now.... of course not all of these reflect the truth of the reality that we have been living through, nor do they encompass all the information that is available- hell, some of these movies are even disinformation themselves.... BUT in the vein of "Movies" that may open the door to information and the back stories of how we got here, this is a pretty great resource to start with.



200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT To Vaccinate

200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT To Vaccinate - FREE Research PDF Download!

The media, your pediatrician, politicians and health authorities like the CDC and FDA claim that vaccines are safe and effective. So why do hundreds of peer-reviewed studies indicate the opposite is true? Read, download, and share this document widely to provide the necessary evidence-based counterbalance to the pro-vaccination propaganda that has globally infected popular consciousness and discussion like an intractable disease. 
It is abundantly clear that if the present-day vaccine climate, namely, that everyone must comply with the CDC's one-size-fits-all vaccination schedule or be labeled a health risk to society at large, is to succumb to open and balanced discussion, it is the peer-reviewed biomedical evidence itself that is going to pave the way towards making rational debate on the subject happen.
With this aim in mind, has painstakingly collected over 300 pages of study abstracts culled directly from the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database on the wide-ranging adverse health effects linked to vaccines in the today's schedule (over 200 distinct adverse effects, including death), as well as numerous studies related to vaccine contamination, and vaccine failure in highly vaccine compliant populations.
This is the literature that the media, politicians and governmental health organizations like the CDC, pretend with abject dishonesty does not exist – as if vaccine injury did not happen, despite the over 3 billion dollars our government has paid out to vaccine injured through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund since it was inaugurated in 1986.
We have written extensively about this research previously, highlighting different studies, focusing on translating their implications to the lay persons (view our vaccine article section here), but we believe that collecting and condensing solely the primary literature itself makes a much more powerful statement.
This document is being made free to download to the world at large in order to encourage the lay public, health professionals, activists, and elected officials alike to read, acknowledge and share the voluminous literature with their family, friends, colleagues and related stakeholders. You will find this research undermines the national and global agenda to continue to expand the vaccine schedule (on behalf of a vaccine industry that is indemnified against lawsuit for defective or harmful products), with increasing legislative pressure to remove exemptions and mandate them against the evidence of harm and at best equivocal effectiveness as a preventive health measure.
If the vaccination arm of modern medicine today is to continue to promote itself as a science- and evidence-based practice, it must acknowledge and incorporate the implications of the research we are releasing here, or lose any pretense at credibility. Failing to do so will reveal that the widespread push to remove your choice in the matter is agenda and not evidence driven, and due to the fact that vaccines all  carry the risk of irreversible harm and even death (any vaccine insert proves this), it clearly violates the Nuremberg code of medical ethics to promote them as a priori safe and effectiveness.

Continue reading HERE

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Iraqi Army Shoots Down UK planes delivering weapons to ISIL

Yet another important piece of news and transparency that needs to be reposted - because we know that the Western Main Stream Media certainly won't be posting this article!

I will be covering this story  and discussing the issue of what is ISIS in continuation of the article I posted Monday on RTS : "ISIS: Psyop, CIA, Terrorists, Rebel, Religious Group?" , Tonight  on Transpicuous News at 11pm GMT- 6pm EST on CCN- LIVE STREAM.  You can watch the live coverage on or right here on Removing the Shackles on the right side of the side bar.


Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:29

Iraqi Army Downs 2 UK Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL

Iraqi Army Downs 2 UK Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraq's army has shot down two British planes as they were carrying weapons for the ISIL terrorists in Al-Anbar province, a senior lawmaker disclosed on Monday.
"The Iraqi Parliament's National Security and Defense Committee has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL," Head of the committee Hakem al-Zameli said, according to a Monday report of the Arabic-language information center of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.
He said the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations in this regard.
The senior Iraqi legislator further unveiled that the government in Baghdad is receiving daily reports from people and security forces in al-Anbar province on numerous flights by the US-led coalition planes that airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas.
The Iraqi lawmaker further noted the cause of such western aids to the terrorist group, and explained that the US prefers a chaotic situation in Anbar Province which is near the cities of Karbala and Baghdad as it does not want the ISIL crisis to come to an end.
Earlier today, a senior Iraqi provincial official lashed out at the western countries and their regional allies for supporting Takfiri terrorists in Iraq, revealing that US and Israeli-made weapons have been discovered from the areas purged of ISIL terrorists.
"We have discovered weapons made in the US, European countries and Israel from the areas liberated from ISIL's control in Al-Baqdadi region," the Al-Ahad news website quoted Head of Al-Anbar Provincial Council Khalaf Tarmouz as saying.
He noted that the weapons made by the European countries and Israel were discovered from the terrorists in the Eastern parts of the city of Ramadi.
Al-Zameli had also disclosed in January that the anti-ISIL coalition's planes have dropped weapons and foodstuff for the ISIL in Salahuddin, Al-Anbar and Diyala provinces.
Al-Zameli underlined that  the coalition is the main cause of ISIL's survival in Iraq.
"There are proofs and evidence for the US-led coalition's military aid to ISIL terrorists through air(dropped cargoes)," he told FNA in January.
He noted that the members of his committee have already proved that the US planes have dropped advanced weaponry, including anti-aircraft weapons, for the ISIL, and that it has set up an investigation committee to probe into the matter.
"The US drops weapons for the ISIL on the excuse of not knowing about the whereabouts of the ISIL positions and it is trying to distort the reality with its allegations.
He noted that the committee had collected the data and the evidence provided by eyewitnesses, including Iraqi army officers and the popular forces, and said, "These documents are given to the investigation committee ... and the necessary measures will be taken to protect the Iraqi airspace."
Also in January, another senior Iraqi legislator reiterated that the US-led coalition is the main cause of ISIL's survival in Iraq.
"The international coalition is only an excuse for protecting the ISIL and helping the terrorist group with equipment and weapons," Jome Divan, who is member of the al-Sadr bloc in the Iraqi parliament, said.
He said the coalition's support for the ISIL is now evident to everyone, and continued, "The coalition has not targeted ISIL's main positions in Iraq."
In late December, Iraqi Parliamentary Security and Defense Commission MP disclosed that a US plane supplied the ISIL terrorist organization with arms and ammunition in Salahuddin province.
MP Majid al-Gharawi stated that the available information pointed out that US planes are supplying ISIL organization, not only in Salahuddin province, but also other provinces, Iraq TradeLink reported.
He added that the US and the international coalition are "not serious in fighting against the ISIL organization, because they have the technological power to determine the presence of ISIL gunmen and destroy them in one month".
Gharawi added that "the US is trying to expand the time of the war against the ISIL to get guarantees from the Iraqi government to have its bases in Mosul and Anbar provinces."
Salahuddin security commission also disclosed that "unknown planes threw arms and ammunition to the ISIL gunmen Southeast of Tikrit city".
Also in Late December, a senior Iraqi lawmaker raised doubts about the seriousness of the anti-ISIL coalition led by the US, and said that the terrorist group still received aids dropped by unidentified aircraft.
"The international coalition is not serious about air strikes on ISIL terrorists and is even seeking to take out the popular (voluntary) forces from the battlefield against the Takfiris so that the problem with ISIL remains unsolved in the near future," Nahlah al-Hababi told FNA.
"The ISIL terrorists are still receiving aids from unidentified fighter jets in Iraq and Syria," she added.
Hababi said that the coalition's precise airstrikes are launched only in those areas where the Kurdish Pishmarga forces are present, while military strikes in other regions are not so much precise.
In late December, the US-led coalition dropped aids to the Takfiri militants in an area North of Baghdad.
Field sources in Iraq told al-Manar that the international coalition airplanes dropped aids to the terrorist militants in Balad, an area which lies in Salahuddin province North of Baghdad.
In October, a high-ranking Iranian commander also slammed the US for providing aid supplies to ISIL, adding that the US claims that the weapons were mistakenly airdropped to ISIL were untrue.
“The US and the so-called anti-ISIL coalition claim that they have launched a campaign against this terrorist and criminal group - while supplying them with weapons, food and medicine in Jalawla region (a town in Diyala Governorate, Iraq). This explicitly displays the falsity of the coalition's and the US' claims,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said.
The US claimed that it had airdropped weapons and medical aid to Kurdish fighters confronting the ISIL in Kobani, near the Turkish border in Northern Syria.
The US Defense Department said that it had airdropped 28 bundles of weapons and supplies, but one of them did not make it into the hands of the Kurdish fighters.
Video footage later showed that some of the weapons that the US airdropped were taken by ISIL militants.
The Iranian commander insisted that the US had the necessary intelligence about ISIL's deployment in the region and that their claims to have mistakenly airdropped weapons to them are as unlikely as they are untrue.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Forced Vaccinations: They are calling for YOUR "Comments"

StarShip Earth published this excellent and extremely important article on Saturday.  THIS is information that demands a response.  THIS is one of those rare opportunities that are given to us to MAKE A DIFFERENCE:

“Published on February 6, 2015 amid the “measles outbreak” media frenzy, the HHS is accepting “public comment” on its Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) until March 9, 2015. Under the NAIP, all adult American citizens will be compelled to receive current and retroactive vaccination regimens that may amount to several dozen “shots” per individual during their “catch-up” phase. Under the federally-mandated immunization schedule children presently receive 49 vaccines before the age of six.”
Americans are being given the opportunity to use their voices to influence policy.  I have taken part in several movements in Canada that started exactly this same way, and due the the public outcry that we created, we were able to change and influence the movement of the Government of Canada to take away Rights, or to poison our children. 

THIS is the moment to NOT be an armchair activist and to actually DO something.   I urge all of my American friends to take a stand on this- send your "public comment", share this information in your social circles and encourage others to stand up and take part.

All it takes in One........ Just One person.  It all starts with just ONE person standing up and taking the bull by the horns.   When government departments put out this type of announcement, they place their bets on the public's ignorance and complacency and the fact that "no one will notice", and that if they DO notice, they will be to lazy to do anything about it.  So when the "public" actually takes up a stance AGAINST  them, they are caught completely off guard.   They do not want to you respond.  So it's up to everyone TO respond, and to flood them with "public comments".

They are asking for your comments......  Give them a piece of your mind!


US Government Plans to Force Vaccinations on All Adults; My Weekend Rant

Update Feb 21, 6:12 pm: I spent over an hour writing a two and a half page letter to Ms. Fish detailing my opinion of their mandatory adult vaccination plan. I’m going to mail it via snail mail immediately. I let them have it with both barrels and let them know that we are well aware what vaccinations are all about and HAVE been about for decades. I let them know that we know all about the depopulation agenda, about the AIDS vaccines distributed in Africa as well as Ebola, that the Italian court ruled that vaccines killed people, that we’re aware of the proof that vaccines cause autism, that the government and Big Pharma have covered up research and proof that vaccines are dangerous, that we know what is typically in vaccines, and that they are not in our best interests.
I gave them hope, though. I suggested they may be able to salvage their initiative if “they go first”. Then… we wait. A year. And if none of the government employees, White House staff, Congress, Senate, FDA, CDC, or pharmaceutical people get sick or die in that time frame after being jabbed by our public nurses with the proposed serums, then The People might consider getting some vaccinations. MIGHT.  ~ BP

AMERICA: It’s not only the children the government plans to vaccinate. Now it’s the adults.
It’s not about making you healthier; it’s about making Big Pharma wealthier, and they then pass massive chunks of those dirty proceeds on to the corrupt politicians who decided you need to be poisoned; inoculated like the cattle they believe you to be.

“Published on February 6, 2015 amid the “measles outbreak” media frenzy, the HHS is accepting “public comment” on its Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) until March 9, 2015. Under the NAIP, all adult American citizens will be compelled to receive current and retroactive vaccination regimens that may amount to several dozen “shots” per individual during their “catch-up” phase. Under the federally-mandated immunization schedule children presently receive 49 vaccines before the age of six.”
It’s time to get out on the field, America. This is no time to sit on the sidelines passively watching the end game. There’s a bench-clearing brawl about to break out and you have to stand up for your civil rights.
Your government is supposed to do YOUR bidding—not the other way around.  They work for YOU. You sign their paycheque.
They have NO RIGHT to force you to get any medical procedure or take any medications or vaccinations. They are not safe. Vaccinations kill and maim. Your own doctor probably doesn’t even recognize this. They just do what they’re told by Big Pharma—although many doctors have been paid millions to misinform others in the medical field.

If you’re healthy now, a vaccination could very well be your ticket into the merry-go-round of the American Health Care-less system. Is that what you want? Can you afford to be sick all the time, in pain all the time, purchasing costly medications to deal with debilitating side-effects that cause more negative side-effects, etc.,  ad infinitum or spend weeks in hospital away from work and your family?

You need to voice your refusal to be injected with toxic potions that will at the very least weaken your immune system and open you up for future disease, may very well make you sick soon afterward, or, at worst, see you laid out on a slab wearing nothing but a toe tag, almost immediately.
They never do clinical trials on vaccinations so there is no way to know how these chemical cocktails will affect any one person. The American people are part of an ongoing, decades-long experiment to see how much of a beating they can take before they keel over and die. They’re waiting to see if you will quietly do whatever they tell you, as you always have. They’re only too happy to think for you.

You know the government has passed legislation to protect the Pharmaceutical companies, right? Correct. They now have indemnity when people get sick or die after vaccinations. You have no legal recourse. If you are rendered unable to work, it’s on you. No insurance, and you can’t sue their asses off. 
The solution is to be PROactive rather than REactive. Stop it before it starts.

Americans MUST fight this forced vaccination. Your tacit agreement is welcomed if you say nothing. Beat the deadline and let the controllers know in no uncertain terms that you will not comply.
You have until 5 pm March 9th to kill this initiative. If you don’t—heaven help you.
“(1) The draft NAIP is available on the web at
(2) Electronic responses are preferred and may be addressed to:
(3) Written responses should be addressed to: National Vaccine Program Office, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Room 733G, Washington, DC 20201. Attn: HHS Adult Immunization c/o Rebecca Fish.”
Many nurses have already lost their jobs because they refused vaccinations. They know the truth about them. VACCINATIONS DO NOT PROVIDE IMMUNITY. They do NOT prevent disease–they CAUSE it. Vaccinated people are spreading diseases they got when they were injected!

 Did the nurses sacrifice in vain? Follow their lead. It’s your turn to stand up to the corrupt government and the lying pharmaceutical companies.
You won’t give up your guns. Will you give up your health? I would move back to Canada before I’d let them inject me with anything, but then, I’m not an American citizen, so technically they can’t force me, but let me know if I should start packing, please. ~ BP

P.S. – Of course if you’re too sick to lock ‘n’ load, your gun won’t be much good, will it?  ~ BP

February 21, 2015

US Government Moves on Nationwide Adult Vaccination

The transnational pharmaceutical cartel will be positioning itself to profit handsomely if a federally-mandated adult immunization program becomes law. The proposed US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) policy will be implemented alongside the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), thereby becoming a standard component of US national healthcare policy.
Published on February 6, 2015 amid the “measles outbreak” media frenzy, the HHS is accepting “public comment” on its Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) until March 9, 2015. Under the NAIP, all adult American citizens will be compelled to receive current and retroactive vaccination regimens that may amount to several dozen “shots” per individual during their “catch-up” phase. Under the federally-mandated immunization schedule children presently receive 49 vaccines before the age of six.

Continue Reading on Starship Earth: The Big Picture HERE

Modern Slavery: Consumer Shackles, BUY BUY BUY!

Modern Slavery | The True Reason behind the 40-Hour Work Week and Why Most People Are Economic Slaves

The following post details in plain english the absurdity of modern society, and the unquestioned assumptions that keep us all buying into it. Thankfully with enough data most people can see reality for what is. See the post Trust Law: How You Became A Commodity for a detailed explanation of how modern slavery has been legalized and pandemic on earth.
- Justin

Source - Nexus Illuminati

by EV
Economic slavery, or wage slavery, refers to one’s total and immediate dependence on wages to surviveAlthough people throughout history have had to work to get by, we now live in a culture where we are led to believe we have economic freedom, when unbeknownst to most citizens, we are in fact bound in servitude. We automatically accept a 40-hour workweek with meagre hourly pay as normal, even though many work overtime and still struggle to survive. 

There are also those who make enough to live comfortably but are unable to request less hours—you either work 40 hours a week, or you don’t get to work at all. We submit when told what to wear, when we have to arrive and depart, when we’re allowed to eat, and even when we’re allowed to use the restroom. How is it we have come to allow this?

The 40-hour-work week came about during the Industrial Revolution in Britain when at one point workers were putting in 10 to 16 hour days and began to protest. Working situations for Americans began to worsen as well, and by 1836, labor movement publications were also calling for a 40-hour workweek. Citizens in both situations were so overworked, an eight-hour day was easily accepted. This system is unnecessary now, if it ever was, but we still accept it due to the effects of our capitalist society.

There are many contributing factors that have led to our current economic system and continued acceptance of the 40-hour workweek, three major factors being consumerism, inflation, and debt. First, it’s important to understand exactly what inflation is, how it works, and how it leads to debt.



To put inflation simply, let’s say the U.S. government needs money for whatever war they’ve decided to wage this year. They ask the Federal Reserve for a loan, and the Fed agrees to buy bonds (sort of like IOU’s) from the government in the amount of the requested loan. The U.S. government then prints up a bunch of pieces of paper that say “Treasury Bond” while at the same time, the Federal Reserve prints up a bunch of little pieces of paper that we know as money. A trade is made between the government and the Federal Reserve—the bonds for the money—and the U.S. government directly deposits this newly printed money in a different bank, which in turn, takes its cut in fees and interest. Voilà, money has been created out of thin air.

Although this process takes place electronically now (only 3% of money is in physical form, the other 97% exists in computers) the problem either way is that it depletes the worth of the dollar. At one point in time, currency was worth gold [but only valuable by consent]. That was what gave money its value, but now the value of money is trusted to the Federal Reserve who has no moral objections to reducing that value by printing more money (basically legal counterfeit). For the cost of printing, the Federal Reserve creates money that the U.S. government has promised to pay back—money that didn’t even exist in the first place.

It works like this with private bank loans to citizens as well. Each time a transaction of this sort happens, it reduces the value of actual currency, and thus we have inflation. One dollar in 1913 required $21.60 in 2007 to match its value. That’s a 96% devaluation since the Federal Reserve came into existence. How does this lead to economic slavery? By the debt inflation has caused.

Inf Gra 2



Since money is created through loans, that means it’s created through debt. Money equals debt, and debt equals money. So the more money there is, the more debt there is, and vice versa. What this means is, if somehow the government and every citizen in debt were able to pay back those loans, there would not be a single dollar in circulation.

Interest plays an important role in this equation as well. When you take out a loan and the bank gives you money that technically doesn’t exist, they also expect you to pay additional interest with it. If the money loaned is coming from the Federal Reserve, where is the money for the interest supposed to come from?

The answer is nowhere.

That means no matter what, the nation will never be able to get out of debt, and that is exactly the purpose of this meticulously orchestrated system. Like a toss of the coin, somebody somewhere will always go bankrupt to make up for the interest that is being paid with even more debt. And so, as the nation sinks further in the hole while the cost of living increases, surviving in the economy becomes more difficult. This desperation to survive, coupled with the fact that we were born into this system, is ultimately what causes us to accept the 40-hour workweek without a moment’s thought.

So now we understand the element that forces us to accept our predicament, but how does the 40-hour workweek benefit banks and corporations? After all, studies show that the average office worker gets less than three hours worth of work done in an 8-hour work shift, and according to reports, US corporate profits are soaring while wages are declining. Bureau of Labor Statistics figures show that productivity has increased at a 2.3 percent annual rate in the third quarter, while hourly pay only increased 1.3 percent in the third quarter, and this has been the basic pattern for some time—it adds up after a while. Corporate profits are at their highest level in at least 85 years, so why aren’t we being paid more, working less, and providing additional jobs to those who need them? This brings us to consumerism.




Consumerism is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as: the belief that it is good for people to spend a lot of money on goods and services. At one point in time this belief may have rang true, but with the current capitalist system and cost of living, consumerism has begun to have negative effects on our society, especially when you take inflation and the increasing debt into consideration. The more we buy, the more we feed the corporations and banks who are in turn pushing us into economic slavery.

Since the 1800’s and the Industrial Revolution, “consumers” have been spending increasing amounts of money on frivolous purchases. This over-indulgence has been nurtured and fed by the corporations using commercialism (the attitude or actions of people who are influenced too strongly by the desire to earn money or buy goods rather than by other values—Merriam-Webster) as a tool. Psychological insinuations have been planted into society’s subconscious for generations through consumer advertisements which have ultimately led to certain habits and beliefs. Some examples are:

“Buy now pay later” – The General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC) started this mindset when it was established in 1919 and began to promote giving loans to people who bought cars. Americans eventually started to use the new credit plans on just about everything.

“Keeping up with the Joneses” – Commonly thought to be the beginning of the American consumer culture, this mindset began when GM introduced the yearly automobile model change. People wanted to have the latest model each year, and soon this idea spread out. Most of us, whether we want to admit it or not, are familiar with this mentality. Rather than keeping our old toaster that works perfectly fine, we want the new retro-style stainless steel model because it looks swanky sitting on our kitchen counter.

“1929-1945 Depression and War” – Soon after The Depression came WWII, during which advertisers promised products to be available when there was peace. As a result, customers (consumers) were eager to take up spending immediately after the war was over.

“Peace” – When the war ended, consumer optimism and economic growth accompanied victory.

“Charge it!” – Credit cards were first promoted through the Diners Club—a charge card company that services affluent and well-travelled individuals from around the world. Other companies followed suit and started advertising credit cards as a “time-saving device” rather than a way to spend money that wasn’t actually there.


“Bigger is better” – During the 1970’s, companies began to send credit cards out by the masses to those who had not requested them. While Americans had already been developing the idea that “bigger is better”, the credit card boom ended up exploiting that idea. Now people had the means to obtain extravagant items they couldn’t before, even though it put many in colossal debt. Congress soon had to regulate the credit card boom, and ban sending cards to those who never requested them in the first place.

Companies in all kinds of industries hold a huge stake in the public’s penchant to be careless with their money, and they encourage this habit of casual or non-essential spending when they can. For example, in the documentary The Corporation, a marketing psychologist discussed a method she used to increase sales that involved encouraging children to nag their parents to buy toys. Studies showed that 20% to 40% of purchases of this sort resulted after children nagged their parents.

You can manipulate consumers into wanting, and therefore 

buying, your products. It’s a game.”

-      Lucy Hughes, co-creator of “The Nag Factor”.

The 40-hour workweek is the ultimate tool for corporations to sustain this culture of over-indulgent spending. Under our current working conditions, people are forced to build a life in the evenings and their days-off. We find ourselves more inclined to spend heavily on entertainment and conveniences because we rarely have any free time. When we do have time to ourselves, it’s usually fleeting, and we eventually find ourselves neglecting those activities which are free—walking, exercising, reading, meditating, sports, hobbies, etc.—because they take too much time.

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