
Tuesday 16 September 2014

No Child Left Unmedicated: the Dumbing Down of America (and Canada)

Monday, September 15, 2014

No Child Left Unmedicated: the Dumbing Down of America (and Canada)

Do you remember when "childhood" was..... childhood?  Do you  remember playing with toys, running through the neighborhood with your friends, climbing trees, using your imagination to create wonderful worlds to play in, laughing and singing and telling silly rhymes and jokes?

Children are noisy, creative, imaginative, energetic, fun loving, little people.  THAT IS CHILDHOOD.

ADHD?  Children = fun,  "hyper"= energetic, "attention deficit" = is the fact that childrens minds are mobile, creative, imaginative, active.  

No Child Left Unmedicated

The pharmaceutical industry has completely taken over the treatment of medical and psychiatric treat,emt. Everything, and I am mean everything is geared towards getting every American on medication and keeping them on medication for the rest of their lives. There is no more vulnerable population, to this medical tyranny, than our children.
teen-screen-have-you-drugged-your-kid-todayThere is no greater example of this medical tyranny than the latest craze in unscientific psychiatric diagnostics than the brand new condition now being referred to as “Sluggish Cognitive Tempo” (SLT). I As a former mental health therapist, I can barely hold back my laughter at this thinly veiled attempt to separate parents from their hard earned money by making them think that the their perfectly normal child is mentally ill.

Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (lol)

This is a remarkably ridiculous name for an even more ludicrous diagnosis. The main characteristics of SLT  are vaguely described but include some combination of daydreaming, lethargy and slow mental processing, you know, like we do when we watch television.
The advocates of this diagnosis contend that SCT afflicts about two million children. And that great pharmaceutical whore, Eli Lilly, is waiting in the wings preparing to medicate the developing and highly vulnerable brains of these two million children with the latest in dangerous and mind-destroying psychotropic medications which will leave the user with a brain damaged future and a medical treatment history which will render many of these children with an uninsurable medical insurance future.
The Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology has sold its professional soul and its professional ethics to Big Pharma as it is seriously promoting this voodoo form of diagnostics. The latest issue of their publication donates a record 136 pages to the topic of SLT. And where do we find children with SLT? Probably standing next to the adults who have Restless Leg Syndrome.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-Edition IV & V

DSM is the Bible of mental illnesses. The book serves a training guide for graduate and the PhD students as well as serving as a professional guide for treatment intervention amongst mental health practitioners.
By the time a child is 21 years of age, under DSM -IV guidelines, 80% of all young adults  qualify to be diagnosed as mentally ill and, as such, are subject to being medicated.
The newest version of DSM has made this problem far worse. Normal temper tantrums have been turned into a diagnosable and pharmacologically treatable illness called ‘Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder”. Normal adolescent rebellion is now being labeled as “Oppositional Defiant Disorder”. Normal childhood restlessness is now diagnosed as “ADHD” in children as early as two years of age.  Childhood Autism and childhood Bipolar Disorder are pharmaceutical goldmines and have increased forty fold in the last 20 years

The ADHD Scam

More than 10,000 American toddlers 2 or 3 years old are being medicated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder outside established pediatric guidelines and professional medical practices, according to data recently presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention....
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