
Thursday 17 January 2013

To the Cabal: There is no Encore

I'm writing this off the cuff, as they say, because I feel the need to say a few things.

I know that the various OPPT Releases and UCC filings have been confusing and confounding for many people.  I know (we all know) that when faced with reading things written in an almost foreign language, it can be enormously frustrating and infuriating.  But there is a reason for it- for the language that has been used- and it's not just to make sensational headlines or to irritate the public.

These many UCC filings and Releases that we have been publishing have been posted for a very specific reason, and have been directed at very specific groups of peoples, both here and elsewhere.  The wording was crafted very carefully and with immense concentration and even calculation.

There are power in words- energy that is conveyed in the language that we use.

Many people who have read the filings and releases understood immediately their importance- maybe not in the specifics of the documents, but in the energy that they contained.  Many many people were moved to tears or even bursts of exultation and excitement- not because they clearly understood the minute meanings of each sentence, but because they literally FELT the message:


Yes, these messages have been for all of us, but more importantly these message were aimed specifically at the Powers that Were, and those working with them... and They got the message.

They were told to "Disclose"

They chose not to.

They were called out by name and rank to make a choice.

They refuse to release it.

The next step is in the works.

Do not think for even one minute that these players do not understand or are not listening.  They are generating fear porn at the highest levels ever.  They are trying to herd the public into a state of panic driven catatonia.  Distract Distract Distract.   They are sending everything they have left against us to desperately drive us out.  Inciting infighting between groups- distrust and discord against one another using Disinformation  Defamation and Deception and just plain and simple double dealing dupery.

They have lost, and they know that they have lost, and yet they continue the charade.  They are actors that have forgotten how to live off of the stage.  The play is over but they keep hoping that everyone will yell "Encore!!!!".

Here is OUR choice:

*We can sit in the theatre amongst the empty popcorn boxes and crumpled up pop cans and candy wrappers, and stare longingly at the closed curtain as the orchestra packs away their instruments and the janitor sweeps the stage......

*Or we can get up and walk out of the theatre into the fresh air of a new day, leaving behind the desperate actors hiding behind the curtains hoping that you'll clap for them just one more time so that they can come back into the limelight once again.

The truth of the war that is being waged right now is so vast, so immense that it almost defies the ability to even conceive of it.  It is not a physical war of bombs and guns, but a hidden war beyond the sight of most, unless they know where to find the battle field.

They are the dark to our light, the Yin to our Yang.

This Simbol(Yin-Yang) represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other.

It is frustrating when you are handed a document that is written in language that is unclear.  It angers many that they are not being given instructions and directions in the straight forward manner in which they are accustom and I think that many people equate that to lack of direction or absence of  sufficiency.

There is exact direction in these documents and no insufficiency.

When the final piece of the puzzle is in place, there will be no misunderstanding because everything will be laid out very VERY clearly and you will understand everything that is, has and will be done.


On a personal note:  Sorry for loosing my cool this morning- no sleep and too much noise sometimes makes D a highly volatile person. :>)

To those that are confused and angry I say "please hang in there, everything will be explained very soon."

To those that sent me huge spirals of positive energy to pick me up- thank you- I received it  and return it to you 10 fold.

To those of you who are here to spread negativity and fear and double dealing dupery, please take a good look inside at who you are and what you are doing and whom you are doing it for.  You are the contrast that defines the difference. Dark to light.  Yin to Yang. For that I thank you, but  I do not accept your negativity- you can keep it for yourself, or better yet, give it back to the person who gave it to you.

I will not be around very much over the next few days as I expect to be unbelievably busy, but I will reply to comments as best I can, and answer email/skype messages and soon as I can.

Hold the light my friends.  THIS is the TIME. THIS is the PLACE and the NOW.  WE WON!  Hold the light up high for everyone.



  1. I love you D! Holding a candle up and it WILL withstand the wind! (one of those birthday-type candles that keep lighting when when you blow on it). YES!!

    1. i lite a candle...or 5...million will follow...Kiss!...~chinka~

  2. ...and so it beloved *D*...Kiss!...~chinka~

  3. Chills and tears in the very best way! Holding the light and energetically sending up fireworks! *squee*

  4. Amen D, Holding all that light and posing the same questions regarding contrast to the rest of the community. Beloved Family, I know how hard it is to resist standing for what you believe in. The people causing all the distraction are highly trained at pushing the right buttons to get us to bite. When you do, you give all of that tremendous personal power to your enemy, and you are powerless by free will choice. Once you REALLY REALLY get that, it is a lot more difficult to become manipulated by these ankle biters. If provoked, go to your Divine Inner Self located in your heart and connect with it, expand it all round you. I know that you task is NOW! HOLD THE LIGHT! Do not let them drag your resonating frequency down. See it for what it is and send them love. They are allergic to it and will run for the hills. We are at the finish line, HOLD THE LIGHT! Sending Love, Strength and Light to all

  5. We won :) Who are WE if there is only one universe, one soul, one energy? You mean the wounds are healing faster than before until the day come when all the people are going to be healed.

  6. Hey there D,

    There are millions of us right beside you, many are silent on this blog, but they're there non the less!!

    Many many Blessings to you my dear friend.

    My Best to you and your family,

    1. Oh yes - silent on this blog but we're here and sending you millions
      of blessings and thanks.

    2. thank you my friends- we all stand together!

    3. Yesterday I was ready to give up! But only for one second. Today I understand it better because deep down I know that "every day is a gift". If you see the little miracles around you "daily" you'll have achieved living in that "awakened" state, I know I have since I was a little girl. I lived with blind faith and here I am today, as awake as I can be.

      I use to be "patriotic" but since 911 (even before I knew it the real truth of it all) I just sensed something was not right! It just wasn't right to go into that country and rape, steal, and murder thousands of Iraqi's in the manner it was done. Since then I became suspicious.


      Just want to say thanks D...You inspire me!

  7. so what if they refuse to leave, that's good, it gives us the right to take them out! Where is the military now? Why don't they stand up to them? Why can't they pay an outside actor to give the disclosure instead of the inside actors we have in government, if they don't have the balls to do it?

  8. Thanks D
    You always say the things I need to hear. I am trying to BE and trying to DO. I feel better now!

  9. Thank you D for all you DO and BE. I was one of those persons who GOT immediately what I was reading on December 26th. Frankly, I understood very little with my mind, but had enough understanding of the language of sovereignty and freedom to recognize the authentic ENERGY SIGNATURE when I read it. Now, almost a month later, my mind understands a little more each time I listen to an interview (such as Lisa's last night) or read the comments and the replies on various sites.

    As enthusiastic as I am about the FACT of our freedom, I have been part of the slavery system for so long that I am clueless about how to proceed. The idea of a three month vacation sounds very tempting. However, I believe that once the public announcements are made, the lid is going to come off of Humanity and the inspiration and motivation to ride the wave into the first phase of co-creation will trump the time off. There will be SO many new possibilities and opportunities. There are folks who have been working on master plans for all aspects of the Golden Age for decades. The suppressed technologies that have been sitting on the shelves gathering dust will be dusted off and put to use rapidly. With off-world and inner-world support, we will form new kinds of governance, purify the air, water and soil, end poverty and heal bodies, minds and hearts. Not in 100 years but perhaps in 5 years or less. We have NO idea of what is possible once we EMBRACE AND EMBODY OUR FREEDOM! For now, I am breathing in the idea of BEing Free and allowing it to permeate every cell of my BEing. It feels strange and somewhat uncomfortable. I intend to keep breathing and allowing. Blessings to all in this most exciting time EVER in Gaia's history.

    1. Well said , very well said ;-)

    2. Both this passage & Kathy Kelley's above felt describe my experience quite well.

      The suggestion to read the OPPT documents aloud is a good one. In a real sense the arrangement of the words resembles a piece of music.

      When we first hear a song that touches us deeply, we don't get cranky because we didn't get all the lyrics. We listen again and again until the words & the music become indistinguishable, their meaning unmistakeable.

      Heather's patience and grace in answering "aggressive" questions, i.e., complaints masquerading as questions, was fascinating. D's get to the heart of the matter energy is like a vitamin. The collective feminine energy that is being set free is wondrous to behold. This often obtuse male has been wishing for the sacred feminine to reclaim its natural authority for decades. I'm old enough to say I never thought I'd live to see the day.

      So much gratitude for you all.


  10. We are so sick of being held hostage to these stooges and having no one strong enough to pin them to the wall. I am a female and yet I am so increasingly beside myself with disgust that i now have the courage to storm the walls and take the consequences for posterity and for my fellow man. What a great way to go out with purpose. Where are the MEN who would believe the way I do?

    1. I AM. I have stood up for my baby-daughter (7yo) for the past year+ against an increasingly - by now ridiculously corrupt threatening pseudo-legal gonglomerate of CPS and family-court and a brain-washed mother who took my daughter to the Italian part of Swizzerland against her will - against court-orders (which was simply ignored by the judge) - living day-to-day from the coins I get for playing music in the streets - .... I could go on.. Now they are threatening me with jail if I don´t pay for the court-charade and my un-successful attempts to save my daughter and restore her natural human rights. I DO. I AM the I AM!

    2. Bless you ♥


  11. Sending out love and blessings !!! I am also trying to BE and trying to DO .

    1. There IS NO "try" - just DO! <*master*yoda*>

  12. Something Lisa Harrison said last night was that people are so used to being told what to do, given instructions to be followed, etc, that is why they are currently confused with what OPPT had put out. That is the old way of doing things and people are so conditioned that they don't understand how to BE who they are. The good thing is, this will change when each person chooses to step into BE'ing who they are. Fortunately its easier to be who you are nowadays, imo.

    Two years ago my Higher Self instructed me to just BE. What that meant for me, was to stop leaning forward and making things happen. But to just BE and allow everything to come to me. I was quite tired of the 'making stuff happen' behavior that I had always lived, so I focused on just BEing me. It was sorta weird at first but became easier to do as time went on. I did this for an entire year and was thoroughly amazed that everything, more than I could have imagined, came to me just like my Higher Self said it would. It turned out to be the happiest year of my life up until that point.

    And this past year I stayed in BEing mode but also began DOing as well. And for me, DOing had to do with raising my personal vibration. Different tools came to me to teach me how to do this. Everyone's Higher Self will direct them to what will be effective for them and then its up to the person to choose to take responsibility for raising or lowering their personal vibration. Probably the best analogy I have come across is one by Bashar who says that if you are looking in a mirror and frown, the mirror "you" will frown. If you want the mirror "you" to smile you wouldn't reach over to the mirror and push up the corners of the mouth of the mirror "you" must smile first in order for the mirror "you" to change.

    Another thing that Bashar says that I like is that one should follow their joy. Many others have been quoted to saying similar things like follow you bliss, etc. It's a simple message and something I have been reminded of recently, which to me is all about how a person can BE who they are. So in each moment I ask myself, what would bring me the most joy?, and then I DO that thing. It's usually little things like taking a nap or a nudge to go to a specific place. Sometimes I don't listen and DO something else. That's okay, but at least I'm consciously choosing what I DO, and continue to work on DOing only what brings me the most joy in that given moment.

    So when I read the Disclosure documents, even though I didn't understand all that it was saying, I was able to relate to the concept put forth about BE'ing and DO'ing. That resonated with me. I can and will continue to BE more of who I am and DO what brings me joy. :)))

    1. My resonance exactly, Jodie. A favorite of mine from Bashar, speaking on how so much here is exactly backwards, is: Most think seeing is believing and in Truth - believing is seeing.

  13. I've had more real life lately than usual but I'm hanging onto the Light with both hands, both legs and with my teeth in its neck! And I'll keep right on doing that no matter what the soon to be out of work Trolls and Shills say to convince me otherwise. I'm stubborn and I'll admit that I'm still "digesting" the releases and the filings and my understanding of them is far come complete but I do "get" that BELIEVING myself to be FREE is the first step to manifesting it in reality. So that's what I'll work on. That and anchoring as much Light into this world as I can.

    Wandering Fire

  14. Some people master entire years and some people master entire sets of months and also other people master only a day or an hour or a minute they can be sure of but however the case of those people may be i only know for sure i am alive then when i am feel the beat of my heart inside my own body and grateful for each beat is this one of I am.
    "The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges' views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice."
    -- Justice Hugo L. Black (U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971).
    The United States of America 1781, Executive Order April 27, 1861, last lawfully elected President, President Lincoln’s Order to Commanding General of the Army of the United States, Winfield Scott, suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus, a resulting trust administering an act in direct contravention of Article 1 § 9 1791 Constitution, a private act by usurping office, never authorized by Original Contact Constitution 1791, The United States of America under military rule through Executive Order, from April 21, 1861 to date, still in place to date; a surety to principal The One People 1776,a surety to principal The One People 1776,a surety to principal The One People 1776,a surety to principal The One People 1776, Creditors Reference File No. 2011-360-8868-3 Washington State, Department of Licensing.

    I just Love Heather and her responses to the questions!!!
    I just Love Heather and her responses to the questions!!!
    I just Love Heather and her responses to the questions!!!

    So that is basically there in plain sight evidence of Fascism. Our old government was a group of subsidiaries of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated. A tad tiny bit of conflict of interest there, right? HAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaha

    Thats sorta funny, actually, think about it, before the Civil war, the black people were "owned" by the "white people" and here it is a clear chain that its the other way around. HAHAHAHahahahahahahah
    Ethiopian World Federation, Incororated
    Thats sorta funny, actually, think about it, before the Civil war, the black people were "owned" by the "white people" and here it is a clear chain that its the other way around. HAHAHAHahahahahahahah

    "boots on the ground" of the Absolute Plan::"boots on the ground" of the Absolute Plan::
    "boots on the ground" of the Absolute Plan::"boots on the ground" of the Absolute Plan::
    "boots on the ground" of the Absolute Plan::"boots on the ground" of the Absolute Plan::
    "boots on the ground" of the Absolute Plan::"boots on the ground" of the Absolute Plan::

    la la da pa da le na da na ve va da pa da le na la dum dai


    if its now now, then later when its then then, then will now still be now then, or will then be now now?

    Pete Lysohirka: NEXT
    Sine Metu: yups.. exactly

    1. Sine you said,
      Some people master entire years and some people master entire sets of months and also other people master only a day or an hour or a minute they can be sure of but however the case of those people may be i only know for sure i am alive then when i am feel the beat of my heart inside my own body and grateful for each beat is this one of I am.
      More bullshite!

      Your walk is very common for new agers, WHO are generally complete hypocrites. Their claim is to be THE truly enlightened, loving, sending the light to all, and anyone who isn't new age , is a sheeple. Go ahead and play the enlightened brilliant being that you pretend you are. Anyone who spends the hours you do on the internet can research and 'appear' brilliant. So give yourself a pat on the back for using simple research techniques that go into the bowels of the internet and pull out info. Good job! I will give you that.

      Perhaps you could learn this: Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur. You haven't yet since you fill chat rooms with blather ALL DAY LONG and into the evening causing people to sift through your emotionally immature junk. And it is absolutely hilarious that people actually stand behind your LYING.

      You say it took you 52 years to figure all this out ???? Well, you haven't. So according to your psychotic rules... YOU ARE LYING and a liar, since you do it all the time. You incessantly call others liars (how many times yesterday) and manage to get away with it. You cry when others post because they interrupted you precious conversation. There ARE people in those chat rooms you parasitically invade that intellectually make you look like a baffoon. And remember.. those rooms are NOT about YOU! Get that through your freakin head or go sit in a corner where you belong.

      And high vibe, can't handle a naysayer, Kathy Kelly, (vetting is extremely important) ... YOU put him in those rooms, YOU are responsible for his immaturity and the constant lowering of others vibrations... according to the rules of the room. You whine when others post things you perceive as negative, yet you ignore your friends bad, bad, bad behavior. Hypocrite. You and other followers call him brilliant. Perhaps, but he has the emotional intelligence of a 2 year old. His people skills are repugnant! FIX IT NOW! Remove him or spank him! Because right now he is Non Gradus Anus Rodentum

      Sine Meeoowwww.. maybe.. you can call on your mentor....Petey
      Mr Mentor.... fix me please, I am broken! OOPS, could it be that mr mentor is just as deceived as you are. Maybe, maybe not!

      Sic Luceat Luxv *it

      Da mihi sis cerevisiam dilutam

    2. anon 09:03 here's some Anglo-saxon for you - eff off with your dead language. Thank you! OK! feel free to rant...

      Sine Nomine

      and for anyone interested my monika is not because I am a Latin scholar or in anyway connected to Sine Metu or any other Latin pseudo here - it is the name of a four-legged friend of mine who gave me permission to us it ;-)

    3. @Anon 9:03...Wow.. using latin to slam others and show your supposed superiority over others just goes to show that you're not as mature as you think! IMHO it shows that you're full of Bovinus Excrementus right along with the rest of us! LOL!

      We're all just searching for truth so let's quit slamming each other and move along! Sounds like you need a hug.. so I'm sending you one!! ~HUG!!

    4. Sine Metu write out 100 times "I must try harder to disguise myself when posting as anonymous" ~HUG!! to you!

  15. TO D>FOR BE'ing and DO'ing and for helping us to spread that BE'ing and DO'ing FAR & WIDE.

    cosmickid "M"

  16. Truly inspiring thoughts D, thanks for BEing and DOing your unique HEART. Today Hatonn, through Nancy Tate, spoke of something to look out for during the inauguration proceedings:

    ..'in the interim of the coming Inauguration. There is to be an appearance of a certain party who will have some words for all of mankind. It is going to be a short interlude and there will be a presentation made by this person that will shock some and satisfy others that they are not crazy in their knowledge of what is at the root of all of this reality.

    I speak of the one that has been said to appear at this event and who will bring a certain amount of surprise to the festivities. When this takes place it will be as if there was an interlude of silence, and then all will break loose in disbelief for some and extreme welcome for others. There will be an energy of excitement that will bring many people to an instant realization of what has been being said by us as truth.

    When that takes place it will bring a whole new crescendo of song to the play of the ages. It will bring some people to a deeper understanding of who they are, and why they have been having certain thoughts lately. With this new opening there will be an onslaught to new beginnings for humanity. It will open up a whole new stream of events that will bring great changes to the way life is lived on earth.

    As this comes into being, there will be great governmental change, as well as all other aspects of societal interaction...

    1. This message originated from here:

      I think I know who this might be...

      I've read that the reason for JESUS' 'SECOND APPEARANCE' is actually so that people will believe that this is all really happening and is TRUE. :)

      I PRAY SO......!!!

  17. You are unaware of what you are saying. Most of you are. You are exhausted and that is what they want. You are tired of "making things happen" and so you will just "be" and let the transformation happen. No more striving for you. Co-creation and a master plan, all of this is codex language.

    Sovereignty is codex for "no authority."


    The fool asks questions of the sage.

    1. The ultimate spiritual maximum - resist nothing, allow everything to be as it is. You stay in presence awareness, in the now, in a quiet place and then right action comes spontaneously. It is not a matter of giving in, giving up or being a door mat. It is a matter of getting quiet...being still...being... so that intelligent action will follow from that place. That is what BEing is. That is where the power lies.

    2. Staying in the "light", coming back to the "natural state," being "present" is not just some new age nonsense it has great power in it. These people control through fear. They get their energy from our fear. Adding to it only helps them. We are all guilty of it, but
      it is time to stop.

    3. I'm Not Exhausted, I'm Exhilarated. AnD I Will Fight For My Freedom. Don't Make The Mistake Of Thinking We Of The Light And Peace Loving Peoples Will Not Fight For Our Rightful Freedoms. We Are Not Sheeple. Don't Try To Spread Your Fear Porn Here. We Will Mess You Up.


    5. Who is they?

    6. Sine Metu16 January 2013 23:40

    7. A half truth is a whole lie.

    8. "What is SOVEREIGNTY?
      The possession of sovereign power; supreme political authority; paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and Its administration ; the self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived; the international independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign dictation; also a political society, or state, which is sovereign and independent. See Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 Dall. 455, 1 L. Ed. 440: Union Bank v. Hill, 3 Cold. (Tenn.) 325; Moore v. Shaw, 17 Cal. 218, 79 Am. Dec. 123. “The freedom of the nation has its correlate in the sovereignty of the nation. Political sovereignty is the assertion of the self-determinate will of the organic people, and in this there is the manifestation of its freedom. It is in and through the determination of its sovereignty that the order of the nation is constituted and maintained.” Mulford, Nation, p. 129. “If a determinate human superior, not in a habit of obedience to a like superior, receive habitual obedience from the bulk of a given society, that determinate superior is sovereign in that society, and the society (including the superior) is a society political and independent.” Aust. Jur.

      Read more: What is SOVEREIGNTY? definition of SOVEREIGNTY (Black's Law Dictionary) "

      Without Prejudice

    9. If the ultimate spiritual maxim is 'resist nothing,' why does the christian text instruct followers to 'resist evil' ('..and it will flee). ? This is one of the problems with some deciding for others what their spiritual truths are. None can say for another.

    10. This idea of "staying in the now" is dumb. When are you not already in the now? Maybe your mind needs to understand this, but it can do nothing to put you there.

  18. No, Suzy, it really isn't that simple.

    1. Well, how difficult is it?

    2. The con of being sovereign and being a freeman by Arthur Cristian

      Sine Nomine ;-)

    3. Words are defined to manipulate feelings which create action. The true Dictionary is within.

  19. Now is a good time to bring in Calm. As this process begins to unfold, we can all help by Bringing in the Calm. Get ready to get gracious. Our job is to hold the door and offer words of comfort and transition.

    1. Hey Blue Sky,
      I'm hearin ya

  20. Holding the light up and spreading to as fall as possible. Thank You D for all you have done and are doing. We are Free and it just needs to sink in for some. I got it even with the legalese, which I'm not that good with. But like some have said I felt it. Yes there were tears, shouts of oh yea and woohoo then the quiet oh this is real we are FREE. Thanks from the Heart to all, Namaste

  21. Just saw this posted by one of my Facebook friends Doug McCollum.....WOW....hope he is RIGHT......

    January 16th, 2013: Doug McCollum update. . .

    Andrew Jackson knew what the banks meant to the REPUBLIC of the USA. SO he stopped them from installing the 2nd bank of the united states.
    which brings me to this awesome night....our REPUBLIC. Breathe in this word....REPUBLIC. At the latest reading of the ORGANIC consitution by John Boehner he said this word many many times. ACTUALLY lets go further..he said this and the word constituion many times in front of 71 members of congress..not 535!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You heard me right. A lot of information was passed from above to me and you on here.....there are now only 71 members in congress as the ORGANIC republic consitution was read only a few days ago. YES BOEHNER is our interim president and Ron PAUL is interim VP. THE REASON WHY...
    pay attention all......i have a copy of the Revised Code of the Laws Of 1819. printer Thomas Ritchie. in other words before me is the original consitution before it was Stolen in 1812..not burned. STOLEN. thank you Tom Dunn and David Dodge. They uncovered this from over twenty years ago in a london library and supreme court in 2000 agreed Commonwealth of Virginia properly ratified so its LAW!!! Now when i read this I note that there is a protocol.
    Obama was president of corporation US..not USA. He is no longer in that seat. As he has resigned that corporate seat, Joe Biden by law cannot be the president in flux. His position vacated at same point. Only speaker of house can lawfully gain this Pres. seat. Then he can appoint a VP of his choice ONLY on an interim basis. There has to NOW BE a voting period for both seats and others. WHY..cause lawyers are gone from OUR CONGRESS!!! This brings in the reformation law...there will be elections held WITHIN 120 days of this Monday JANUARY 21, 2013. Note what I just said. :))))))
    Now moving forward. A VERY CLOSE FRIEND OF MINE(for all the white knight fans)..ohh you should be:))))......told me tonight that Boehener also stated in his acceptance speech.."you abide by the constitution or you hit the road". Lets move on...confusion about pps, rvs, announcements..and dark agenda people.
    There have some deliveries made already..they were money investments for the investigators. Now we move on to announcements..this comes next. MY contact says it will be by the 20th, but maybe friday...(dont swear by this). The white knights will implement when THEY feel its right. After the announcements all the rv money, all programs..including but not limited to Omega, farm claims, freedom, bergavine, destiny. and the st germain trusts will be released also. THIS IS ALL PART OF NeSARA. THE FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE DEBT FORGIVENESS FOLLOWED BY TAXES ELIMINATED, AND SO ON. ALL NESARA BASED. The history part will come fter the 3 hour announcements in rotation for 10 days. ALL MEDIA!
    As far as Obama is concerned AGAIN..AGAIN..AGAIN..he was groomed for this part only. THE WHITE KNIGHTS NEEDED A SMART LAWYER INSIDE TO WEED OUT THE RATS>it worked...leave it alone. His job is done so now hes out. allthe laws he passed including the twenty today is MAINLY for the evil ones in governments here..not just us. THE WHITE KNIGHTS HAVE GUARANTEED that WE ARE SAFE!!!!
    Just sit back and enjoy the next few days and BE EXPECTANT!!! THE ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE KEY!!! i also have some great history info about wanta/reagan and others thatll rock yer world. and to the dark agenda people on here...stay away..go back to Mcdonalds and apply for a job. You have no recourse for OUR GOLD AND OUR REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION...IT ALL BELONGS TO WE THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!


      I am sure that rumour or scenario was started on me!

    2. So baab...was it a rumor...or is it TRUTH ?

    3. Worked like a charm!

      We've seen it happen SO many times by Hollywood :)

    4. I made it up,i went looking for the post but there are so many to dig through....I could not see any I had posted????
      Tired eyes?

      Anyway,I suggested a scenario in which Obama turns at the end and spins a trillion dollar coin in the air as he walks away from the whitehouse,After exposing all the parasites for what they are due to his actions.......(not word for word)
      Then I stated that we should see how long it would take for this rumour to go.........

      So now obama has a trick up his sleeve and an excuse for being a dictator.
      Try it out. something here or in the comments section and make it good,
      It will then be commented on by KP,AK,Nesara news...etc...,and even the lovely Ron the patient Christian will make a video about the thrilling news.
      ever increasing circles.

    5. baab! lol! Before you blink SaLooseLips will be channeling it!

      Sine Nomine

    6. They WERE waiting for the 'PERFECT TIME'!

      MLK's Holiday is perfect!!


      Thanks shakes4life :)!!

    7. Shakes for life, thank you so much for posting this. Along with D's recent updates I can tell you I am so thrilled. I was beginning to feel battle weary but these latest announcements have me singing from my heart. Thank you! Thank you! I'm in the UK but you can bet your bottom dollar I will be following the inauguration with great interest. Somebody mentioned they wanted the old actors removed and a new one put in place to make an announcement and then there is the recent updates by Sheldan Nidle and Hatonn which all ties in together perfectly. These updates are so uplifting, bless you all for the work you do behind the scenes for the freedom of the people. xxxxxxxx

    8. Out of the "71" this person is listed as 74 on the actual video, guess who some of those 71/74 are?

      1 is NANCY PELOSI and the another ERIC CANTOR..aka...Zionist SCUMBAG! Does anyone here actually think Nancy Pelosi is on the side of good? Does anyone here actually think she is NOT part of the elite?

      When reading garbage like this, keep the ole phrase in mind, "a lie will travel halfway around the world before the truth puts its shoes on"

  22. Beautiful D, I am in tears after reading this message, thank you so much. I love you and I greatly admire your strength and courage and all that you are doing on our behalf for the new reality to be brought fully into being. Heck this truly is a mighty fine time to be incarnated on this planet, nothing could possibly compare to how truly awesome the current energy is. I'm buzzzzzzzzin.

    1. yes, it is! I am in awe of the fact that i'm here in this time to be a part of this!

  23. Aloha

    Heather, et. al., have made clear from the outset, that TOPPT is based on The Law Of One

    So, for all of the "nothing's gonna happener"ers, and the "We need to see the proof"ers:

    Allow me to quote from the introduction to "The Law Of One - Book One"

    "We offer them no proof, as they have a way of expressing it. We offer them Truth. This is an impt function of our mission - to offer Truth without proof. In this way, the motivation will, in each and every case, come from the individual. In this way, the individual vibratory rate will be increased. An offering of proof, or an impressing of this Truth upon an individual in such a way that he would be forced to accept it would have no usable effect on his vibratory rate.
    This, then, my friends, is the mystery of our way of approaching your peoples"

    Everyone on this planet, must NOW make a choice

    There are only two choices available

    You can choose between LOVE, or you can choose otherwise

    Which do YOU choose?

    The choice is YOURS

    And YOURS alone



  24. If all of this is true, cheers. As far as words of healing go, I think I found something that really fits. Please put these on the blog.

    "Don't forget. Always somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember that, you are not alone."
    -Homura Akemi

  25. The change is subtle, because what we have been accepting from our overlords is over. We no longer take instructions, because of our inner light awakening we are trekking on unfamiliar ground being in charge of our own being. Not having to have others make choices for us, but rather in the now, in full consciousness; listening to our hearts and learning to discern what we already know.

    Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and visualize the light energy driving us to full consciousness...accepting it, basking in it, and taking two or three double takes on what the light has accomplished...real freedom...something we have never really had, something we never really know about...something that we are just on the cusp of disclosing to ourselves. We have to be led by our own inner divine spirit. This is our protection, direction, leading us to the promises.

    Most of all ask God to give us true discernment...sometimes we don't understand but we are led to make the best choice out of many. This spiritual unction will continue in perfection molding and shaping us to perfection.

    We have not because we ask not; and if we do ask there is always some ulterior motive driving us. Get to pure love and be driven by the truth which will shed the "scales" and callouses off of our minds eyes. Welcome the newness of spirit, heart and soul!

    It's not in our minds, begin thinking with your heart!

  26. D, thank you so much, you are such a brave soul! One thing I particularly resonate with your message is I, like lot of people who don't quite understand the documents from a literal meaning point of view, but the minute I saw it on your site the first time, I understand it from a higher perspective. I got the gist of it without a single thread of doubt that the OPPT documents are the most important documents I ever read in my life. You are so right on the money that there is energy in the words which I feel it instantly and I embrace the energy with my heart and eyes wide open. We are in this together! Namaste to all who embrace the new world!

  27. I AM, hereby known in this body, in this NOW moment, as Morgaine Owens, and do assert, of my own free will and in accordance and alignment with all of my expressions of SELF, that all previous contracts, deeds, and effects, throughout all time and space, in all forms and all manner, with all other expressions of SELF, are NOW brought back to Source, forgiven, released, purified, and restored to a Pristine Origin of All, The Original Thought, in alignment with the ABSOLUTE PLAN and redistributed to the Highest Good of All. I AM that I AM... It is so.

    with bright thoughts, warm heart, and deepest gratitude to/ for All,

  28. As I've read and reread the OPPT documents, something tickled memory. Then, as I read the disclosure document, it came to me. This language reminds me of a form of White Magic. And, seeing as it is directed in large part to the ones who have created the NOW non-existent system, what was woven by death and deception, needs to be unwoven with affirmation, light and the re-establishment of the TRUTH OF WHAT IS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN.

    I AM and CHOOSE TO BE!

    There is power in the words used. I'm just having trouble trusting my next steps.

    1. listen to you deepest heart and you'll know exactly what you need to do my friend :>)

    2. deepest heart? How many have you got and where are they please?

  29. Why somethings have been the way they have been.

  30. Hello, and greetings from Sweden.
    I have read the papers and FELT the message. Now I am eagerly awaiting the next step :)

    I understand that I was born free.
    I have been free all my life, but gave it away when I let the government rule over me, by my own free will.
    I gave my freedom away, by free will, -But I can take it back! Just like that.
    Love you all.

  31. In LOVE and LIGHT D !

    THANK YOU :-)

    Grtz from Belgium

  32. By: procmkm (Acca)

    Re: It's Been A ?? ?? (Acca related posts) « Result #2 Today at 7:46pm »

    I Will Be In PT Friday Afternoon, Under accadacca2013 With An Update

  33. Thank You for Your Service.
    I send you Love and Light.
    I wish for Your abundance energy and safety.


  34. You inspire me " D " Love to read your comments , they keep me in the now .. I AM AND I CHOOSE TO BE !!!

    Johnny ( Scotland )

    1. you ALL inspire me!! I"m sipping my first cup of coffee and trying to get my eyes to focus ..... but I'm flooded with the incredible positive energy that is flowing - I"m awake now!!!! :>) let's get going!!!

    2. I'm inspired and very happy, certain of a positive future for humanity. I'm a mum of 4 too. Bring it on divine feminine! Thanks D, Heather, and lots of those lovely fellas out there too!
      I choose love ♥


  35. I'm feeling uneasy about the "I AM" in all of this. "I am that I am" is taken from Exodus 3:14 "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." I do not know whether that is the original interpretation of the Semitic language. But, the entity uttering those words was purported to be Yahweh/Jehovah who has since been referred to as "God". Further investigation reveals this entity was not the Originating Source - he just thought he was. Idk what he was but I'm thinking he had more skills than the average human at that time so was glorified as godlike, whatever that means.

    This leads me to question why and for what purpose are people declaring "I am that I am" if the entity that is said to have used it first was not one of the good guys? A quick look at what this "GOD" instructed his people to do in his name and that will become evident. So why has it become au courant now? Something doesn't feel right to me. Just my two cents.

    Sine Nomine

    1. Popeye also said something similar :) I know my intention is pure. I'm using the only language and tools that I know/ have in this moment of NOW... And these words, to me, aligns me with Source (God... insert descriptor of choice), and includes me in the Unified All... I AM not separate from Source... Nothing is. So I AM using these words to come into perfect alignment with the ABSOLUTE PLAN (Divine Plan, The Original Thought... Again, insert terms of choice). One can also simply feel the intention behind the words and discern the usefulness for Oneself. I chose the words carefully, but of course words are like painting with only half the colour spectrum. I would also add that it's my thought that there are no "good guys and bad guys". We are eternally in this NOW moment, and what has come before can be transformed in the NOW to create a different future. Thank you for sharing your thoughts... I can feel your contribution toward our collective evolvement of NOW and send you my gratitude for the exchange of ideas and honest connection. Our words hold power, and this is a great topic of discussion!

    2. So if someone started using "Heil Hitler" for example, would you adopt it without question or would you research its origins and context and then decide whether to use it?

      Sine Nomine

    3. I would definitely research the origins and context and then determine. It's possible that I've made a mistake in language. I am a human being, and as I said, language and words are inherently limiting, but I believe it is the conscious intention and belief of the person uttering the words that is most important... and so I have used the words that I have learned in this lifetime with good intent (if my whole post is read with intention of "feeling" or "listening" to the motivation of the speech, I believe it can be discerned). The relationship between mindstream (thoughts), and heart (feelings) with Belief is the key.

      This whole presentation is wonderful... but if you're impatient you could watch from 35 or 40 minutes. Thank you for the energy of your response... I am grateful for the discussion.

    4. Gregg Braden's work is flawed, seriously flawed. Dig deep and you will see who his masters are. I have looked at his work and was attracted to it over several years but after further research on my part I discovered things were not as they appear with him. Don't take my word for it you must find your own truth. Thank you for your time but this is ground I have already covered.

      Sine Nomine

  36. Hey, just read about the Navy ship "grounded" on the coral reef in the Philippines. Didn't I read somewhere on this site or the AK site that a huge cache of gold was intentionally sunk in the Philippines and the good guys are excavating it to give it back to the people? Could this be a cover up story as to why a Navy vessel is sitting stagnate in the ocean off the Philippines. Just trying to watch the news and keep my eyes open like Dee has said many times. just sayin':)

  37. WOW D you nailed it, The Encore belongs to you!!! (bow)(clap),Your inspiration will shine to the deepest parts of the Universe and beyond!!!

  38. Why are people who have been disappointed for years called "dark" when they ask questions or need a little more help in order to believe? Why would anyone of "light" ask another man or woman to set aside an inherent ability to think, reason and wonder only because they have not agreed or "gotten it," yet? If one is truly of the light, there is no need to point to dark. Just BE light. Let your fellow brothers and sisters ask questions and express doubts -- it is through these very things any of us has traveled to find different answers. If you need to call others dark, you are not light...but an imposter.

  39. D - hope the coffee is helping! thank you for this posting. i think it cleared up a lot of the confusion that has been going on. i will be at work when all this is blossoming - but i am sure i will still hear about it! thanks for your energy and your heart that you have dedicated to this cause. we are hanging in there, sweet D! look forward to all of this as it unfolds...

  40. Thank you again, D, for all you do. I appreciate all your hard work and long hours. As I write this, it seem the positivity is overflowing in the comment section. I'm Grateful for this Incarnation and I'm Grateful for everyone along for the ride with me. This has taken so much courage, will and determination from so many to finally become "realized". Once the announcements are made, the collective consciousness is going to go through the roof and will only continue to rise from there, either "dragging" you along with it, or you will not be able to survive if you're not "tuned" properly. Find the Love within and express it outwardly. LOVE to US ALL.

  41. "DO or DO NOT...there is no 'try'..."


  42. So Mote it Be. A'ho. and any other assorted spiritual YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! high fives you can imagine. This is MOST awesome. :-)

    Thanks for being such a loving light, D, and for not letting the turkeys get you down. ;-)


    :-) Crow

  43. So, if one "does" but fails, is it said that they "did not" ? Or that they "did?" Does the outcome of an effort matter? Or is there not value in the making of the effort (also known as "trying"). The "there is no try" is a most ungracious standard. Yes, yes .. we know .. it is directed at requiring strong confidence without doubt (in order to practice success from the start with the mind). But how does one arrive at such ability without going through the failed efforts? Yoda should remain a fictional representation in a hollywood production, where he belongs.

  44. And, here is the Russian expose of David Wilcox's "financial Tyranny" piece. It aired last night on a Russian msm channel with apparently 121 million viewers. English subtitles to come soon.

    Remember...if you say "nothing will happen" enough, maybe people will fall for it...!

    1. thanks Michael!

    2. Empires collapse. That is what they do. It doesnt have anything the do with peoples trust or good guys or white hats.

  45. While all you lovers cuddle around and lick each other over the freedom you now enjoy, here is a sample of what's happening in the real world:

    For sure ... this is CONTRAST. (By the way, is this what we are calling "duality" now? This is the "new code" rolled out by Heather and co.?"

    Someone needs to get word to the woman's family that they can now rejoice that we are free. No worries. If they can't see it, we'll just drag them along anyway.

    1. This is tragic indeed but at the same time it is old. Only reason I could see you bringing this up weeks later is to try and promote negative energy here. Jus sayin....

    2. brando9000, this is only three days old. You are thinking of the other one in India, which was not long ago at all. The reason I bring this up NOW (not weeks later) is to promote awareness that the crushing violence and insanity continues to barrel over much of the world's vulnerable...they ARE NOT FREED by this vaporous exercise that folks here are having an enlightened orgy over ... clearly did not click the link and actually read it. This woman was ripped from her 10 year old son, raped, strangled and hung from a tree.'s negative but it's real. WAKE THE FUCKING FUCK UP!

  46. "D", I just wanted to tell you, thank you. I'm going attempt to formulate the words that will best convey what I feel on the inside. I've known, for quite a while, that a change would be made for the better of all humanity...I just didn't know, if I would be privileged enough to see it manifest in my life. I've been explaining to people for the past ten years, what I knew about the criminals that have been passing their self off as the "ruling class" but, whoever I was talking to would simply look at me like..."boy, I'll pray for you to get better. You've gone plum goofy" and, here we are, at the dawn of a "new creation". I'll confess, when I read the post from last night, I was bit confused but, still hopeful. Thank you for this explanation and, in language that's much easier to comprehend.

  47. Hello every O-ne

    Since the word...mmh Now I must say Word of TOPPT was coming out I start following this blog...curious and a worrying... not knowing how this story would unfold...what the Intention behind it was.
    I glanced over the documents trying to get my head around it (not a “good” idea ;-) )...after a few lines I stopped...

    Yesterday I glanced over the press release...and the Words “Great Magic”came to Mind...

    “But what kind of Magic?“ was my question.

    Yesterday evening when I was lying in bed...ploundering all...I was stil a little confused and worried...Thinking and Knowing “Mhhh we ARE already Free...I know this for a long time...I don’t need these document to confirm this...And I don’t feel the need to change my life...Actualy I’m perfectly happy with the life I have...In despite of all fear, darkness and negativity that is going around in this world I feel and I am safe in this moment...Here and Now. Knowing what to do when there is real danger...So I can relax and enjoy this moment of BEing...And (more) money naaa thats not it.”

    When I woke up this morning and was eating my breakfast ...looking outside....I not only saw the first beams of light I also saw the Violette Light...The Light of Transformation. After my cup of coffee I was checking the web in a hurry...Reading your post D.

    Wow sooo beautifull!!!

    Now I see where its coming from...and that we are speaking the same language <3 D. Beautifull blogpost (and reactions)...written from the Heart...I Know for long that this is ALL Truth J

    I got The Message , and I SEE the Intention behind this ALL...Indeed GREAT MAGIC...very Pure and Pristine <3

    Thank you Heather and TOPPT for your Creation...Now I understand your Message “Be and then Do or not Do...“(I always, listen to - and follow your Heart...It ALWAYS shows you the Way the next Step to take J)
    And Yes Everythig is in Perfect and Divine Order...It is, It was and It wil always BeJ...
    And YES we ARE Free and we always Where and WILL Be J

    There are O-nes that do not see that... YET...but You and ALL...the people involved in this... planted a lot of Seeds...and overtime They wil Grow Blossom and come to Fruitation.

    I’am very very sure of that!

    Soooo D, Heather and ALL Actors... Thank you for the Creation of this Mirror that made this HUGH Transformation possible...Thank you for this Creation for Me/Us Being able to Witness this ALL...Thank you ALL for this Expirience <3 and thank you ALL for You Being you.

    So IT is!

    D You I wish many Moments of Rest/Silence for Pure and Simple you can See what is the next Step you could/should take...

    Thanks for the O-ne that put up the vid from Alan Watts...That gave me my Lightbulb-moment.

    You All I wish a BEAUTIFUL and JOYFULL Life-Play- Expirience...May your Creations...your DOing ALWAYS come from your BEing...your Heart...And for those who are stil on the Road...A safe and quick Journey Home!

    WE are waiting for You <3



    P.s. Enjoying my home made choclate milk I came across this...may it bring more Depth in to your Thoughts

  48. My last Ray of Light for this day Have a very wonderfull evening O-ne and ALL <3


  49. D and Heather:
    I'll say it now. The OPPT docs have St. Germaine written all over them. I thought that from the beginning. I think it has been this master that has guided this whole thing, but you'd never say that out loud. If anyone has studied St. Germaine, and doesn't feel this, I'd be amazed.

    Two commenters have mentioned the Nancy Tate posting yesterday from Hatonn about the inauguration. I and others believe it could be St. Germaine who will "show up" there in some form. Nancy's website is It was also posted on Galactic Free Press yesterday.

    Anyway, this "hit" has been so strong with every line I read in the OPPT docs that I finally have to say something.

    Thanks and I love you dearly.

    1. Just hope it isn't the enactment of Project Blue Beam or we'd all be mighty pissed. Just saying...

  50. D, thank you so much for clarifying in your own words, continuing to keep us informed, and holding firm to our new reality in spite of much negativity. You are a leader among leaders.

    I am one of many who have been consciously holding holding the light for a long time, in fact for me, my entire lifetime. And yet the OPPT verbiage is as foreign to me as any. I did feel the power in the message and in the work that's being done on our behalf, and I'm appreciative and grateful for it. But it's frustrating to not know how to apply this freedom to real-life situations like foreclosures, war, homelessness, abuse etc. Hopefully such real-world action is on the way. To achieve it, we must each of us declare our freedom, and continue to hold for what we want to see, not what we do see.

    Truly it's time for we as individuals to stand up for our own sovereignty and power. Joined together as we are in the collective, that power can no longer be suppressed or denied.

    Thank you again for being in the forefront of delivering the good news!

    1. oh-oh! you used the 'l' word 'leader'!

  51. Okay really if this is all true then I ask, are actions more powerful then words, in my opinion yes they are. A short while ago Heather told you all that the speaker is interim President, but Obama just sign some 20 odd executive orders on guns, now think, how could this be possible if the speaker is in charge?? It is not possible I know all of you are looking for answers to not become enslaved but you also must be led astray. I really do understand you grabbing at straws but really! Just tell me how this is possible? There is no honest answer to this and you wont see one either just look and see if these people will even attempt to try to answer this, it will not happen. I am sorry to take away your hope in these people but really people dont let them lead you around by the nose and again IAM sorry.

    1. one, at least in mainstream, KNOWS there's an interim president, SO....they all have to keep acting the part until the official announcements are made. Obama cannot do anything on his own until the "release date", so he has to just keep signing and acting until he doesn't. D said that the people in control will not let one penney or on speck of gold dust get back into the hands of the cabal. "One penney" is both literal and figurative meaning "everything" has to remain hidden until it's not.

      And remember, we don't need guns in the 5th dimension, so the whole gun thing is not worth taking about. It's only the current scare tactic.

    2. Why do people believe Obama is a good guy playing the role of a bad guy? Evidence please...where does this idea come from? He has only lied from the beginning. If he wanted to "counter" the bad guys, why make promises knows he'll need to break? This wishful thinking about Obama is going to be exposed for just what it is -- wishful thinking. W-i-s-h-f-u-l is not real.

    3. Obama cannot now yet and could not in past "counter" these guys unless he (and probably his whole family) wanted a bullet, just like JFK and many others. Please understand the complete extent to which no president has EVER been in control of anything. That evidence of shadow governments is everywhere present. Would you "lie" to protect your child if you were certain that child would be killed if you didn't? These criminals would kill anyone who even hints at getting in their way....and one of their favorite things is to threaten to kill off someone's whole family if they blow the whistle. Would that keep you quiet?

    4. I asked for evidence that he is a good guy. ? Your response doesn't do anything but defend why he acts like a regular politician.

    5. Read my reply below at 10:27

  52. I meant to say not be lead astray, sorry about that.

  53. Again sorry I meant "led", I am in a hurry should have taken my time it would have been faster.

    1. Any other adjustments or edits you'd like to make or is that it now? (It removes some of the gravitas of your comments) Just asking....

    2. Actually, it just shows a willingness to try and care about details...something in short supply when it comes to question-answering. You should be as willing to make adjustments.

  54. No all set. And thanks. But an answer would be nice I know there is not one cant blame me for trying. I am out of here good luck to all!

  55. The Light is growing stronger! Everytime someone speaks out, the light grows. Let no one fear, take Courage and share what we all know. As the light grows even the Trolls and Shills will know the truth and turn to the light. We will see insiders in the media turn and reveil the truth. Let the light shine on the ones that have been hidden. Let everyone know who they really are and the old Empire Collapses.


  56. spirit156 I more than anyone hope you are right, but I look at it this way yes they would still play there parts but there would be no major laws like this coming out, this is what this is all about in the first place O going against the Constitution if you believe these people in the first place! I do not! Just had to give you my reply take care and good luck.

    1. OKAY, more plainly. Obama doesn't make the laws, his handlers make the laws, just like all the other presidents (with the possible exception of the Bush family). Any sitting president is only forced to sign the things handed to him whether he wants to or not on pain of death. Mostly, they don't understand the full extent of the controllers' powers until they are sworn in. If you look at the "thread" of control and it's continuity throughout history, it is pretty clear that there has been one and only one evil head in charge of everyone. That's why nothing could ever change until more people stop wanting proof of something that never existed in the first place. And what has "never" existed since right after 1776 is that We The People and the presidents we elect have had any freedom at all.

    2. Then why does anyone think Obama is any "better" than any that have preceded him? What is the evidence that he is "good" and another is not? How does one tell the difference? His record? His words? What?

    3. I wouldn't call him "better". He's the one, fortunately or unfortunately, in the hot seat right when the cabal is on it's dying breath and the people are about as mad as they can get. There won't be anymore "puppets" after him. How easy it has been for the real controllers to redirect blame away from themselves and onto the ones we sadly and erroneously believed were in control.

      D says we'll all see the truth shortly and I agree. Just watch.

  57. Hi D, Thank you for this wonderful piece and all the effort and sacrifices you have made towards keeping us informed and your assistance in moving this shift of humanity forward. I do have one observation and suggestion that I would like to share with you. I fully agree with you that words have power so I would like to suggest to you when writing and speaking to keep the positive affirmative words in the present and the negative in the past. For example: they have generated fear porn at the highest level and they have tried to herd the public into panic. Just like we are now saying the Powers That Were instead of what they were previously known as. It is just another way of taking their power away, keeping them out of the now and therefore keeping them only in the past. Anyway, that is my only suggestion. Thank you again. I send you all love and light! Lisa

  58. Hi D! Many thanks for your great interview with Lisa and Co! Sending you and yours much love and blessings. Much gratitude for your service. Namaste ~Esther

  59. Release from John MacHaffie early this morning...

    Subject: Read this
    Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 21:11:25 -0600

    Andrew Jackson knew what the banks meant to the REPUBLIC of the USA.
    SO he stopped them from installing the 2nd bank of the united states.
    which brings me to this awesome night….our REPUBLIC. Breathe in this word….REPUBLIC. At the latest reading of the ORGANIC consitution by John Boehner he said this word many many times. ACTUALLY lets go further..he said this and the word constituion many times in front of
    71 members of congress..not 535!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You heard me right. A lot of information was passed from above to me and you on here…..there are now only 71 members in congress as the ORGANIC republic consitution was read only a few days ago. YES BOEHNER is our interim president and Ron PAUL is interim VP. THE REASON WHY…
    pay attention all……i have a copy of the Revised Code of the Laws Of 1819. printer Thomas Ritchie. in other words before me is the original consitution before it was Stolen in 1812..not burned. STOLEN. thank you Tom Dunn and David Dodge. They uncovered this from over twenty years ago in a london library and supreme court in 2000 agreed Commonwealth of Virginia properly ratified so its LAW!!! Now when i read this I note that there is a protocol.
    Obama was president of corporation US..not USA. He is no longer in that seat. As he has resigned that corporate seat, Joe Biden by law cannot be the president in flux. His position vacated at same point.
    Only speaker of house can lawfully gain this Pres. seat. Then he can appoint a VP of his choice ONLY on an interim basis. There has to NOW BE a voting period for both seats and others. WHY..cause lawyers are gone from OUR CONGRESS!!! This brings in the reformation law…there will be elections held WITHIN 120 days of this Monday JANUARY 21, 2013. Note what I just said. :) )))))
    Now moving forward. A VERY CLOSE FRIEND OF MINE(for all the white knight fans)..ohh you should be:))))……told me tonight that Boehener also stated in his acceptance speech..”you abide by the constitution or you hit the road”. Lets move on…confusion about pps, rvs, announcements..and dark agenda people.
    There have some deliveries made already..they were money investments for the investigators. Now we move on to announcements..this comes next. MY contact says it will be by the 20th, but maybe friday…(dont swear by this). The white knights will implement when THEY feel its right. After the announcements all the rv money, all programs..including but not limited to Omega, farm claims, freedom, bergavine, destiny. and the st germain trusts will be released also.
    The history part will come fter the 3 hour announcements in rotation for 10 days. ALL MEDIA!
    As far as Obama is concerned AGAIN..AGAIN..AGAIN..he was groomed for this part only. THE WHITE KNIGHTS NEEDED A SMART LAWYER INSIDE TO WEED OUT THE RATS>it worked…leave it alone. His job is done so now hes out. allthe laws he passed including the twenty today is MAINLY for the evil ones in governments here..not just us. THE WHITE KNIGHTS HAVE GUARANTEED that WE ARE SAFE!!!!
    Just sit back and enjoy the next few days and BE EXPECTANT!!! THE ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE KEY!!! i also have some great history info about wanta/reagan and others thatll rock yer world. and to the dark agenda people on here…stay away..go back to Mcdonalds and apply for a job.
    Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:07 PM 0 comments

    no corroboration as of yet, so treat as information.

    John. (not MacHaffie)

  60. What everyone really wants to know is' when? When on my calendar will I see a sign of change? That's all anyone ever wants and needs to know! :) xx Gemma banks. Xx

  61. Hi Everyone!*:-)

    I would like to say Thank you to every person that has commented here. We are all Special in our Own Unique way. Even the "Negative Nancys" on this blog help the rest of us Lightworkers to truly AFFIRM our original sacred positions and duties to the LIGHT.

    *Thank you Again & God Bless All of you with Eternal Happiness, Peace, and Love*

    1. Why call people names - isn't that divisive ? Isn't it kinder to just let them be?

  62. Oh thank you!, you're an inspiration, the light is growing stronger, we're free at last, encore, the white knights have arrived, peace, love, etc. etc. etc. This is some of the most hilarious crap I have ever read. Typical hope-a-phobics. When nothing happens, and it won't, then a new blog release will come out and you're on the band wagon again. You poor misguided fools. You just don't get it. So I'll leave you now and wait to read the hate mail response. Jeez!

  63. And how about this... 2 hour audio interview with M. Keshe from the 15th.
    As far as I'm concerned THIS is disclosure.
    Star trek is here folks. Mr. Keshe spills the beans in a HUGE way.


  64. "everything will be explained very soon." SOON? Where have we heard soon before? Like a million times from Drake and company. Please pick a new word like "shortly". Soon is wore out like "in 2 weeks" :)

  65. I just heard on Fox News that thousands of US Military Reserves are landing in DC for the Presidential Inauguration. Does anyone find this curious? Has this been done before? Why? Hmmm..... wonder....wonder.... Why, are they doing this???? My thought......something is up. Something BIG is up, and possibly they expect "panic"? Idk............

    ~Be Free

    1. Hmmmmm... Yes, it. does make me curious .

  66. Heather, you ARE running for President/Goddess of the Republic, right? :-) <3

  67. Hi all,

    Andy from Europe coming in with comments.
    I look at this thread (and the rest of the blogs on this site) and I am AMAZED at the gullibility of Americans !!!

    Of course this whole idea of anyone other than Obama being inaugurated is PREPOSTEROUS, how in the world can you believe this nonsense about Ron Paul, Dinar RV, oppt etc etc. is beyond my comprehension.

    Do yourself a favour and rely on YOURSELF to sort things out, not on 'the great galactics'.

    Love and Peace and a whole lot of scepticism.


    1. Ya but we can always hope for a possitive change. I never thought that Led Zepplin would ever play a live concert again and low and behold they did just that back in 2007. For now we all sit an watch an go through our lives the best way we can. But things can change people can come together. I did read the end of the book and we win so till then we keep patiently wait for that great day.


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