I woke up this morning, knowing that in my sleep time I had been "discussing" the frequency of Love- the cause and effect of LOVE on the physical and etheric "bodies" of ourselves and even the surrounding energy fields around us. While I wish I could remember all the details that I discussed (ugh, I hate waking up and "forgetting"), the one major point that stayed with me is that everything resonates through frequencies, and that the frequency of LOVE is one of the strongest and most energetic waves that we create and emanate.
We are all tied together in one huge mosaic of spiraling energy. All energy can interact all other energy and transports/transfers energy throughout the mosaic. When we send out that frequency of LOVE, we are touching all things through a chain reaction of energy fields touching and interacting with energy fields. The waves of the frequencies that you send out are like ripples throughout the energetic fields that make up everything.
So when you LOVE, when you send those waves of LOVE to your children, your family, your friends, or to someone on the other side of the planet, you are sending LOVE to EVERYONE!!!
One of the questions I get from many people is about what is needed to "wake the world up". I have spoken about the 100th Monkey Syndrome several times in skype discussions, but the more I learn about frequencies, our DNA and consciousness, I think it goes way beyond that.
Wikipedia defines the "100 Monkey Effect" as:
The hundredth monkey effect is a supposed phenomenon[1] in which a new behavior or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained, even supernatural, means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea.... and of course there are a bunch of posts denying the truth of the story/experiment. Deny all they want, it has been seen in other species of animals for eons.
There is nothing "supernatural" or "unexplained" when you are talking about consciousness. As I have been writing about for the past few months, science is finally (publicly) breaking the boundaries of their limiting beliefs and exploring the realities of quantum communications, among other aspects of quantum physics.
When you look at what we now know about light/photons and frequencies and DNA, we see that we ARE energy and light! As our energy fields touch the fields of others around us, we are passing on not just waves of light and energy, but also information. "Quantum Electrodynamics for Dummies" explains the "messenger Photon":
" in QED two particles communicate their electromagnetic information by emitting and absorbing a photon. A photon that acts in this manner is called a virtual photon or a messenger photon, because it’s created solely for the purpose of exchanging this information."Not only Light is passed between particles, but also information.
Imagine that we are the particles- the collection of particles that makes up our physical manifestation of "meatsuit" that we call "Me, Myself & I". As we interact with other "Me, Myself & I's" in their meatsuits, our energy fields are exchanging information in the form of photons of light. I might say to you "Good morning! how are you today?", but my energy field is telling your energy field all about what's really going on in my Universe. You might only hear me say "Good morning! How are you today?", but your consciousness is hearing all that my consciousness has to tell it..... whether you want to or not!
Have you ever seen someone walking down the street and instinctively known that they were really angry or sad? Or maybe deliriously happy? It isn't just body language that you're seeing, your energy field is chatting with their energy field.
We are communicating every moment of every day. Once you are aware of the far reaching impact of your emotions and your energy field, you have the choice to ignore it or to use it. Once you become truly aware of sending out a message in your own field, you can use this form of communication to support your words - either written or spoken. Kind of like super charging your words with a blast of LOVE. Others listening or reading your words may not get your energetic message on the surface level, but on the deeper level of consciousness, they feel it.
But remember that the same goes with negative emotions and frequencies too. If you charge your words in anger or hate, then that message is also passed on to the other persons energy field. Even if the words are all sweetness and light, if the emotion hidden behind them is negative, then that negative energy is passed on and all the pretty words in the world will not hide the frequencies that they are riding on.
You CAN be the changes you wish to see in the world. Pass the message on! Tell people the truth of what is going on around them and pass the information on! But do it with your heart. With a wave of LOVE. They may not "get it" right away, but somewhere inside they know that YOU get it, and that message WILL filter through faster and faster as they come into contact with more and more people who's fields are also passing that information to everyone around them.
Telling the world "I Love You" isn't really all that difficult. If I tell two friends, and they tell two friends and so on, and so on and so on...... soon the world is awash with bright photon lights supercharge with the frequency of LOVE.
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