
Tuesday 28 January 2014

The New, Updated RTS and To BE Community Forum

Yes, I've been a terrible Forum Administrator.  I know, I know..... I'm sorry, it won't happen again!!!

We have revamped and relaunched the RTS Forum to create a community for people to discuss, plan, theorize, investigate, meet up, and just chill out and relax with like minded people.  I have been highly focused on skype and the many skype groups that I have been involved with for the past few years as we've been moving through this adventure.  Skype is great for chatting.... but not so good for keeping track of conversations and information. 

....and of course the whole NSA spying thingy is a complete drag, lol!

So, I spent the time this weekend to streamline the forum, prune areas that are not in use and adding new sections for the To BE Community and the Energy Work Room.   We've added forums for people to reach out to others in their areas- the  "Global Communities: help wanted" section and the "Community Exchange" section.  Here we can find communities that need help, find help for your communities, and exchange items and services between communities to help everyone.

I also expanded the Science forum to create a space for the Energy work room group to share their amazing plans and ideas and knowledge in several areas of  Free/green Energy, building and designing new systems, 3D printers and a billion different applications. This forum will make the saving of links and information much easier than skype chats.

I will continue to streamline the forums and make them as accessible and easy as possible.  If you have suggestions or ideas, please feel free to send them to me!  We will also need more moderators and admins as the community grows, so I will be on the look out for help :>D

You can easily get to the Forums by clicking the "RTS Community Forum" button at the top of the home page or through website.

My internet has been spotty this past weekend (hence the lack of posts, lol) so please have patience as we approve each sign up for the forum manually to insure that the Bots don't get in.

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